this project is a small tech shop 🚀
This is an API. The cell will allow you to view information on vacancies and companies. It receives requests and returns information about them.
These will allow you to get a copy of the working project on your local machine for development and testing .
See Implementation to learn how to implement the project.
ubuntu o wsl
In the terminal located in the folder where you want to save this project, execute the following.
git clone
move to developer branch.
git checkout developer
run project dependencies.
the project is configured to run migrations and upload information to the database
docker-compose up --build
this will activate the servers
in this url you will see all vacancies
check the documentation
in this other you will see the API documentation
enter a couple of categories and a couple of products and you're done
- [Docker] (
- [Django] (
- [python] (
- ** Dimanso perez ** - * Initial Work * - [Dimaps716] (
This project is under the License (Your License) - see the ( file for details
- Tell others about this project 📢
- Invite a beer 🍺 or a coffee ☕ to someone on the team.
- Give thanks publicly 🤓.
⌨️ with ❤️ by [Dimaps716] ( 😊