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File metadata and controls

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This is a basic task management app that allow a user to sign up and create, a task. The app is developed with NestJS with Prisma for database CRUD operation.


  1. Clone this repository:

    $ git clone
  2. Navigate into the project directory:

    $ cd task-manager
  3. Install dependencies

    $ npm install

Database Configuration

The application is configured to use in-memory DBMS (sqlite). It can also be configured to use other DBMS by specifying in the schema.prisma located in the prisma folder in the project root the following values:

  provider = "postgresql"  
  url      = env("DATABASE_URL")

Provider can be postgresql or mysql or any other as specified in Prisma documentation.

Ensure you have created .env file in the project root folder; Create DATABASE_URL variable and assign your database url to it. Read Prisma documentation on how to connect to a database. Since this app makes use of sqlite, you don't need to carry out any configuration. Simply run the commands below:

    $ npx prisma migrate dev

Environment Variables

configure the application using environment variables. Create a .env file in the root of the project and define the following variables:


Running the app

    # development
    $ npm run start
    # watch mode
    $ npm run start:dev
    # production mode
    $ npm run start:prod

API Documentation

The API documentation Task Manager.postman_collection for this can be found in the root project directory. It should be imported into Postman to test all API endpoints. Each endpoint comes with a sample request and response.



  • Sign up - /auth/signup
  • Sign in - /auth/signin

JWT token is returned upon signing in. It should be stored on the client side for requests to other endpoints. Logout should be implemented on the client side to invalidate or clear the auth token.


  • Update profile - /users/:id [PUT]
  • Delete account - /users/:id [DELETE]


  • Create task - /tasks [POST]
  • Get task - /tasks/:id [GET]
  • Update task - /tasks/:id [PUT]
  • Delete account - /tasks/:id [DELETE]
  • Get all user tasks - /tasks [GET] - This allows for pagination and other filtering options like: task name, filtering based on description, date range of task creation etc. Mode info is in the postman collection.


To test streaming of task creation realtime, create two requests using Postman's client. One should be for the subscriber event createTask which listens for the client request to create a task, and the other OnTaskCreate which emits the task created to clients realtime. Attached are images located in the socket-images folder in the project directory to help with setup on postman.