Family records compose relationships (parents, children) that makeup a family.
The families
record is used to record marriages, unions, adoptions or whatever event that caused two people becoming the parents of a child. There is no limitation of the number of parents that can be in a family. However keep in mind that most software products assume only two. If a person participated in more than one family union, then they should appear in more than one families
record. No assumptions should be made as to the sex/gender of the parents.
The preferred order of the children pointers within a families
structure is chronological by birth.
Note that person IN003 in the example below is referenced in another repo in a Linked Data fashion.
"families": {
"parents": [
{ "ref": "IN001" },
{ "ref": "IN002" }
"children": [
"ref": "IN003",
"relType": {
"type": "adopted",
"id": "IN001"
{ "ref": "" }
"basedOn": {
"link": [
"externalID": [
"type": "AFN",
"id": "4S3469Q"
"type": "submitter",
"id": "F8945"
"note": "…",
"evidence": {
"citation": {
"enrichment": {
"citation": {
"link": {
"target": "SourceRec",
"ref": "SR002"
"caption": "We Attend the Kunzle Family Reunion",
"whereInSource": "5 min, 15 sec into the video, to 10 min, 30 sec.",
"note": "Our family is featured about 5 minutes into the video."
"changed": [
"date": "23 APR 1976",
"time": "13:25:12",
"note": "Record created"
"date": "…",
"time": "…",
"contact": {
"link": {
"target": "ContactRec",
"ref": "…"
"note": "Adopted child added"