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Publisher Portal - Sample Web Application

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The publisher web application is the admin console for the publisher for defining the input fields on the landing page and managing marketplace subscriptions.

Manage new subscription landing page input fields

  • Log on to the Publisher Portal
  • Click Offers in the menu
  • The page lists down the offer that is associated with the subscription and the plan that was created during the test purchase in the earlier step
  • Click Edit under the Action column to navigate to the details of the offer and manage offer parameters

Offer Parameters

Each row in the screen corresponds to a field in the form on the Landing page.

  • Click on Add New Row to add a new row and fill the details using the information below

    • ParameterId : The name of the field without spaces.
    • DisplayName : Label for the field that should appear on the landing page
    • Description : Description for the field (this will not be shown on the screen and is only for internal purposes)
    • ValueTypeId : Datatype of the field
    • FromList : Check this box to set the field as a Pick list.
    • ValueList : Items of the pick list as comma delimited values
    • Max : Maximum value of the integer field
    • Min : Minimum value of the integer field
    • DisplaySequence : Order / sequence in which the field appears along with other fields
    • IsActive : Check this box to have the field in effect. Uncheck the box so that the field stops appearing on the landing page
    • IsRequired : Check if the input on this field is mandatory
    • Remove : Remove the item
  • Click Save after adding the desired number of rows / changes

  • The set of the fields here are the global defaults available for override at the plans that are part of the offer

Manage existing subscription landing page input fields

  • Log on to the Publisher Portal
  • Click Plans in the menu
  • The page lists down the plans against all the subscriptions created against the SaaS offers
  • Click Edit under the Action column to navigate to the details of the plan and manage plan parameters and events
  • Click Parameters tab to see a list of input parameters that can be configured to appear on the subscription landing page for the customer at the time of purchase
  • Check the box under the column Enable to make the field appear on the landing page. Uncheck it to hide the input from appearing on the landing page

Plan Parameters

Landing page

Subscription events

  • Click Events tab in the plan detail to see the email recipients by events that are relevant in the provisioning of a SaaS subscription Plan Parameters

  • Check the box if an event configuration should be activated

  • Check the box - Copy to Customer to include customer email address in the email notifications relevant to the event

Email setup

  • Go to the Publisher Portal and in Application Config, make sure the SMTP values are updated

Application Config Page

  • In the Plans page, go to the Events tab
  • Set the emails' recipients under Success/Failure Event Emails and mark them as active in the checkboxes under Active [To send the email to the customer, enable the Copy To Customer flag]

Plan Events

  • To add Bcc emails, go to the Email Template in the Application Config page and add Bcc emails to the appropriate template
  • In the Application Config page, enable the respective config values to send the emails in different scenarios:
    • To send emails when a subscription is requesting activation, set IsEmailEnabledForPendingActivation to True
    • To send emails when a subscription is activated, set IsEmailEnabledForSubscriptionActivation to True
    • To send emails when a subscription is unsubscribed, set IsEmailEnabledForUnsubscription to True

Application Config Page

Manage subscriptions

  • All the subscriptions purchased will be available under the subscriptions screen.
  • The status of each subscription will be available in the list.
  • From this screen the actions on the subscriptions like Change Plan, Change Quantity, Manage Usage, Activate and unsubscribe can be done depending on the status.

SaaS Subscriptions

Activate a subscription

The diagram below illustrates the flow of information between Azure and the Azure marketplace SDK client application. Information flow between Azure and Provisioning application

  • On the subscription page, review the details presented and click Activate SaaS Subscriptions

The Publisher portal calls the following API client methods in the background.

// Determine the details of the offer using the marketplace token that is available in the URL during the redirect from Azure to the landing page.
Task<ResolvedSubscriptionResult> ResolveAsync(string marketPlaceAccessToken);

// Activates the subscription to trigger the start of billing
Task<SubscriptionUpdateResult> ActivateSubscriptionAsync(Guid subscriptionId, string subscriptionPlanID);
  • Upon successful activation of the subscription, the subscription detail page switches to a view that lists the subscriptions against the offer.

The subscription for the offer on the Azure portal will display Manage Account on the button for the landing page.

Note If activation workflow is enabled, by turning on the flag - IsAutomaticProvisioningSupported in the ApplicationConfiguration table, the application would put the subscription in PendingActivation status and the Fulfillment API to activate the subscription is not called. Publisher has the option to activate the subscription via the action menu in the subscription listing in the Publisher Portal.

Change plan

Pre-requisite: Set "AcceptSubscriptionUpdates" Key in App config to "True". If "False" or Key doesn't exist, updates will be rejected by the webhook.

The diagram below illustrates the flow of information between Azure and the Azure marketplace SDK client application.

Update subscription

  • Log on to Publisher portal.

  • Click Subscriptions from the menu on the top, in case you are not on the page that shows you the list of subscriptions.

  • The table on this page lists all the subscriptions and their status.

  • Click Change Plan option in the dropdown menu that appears when the icon under the Actions column against any of the active subscriptions is clicked. SaaS Subscriptions

  • A popup appears with a list of plans that you can switch to.

  • Select a desired plan and click Change Plan.

    SaaS Subscriptions

The Publisher portal calls the following API client methods in the background.

// Initiate the change plan process
Task<SubscriptionUpdateResult> ChangePlanForSubscriptionAsync(Guid subscriptionId, string subscriptionPlanID);

The operation is asynchronous and the call to change plan comes back with an operation location that should be queried for status.

// Get the latest status of the subscription due to an operation / action.
Task<OperationResult> GetOperationStatusResultAsync(Guid subscriptionId, Guid operationId);

Note If activation workflow is enabled, by turning on the flag - IsAutomaticProvisioningSupported in the ApplicationConfiguration table, the option to Change Plan is disabled for customers. Publisher has the option to change the plan of the subscription via the action menu in the subscription listing in the Publisher Portal.

Change quantity

Pre-requisite: Set "AcceptSubscriptionUpdates" Key in App config to "True". If "False" or Key doesn't exist, updates will be rejected by the webhook.

The update to quantity is applicable only for the plans with per user pricing model.

Per user pricing

The record for the plan needs to reflect the per user pricing model. To update the record, see the following script as an example / template to update the records in Plans

UPDATE Plans SET IsPerUser = 1 WHERE PlanId = '<ID-of-the-plan-as-in-the-offer-in-partner-center>'

The Plan ID is available in the Plan overview tab of the offer as shown here:

Plan ID

  • Log on to Publisher portal.

  • Click Subscriptions from the menu on the top, in case you are not on the page that shows you the list of subscriptions.

  • The table on this page lists all the subscriptions and their status.

  • Click Change quantity in the menu as shown in the below picture Change quantity

  • Provide the new quantity and click Change Quantity to update the quantity on the subscription Update quantity

The Publisher portal calls the following API client methods in the background.

Task<SubscriptionUpdateResult> ChangeQuantityForSubscriptionAsync(Guid subscriptionId, int? subscriptionQuantity);

The operation is asynchronous and the call to Change quantity comes back with an operation location that should be queried for status.

// Get the latest status of the subscription due to an operation / action.
Task<OperationResult> GetOperationStatusResultAsync(Guid subscriptionId, Guid operationId);

Emit usage events

If the plan has custom metering dimensions, the record on the data store needs to reflect it. Use the following script as an example / template to update the records in Plans

UPDATE Plans SET IsmeteringSupported = 1 WHERE PlanId = '<ID-of-the-plan-as-in-the-offer-in-partner-center>'

The Plan ID is available in the Plan overview tab of the offer as shown here:

Plan ID

After marking the plan to reflect the support of meters, use the following script as an example / template to initialize meters in MeteredDimensions table

INSERT INTO MeteredDimensions ( Dimension, PlanId, Description, CreatedDate)
SELECT '<dimension-as-in-partner-center', '<id-of-the-plan>', '<description>', GETDATE()

The Dimension in the above example should be the attribute of a meter in the plan as shown in the below image: Meter dimension

A button is enabled to post usage events against the subscription if it's plan supports metering.

Please see the frequently asked question document for the details about timing of emitting usage events.

The following interface in the Publisher portal allows the user to manual report the usage against a selected dimension.

In this example, suppose the SaaS solution is a notification service that helps its customers send out emails / text. Email and Text are modeled as dimensions and the plan in the marketplace offer captures the definition for charges by these dimensions.

Report usage

The SaaS metering service calls the below API to emit usage events

/// <summary>
/// Emits the usage event asynchronous.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="usageEventRequest">The usage event request.</param>
/// <returns></returns>
Task<MeteringUsageResult> EmitUsageEventAsync(MeteringUsageRequest usageEventRequest);

The service tracks the requests sent and the response received from the marketplace metering APIs for auditing purposes.


  • Log on to Publisher portal.
  • Click Subscriptions from the menu on the top, in case you are not on the page that shows you the list of subscriptions.
  • The table on this page lists all the subscriptions and their status.
  • Click Unsubscribe against an active subscription. SaaS Subscriptions
  • Confirm your action to trigger the deletion of the subscription.

The Publisher portal calls the following API client methods in the background.

// Initiate the delete subscription process
Task<SubscriptionUpdateResult> DeleteSubscriptionAsync(Guid subscriptionId, string subscriptionPlanID);

The operation is asynchronous and the call to Unsubscribe comes back with an operation location that should be queried for status.

// Get the latest status of the subscription due to an operation / action.
Task<OperationResult> GetOperationStatusResultAsync(Guid subscriptionId, Guid operationId);

Note If activation workflow is enabled, by turning on the flag - IsAutomaticProvisioningSupported in the ApplicationConfiguration table, the option to Unsubscribe is disabled for customers. Publisher has the option to delete the subscription via the action menu in the subscription listing in the Publisher Portal.

View activity log

  • Log on to Publisher portal.
  • Click Subscriptions from the menu on the top, in case you are not on the page that shows you the list of subscriptions.
  • The table on this page lists all the subscriptions and their status.
  • Click Activity Log to view the log of activity that happened against the subscription. SaaS Subscriptions SaaS Subscriptions