diff --git a/packages/doenetml-worker/src/test/graphical/labels.test.ts b/packages/doenetml-worker/src/test/graphical/labels.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..904dfce85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/doenetml-worker/src/test/graphical/labels.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,893 @@
+import { describe, expect, it, vi } from "vitest";
+import { createTestCore, returnAllStateVariables } from "../utils/test-core";
+import { updateTextInputValue } from "../utils/actions";
+import Core from "../../Core";
+const Mock = vi.fn();
+vi.stubGlobal("postMessage", Mock);
+describe("Label tests", async () => {
+ async function test_labelIsName_preserved_shadowed_or_no_link(core: Core) {
+ const stateVariables = await returnAllStateVariables(core);
+ expect(stateVariables["/Plabel"].stateValues.value).eq("P");
+ expect(stateVariables["/Qlabel"].stateValues.value).eq("Q");
+ expect(stateVariables["/Rlabel"].stateValues.value).eq("R");
+ expect(stateVariables["/Slabel"].stateValues.value).eq("S");
+ expect(stateVariables["/g2Plabel"].stateValues.value).eq("P");
+ expect(stateVariables["/g2Qlabel"].stateValues.value).eq("Q");
+ expect(stateVariables["/g2Rlabel"].stateValues.value).eq("R");
+ expect(stateVariables["/g2Slabel"].stateValues.value).eq("S");
+ expect(stateVariables["/Q3label"].stateValues.value).eq("Q");
+ expect(stateVariables["/S3label"].stateValues.value).eq("S");
+ expect(stateVariables["/Q4label"].stateValues.value).eq("Q");
+ expect(stateVariables["/S4label"].stateValues.value).eq("S");
+ expect(stateVariables["/g5Plabel"].stateValues.value).eq("P");
+ expect(stateVariables["/g5Qlabel"].stateValues.value).eq("Q");
+ expect(stateVariables["/g5Rlabel"].stateValues.value).eq("R");
+ expect(stateVariables["/g5Slabel"].stateValues.value).eq("S");
+ expect(stateVariables["/g5Plabel"].stateValues.value).eq("P");
+ expect(stateVariables["/g6Qlabel"].stateValues.value).eq("Q");
+ expect(stateVariables["/g6Slabel"].stateValues.value).eq("S");
+ expect(stateVariables["/g7Qlabel"].stateValues.value).eq("Q");
+ expect(stateVariables["/g7Slabel"].stateValues.value).eq("S");
+ let P2Name = stateVariables["/g2"].activeChildren[0].componentName;
+ let Q2Name = stateVariables["/g2"].activeChildren[1].componentName;
+ let R2Name = stateVariables["/g2"].activeChildren[2].componentName;
+ let S2Name = stateVariables["/g2"].activeChildren[3].componentName;
+ let P3Name = stateVariables["/g3"].activeChildren[0].componentName;
+ let Q3Name = stateVariables["/g3"].activeChildren[1].componentName;
+ let R3Name = stateVariables["/g3"].activeChildren[2].componentName;
+ let S3Name = stateVariables["/g3"].activeChildren[3].componentName;
+ let P4Name = stateVariables["/g4"].activeChildren[0].componentName;
+ let Q4Name = stateVariables["/g4"].activeChildren[1].componentName;
+ let R4Name = stateVariables["/g4"].activeChildren[2].componentName;
+ let S4Name = stateVariables["/g4"].activeChildren[3].componentName;
+ let P5Name = stateVariables["/g5"].activeChildren[0].componentName;
+ let Q5Name = stateVariables["/g5"].activeChildren[1].componentName;
+ let R5Name = stateVariables["/g5"].activeChildren[2].componentName;
+ let S5Name = stateVariables["/g5"].activeChildren[3].componentName;
+ let P6Name = stateVariables["/g6"].activeChildren[0].componentName;
+ let Q6Name = stateVariables["/g6"].activeChildren[1].componentName;
+ let R6Name = stateVariables["/g6"].activeChildren[2].componentName;
+ let S6Name = stateVariables["/g6"].activeChildren[3].componentName;
+ let P7Name = stateVariables["/g7"].activeChildren[0].componentName;
+ let Q7Name = stateVariables["/g7"].activeChildren[1].componentName;
+ let R7Name = stateVariables["/g7"].activeChildren[2].componentName;
+ let S7Name = stateVariables["/g7"].activeChildren[3].componentName;
+ expect(stateVariables["/P"].stateValues.label).eq("P");
+ expect(stateVariables["/P"].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq("P");
+ expect(stateVariables["/Q"].stateValues.label).eq("Q");
+ expect(stateVariables["/Q"].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq("Q");
+ expect(stateVariables["/R"].stateValues.label).eq("R");
+ expect(stateVariables["/R"].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq("R");
+ expect(stateVariables["/S"].stateValues.label).eq("S");
+ expect(stateVariables["/S"].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq("S");
+ expect(stateVariables[P2Name].stateValues.label).eq("P");
+ expect(stateVariables[P2Name].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq("P");
+ expect(stateVariables[Q2Name].stateValues.label).eq(`Q`);
+ expect(stateVariables[Q2Name].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq(`Q`);
+ expect(stateVariables[R2Name].stateValues.label).eq(`R`);
+ expect(stateVariables[R2Name].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq(`R`);
+ expect(stateVariables[S2Name].stateValues.label).eq(`S`);
+ expect(stateVariables[S2Name].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq(`S`);
+ expect(stateVariables["/Q3"].stateValues.label).eq(`Q`);
+ expect(stateVariables["/Q3"].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq(`Q`);
+ expect(stateVariables["/S3"].stateValues.label).eq(`S`);
+ expect(stateVariables["/S3"].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq(`S`);
+ expect(stateVariables[P3Name].stateValues.label).eq("P");
+ expect(stateVariables[P3Name].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq("P");
+ expect(stateVariables[Q3Name].stateValues.label).eq(`Q`);
+ expect(stateVariables[Q3Name].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq(`Q`);
+ expect(stateVariables[R3Name].stateValues.label).eq(`R`);
+ expect(stateVariables[R3Name].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq(`R`);
+ expect(stateVariables[S3Name].stateValues.label).eq(`S`);
+ expect(stateVariables[S3Name].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq(`S`);
+ expect(stateVariables["/Q4"].stateValues.label).eq(`Q`);
+ expect(stateVariables["/Q4"].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq(`Q`);
+ expect(stateVariables["/S4"].stateValues.label).eq(`S`);
+ expect(stateVariables["/S4"].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq(`S`);
+ expect(stateVariables[P4Name].stateValues.label).eq("P");
+ expect(stateVariables[P4Name].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq("P");
+ expect(stateVariables[Q4Name].stateValues.label).eq(`Q`);
+ expect(stateVariables[Q4Name].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq(`Q`);
+ expect(stateVariables[R4Name].stateValues.label).eq(`R`);
+ expect(stateVariables[R4Name].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq(`R`);
+ expect(stateVariables[S4Name].stateValues.label).eq(`S`);
+ expect(stateVariables[S4Name].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq(`S`);
+ expect(stateVariables[P5Name].stateValues.label).eq("P");
+ expect(stateVariables[P5Name].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq("P");
+ expect(stateVariables[Q5Name].stateValues.label).eq(`Q`);
+ expect(stateVariables[Q5Name].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq(`Q`);
+ expect(stateVariables[R5Name].stateValues.label).eq(`R`);
+ expect(stateVariables[R5Name].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq(`R`);
+ expect(stateVariables[S5Name].stateValues.label).eq(`S`);
+ expect(stateVariables[S5Name].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq(`S`);
+ expect(stateVariables[P6Name].stateValues.label).eq("P");
+ expect(stateVariables[P6Name].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq("P");
+ expect(stateVariables[Q6Name].stateValues.label).eq(`Q`);
+ expect(stateVariables[Q6Name].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq(`Q`);
+ expect(stateVariables[R6Name].stateValues.label).eq(`R`);
+ expect(stateVariables[R6Name].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq(`R`);
+ expect(stateVariables[S6Name].stateValues.label).eq(`S`);
+ expect(stateVariables[S6Name].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq(`S`);
+ expect(stateVariables[P7Name].stateValues.label).eq("P");
+ expect(stateVariables[P7Name].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq("P");
+ expect(stateVariables[Q7Name].stateValues.label).eq(`Q`);
+ expect(stateVariables[Q7Name].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq(`Q`);
+ expect(stateVariables[R7Name].stateValues.label).eq(`R`);
+ expect(stateVariables[R7Name].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq(`R`);
+ expect(stateVariables[S7Name].stateValues.label).eq(`S`);
+ expect(stateVariables[S7Name].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq(`S`);
+ }
+ it("labels from labelIsName are preserved when shadowed", async () => {
+ let core = await createTestCore({
+ doenetML: `
+ (1,2)
+ (3,4)
+ (5,6)
+ (7,8)
+ $P
+ $Q{name="Q3"}
+ $P{labelIsName="false"}
+ $Q{name="Q4" labelIsName="false"}
P label:
+ Q label:
+ R label:
+ S label:
+ g2/P label:
+ g2/Q label:
+ g2/R label:
+ g2/S label:
+ Q3 label:
+ S3 label:
+ Q4 label:
+ S4 label:
+ g5/P label:
+ g5/Q label:
+ g5/R label:
+ g5/S label:
+ g6/Q3 label:
+ g6/S3 label:
+ g7/Q4 label:
+ g7/S4 label:
+ `,
+ });
+ await test_labelIsName_preserved_shadowed_or_no_link(core);
+ });
+ it("labels from labelIsName are preserved when copy with link=false", async () => {
+ let core = await createTestCore({
+ doenetML: `
+ (1,2)
+ (3,4)
+ (5,6)
+ (7,8)
+ $P{link="false"}
+ $Q{name="Q3" link="false"}
+ $P{labelIsName="false" link="false"}
+ $Q{name="Q4" labelIsName="false" link="false"}
+P label:
+Q label:
+R label:
+S label:
+g2/P label:
+g2/Q label:
+g2/R label:
+g2/S label:
+Q3 label:
+S3 label:
+Q4 label:
+S4 label:
+g5/P label:
+g5/Q label:
+g5/R label:
+g5/S label:
+g6/Q3 label:
+g6/S3 label:
+g7/Q4 label:
+g7/S4 label:
+ `,
+ });
+ await test_labelIsName_preserved_shadowed_or_no_link(core);
+ });
+ it("labelIsName in map", async () => {
+ let core = await createTestCore({
+ doenetML: `
+ $g1{name="g7"}
+ $g2{name="g8"}
+ $g3{name="g9"}
+ $g4{name="g10"}
+ $g5{name="g11"}
+ $g6{name="g12"}
+ `,
+ });
+ let stateVariables = await returnAllStateVariables(core);
+ let g1ChildNames = stateVariables["/g1"].activeChildren.map(
+ (x) => x.componentName,
+ );
+ let g2ChildNames = stateVariables["/g2"].activeChildren.map(
+ (x) => x.componentName,
+ );
+ let g3ChildNames = stateVariables["/g3"].activeChildren.map(
+ (x) => x.componentName,
+ );
+ let g4ChildNames = stateVariables["/g4"].activeChildren.map(
+ (x) => x.componentName,
+ );
+ let g5ChildNames = stateVariables["/g5"].activeChildren.map(
+ (x) => x.componentName,
+ );
+ let g6ChildNames = stateVariables["/g6"].activeChildren.map(
+ (x) => x.componentName,
+ );
+ let g7ChildNames = stateVariables["/g7"].activeChildren.map(
+ (x) => x.componentName,
+ );
+ let g8ChildNames = stateVariables["/g8"].activeChildren.map(
+ (x) => x.componentName,
+ );
+ let g9ChildNames = stateVariables["/g9"].activeChildren.map(
+ (x) => x.componentName,
+ );
+ let g10ChildNames = stateVariables["/g10"].activeChildren.map(
+ (x) => x.componentName,
+ );
+ let g11ChildNames = stateVariables["/g11"].activeChildren.map(
+ (x) => x.componentName,
+ );
+ let g12ChildNames = stateVariables["/g12"].activeChildren.map(
+ (x) => x.componentName,
+ );
+ let g1ChildLabels = Array(5).fill("");
+ let g2ChildLabels = Array(5).fill("P");
+ let g3ChildLabels = ["A", "B", "C", "", ""];
+ let g4ChildLabels = ["A", "B", "C", "P", "P"];
+ let g5ChildLabels = Array(5).fill("");
+ let g6ChildLabels = Array(5).fill("P");
+ for (let [ind, name] of g1ChildNames.entries()) {
+ expect(stateVariables[name].stateValues.label).eq(
+ g1ChildLabels[ind],
+ );
+ }
+ for (let [ind, name] of g2ChildNames.entries()) {
+ expect(stateVariables[name].stateValues.label).eq(
+ g2ChildLabels[ind],
+ );
+ }
+ for (let [ind, name] of g3ChildNames.entries()) {
+ expect(stateVariables[name].stateValues.label).eq(
+ g3ChildLabels[ind],
+ );
+ }
+ for (let [ind, name] of g4ChildNames.entries()) {
+ expect(stateVariables[name].stateValues.label).eq(
+ g4ChildLabels[ind],
+ );
+ }
+ for (let [ind, name] of g5ChildNames.entries()) {
+ expect(stateVariables[name].stateValues.label).eq(
+ g5ChildLabels[ind],
+ );
+ }
+ for (let [ind, name] of g6ChildNames.entries()) {
+ expect(stateVariables[name].stateValues.label).eq(
+ g6ChildLabels[ind],
+ );
+ }
+ for (let [ind, name] of g7ChildNames.entries()) {
+ expect(stateVariables[name].stateValues.label).eq(
+ g1ChildLabels[ind],
+ );
+ }
+ for (let [ind, name] of g8ChildNames.entries()) {
+ expect(stateVariables[name].stateValues.label).eq(
+ g2ChildLabels[ind],
+ );
+ }
+ for (let [ind, name] of g9ChildNames.entries()) {
+ expect(stateVariables[name].stateValues.label).eq(
+ g3ChildLabels[ind],
+ );
+ }
+ for (let [ind, name] of g10ChildNames.entries()) {
+ expect(stateVariables[name].stateValues.label).eq(
+ g4ChildLabels[ind],
+ );
+ }
+ for (let [ind, name] of g11ChildNames.entries()) {
+ expect(stateVariables[name].stateValues.label).eq(
+ g5ChildLabels[ind],
+ );
+ }
+ for (let [ind, name] of g12ChildNames.entries()) {
+ expect(stateVariables[name].stateValues.label).eq(
+ g6ChildLabels[ind],
+ );
+ }
+ });
+ it("labelIsName in newNamespace", async () => {
+ let core = await createTestCore({
+ doenetML: `
+ (5,6)
+ `,
+ });
+ let stateVariables = await returnAllStateVariables(core);
+ expect(stateVariables["/g/P"].stateValues.label).eq("P");
+ });
+ it("labelIsName converts case", async () => {
+ let core = await createTestCore({
+ doenetML: `
+ (5,6)
+ (1,3)
+ (-2,1)
+ (7,-5)
+ (-6,-8)
+ (9,0)
+ `,
+ });
+ let stateVariables = await returnAllStateVariables(core);
+ expect(stateVariables["/the_first_point"].stateValues.label).eq(
+ "the first point",
+ );
+ expect(stateVariables["/the-second-point"].stateValues.label).eq(
+ "the second point",
+ );
+ expect(stateVariables["/theThirdPoint"].stateValues.label).eq(
+ "the third point",
+ );
+ expect(stateVariables["/TheFourthPoint"].stateValues.label).eq(
+ "The Fourth Point",
+ );
+ expect(stateVariables["/the-FIFTH_Point"].stateValues.label).eq(
+ "the FIFTH Point",
+ );
+ expect(stateVariables["/the_SiXiTH-Point"].stateValues.label).eq(
+ "the SiXiTH Point",
+ );
+ });
+ it("labelIsName and copies", async () => {
+ // Note: we add groups just so that we can reference the children
+ // inside the DoenetML
+ let core = await createTestCore({
+ doenetML: `
+ $A{name="C"}
+ $A{name="E" labelIsName}
+ $A{labelIsName}
+ `,
+ });
+ async function check_items({ lA, lD, lE, l6, l7 }) {
+ const stateVariables = await returnAllStateVariables(core);
+ const p6Name =
+ stateVariables["/g6"].activeChildren[0].componentName;
+ const p7Name =
+ stateVariables["/g7"].activeChildren[0].componentName;
+ expect(stateVariables["/lA"].stateValues.value).eq(lA);
+ expect(stateVariables["/lB"].stateValues.value).eq(lA);
+ expect(stateVariables["/lC"].stateValues.value).eq(lA);
+ expect(stateVariables["/lD"].stateValues.value).eq(lD);
+ expect(stateVariables["/lE"].stateValues.value).eq(lE);
+ expect(stateVariables["/lp6"].stateValues.value).eq(l6);
+ expect(stateVariables["/lp7"].stateValues.value).eq(l7);
+ expect(stateVariables["/A"].stateValues.label).eq(lA);
+ expect(stateVariables["/A"].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq(lA);
+ expect(stateVariables["/B"].stateValues.label).eq(lA);
+ expect(stateVariables["/B"].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq(lA);
+ expect(stateVariables["/C"].stateValues.label).eq(lA);
+ expect(stateVariables["/C"].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq(lA);
+ expect(stateVariables["/D"].stateValues.label).eq(lD);
+ expect(stateVariables["/D"].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq(lD);
+ expect(stateVariables["/E"].stateValues.label).eq(lE);
+ expect(stateVariables["/E"].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq(lE);
+ expect(stateVariables[p6Name].stateValues.label).eq(l6);
+ expect(stateVariables[p6Name].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq(l6);
+ expect(stateVariables[p7Name].stateValues.label).eq(l7);
+ expect(stateVariables[p7Name].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq(l7);
+ }
+ let lA = "A",
+ lD = "D",
+ lE = "E",
+ l6 = "A",
+ l7 = "A";
+ await check_items({ lA, lD, lE, l6, l7 });
+ lA = "F";
+ await updateTextInputValue({ text: lA, name: "/tiA", core });
+ await check_items({ lA, lD, lE, l6, l7 });
+ lA = "G";
+ await updateTextInputValue({ name: "/tiB", text: lA, core });
+ await check_items({ lA, lD, lE, l6, l7 });
+ lA = "H";
+ await updateTextInputValue({ name: "/tiC", text: lA, core });
+ await check_items({ lA, lD, lE, l6, l7 });
+ lD = "I";
+ await updateTextInputValue({ name: "/tiD", text: lD, core });
+ await check_items({ lA, lD, lE, l6, l7 });
+ lE = "J";
+ await updateTextInputValue({ name: "/tiE", text: lE, core });
+ await check_items({ lA, lD, lE, l6, l7 });
+ l6 = "K";
+ await updateTextInputValue({ name: "/tip6", text: l6, core });
+ await check_items({ lA, lD, lE, l6, l7 });
+ l7 = "L";
+ await updateTextInputValue({ name: "/tip7", text: l7, core });
+ await check_items({ lA, lD, lE, l6, l7 });
+ });
+ it("copy and add labelIsName", async () => {
+ let core = await createTestCore({
+ doenetML: `
+ $A{name="C" labelIsName}
+ $A{labelIsName}
+ });
+ async function check_items({ lA, lB, lC, l4, l5 }) {
+ const stateVariables = await returnAllStateVariables(core);
+ const p4Name =
+ stateVariables["/g4"].activeChildren[0].componentName;
+ const p5Name =
+ stateVariables["/g5"].activeChildren[0].componentName;
+ expect(stateVariables["/lA"].stateValues.value).eq(lA);
+ expect(stateVariables["/lB"].stateValues.value).eq(lB);
+ expect(stateVariables["/lC"].stateValues.value).eq(lC);
+ expect(stateVariables["/lp4"].stateValues.value).eq(l4);
+ expect(stateVariables["/lp5"].stateValues.value).eq(l5);
+ expect(stateVariables["/A"].stateValues.label).eq(lA);
+ expect(stateVariables["/A"].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq(lA);
+ expect(stateVariables["/B"].stateValues.label).eq(lB);
+ expect(stateVariables["/B"].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq(lB);
+ expect(stateVariables["/C"].stateValues.label).eq(lC);
+ expect(stateVariables["/C"].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq(lC);
+ expect(stateVariables[p4Name].stateValues.label).eq(l4);
+ expect(stateVariables[p4Name].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq(l4);
+ expect(stateVariables[p5Name].stateValues.label).eq(l5);
+ expect(stateVariables[p5Name].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq(l5);
+ }
+ let lA = "",
+ lB = "B",
+ lC = "C",
+ l4 = "A",
+ l5 = "A";
+ await check_items({ lA, lB, lC, l4, l5 });
+ lA = "F";
+ await updateTextInputValue({ text: lA, name: "/tiA", core });
+ await check_items({ lA, lB, lC, l4, l5 });
+ lB = "G";
+ await updateTextInputValue({ name: "/tiB", text: lB, core });
+ await check_items({ lA, lB, lC, l4, l5 });
+ lC = "H";
+ await updateTextInputValue({ name: "/tiC", text: lC, core });
+ await check_items({ lA, lB, lC, l4, l5 });
+ l4 = "I";
+ await updateTextInputValue({ name: "/tip4", text: l4, core });
+ await check_items({ lA, lB, lC, l4, l5 });
+ l5 = "J";
+ await updateTextInputValue({ name: "/tip5", text: l5, core });
+ await check_items({ lA, lB, lC, l4, l5 });
+ });
+ async function test_label_labelIsName_copies(
+ doenetMLForA: string,
+ useLabelCopies = false,
+ ) {
+ const labelD = useLabelCopies
+ ? ``
+ : ``;
+ const labelG = useLabelCopies
+ ? ``
+ : ``;
+ const labelJ = useLabelCopies
+ ? ``
+ : ``;
+ let labelDefinitions = "";
+ if (useLabelCopies) {
+ labelDefinitions = `
+ `;
+ }
+ let core = await createTestCore({
+ doenetML: `
+ ${doenetMLForA}
+ ${labelD}
+ ${labelG}
+ ${labelJ}
+ ${labelDefinitions}
+ Change label of A:
+ Change label of B:
+ Change label of C:
+ Change label of D:
+ Change label of E:
+ Change label of F:
+ Change label of G:
+ Change label of H:
+ Change label of I:
+ Change label of J:
+ Change label of K:
+ Change label of L:
+ Change label of M:
+ `,
+ });
+ async function check_items({ lA, lC, lD, lF, lG, lI, lJ, lL, lM }) {
+ const stateVariables = await returnAllStateVariables(core);
+ expect(stateVariables["/lA"].stateValues.value).eq(lA);
+ expect(stateVariables["/lB"].stateValues.value).eq(lA);
+ expect(stateVariables["/lC"].stateValues.value).eq(lC);
+ expect(stateVariables["/lD"].stateValues.value).eq(lD);
+ expect(stateVariables["/lE"].stateValues.value).eq(lA);
+ expect(stateVariables["/lF"].stateValues.value).eq(lF);
+ expect(stateVariables["/lG"].stateValues.value).eq(lG);
+ expect(stateVariables["/lH"].stateValues.value).eq(lC);
+ expect(stateVariables["/lI"].stateValues.value).eq(lI);
+ expect(stateVariables["/lJ"].stateValues.value).eq(lJ);
+ expect(stateVariables["/lK"].stateValues.value).eq(lD);
+ expect(stateVariables["/lL"].stateValues.value).eq(lL);
+ expect(stateVariables["/lM"].stateValues.value).eq(lM);
+ }
+ let lA = "A",
+ lC = "C",
+ lD = "D",
+ lF = "F",
+ lG = "G",
+ lI = "I",
+ lJ = "J",
+ lL = "L",
+ lM = "M";
+ await check_items({ lA, lC, lD, lF, lG, lI, lJ, lL, lM });
+ lA = "N";
+ await updateTextInputValue({ name: "/tiA", text: lA, core });
+ await check_items({ lA, lC, lD, lF, lG, lI, lJ, lL, lM });
+ lA = "O";
+ await updateTextInputValue({ name: "/tiB", text: lA, core });
+ await check_items({ lA, lC, lD, lF, lG, lI, lJ, lL, lM });
+ lC = "P";
+ await updateTextInputValue({ name: "/tiC", text: lC, core });
+ await check_items({ lA, lC, lD, lF, lG, lI, lJ, lL, lM });
+ lD = "Q";
+ await updateTextInputValue({ name: "/tiD", text: lD, core });
+ await check_items({ lA, lC, lD, lF, lG, lI, lJ, lL, lM });
+ lA = "R";
+ await updateTextInputValue({ name: "/tiE", text: lA, core });
+ await check_items({ lA, lC, lD, lF, lG, lI, lJ, lL, lM });
+ lF = "S";
+ await updateTextInputValue({ name: "/tiF", text: lF, core });
+ await check_items({ lA, lC, lD, lF, lG, lI, lJ, lL, lM });
+ lG = "T";
+ await updateTextInputValue({ name: "/tiG", text: lG, core });
+ await check_items({ lA, lC, lD, lF, lG, lI, lJ, lL, lM });
+ lC = "U";
+ await updateTextInputValue({ name: "/tiH", text: lC, core });
+ await check_items({ lA, lC, lD, lF, lG, lI, lJ, lL, lM });
+ lI = "V";
+ await updateTextInputValue({ name: "/tiI", text: lI, core });
+ await check_items({ lA, lC, lD, lF, lG, lI, lJ, lL, lM });
+ lJ = "W";
+ await updateTextInputValue({ name: "/tiJ", text: lJ, core });
+ await check_items({ lA, lC, lD, lF, lG, lI, lJ, lL, lM });
+ lD = "X";
+ await updateTextInputValue({ name: "/tiK", text: lD, core });
+ await check_items({ lA, lC, lD, lF, lG, lI, lJ, lL, lM });
+ lL = "Y";
+ await updateTextInputValue({ name: "/tiL", text: lL, core });
+ await check_items({ lA, lC, lD, lF, lG, lI, lJ, lL, lM });
+ lM = "Z";
+ await updateTextInputValue({ name: "/tiM", text: lM, core });
+ await check_items({ lA, lC, lD, lF, lG, lI, lJ, lL, lM });
+ }
+ it("label, labelIsName and copies, start with label", async () => {
+ const doenetMLForA = ``;
+ await test_label_labelIsName_copies(doenetMLForA);
+ });
+ it("label, labelIsName and copies, start with labelIsName", async () => {
+ const doenetMLForA = ``;
+ await test_label_labelIsName_copies(doenetMLForA);
+ });
+ it("label, labelIsName and copies, copy in labels", async () => {
+ const doenetMLForA = ``;
+ await test_label_labelIsName_copies(doenetMLForA, true);
+ });
+ it("escape underscore and caret in labelForGraph except if math", async () => {
+ let core = await createTestCore({
+ doenetML: `
+ (0,0)
+ (1,1)
+ (2,2)
+ (3,3)
+ (4,4)
+ (5,5)
+ `,
+ });
+ const stateVariables = await returnAllStateVariables(core);
+ expect(stateVariables["/A"].stateValues.label).eq("x_1");
+ expect(stateVariables["/A"].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq(
+ "x_1",
+ );
+ expect(stateVariables["/B"].stateValues.label).eq("\\(x_1\\)");
+ expect(stateVariables["/B"].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq("\\(x_1\\)");
+ expect(stateVariables["/C"].stateValues.label).eq("x^1");
+ expect(stateVariables["/C"].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq("x^1");
+ expect(stateVariables["/D"].stateValues.label).eq("\\(x^1\\)");
+ expect(stateVariables["/D"].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq("\\(x^1\\)");
+ expect(stateVariables["/E"].stateValues.label).eq(
+ "x^1 or \\(x^2\\) or x_3 or \\(x_4\\)",
+ );
+ expect(stateVariables["/E"].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq(
+ "x^1 or \\(x^2\\) or x_3 or \\(x_4\\)",
+ );
+ expect(stateVariables["/F"].stateValues.label).eq(
+ "x_a^b or \\(x_c^d\\)",
+ );
+ expect(stateVariables["/F"].stateValues.labelForGraph).eq(
+ "x_a^b or \\(x_c^d\\)",
+ );
+ });