Before getting started, make sure you have already submitted a functional specification and gotten approval from an instructor.
Start with a blank Rails application by generating a repository based on our rails-7-template.
Enter bin/dev
in terminal to start your web server after the setup completes.
Always Be Committing.
I encourage you to use an Industrial Git Flow (feature branches with pull requests) even though you will likely be the only developer on this project.
We encourage you to tag an instructor, teaching assistant or classmate to review a pull request and give you feedback.
Remember to Keep it simple 😽
Please share your project repository url. It should be something like this:<username>/<repo-name>
- Have you created a repository using the template for your project in GitHub?
- Yes
- Great job!
- No
- Please create a repository for your project before continuing. {: .choose_best #create_project_repository title="Project Repository" points="1" answer="1" }
Please return to Canvas and submit the URL in the assignment "Submit Repository URL".
An instructor will provide additional feedback on your submission there.
Launch as soon as you can so you can start collecting real data and test your hypothesis. Please share your production url after you launch.
- Have you launched your project?
- Yes
- Great job!
- No
- Please launch your project before continuing. {: .choose_best #project_launch title="Project Launch" points="1" answer="1" }
Return to Canvas and submit the URL in the assignment "Submit Production URL".
An instructor will provide additional feedback on your submission there.
- Approximately how long (in minutes) did this lesson take you to complete? {: .free_text_number #time_taken title="Time taken" points="1" answer="any" }