There are 10 independent variables (including id):
id : unique identifier of each diamond
carat : Carat (ct.) refers to the unique unit of weight measurement used exclusively to weigh gemstones and diamonds.
cut : Quality of Diamond Cut
color : Color of Diamond
clarity : Diamond clarity is a measure of the purity and rarity of the stone, graded by the visibility of these characteristics under 10-power magnification.
depth : The depth of diamond is its height (in millimeters) measured from the culet (bottom tip) to the table (flat, top surface)
table : A diamond's table is the facet which can be seen when the stone is viewed face up.
x : Diamond X dimension
y : Diamond Y dimension
x : Diamond Z dimension
Target variable:
price: Price of the given Diamond.
Dataset Link : Regression with a Tabular Gemstone Price Dataset
Click the below image to see vedio solution explaination
- Downloading data and loading into jupyter notebook.
- Perfoming exploratory data analysis and feature engineering in jupyter notebook.
- Performing model building in jupyer notebook using different machine learning algorithm.
- Converting entire jupyter notebook experiments into modular coding with expection handling and logging.
- Integration of airflow for continuos model training.
- Ingeration of mlflow for logging performance metrics and comparsion of different models.
- Building of prediction pipeline and falsk api to serve model.
- Testing api using Postman.
- Building ui using HTML and CSS for flask api.
- Then dockering the application and testing in local environment.
- Deploying complete working model on Azure for practising and learning azure cloud deployment.
- Deploying complete working model on AWS cloud platform using CICD with github actions.
Step 1 : Created role for AWS EBS ('gem_stone_deploy_role') and AWS code pipeline ('gem_stone_pipeline_role').
Step 2 : Created AWS EBS application and launched EBS environment with certian configuration.
Step 3 : Created AWS Code pipeline to connect github to EBS.
Step 4 : Waiting for Deployment and then accessing application using domain given in AWS EBS.
Note : As there were so many conflicts in the branch i have deleted both the azure deployment and ebs deployment branch
├── .github
│ │
│ └── workflow
│ │
│ └── main.yml <-- contains yml code to create CI-CD pipeline for github actions
├── artificats <-- Contains dataset(train, test and raw) and pickle files(preprocessor and model)
├── images <-- contains images used in readme file
├── notebooks
│ │
│ └── experiment.ipynb <-- a jupyter notebook where eda and model training is performed
├── resources <-- folder contains some usefull commands and steps used while build project
├── src
│ │
│ ├── components
│ │ │
│ │ ├── <-- module which reads data from different data source and do train test split
│ │ │ then save raw data, train data and test data inside artifact folder
│ │ │
│ │ ├── <-- module which takes training and test dataset and then do feature engineering
│ │ │ then save preprocessor as pickle file inside artifact folder
│ │ │
│ │ ├── <-- module which takes preprocessed training and test data and
│ │ │ this data is used to train different models and selects best model
│ │ │ it also perform hyperparameter tuning
│ │ │
│ │ │
│ │ └── <-- module which calculate the performance metrics
│ │
│ ├── pipeline
│ │ │
│ │ ├──
│ │ │
│ │ ├── <-- module used to train the model using training components
│ │ │
│ │ └── <-- module takes the input data given by user through flask web application and returns the prediction
│ │
│ ├──
│ │
│ ├── <-- module to display the custom exception
│ │
│ ├── <-- module to create log folder for each execution and log the events whenever required.
│ │
│ └── <-- module to which contians functions that are commonly used.
├── static
│ │
│ └── css <-- contains all css files
├── templates <-- contains all html files
├── .gitignore <-- used to ignore the unwanted file and folders
├── <-- flask web application to take input from user and render output
├── <-- file is likely a shell script used to initailize the setup
├── LICENSE <-- copyright license for the github repository
├── <-- used to display the information about the project
├── requirements_dev.txt <-- text file which contain the dependencies in development environment
├── requirements.txt <-- text file which contain the dependencies/packages used in project
├── <-- python script used for building python packages of the project
└── <-- program used to create the project structure