All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See conventional commits for commit guidelines.
v4.3.13 - 2022-12-01
- (KPlayerEvent) Add component1 for player - (8552b15) - @DaRacci
- (LiquidEvent) Cleanup and don't fire same newType events - (97beab7) - @DaRacci
- (PlayerData) Set the liquidType in onJoin - (0fd3a19) - @DaRacci
v4.3.12 - 2022-11-28
- (deps) Update conventions and add aedile dep - (a579620) - @DaRacci
- (deps) Include optics reflect - (ccee316) - @DaRacci
v4.3.11 - 2022-11-20
v4.3.10 - 2022-11-14
- (script) actually push changes - (49d3fc1) - @DaRacci
- (script) Changelog from cog - (c1ae39d) - @DaRacci
- (deps) Include optics and analysis in slim - (1e1b8a2) - @DaRacci
- (version) v4.3.9 - (b9f5b39) - @DaRacci
- Temp solution for some libs listeners - (44cb546) - @DaRacci
- Don't call event if its a CancellationException - (4004693) - @DaRacci
v4.3.9 - 2022-11-12
- (script) Push tag - (ea3adff) - @DaRacci
- Revert "refactor: Use the plugins Classloader not always minix's." - (4de01eb) - @DaRacci
v4.3.8 - 2022-11-12
v4.3.6 - 2022-11-10
v4.3.5 - 2022-11-10
v4.3.4 - 2022-11-10
v4.3.3 - 2022-11-10
- (CoroutineScheduler) ConcurrentModificationException - (a8ef5e7) - @DaRacci
- Holy shit i hate myself for this. - (748ca7a) - @DaRacci
- Add resign to post bump - (23fa1d6) - @DaRacci
- Publish - (a462f05) - @DaRacci
v4.3.2 - 2022-11-08
v4.3.1 - 2022-11-07
v4.3.0 - 2022-11-07
- (StorageService) Make sure table is created - (6ed8134) - @DaRacci
- Concurrency - (169ae52) - @DaRacci
- Add check for seagrass, kelp and bubble columns. - (1ec40e0) - @DaRacci
- waterlogged check - (4c5dcd3) - @DaRacci
- Create missing tables and columns thingy - (ceaf49d) - @DaRacci
- (StorageService) Allow for return types and add async function - (1f36620) - @DaRacci
- MariaDB support - (5e28865) - @DaRacci
- (Gradle) Cleanup - (d35ad83) - @DaRacci
- (Integrations) Load listener - (ca87315) - @DaRacci
- Allow for inheritance of playermap - (0f91ada) - @DaRacci
v4.2.4 - 2022-10-08
- (BlockPosSerializer) incorrect serialisation - (aa78101) - @DaRacci
- Some unloading issues - (7de0488) - @DaRacci
- (version) v4.2.3 - (46b4898) - @DaRacci
- Binary dump - (063de1f) - @DaRacci
- Update readme - (a4a8942) - @DaRacci
v4.2.3 - 2022-10-08
- (PropertyFinder) map using wrong KeyMode - (3b690b1) - @DaRacci
- binary function - (299c9f7) - @DaRacci
v4.2.2 - 2022-10-08
- import - (270938d) - @DaRacci
- imports - (966fd62) - @DaRacci
- Add 1.19.1 and 1.19.2 MCVersions - (631a03a) - @DaRacci
- (version) v4.2.1 - (8433ed0) - @DaRacci
- Update binary - (446dde9) - @DaRacci
- Update conventions version - (91cca59) - @DaRacci
v4.2.1 - 2022-10-06
- (Logger) Crash on startup - (739651e) - @DaRacci
- Publish core-integrations on post-bump - (96bf869) - @DaRacci
v4.2.0 - 2022-10-06
- (API) This should include the err - (e3e89c3) - @DaRacci
- (API) KCallable params - (52c70b6) - @DaRacci
- (AccessUtils) Mutex lock for access calls - (bd16a1a) - @DaRacci
- (CI) Use quickBuild to pass the binary check - (cf4f393) - @DaRacci
- (CI) Try fix sentry release again? - (71e7058) - @DaRacci
- (CI) Try fix sentry release - (47f1671) - @DaRacci
- (CollectionUtils) ifEmpty and ifNotEmpty - (a8be53f) - @DaRacci
- (Core) Sentry AppIncludes - (d4f2dae) - @DaRacci
- (Core) Koin startup - (62d9f34) - @DaRacci
- (Core) Start sentry after loading. - (4f8a5a0) - @DaRacci
- (Listener) Combo event - (5d90ad7) - @DaRacci
- (Listener) Combo event - (71ec5d6) - @DaRacci
- (ListenerService) Unneeded event - (3bee285) - @DaRacci
- (MapperService) Superclass check - (1202561) - @DaRacci
- (MinixConfig) onNested initial class - (1ba7c7b) - @DaRacci
- (MinixLogger) Ensure only one instance per plugin - (1979198) - @DaRacci
- (MinixLogger) Abstract classes font have annotations. - (4197f78) - @DaRacci
- (OverrideUtils) Function selector, compare names not raw - (776e584) - @DaRacci
- (PlaceholderIntegration) Actually register the extension - (992862b) - @DaRacci
- (PluginService) Beginning of trying to fix being able to fully reload a plugin - (bdbb79c) - @DaRacci
- (PluginService) Shutdown dispatchers - (174e7ff) - @DaRacci
- (PluginService) Invalidate plugin from cache when unloaded. - (946f305) - @DaRacci
- (ReflectionUtils) ReplaceWith import - (b10b63a) - @DaRacci
- (script) sed version in pre-bump - (436a183) - @DaRacci
- (script) Push tags - (5bc71c5) - @DaRacci
- Fix test - (68e65fd) - @DaRacci
- CompanionEventHandler - (a6c21ce) - @DaRacci
- Actually publish the integrations - (ab5c93c) - @DaRacci
- Core POM - (b9d1ba0) - @DaRacci
- Actually register inside manager - (524c70e) - @DaRacci
- (API) Add some contracts - (fa438bd) - @DaRacci
- (API) accessInvoke functions and some other stuff for reflection - (88c505a) - @DaRacci
- (CollectionUtils) Add clear action - (1a7c86c) - @DaRacci
- (DepInjector) Implement custom slimjar classes. - (cf9e8ca) - @DaRacci
- (LateInitUtils) Initial Late init Utils - (358ff06) - @DaRacci
- (PluginService) Add support for loading extra slim dependencies from plugins - (d1d1893) - @DaRacci
- (StorageService) Interface for automatic database handling. - (115a32c) - @DaRacci
- (Utils) Add overloads for KProperty types - (c7d0a51) - @DaRacci
- Binary compatibility validator - (b9a9d73) - @DaRacci
- Basic implementation of reloads - (615aa9e) - @DaRacci
- (API) Publish updated api file - (cf17dd9) - @DaRacci
- (BlockUtils) Deprecate getOpposite since bukkit has it now. - (128a7d3) - @DaRacci
- (CI) lmao it was this part - (e7e1931) - @DaRacci
- (CI) fix env condition - (3a7c88a) - @DaRacci
- (CI) Try fix sentry release again - (7d2c7d2) - @DaRacci
- (CI) Try fix sentry release again - (ced070a) - @DaRacci
- (CI) Add sentry deploy integration - (a62373b) - @DaRacci
- (Deps) Update to kotlin 1.7.20 - (d1bbdb6) - @DaRacci
- (PluginData) Remove unused function - (dee6dde) - @DaRacci
- Update binary API - (6b9e174) - @DaRacci
- Fix file names - (7d03812) - @DaRacci
- Use non deprecated function - (d3d8aaa) - @DaRacci
- Add renovate config - (2611ef0) - @DaRacci
- (API) Cleanup of events and file structure change. - (7748b1d) - @DaRacci
- (API) Changes to some utils - (a977269) - @DaRacci
- (BlockPos) Now uses double instead of Int + Serializer - (95b6ab3) - @DaRacci
- (CollectionUtils) false default - (f930771) - @DaRacci
- (CollectionUtils) Suspend lambda - (a24fb25) - @DaRacci
- (Core) Cleanup and better integrated with PluginService - (b308958) - @DaRacci
- (Core) Add Koin and Sentry logger proxies - (5448f3a) - @DaRacci
- (DataService) This is handled elsewhere - (8c58df9) - @DaRacci
- (DummyLoader) Use own function instead of relying on accessUtils - (e420b8f) - @DaRacci
- (Extension) Implement supervisor and dispatcher in overrides - (741f9eb) - @DaRacci
- (Extension) toString, equals, hashCode and property ordering - (5f5039e) - @DaRacci
- (ExtensionMapper) Reflecting creation - (e965ee5) - @DaRacci
- (ExtensionMapper) Logging Stuff - (58ae4ec) - @DaRacci
- (ExtensionMapper) Rework ordering system - (c2c9049) - @DaRacci
- (KoinUtils) Fixes and improvements - (1acc1ed) - @DaRacci
- (Logger) Use default terminal and expose logger map - (13c5e71) - @DaRacci
- (Logger) Post error to sentry when logging - (c0f5023) - @DaRacci
- (NestedUtils) Flows instead of sequences - (745060a) - @DaRacci
- (PlayerService) Add operator get function - (979e814) - @DaRacci
- (PluginService) Define jar to scan. - (9e21487) - @DaRacci
- (UpdaterService) cleanup initial transaction - (27a956b) - @DaRacci
- (Utils) Multimap cleanup - (0624d2f) - @DaRacci
- (Utils) Use WithPlugin as base - (829a6c5) - @DaRacci
- (Utils) refactor collection utils, and add some koin utils - (895ffd3) - @DaRacci
- (WithPlugin) Remove receiver and add schedule removal for deprecated extensions - (0c8a136) - @DaRacci
- Make logger proxies objects - (c2bac31) - @DaRacci
- Separate plugin service into defined services - (de7735b) - @DaRacci
v4.1.1 - 2022-09-20
v4.1.0 - 2022-09-19
- (DataService) Delegate ignoring objectMapper + constrains - (725b683) - @DaRacci
- (ListenerService) accessReturn instead of accessWith - (d4f7f2e) - @DaRacci
- (Logger) Previous value in trace message - (256ee2a) - @DaRacci
- (PluginService) Don't create another pluginService from reflection - (28e6226) - @DaRacci
- (PropertyFinder) formatString - (5feba76) - @DaRacci
- (build) Implement integrations with the core module - (4c0fc29) - @DaRacci
- (scripts) Properly tag the commit when releasing - (a18bd78) - @DaRacci
- ExAny cast extensions cant be reified - (84e2973) - @DaRacci
- Fix onNested things for configs and other stuff - (19848ff) - @DaRacci
- This was meant to be removed already. - (b3f0ff5) - @DaRacci
- (API) Lazy property utilities - (84a6389) - @DaRacci
- (AccessUtils) Better Access functions. - (5b50385) - @DaRacci
- (CastUtils) Allows easy casting helper - (2b08957) - @DaRacci
- (Integration) Server utils integration - (7c90881) - @DaRacci
- (Integration) Add Minix Placeholder - (f6663ed) - @DaRacci
- (NestedUtils) Made initially for Config but its a good util anyway - (e19b954) - @DaRacci
- (OverrideUtils) Easy override finding. - (f50f5c3) - @DaRacci
- (RecursionUtils) allowing for easy recursive functions - (e479f32) - @DaRacci
- Extension methods for reflection utils - (321e89a) - @DaRacci
- (LazyUtils) Rename - (6e95757) - @DaRacci
- (build) Add soft depends for integrations - (816cbe0) - @DaRacci
- Separate integrations into another module - (1de42b0) - @DaRacci
- (DataService) Use new lazy utils - (e5ce2d8) - @DaRacci
- (DataService) Use extension dispatcher - (64dd2ae) - @DaRacci
- (Integration) Integration improvements and fixes - (d4e3168) - @DaRacci
- (OverrideUtils) Changes to functions - (6dd1fab) - @DaRacci
- (ReflectionUtils) Reset to previous access level not false - (91fddb5) - @DaRacci
- (UtilObject) Add logger function - (9304eee) - @DaRacci
v4.0.0 - 2022-09-15
- (Init) Use plugin classloader - (76d1581) - @DaRacci
- (MinixLogger) Throwable formatting - (5b2204e) - @DaRacci
- (PlaceholderIntegration) Overload ambiguity - (4545946) - @DaRacci
- (PluginService) Fix extensions not enabling - (d57a65f) - @DaRacci
- (Workflow) Unresolved reference: copyJar - (5d72115) - @DaRacci
- (Workflow) Unresolved reference: copyJar - (8848a72) - @DaRacci
- (Workflow) Unresolved reference: copyJar - (5d6bddc) - @DaRacci
- Transitive dependencies - (50c89a0) - @DaRacci
- exceptions are never thrown in body of corresponding - (7aab75e) - @DaRacci
- (PlaceholderIntegration) Allows easy and clean placeholder registration - (fc60ec7) - @DaRacci
- (TimeUtils) processTimed - (cff0f21) - @DaRacci
- (Config) Remove debug messages - (12a6004) - @DaRacci
- (Deps) Update Minix-Conventions - (dc345c3) - @DaRacci
- (version) v3.4.0 - (2030046) - @DaRacci
- Redundant deprecation - (79c0b25) - @DaRacci
- (Build) Cleanup build files - (672e03f) - @DaRacci
- (Integrations) Integrations are now a WithPlugin - (3874002) - @DaRacci
- (PlaceholderIntegration) function names and get from map ignoring case - (721d213) - @DaRacci
- (PluginService) logging stuff - (69366c5) - @DaRacci
- (PluginService) Add warning when using Pre-release versions - (26ebcde) - @DaRacci
- (RegionManager) Add missing functions and clarify canInteract docs - (bc58611) - @DaRacci
- (WithPlugin) include extended functions in the interface as defaults. - (e7973d2) - @DaRacci
v3.4.0 - 2022-09-14
- (DataService) Remove clone check since it only causes more issues. - (a845d2d) - @DaRacci
- (Deps) Slimjar dependency path + Implement NMS - (a9cccbc) - @DaRacci
- No longer need to replace string format for slimjar - (16b9677) - @DaRacci
- Dont clean quickBuild - (5db19d9) - @DaRacci
- Config stuff i don't remember what this does - (77dec68) - @DaRacci
- kotlin.UninitializedPropertyAccessException: lateinit property enabledPlugins has not been initialized - (86cfbd3) - @DaRacci
- org.koin.core.error.NoBeanDefFoundException: IntegrationService - (29312de) - @DaRacci
- org.koin.core.error.NoBeanDefFoundException: PluginService - (d3c1c96) - @DaRacci
- java.lang.NullPointerException - (05834d0) - @DaRacci
- (Extension) Each Extension now has its own dispatcher / threads. - (61ccdfb) - @DaRacci
- (IntegrationService) Adds an easier way for adding integrations. - (184d748) - @DaRacci
- (MinixLogger) Better formatting + enforced async - (fc4cf70) - @DaRacci
- (RegisterMap) A Map of Loadable values. - (97f7adf) - @DaRacci
- Experimental concurrent flow options - (50e20b9) - @DaRacci
- (Deps) Update slimjar plugin - (19f577c) - @DaRacci
- (Deps) Plugin version updates - (08f1402) - @DaRacci
- (Deps) Use library - (a72a0e3) - @DaRacci
- (Deps) Update Minix-Conventions - (6f5d0e5) - @DaRacci
- (Deps) Update slimjar - (100faa9) - @DaRacci
- (PluginService) Add some simple trace logs - (af98896) - @DaRacci
- (version) v3.3.6 - (493a86e) - @DaRacci
- Remove unused command service - (246595c) - @DaRacci
- Remove some old unused coroutine stuff. - (150ad60) - @DaRacci
- Remove deprecated for 4.0.0 - (806098d) - @DaRacci
v3.3.6 - 2022-08-29
v3.3.5 - 2022-08-29
v3.3.4 - 2022-08-28
- (LangConfig) call super.load not super.handleLoad() - (2eb7f63) - @DaRacci
- (ListenerService) Fix eco patch checker. - (128569c) - @DaRacci
v3.3.3 - 2022-08-27
- (DataService) Fix DataService rework. - (61818bd) - @DaRacci
- KoinApplication has not been started - (1a0ed46) - @DaRacci
v3.3.2 - 2022-08-26
v3.3.1 - 2022-08-25
v3.3.0 - 2022-08-25
v3.2.3 - 2022-08-20
- (PlayerMap) MissingPluginException - (eaa2577) - @DaRacci
- (script) chore not core - (8c2012f) - @DaRacci
v3.2.2 - 2022-08-16
- (Event) Instance Checking - (61ccf49) - @DaRacci
- (Event) Extension Listener - (bff0f2d) - @DaRacci
- (Logger) Display qualifiedName - (aabdb9b) - @DaRacci
- (Logger) Unformated stacktrace - (239ad23) - @DaRacci
- (Logger) Null-pointer - (78302f4) - @DaRacci
- (Logger) Log from Minix - (3e694cd) - @DaRacci
- (script) bump script - (a51e32e) - @DaRacci
v3.2.1 - 2022-08-08
- (Logger) fix error on a wrong enum type. - (662ca29) - @DaRacci
- (script) Fix commit message - (b754724) - @DaRacci
- IllegalAccessException - (d123805) - @DaRacci
- (Logger) Add scopes - (63ed42e) - @DaRacci
- kotlin and mc update - (12d8f0d) - @DaRacci
- ExpiringArray - (8690d3e) - @DaRacci
- (Util) Ktlint + grammar formatting - (4f00f6e) - @DaRacci
- (Util) Ktlint + grammar formatting - (63f249a) - @DaRacci
v3.2.0 - 2022-08-06
v3.1.3 - 2022-08-03
v3.1.2 - 2022-07-25
- Log for a plugin on breadcrumb - (fc41495) - @DaRacci
- AbstractPlayerCollection - (279fd64) - @DaRacci
v3.1.1 - 2022-07-06
v3.1.0 - 2022-07-06
- Use slimjar loader + a very overcomplicated but now very flexible way of loading minix. - (255e353) - @DaRacci
v3.0.6 - 2022-07-04
v3.0.5 - 2022-07-04
v3.0.4 - 2022-07-03
v3.0.3 - 2022-07-03
v3.0.2 - 2022-07-03
v3.0.1 - 2022-07-03
v3.0.0 - 2022-07-03
- (DataService) hot reloading config - (00d290f) - @DaRacci
- (service) Unmap CommandService as its unused for now - (62c343e) - @DaRacci
- (test) check atomic refs value is null not the atomic itself - (2221031) - @DaRacci
- 5 ticks is 250ms not 100 oops - (1d84dda) - @DaRacci
- fix static versions - (82f070e) - @DaRacci
- snapshot ordering - (1fb5b8d) - @DaRacci
- unused param - (62373c8) - @DaRacci
- so much refactoring and fixing - (ee01e58) - @DaRacci
- make sure to actually set the lastResult - (0e54417) - @DaRacci
- add version error - (84dcaaf) - @DaRacci
- fix null pointer exception when checking sameMajor on UNKNOWN - (87d9ce6) - @DaRacci
- index out of bounds - (aa8707d) - @DaRacci
- some jenkins builds have empty fingerprint arrays - (62956c9) - @DaRacci
- Fix regex serialising - (493c37b) - @DaRacci
- (api) Update some kdocs - (5add3cc) - @DaRacci
- (api) add docs for FileSystemUtils.kt - (92a9766) - @DaRacci
- (api) add kdocs for Closeable - (a52b672) - @DaRacci
- add extension for events so bind to extension classes - (f3528b2) - @DaRacci
- refactor and implement extension supervisor scope - (0b288c0) - @DaRacci
- Begin implementation of supervisor job and extension listener - (ca6f1a4) - @DaRacci
- (config) Add loggingLevels in comment - (b02070b) - @DaRacci
- (core) update closable usage - (8763269) - @DaRacci
- (deps) Update test deps and use mockK instead of mockito - (d8d4e48) - @DaRacci
- (deps) add mockito - (4c17fbb) - @DaRacci
- (service) removal debuging point - (cabd4ad) - @DaRacci
- (version) v2.10.1 - (7e3c6a9) - @DaRacci
- Update to kotlin 1.7.0 and minecraft 1.19! - (f911794) - @DaRacci
- add links in - (341106b) - @DaRacci
- remove now unused local name property - (212f690) - @DaRacci
- Update - (b5234dd) - @DaRacci
- Remove legacy colour utils for 3.0.0 - (aac07cf) - @DaRacci
- remove deprecated for 3.0.0 - (84cccd1) - @DaRacci
- Prepare for 3.0.0 - (35237c0) - @DaRacci
- (api) change onUnload to open so it isn't a required override - (db99a03) - @DaRacci
- (api) use better method? idk i know what it does exactly now though - (a8a7b8b) - @DaRacci
- (api) Use pair to instant instead of ExpirableValue since tests dont work with that. - (cf92b3a) - @DaRacci
- (extension) Remove deprecated for 3.0.0 - (1cfe1f6) - @DaRacci
- (service) cache states are atomic - (eff32ea) - @DaRacci
- (utils) WorldUtils.kt is now ExWorld.kt - (f0eb9a2) - @DaRacci
- recursive dependent checks - (080827f) - @DaRacci
- Correct classes - (7a616f4) - @DaRacci
- All leading to single methods - (e546028) - @DaRacci
- Nicer logging + auto indents for newlines - (2b0b11e) - @DaRacci
- even more update service refactoring - (fe3bc08) - @DaRacci
- move to one method - (454194b) - @DaRacci
- Query and check updates concurrently - (f0b9f00) - @DaRacci
- remove unused props - (dfb43d0) - @DaRacci
- remove null update providers when checking - (cee4271) - @DaRacci
- why in gods name? - (7671c9e) - @DaRacci
- listeners are no more! - (ac86821) - @DaRacci
- use safecast function - (3e7d3da) - @DaRacci
- Those aren't needed in ExPlayer.kt anymore as their now in ExWorld - (4f3d5cb) - @DaRacci
- Opt class into minix internal - (d9ae4ed) - @DaRacci
- Move extensionEvents to ExtensionState.kt - (2679327) - @DaRacci
- i dont know when but i guess we stopped leaking this - (959d51a) - @DaRacci
- thats a withplugin! - (c3bf991) - @DaRacci
- (api) assert correct conversion - (22afd3a) - @DaRacci
- (api) Implement test for Loadable - (7deda6f) - @DaRacci
- (api) Add test for FileSystemUtilsTest.kt - (b33a8c7) - @DaRacci
- (api) implement test for Closable - (8881b32) - @DaRacci
- (deps) add minix-api for tests - (d4b873c) - @DaRacci
- add initial test for PluginService - (f23c355) - @DaRacci
- add mcversion test - (6f6b54e) - @DaRacci
- add tests for version - (cb662d6) - @DaRacci
v2.10.1 - 2022-05-11
v2.10.0 - 2022-05-10
- I put that in the wrong event lol - (3d4f4ef) - @DaRacci
- Fix triggering entering water in nether and never exiting - (518d0ae) - @DaRacci
- Forgot to update this ones imports - (27ab23c) - @DaRacci
- Fix registering multiple events with one lambda - (3011857) - @DaRacci
- Fix events handlers - (7c257ba) - @DaRacci
- Fix Observable Map - (231fc63) - @DaRacci
- Get companion objects parent class util - (cca645c) - @DaRacci
- triple util for chaining to infix methods - (65fe358) - @DaRacci
- ExEnum for getting nicely formatting enum names - (58b34fc) - @DaRacci
- ExBoolean to convert boolean to integers and reverse - (97f0e2e) - @DaRacci
- cacheOf method for more kotlin like Caffeine cache creation - (ac6136c) - @DaRacci
- Add collection, array and map get cast methods - (da77dbf) - @DaRacci
- (version) v2.9.0 - (a4695e0) - @DaRacci
- Add MinixInternal.kt annotation - (609fcab) - @DaRacci
- Move MinixConfig and UpdaterConfig into core package - (e792a7c) - @DaRacci
- Small misc changes - (f21fea8) - @DaRacci
- Move sync and async methods to ExPlugin.kt - (3ffda75) - @DaRacci
- slight performance improvement - (544db72) - @DaRacci
- Cleanup and fix some issues in the ListenerService.kt, liquidEvents are now triggered properly for all conditions - (6f40e6d) - @DaRacci
- Refactor PlayerData.kt - (02dfd96) - @DaRacci
- ExtensionCompanion stuff yeah - (480ef9d) - @DaRacci
- Improve and refactor Observable Collections and Maps, now marked experimental due to needing more testing - (f5ea590) - @DaRacci
- Refactor and cleanup the extension starter and fix some bugs - (ac8a794) - @DaRacci
- Move exceptions to their own folder - (66d9539) - @DaRacci
v2.9.0 - 2022-05-02
- Loadable class for loading and unload stuff. yeah.. - (e47d88f) - @DaRacci
- computeAndRemove for mutable maps - (5653e96) - @DaRacci
v2.8.0 - 2022-04-28
- These should just be functions lol - (ca03689) - @DaRacci
- Transient values so we dont break configs - (f58f2e1) - @DaRacci
- why does this break? idk but anyway i have another method that solves this. - (eb5ab8a) - @DaRacci
- make the vals open - (02e48df) - @DaRacci
- Fix all issues with the reflection loader - (6de9166) - @DaRacci
- Fix old version path for moving - (76ded98) - @DaRacci
- (version) v2.7.1 - (3aafb58) - @DaRacci
- Forcefully enable debugging if on pre-release - (c3ca196) - @DaRacci
- Refactor and cleanup some utils - (50c40fc) - @DaRacci
- Rename to MinixConfig so we dont pollute import suggestions - (cdc1793) - @DaRacci
v2.7.1 - 2022-04-22
- Fix concurrent modification + other updater service refactoring - (263f7aa) - @DaRacci
- Move the plugin when readying it - (d71364c) - @DaRacci
- Extraction not happening doesn't mean it failed - (42bda78) - @DaRacci
- Fix backup checking if its a directory or if level < 3 and not doing an and check, Also added the backup to actually check the plugins ignored files. - (1c2b3bf) - @DaRacci
- New closeable object + example on how to use in CoroutineSchedulerImpl.kt - (0631b6a) - @DaRacci
- Add lazy injection for config files - (aa0e5b3) - @DaRacci
v2.7.0 - 2022-04-22
- (cog) Bump patch version for snapshot when running cog bump - (34ab9f6) - @DaRacci
- Fix reflection for finding mappedExtensions and mappedConfig - (890260c) - @DaRacci
- Unload the plugins configurate files when the plugin unloads - (06dc918) - @DaRacci
- If there isn't a folder this is still a backup success - (76871e7) - @DaRacci
- Use correct directory - (0548f0e) - @DaRacci
- Fix database errors - (73e5635) - @DaRacci
- We want to move not copy - (72ac164) - @DaRacci
- Fix backup creation, now it should properly traverse sub directories - (0525e9b) - @DaRacci
- Fix missing nl in log message - (1396607) - @DaRacci
- Run startInOrder if there are previously loaded extensions - (bb1f1b3) - @DaRacci
- Fix version init - (8b7f04d) - @DaRacci
- Fix extension check, had it reversed. - (752c1bc) - @DaRacci
- Remove koin ktor dep it was using ver 1.6.4 koin utils and blocking the proper version from loading - (f589192) - @DaRacci
- Fix kotlin and coroutines being shaded in on accident - (0a52b3e) - @DaRacci
- Shade in bstats due to it requiring shading - (5a4b081) - @DaRacci
- (deps) Update Minix-Conventions to 148 - (bd3c454) - @DaRacci
- (deps) Dokka update time! - (97d036a) - @DaRacci
- (deps) Use json instead of core for serialization dep and add classgraph - (bfeefce) - @DaRacci
- (deps) Update Minix-Conventions to 0.6.143 - (a80e739) - @DaRacci
- (version) v2.6.2 - (fe2e17c) - @DaRacci
- No longer Experimental - (30694ba) - @DaRacci
- Deprecate legacy utils - (97aa5c6) - @DaRacci
- Remove old Updater Checker - (3788462) - @DaRacci
- Remove old debugging point - (23237c5) - @DaRacci
- Removing debugging points for version comparing - (7f66939) - @DaRacci
- Remove optin annotations as they are no longer needed - (44daeef) - @DaRacci
- Remove two now unused debug points - (a2a58b4) - @DaRacci
- MappedExtensions need to know their owning plugin - (6a48851) - @DaRacci
- Instead of disabling plugins and moving and stuff, Now we move the new jar and after a restart test if its running the correct jar and if so move the old one. - (b847a1f) - @DaRacci
- Name backups with plugin version - (08f9874) - @DaRacci
- Disable updater if the plugin has been readied to update on next restart - (d1e9795) - @DaRacci
- Small sentry changes - (67d9ea0) - @DaRacci
- Fix logging using minix logger instead of plugins own logger - (42198f0) - @DaRacci
- Convert to MappedPlugin - (d8ce1c8) - @DaRacci
- Refactor the update providers a bit and fix try start finding a fix to the version int max number issue - (041450c) - @DaRacci
v2.6.2 - 2022-04-05
- Fix replacing both mentions of minix in the libs file - (5694f40) - @DaRacci
- Fix tag pushing - (9564fb8) - @DaRacci
- (version) v2.6.1 - (a394333) - @DaRacci
- Update conventions version - (dadcf03) - @DaRacci
- Mark listenerbuilder as deprecated for removal in 3.0.0 - (c2825a4) - @DaRacci
v2.6.1 - 2022-04-05
- Remove dupe method - (6b9f43d) - @DaRacci
- Split methods - (e9c5baa) - @DaRacci
- Refactor the updater service stuff a bit - (cc30647) - @DaRacci
v2.6.0 - 2022-04-04
- (deps) Update atomicfu plugin version - (41dda33) - @DaRacci
- (deps) Update minix conventions and kotlin - (6fda82f) - @DaRacci
- (version) v2.5.1 - (f5ef68f) - @DaRacci
- cleanup scripts, not sure why i was using a temp file - (fe100fa) - @DaRacci
- No longer using experimental! - (19a47c2) - @DaRacci
- Finally switch back to standard purpur instead of using my fork - (9ad5ffc) - @DaRacci
v2.5.1 - 2022-03-26
v2.5.0 - 2022-03-26
- Remove pulling - (f9abaa3) - @DaRacci
- Fix test classes to not need extra dep on configurate - (ad3c233) - @DaRacci
- (cog) Auto update Minix-Conventions with minix and pull any new commits from remote - (0e418be) - @DaRacci
- (version) v2.4.10 - (37431f3) - @DaRacci
- Forgot to add this to the commit for publishing the core dep - (bd3b993) - @DaRacci
- make annotation public and mark as for internal use - (76f1549) - @DaRacci
- Publish the Minix-Core dep as in rare cases you might need access to the internal classes - (314232e) - @DaRacci
- (gradle) Cleanup and simplify the gradle build - (fa35e50) - @DaRacci
- Add the code to register the extensions in the MappedPlugin annotation - (34dd6dd) - @DaRacci
- Remove listeners from annotation, they shouldnt be used and i dont want to write the code to support it there - (fdec3ff) - @DaRacci
v2.4.10 - 2022-03-26
v2.4.9 - 2022-03-26
v2.4.8 - 2022-03-24
v2.4.5 - 2022-03-24
v2.4.4 - 2022-03-24
v2.4.1 - 2022-03-24
v2.4.0 - 2022-03-23
- (deps) Fix sentry version mismatch due to pufferfish version being outdated - (4bceb68) - @DaRacci
- (gradle) Fix dependency sharing between modules - (b805dc0) - @DaRacci
- Fix extensions duplicating and outofbounds exceptions - (470495c) - @DaRacci
- Not sure why i called simplename with an elvis twice - (7ac8d42) - @DaRacci
- Fix buffered reader - (9e85d54) - @DaRacci
- Configurate doesn't support lazy delegates :( - (e112416) - @DaRacci
- Fix spacing in the uuid key - (7f048b5) - @DaRacci
- Catch all exceptions not only Cancellations - (102c22b) - @DaRacci
- Fix incorrect import - (c82472f) - @DaRacci
- Remove useless and error causing field - (6b976d1) - @DaRacci
- Fix fake coroutineService in PluginData.kt - (32c828f) - @DaRacci
- Fix serialization for data and add some methods - (20e046d) - @DaRacci
- Fix serializers i guess they need their own object lol - (9be02c6) - @DaRacci
- Fix indents and new line on error logging - (988a9fb) - @DaRacci
- Fix double stacktrace printing - (a196d5c) - @DaRacci
- Forget to flip the bool - (f07c95e) - @DaRacci
- set logger level in handleAfterLoad so the DataService can be loaded - (32d9705) - @DaRacci
- Fix MinixImpl not binding to Minix - (e6ee4ba) - @DaRacci
- Fix initial bind services for koin - (887cd71) - @DaRacci
- Fix plugins folder not existing - (7e33311) - @DaRacci
- Fix dependencies due to annotation change - (72c860c) - @DaRacci
- Fix dependencies for MappedExtension - (7bb80a3) - @DaRacci
- Fix sentry data tagging - (d91d706) - @DaRacci
- Fix ListenerService import - (c8b8748) - @DaRacci
- Fix PlayerServiceImpl import - (5f6692e) - @DaRacci
- Add MappedPlugin annotation for defining plugins - (116a874) - @DaRacci
- Add inline safecast and unsafecast methods better casting - (8c1e42f) - @DaRacci
- Add PairSerializer.kt for Configurate - (904a545) - @DaRacci
- Add support for ignored, completable future, and completable deferred sync and async blocks in Extensions - (44517a4) - @DaRacci
- Ability to grab the base minix plugins logger with koin by fetching the MinixLogger class - (e398460) - @DaRacci
- Finish adding serializers for Configurate - (b20f0ea) - @DaRacci
- Add Configurate TypeSerializer for some Serializers, will finish up another day - (8b1dd10) - @DaRacci
- Add handleAfterEnable and move handleAfterLoad to actually being after load on enable - (1142ea7) - @DaRacci
- Add Version class for version comparisons in the auto updater - (c1e5d1b) - @DaRacci
- Add providers for auto-updater, All are untested but should work - (d50cb11) - @DaRacci
- Add UpdaterService, still WIP and completely untested for now - (167c736) - @DaRacci
- Add data utils and new way to inject minix for util files - (6536ee4) - @DaRacci
- Add a way of registering a listener for multiple events with the invocation block - (6b2b669) - @DaRacci
- MCVersion util - (c030ae9) - @DaRacci
- booleanCatch util - (c15223c) - @DaRacci
- Refactor and now support onLoad for extensions when they are declared in a plugins handleLoad function - (193f792) - @DaRacci
- (deps) Update conventions version - (13fc1f0) - @DaRacci
- (deps) Update Minix Conventions - (43181d8) - @DaRacci
- (deps) Add new build deps - (8a853e7) - @DaRacci
- (deps) Update Minix-Conventions - (f5c8854) - @DaRacci
- (deps) Update minix conventions version - (eb93302) - @DaRacci
- (deps) update dependency gradle to v7.4.1 - (5e2541f) - Renovate Bot
- (deps) update actions/upload-artifact action to v3 - (c82996c) - Renovate Bot
- (deps) update actions/checkout action to v3 - (2ae373f) - Renovate Bot
- (deps) update actions/setup-java action to v3 - (3cb58b5) - Renovate Bot
- (version) v2.3.1 - (7ae6abc) - @DaRacci
- Update - (c9532f2) - @DaRacci
- Add base CommandService class to finish up at some point - (97c698a) - @DaRacci
- Add database for tracking plugins which need updating on start - (3e557bd) - @DaRacci
- Add more result types - (2e84086) - @DaRacci
- Add Config and UpdaterConfig files - (b7db5bc) - @DaRacci
- Begin auto updater - (68362e1) - @DaRacci
- Prepare for automagic data files - (20c96b0) - @DaRacci
- Delete CommandServices.kt as it is unused and i don't currently plan on expanding on it - (8c0b39f) - @DaRacci
- Better dependency fail handling - (be7ba91) - @DaRacci
- Did stuff i guess - (85984ca) - @DaRacci
- Final serializers and stuffs for update providers - (173a955) - @DaRacci
- Rename to match regex rules, and fix checksum errors since not all repos will support a checksum - (7a35e68) - @DaRacci
- Fix and complete DataServiceImpl.kt - (8678676) - @DaRacci
- Add finally block to UnsafeUtil.kt - (5098e0f) - @DaRacci
- Make MinixPlugin.kt an abstract class since it should never be instanced - (25b35dd) - @DaRacci
- Remove debugging point in data class - (3cbfa89) - @DaRacci
- Refactor all Extensions to use MappedExtension Annotation - (6ae8f23) - @DaRacci
- Fix up some stuff and cleanup the main class - (94eb5fc) - @DaRacci
- Merge inline and operator - (d90cab1) - @DaRacci
- get KoinComponent's get instead of getKoin() - (0337bce) - @DaRacci
- Only allows MappedConfig annotation on classes - (def0b15) - @DaRacci
- Expose playerdata to the public api - (f2890b2) - @DaRacci
- Cleaner exception printing and using String builder instead of just making new string after string with += - (162afa2) - @DaRacci
v2.3.1 - 2022-03-09
v2.3.0 - 2022-03-09
v2.2.0 - 2022-03-08
- Integrate the original MCCoroutine code more directly into the plugin lifecycle + refactor a ton of it - (3ed9399) - @DaRacci
- (version) v2.1.1 - (de6d288) - @DaRacci
- Update Minix-Conventions + Version to 1.18.2 - (628ec0f) - @DaRacci
v2.1.1 - 2022-03-03
v2.1.0 - 2022-03-03
v2.0.6 - 2022-02-27
v2.0.5 - 2022-02-27
v2.0.4 - 2022-02-27
- Refactor a bit and debugging improvements to scheduler including timeout watcher and catcher - (90f85c3) - @DaRacci
v2.0.3 - 2022-02-26
v2.0.2 - 2022-02-25
- (deps) Update to Minix-Conventions build 74 - (64e0442) - @DaRacci
- (deps) Remove Minix-NMS shade as it goes unused - (2216e71) - @DaRacci
- (version) v2.0.1 - (65580a1) - @DaRacci
v2.0.1 - 2022-02-23
- (shadow) Fix relocating all adventure related classes and not only the extra kotlin and platform classes - (2e19ac9) - @DaRacci
- (shadow) Remove adventure text serializers being shaded - (756d47b) - @DaRacci
- Disable adventure audiences and platform until i can develop more into it later - (1847ac9) - @DaRacci
v2.0.0 - 2022-02-23
- (deps) Add exposed date time to libraries - (28c58c5) - @DaRacci
- (version) v1.4.0 - (afa0c5c) - @DaRacci
- Update - (d62e2bc) - @DaRacci
v1.4.0 - 2022-02-22
v1.3.3 - 2022-02-21
v1.3.2 - 2022-02-21
v1.3.1 - 2022-02-21
- (deps) update dependency dev.racci:catalog to v1.6.10-59 - (75aae5e) - Renovate Bot
- (version) v1.3.0 - (ed9a7ce) - @Da_Racci
v1.3.0 - 2022-02-17
- (deps) update dependency gradle to v7.4 - (b036966) - Renovate Bot
- (version) v1.2.2 - (7935991) - @Da_Racci
v1.2.2 - 2022-02-15
- (deps) add renovate.json - (346a155) - Renovate Bot
v1.2.0 - 2022-02-15
v1.1.0 - 2022-02-14
- (util) Add reflection clone util - (a368fa3) - @Da_Racci
- Add infix to string and component for message sending - (6748828) - @Da_Racci
v1.0.8 - 2022-02-14
v1.0.7 - 2022-02-14
v1.0.6 - 2022-02-13
- (cog) Don't prefix build versions with v - (6f30f06) - @Da_Racci
- (gradle) Fix jar output having -dev append to it - (519a60d) - @Da_Racci
- (deps) Update Minix Conventions and Strikt - (baacd79) - @Da_Racci
- Remove Minix Publishing and only publish API module - (eb50ea6) - @Da_Racci
- (ci) Remove release-drafter.yml as its now unused - (69640cc) - @Da_Racci
- (cog) Remove dev branch rebase - (d0b4ffa) - @Da_Racci
- (gradle) Clean up the build script - (08a8d49) - @Da_Racci
- (version) v1.0.5 - (dcd0a3a) - @Da_Racci
v1.0.5 - 2022-02-12
v1.0.4 - 2022-02-12
v1.0.3 - 2022-02-12
v1.0.2 - 2022-02-12
v1.0.1 - 2022-02-12
- (workflow) Separate docs workflow and update Java CI - (d513341) - @Da_Racci
- Improve workflows - (d77c85b) - @Da_Racci
- (cog) Update cog config - (14efd01) - @Da_Racci
- (config) Remove cliff since I use cog now - (d6491ce) - @Da_Racci
Changelog generated by cocogitto.## Unreleased (0732141..ea06eb4)
- (cog) Fix pre bump hooks - (a1c29d6) - @Da_Racci
- Fixed test itself and gradle test implementations - (fc68d0b) - @Da_Racci
- More workflow fixes - (e1f25bb) - @Da_Racci
- Fix copyjar error with CI - (2473e1d) - @Da_Racci
- Fix workflow - (a7e66a2) - @Da_Racci
- Fix click events class reference - (2a385c6) - @Da_Racci
- Add paper repo back for paperdev plugin - (0d3c715) - @Da_Racci
- Add NMS back again - (d277285) - @Da_Racci
- Forgot to add the forceAsync param for the inline event listener things - (b1cb4d3) - @Da_Racci
- imports in PlayerLiquidEvent.kt - (ba9d1e7) - @Da_Racci
- skip message being [SKIP] and not [ci-skip]. - (2920ae1) - @Da_Racci
- (workflow) Separate docs workflow and update Java CI - (d513341) - @Da_Racci
- Improve workflows - (d77c85b) - @Da_Racci
- Fix workflow - (8358998) - @Da_Racci
- Add docs and boolean returns for if the functions were invoked - (5d31876) - @Da_Racci
- Add bstats support - (7e55a7a) - @Da_Racci
- Implement test version of extended water event invoker - (3c32b91) - @Da_Racci
- Add MaterialTagsExtension.kt for more material categories - (4b487ef) - @Da_Racci
- Return the object after invokeIfNull and invokeIfNotNull functions - (472f5e4) - @Da_Racci
- Add PlayerLightEvent for when the players light level changes - (9cb220a) - @Da_Racci
- Add support for binding the plugins koin class to a different class - (095324d) - @Da_Racci
- invokeIfOverrides and tame utils - (6b1f27a) - @Da_Racci
- new Ex functions for Players and entities - (47fe2cc) - @Da_Racci
- Add some utility functions - (6d7ccec) - @Da_Racci
- Getting closer to release - (0ec8f03) - @Da_Racci
- Coming in with another set of updates - (efd1767) - @Da_Racci
- Beginning of DEV for 1.0.0 Release - (31ba0d4) - @Da_Racci
- (cog) Update cog config - (14efd01) - @Da_Racci
- (config) Remove cliff since I use cog now - (d6491ce) - @Da_Racci
- (config) Update cog - (c23e786) - @Da_Racci
- (config) Add cog settings - (010dd29) - @Da_Racci
- (version) v1.0.1 - (ea06eb4) - @Da_Racci
- Remove empty Inline.kt class - (7bf9b34) - @Da_Racci
- Bump bstats-bukkit from 2.2.1 to 3.0.0 - (04a2b25) - dependabot[bot]
- Bump actions/cache from 2.1.6 to 2.1.7 - (15a71db) - dependabot[bot]
- Forgot to add the id for Minix itself - (079b9cc) - @Da_Racci
- Separate modules into core and api - (a4d7e77) - @Da_Racci
- Suppress internal warnings and try figure out why sentry doesn't actually work - (bee4a21) - @Da_Racci
- Sealed base item builder - (fb9e50d) - @Da_Racci
- Convert lazy coroutine to public with internal annotation - (867c56e) - @Da_Racci
- Update workflow - (0e8fb2c) - @Da_Racci
- Add cliff config and - (6126a64) - @Da_Racci
- Update dependabot config - (2fd7c5f) - @Da_Racci
- Update minix-conventions version - (d480aa1) - @Da_Racci
- Ignore .idea/ because it keeps wanting to add itself to git - (f51eb89) - @Da_Racci
- Move aliases and remove unused file - (c34ce2e) - @Da_Racci
- Update to Minix version 0.4.43 - Moved to gradle catalog for dependencies, updated a bit, added caffeine to replace guava caches as well as hikariCP - (75b5545) - @Da_Racci
- Updates - (49f0875) - @Da_Racci
- Cleanup leftover files - (ff905df) - @Da_Racci
- Better output of errors for Extensions, removed Exceptions.kt due to being kinda useless - (399c0b1) - @Da_Racci
- Moved removing callbacks from an event listener to the handleUnload function - (a589fe6) - @Da_Racci
- Refactored the isDay utils and added isOverworld etc - (284854e) - @Da_Racci
- Updated minimessage stuffs, added adventure extra kotlin - (f8d3c48) - @Da_Racci
v0.3.1 - 2022-02-12
- Bump adventure-text-minimessage from 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT to 4.10.0-SNAPSHOT - (0732141) - dependabot[bot]
- Bump api from 2.1.0-SNAPSHOT to 2.1.1-SNAPSHOT - (bd53950) - dependabot[bot]
- Create CNAME - (69ef98c) - @Da_Racci
- Update Docs - (34ff8d5) - @Da_Racci
- Bump api from 2.0-SNAPSHOT to 2.1.0-SNAPSHOT - (9c03db5) - dependabot[bot]
- Update Extensions and gradle - (702fd42) - @Da_Racci
- Update ExMiniMessage.kt - (51b036f) - @Da_Racci
v0.3.0 - 2022-02-12
- Bump org.jetbrains.dokka from 1.5.31 to 1.6.0 - (b0a29b1) - dependabot[bot]
v0.2.7 - 2022-02-12
- Update 0.2.7 - (165f89e) - @Da_Racci
- Deprecated in favour of lifecycles - (65ddded) - @Da_Racci
- Move WIP stuff to dev branch - (ae08a9a) - @Da_Racci
- Update Kotlin - (cdd9044) - @Da_Racci
- Bump jvm from 1.6.0-RC2 to 1.6.0 - (89174e8) - dependabot[bot]
- Bump plugin.serialization from 1.5.31 to 1.6.0 - (d161047) - dependabot[bot]
v0.2.6 - 2022-02-12
- Updated to fix errors after manager updates - (1cc1f1f) - @Da_Racci
- Updated to fix error after manager updates - (234c22e) - @Da_Racci
- Fix nullability - (5348ab9) - @Da_Racci
- UpdateChecker and ColourUtils - (c94824d) - @Da_Racci
- Fix spelling - (dc7a0e9) - @Da_Racci
- Fix plugin to be RacciPlugin - (f4cdefa) - @Da_Racci
- fix main class path - (c33cbbd) - @Da_Racci
- WIP Lang and Command framework - (2033acc) - @Da_Racci
- Add reload command - (4682529) - @Da_Racci
- Add Lifecycles. - (00591cf) - @Da_Racci
- Add Managers - (2e64339) - @Da_Racci
- Add catchAndReturn - (8ad18a8) - @Da_Racci
- Add BungeeCord, Player and Plugin utils - (a6bc1cc) - @Da_Racci
- Bump version to 0.2.6 - (32ebd2e) - @Da_Racci
- Unprivated - (a4967f8) - @Da_Racci
- Sealed AbstractComboEvent.kt - (676ff0c) - @Da_Racci
- Javadocs - (4bc1a26) - @Da_Racci
- Move Managers to core package - (c2b1557) - @Da_Racci
- Move - (33a826e) - @Da_Racci
- Moved to ExPersistentDataContainer - (53c9668) - @Da_Racci
v0.2.5 - 2022-02-12
- Grammar - (b21350a) - @Da_Racci
- Missed file from push - (97e534a) - @Da_Racci
- Move extensions to separate folder - (3f4ece3) - @Da_Racci
- Small changes and fixes - (42c2615) - @Da_Racci
- Fix ComboListeners - (5e467ab) - @Da_Racci
- Build changes and bump version to 0.2.5 - (766e091) - @Da_Racci
- Remove - (8dd2b3d) - @Da_Racci
- Move core plugin to Separate folder - (6dad63f) - @Da_Racci
- Remove, tbh i don't see a use for these - (103a76c) - @Da_Racci
- Bump authlib from 1.5.21 to 2.3.31 - (690c20c) - dependabot[bot]
v0.2.4 - 2022-02-12
- fix jitpack hopefully - (f6200be) - @Da_Racci
- Add missing non shift events - (ee3e9ba) - @Da_Racci
- debug enabled by default, offhand events - (1f96119) - @Da_Racci
- Fix debugging timer - (71d08ab) - @Da_Racci
- Fix Builders - (5c3dc32) - @Da_Racci
- Github url fixes - (3e6ee38) - @Da_Racci
- - (ceb2438) - @Da_Racci
- Update Utils - (3440300) - @Da_Racci
- Add EnumUtils.kt - (63f4e5d) - @Da_Racci
- New combo events and interfaces - (fdc14d0) - @Da_Racci
- Update 0.2.4 - (86d96fa) - @Da_Racci
- Unmark Coroutine Scheduler ask Experimental - (d90792a) - @Da_Racci
- build changes - (f5cc896) - @Da_Racci
- Build changes - (cd46f29) - @Da_Racci
- Add javadocs - (21fe439) - @Da_Racci
- represent if an event is fired Async - (de56554) - @Da_Racci
- Add Javadocs and renaming - (7269f69) - @Da_Racci
- Update Javadoc - (9338bd8) - @Da_Racci
- Libs change - (f595b19) - @Da_Racci
- Docs update - (d12b2c5) - @Da_Racci
- Rewrite the ComboEvents.kt again - (f9b9902) - @Da_Racci
- Rewrite for new listeners - (93b3b4e) - @Da_Racci
- javadoc and improve liquidType param - (78a67ce) - @Da_Racci
- PluginManager - (9c9237a) - @Da_Racci
v0.2.0 - 2022-02-12
- now() usage - (3ecee75) - @Da_Racci
- Update import location - (a01499d) - @Da_Racci
- Update import location - (cbbee2b) - @Da_Racci
- pm being imported from the removed location - (1b7de70) - @Da_Racci
- workflows - (6e4a07c) - @Da_Racci
- build.yml - (5a74724) - @Da_Racci
- Fix publish again... - (7cf4f6d) - @Da_Racci
- Fix publish - (5ce105f) - @Da_Racci
- Fix workflow files - (507fa62) - @Da_Racci
- use proper purpur version instead of local - (cad5ce8) - @Da_Racci
- Still trying to get github actions to work... - (316a045) - @Da_Racci
- fix logs for each plugin - (8e47ed1) - @Da_Racci
- Update 0.2.0 - (dc8e2c2) - @Da_Racci
- Add more to BlockUtils.kt - (74418a7) - @Da_Racci
- Add IManager.kt interface - (3910922) - @Da_Racci
- Add ProjectileUtils.kt - (a00a811) - @Da_Racci
- Add InventoryUtils.kt - (1bf88b9) - @Da_Racci
- Add ClassUtils.kt - (bf2acd1) - @Da_Racci
- Added thrown arg for logs to print the stacktrace - (c9e6007) - @Da_Racci
- Add automatic versioning - (844a6c1) - @Da_Racci
- ExAdventureKyori.kt for adventure extensions - (9ed433c) - @Da_Racci
- more WIP stuff - (b146c99) - @Da_Racci
- Add IFactory.kt more to come soon - (c18b050) - @Da_Racci
- Update versions inside lib file - (3d50f5a) - @Da_Racci
- Moved out of folder - (2541408) - @Da_Racci
- Remove ExceptionUtils.kt, shouldnt be in the core lib - (e9deb0f) - @Da_Racci
- Remove files utils, may or may not come back - (ca454a9) - @Da_Racci
- Update - (acb4020) - @Da_Racci
- Add ci-skip to build.yml - (4e030e4) - @Da_Racci
- Bump jvm from 1.6.0-RC to 1.6.0-RC2 - (425895c) - dependabot[bot]
- Bump com.github.johnrengelman.shadow from 7.0.0 to 7.1.0 - (ba8693c) - dependabot[bot]
- Update build file and maybe add auto publishing - (d5ba61d) - @Da_Racci
- Add publish.yml defiantly was not taken from someone else's repo - (5a56cf4) - @Da_Racci
- Separate builds and removed apache commons - (cb84b07) - @Da_Racci
- Create dependabot.yml - (ba74f14) - @Da_Racci
- Create validate-gradle-wrapper.yml - (f51c477) - @Da_Racci
- Upload gradle files - (3470297) - @Da_Racci
- Create raccilib.yml - (c0f53b1) - @Da_Racci
- Update docs - (6f7ac78) - @Da_Racci
- Remove useless aliases - (1084798) - @Da_Racci
- Deprecated for and moving - (5b9cf06) - @Da_Racci
- Update Docs - (c6720fc) - @Da_Racci
- Rename and update import location - (8d335b0) - @Da_Racci
- Update internal PlayerManager.kt - (f1404a3) - @Da_Racci
- Removed - (7c91374) - @Da_Racci
- Update now() usage - (1982753) - @Da_Racci
- Remove useless methods - (98403ac) - @Da_Racci
- Removed for 0.2.0 - (d065f86) - @Da_Racci
- Remove useless method - (e77521c) - @Da_Racci
- Remove useless component thingy - (8a807a5) - @Da_Racci
- Rename file, move out of object cleanup - (51bd74b) - @Da_Racci
- Moved to ExBukkit.kt - (81d3af0) - @Da_Racci
- Removed nowMilli() and nowNano() - (bbad623) - @Da_Racci
- Merge time utils - (66b75b6) - @Da_Racci
- Moved kyori methods - (03d2390) - @Da_Racci
- Updated comboListeners to also cancel their calling events when cancelled - (f41025f) - @Da_Racci
- add more var methods - (3de7233) - @Da_Racci
- General Usage style improvements - (bc37d93) - @Da_Racci
- Formatting - (834c208) - @Da_Racci
- Formatting - (f508e2b) - @Da_Racci
- Fix tab spacing - (c278cdd) - @Da_Racci
v0.1.6 - 2022-02-12
- Update 1.6 - (c87973a) - @Da_Racci
- WIP Coroutine based tasks - (2c39382) - @Da_Racci
- InventoryFramework Ex - (f863d0c) - @Da_Racci
- WIP Hook service - (ab7e575) - @Da_Racci
- better kotlin dsl like support for builders - (d1a05b0) - @Da_Racci
- Improved Builders - (513437e) - @Da_Racci
- ExItemStack - (81762ef) - @Da_Racci
- Deprecated old loggers system - (b6a7b96) - @Da_Racci
- Deprecated Skedule in favour of MCCoroutine - (3b6b936) - @Da_Racci
- Comment wip classes until done - (a1ee1c8) - @Da_Racci
- Removed Useless / empty classes - (46a47e9) - @Da_Racci
- Push - (297896c) - @Da_Racci
- Util changes and improvements. - (e629617) - @Da_Racci
- PlayerManager.kt improvements - (f5128a1) - @Da_Racci
v0.1.4 - 2022-02-12
v0.1.0 - 2022-02-12
v0.0.5 - 2022-02-12
v0.0.3 - 2022-02-12
v0.0.2 - 2022-02-12
- Fixed exception error with checking if a block is liquid - (f190401) - @Da_Racci
- Rename LICENSE to - (2d526de) - @Da_Racci
- Missed files - (f34b250) - @Da_Racci
- Added new combo events and top level vars - (d951d57) - @Da_Racci
- Added colour translations for lists, made kotlin event able to trigger async, added lists for legacy parsing, make player movement events trigger async and added location and world to usable parameters for isDay and isNight - (34a20cb) - @Da_Racci
- Added abstract KotlinEvent.kt to fix Bukkit throwing hissy fits over static handler getters for custom events, Renamed utils/text to utils/strings, Added experimental YAMLConfig.kt - (26f2b93) - @Da_Racci
- Added and updated utils - (bad36cd) - @Da_Racci
- Update 0.0.2 - (71b6734) - @Da_Racci
- Push test - (6ea7606) - @Da_Racci
- Tried out using commandApi, was kinda shit compared to ACF still so removed dependency. - (4a1687d) - @Da_Racci
- Update - (9b69df0) - @Da_Racci
- Create CNAME - (32b9ac3) - @Da_Racci
- Create LICENSE - (e94cd4c) - @Da_Racci
- Create - (39417b6) - @Da_Racci
- Add Docs and misc - (d97c3ac) - @Da_Racci
- Remove HeadBuilder.kt in favour of SkullBuilder, update coroutines to 1.5.2 - (bc44d40) - @Da_Racci