Date: 2023-06-12
The information about the school: name
, postcode
and headteacher name
currently stored in the Applicant
. As we are adding more functionality and
validations to the Applicant journey, we are finding ourselves with code
that does not look easy to read and reason about.
For example, the applicant domain class has two postcodes:
- Postcode for his address (postcode)
- Postcode for the school (school_postcode)
This also happens for the name
, and will happen for more attributes as we
have been requested to also add the school address
Extract the School domain class that stores:
- name
- postcode
- headteacher name
School will have a FK to Applicant in a one-to-one association. If the applicant is removed then the school will be removed as well.
Although column names will change over time, the eventual table structure will look something like this:
This will make the Applicant domain class easier to read and reason about, although the domain will be a bit more complex.