- classdojo/agenda fork: agenda now uses mongodb-native
- Fix for when _findAndLockNextJob returns multiple jobs.
- code cleanup, fix leaking ignoreErrors
- fix double run bug
- Allow specifying mongo config (optionally)
- Fix .every() running when using cron strings.
- Remove debugger
- add job.unique (@nwkeeley)
- Re-add tests for those who use the
- add job.disable() and job.enable()
- Added .npmignore for test/ build scripts.
- Create database indexes when initializing Agenda instance (@andyneville)
- Implemented job.isRunning()
- Fixed issue where jobs would continue being processed after agenda is explicitly stopped
- Fixed complete event being emitted before asynchronous jobs are finished
- add job.repeatAt
- fix job queue being processed even when agenda was stopped
- fix agenda.every method
- fix agenda.every overwriting nextRunAt [closes #70]
- Added agenda.cancel function
- Fix more circumstances where jobs re-create after remove
- fix jobs resaving after remove [closes #66]
- fix jobs skipping in line from database querying
- update saveJob to allow for pre-set Ids [closes #64]
- add job.touch to reset lock lifetime [references #63]
- make job saving use agenda._name
- add agenda.name config method
- fix agenda.mongo not being chainable
- add graceful job unlocking to stop
- Implement, document, and test defaultLockLifetime [@shakefu]
- Bump date.js version [@psema4]
- mongoskin version bump (better support for mongodb 2.6) [@loginx]
- fix $setOnInsert with empty obj cause mongodb 2.6 complain [@inetfuture]
- fix cron-jobs executing multiple times
- fail the job if repeat interval is wrong
- fix bug that resulted in jobs scheduled in memory to always re-run
- Update mongoskin to 1.3
- allow every and schedule to take array of job names
- convert to using setTimeout for precise job scheduling [closes #6]
- fix agenda.every not properly saving jobs
- improve instantiating jobs, fixes bug where certain attrs weren't loaded in
- add job#remove method
- Fixed single jobs not being saved properly [closes #38]
- fix every re-running jobs out of queue at load
- Added failing for jobs with undefined definitions
- Added agenda.purge() to remove old jobs
- added support to directly give mongoskin object, to help minimize connections
- Added start event to jobs. (@clayzermki)
- Added agenda.now method
- Added ability for job.fail to take an error
- Updated version of humanInterval, adding weeks and months support
- Added job locking mechanism, enabling support for multiple works / agenda instances (@bars3s)
- fix job.toJson method: add failReason & failedAt attrs (Broken in 0.4.3 and 0.4.2)
- fix job cb for working with 'q' promises
- fix job.schedule's taking Date object as 'when' argument [@bars3s]
- Refactored Job to ensure that everything is stored as an ISODate in the Database. [Closes #14] [@raisch]
- Added support for synchronous job definitions
- Added Cron Support [Closes #2]
- removed modella dependency
- Fix for setImmediate on Node 0.8
- Added Events to the Event Queue [References #7]
- Fixed a bug where mongo wasn't giving updated document
- Added error for running undefined job. [Closes #4]
- Fixed critical error where new jobs are not correctly saved.
- Small Bug fix for global-namespace pollution
- Updated write concern to avoid annoying notices
- Removed unecessary UUID code
- Initial Release