- moved trim before underscore replacement
- rename prop to mean in count_na
- changed color names and added a red color to the palette
- removed 'number' form sci_palette()
- fix empty scripts get_network()
- adjust intersect2 for lists
- statusbar - progress bar for for loops
- evenstrings - split string to given max length
- trim - remove leading and / or trailing whitespaces
- count_na - counts NAs wihtin a variable
- read_files - reads multiple files into one data.table
- %nin% - 'not in' operator
- object_size_in_env - shows objects ordered by their size
- char_replace - replaces non-standard characters with their standard equivalents
- fix typos
- adjust tests
- checkdir - checks and creates a folder
- update get_sequence for longer pattern
- added tests and documentation for get_network
- statworx_palette uses sci_palette to create a color palette
- strstplit can now split between two delimiters
- fix plot.sci into own method script
- added cirlceCI
- added automated creation for DESCRIPTION and NEWS.md
- added tests for functions
- restructure folder structure within the git
- added tests for functions
- changed folder structure within git
- updated
- get_files
- sci_palette.R
- made available for first testing
- burglr.R
- dive.R
- get_network.R
- get_sequence.R
- print_fs.R
- clean_gc.R
- intersect2.R
- multiplot.R
- na_omitlist.R
- strsplit.R
- to_na.R
- added NEWS.md creation