Instant Refund
-- Uniswap returned{' '} - {formatEthPrice(totalRefundValue.toString())} ETH back - to your wallet for unavailable items. -
-- {formatEthPrice(totalRefundValue.toString())} ETH -
-- for {nftsNotPurchased.length} unavailable item - {nftsNotPurchased.length === 1 ? '' : 's'}. -
-- {txState === TxStateType.Success && - `Selected item${ - nftsPurchased.length === 1 ? ' is' : 's are' - } no longer available. Uniswap instantly refunded you for this incomplete transaction. `} - {formatUsdPrice(txFeeFiat)} was used for gas in attempt to complete this transaction. For support, - please visit our Discord -
-- {formatEthPrice( - asset.updatedPriceInfo ? asset.updatedPriceInfo.ETHPrice : asset.priceInfo.ETHPrice - )}{' '} - ETH -
-- {formatEthPrice(totalRefundValue.toString())} ETH -
-- for {nftsNotPurchased.length} unavailable item - {nftsNotPurchased.length === 1 ? '' : 's'}. -