Thanks for contributing.
Use your best judgment and always communicate in a problem-solving, positive language.
You can report bugs and issues at any time. As many information as possible will always be helpful in reproducing and (finally) fixing the issue.
Enhancements can be suggested via the issue report system. Please be specific to avoid confusion.
You can fork this project, implement your code changes and create a pull request.
Please avoid any further dependency. Although they come in quite handy, a dependency adds another layer to this project that has to be maintained.
Especially in the frontend Javascript, dependencies may slow the code down significantly.
Although it is not yet the default way, please use a similar approach to your modules:
- Rather use classes
- Update/Create a unit test for your changes (if possible)
// Use this:
export default class ClassName {
// Instead of:
class ClassName {
export default ClassName