+ +


+ + +Hide imports + +
import os
+from collections import defaultdict, Counter
+from fractions import Fraction
+from git import Repo
+import dimcat as dc
+import ms3
+import pandas as pd
+pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 500)
+pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 100)
+import plotly.express as px
+import plotly.graph_objects as go
+from utils import STD_LAYOUT, CADENCE_COLORS, CORPUS_COLOR_SCALE, TYPE_COLORS, chronological_corpus_order, color_background, corpus_mean_composition_years, get_corpus_display_name, get_repo_name, resolve_dir, value_count_df, get_repo_name, print_heading, resolve_dir
+ + +Hide source + +
CORPUS_PATH = os.getenv('CORPUS_PATH', "/home/hentsche/tmp/all_subcorpora/")
+print_heading("Notebook settings")
Notebook settings
+CORPUS_PATH: '/home/hentsche/tmp/all_subcorpora/'
+ + +Hide source + +
repo = Repo(CORPUS_PATH)
+print_heading("Data and software versions")
+print(f"Data repo '{get_repo_name(repo)}' @ {repo.commit().hexsha[:7]}")
+print(f"dimcat version {dc.__version__}")
+print(f"ms3 version {ms3.__version__}")
+NoSuchPathError                           Traceback (most recent call last)
+Cell In[3], line 1
+----> 1 repo = Repo(CORPUS_PATH)
+      2 print_heading("Data and software versions")
+      3 print(f"Data repo '{get_repo_name(repo)}' @ {repo.commit().hexsha[:7]}")
+File ~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/git/repo/base.py:214, in Repo.__init__(self, path, odbt, search_parent_directories, expand_vars)
+    212 if epath is not None:
+    213     if not os.path.exists(epath):
+--> 214         raise NoSuchPathError(epath)
+    216 ## Walk up the path to find the `.git` dir.
+    217 #
+    218 curpath = epath
+NoSuchPathError: /home/hentsche/tmp/all_subcorpora
dataset = dc.Dataset()
+dataset.load(directory=CORPUS_PATH, parse_tsv=False)
all_metadata = dataset.data.metadata()
+assert len(all_metadata) > 0, "No pieces selected for analysis."
+print(f"Metadata covers {len(all_metadata)} of the {dataset.data.count_pieces()} scores.")
+mean_composition_years = corpus_mean_composition_years(all_metadata)
+chronological_order = mean_composition_years.index.to_list()
+corpus_colors = dict(zip(chronological_order, CORPUS_COLOR_SCALE))
+corpus_names = {corp: get_corpus_display_name(corp) for corp in chronological_order}
+chronological_corpus_names = list(corpus_names.values())
+corpus_name_colors = {corpus_names[corp]: color for corp, color in corpus_colors.items()}

DCML harmony labels#

+ + +Hide source + +
+    all_annotations = dataset.get_facet('expanded')
+except Exception:
+    all_annotations = pd.DataFrame()
+n_annotations = len(all_annotations.index)
+includes_annotations = n_annotations > 0
+if includes_annotations:
+    display(all_annotations.head())
+    print(f"Concatenated annotation tables contain {all_annotations.shape[0]} rows.")
+    no_chord = all_annotations.root.isna()
+    if no_chord.sum() > 0:
+        print(f"{no_chord.sum()} of them are not chords. Their values are: {all_annotations.label[no_chord].value_counts(dropna=False).to_dict()}")
+    all_chords = all_annotations[~no_chord].copy()
+    print(f"Dataset contains {all_chords.shape[0]} tokens and {len(all_chords.chord.unique())} types over {len(all_chords.groupby(level=[0,1]))} documents.")
+    all_annotations['corpus_name'] = all_annotations.index.get_level_values(0).map(corpus_names)
+    all_chords['corpus_name'] = all_chords.index.get_level_values(0).map(corpus_names)
+    print(f"Dataset contains no annotations.")

Key areas#

from ms3 import roman_numeral2fifths, transform, resolve_all_relative_numerals, replace_boolean_mode_by_strings
+keys_segmented = dc.LocalKeySlicer().process_data(dataset)
+keys = keys_segmented.get_slice_info()
+print(f"Overall number of key segments is {len(keys.index)}")
+keys["localkey_fifths"] = transform(keys, roman_numeral2fifths, ['localkey', 'globalkey_is_minor'])
+keys.head(5).style.apply(color_background, subset="localkey")

Durational distribution of local keys#


All durations given in quarter notes

key_durations = keys.groupby(['globalkey_is_minor', 'localkey']).duration_qb.sum().sort_values(ascending=False)
+print(f"{len(key_durations)} keys overall including hierarchical such as 'III/v'.")
keys_resolved = resolve_all_relative_numerals(keys)
+key_resolved_durations = keys_resolved.groupby(['globalkey_is_minor', 'localkey']).duration_qb.sum().sort_values(ascending=False)
+print(f"{len(key_resolved_durations)} keys overall after resolving hierarchical ones.")

Distribution of local keys for piece in major and in minor#


globalkey_mode=minor => Piece is in Minor

pie_data = replace_boolean_mode_by_strings(key_resolved_durations.reset_index())
+px.pie(pie_data, names='localkey', values='duration_qb', facet_col='globalkey_mode')

Distribution of intervals between localkey tonic and global tonic#

localkey_fifths_durations = keys.groupby(['localkey_fifths', 'localkey_is_minor']).duration_qb.sum()
+bar_data = replace_boolean_mode_by_strings(localkey_fifths_durations.reset_index())
+bar_data.localkey_fifths = bar_data.localkey_fifths.map(ms3.fifths2iv)
+fig = px.bar(bar_data, x='localkey_fifths', y='duration_qb', color='localkey_mode', log_y=True, barmode='group',
+             labels=dict(localkey_fifths='Roots of local keys as intervallic distance from the global tonic', 
+                   duration_qb='total duration in quarter notes',
+                   localkey_mode='mode'
+                  ),
+             color_discrete_sequence=CORPUS_COLOR_SCALE,
+             )

Ratio between major and minor key segments by aggregated durations#



keys.duration_qb = pd.to_numeric(keys.duration_qb)
+maj_min_ratio = keys.groupby("localkey_is_minor").duration_qb.sum().to_frame()
+maj_min_ratio['fraction'] = (100.0 * maj_min_ratio.duration_qb / maj_min_ratio.duration_qb.sum()).round(1)

By dataset#

segment_duration_per_dataset = keys.groupby(["corpus", "localkey_is_minor"]).duration_qb.sum().round(2)
+norm_segment_duration_per_dataset = 100 * segment_duration_per_dataset / segment_duration_per_dataset.groupby(level="corpus").sum()
+maj_min_ratio_per_dataset = pd.concat([segment_duration_per_dataset, 
+                                      norm_segment_duration_per_dataset.rename('fraction').round(1).astype(str)+" %"], 
+                                     axis=1)
+maj_min_ratio_per_dataset['corpus_name'] = maj_min_ratio_per_dataset.index.get_level_values('corpus').map(corpus_names)
+maj_min_ratio_per_dataset['mode'] = maj_min_ratio_per_dataset.index.get_level_values('localkey_is_minor').map({False: 'major', True: 'minor'})
fig = px.bar(maj_min_ratio_per_dataset.reset_index(), 
+       x="corpus_name", 
+       y="duration_qb", 
+       color="mode", 
+       text='fraction',
+       labels=dict(dataset='', duration_qb="duration in 𝅘𝅥", corpus_name='Key segments grouped by corpus'),
+       category_orders=dict(dataset=chronological_order)
+    )

Harmony labels#




For computing unigram statistics, the tokens need to be grouped by their occurrence within a major or a minor key because this changes their meaning. To that aim, the annotated corpus needs to be sliced into contiguous localkey segments which are then grouped into a major (is_minor=False) and a minor group.

root_durations = all_chords[all_chords.root.between(-5,6)].groupby(['root', 'chord_type']).duration_qb.sum()
+# sort by stacked bar length:
+#root_durations = root_durations.sort_values(key=lambda S: S.index.get_level_values(0).map(S.groupby(level=0).sum()), ascending=False)
+bar_data = root_durations.reset_index()
+bar_data.root = bar_data.root.map(ms3.fifths2iv)
+px.bar(bar_data, x='root', y='duration_qb', color='chord_type')
relative_roots = all_chords[['numeral', 'duration_qb', 'relativeroot', 'localkey_is_minor', 'chord_type']].copy()
+relative_roots['relativeroot_resolved'] = transform(relative_roots, ms3.resolve_relative_keys, ['relativeroot', 'localkey_is_minor'])
+has_rel = relative_roots.relativeroot_resolved.notna()
+relative_roots.loc[has_rel, 'localkey_is_minor'] = relative_roots.loc[has_rel, 'relativeroot_resolved'].str.islower()
+relative_roots['root'] = transform(relative_roots, roman_numeral2fifths, ['numeral', 'localkey_is_minor'])
+chord_type_frequency = all_chords.chord_type.value_counts()
+replace_rare = ms3.map_dict({t: 'other' for t in chord_type_frequency[chord_type_frequency < 500].index})
+relative_roots['type_reduced'] = relative_roots.chord_type.map(replace_rare)
+#is_special = relative_roots.chord_type.isin(('It', 'Ger', 'Fr'))
+#relative_roots.loc[is_special, 'root'] = -4
root_durations = relative_roots.groupby(['root', 'type_reduced']).duration_qb.sum().sort_values(ascending=False)
+bar_data = root_durations.reset_index()
+bar_data.root = bar_data.root.map(ms3.fifths2iv)
+root_order = bar_data.groupby('root').duration_qb.sum().sort_values(ascending=False).index.to_list()
+fig = px.bar(bar_data, x='root', y='duration_qb', color='type_reduced', barmode='group', log_y=True,
+             color_discrete_map=TYPE_COLORS, 
+             category_orders=dict(root=root_order,
+                                  type_reduced=relative_roots.type_reduced.value_counts().index.to_list(),
+                                 ),
+            labels=dict(root="intervallic difference between chord root to the local or secondary tonic",
+                        duration_qb="duration in quarter notes",
+                        type_reduced="chord type",
+                       ),
+             width=1000,
+             height=400,
+            )
+                  legend=dict(
+                      orientation='h',
+                      xanchor="right",
+                      x=1,
+                      y=1,
+                  )
+                 )
print(f"Reduced to {len(set(bar_data.iloc[:,:2].itertuples(index=False, name=None)))} types. Paper cites the sum of types in major and types in minor (see below), treating them as distinct.")
dim_or_aug = bar_data[bar_data.root.str.startswith("a") | bar_data.root.str.startswith("d")].duration_qb.sum()
+complete = bar_data.duration_qb.sum()
+print(f"On diminished or augmented scale degrees: {dim_or_aug} / {complete} = {dim_or_aug / complete}")
mode_slices = dc.ModeGrouper().process_data(keys_segmented)

Whole dataset#

unigrams = dc.ChordSymbolUnigrams(once_per_group=True).process_data(mode_slices)
unigrams.group2pandas = "group_of_series2series"
k = 20
+modes = {True: 'MINOR', False: 'MAJOR'}
+for (is_minor,), ugs in unigrams.iter():
+    print(f"TOP {k} {modes[is_minor]} UNIGRAMS\n{ugs.shape[0]} types, {ugs.sum()} tokens")
+    print(ugs.head(k).to_string())
ugs_dict = {modes[is_minor].lower(): (ugs/ugs.sum() * 100).round(2).rename('%').reset_index() for (is_minor,), ugs in unigrams.iter()}
+ugs_df = pd.concat(ugs_dict, axis=1)
+ugs_df.columns = ['_'.join(map(str, col)) for col in ugs_df.columns]
+ugs_df.index = (ugs_df.index + 1).rename('k')
chords_by_localkey = mode_slices.get_facet('expanded')
for is_minor, df in chords_by_localkey.groupby(level=0, group_keys=False):
+    df = df.droplevel(0)
+    df = df[df.bass_note.notna()]
+    sd = ms3.fifths2sd(df.bass_note).rename('sd')
+    sd.index = df.index
+    sd_progression = df.groupby(level=[0,1,2], group_keys=False).bass_note.apply(lambda S: S.shift(-1) - S).rename('sd_progression')
+    if is_minor:
+        chords_by_localkey_minor = pd.concat([df, sd, sd_progression], axis=1)
+    else:
+        chords_by_localkey_major = pd.concat([df, sd, sd_progression], axis=1)

Scale degrees#

import plotly.graph_objects as go
+from collections import Counter, defaultdict
+def make_sunburst(chords, mode):
+    in_scale = []
+    for sd, sd_prog in chords[['sd', 'sd_progression']].itertuples(index=False):
+        if len(sd) == 1:
+            in_scale.append(sd)
+    label_counts = Counter(in_scale)
+    labels, values = list(label_counts.keys()), list(label_counts.values())
+    #labels, values = zip(*list((sd, label_counts[sd]) for sd in sorted(label_counts)))
+    parents = [mode] * len(labels)
+    labels = [mode] + labels
+    parents = [""] + parents
+    values = [len(chords)] + values
+    fig =go.Figure(go.Sunburst(
+        labels=labels,
+        parents=parents,
+        values=values,
+        branchvalues="total"
+    ))
+    fig.update_layout(margin = dict(t=0, l=0, r=0, b=0))
+    return fig
+make_sunburst(chords_by_localkey_minor, 'minor')
def make_sunburst(chords, mode):
+    in_scale = []
+    sd2prog = defaultdict(Counter)
+    for sd, sd_prog in chords[['sd', 'sd_progression']].itertuples(index=False):
+        if len(sd) == 1:
+            in_scale.append(sd)
+            sd2prog[sd].update(["∎"] if pd.isnull(sd_prog) else [str(sd_prog)])
+    label_counts = Counter(in_scale)
+    labels, values = list(label_counts.keys()), list(label_counts.values())
+    #labels, values = zip(*list((sd, label_counts[sd]) for sd in sorted(label_counts)))
+    parents = [mode] * len(labels)
+    labels = [mode] + labels
+    parents = [""] + parents
+    values = [len(chords)] + values
+    #print(sd2prog)
+    print(len(labels), len(parents), len(values))
+    for scad, prog_counts in sd2prog.items():
+        for prog, cnt in prog_counts.most_common():
+            labels.append(prog)
+            parents.append(scad)
+            values.append(cnt)
+            if cnt < 3000:
+                break
+            print(f"added {prog}, {scad}, {cnt}")
+        break
+    fig =go.Figure(go.Sunburst(
+        labels=labels,
+        parents=parents,
+        values=values,
+        branchvalues="total"
+    ))
+    fig.update_layout(margin = dict(t=0, l=0, r=0, b=0))
+    return fig
+make_sunburst(chords_by_localkey_minor, 'minor')
fig =go.Figure(go.Sunburst(
+    labels=["Eve", "Cain", "Seth", "Enos", "Noam", "Abel", "Awan", "Enoch", "Azura"],
+    parents=["", "Eve", "Eve", "Seth", "Seth", "Eve", "Eve", "Awan", "Eve" ],
+    values=[10, 14, 12, 10, 2, 6, 6, 4, 4],
+fig.update_layout(margin = dict(t=0, l=0, r=0, b=0))
fig =go.Figure(go.Sunburst(
+    labels=["major", "Cain", "1", "Enos", "Noam", "Abel", "Awan", "Enoch", "Azura"],
+    parents=["", "major", "major", "1", "1", "major", "major", "Awan", "major" ],
+    values=[10, 14, 12, 10, 2, 6, 6, 4, 4],
+fig.update_layout(margin = dict(t=0, l=0, r=0, b=0))
df = px.data.tips()
+fig = px.sunburst(df, path=['sex', 'day', 'time'], values='total_bill', color='time')
#localkey_major_no_repeats = ms3.segment_by_adjacency_groups(chords_by_localkey_major, ['sd', 'figbass'], )
def safe_interval(fifths):
+    if pd.isnull(fifths):
+        return "∎"
+    return ms3.fifths2iv(fifths, smallest=True)
def prepare_sunburst_data(chords):
+    chord_data = chords[chords.sd.str.len() == 1].copy()
+    chord_data["interval"] = ms3.transform(chord_data.sd_progression, safe_interval).fillna("∎")
+    chord_data.figbass.fillna('3', inplace=True)
+    chord_data["following_figbass"] = chord_data.groupby(level=[0,1,2],).figbass.shift(-1).fillna("∎")
+    return chord_data
+column2name = dict(
+    sd="scale degree",
+    figbass="bass figure",
+    interval="bass progression",
+    following_figbass="subsequent figure"
+def rectangular_sunburst(
+    chords,
+    path = ['sd', 'figbass', 'interval'],
+    height = 1500,
+    title = "Sunburst",
+    chord_data = prepare_sunburst_data(chords)
+    title = f"{title} ({' - '.join(column2name[col] for col in path)})"
+    return px.sunburst(
+        chord_data, 
+        path=path, 
+        height=height,
+        title=title,
+    )
+rectangular_sunburst(chords_by_localkey_major, title="MAJOR")
rectangular_sunburst(chords_by_localkey_major, ['sd', 'interval', 'figbass', 'following_figbass'], title="MAJOR")
rectangular_sunburst(chords_by_localkey_minor, title="MINOR")
rectangular_sunburst(chords_by_localkey_minor, ['sd', 'interval', 'figbass'], title="MINOR")
+ + +