diff --git a/app/views/teacher_interface/application_forms/show/_awarded.html.erb b/app/views/teacher_interface/application_forms/show/_awarded.html.erb
index 216d143033..966a4f0a95 100644
--- a/app/views/teacher_interface/application_forms/show/_awarded.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/teacher_interface/application_forms/show/_awarded.html.erb
@@ -1,24 +1,42 @@
Your QTS application was successful
-As someone with qualified teacher status, you’ve been assigned a teacher reference number (TRN).
+Your application <%= view_object.application_form.reference %> has been reviewed and you have been awarded qualified teacher status.
-Your TRN is:
-<%= govuk_inset_text(text: view_object.teacher.trn) %>
+Access your QTS certificate and teacher reference number (TRN)
-Next steps
+You can now get your QTS certificate and teacher reference number (TRN). You will need both of these to be recognised in the education sector in England.
-To download a PDF of your QTS certificate and find your date of recognition, visit:
-<%= govuk_link_to "https://www.gov.uk/guidance/teacher-self-service-portal", "https://www.gov.uk/guidance/teacher-self-service-portal" %>
+You can access these at: <%= govuk_link_to nil, view_object.teacher.access_your_teaching_qualifications_url.presence || "https://access-your-teaching-qualifications.education.gov.uk" %>
+You will be asked to create a Department for Education (DfE) Identity account to log in.
+About DfE Identity accounts
+You’ll need your name and mobile phone number (for account security only) to create an account. Your DfE Identity account can be used to:
+ - access your teaching qualifications, for example your QTS certification (to show employers evidence of your teaching service)
+ - get your teacher reference number (TRN) (7 digit number that identifies you in the education sector in England)
+ - sign into different DfE teacher services
+ - update your details
Find out more about teaching in England
-There’s more information about coming to teach in England at <%= govuk_link_to "Get Into Teaching", "https://getintoteaching.education.gov.uk/non-uk-teachers" %>.
+There is more information available about coming to teach in England at <%= govuk_link_to "Get into Teaching", "https://getintoteaching.education.gov.uk/non-uk-teachers" %>.
+The Get into Teaching website also offers <%= govuk_link_to "help and support", "https://getintoteaching.education.gov.uk/help-and-support" %>.
+You may be eligible to receive help from a return to teaching adviser. They can give you one-to-one support with applications and applying for interviews. They cannot provide visa advice or offer you a teaching role in England. To register for support you will need your TRN. Find out more: <%= govuk_link_to nil, "https://getintoteaching.education.gov.uk/teacher-training-adviser/sign_up/identity" %>.
-Search for a job in teaching
+Search for a teaching job in England
-You can search for a teaching job using <%= govuk_link_to "Teaching Vacancies", "https://teaching-vacancies.service.gov.uk" %>. It’s the official government service that schools use to list their teaching roles. You can also sign up to alerts for the latest jobs matching your key search criteria.
+You can search for a job in teaching through the government’s official <%= govuk_link_to "Teaching Vacancies service", "https://teaching-vacancies.service.gov.uk" %>.
-Get support with your application
+The service is free and is used by English schools to list their teaching roles. As well as applying for jobs you can:
-If you’re applying for a secondary school maths, physics or modern foreign languages teaching role in England, use the Get into Teaching service for one-to-one support with your application through <%= govuk_link_to "Get an advisor", "https://adviser-getintoteaching.education.gov.uk" %>.
-Your adviser can help with writing a personal statement, preparing for an interview and accessing courses to enhance your subject knowledge.
+ - set up job alerts
+ - create a profile which allows schools to find and invite you to apply for their jobs
+ - read advice for jobseekers
diff --git a/app/views/teacher_mailer/application_awarded.text.erb b/app/views/teacher_mailer/application_awarded.text.erb
index 29c9e0764f..47f23ac891 100644
--- a/app/views/teacher_mailer/application_awarded.text.erb
+++ b/app/views/teacher_mailer/application_awarded.text.erb
@@ -2,14 +2,43 @@ Dear <%= application_form_full_name(@application_form) %>
# Your QTS application was successful
-<%= render "shared/teacher_mailer/reference_number" %>
+We’re pleased to tell you that your application <%= @application_form.reference %> has been reviewed and you have been awarded qualified teacher status.
+## Access your QTS certificate and teacher reference number (TRN)
+You can now get your QTS certificate and teacher reference number (TRN). You will need both of these to be recognised in the education sector in England.
+You can access these at: <%= @application_form.teacher.access_your_teaching_qualifications_url.presence || "https://access-your-teaching-qualifications.education.gov.uk" %>
+You will be asked to create a Department for Education (DfE) Identity account to log in.
+## About DfE Identity accounts
+You’ll need your name and mobile phone number (for account security only) to create an account. Your DfE Identity account can be used to:
+- access your teaching qualifications, for example your QTS certification (to show employers evidence of your teaching service)
+- get your teacher reference number (TRN) (7 digit number that identifies you in the education sector in England)
+- sign into different DfE teacher services
+- update your details
We’re pleased to tell you that the assessor has now completed their review of your application and you’ve been awarded qualified teacher status (QTS).
-# What happens next
+## Find out more about teaching in England
+There is more information available about coming to teach in England at [Get into Teaching](https://getintoteaching.education.gov.uk/non-uk-teachers).
+The Get into Teaching website also offers [help and support](https://getintoteaching.education.gov.uk/help-and-support).
+You may be eligible to receive help from a return to teaching adviser. They can give you one-to-one support with applications and applying for interviews. They cannot provide visa advice or offer you a teaching role in England. To register for support you will need your TRN. Find out more: https://getintoteaching.education.gov.uk/teacher-training-adviser/sign_up/identity
+## Search for a teaching job in England
+You can search for a job in teaching through the government’s official [Teaching Vacancies service](https://teaching-vacancies.service.gov.uk).
-You can sign in to get your Teacher Reference Number (TRN) and get some guidance about your next steps:
+The service is free and is used by English schools to list their teaching roles. As well as applying for jobs you can:
-<%= new_teacher_session_url %>
+- set up job alerts
+- create a profile which allows schools to find and invite you to apply for their jobs
+- read advice for jobseekers
<%= render "shared/teacher_mailer/footer" %>
diff --git a/spec/views/teacher_interface/application_forms_show_spec.rb b/spec/views/teacher_interface/application_forms_show_spec.rb
index adab6868be..820099280c 100644
--- a/spec/views/teacher_interface/application_forms_show_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/views/teacher_interface/application_forms_show_spec.rb
@@ -27,7 +27,11 @@
let(:application_form) { create(:application_form, :awarded, teacher:) }
it { is_expected.to match(/Your QTS application was successful/) }
- it { is_expected.to match(/ABCDEF/) }
+ it do
+ is_expected.to match(
+ /You can now get your QTS certificate and teacher reference number/,
+ )
+ end
context "when declined" do