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forked from bbc/peaks.js

JavaScript UI component for interacting with waveforms.


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A browser based audio waveform visualisation frontend component from BBC R&D.

Peaks.js is a modular client-side JavaScript component designed for the display of and interaction with audio waveform material in the browser.

Peaks.js is developed by BBC R&D to allow users to make accurate clippings of audio data over a timeline in browser, using a backend API that serves the waveform data.

Peaks.js uses HTML5 canvas technology to display waveform data at different zoom levels and provides some basic convenience methods for interacting with waveforms and creating time-based visual sections for denoting content to be clipped or for reference, eg: distinguishing music from speech or identifying different music tracks.

More information about the Waveform project.


Using Peaks.js in your own project

Peaks.js can be included in any web page by following these steps:

  1. include it your web page
  2. include a media element and its waveform data file
  3. initialise Peaks.js
<div id="peaks-container"></div>
  <source src="test_data/sample.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
  <source src="test_data/sample.ogg" type="audio/ogg">
<script src="bower_components/requirejs/require.js" data-main="app.js"></script>

Start using AMD and require.js

AMD modules work out of the box without any optimiser.

// in app.js
// configure peaks path
  paths: {
    peaks: 'bower_components/peaks.js/src/main',
    EventEmitter: 'bower_components/eventemitter2/lib/eventemitter2',
    Konva: 'bower_components/konvajs/konva',
    'waveform-data': 'bower_components/waveform-data/dist/waveform-data.min'

// require it
require(['peaks'], function (Peaks) {
  var p = Peaks.init({
    container: document.querySelector('#peaks-container'),
    mediaElement: document.querySelector('audio'),
    dataUri: 'test_data/sample.json'

  p.on('segments.ready', function(){
    // do something when segments are ready to be displayed

A working example is provided in index.html.

Start using ES2015 module loader

This works well with systems such as Meteor, webpack and browserify (with babelify transform).

import Peaks from 'peaks.js';

const p = Peaks.init({});

Start using CommonJS module loader

This works well with systems such as Meteor, webpack and browserify.

var Peaks = require('peaks.js');

var p = Peaks.init({});

Start using vanilla JavaScript

<script src="node_modules/peaks.js/peaks.js"></script>
  var p = Peaks.init({});

Generate waveform data

Peaks uses waveform data files produced by audiowaveform. These can be generated in either binary (.dat) or JSON format. Binary format is preferred because of the smaller file size, but this is only compatible with browsers that support Typed Arrays.

You should also use the -b 8 option when generating waveform data files, as Peaks does not currently support 16-bit waveform data files, and also to minimise file size.

To generate a binary waveform data file:

audiowaveform -i sample.mp3 -o sample.dat -b 8

To generate a JSON format waveform data file:

audiowaveform -i sample.mp3 -o sample.json -b 8

Refer to the man page audiowaveform(1) for full details of the available command line options.

Web Audio based waveforms

Since 0.3.0, Peaks.js can use Web Audio to generate waveforms, which means you would not have to pre-generate a dat or json file beforehand.

To do so, skip the dataUri option and make sure your browser is compatible with Web Audio.

var p = Peaks.init({
  container: document.querySelector('#peaks-container'),
  mediaElement: document.querySelector('audio')

p.on('segments.ready', function(){
  // do something when segments are ready to be displayed

Notice: be aware it can be CPU intensive if your audio file has a long duration.


The available options for configuration of the viewer are as follows:

var options = {
  // Containing element
  container: document.getElementById('peaks-container'),

  // HTML5 Media element containing an audio track
  mediaElement: document.querySelector('audio'),

  /** Optional config with defaults **/
  // URI to waveform data file in binary or JSON
  dataUri: {
    arraybuffer: '../test_data/sample.dat',
    json: '../test_data/sample.json',

  // async logging function
  logger: console.error.bind(console),

  // default height of the waveform canvases in pixels
  height: 200,

  // Array of zoom levels in samples per pixel (big >> small)
  zoomLevels: [512, 1024, 2048, 4096],

  // Bind keyboard controls
  keyboard: false,

  // Keyboard nudge increment in seconds (left arrow/right arrow)
  nudgeIncrement: 0.01,

  // Colour for the in marker of segments
  inMarkerColor: '#a0a0a0',

  // Colour for the out marker of segments
  outMarkerColor: '#a0a0a0',

  // Colour for the zoomed in waveform
  zoomWaveformColor: 'rgba(0, 225, 128, 1)',

  // Colour for the overview waveform
  overviewWaveformColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.2)',

  // Colour for the overview waveform rectangle that shows what the zoom view shows
  overviewHighlightRectangleColor: 'grey',

  // Colour for segments on the waveform
  segmentColor: 'rgba(255, 161, 39, 1)',

  // Colour of the play head
  playheadColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)',

  // Colour of the play head text
  playheadTextColor: '#aaa',

  // the color of a point marker
  pointMarkerColor: '#FF0000',

  // Colour of the axis gridlines
  axisGridlineColor: '#ccc',

  // Colour of the axis labels
  axisLabelColor: '#aaa',

  // Random colour per segment (overrides segmentColor)
  randomizeSegmentColor: true,

  // Zoom view adapter to use. Valid adapters are: 'animated' (default) and 'static'
  zoomAdapter: 'animated',

  // Array of initial segment objects with startTime and
  // endTime in seconds and a boolean for editable.
  // See below.
  segments: [{
    startTime: 120,
    endTime: 140,
    editable: true,
    color: "#ff0000",
    labelText: "My label"
    startTime: 220,
    endTime: 240,
    editable: false,
    color: "#00ff00",
    labelText: "My Second label"

Segment Format

Segments provided from Peaks.js use the following format:

  // Assigned colour of the segment
  color: "rgba(123, 2, 61, 1)",
  // Editable state of the segment
  editable: true,
  // End time in seconds of the segment
  endTime: 588.986667,
  // Unique ID of the segment
  id: "segment0",
  // Konva.js Element group of segment canvas objects for overview waveform
  overview: Konva.Group,
  // End time in seconds of the segment
  startTime: 578.986667,
  // Konva.js Element group of segment canvas objects for overview waveform
  zoom: Konva.Group

Advanced configuration

The marker and label Konva.js objects may be overridden to give the segment markers or label your own custom appearance (see main.js / waveform.mixins.js, Konva Polygon Example and Konva Text Example):

  segmentInMarker: mixins.defaultInMarker(p.options),
  segmentOutMarker: mixins.defaultOutMarker(p.options),
  segmentLabelDraw: mixins.defaultSegmentLabelDraw(p.options)



The top level peaks object exposes a factory to create new peaks instances.


Starts an instance of Peaks with the assigned options. It enables you do deal with several instances of Peaks within a single page with one or several configurations.

var peaksInstance = peaks.init({});
var secondPeaksInstance = peaks.init({});

Time API


Returns currently selected time in seconds (convenience method interchangeable with mediaElement.currentTime).

var instance = peaks.init({});

console.log(instance.time.getCurrentTime()); // -> 0


Sets the media element selected time in seconds.

var instance = peaks.init({});

console.log(instance.time.getCurrentTime()); // -> 5.85

Zoom API


Zoom in the waveform zoom view by one level.

var instance = peaks.init({, zoomLevels: [512, 1024, 2048, 4096] });

instance.zoom.zoomOut(); // zoom level is now 1024


Zoom in the waveform zoom view by one level.

var instance = peaks.init({, zoomLevels: [512, 1024, 2048, 4096] });

instance.zoom.zoomIn(); // zoom level is still 512

instance.zoom.zoomOut(); // zoom level is now 1024
instance.zoom.zoomIn(); // zoom level is now 512 again


Set the zoom level to the element in the options.zoomLevels array at index indexInZoomArray.

var instance = peaks.init({, zoomLevels: [512, 1024, 2048, 4096] });

instance.zoom.setZoom(3); // zoom level is now 4096


Return the current zoom level.

var instance = peaks.init({, zoomLevels: [512, 1024, 2048, 4096] });

console.log(instance.zoom.getZoom()); // -> 1

Segments API

Segments give the ability to visually tag timed portions of a media object. This is a great way to provide visual cues to your users.

instance.segments.add({startTime, endTime, editable, color, labelText, id})


Add a segment to the waveform timeline. Accepts the following parameters:

  • startTime: the segment start time (seconds)
  • endTime: the segment end time (seconds)
  • editable: (optional) sets whether the segment is user editable (boolean, defaults to false)
  • color: (optional) the segment color. If not specified, the segment is given a default color (see the segmentColor and randomizeSegmentColor options).
  • id: (optional) the segment identifier. If not specified, the segment is automatically given a unique identifier.
var instance = peaks.init({});

// Add non-editable segment, from 0 to 10.5 seconds, with a random color
instance.segments.add({startTime: 0, endTime: 10.5});

Alternatively, provide an array of segment objects to add all those segments at once.

var instance = peaks.init({});

    startTime: 0,
    endTime: 10.5,
    labelText: '0 to 10.5 seconds non-editable demo segment'
    startTime: 3.14,
    endTime: 4.2,
    color: '#666'


Returns an array of objects representing all displayed segments present on the timeline in the segment format.

instance.segments.removeByTime(startTime, endTime)

Remove any segment which start at startTime (seconds), and which optionally finish at endTime (seconds).

The return value indicates the number of deleted segments.

var instance = peaks.init({});

instance.segments.add([{ startTime: 10, endTime: 12 }, { startTime: 10, endTime: 20 }]);

// remove both segments as they start at `10`

// remove only the first segment
instance.segments.removeByTime(10, 12);


Remove segments with the given identifier.

var instance = peaks.init({});



Remove all the segments from the waveforms.

var instance = peaks.init({});




Call this function to release resources used by an instance. This can be useful when reinitialising Peaks.js within a single page application.

var peaksInstance = peaks.init({});
var peaksInstance.destroy();


Peaks.js emits events to enable you to extend its behaviour according to your needs.


                       | Arguments

---------------------------|---------------- error | Error err

Media / User interactions

                       | Arguments

---------------------------|---------------- segments.ready | N/A zoomview_resized | N/A user_seek.overview | float time user_seek.zoomview | float time user_scrub.overview | float time


                       | Arguments

---------------------------|---------------- zoom.update | float currentZoomLevel, float previousZoomLevel

Segments / Points

                       | Arguments

---------------------------|---------------- segments.ready | N/A points.ready | N/A segments.dragged | Segment segment points.dragged | Point point

Building Peaks.js

You might want to build a minified standalone version of Peaks.js, to test a contribution or to run additional tests. The project bundles everything you need to do so.


git clone
cd peaks.js
npm install


This command will produce a minified standalone version of Peaks.js. It will indeed be UMD compatible, so as you can continue to use it with AMD or CommonJS module loaders, or even as vanilla JavaScript.

npm run build

The output of the build is a file named peaks.js, alongside its associated source map.

Live Demo

This command will serve a working version of Peaks.js to reflect your local updates.

npm start

Then open http://localhost:9000 in a Web browser.


npm test should work for simple one time testing.

If you are developing and want to repeatedly run tests in a browser on your machine simply launch npm run test-watch.



This project includes sample audio from the radio show Desert Island Discs, used under the terms of the Creative Commons 3.0 Unported License.


Copyright 2016, British Broadcasting Corporation.


JavaScript UI component for interacting with waveforms.







No packages published


  • JavaScript 96.4%
  • HTML 3.6%