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Services used for storage

ottpeter edited this page Oct 28, 2022 · 4 revisions

These are the services that we use for storage:

First of all, we store all the files (NFT images and music) on our local IPFS repository, see the page about IPFS. After we added the file to our local IPFS repository, we pin it at three outside services:


We are using my account ( ottpeter ) at the moment for storing the NFTs on Pinata. Unfortunately we are running out of the free plan limit (1GB), I'm not that much worried about that, because we are not solely relying on them. On the long run, we should update our plan, and probably we should use a dedicated account for this purpose. To use the pinning service of Pinata, we need an API key and secret, which is stored in a .env file on the backend directory, on the server. This is how our files that are uploaded on the Admin page looks like from the side of Pinata:



We are using my account ( ottpeter ) here as well. It's not clear to me what is there limit in the free plan. Here are some screenshots about the Infura UI:




The code where the pinning happens is here

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