Windows utility to automate the bisection process for issues in the Dolphin Emulator. Do not file any bugs on the Dolphin Emulator bug tracker. Please file all issues for the utility on Github.
Dolphin Bisect Tool requires .NET 4.5 framework to run.
Dolphin Bisect Tool was written and compiled in Visual Studio 2015/2017 and is now maintained with VS 2019. 2013 supposedly works, but is not tested.
Code clean ups, features, bug fixes, or anything else are greatly welcome. Just make a pull request. I would appreciate it if Dolphin's contribution guidelines were followed. You can ignore the bits about using clang-format.
Dolphin Bisect Tool was written by Anthony aka 'Helios'. This fork is maintained by Dentomologist.
Discussion about the utility should be directed here:
Alternatively, you can contact Dentomologist on #dolphin-emu, freenode.