A Python 3 script to open old Pages files and convert the vowels bearing Pīnyīn-diacritics, in my old Shyrbaw, Longyan, and Pradtino fonts, to standard Unicode. It runs from the command line and looks in a directory "data" for any files it can convert. When finished, the old files are in a new subdirectory old_files
and the converted files are in converted
Program works for v. 3 of Pages ("Pages '08").
V. 4 ("Pages '09") and v. 5 ("Pages") use formats incompatible with the simple text-based, XML format used by Pages '08. I don't know how to interpret these more recent formats. Based on my reading on line in January, 2015, this is a recognized problem (see Magnus Lewan's comments, for example). Xcode will open such files, but I haven't found an automate-able way to then save them to another format. At present my work-around is to open the files in a current version of Pages and save them to RTF — generally by way of a wordprocessor.
A copy of the old Shyrbaw font is included in the repository for reference.
To do:
- Test suite, using known in and out files (bearing extension
in "reference" directory). - Capitalized versions of the diacritic-bearing vowels are not yet treated, and neither is ǖ. At the moment I don't remember the mappings of those vowels in the Shyrbaw font; I will have to open it in a font editor.