Releases: DFE-Digital/academies-academisation-api
Releases · DFE-Digital/academies-academisation-api
Merge pull request #207 from DFE-Digital/119327 119327
What's Changed
- deploy release-4 by @jordan-beard in #183
- Added nullable field to folder identifier by @jarednimble in #184
- 116171/add note date by @tim-wilde-nimble in #186
- 116121 Delete school from FAM application by @paullocknimble in #185
- Missed ef migration file by @jarednimble in #187
- Refactor GitHub workflow outputs by @Stretch96 in #189
- Refactoring remove appstate by @paullocknimble in #190
- Updated region filter to use region property by @dneed-nimble in #191
- Region filter now handling null list query string by @dneed-nimble in #192
- Add ability to add headers by @Stretch96 in #188
- set quoted_identifier on when executing migration script by @paullocknimble in #195
- Add Production build and push workflow by @Stretch96 in #193
- Add container app update to the Test workflow by @Stretch96 in #194
- 117330/fix project note duplication by @tim-wilde-nimble in #196
Full Changelog: release-4...release-5
What's Changed
- bump to release 3 by @jordan-beard in #176
- AB#107030 - Key people roles, now a one to many plus some columns for… by @paullocknimble in #177
- Enable CDN Front Door by @Stretch96 in #174
- Bump terraform container app hosting module to v0.10.1 by @Stretch96 in #178
- ApplicationReference is now a computed SQL column by @jarednimble in #180
- add DynamicsApplicationId to contributors table for data conversion by @MarkRobinsonDfe in #179
- Migration to add academisation.ProjectNotes table. by @tim-wilde-nimble in #181
- 115212/project notes by @tim-wilde-nimble in #182
Full Changelog: release-3...release-4
Release 3
What's Changed
- 105463 join trust reason by @paullocknimble in #142
- remove response headers if API is ever run in IIS / Azure App service directly by @MarkRobinsonDfe in #137
- AB#101007 project filter - return total count of projects by @jordan-beard in #139
- 105466 school finances leases by @jarednimble in #143
- 106634 form mat trust by @paullocknimble in #144
- 106651 submit application by @paullocknimble in #145
- Add list of Key Vault users by @Stretch96 in #146
- AB#109483 filter project - add new endpoint for getting all available statuses by @jordan-beard in #147
- AB#109486 project filter - allow filtering by school name (title) by @jordan-beard in #148
- Changed lease term type to a string by @jarednimble in #149
- AB#109518 filter projects - allow filtering by delivery officer. by @jordan-beard in #150
- Add sonarcloud scanning to build & test action in github by @cshnimble in #151
- Remove dotnet-coverage from test step to stop silent failures by @cshnimble in #152
- AB#107147-remove validator that checks schoo urn is the same on an ap… by @paullocknimble in #154
- Use dotCover for test coverage in SonarCloud by @cshnimble in #153
- 103694 additional details page by @jarednimble in #156
- Use dotnet test for coverage collection, reportgenerator to output to sonarcloud by @cshnimble in #158
- Updated school budget data by @dneed-nimble in #157
- AB#104661 - changes to a trust by @paullocknimble in #159
- Create build-and-push-image-development.yml by @DrizzlyOwl in #160
- AB108901-hasLoans and hasLeases bool field on school by @paullocknimble in #161
- AB#108901-maintain the hasLoans/hasLease value when adding removing l… by @paullocknimble in #162
- Adding first set of API tests by @dangood84 in #126
- 109472/filter by region by @dneed-nimble in #164
- Filter parameters by @dneed-nimble in #167
- Updated AcademyConversions GET to a POST by @dneed-nimble in #166
- AB#112498 map project - mapping fields for the project record by @jordan-beard in #165
- 113522 api fam add trust key person by @paullocknimble in #168
- bug fix for form mat details exception in api by @paullocknimble in #170
- Bump container apps hosting module to v0.7.1 by @Stretch96 in #155
- A2b project la data enrichment by @jordan-beard in #169
- update academies api env variables to work with azure by @jordan-beard in #172
- removing flaky test by @jordan-beard in #173
- 110289 data conversion new db cols by @MarkRobinsonDfe in #171
- Bump
environment to release-2 by @Stretch96 in #141
New Contributors
- @cshnimble made their first contribution in #151
- @dneed-nimble made their first contribution in #157
- @DrizzlyOwl made their first contribution in #160
- @dangood84 made their first contribution in #126
Full Changelog: release-2...release-3
Release 2
What's Changed
- Deploy to Test Azure Container Apps by @Stretch96 in #138
- Fix ACR repository name by @Stretch96 in #140
Full Changelog: release-1...release-2
Release 1
What's Changed
- 91561 C# Solution Structure for Conversions API by @wystanpalm-madetech in #1
- 93485 Rename Namespaces by @wystanpalm-madetech in #2
- 100139 Hello World by @wystanpalm-madetech in #3
- 100139 Hello World - enable swagger on non-development environments by @wystanpalm-madetech in #4
- 100139 Hello World - added example IOptions usage by @wystanpalm-madetech in #5
- Add configuration to appsettings.json by @MartinWheelerMT in #6
- 90919 create application by @wystanpalm-madetech in #7
- Add healthcheck endpoint by @MartinWheelerMT in #10
- 100521 - Record a conversion Decision by @MartinWheelerMT in #8
- 90919 create application by @wystanpalm-madetech in #11
- 90919 - API Create Application by @MartinWheelerMT in #12
- Update build.yml main not master by @CathLass in #14
- 92463 get application by @CathLass in #13
- Update azure-pipelines.yml for Azure Pipelines by @CathLass in #17
- AB#92463 Get Application - database migration and Readme by @CathLass in #15
- 92463 get application by @CathLass in #16
- Update azure-pipelines.yml change master to main by @MartinWheelerMT in #18
- AB#92463 - Entity Framework Migrations - Add Custom Migrations History by @MartinWheelerMT in #19
- AB#100521 - Record a decision - add DecisionMadeBy field to domain model by @jordan-beard in #21
- Added solution folders to group the projects by layer by @wystanpalm-madetech in #20
- AB#90919 Create Application - service layer happy path test by @CathLass in #22
- 90919 create application tests by @wystanpalm-madetech in #25
- AB#100709 - Add ConversionAdvisoryBoardDecision by @MartinWheelerMT in #26
- Synchronous domain by @wystanpalm-madetech in #27
- AB#90919 API Create Application - add http status response by @wystanpalm-madetech in #28
- added more readme instructions for entity framework by @wystanpalm-madetech in #29
- 90919 create application - manage validation errors in controller by @CathLass in #30
- AB#90919 API Create Application - move to command and query folders by @CathLass in #31
- AB#100708 - ConversionAdvisoryBoardDecision - Change response type to use CreateResult objects by @MartinWheelerMT in #32
- AB#100708 - ConversionAdvisoryBoardDecision - Add unit tests for ConversionAdvisoryBoardDecisionState by @MartinWheelerMT in #33
- 90919 create application - Submit domain layer by @CathLass in #34
- AB#100708 - ConversionAdvisoryBoardDecision - Add Unit Tests by @MartinWheelerMT in #35
- Ignore Rider Config by @wystanpalm-madetech in #36
- 90919 create application - more validation by @CathLass in #38
- AB#90919 API Create Application - domain test for happy path by @CathLass in #39
- AB#100708 - ConversionAdvisoryBoardDecision - Controller Unit Tests by @MartinWheelerMT in #37
- 92465 api submit application by @wystanpalm-madetech in #40
- AB#100708 - ConversionAdvisoryBoardDecision - Add Get Query to Data Layer by @MartinWheelerMT in #42
- AB#100708 - ConversionAdvisoryBoardDecision - Add Service Query and Controller for Get by @MartinWheelerMT in #43
- AB#92465 SubmitApplication - dependency injection by @CathLass in #44
- 92463 get application NotFound by @CathLass in #45
- 92465 api submit application - update application to submitted by @CathLass in #46
- 92464 update application - add ApplicationSchool by @wystanpalm-madetech in #48
- Rename ConversionApplication to Application by @wystanpalm-madetech in #49
- AB#100708 - ConversionAdvisoryBoardDecision - Put Controller by @MartinWheelerMT in #53
- 92464 update application by @wystanpalm-madetech in #55
- AB#100708 - ConversionAdvisoryBoardDecision - Add missing tests and refactor by @MartinWheelerMT in #54
- #92465 API Submit Application - not found by @wystanpalm-madetech in #56
- AB#92464 API Update Application - Data layer - School pupil numbers by @CathLass in #57
- AB#100708 - ConversionAdvisoryBoardDecision - Remove unneeded AdvisoryBoardDecisionId in Details model by @MartinWheelerMT in #58
- AB#103131 record decision - fix validation issue for PUT request by @jordan-beard in #59
- 92464 update application by @CathLass in #60
- fix/103054-delete-ef-children-when-parent-replaced by @MartinWheelerMT in #61
- 103270-update-declined-reason-enum by @MartinWheelerMT in #62
- 103213 school fields - contact details and a few others added by @CathLass in #63
- 103214 architecture documentation by @wystanpalm-madetech in #64
- 103201-handle-decision-reason-details by @MartinWheelerMT in #65
- AB#102116 deferred decision - change to deferred reasons by @jordan-beard in #68
- AB#103585 - Academisation API - Add API Key Authentication Middleware by @MartinWheelerMT in #66
- 103213 school fields validation by @CathLass in #67
- 104079 coding standards by @wystanpalm-madetech in #69
- AB#104079 Coding Standards - code cleanup, application files only by @wystanpalm-madetech in #70
- 104079 coding standards - everything else by @wystanpalm-madetech in #71
- Web controllers by @wystanpalm-madetech in #72
- 103213 school fields - Land and Buildings by @wystanpalm-madetech in #73
- AB#104076 Create Date Overwritten by @wystanpalm-madetech in #74
- AB#104076 Create Date Overwritten - more unit tests by @wystanpalm-madetech in #75
- Fixed 'Ofsted' typo affecting data comms with clients by @tim-wilde-nimble in #76
- AB#104570 API Legacy Application Get - service models by @wystanpalm-madetech in #77
- Add list applications for user endpoint by @RobertM905 in #78
- code clean-up by @wystanpalm-madetech in