- Replace fixture br by \n
- Add picture profile to the all fixture authors.
- #37 Add about
- #36 fix main pages styles.
- #36 Remove unused image.
- Replace of side view for dashboard
- add author view.
- Added elipsis text for long descriptions.
- Remove sidebar references
- #39 fix colors of references.
- #28 Update proposer icon
- #35 Add real bill project to test the tool
- #29 Update diff view - Add/Remove over the same text.
- Change color styles.
- Add the status 'add' to transform as text.
- Refactor text introducing the concept of "section"
- Change jade template to ripple template.
- Add slide to left on toggle side view.
- Add delete and reload db data.
- #26 Remove dates bill's header.
- #19 Add fancy diff for bill's text
- #22 Update calls to load sidebar elements in the main view.
- #20 Add DOS favicon
- #15 Add sidebar to the main view.
- #12 Fix reverse text comparation on bills text.
- #10 Save/show structure bill's text
- #5 Add new bill data. for text diference
- #7 Add diff view for bill's text.
- Fix MONGOHQ_URL env variable
- Add missing log package
- Fix billtracker-config
- Log resolve path
- Create/update inital styles.
- #3 Initial data set
- #2 Basic schema and crud data
- #1 Add initial api endpoints related to
- Add basic prototype view for bill workflow.
- Fix load langs in client side.
- Update node js startar old files and add new one
- Initial commit based on NodeJS Starter