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Vue.js 3 typeahead component for Bootstrap 4/5

Born as a fork of vue3-simple-typeahead (thanks man 👍🏻), later rebuilt with composition API.

Tested with Bootstrap from version 4.6.1 to 5.3.0.
Works fine with the only Boostrap CSS, no Bootstrap JS library required.

This component is distributed under the Apache License 2.0.


  • Composition API
  • Autocomplete
  • Match highlighter
  • REST API data source
  • Slot template
  • Item projection
  • Styling
  • Events
  • Keystrokes

Add component to your app

Install the package:

npm install -D vue3-bootstrap-typeahead

Then import it in your components or views:

import TypeAhead from "vue3-bootstrap-typeahead";

You can also import it globally:

import TypeAhead from "vue3-bootstrap-typeahead";

let app = createApp(App);
app.component('TypeAhead', TypeAhead);


Please vist demo page to see the component in action 😎


Basic example


Fetching items remotely

		@request:fired="loading = true"
		@request:completed="loading = false"
		@request:canceled="loading = false"
	<div v-show="loading">Loading data...</div>

export default {
	methods: {
		countries(query) {
			if (!query) return;
			return fetch("" + query).then(res => {
				return res.json();

User interaction

When the user types on the typeahead input and the minimum input length is meeted a suggestion list appears below the input with the items that match the user input. You can continue to type further to filter the selection, but you could use keyboard or mouse input to make your selection.

When the suggestion list show up, you can continue to type to filter the selection or you use the Arrow Up or Arrow Down keys to navigate the list of suggestions. When you have selected the desired element press Enter or TAB to select the current element.

Control Effect
Navigate up on the suggestion list, selecting the previous element
Navigate down on the suggestion list, selecting the next element
Enter Choose the current element selection
TAB Choose the current element selection and give focus to the next form control
ESC Close the dropdown and blur element

You can use the mouse instead, simply hover you cursor over the desire element and click on it.


Prop Type Default Description
allowNew Boolean false When true values not present in items are kept, when false are discarded
clearable Boolean false Show the times icon on the right corner of the element to clear its content
disabled Boolean false Makes the element disabled
itemProjection Function: String (item) => {return item;} Projection function to map the items to a string value for search and display
items Array or function(query): Promise (Required) Array of objects or strings with the elements for suggestions, or function returning a Promise
maxItems Number -1 Maximum items to show, the prop value has to be != 0 (-1 means show all)
minInputLength Number 2 Minimum input length for the suggestion length to appear, the prop value has to be >= 0
placeholder String Placeholder text for the input
readonly Boolean false Makes the element readonly
requestDelay Number 250 Used in conjuction with item function, delays the function call after a keystroke (time in milliseconds). Safe to set to 0 when the item function is not fetching data remotely
v-model Vue data variable Vue data binding. For special needs modelValue property and update:modelValue event can be used as well
inputClass String form-control <input> element class
dropdownClass String dropdown Outer element class
dropdownMenuClass String dropdown-menu List class
dropdownItemClass String dropdown-item Item class
currentSelectionClass String active In addition to dropdownItemClass


Event Signature Description
onFocus function (event: Object { input: String, items: Array }): void Emitted when the input control get the focus
onBlur function (event: Object { input: String, items: Array }): void Emitted when the input control lost the focus [When the user select an item, the focus is lost too]
request:queued function (query, timeoutID): void Emitted when the items function is queued
request:fired function (query): void Emitted when the items function is fired
request:completed function (query): void Emitted when the items function Promise is resolved
request:canceled function (timeoutID): void Emitted when the queued items function is canceled due to a keystroke pressed during the requestDelay time
request:failed function (Exception): void Emitted when the items function promise fails


Slot Props Description
#item item, itemProjection, boldMatchText Slot to customize the content of the <li> element

Slot #item props

Prop Type Description
item String or Object The item of the items array
itemProjection function Use the item projection function provided as prop to the component
boldMatchText function Receives a string and add <strong> to the parts of the text matched by the search criteria