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Context Menus

Vetle444 edited this page May 30, 2024 · 6 revisions

A context menu is a pop-up menu that provides shortcuts for actions related to the tapped item.



A context menu can be attached to any Element. In this example a context menu is attached to a Button with one ContextMenuItem. The ItemClickedCommand is bound to a Command, thus, when any item is tapped, the Command will be executed.

 <dui:Button Text="Open context menu">
        <dui:ContextMenu ItemClickedCommand="{Binding ItemClickedCommand}">
            <dui:ContextMenuItem Title="Tap me" />


There are two context menu-modes:

  • Pressed (default)
  • LongPressed


This mode requires people to tap to show a context menu.

 <dui:Button Text="Open context menu" dui:ContextMenuEffect.Mode="Pressed">


This mode requires people to long-tap the Element to show the context menu.

On iOS a "preview" of the Element will be displayed.

 <dui:Button Text="Open context menu" dui:ContextMenuEffect.Mode="LongPressed">

Global Callbacks

Click events on ContextMenuItems can be subscribed to inside UseDIPSUI() in MauiProgram.cs:

var builder = MauiApp.CreateBuilder();
    .UseDIPSUI(options =>

private static void OnContextMenuItemClicked(ContextMenuItem item)
    Console.WriteLine($"Clicked context menu item with title {item.Title}!");

Attaching a Context Menu to a ToolbarItem

To attach a Context Menu to a ToolbarItem we have created a ContextMenuToolbarItem, which has a ContextMenu property.


    <dui:ContextMenuToolbarItem Text="Tap">
            <dui:ContextMenu Title="Context menu">
                <dui:ContextMenuItem Title="Item 1" />

NB! Attaching a Context Menu on a ToolbarItem is only supported when the Application is run on Shell.

Known Limitations

  • Long-Pressed Mode are not supported (yet) on ToolbarItems


Inspect the components properties class to further customize and use it.

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