All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Now will MsDbConfig and MsDbMigrationConfig handle undefined IConfiguration
- Removed warnings and improved som package-dependencies
- Upgraded Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Core
- Added HiddenPropertyResolverExtensions
- Updated nuget-packages: [FluentMigrator*, Npgsql]
- Improved IsErrorFilterNumberMatchAndReturnErrorNumber
- Improved ExtractSqlStatements. Still problem with nested begin / end and comments
- Improved ExtractSqlStatements. Problem with nested begin / end
- Added UserGrant configs
- Even more migration logging improvements
- Even more migration logging improvements
- Migration logging improvements
- Added Errorfilter to Create and Alter syntax
- Improved resolving migration log-file
- Ignored Disposed exception for Migration RollbackTransaction
- Improved IsInvalidDatabaseAdminException extension method.
- Added tests for the IsInvalidDatabaseAdminException-method
- Added DatabaseAdmin validation feature to IDbConfig.AdminUser and IDbConfig.AdminPassword
- Fixed bug introduced with empty Default admin username and password
- Made Default admin username and password configurable
- More DefaultDbConfigValues.DefaultDbType stuff
- Added tests
- Made DefaultDbConfigValues.DefaultDbType changable
- Extended PrepareSql with additional parameters
- Improved LogFileAppendFluentMigratorLoggerProvider. If directories or directory is missing, the directory will be created before the logfile is created
- Improved LogFileAppendFluentMigratorLoggerProvider. If logfile is already open, change logfile to a filename with timestamp - ex. "abcd.log" => "abcd-20211105.log"
- Added openConnectionWhenRequest parameter to ServiceCollectionDbProviderExtensions:AddDbProvider method
- Added database:poolingKeyValues to tune connecting-pooling
- Overrided OracleProcessorBase:DataSet Read(string template, params object[] args) in ExtendedOracleProcessorBase to log exception if it happens
- Overrided OracleProcessorBase:DataSet ReadTableData(string schemaName, string tableName) in ExtendedOracleProcessorBase to handle exception better
- Expaned DataDictionaryRequiredLevel with new enum-values
- Improved ExtractSqlStatements extension method.
- Implemented ErrorFilter detection
- Improved Connection.Open.
- Added IDataDictionarySchemaPrefixAppender to FluentDbTools.Migration.Abstractions
- Made configuration optional for MsConfigurationChangedHandler
- Improved PrioritizedConfigValues Password resolving
- Extended IPrioritizedConfigKeys with Order property
- Added more API documentations
- Even more PrioritizedConfig stuff. Improved MsConfig and MsMigrationConfig
- Added PrioritizedConfig to MsMigrationConfig
- Fixed build/merge fail
- More PrioritizedConfig stuff (IConfigurationDelimiter)
- More PrioritizedConfig stuff
- More PrioritizedConfig stuff
- Made it possible to define how some configValues is fetched (IPrioritizedConfigValues <-> PrioritizedConfigValues)
- Fixed Scope registrations of DbConfig and DbProvider
- Fixed Scope registrations of Migration LoggerProvider.
- Fixed Scope registrations of DbConfig and DbProvider
- Fixed Scope registrations of Migration LoggerProvider.
- Resolved issue on SqlBuilder where a invalid alias (as) was genereted.
- Introduced SqlAliasHelper with Blacklisted Aliases functionallity.
- The Alias-Blacklist is pre-filled with "as", "on" etc...
- Added SolutionInfo.proj to FluentDbTools.Abstractions and FluentDbTools.SqlBuilder.Dapper project
- Changed extension method names in FluentDbTools.Extensions.SqlBuilder
- Removed Dapper dependecies fra FluentDbTools.SqlBuilder
- Introduced FluentDbTools.Abstraction project
- Changed FluentDbTools.SqlBuilder.Abstraction to depend on FluentDbTools.Abstraction
- Improved ConfigMatching (CaseInsesitive)
- Improved NoConnection an Preview Migration handling
- Added Password secret functionallity
- Improved Sql-logging
- Added Disabled as Default Enum value in TriggersAndViewsGeneration enum
- Implemented a mechanism for handling configuration-reload of changed config-files
- Added more Code documentation
- Improved LogFileAppendFluentMigratorLoggerProvider Will try 10 times with wait of 250ms to create StreamWriter if IOException is thrown
- Fixed FluentDbTools.Common.Abstractions.Extensions.ExtractSqlStatements
- Added test to verify that ExtractSqlStatements do the work
- Improved Embedded resource handling
- Fixed SqlResource for netstandard2.0
- Improved implementation of DefaultOracleCustomMigrationProcessor
- Implemented DefaultOracleCustomMigrationProcessor and improved sql-statement extracts
- Implemented MigrationSchema and added trigging of ICustomMigrationProcessor.MigrationMetadataChanged()
- Improved Configuration-dictionary lookup to be case-independent
- VersionTable will now consider whether SchemPrefixId is defined in the configuration
- i.e: SchemPrefixId = EX => VersionTable will be EXVersion
- i.e: SchemPrefixId is unspicified => VersionTable will be Version
- SchemaPrefixId is fetched from database:migration:schemaPrefix:id OR database:schemaPrefix:id
- SchemaPrefixUniqueId is fetched from database:migration:schemaPrefix:UniqueId OR database:schemaPrefix:UniqueId
- Improved how data in ChangeLogContext initialized.
- Added LogFileAppendFluentMigratorLoggerProvider. Sql log can be added to the end of a existing file
- Improved how external oracle sql statements is executed
- Implemented ICustomMigrationProcessor for ChangeLog, Adding DefaultColumns, and hooks method running after schema is created or after schema is removed
- database:migration:defaultTablespace and database:migration:tempTablespace must be specified to create oracle user with specific tablespaces
- Renamed AdditionalConfigValues to GetAllMigrationConfigValues() function in IDbMigrationConfig
- Removed TableRoleName and CodeRoleName from IDbMigrationConfig
- Added GetAllDatabaseConfigValues() function to IDbConfig
- Added AdditionalConfigValues, TableRoleName and CodeRoleName to IDbMigrationConfig
- Added UnitTest for new IDbMigrationConfig properties
- Improved Migration-logging configuration
- Removed logging of "SELECT 1" statement for Oracle
- Upgraded FluentMigrator
- Added some documentation
- Improved Migration-logging configuration
- Improved Migration-logging configuration
- Rebuilded version 1.1.3
- Improved tnsname.ora detection
- Added migration-logging configuration
- Improved tnsname.ora detection
- Bug fix: Switched scope of DbProviderFactory from singleton to scoped.
- Removed more dependency to Microsoft Extensions.
- Removed MSDepencenyInjection unecessary dependencies.
- Removed MSDepencenyInjection unecessary extensions.
- Added support for scanning for VersionTableMetaData
- Added extension method ConfigureOracleTnsAdminPath to configure TNS_ADMIN path
- Problem with publish to nuget
Added support of simplified Oracle EzConnect
e.g: database:dataSource = "host/service"
Added support of Oracle TnsAliasName
e.g: database:dataSource = "tnsAliasName" => "tnsAliasName" must be available in tnsnames.ora => tnsnames.ora must be localized in running folder or specified with Enviroment-variable TNS_ADMIN ie: TNS_ADMIN=C:\oracle\product\\network\admin
Added UnitTests for ConnectionStringBuilders
Refacted IDbConfig:
- IDbConfig is now mainly used for reading configuration and data holder for ConnectionString parameters
- IDbConfig is devided into:
- IDbMigrationConfig used by DbMigration
- IDbConnectionStringBuilder used by ConnectionString builders
- IDbConfigDatabaseTargets used by SqlBuilder
Reduced use of IDbConfig in UnitTests and Example codes.
- Fixed Enum bug with sql builder.
- Servicename in config, to support Oracle naming conventions.
- Added skip flag to db provider registration.
- Added service collection extension feature.
- Removed direct db driver dependencies.
- Included extension projects for oracle and postgres.
- Fixed bug in postgres description generator.
- Added features to specify table name.
- Added DbConfig to dbProvider solution.
- Renamed DefaultDbConfig to MSDbConfig.
- Added a default DbConfig to DbProvider (non MS specific).
- Updated default values for DbConfig.
- Default schema/schema password should be equal to user/user password.
- Added support for overriding functions in DefaultDbConfig.
- Added support for setting the connection string template.
- Added support for select with count.
- Added FluentDbProviderFactory extension.
- added SchemaPassword property to IDbConfig
- Deleted old stuff from FluentDbTools.Migration.Abstractions
- Removed FluentDbTools.Database.Abstractions assembly
- Updated nuget metadata.
- Minor fix
- Initial release