- fix image renderlet
- fix rn_base requirement
- coding style fixes
- changed extension naming
- fix for last fix for PHP 8.0
- fix some deprecations
- fix lister widget
- fix for PHP 8.0
- fix majix actions
- fix redirect after submit configured through TypoScript
- fixes for PHP 8.0
- support for TYPO3 10.4 and 11.5 and PHP 7.4 and 8.0 only
- bugfixes
- Require rn_base >= 1.15.0
- support for PHP 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4 only
- bugfixes (thanks to Oliver Klee)
- support for TYPO3 9.5 and 10.4 only
- bugfixes
- add suggest information for mksanitizedparameters
- Fix autoloading for datasources in non-Composer installation
- Added TYPO3 9.5 support, dropped TYPO3 6.2 support
- Add travis ci support
- fixed name of checkbox
- change typo3 requirement to cms-core instead of cms
- PHP 7.2 compatibility fixed if $errors is no array
- fixed PHP 7.2 deprecations
- removed not longer needed lib
- New base class for plugins
- Fix some method visibility
- fixed no onchange event when using Renderlet::DATE
- new view class for plugin and bugfix in js
- Trigger validation for CHECKBOX widget if no item selected
- bugfix for PHP 7.2
- make it possible to stop ajax requests
- New tag attribute for required
- optimized logging
- don't use constant if not defined
- harden substring searches
- Replace the deprecated "each" method in widgets/
- Fix syntax error in the upload widget
- avoid htmlspecialchars being used twice when value of widget is sanitized
- replaced old IMG_RESOURCE() method
- several cleanups and bugfixes (see git commit history on github)
- several cleanups and bugfixes (see git commit history on github)
- Stop using the deprecated removeXSS method
- dropped support for TYPO3 < 6.2
- removed no longer needed PHP session manager
- breaking change: introduced new method to initialize session properly and whenever necessary
- breaking change: bStoreFormInSession is no longer public (use API method storeFormInSession() to set the value instead)
- disable csrf protection when plugin is cached
- don't start a session unless necessary
- dont save creation timestamp in session when plugin not USER_INT
- introduced new checkpoint for validators after render
- added option to prefix configuration id with configuration id of form when getting TS configuration in forms
- bugfix autoloading definition
- updated tx_mkforms_forms_IJSFramework interface
- updated licence as GPL-2.0+ is outdated
- fixed compatibility issues in PHP 7 and TYPO3 8.7
- support for absRefPrefix with some refactoring
- added autoload in ext_emconf.php
- plugin changed to User and added toUserInt for all existing actions
- bugfix dont double encode ampersand in action attribute
- additional getter removed from maydey exception since parent owns it
- bugfix form action attribute using current URL by default without creating it
- bugfix made method declaration of _sqlSearchClause compatible
- cleanup use $GLOBALS['EXEC_TIME'] for inserts/updates on crdate/tstamp database fields
- time tracking validation: threshold can be a userObj
- Ajax-Calls: restore TSFE before form for correct translation handling
- csrf protection can be configured in XML structure
- [TASK] Remove hard-coded composer version
- [BUGFIX] Override HTTP status response headers
- bugfix dependsonifstrict also on array values
- Hook in Mail-DataHandler added
- TYPO3 8.7 LTS Support
- Templates for renderlet box fixed
- added missing load
- tx_mkforms_action_FormBase::getViewClassName() and tx_mkforms_action_FormBase::getTemplateName() now protected
- database datahandler now removes all fields that are not in the TCA of the given table
- moved tx_mkforms_widgets_damupload_Main to tx_mkforms_widgets_mediaupload_Main
- new attribute isSaveable for all widgets. default is true except for the MEDIAUPLOAD widget
- fixed FILE validator for MEDIAUPLOAD widget
- Scroll to error box after validation on ajaxcalls
- support for null as blank value in renderlets items
- strict check option added to listbox
- small refactoring
- first datahandler mail refactoring, template object by config added
- Cleanup version properties in config for xmls
- set default wrap class to mkforms
- add runable support for some config paths in mail datahandler
- add sucess callback for mail datahandler
- converted documentation from reSt to markdown
- support for fal references in image renderlet
- tx_mkforms_util_Div::toRelPath is now static
- minor bugfix
- loadFirstReferenceUid uses entryId from datahandler
- Missing include added
- Avoid js warning in console
- Implemented majixSetHtml to replace content of boxes
- new option renderLabelFirst in CHECKSINGLE
- Show mayday if codebehind js file was not found
- visibility of methods set
- JS wrapper extended
- old js code fixed
- fixed a missing include
- bugfix for syntax error
- added support for TYPO3 7.6
- Main subpart configurable in view
- bugfixes
- getStoredData() of database datahandler returns record on first call
- process tag for actionlet redirect added
- new parameter viewData for add...Marker methods
- cleanup
- bugfixes
- process typoscript in Formbase utility
- Condition for includeXML fixed
- Feature first-active for radiobuttons added
- get TypoScript for forms xml and templates added
- unique validator refactored, skipedition check and disabled option added
- New template method to get the form id
- cleanup
- new config to disable strict check for validator dependson
- refactoring
- bugfix falls hasError in einem Template direkt aufgerufen wird und ein Widgetname übergeben bekommt
- recursive includeXml inclusion now possible
- cleanup filename in the normal upload widget just like in the FAL/DAM upload widget
- some cleanup
- [BUGFIX] mkwrapper in framework.js ergaenzt
- new static country feature for form field data (see manual - static-country-feature)
- removed old documentation
- [BUGFIX] prevent js error on newer query versions for rowInput fields
- [CLEANUP] Autoformat the PHP files (thanks to Oliver Klee)