diff --git a/docs/advanced/data_types/xml/commands/clean.md b/docs/advanced/data_types/xml/commands/clean.md
index 332cb9f..6bcf4a4 100644
--- a/docs/advanced/data_types/xml/commands/clean.md
+++ b/docs/advanced/data_types/xml/commands/clean.md
@@ -5,29 +5,32 @@ commands:
description: Command to start a cleaning.
- clean:
+ "[clean]":
- type:
+ "[type]":
description: clean mode
- data_values:
- auto: auto clean
- border: border clean [^1]
- spot: spot clean [^1]
- SpotArea: spot area and custom area clean [^2]
- singleroom: single room clean [^3]
- stop: stop
- act:
+ <<: &component_values
+ data_values:
+ auto: auto clean
+ border: border clean [^1]
+ spot: spot clean [^1]
+ SpotArea: spot area and custom area clean [^2]
+ singleroom: single room clean [^3]
+ stop: stop
+ "[act]":
description: clean action
- data_values:
- s: start
- p: pause
- r: resume
- h: stop
- speed:
+ <<: &component_values
+ data_values:
+ s: start
+ p: pause [^4]
+ r: resume
+ h: stop
+ "[speed]":
description: vacuum power
- data_values:
- standard: standard
- strong: max
+ <<: &component_values
+ data_values:
+ standard: standard
+ strong: max
additional: >-
!!! info
@@ -39,3 +42,4 @@ commands:
[^1]: Models without mapping functionality only
[^2]: Models with mapping functionality only
[^3]: Models with single room cleaning mode only
+[^4]: Spot and border modes cannot be paused, they can only be stopped.
diff --git a/docs/advanced/data_types/xml/commands/life_span.md b/docs/advanced/data_types/xml/commands/life_span.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cae3319
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/advanced/data_types/xml/commands/life_span.md
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+data_type: xml
+- name: getLifeSpan
+ description: Command to get information about accessories components.
+ request:
+ arguments:
+ "[component]":
+ description: A list with corresponding value for the components. Multiple values possible
+ <<: &component_values
+ data_values:
+ brush: main brush
+ sideBrush: side brush
+ dustcaseheap: filter
+ example: >-
+ response:
+ arguments:
+ "[result]":
+ description: A list with a result object for each requested component.
+ arguments:
+ <<: &component_type
+ type:
+ description: The corresponding value for the component.
+ <<: \*component_values
+ left: Remaining lifetime in minutes
+ total: Total lifetime in minutes
+ example: >-
+ additional: >-
+ !!! hint
+ To calculate the percentage use `left/total`.
+{% include 'advanced/data_types/commands-template.jinja2' %}