- model:
- type:
argument path:model
- type_map:
- type:
, optionalargument path:model/type_map
A list of strings. Give the name to each type of atoms.
- data_stat_nbatch:
- type:
, optional, default:10
argument path:model/data_stat_nbatch
The model determines the normalization from the statistics of the data. This key specifies the number of frames in each system used for statistics.
- use_srtab:
- type:
, optionalargument path:model/use_srtab
The table for the short-range pairwise interaction added on top of DP. The table is a text data file with (N_t + 1) * N_t / 2 + 1 columes. The first colume is the distance between atoms. The second to the last columes are energies for pairs of certain types. For example we have two atom types, 0 and 1. The columes from 2nd to 4th are for 0-0, 0-1 and 1-1 correspondingly.
- smin_alpha:
- type:
, optionalargument path:model/smin_alpha
The short-range tabulated interaction will be swithed according to the distance of the nearest neighbor. This distance is calculated by softmin. This parameter is the decaying parameter in the softmin. It is only required when use_srtab is provided.
- sw_rmin:
- type:
, optionalargument path:model/sw_rmin
The lower boundary of the interpolation between short-range tabulated interaction and DP. It is only required when use_srtab is provided.
- sw_rmax:
- type:
, optionalargument path:model/sw_rmax
The upper boundary of the interpolation between short-range tabulated interaction and DP. It is only required when use_srtab is provided.
- descriptor:
- type:
argument path:model/descriptor
The descriptor of atomic environment.
Depending on the value of type, different sub args are accepted.
- type:
- type:
(flag key)argument path:model/descriptor/type
The type of the descritpor. Valid types are loc_frame, se_a, se_r and se_ar.
- loc_frame: Defines a local frame at each atom, and the compute the descriptor as local coordinates under this frame.
- se_a: Used by the smooth edition of Deep Potential. The full relative coordinates are used to construct the descriptor.
- se_r: Used by the smooth edition of Deep Potential. Only the distance between atoms is used to construct the descriptor.
- se_ar: A hybrid of se_a and se_r. Typically se_a has a smaller cut-off while the se_r has a larger cut-off.
When type is set to
:- sel_a:
- type:
argument path:model/descriptor[loc_frame]/sel_a
A list of integers. The length of the list should be the same as the number of atom types in the system. sel_a[i] gives the selected number of type-i neighbors. The full relative coordinates of the neighbors are used by the descriptor.
- sel_r:
- type:
argument path:model/descriptor[loc_frame]/sel_r
A list of integers. The length of the list should be the same as the number of atom types in the system. sel_r[i] gives the selected number of type-i neighbors. Only relative distance of the neighbors are used by the descriptor. sel_a[i] + sel_r[i] is recommended to be larger than the maximally possible number of type-i neighbors in the cut-off radius.
- rcut:
- type:
, optional, default:6.0
argument path:model/descriptor[loc_frame]/rcut
The cut-off radius. The default value is 6.0
- axis_rule:
- type:
argument path:model/descriptor[loc_frame]/axis_rule
A list of integers. The length should be 6 times of the number of types.
- axis_rule[i*6+0]: class of the atom defining the first axis of type-i atom. 0 for neighbors with full coordinates and 1 for neighbors only with relative distance.
- axis_rule[i*6+1]: type of the atom defining the first axis of type-i atom.
- axis_rule[i*6+2]: index of the axis atom defining the first axis. Note that the neighbors with the same class and type are sorted according to their relative distance.
- axis_rule[i*6+3]: class of the atom defining the first axis of type-i atom. 0 for neighbors with full coordinates and 1 for neighbors only with relative distance.
- axis_rule[i*6+4]: type of the atom defining the second axis of type-i atom.
- axis_rule[i*6+5]: class of the atom defining the second axis of type-i atom. 0 for neighbors with full coordinates and 1 for neighbors only with relative distance.
When type is set to
:- sel:
- type:
argument path:model/descriptor[se_a]/sel
A list of integers. The length of the list should be the same as the number of atom types in the system. sel[i] gives the selected number of type-i neighbors. sel[i] is recommended to be larger than the maximally possible number of type-i neighbors in the cut-off radius.
- rcut:
- type:
, optional, default:6.0
argument path:model/descriptor[se_a]/rcut
The cut-off radius.
- rcut_smth:
- type:
, optional, default:0.5
argument path:model/descriptor[se_a]/rcut_smth
Where to start smoothing. For example the 1/r term is smoothed from rcut to rcut_smth
- neuron:
- type:
, optional, default:[10, 20, 40]
argument path:model/descriptor[se_a]/neuron
Number of neurons in each hidden layers of the embedding net. When two layers are of the same size or one layer is twice as large as the previous layer, a skip connection is built.
- axis_neuron:
- type:
, optional, default:4
argument path:model/descriptor[se_a]/axis_neuron
Size of the submatrix of G (embedding matrix).
- activation_function:
- type:
, optional, default:tanh
argument path:model/descriptor[se_a]/activation_function
The activation function in the embedding net. Supported activation functions are "relu", "relu6", "softplus", "sigmoid", "tanh", "gelu".
- resnet_dt:
- type:
, optional, default:False
argument path:model/descriptor[se_a]/resnet_dt
Whether to use a "Timestep" in the skip connection
- type_one_side:
- type:
, optional, default:False
argument path:model/descriptor[se_a]/type_one_side
Try to build N_types embedding nets. Otherwise, building N_types^2 embedding nets
- precision:
- type:
, optional, default:float64
argument path:model/descriptor[se_a]/precision
The precision of the embedding net parameters, supported options are "float64", "float32", "float16".
- trainable:
- type:
, optional, default:True
argument path:model/descriptor[se_a]/trainable
If the parameters in the embedding net is trainable
- seed:
- type:
, optionalargument path:model/descriptor[se_a]/seed
Random seed for parameter initialization
- exclude_types:
- type:
, optional, default:[]
argument path:model/descriptor[se_a]/exclude_types
The Excluded types
- set_davg_zero:
- type:
, optional, default:False
argument path:model/descriptor[se_a]/set_davg_zero
Set the normalization average to zero. This option should be set when atom_ener in the energy fitting is used
When type is set to
:- sel:
- type:
argument path:model/descriptor[se_r]/sel
A list of integers. The length of the list should be the same as the number of atom types in the system. sel[i] gives the selected number of type-i neighbors. sel[i] is recommended to be larger than the maximally possible number of type-i neighbors in the cut-off radius.
- rcut:
- type:
, optional, default:6.0
argument path:model/descriptor[se_r]/rcut
The cut-off radius.
- rcut_smth:
- type:
, optional, default:0.5
argument path:model/descriptor[se_r]/rcut_smth
Where to start smoothing. For example the 1/r term is smoothed from rcut to rcut_smth
- neuron:
- type:
, optional, default:[10, 20, 40]
argument path:model/descriptor[se_r]/neuron
Number of neurons in each hidden layers of the embedding net. When two layers are of the same size or one layer is twice as large as the previous layer, a skip connection is built.
- activation_function:
- type:
, optional, default:tanh
argument path:model/descriptor[se_r]/activation_function
The activation function in the embedding net. Supported activation functions are "relu", "relu6", "softplus", "sigmoid", "tanh", "gelu".
- resnet_dt:
- type:
, optional, default:False
argument path:model/descriptor[se_r]/resnet_dt
Whether to use a "Timestep" in the skip connection
- type_one_side:
- type:
, optional, default:False
argument path:model/descriptor[se_r]/type_one_side
Try to build N_types embedding nets. Otherwise, building N_types^2 embedding nets
- precision:
- type:
, optional, default:float64
argument path:model/descriptor[se_r]/precision
The precision of the embedding net parameters, supported options are "float64", "float32", "float16".
- trainable:
- type:
, optional, default:True
argument path:model/descriptor[se_r]/trainable
If the parameters in the embedding net is trainable
- seed:
- type:
, optionalargument path:model/descriptor[se_r]/seed
Random seed for parameter initialization
- exclude_types:
- type:
, optional, default:[]
argument path:model/descriptor[se_r]/exclude_types
The Excluded types
- set_davg_zero:
- type:
, optional, default:False
argument path:model/descriptor[se_r]/set_davg_zero
Set the normalization average to zero. This option should be set when atom_ener in the energy fitting is used
When type is set to
:- a:
- type:
argument path:model/descriptor[se_ar]/a
The parameters of descriptor se_a
- r:
- type:
argument path:model/descriptor[se_ar]/r
The parameters of descriptor se_r
- fitting_net:
- type:
argument path:model/fitting_net
The fitting of physical properties.
Depending on the value of type, different sub args are accepted.
- type:
- type:
(flag key), default:ener
argument path:model/fitting_net/type
The type of the fitting. Valid types are ener, dipole, polar and global_polar.
- ener: Fit an energy model (potential energy surface).
- dipole: Fit an atomic dipole model. Atomic dipole labels for all the selected atoms (see sel_type) should be provided by dipole.npy in each data system. The file has number of frames lines and 3 times of number of selected atoms columns.
- polar: Fit an atomic polarizability model. Atomic polarizability labels for all the selected atoms (see sel_type) should be provided by polarizability.npy in each data system. The file has number of frames lines and 9 times of number of selected atoms columns.
- global_polar: Fit a polarizability model. Polarizability labels should be provided by polarizability.npy in each data system. The file has number of frames lines and 9 columns.
When type is set to
:- numb_fparam:
- type:
, optional, default:0
argument path:model/fitting_net[ener]/numb_fparam
The dimension of the frame parameter. If set to >0, file fparam.npy should be included to provided the input fparams.
- numb_aparam:
- type:
, optional, default:0
argument path:model/fitting_net[ener]/numb_aparam
The dimension of the atomic parameter. If set to >0, file aparam.npy should be included to provided the input aparams.
- neuron:
- type:
, optional, default:[120, 120, 120]
argument path:model/fitting_net[ener]/neuron
The number of neurons in each hidden layers of the fitting net. When two hidden layers are of the same size, a skip connection is built.
- activation_function:
- type:
, optional, default:tanh
argument path:model/fitting_net[ener]/activation_function
The activation function in the fitting net. Supported activation functions are "relu", "relu6", "softplus", "sigmoid", "tanh", "gelu".
- precision:
- type:
, optional, default:float64
argument path:model/fitting_net[ener]/precision
The precision of the fitting net parameters, supported options are "float64", "float32", "float16".
- resnet_dt:
- type:
, optional, default:True
argument path:model/fitting_net[ener]/resnet_dt
Whether to use a "Timestep" in the skip connection
- trainable:
- type:
, optional, default:True
argument path:model/fitting_net[ener]/trainable
Whether the parameters in the fitting net are trainable. This option can be
- bool: True if all parameters of the fitting net are trainable, False otherwise.
- list of bool: Specifies if each layer is trainable. Since the fitting net is composed by hidden layers followed by a output layer, the length of tihs list should be equal to len(neuron)+1.
- rcond:
- type:
, optional, default:0.001
argument path:model/fitting_net[ener]/rcond
The condition number used to determine the inital energy shift for each type of atoms.
- seed:
- type:
, optionalargument path:model/fitting_net[ener]/seed
Random seed for parameter initialization of the fitting net
- atom_ener:
- type:
, optional, default:[]
argument path:model/fitting_net[ener]/atom_ener
Specify the atomic energy in vacuum for each type
When type is set to
:- neuron:
- type:
, optional, default:[120, 120, 120]
argument path:model/fitting_net[dipole]/neuron
The number of neurons in each hidden layers of the fitting net. When two hidden layers are of the same size, a skip connection is built.
- activation_function:
- type:
, optional, default:tanh
argument path:model/fitting_net[dipole]/activation_function
The activation function in the fitting net. Supported activation functions are "relu", "relu6", "softplus", "sigmoid", "tanh", "gelu".
- resnet_dt:
- type:
, optional, default:True
argument path:model/fitting_net[dipole]/resnet_dt
Whether to use a "Timestep" in the skip connection
- precision:
- type:
, optional, default:float64
argument path:model/fitting_net[dipole]/precision
The precision of the fitting net parameters, supported options are "float64", "float32", "float16".
- sel_type:
- type:
, optionalargument path:model/fitting_net[dipole]/sel_type
The atom types for which the atomic dipole will be provided. If not set, all types will be selected.
- seed:
- type:
, optionalargument path:model/fitting_net[dipole]/seed
Random seed for parameter initialization of the fitting net
When type is set to
:- neuron:
- type:
, optional, default:[120, 120, 120]
argument path:model/fitting_net[polar]/neuron
The number of neurons in each hidden layers of the fitting net. When two hidden layers are of the same size, a skip connection is built.
- activation_function:
- type:
, optional, default:tanh
argument path:model/fitting_net[polar]/activation_function
The activation function in the fitting net. Supported activation functions are "relu", "relu6", "softplus", "sigmoid", "tanh", "gelu".
- resnet_dt:
- type:
, optional, default:True
argument path:model/fitting_net[polar]/resnet_dt
Whether to use a "Timestep" in the skip connection
- precision:
- type:
, optional, default:float64
argument path:model/fitting_net[polar]/precision
The precision of the fitting net parameters, supported options are "float64", "float32", "float16".
- fit_diag:
- type:
, optional, default:True
argument path:model/fitting_net[polar]/fit_diag
Fit the diagonal part of the rotational invariant polarizability matrix, which will be converted to normal polarizability matrix by contracting with the rotation matrix.
- scale:
- type:
, optional, default:1.0
argument path:model/fitting_net[polar]/scale
The output of the fitting net (polarizability matrix) will be scaled by
- diag_shift:
- type:
, optional, default:0.0
argument path:model/fitting_net[polar]/diag_shift
The diagonal part of the polarizability matrix will be shifted by
. The shift operation is carried out afterscale
- sel_type:
- type:
, optionalargument path:model/fitting_net[polar]/sel_type
The atom types for which the atomic polarizability will be provided. If not set, all types will be selected.
- seed:
- type:
, optionalargument path:model/fitting_net[polar]/seed
Random seed for parameter initialization of the fitting net
When type is set to
:- neuron:
- type:
, optional, default:[120, 120, 120]
argument path:model/fitting_net[global_polar]/neuron
The number of neurons in each hidden layers of the fitting net. When two hidden layers are of the same size, a skip connection is built.
- activation_function:
- type:
, optional, default:tanh
argument path:model/fitting_net[global_polar]/activation_function
The activation function in the fitting net. Supported activation functions are "relu", "relu6", "softplus", "sigmoid", "tanh", "gelu".
- resnet_dt:
- type:
, optional, default:True
argument path:model/fitting_net[global_polar]/resnet_dt
Whether to use a "Timestep" in the skip connection
- precision:
- type:
, optional, default:float64
argument path:model/fitting_net[global_polar]/precision
The precision of the fitting net parameters, supported options are "float64", "float32", "float16".
- fit_diag:
- type:
, optional, default:True
argument path:model/fitting_net[global_polar]/fit_diag
Fit the diagonal part of the rotational invariant polarizability matrix, which will be converted to normal polarizability matrix by contracting with the rotation matrix.
- scale:
- type:
, optional, default:1.0
argument path:model/fitting_net[global_polar]/scale
The output of the fitting net (polarizability matrix) will be scaled by
- diag_shift:
- type:
, optional, default:0.0
argument path:model/fitting_net[global_polar]/diag_shift
The diagonal part of the polarizability matrix will be shifted by
. The shift operation is carried out afterscale
- sel_type:
- type:
, optionalargument path:model/fitting_net[global_polar]/sel_type
The atom types for which the atomic polarizability will be provided. If not set, all types will be selected.
- seed:
- type:
, optionalargument path:model/fitting_net[global_polar]/seed
Random seed for parameter initialization of the fitting net
- loss:
- type:
argument path:loss
The definition of loss function. The type of the loss depends on the type of the fitting. For fitting type ener, the prefactors before energy, force, virial and atomic energy losses may be provided. For fitting type dipole, polar and global_polar, the loss may be an empty dict or unset.
Depending on the value of type, different sub args are accepted.
- type:
- type:
(flag key), default:ener
argument path:loss/type
The type of the loss. For fitting type ener, the loss type should be set to ener or left unset. For tensorial fitting types dipole, polar and global_polar, the type should be left unset. .
When type is set to
:- start_pref_e:
- type:
, optional, default:0.02
argument path:loss[ener]/start_pref_e
The prefactor of energy loss at the start of the training. Should be larger than or equal to 0. If set to none-zero value, the energy label should be provided by file energy.npy in each data system. If both start_pref_energy and limit_pref_energy are set to 0, then the energy will be ignored.
- limit_pref_e:
- type:
, optional, default:1.0
argument path:loss[ener]/limit_pref_e
The prefactor of energy loss at the limit of the training, Should be larger than or equal to 0. i.e. the training step goes to infinity.
- start_pref_f:
- type:
, optional, default:1000
argument path:loss[ener]/start_pref_f
The prefactor of force loss at the start of the training. Should be larger than or equal to 0. If set to none-zero value, the force label should be provided by file force.npy in each data system. If both start_pref_force and limit_pref_force are set to 0, then the force will be ignored.
- limit_pref_f:
- type:
, optional, default:1.0
argument path:loss[ener]/limit_pref_f
The prefactor of force loss at the limit of the training, Should be larger than or equal to 0. i.e. the training step goes to infinity.
- start_pref_v:
- type:
, optional, default:0.0
argument path:loss[ener]/start_pref_v
The prefactor of virial loss at the start of the training. Should be larger than or equal to 0. If set to none-zero value, the virial label should be provided by file virial.npy in each data system. If both start_pref_virial and limit_pref_virial are set to 0, then the virial will be ignored.
- limit_pref_v:
- type:
, optional, default:0.0
argument path:loss[ener]/limit_pref_v
The prefactor of virial loss at the limit of the training, Should be larger than or equal to 0. i.e. the training step goes to infinity.
- start_pref_ae:
- type:
, optional, default:0.0
argument path:loss[ener]/start_pref_ae
The prefactor of virial loss at the start of the training. Should be larger than or equal to 0. If set to none-zero value, the virial label should be provided by file virial.npy in each data system. If both start_pref_virial and limit_pref_virial are set to 0, then the virial will be ignored.
- limit_pref_ae:
- type:
, optional, default:0.0
argument path:loss[ener]/limit_pref_ae
The prefactor of virial loss at the limit of the training, Should be larger than or equal to 0. i.e. the training step goes to infinity.
- relative_f:
- type:
, optionalargument path:loss[ener]/relative_f
If provided, relative force error will be used in the loss. The difference of force will be normalized by the magnitude of the force in the label with a shift given by relative_f, i.e. DF_i / ( || F || + relative_f ) with DF denoting the difference between prediction and label and || F || denoting the L2 norm of the label.
- learning_rate:
- type:
argument path:learning_rate
The learning rate options
- start_lr:
- type:
, optional, default:0.001
argument path:learning_rate/start_lr
The learning rate the start of the training.
- stop_lr:
- type:
, optional, default:1e-08
argument path:learning_rate/stop_lr
The desired learning rate at the end of the training.
- decay_steps:
- type:
, optional, default:5000
argument path:learning_rate/decay_steps
The learning rate is decaying every this number of training steps.
- training:
- type:
argument path:training
The training options
- systems:
- type:
argument path:training/systems
The data systems. This key can be provided with a listthat specifies the systems, or be provided with a string by which the prefix of all systems are given and the list of the systems is automatically generated.
- set_prefix:
- type:
, optional, default:set
argument path:training/set_prefix
The prefix of the sets in the systems.
- stop_batch:
- type:
argument path:training/stop_batch
Number of training batch. Each training uses one batch of data.
- batch_size:
- type:
, optional, default:auto
argument path:training/batch_size
This key can be
- list: the length of which is the same as the systems. The batch size of each system is given by the elements of the list.
- int: all systems uses the same batch size.
- string "auto": automatically determines the batch size os that the batch_size times the number of atoms in the system is no less than 32.
- string "auto:N": automatically determines the batch size os that the batch_size times the number of atoms in the system is no less than N.
- seed:
- type:
, optionalargument path:training/seed
The random seed for training.
- disp_file:
- type:
, optional, default:lcueve.out
argument path:training/disp_file
The file for printing learning curve.
- disp_freq:
- type:
, optional, default:1000
argument path:training/disp_freq
The frequency of printing learning curve.
- numb_test:
- type:
, optional, default:1
argument path:training/numb_test
Number of frames used for the test during training.
- save_freq:
- type:
, optional, default:1000
argument path:training/save_freq
The frequency of saving check point.
- save_ckpt:
- type:
, optional, default:model.ckpt
argument path:training/save_ckpt
The file name of saving check point.
- disp_training:
- type:
, optional, default:True
argument path:training/disp_training
Displaying verbose information during training.
- time_training:
- type:
, optional, default:True
argument path:training/time_training
Timing durining training.
- profiling:
- type:
, optional, default:False
argument path:training/profiling
Profiling during training.
- profiling_file:
- type:
, optional, default:timeline.json
argument path:training/profiling_file
Output file for profiling.