This document defines DebtBase Module for the CMTA Token specification.
This section describes the Ethereum API of Debt Module.
function setDebt(DebtBase memory debt_)
public onlyRole(DEBT_ROLE)
Set the optional Debt with the different parameters. Only authorized users are allowed to call this function.
function setInterestRate(uint256 interestRate_)
public onlyRole(DEBT_ROLE)
Set the optional interest rate to the given interestRate_
Only authorized users are allowed to call this function.
function setParValue (uint256 parValue_)
public onlyRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE)
Set the optional parValue
to the given parValue_
Only authorized users are allowed to call this function.
function setGuarantor (string memory guarantor_)
public onlyRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE)
Set the optional attribute Guarantor
to the given guarantor_
Only authorized users are allowed to call this function.
function setBondHolder (string memory bondHolder_)
public onlyRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE)
Set the optional attribute bondHolder
to the given bondHolder_
Only authorized users are allowed to call this function.
function setMaturityDate (string memory maturityDate_)
public onlyRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE)
Set the optional attribute maturityDate
to the given maturityDate_
Only authorized users are allowed to call this function.
function setInterestScheduleFormat (string memory interestScheduleFormat_)
public onlyRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE)
Set the optional attribute interestScheduleFormat
to the given interestScheduleFormat_
Only authorized users are allowed to call this function.
function setInterestPaymentDate (string memory interestPaymentDate_)
public onlyRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE)
Set the optional attribute interestPaymentDate
to the given interestPaymentDate_
Only authorized users are allowed to call this function.
function setDayCountConvention (string memory dayCountConvention_)
public onlyRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE)
Set the optional attribute dayCountConvention
to the given interestPaymentDate_
Only authorized users are allowed to call this function.
function setBusinessDayConvention (string memory businessDayConvention_)
public onlyRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE)
Set the optional attribute businessDayConvention
to the given businessDayConvention_
Only authorized users are allowed to call this function.
function setPublicHolidaysCalendar(string memory publicHolidaysCalendar_)
public onlyRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE)
Set the optional attribute publicHolidaysCalendar
to the given publicHolidaysCalendar_
Only authorized users are allowed to call this function.
function setIssuanceDate(string memory issuanceDate_)
Set the optional attribute issuanceDate
to the given issuanceDate_
Only authorized users are allowed to call this function.
function setCouponFrequency(string memory couponFrequency_)
public onlyRole(DEBT_ROLE)
Set the optional attribute couponFrequency
to the given couponFrequency_
Only authorized users are allowed to call this function.
event InterestRate(uint256 newInterestRate)
Emitted when the attribute Interest Rate
is set.
event ParValue(uint256 newParValue)
Emitted when the attribute ParValue
is set.
event Guarantor(string indexed newGuarantorIndexed, string newGuarantor)
Emitted when the attribute Guarantor
is set.
event BondHolder(string indexed newBondHolderIndexed, string newBondHolder)
Emitted when the attribute BondHolder
is set.
event MaturityDate(
string indexed newMaturityDateIndexed,
string newMaturityDate
Emitted when the attribute maturityDate
is set.
event InterestScheduleFormat(
string indexed newInterestScheduleFormatIndexed,
string newInterestScheduleFormat
Emitted when the attribute interestScheduleFormat
is set.
event InterestPaymentDate(
string indexed newInterestPaymentDateIndexed,
string newInterestPaymentDate
Emitted when the attribute interestPaymentDate
is set.
event DayCountConvention(
string indexed newDayCountConventionIndexed,
string newDayCountConvention
Emitted when the attribute DayCountConvention
is set.
event BusinessDayConvention(
string indexed newBusinessDayConventionIndexed,
string newBusinessDayConvention
Emitted when the attribute BusinessDayConvention
is set.
event PublicHolidaysCalendar(
string indexed newPublicHolidaysCalendarIndexed,
string newPublicHolidaysCalendar
Emitted when the attribute PublicHolidaysCalendar
is set.
event IssuanceDate(
string indexed newIssuanceDateIndexed,
string newIssuanceDate
Emitted when the attribute issuanceDate
is set.
event CouponFrequency(
string indexed newCouponFrequencyIndexed,
string newCouponFrequency
Emitted when the attribute couponFrequency
is set.