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Awesome List of Bacon Tools for Developers

It's a fact. Developers love bacon.

This is the beginning of an awesome list of Bacon Tools for Developers.

Bacon Icon ~~~

The universal icon for bacon. Comes with most keyboards. Because developers love bacon ;)


Add more bacon if needed


Bacon Ipsum

A great lorem ipsum generator with bacon and other fine meats.

Comes in 2 flavours: All meat and Meat and filler, if you need to mix your meat with a little conversation.

Bacon ipsum dolor amet salami ham hock ball tip, picanha pork belly strip steak boudin sirloin shank beef alcatra pork chop pancetta t-bone short ribs. Kevin tri-tip shoulder ham, brisket bresaola porchetta. Alcatra pork loin ham hock jowl sausage doner. Spare ribs beef tenderloin pork loin pastrami pancetta shank drumstick flank venison alcatra doner hamburger tongue. Pastrami leberkas chuck kevin corned beef strip steak sirloin meatball tail. Short loin tenderloin pastrami venison pancetta beef ribs tongue biltong hamburger bacon.

Pork rump venison, bresaola sausage beef pork belly ham pork chop. Spare ribs chicken t-bone ribeye shankle. Swine landjaeger beef ribs shank shankle alcatra ribeye kevin cupim salami filet mignon leberkas jerky. Shankle cupim bresaola drumstick fatback biltong. Frankfurter pork loin landjaeger pork chop shank turkey beef ribs short ribs shankle. Pork chop jowl jerky pork ribeye cupim ham hock beef ground round bacon spare ribs porchetta.

Sausage pork belly landjaeger porchetta tail prosciutto corned beef boudin doner bacon cow ham meatloaf andouille pork chop. Porchetta landjaeger flank ground round tri-tip rump, turkey spare ribs picanha filet mignon venison pork loin brisket shoulder andouille. Chuck jowl tongue strip steak kielbasa prosciutto. Andouille turkey pancetta, cow leberkas prosciutto tenderloin ham picanha hamburger. Alcatra short loin turkey pancetta, pork flank beef leberkas rump swine corned beef jowl. Kielbasa turkey cow bresaola corned beef pork. Meatball doner ham hock bacon hamburger fatback.

Bacon Mockup

A simple way to use pictures of tasty meat as placeholders in your design.

Combine with Bacon Ipsum for best results.

# Even works with https ;)

200/200 200/200 200/201 200/202 200/202 200/203 200/204 200/205 200/206 200/207 200/208 200/209 200/211 200/213 200/214 200/215

BACON - things developers love

BACON is a two-day conference on all the things developers love.

That’s awesome, we’d love to meat you!

Unfortunately, it doesn't seem as if there will be a 2015 ~~~ BACONference ~~~

A small functional reactive programming lib for JavaScript.

Turns your event spaghetti into clean and declarative feng shui bacon, by switching from imperative to functional. It's like replacing nested for-loops with functional programming concepts like map and filter. Stop working on individual events and work with event streams instead. Combine your data with merge and combine. Then switch to the heavier weapons and wield flatMap and combineTemplate like a boss.

New job & 1 years supply of bacon

Hubbub offers a year's free supply of bacon to new developers, or to anybody who recommends somebody they go on to hire. And they say it is seriously good bacon.

Find bacon

Search thousands of sizzling hot jobs for web designers and developers.

The Bacon Programming Language

Bacon is an esoteric programming language, which uses Bacon.

Bacon for me

It's Bacon! A jQuery plugin that allows you to wrap text around a bezier curve or a line. You can view a demo with a conveniently placed slice of juicy, delicious bacon on the website.