devOgraphy API is a Node, Express, and Mongoose API that stores programming language data. Create, Read, Update, and Destroy functionality are built throughout the app.
Project Link: devOgraphy
Project API: devOgraphy-Api
- Express
- NodeJS
- MongoDB
- Heroku
"cors": "^2.8.5", "dotenv": "^10.0.0", "express": "^4.17.1", "mongoose": "^5.13.2"
- Mongoose
- Yarn
devOgraphy api requires nodemon
and yarn
to run.
- Download the repo using git.
git clone [email protected]:Devography/devography-api.git
- Install yarn dependencies
yarn add cors dotenv express mongoose
- Start the Server
yarn run dev
This was our first project as a team and so we relied heavily upon each other to debug our own problems. We learned a lot about division of labor, project planning, project management, and how to utilize each of our individual strengths. Read documentation!!! Most of the answers are available if you know where and how to search.
By creating our own API, the App is able to make dynamic request. For this app, the programming languages endpoint was used. So different props variables were created to make multiple calls.
GET: /languages
- Description: responds with a list of all programming languages
GET: /languages/:id
- Description: responds with a specified languages
- Query Parameters:
Parameter Type Description id string a string value representing the language id. (required value)
GET: /comments/
- Description: response with a list of all comments
POST: /languages
- Description: creates a new language in the database excluding the comments
- Body Parameters:
Parameter Type Description Name string a string of the programming language name Author string a string of the programming language name Year number a number of the year the programming language was founded Logo string a string of a url of the programming language logo
POST: /comments/:id
- Description: creates a new comment in the database
- Body Parameters:
Parameter Type Description id string a string value representing the language id. (required value) Name string a string of the comment creator Body string a string of a comment
PUT: /language/:id
- Description: updates a specific language based on the provided language id.
- Body Parameters:
Parameter Type Description id string a string value representing the language id. (required value) Name string a string of the programming language name Author string a string of the programming language name Year number a number of the year the programming language was founded Logo string a string of a url of the programming language logo
PUT: /comments/:id
- Description: updates a specific comment based on the provided comment id.
- Body Parameters:
Parameter Type Description id string a string value representing the comment id. (required value) Name string a string of the comment creator Body string a string of a comment
DELETE: /languages/:id
- Description: responds with a specified languages
- Query Parameters:
Parameter Type Description id string a string value representing the language id. (required value)
DELETE: /comments/:id
- Description: responds with a specified languages
- Query Parameters:
Parameter Type Description id string a string value representing the language id. (required value)
- [] Create a search feature that allows me to search either programing languages or paradigm.
- [] Create a filter
- [] Edit Schema to include different usage.
- [] Create a user model
This application uses a Node, Express, and Mongoose API. There is Create, Read, Update, and Destroy functionality built throughout the app.
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request.
- Fork the Project
- Create your Feature Branch
- Ex.
git checkout -b <your_branch_name>
- Ex.
- Add your Changes
- Ex.
git add .
- Ex.
- Commit your Changes
- Ex.
git commit -m "Description of your Changes"
- Ex.
- Push to the Branch
- Ex.
git push origin <your_branch_name>
- Ex.
- Open a Pull Request
- License - Not Specified
Trieu Le - Full Stack Web Developer
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Ross Phillips - Full Stack Web Developer
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Mohammed Abrar - Full Stack Web Developer
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Jesse Turek - Full Stack Web Developer
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Lou Thomas - Full Stack Web Developer
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