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Multi-label semantic segmentation based on PaddleSeg

1. introduction

Multi-label semantic segmentation is an image segmentation task that aims to assign each pixel in an image to multiple categories, rather than just one category. This can better express complex information in the image, such as overlapping, occlusion, boundaries, etc. of different objects. Multi label semantic segmentation has many application scenarios, such as medical image analysis, remote sensing image interpretation, autonomous driving, and so on.

  • The above effect shows the inference results obtained from the model trained using images in the UWMGI dataset

2. Supported models and loss functions

Model Loss
DeepLabV3, DeepLabV3P, MobileSeg,
PP-LiteSeg, PP-MobileSeg, UNet,
Unet++, Unet+++
BCELoss, LovaszHingeLoss
  • The above are the confirmed supported models and loss functions, with a larger actual support range.

3. Sample Tutorial

The following will take the UWMGI multi-label semantic segmentation dataset and the PP-MobileSeg model as examples.

3.1 Data Preparation

In the single label semantic segmentation task, the shape of the annotated grayscale image is (img_h, img_w), and the index value of the category is represented by grayscale values.

In the multi-label semantic segmentation task, the shape of the annotated grayscale image is (img_h, num_classes x img_w), which means that the corresponding binary annotations of each category are sequentially concatenated in the horizontal direction.

Download the raw data compression package of the UWMGI dataset and convert it to a format supported by PaddleSeg's Dataset API using the provided script.

python tools/data/ \
    --dataset_type uwmgi \
    --zip_input ./ \
    --output ./data/UWMGI/ \
    --train_proportion 0.8 \
    --val_proportion 0.2
# optional
rm ./

The structure of the UWMGI dataset after conversion is as follows:

    |  |--train
    |  |  |--*.jpg
    |  |  |--...
    |  |
    |  |--val
    |  |  |--*.jpg
    |  |  |--...
    |  |--train
    |  |  |--*.jpg
    |  |  |--...
    |  |
    |  |--val
    |  |  |--*.jpg
    |  |  |--...

The divided training dataset and evaluation dataset can be configured as follows:

  type: Dataset
  dataset_root: data/UWMGI
    - type: Resize
      target_size: [512, 512]
    - type: RandomHorizontalFlip
    - type: RandomVerticalFlip
    - type: RandomDistort
      brightness_range: 0.4
      contrast_range: 0.4
      saturation_range: 0.4
    - type: Normalize
      mean: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
      std: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
  num_classes: 3
  train_path: data/UWMGI/train.txt
  mode: train

  type: Dataset
  dataset_root: data/UWMGI
    - type: Resize
      target_size: [512, 512]
    - type: Normalize
      mean: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
      std: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
  num_classes: 3
  val_path: data/UWMGI/val.txt
  mode: val

We addAddMultiLabelAuxiliaryCategory transform for add background in the segmentation to improve segmentation performance. You can config it in the first step of transform, please refer toconfigs/multilabelseg/pp_mobileseg_tiny_uwmgi_256x256_80k_withaux.yml.

3.2 Training

python tools/ \
    --config configs/multilabelseg/pp_mobileseg_tiny_uwmgi_256x256_80k_withaux.yml \
    --save_dir output/pp_mobileseg_tiny_uwmgi_256x256_80k_withaux \
    --num_workers 8 \
    --do_eval \
    --use_vdl \
    --save_interval 2000 \
  • When using --do_evalmust be added --use_multilabel parameter is used to adapt the evaluation in multi-label mode.

3.3 Evaluation

python tools/ \
    --config configs/multilabelseg/pp_mobileseg_tiny_uwmgi_256x256_80k_withaux.yml \
    --model_path output/pp_mobileseg_tiny_uwmgi_256x256_80k_withaux/best_model/model.pdparams \
  • Must add --use_multilabel when evaluating the model to adapt the evaluation in multi-label mode.

3.4 Inference

python tools/ \
    --config configs/multilabelseg/pp_mobileseg_tiny_uwmgi_256x256_80k_withaux.yml \
    --model_path output/pp_mobileseg_tiny_uwmgi_256x256_80k_withaux/best_model/model.pdparams \
    --image_path data/UWMGI/images/val/case122_day18_slice_0089.jpg \
  • When executing a prediction, it is necessary to add --use_multilabel parameter is used to adapt visualization in multi-label mode.