Collection items have storage locations. Representations of storage locations are necessary for collection management, in particular for all processing requiring information on the storage location of a given object and processes changing the location of an object, temporarily or permanently.
Realize the creating / reading / update / deleting of records for:
- storage locations of collection objects
- values of properties of storage locations, e.g.,
- Type of storage location (e.g. room, cabinet, shelf, tray …)
- storage conditions of storage location (temperature, humidity, light, safety features, object classes stored, containment levels (e.g., pathogens, living collections)
- inspection status, schedule
- identifiers and references to the unit e.g. RFID tags, PIDs, “vernacular” names
- administrative details: phone numbers, people permitted, emergency contacts
- relations between storage locations, hierarchical
- links to object states as far as they are contingent on storage conditions
Realize the referencing of storage locations for
- representing object location
- representing changes in object location / full history of changes
- parasite / host relations are not treated as storage locations
- no virtual storage locations (in terms of files etc.)
- media / files e.g., images, maps / GIS
- movements, transactions