WG projects | DIF page | Recordings
(hackmd sync coming soon)
Meeting information - 6pm UTC every-other Tuesday
- Before your contribute - join DIF and sign the WG charter (both are required!)
- Time: 6pm UTC, 2pm EDT, 11am PDT
- Calendar entry
- Zoom room, Meeting ID: 843 0611 0644 , Password: 799969
- Jeremie Miller
- Mike Jones
- IPR reminder, Agenda Review, and Introductions
- Issue Review
- Proposal Review
- Jeremie Miller
- Mike Jones
- David Waite
- Brian Richter
- Tomislav Markovski
- Orie Steele
- Recording for this first meeting is at https://pingidentity.zoom.us/rec/share/dbJ60iVZicnYnse7gjnQl7BydpxN0WhAUi7RD08THgtS5AjfH2E2uYvLo_ld4qUW.HASDv1zxPlNRmfsx?startTime=1631037933000
- Next meeting is Sept 21st, now on the DIF official calendar and Zoom
- ietf-wg-jose#2
- Crossover discussion from Issue #4 around "layouts"
- This issue is for discussion on the syntax of the metadata
- ietf-wg-jose#4
- Clarifying that this issue is reguarding a separation of roles between the act of signing (JWS), and the expectation of knowing what you're signing (JWT)