- Update the readme.md file
- formating code
- update socket.io client to latest version
- Use application directory for token storage
- Export the JsonBridge class so that you can use it to store data yourself
- Update Dio dep to latest version
- New demo app https://github.com/AurelAgbodoyetin/feathersjs_demo_app
- Remove flutter_secure_storage from deps
- Use now https://pub.dev/packages/json_bridge for token storage, only for test. Please stored tokens yourself with anything with security in mind
- Add feathersjs like syntax: #28
- Improve the package and prepare for next major version 5.0.0 (see: #52)
- Add new HomePage for the project: https://feathersjs.dah-kenangnon.com/ (under hacking)
- Old doc is no longer available: https://dahkenangnon.github.io/flutter_feathersjs.dart/
- Downgrade socket_io_client to 1.0.2 to support feathers js socketio client
- Issue #45
- Fix #28
- remove shared_preferences dependency
- add separate client (socketio & rest) configuration
Upgrading to nullsafety
Fix overwhelming debug's message ouputing in production
Documentation is now available from: https://dahkenangnon.github.io/flutter_feathersjs.dart/
- Improvment: Documentation of the code
- Breaking: on both rest and socketio, you get exactly what feathers js send, we don't support any serializer or deserializer. So how previous version handle data is breaken
- Feature: Add event listen but not fully tested
- Authentication don't matter if you auth user with email/password. You can use email/password, phone/password, userName/password
- Feature: support now phone, email, etc, with password authentication
- remove unused comment
- Add formData handling
- Update readme
- Change sembast dependencies to shared_preferences as sembast cause "OS Error: Read-only file system, errno = 30 in flutter"
- Add auth and reAuth for both rest and socketio client
- Add socketio methods
- Test socketio emit methods
- Add global auth and reAuth which don't matter whatever you're calling via socketio or rest
- Initial version
- Not for production use.
- It still under dev