All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.7.2 (2024-12-04)
- use remote img when dev (4aafa57)
1.7.1 (2024-12-03)
1.7.0 (2024-12-03)
- env management (#76) (f1eed82)
- env management support location params (#78) (e0af28a)
- new article sub scriptions (#73) (0bbe5ef)
- optimize mysql pool config (#72) (94662df)
- show chrome tool (#77) (790d64c)
- use CommonJS (a1eb06d)
1.6.1 (2024-05-27)
1.6.0 (2024-05-27)
- #55 delete project and collect (3a999c6)
- #60 (6c3c347)
- add sequelize pool (e131c4a)
- add target address valid (7af22b0)
- hide terminal (340f407)
- send custom message to dingtalk rebot (#69) (7b3765c)
- #32 web terminal prefix (0775ff5)
- #60 add service address keyword check (71a7933)
- mysql pool (a814b1d)
1.5.1 (2022-12-14)
1.5.0 (2022-12-13)
- add get projectList by user IP api (#42) (b9f9a96)
- collect use Object and max is 6 (6954dec)
- collect use Object and max is 6 (#44) (5ea62a0)
- form error msg (c857eda)
- node-sass@6 for node v16 (57299d8)
- proxy changeOrigin (c749949)
- proxy list with projectId (7f633c6)
- remove selectedTagId (62f4c30)
- with projectId (4308cc2)
1.4.5 (2022-06-12)
- change api url (c48fb14)
- change github api url (e59323f)
- change text (bea3dbd)
- configcenter: add filename and ip search (3a50a8f)
- get github from serverless done (2edec7d)
- get github trending from juejin (0cbd245)
- get github trendinng from serverless (0775fad)
- hostmanagemant: add name and ip search (d826bd8)
- logs add id (57f541d)
- proxy add addr search (3e26cef)
- refresh local ip by user (08d41f2)
- send msg when failed (bbe7d0a)
1.4.4 (2021-12-10)
- improve timed task result log (2964379)
1.4.3 (2021-12-09)
1.4.2 (2021-11-19)
- change timed task (0b182c5)
- config and remove rsshub (7f439e1)
- egg schedule (212557a)
- get timed task list (391bb2e)
- get timedTask when app start (40ba602)
- move timedTask to agent from worker (6a03148)
1.4.1 (2021-10-25)
1.4.0 (2021-10-22)
- add help docs icon in proxy server page (2f4cf65)
- add key action (2f80e79)
- add ssh for ternimal (facb9f5)
- add ssh2 to deal with command (6a1740c)
- add terminal default focus (0edc8ae)
- add webTerminal ctrl + z and optimized input (79b5a2d)
- article help doc (fd98ee7)
- article help icon (2b8c9d9)
- article subscription (890a9c0)
- article subscription controller (d36d454)
- cancel and create timed task when update articleSubscription (d7f1472)
- change proxy-server collections stored, from cookie to localStorage (31627dc)
- choose send time component (bdb8233)
- configDetail introduce terminal component (004eed3)
- crud complete (7bae31e)
- default expand collection record (967c88f)
- delete unnecessary webTerminal route (ad6f5d7)
- delete unused file (fe0961e)
- destroy terminal and socket after destroy terminnal (e8af685)
- get topic list (4988c0e)
- github trending test done (8e15b3a)
- host-management add webTerminal (b223584)
- initail socket for terminal (dc84854)
- initail web terminal (18ee09d)
- juejin and github can be sended (614e7b3)
- local database name (ac96c0a)
- optimized terminal command display (14dab38)
- optimized terminal crtl Z (05f5543)
- proxy help doc url (7b50cba)
- recover configDetail (45d0b3e)
- remove api useless (e70ab17)
- remove cheerio from yarn.lock (7229306)
- remove timed task when articleSubscription status is close (f899a92)
- repalce message info (1de98d4)
- set loading component default props (c45723d)
- timed task (977e0b7)
- timed task done (d70c2e8)
- timed task when start (f557181)
- update sql (ca00b91)
- use url from env.json (0967709)
- delete sensitive information for server (5feb2ff)
- moment and folder rename (3cdd746)
- style and doc, some small changes (1df0817)
1.3.2 (2021-06-30)
- add config to set prod msyql link (88bab5f)
- (?.) can not use under node.js v14.15.0 (f4e1f62)
1.3.1 (2021-06-30)
- env.json: data desensitization (7152fdf)
- add help link (dd63daf)
- change help_doc_url (5d7db31)
- pull out the configuration and document it (dcf11ac)
1.3.0 (2021-04-16)
- 哆啦A梦配置中心-配置详情应用配置发送钉钉消息到群 (414ee5c)
- 哆啦A梦配置中心-配置详情钉钉提示url增删处理 (2add30d)
- 修改url验正,提示格式 (618f455)
- 编辑/删除发送钉钉消息到群处理 (b691cc4)
- add type to config_notice_url table (96f355e)
- antd4.0 (f69932b)
- antd4.x upgrade (01aba09)
- antd4.x upgrade stash (08eb9a7)
- change untils dingTalk send message function (df39d50)
- finished hosts Dingtalk config (6c61dc1)
- init hosts webhooks layout (e789360)
- lint-fix and transfer dingTalk config (6379344)
- merge dev (9813252)
- migrate to ts (9e5edc9)
- optimize (89bd163)
- remove @ant-design/compatible (f6e8860)
- update api and config_notice_url table (f2fef24)
- hostmanagement: host management antd4.x upgrade, and bugfix (68be760)
- proxyserver: proxy server antd4.x upgrade, fix form bug (34c7f92)
- switchhosts: switch hosts antd4.x upgrade (1c6ee51)
- toolbox: toolbox antd4.x upgrade and bugfix (8a5c163)
1.2.3 (2021-01-22)
- path: optimize routing redirection (955f1aa)
1.2.2 (2021-01-19)
- proxy: fix proxy change origin (d6c4486)
1.2.1 (2021-01-16)
- dingbot: update ding bot (d425c09)
- file: update file system (de48fad)
- proxy server: update proxy server list (334ae5a)
- public: update static public resources (108f81a)
- resources: add resources file (0e02672)
1.2.1 (2021-01-15)
- dingbot: update ding bot (d425c09)
- file: update file system (de48fad)
- proxy server: update proxy server list (334ae5a)
- resources: add resources file (0e02672)
1.2.0 (2020-12-31)
- ding bot: add ding bot and update test shell (770f36d)
- dttag: reset antd tag (ec879cb)
- proxy rules: allowed to choose target addr (6540ab1)
- proxy service: add proxy service addrs (5d5e65c)
- proxyserver: add api_doc_url (01506f3)
- toolbox: add tags and tags filter (b3f6fb2)
- upload: upload logo and save(use stream) (a15e829)
- webpack.config.js: fix imagemini plugin (607d8c4)
- bugfix (7279d06)
- bugfix (2632e68)
- fix data month (bb80631)
- appcenter: inner app save into database, style change (424448f)
- bugfix (2d033b9)
- proxyaddrstable: fix row selected bug (9f992c2)
- switchhost: change file storage path (83383e8)
1.2.0 (2020-12-31)
- ding bot: add ding bot and update test shell (770f36d)
- dttag: reset antd tag (ec879cb)
- proxy rules: allowed to choose target addr (6540ab1)
- proxy service: add proxy service addrs (5d5e65c)
- proxyserver: add api_doc_url (01506f3)
- toolbox: add tags and tags filter (b3f6fb2)
- upload: upload logo and save(use stream) (a15e829)
- webpack.config.js: fix imagemini plugin (607d8c4)
- bugfix (7279d06)
- bugfix (2632e68)
- fix data month (bb80631)
- appcenter: inner app save into database, style change (424448f)
- bugfix (2d033b9)
- proxyaddrstable: fix row selected bug (9f992c2)
- switchhost: change file storage path (83383e8)
1.2.0 (2020-12-31)
- ding bot: add ding bot and update test shell (770f36d)
- dttag: reset antd tag (ec879cb)
- proxy rules: allowed to choose target addr (6540ab1)
- proxy service: add proxy service addrs (5d5e65c)
- proxyserver: add api_doc_url (01506f3)
- toolbox: add tags and tags filter (b3f6fb2)
- upload: upload logo and save(use stream) (a15e829)
- webpack.config.js: fix imagemini plugin (607d8c4)
- bugfix (7279d06)
- bugfix (2632e68)
- fix data month (bb80631)
- appcenter: inner app save into database, style change (424448f)
- bugfix (2d033b9)
- proxyaddrstable: fix row selected bug (9f992c2)
- switchhost: change file storage path (83383e8)
1.1.1 (2020-12-12)
- change link url (c99f85c)
- config center: fix config center tag filter (770c2f2)
- tag management: fix updata tag color (c15c90e)
1.1.0 (2020-12-04)
范围 | 描述 | commitId |
api | server info api | d6810c8 |
app | update app center | 8a0973a |
feedback | add feedback code | 0250c2d |
feedback | add feedback code | d3ff4ab |
label management | fix the impact of tag management | 3fbcdad |
label management | fix the impact of tag management | a8a729d |
layout | updata layout for app | 804d59d |
layout | updata layout for global styles | a4e1c9f |
logo | updata logo for header | 45e091a |
proxy | update proxy server and create server rules | 76fc4d6 |
proxy server | add proxy server collection | 9df1419 |
proxy server | add proxy server collection | 5cf1bf4 |
proxy server | add proxy server common link | 1df947c |
proxy server | add proxy server common link | 5912f34 |
remote host | updata remote host docs | c096a86 |
switchhosts | add switchhosts model | 2c3fdc2 |
switchhosts | push, delete actions, and bugfix | 977cfed |
tags | add host management tags filter | bb3a93e |
tags | add host management tags filter | 3513047 |
tags | add tag management page | e0b06bd |
- | add help link | 9af674d
- | add help link | 4db43dd switchhosts | hosts edit page | a841b1e tags | add tag management page | a2046aa themes | updata themes for layout | 450514c
- | add and update appcenter | d45ca82
- | hosts add and udpate api | 0bcb4d4
- | write switchhosts back-end logic | 552995d toobox | add toolbox app center | dd0e5f6
范围 | 描述 | commitId |
toolbox | upate toolbox for help icon styles | 75df841 |
toolbox | upate toolbox for help icon styles | 721c40d |
范围 | 描述 | commitId |
switchhosts | rename and fix exist dir bug | cfb102a |
switchhosts | rename and fix exist dir bug | 6dfe4e7 |
- | add order params and fix add app | bed8e06
- | api response | 65a3e8a
- | bugfix | a49c8a0
- | bugfix and optimize | 0c1eb5c
- | fix create app | ba0d02d
- | merge serverinfo api, save into store | d274c81 switch hsots | get server info and optimize | 240c407
- | hosts file store locally | 2b70e29 switchhosts | fix hosts file save and read | fca1261
范围 | 描述 | commitId |
docs | updata docs Introduction | 0da4158 |
version | update doraemon version v1.1.0 | 4aa994b |
- | add Introduction and RemoteHosts | a423ba6
- | add logo | 877a3c1
- | align image center | 27ec7b2
- | update Introduction | ff28753 packagejson | update packagejson version and changelog | 03e0aa3
范围 | 描述 | commitId |
- | lint | a952d77
范围 | 描述 | commitId |
public | public folder add hosts file | 1999bf7 |
switchhost | modify the hosts manage title name | 36bda4c |
1.0.0 (2020-09-04)
范围 | 描述 | commitId |
animate | updata doraemon animate | 4d0dbc8 |
commit | 优化代码提交控制流程 | 954a7c3 |
config | 修改mysql数据源配置 | b938f04 |
范围 | 描述 | commitId |
- | Update 修改数据库密码 | 4fcfca8
- | 优化列表删除 | b6e2e59
- | 修改package.json | cb4111b
- | 版本控制 | ab9a10d
- | 锁定安装包 | 08a8cfa
- | 优化欢迎页 | a2d6f7c
- | 优化界面 | e158523
- | feat:优化eslint | 8bf8274
- | 修改主题布局及全局列表默认排序方式 | e5d3a73
- | 去掉服务端文件操作命令错误提示 | 333317c
- | 添加默认ip | 76722a2
- | 优化远程nginx配置创建 | 102ae4f
- | 配置详情修复配置问题修复 | a36d2d0
- | 优化远程操作指令rm | def58fd
- | 支持配置文件的远程更新 | 4f367cf
- | webpack配置调整 | 5ac8169
- | 新增配置中心 | 6df7e76
- | 部分react组件该用hook的方式去写 | 30d109b
- | shell脚本调整 | 0f621e3
- | 获取本机IP的方式改变 | 78d7d9c
- | start.sh脚本更新 | d009ec6
- | 新增主机失败问题修复 | 9db1c89
- | 加入主机管理功能 | a30a559
- | Revert "Revert "加入本机ip的获取"" | 6f8146b
- | Revert "加入本机ip的获取" | e2bd908
- | 获取本机ip函数调整 | 92cda1e
- | 加入本机ip的获取 | 02422de
- | 代理服务正则表达式校验改成宽松校验 | 11779b1
- | 代理规则加入备注这一字段 | 59d5256
- | 打包问题修复 | 77673c5
- | 添加邮件签名制作 | 15d3d1c
- | 样式调整 | d8ffd00
- | 加入工具箱和内部网址导航 | 05fa606
- | 新增默认需求本机Ip | 8536a9a
- | serverId获取方式调整 | e0833cd
- | 修改.gitignore | 053c71c
- | 忽略config/manifest.json | 96347b4
- | 标题链接首页 | 6b9c4e7
- | 把名字改回去 | 2cdf326
- | 再次改 | b2cf9d7
- | 改到你成 | 554d1fc
- | 名字再次调整 | 2ee8b85
- | 名字调整测试 | a0a7541
- | 重定向问题修复以及加入目标服务地址的格式校验 | def1895
- | 塌陷问题修复 | aad39b0
- | 启动命令调整 | efcb39c
- | 生产环境数据库地址调整 | 66b0ea1
- | 修复代理不支持post类型 | 2ac75ad
- | bug fix | a5de1cd
- | 查询model改变 | 34de349
- | 编辑问题修复 | a71f297
- | 更换数据库地址 | c376c70
- | 生产环境加入数据配置 | 1ef4d15
- | 删除test.js | a6ac981
- | 代理功能完成 | 1d52b7e
- | 代理服务操作 | c984fbf
- | 项目初始化 | f116e4c