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Generate MPEG DASH content encrypted with MPEG CENC ClearKey

Zhongze Tang edited this page Aug 13, 2019 · 3 revisions

Prepare our video content

Let's assume our starting point is a regular mp4 file (let's call it video.mp4), and that we will use Bento4 tools for generating the content. The first thing we will need to do is creating a fragmented version of our regular mp4 file:

mp4fragment video.mp4 video-fragmented.mp4

Apply content encryption

Our video file is now ready to be encrypted and packaged as a MPEG-DASH stream. Let's start with the encryption part. To do that, first, you need to define a couple of parameters that will be later used in the encryption process:

  • key: Content encryption key.
  • kid: Unique identifier of our content encryption key.

Both parameters are defined as 16 bytes and are usually expressed in hex string format. As an example, let's use the ones I defined right below. Use your own ones in for encrypting your content (you can just generate them randomly).

  • key: 87237D20A19F58A740C05684E699B4AA
  • kid: A16E402B9056E371F36D348AA62BB749

Once defined, let's encrypt our file: mp4encrypt --method MPEG-CENC --key 1:87237D20A19F58A740C05684E699B4AA:random --property 1:KID:A16E402B9056E371F36D348AA62BB749 --key 2:87237D20A19F58A740C05684E699B4AA:random --property 2:KID:A16E402B9056E371F36D348AA62BB749 --global-option mpeg-cenc.eme-pssh:true video-fragmented.mp4 video-encrypted.mp4

Short explanation of parameters:

  • --method MPEG-CENC: Defining MPEG-CENC as the encryption method
  • --key 1:87237D20A19F58A740C05684E699B4AA:random: using our key to encrypt the track #1.
  • --property 1:KID:A16E402B9056E371F36D348AA62BB749: using our kid for track #1.
  • --key 2:87237D20A19F58A740C05684E699B4AA:random: using our key to encrypt the track #2.
  • --property 2:KID:A16E402B9056E371F36D348AA62BB749: using our kid for track #2.

Note here we are encrypting both video and audio tracks using the same key. You could define a different set of key/kid per track to increase your content security.

Generate the MPEG-DASH stream

Ok, we have our content ready and encrypted. It is the time of packaging it as a MPEG-DASH stream. mp4dash -o output video-encrypted.mp4 This will produce the MPEG-DASH packaged version of our file in the output folder.

How to play our stream in dash.js

Easiest path is using dash.js ClearKey example as a reference and change the clearkey configuration to match our own key and kid parameters. To do that, we first need to define our key and key parameters as base64 strings. I used this web based tool to do the transformation but feel free to use your preferred method.

  • key: 87237D20A19F58A740C05684E699B4AA -> hyN9IKGfWKdAwFaE5pm0qg
  • kid: A16E402B9056E371F36D348AA62BB749 -> oW5AK5BW43HzbTSKpiu3SQ

Note: Please, note you need to remove the '==' padding characters from the resulting base64 transformation.

So, here we have the portion of code that will play our recently generated stream:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <script src="../../dist/dash.all.debug.js"></script>
        function init() {
            const protData = {
                "org.w3.clearkey": {
                    "clearkeys": {
                        "oW5AK5BW43HzbTSKpiu3SQ": "hyN9IKGfWKdAwFaE5pm0qg"
            var video,
                url = "http://localhost:8080/stream.mpd";

            video = document.querySelector("video");
            player = dashjs.MediaPlayer().create();
            player.initialize(video, url, true);
    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {

That's it. Feel free to use these instructions to generate your own MPEG-DASH encrypted content.

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