Aimed to automate project status updates and tracking. Step 1, sending out the daily emails.
It is currently deployed to a Digital Ocean. VMARGS
mix deps.get
npm install
The dev.exs
and test.exs
files have the username and password configuration commented out. For convenience, you
can copy the secret.exs
file and update to reflect your own machine's configuration.
cp config/secret.exs.example config/secret.exs
Create the schema and migrate.
mix ecto.create
mix ecto.migrate
In order for things to work, you'll need to update your secrets.exs
to include config for trello, github oauth, and honeybadger.
mix phoenix.server
Deployed with ansible-elixir-stack from
I believe:
pip install ansible
ansible-galaxy install HashNuke.elixir-stack
Also copy playbooks/templates/prod.secret.exs.j2.example
to playbooks/templates/prod.secret.exs.j2
and fill in Mailgun and Basic Auth credentials.
To deploy.
ansible-playbook playbook/deploy.yml
To migrate
ansible-playbook playbook/migrate.yml