diff --git a/.eslintrc.json b/.eslintrc.json index 6ef0c761..aa574bd9 100644 --- a/.eslintrc.json +++ b/.eslintrc.json @@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ "version": "detect" } }, - "extends": ["plugin:react/recommended", "prettier", "eslint:recommended", "plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended"], "parserOptions": { "ecmaFeatures": { "jsx": true @@ -16,114 +15,198 @@ "sourceType": "module", "project": ["**/tsconfig.json"] }, + "overrides": [ + { + "files": ["__tests__/**/*"], + "env": { + "jest": true + } + } + ], "parser": "@typescript-eslint/parser", "plugins": ["react", "react-native", "@typescript-eslint"], "root": true, + "extends": ["airbnb/legacy"], "rules": { - //JavaScript rules - "prefer-template": "error", - // allow .js files to contain JSX code - "react/jsx-filename-extension": [1, { "extensions": [".js", ".jsx", ".tsx"] }], - - // prevent eslint to complain about the "styles" variable being used before it was defined - "no-use-before-define": ["error", { "variables": false }], - - // ignore errors for the react-navigation package - "react/prop-types": ["error", { "ignore": ["navigation", "navigation.navigate"] }], - "no-var": "warn", - "curly": ["error", "all"], - - //TypeScript related rules - "@typescript-eslint/adjacent-overload-signatures": "error", - "@typescript-eslint/array-type": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/await-thenable": "error", - "@typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment": "error", //??? - "@typescript-eslint/ban-types": "error", - "@typescript-eslint/class-literal-property-style": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/consistent-generic-constructors": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/consistent-indexed-object-style": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/consistent-type-assertions": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/consistent-type-definitions": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/consistent-type-exports": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/consistent-type-imports": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/explicit-member-accessibility": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/member-ordering": "warn", //??? - "@typescript-eslint/method-signature-style": "warn", - //"@typescript-eslint/naming-convention": "warn" - "@typescript-eslint/no-base-to-string": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/no-confusing-non-null-assertion": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/no-confusing-void-expression": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/no-duplicate-enum-values": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/no-dynamic-delete": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface": "error", - "@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/no-extra-non-null-assertion": "error", - "@typescript-eslint/no-extraneous-class": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises": "error", - "@typescript-eslint/no-for-in-array": "error", - "@typescript-eslint/no-inferrable-types": "error", - "@typescript-eslint/no-invalid-void-type": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/no-meaningless-void-operator": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/no-misused-new": "error", - "@typescript-eslint/no-misused-promises": "error", - "@typescript-eslint/no-namespace": "error", - "@typescript-eslint/no-non-null-asserted-nullish-coalescing": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/no-non-null-asserted-optional-chain": "error", - "@typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/no-redundant-type-constituents": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/no-require-imports": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/no-this-alias": "error", - "@typescript-eslint/no-type-alias": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-boolean-literal-compare": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-condition": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-qualifier": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-type-arguments": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-type-assertion": "error", - "@typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-type-constraint": "error", - "@typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument": "error", - "@typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment": "error", - "@typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-call": "error", - "@typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-declaration-merging": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access": "error", - "@typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-return": "error", - "@typescript-eslint/no-useless-empty-export": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/non-nullable-type-assertion-style": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/parameter-properties": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/prefer-as-const": "error", - "@typescript-eslint/prefer-enum-initializers": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/prefer-for-of": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/prefer-function-type": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/prefer-includes": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/prefer-literal-enum-member": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/prefer-namespace-keyword": "error", - "@typescript-eslint/prefer-nullish-coalescing": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/prefer-optional-chain": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/prefer-readonly": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/prefer-readonly-parameter-types": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/prefer-reduce-type-parameter": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/prefer-regexp-exec": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/prefer-return-this-type": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/prefer-string-starts-ends-with": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/prefer-ts-expect-error": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/promise-function-async": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/require-array-sort-compare": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/restrict-plus-operands": "error", - "@typescript-eslint/restrict-template-expressions": "error", - "@typescript-eslint/sort-type-constituents": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/strict-boolean-expressions": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/switch-exhaustiveness-check": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/triple-slash-reference": "error", - "@typescript-eslint/typedef": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/unbound-method": "error", - "@typescript-eslint/unified-signatures": "warn", - - "@typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define": "warn", - "@typescript-eslint/no-var-requires": "error", - - // Note: you must disable the base rule as it can report incorrect errors - "object-curly-spacing": "off", - "@typescript-eslint/object-curly-spacing": "warn" + "prefer-arrow-callback": "off", + "prefer-destructuring": "off", + "comma-dangle": "off", + "no-restricted-globals": "off", + "no-restricted-properties": "off", + "strict": "off", + "no-unused-vars": "warn", + "no-var": "off", + "func-names": "off", + "consistent-return": "off", + "prefer-rest-params": "off", + "radix": "off", + "prefer-spread": "off", + "no-plusplus": "off", + "camelcase": "off", + "no-use-before-define": "off", + "no-lonely-if": "off", + "no-restricted-syntax": "off", + "vars-on-top": "off", + "no-param-reassign": "off", + "max-len": "off", + "guard-for-in": "off", + "no-underscore-dangle": "off", + "no-bitwise": "off", + "no-mixed-operators": "off", + "object-shorthand": "off", + "max-classes-per-file": "off", + "block-spacing": [ + "error", + "always" + ], + "brace-style": [ + "error", + "1tbs" + ], + "comma-spacing": [ + "error", + { + "before": false, + "after": true + } + ], + "comma-style": [ + "error", + "last" + ], + "computed-property-spacing": [ + "error", + "never" + ], + "curly": [ + "error", + "all" + ], + "eol-last": "off", + "func-call-spacing": [ + "error", + "never" + ], + "indent": [ + "error", + 4 + ], + "key-spacing": [ + "error", + { + "beforeColon": false, + "afterColon": true + } + ], + "keyword-spacing": [ + "error", + { + "before": true, + "after": true + } + ], + "lines-between-class-members": [ + "error", + "always" + ], + "no-multi-spaces": [ + "error" + ], + "no-trailing-spaces": [ + "error", + { + "ignoreComments": true + } + ], + "no-whitespace-before-property": [ + "error" + ], + "object-curly-newline": [ + "error", + { + "multiline": true, + "consistent": true + } + ], + "object-property-newline": [ + "error", + { + "allowAllPropertiesOnSameLine": true + } + ], + "semi": [ + "error", + "always" + ], + "semi-style": [ + "error", + "last" + ], + "space-before-blocks": [ + "error", + "always" + ], + "space-in-parens": [ + "error", + "never" + ], + "space-infix-ops": [ + "error" + ], + "space-unary-ops": [ + "error", + { + "words": true, + "nonwords": false + } + ], + "switch-colon-spacing": [ + "error" + ], + "unicode-bom": [ + "error", + "never" + ], + "linebreak-style": [ + "error", + "unix" + ], + "no-useless-escape": "off", + "no-useless-concat": "off", + "quotes": [ + "error", + "double" + ], + "no-console": [ + "off" + ], + "dot-notation": [ + "error" + ], + "eqeqeq": [ + "warn", + "always" + ], + "no-alert": [ + "error" + ], + "no-caller": [ + "error" + ], + "no-eval": [ + "error" + ], + "no-extend-native": [ + "error" + ], + "no-iterator": [ + "error" + ], + "no-loop-func": [ + "error" + ], + "no-shadow": [ + "error" + ] } } diff --git a/.github/workflows/release_notice.yml b/.github/workflows/release_notice.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e17315a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/release_notice.yml @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +name: Release Notice +on: + release: + types: [published] + workflow_dispatch: +jobs: + build: + runs-on: ubuntu-latest + steps: + # To check the github context + - name: Dump Github context + env: + GITHUB_CONTEXT: ${{ toJSON(github) }} + run: echo "$GITHUB_CONTEXT" + - name: Send custom JSON data to Slack workflow + id: slack + uses: slackapi/slack-github-action@v1.23.0 + with: + # This data can be any valid JSON from a previous step in the GitHub Action + payload: | + { + "repository": "${{ github.repository }}", + "tag_name": "${{ github.event.release.tag_name }}", + "actor": "${{ github.actor }}", + "body": ${{ toJSON(github.event.release.body) }}, + "html_url": "${{ github.event.release.html_url }}" + } + env: + SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL: ${{ secrets.SLACK_RELEASE }} + - name: Send custom JSON data to Discord + uses: sarisia/actions-status-discord@v1.13.0 + with: + webhook: ${{ secrets.DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL }} + nodetail: true + title: New ${{ github.repository }} version ${{ github.event.release.tag_name }} published by ${{ github.actor }} + description: | + Release URL: ${{ github.event.release.html_url }} + Click [here](https://github.com/Countly/countly-server/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md) to view the change log. + `${{ github.event.release.body }}` diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 8b9ea54b..5cf2d35d 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -19,4 +19,6 @@ android/android.iml android/.settings/org.eclipse.buildship.core.prefs android/.classpath countly-sdk-react-native-bridge-*.tgz -example/AwesomeProject \ No newline at end of file +example/AwesomeProject +coverage/ +package-lock.json diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md index 47d1fbbb..1e1cd50b 100644 --- a/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/CHANGELOG.md @@ -1,3 +1,37 @@ +## 24.4.0 +* ! Minor breaking change ! Tracking of foreground and background time for APM is disabled by default + +* Added `disableAdditionalIntentRedirectionChecks` config method +* Added a new metric for detecting whether or not a device has a hinge for Android +* Added four new APM configuration options under the `CountlyConfig.apm` interface: + * `enableForegroundBackgroundTracking` for enabling automatic F/B time tracking + * `enableAppStartTimeTracking` for enabling automatic app launch time tracking (Android only) + * `enableManualAppLoadedTrigger` for enabling the manipulation of app load time finished timestamp + * `setAppStartTimestampOverride` for enabling the manipulation of app load time starting timestamp +* Added a new Event interface (`Countly.events`) that groups event related calls: + * `recordEvent` for recording an event + * `startEvent` for starting a timed event + * `cancelEvent` for canceling an ongoing timed event + * `endEvent` for ending a timed event and record it + +* Mitigated an issue with `getRemoteConfigValueForKeyP` and `remoteConfigClearValues` happening when they were called before initializing the SDK + +* Deprecated `enableApm` config option. Use `apm.enableAppStartTimeTracking` instead (for iOS also `enableForegroundBackgroundTracking` must be used) +* Deprecated the old events methods: + * `sendEvent` use `Countly.events.recordEvent` instead + * `startEvent` use `Countly.events.startEvent` instead + * `cancelEvent` use `Countly.events.cancelEvent` instead + * `endEvent` use `Countly.events.endEvent` instead + +* Updated the underlying Android SDK version to 24.4.0 +* Updated the underlying iOS SDK version to 24.4.0 + +## 23.12.0 +* Added TS type declerations to the SDK + +* Updated the underlying Android SDK version to 23.12.0 +* Updated the underlying iOS SDK version to 23.12.0 + ## 23.10.0 * Fixed a bug where segment provided to 'logException' was ignored in Android devices * Fixed a bug where bridged SDK logs were not printing diff --git a/Countly.d.ts b/Countly.d.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..015e1860 --- /dev/null +++ b/Countly.d.ts @@ -0,0 +1,1308 @@ +interface Segmentation { + [key: string]: number | string | boolean; +} + +interface CountlyEventOptions { + eventName: string; + eventCount?: number; + eventSum?: number | string; + segments?: Segmentation; +} + +interface FeedbackWidget { + id: string; + type: string; + name?: string; +} + +interface FeedbackWidgetResultObject { + error: string, + data: FeedbackWidget[], +} + +interface CountlyUserData { + name?: string; + username?: string; + email?: string; + organization?: string; + phone?: string; + picture?: string; + gender?: string; + byear?: number | string; + custom?: Record; +} +type CountlyCallback = (message: string) => void; +type CountlyErrorCallback = (error: string | null) => void; + +type WidgetCallback = () => void; +type FeedbackWidgetCallback = (retrievedWidgets: FeedbackWidget[], error: string | null) => void; +type WidgetInfoCallback = (widgetInfo: FeedbackWidget[], error: string | null) => void; + +interface RatingWidgetResult { + rating: number, + comment: string, +} + +interface CustomMetric { + [key: string]: string; +} + +interface TraceCustomMetric { + [key: string]: number | string; +} + +type ValidationFunction = ( + stringValue: string, + stringName: string, + functionName: string +) => Promise; + +interface ResultObject { + error: string, + data: object, +} +interface ErrorObject { error: string | null } + +declare module "countly-sdk-react-native-bridge" { + import type CountlyConfig from "countly-sdk-react-native-bridge/CountlyConfig"; + + namespace Countly { + string; + string; + any; + any; + boolean; + boolean; + boolean; + string; + string; + string; + string; + export const TemporaryDeviceIDString: string; + export interface messagingMode { + DEVELOPMENT: string; + PRODUCTION: string; + ADHOC: string; + } + + /** + * Countly Feedback Module + */ + namespace feedback { + /** + * Get a list of available feedback widgets as an array of objects. + * @param {FeedbackWidgetCallback} [onFinished] - returns (retrievedWidgets, error). This parameter is optional. + * @return {FeedbackWidgetResultObject} object {error: string or null, data: FeedbackWidget[] or null } + */ + export function getAvailableFeedbackWidgets(onFinished?: FeedbackWidgetCallback): Promise; + + /** + * Present a chosen feedback widget + * + * @param {object} feedbackWidget - feedback Widget with id, type and name + * @param {string} closeButtonText - text for cancel/close button + * @param {callback} [widgetShownCallback] - Callback to be executed when feedback widget is displayed. This parameter is optional. + * @param {callback} [widgetClosedCallback] - Callback to be executed when feedback widget is closed. This parameter is optional. + * + * @return {ErrorObject} object {error: string or null} + */ + export function presentFeedbackWidget(feedbackWidget: FeedbackWidget, closeButtonText: string, widgetShownCallback: callback, widgetClosedCallback: callback): ErrorObject; + + /** + * Get a feedback widget's data as an object. + * @param {FeedbackWidget} widgetInfo - widget to get data for. You should get this from 'getAvailableFeedbackWidgets' method. + * @param {WidgetInfoCallback} [onFinished] - returns (object retrievedWidgetData, error). This parameter is optional. + * @return {ResultObject} object {error: string, data: object or null} + */ + export function getFeedbackWidgetData(widgetInfo: FeedbackWidget, onFinished?: WidgetInfoCallback): Promise; + + /** + * Report manually for a feedback widget. + * @param {FeedbackWidget} widgetInfo - the widget you are targeting. You should get this from 'getAvailableFeedbackWidgets' method. + * @param {object} widgetData - data of that widget. You should get this from 'getFeedbackWidgetData' method. + * @param {RatingWidgetResult | object} widgetResult - Information you want to report. + * @return {ErrorObject} object {error: string} + */ + export function reportFeedbackWidgetManually(widgetInfo: FeedbackWidget, widgetData: object, widgetResult: RatingWidgetResult | object): Promise; + } + + /** + * Countly Event Module + */ + namespace events { + /** + * Records an event. + * Event will be saved to the internal queue and will be sent to the server with the next trigger. + * + * @param {string} eventName - Name of the event (This will be displayed on the dashboard) + * @param {Segmentation} segmentation - Extra information to send with your event as key/value pairs + * @param {number} eventCount - Indicates how many times this event has happened (Default is 1) + * @param {number} eventSum - A numerical value that is attached to this event (Will be summed up on the dashboard for all events with the same name) + * @return {void} + */ + export function recordEvent(eventName: string, segmentation?: Segmentation, eventCount?: number, eventSum?: number): void; + + /** + * + * Starts a Timed Event + * If 'endEvent' is not called (with the same event name) no event will be recorded. + * + * @param {string} eventName - name of the event + * @return {void} + */ + export function startEvent(eventName: string): void; + + /** + * + * Ends a Timed Event if it is started. + * Should be called after startEvent. + * This will behave like recordEvent. + * + * @param {string} eventName - Name of the event (This will be displayed on the dashboard) + * @param {Segmentation} segmentation - Extra information to send with your event as key/value pairs + * @param {number} eventCount - Indicates how many times this event has happened (Default is 1) + * @param {number} eventSum - A numerical value that is attached to this event (Will be summed up on the dashboard for all events with the same name) + * @return {void} void + */ + export function endEvent(eventName: string, segmentation?: Segmentation, eventCount?: number, eventSum?: number): void; + + /** + * + * Cancels a Timed Event if it is started. + * + * @param {string} eventName - name of the event + * @return {void} + */ + export function cancelEvent(eventName: string): void; + } + + /** + * Initialize Countly + * + * @deprecated in 23.02.0 : use 'initWithConfig' instead of 'init'. + * + * @function Countly.init should be used to initialize countly + * @param {string} serverURL server url + * @param {string} appKey application key + * @param {string | null} deviceId device ID + */ + export function init(serverUrl: string, appKey: string, deviceId: string | null): Promise; + + /** + * Initialize Countly + * + * @function Countly.initWithConfig should be used to initialize countly with config + * @param {CountlyConfig} countlyConfig countly config object + */ + export function initWithConfig(countlyConfig: CountlyConfig): Promise; + + /** + * + * Checks if the sdk is initialized; + * + * @return {Promise} if true, countly sdk has been initialized + */ + export function isInitialized(): Promise; + + /** + * + * Checks if the Countly SDK onStart function has been called + * + * @deprecated in 23.6.0. This will be removed. + * + * @return {Promise | string} boolean or error message + */ + export function hasBeenCalledOnStart(): Promise | string; + + /** + * + * Used to send various types of event; + * @deprecated in 24.4.0 : use 'Countly.events.recordEvent' instead of this. + * + * @param {CountlyEventOptions} options event + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function sendEvent(options: CountlyEventOptions): string | void; + + /** + * Record custom view to Countly. + * + * @param {string} recordView - name of the view + * @param {Segmentation} segments - allows to add optional segmentation, + * Supported data type for segments values are string, int, double and boolean + * @return {string | null} error message or void + */ + export function recordView(recordView: string, segments?: Segmentation): string | null; + + /** + * Disable push notifications feature, by default it is enabled. + * Currently implemented for iOS only + * Should be called before Countly init + * + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function disablePushNotifications(): string | void; + + /** + * @deprecated in 23.02.0 : use 'countlyConfig.pushTokenType' instead of 'pushTokenType'. + * + * @param {string} tokenType - Token type + * @param {string} channelName - Channel name + * @param {string} channelDescription - Description for the channel + * Set messaging mode for push notifications + * Should be called before Countly init + * + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function pushTokenType(tokenType: string, channelName: string, channelDescription: string): Promise | string; + + /** + * + * Send push token + * @param {object} options - object containing the push token + * {token: string} + * + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function sendPushToken(options: { readonly token?: string }): void; + + /** + * This method will ask for permission, enables push notification and send push token to countly server. + * + * @param {string} customSoundPath - name of custom sound for push notifications (Only for Android) + * Custom sound should be place at 'your_project_root/android/app/src/main/res/raw' + * Should be called after Countly init + * + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function askForNotificationPermission(customSoundPath?: string): string | void; + + /** + * + * Set callback to receive push notifications + * @param {callback listener } theListener + * @return {NativeEventEmitter} event + */ + export function registerForNotification(theListener: (theNotification: string) => void): any; // The return type should be adjusted to the actual event subscription type + + /** + * @deprecated in 23.02.0 : use 'countlyConfig.configureIntentRedirectionCheck' instead of 'configureIntentRedirectionCheck'. + * + * Configure intent redirection checks for push notification + * Should be called before Countly "askForNotificationPermission" + * + * @param {string[]} allowedIntentClassNames allowed intent class names + * @param {string[]} allowedIntentPackageNames allowed intent package names + * @param {boolean} useAdditionalIntentRedirectionChecks to check additional intent checks. It is by default its true + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function configureIntentRedirectionCheck( + allowedIntentClassNames?: string[], + allowedIntentPackageNames?: string[], + useAdditionalIntentRedirectionChecks?: boolean + ): string | void; + + /** + * @deprecated at 23.6.0 - Automatic sessions are handled by underlying SDK, this function will do nothing. + * + * Countly start for android + * + */ + export function start(): void; + + /** + * @deprecated at 23.6.0 - Automatic sessions are handled by underlying SDK, this function will do nothing. + * + * Countly stop for android + * + */ + export function stop(): void; + + /** + * Enable countly internal debugging logs + * Should be called before Countly init + * + * @deprecated in 20.04.6 + * + * @function Countly.setLoggingEnabled should be used to enable/disable countly internal debugging logs + */ + export function enableLogging(): void; + + /** + * Disable countly internal debugging logs + * + * @deprecated in 20.04.6 + * + * @function Countly.setLoggingEnabled should be used to enable/disable countly internal debugging logs + */ + export function disableLogging(): void; + + /** + * Set to true if you want to enable countly internal debugging logs + * Should be called before Countly init + * + * @param {[boolean = true]} enabled server url + */ + export function setLoggingEnabled(enabled?: boolean): void; + + /** + * @deprecated in 23.02.0 : use 'countlyConfig.setLocation' instead of 'setLocationInit'. + * + * Set user initial location + * Should be called before init + * @param {string | null} countryCode ISO Country code for the user's country + * @param {string | null} city Name of the user's city + * @param {string | null} location comma separate lat and lng values. For example, "56.42345,123.45325" + * @param {string | null} ipAddress IP address of user's + */ + export function setLocationInit( + countryCode: string | null, + city: string | null, + location: string | null, + ipAddress: string | null, + ): void; + + /** + * + * Set user location + * @param {string | null} countryCode ISO Country code for the user's country + * @param {string | null} city Name of the user's city + * @param {string | null} location comma separate lat and lng values. For example, "56.42345,123.45325" + * @param {string | null} ipAddress IP address of user's + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function setLocation( + countryCode: string | null, + city: string | null, + location: string | null, + ipAddress: string | null + ): string | void; + + /** + * + * Disable user location + * + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function disableLocation(): string | void; + + /** + * + * Get currently used device Id. + * Should be called after Countly init + * + * @return {string} device id or error message + */ + export function getCurrentDeviceId(): Promise | string; + + /** + * Get currently used device Id type. + * Should be called after Countly init + * + * @return {DeviceIdType | null} deviceIdType or null + */ + export function getDeviceIDType(): Promise | null; + + /** + * Change the current device id + * + * @param {string} newDeviceID id new device id + * @param {boolean} onServer merge device id + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function changeDeviceId(newDeviceID: string, onServer: boolean): string | void; + + /** + * + * Set to "true" if you want HTTP POST to be used for all requests + * Should be called before Countly init + * @param {boolean} forceHttp force http post for all requests. Default value is true + */ + export function setHttpPostForced(boolean?: boolean): void; + + /** + * @deprecated in 23.02.0 : use 'countlyConfig.enableCrashReporting' instead of 'enableCrashReporting'. + * + * Enable crash reporting to report unhandled crashes to Countly + * Should be called before Countly init + */ + export function enableCrashReporting(): void; + + /** + * + * Add crash log for Countly + * + * @param {string} crashLog crash log + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function addCrashLog(crashLog: string): string | void; + + /** + * + * Log exception for Countly + * + * @param {string} exception exception + * @param {boolean} nonfatal nonfatal + * @param {object} segments segments + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function logException(exception: string, nonfatal: boolean, segments: Record): string | void; + + /** + * + * Set custom crash segment for Countly + * + * @param {Map} segments segments + */ + export function setCustomCrashSegments(segments: Record): void; + + /** + * + * Start session tracking + * + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function startSession(): string | void; + + /** + * + * End session tracking + * + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function endSession(): string | void; + + /** + * @deprecated in 23.02.0 : use 'countlyConfig.enableParameterTamperingProtection' instead of 'enableParameterTamperingProtection'. + * + * Set the optional salt to be used for calculating the checksum of requested data which will be sent with each request, using the &checksum field + * Should be called before Countly init + * + * @param {string} salt salt + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function enableParameterTamperingProtection(salt: string): string | void; + + /** + * + * It will ensure that connection is made with one of the public keys specified + * Should be called before Countly init + * + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function pinnedCertificates(certificateName: string): string | void; + + /** + * + * Start Event + * @deprecated in 24.4.0 : use 'Countly.events.startEvent' instead of this. + * + * @param {string} eventName name of event + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function startEvent(eventName: string): string | void; + + /** + * + * Cancel Event + * @deprecated in 24.4.0 : use 'Countly.events.cancelEvent' instead of this. + * + * @param {string} eventName name of event + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function cancelEvent(eventName: string): string | void; + + /** + * + * End Event + * @deprecated in 24.4.0 : use 'Countly.events.endEvent' instead of this. + * + * @param {string | object} options event options + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function endEvent(options: string | CountlyEventOptions): string | void; + + /** + * + * Used to send user data + * + * @param {object} userData user data + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function setUserData(userData: CountlyUserData): string | Promise; + + namespace userData { + /** + * + * Set custom key and value pair for the current user. + * + * @param {string} keyName user property key + * @param {object} keyValue user property value + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function setProperty(keyName: string, keyValue: any): Promise | string; + + /** + * + * Increment custom user data by 1 + * + * @param {string} keyName user property key + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function increment(keyName: string): Promise | string; + + /** + * + * Increment custom user data by a specified value + * + * @param {string} keyName user property key + * @param {string} keyValue value to increment user property by + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function incrementBy(keyName: string, keyValue: any): Promise | string; + + /** + * + * Multiply custom user data by a specified value + * + * @param {string} keyName user property key + * @param {string} keyValue value to multiply user property by + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function multiply(keyName: string, keyValue: any): Promise | string; + + /** + * + * Save the max value between current and provided value. + * + * @param {string} keyName user property key + * @param {string} keyValue user property value + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function saveMax(keyName: string, keyValue: any): Promise | string; + + /** + * + * Save the min value between current and provided value. + * + * @param {string} keyName user property key + * @param {string} keyValue user property value + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function saveMin(keyName: string, keyValue: any): Promise | string; + + /** + * + * Set the property value if it does not exist. + * + * @param {string} keyName user property key + * @param {string} keyValue user property value + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function setOnce(keyName: string, keyValue: any): Promise | string; + + /** + * + * Add value to custom property (array) if value does not exist within. + * + * @param {string} keyName user property key + * @param {string} keyValue user property value + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function pushUniqueValue(keyName: string, keyValue: any): Promise | string; + + /** + * + * Add value to custom property (array). + * + * @param {string} keyName user property key + * @param {string} keyValue user property value + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function pushValue(keyName: string, keyValue: any): Promise | string; + + /** + * + * Remove value to custom property (array). + * + * @param {string} keyName user property key + * @param {string} keyValue user property value + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function pullValue(keyName: string, keyValue: any): Promise | string; + } + + namespace userDataBulk { + /** + * + * Custom key and value pairs for the current user. + * Remember to call Countly.userDataBulk.save() after calling all userDataBulk methods to send the bulk data to server. + * + * @param {object} customAndPredefined custom key value pairs + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function setUserProperties(properties: object): Promise | string; + + /** + * + * Save user data and send to server. + * + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function save(): Promise; + + /** + * + * Set custom key and value pair for the current user. + * Remember to call Countly.userDataBulk.save() after calling all userDataBulk methods to send the bulk data to server. + * + * @param {string} keyName custom user data key + * @param {string} keyValue custom user data value + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function setProperty(keyName: string, keyValue: any): Promise | string; + + /** + * + * Increment custom user data by 1 + * Remember to call Countly.userDataBulk.save() after calling all userDataBulk methods to send the bulk data to server. + * + * @param {string} keyName user property key + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function increment(keyName: string): Promise | string; + + /** + * + * Increment custom user data by a specified value + * Remember to call Countly.userDataBulk.save() after calling all userDataBulk methods to send the bulk data to server. + * + * @param {string} keyName user property key + * @param {string} keyValue value to increment user property by + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function incrementBy(keyName: string, keyValue: any): Promise | string; + + /** + * + * Multiply custom user data by a specified value + * Remember to call Countly.userDataBulk.save() after calling all userDataBulk methods to send the bulk data to server. + * + * @param {string} keyName user property key + * @param {string} keyValue value to multiply user property by + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function multiply(keyName: string, keyValue: any): Promise | string; + + /** + * + * Save the max value between current and provided value. + * Remember to call Countly.userDataBulk.save() after calling all userDataBulk methods to send the bulk data to server. + * + * @param {string} keyName user property key + * @param {string} keyValue user property value + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function saveMax(keyName: string, keyValue: any): Promise | string; + + /** + * + * Save the min value between current and provided value. + * Remember to call Countly.userDataBulk.save() after calling all userDataBulk methods to send the bulk data to server. + * + * @param {string} keyName user property key + * @param {string} keyValue user property value + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function saveMin(keyName: string, keyValue: any): Promise | string; + + /** + * + * Set the property value if it does not exist. + * Remember to call Countly.userDataBulk.save() after calling all userDataBulk methods to send the bulk data to server. + * + * @param {string} keyName user property key + * @param {string} keyValue user property value + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function setOnce(keyName: string, keyValue: any): Promise | string; + + /** + * + * Add value to custom property (array) if value does not exist within. + * Remember to call Countly.userDataBulk.save() after calling all userDataBulk methods to send the bulk data to server. + * + * @param {string} keyName user property key + * @param {string} keyValue user property value + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function pushUniqueValue(keyName: string, keyValue: any): Promise | string; + + /** + * + * Add value to custom property (array). + * Remember to call Countly.userDataBulk.save() after calling all userDataBulk methods to send the bulk data to server. + * + * @param {string} keyName user property key + * @param {string} keyValue user property value + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function pushValue(keyName: string, keyValue: any): Promise | string; + + /** + * + * Remove value to custom property (array). + * Remember to call Countly.userDataBulk.save() after calling all userDataBulk methods to send the bulk data to server. + * + * @param {string} keyName user property key + * @param {string} keyValue user property value + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function pullValue(keyName: string, keyValue: any): Promise | string; + } + + /** + * @deprecated in 23.02.0 : use 'countlyConfig.setRequiresConsent' instead of 'setRequiresConsent'. + * + * Set that consent should be required for features to work. + * Should be called before Countly init + * + * @param {boolean} flag if true, consent is required for features to work. + */ + export function setRequiresConsent(flag: boolean): void; + + /** + * + * Give consent for some features + * Should be called after Countly init + * + * @param {string[] | string} args list of consents + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function giveConsent(args: string[] | string): string | void; + + /** + * @deprecated in 23.02.0 : use 'countlyConfig.giveConsent' instead of 'giveConsentInit'. + * + * Give consent for specific features before init. + * Should be called after Countly init + * + * @param {string[] | string} args list of consents + */ + export function giveConsentInit(args: string[] | string): Promise; + + /** + * + * Remove consent for some features + * Should be called after Countly init + * + * @param {string[] | string} args list of consents + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function removeConsent(args: string[] | string): string | void; + + /** + * + * Give consent for all features + * Should be called after Countly init + * + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function giveAllConsent(): string | void; + + /** + * + * Remove consent for all features + * Should be called after Countly init + * + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function removeAllConsent(): string | void; + + /** + * + * Replaces all stored Remote Config values with new values from server. + * + * @param {function} callback function to be called after fetching values. + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function remoteConfigUpdate(callback: CountlyCallback): string | void; + + /** + * + * Replace specific Remote Config key value pairs with new values from server. + * + * @param {string[]} keyNames array of keys to replace. + * @param {function} callback function to be called after fetching values. + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function updateRemoteConfigForKeysOnly(keyNames: readonly string[], callback: CountlyCallback): string | void; + + /** + * + * Replace all except specific Remote Config key value pairs with new values from server. + * + * @param {string[]} keyNames array of keys to skip. + * @param {function} callback function to be called after fetching values. + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function updateRemoteConfigExceptKeys(keyNames: readonly string[], callback: CountlyCallback): string | void; + + /** + * + * Replace Remote Config key value for a specific key with new values from server. + * This takes in a callback that is called after new values are fetched. + * + * @param {string} keyNames key to fetch. + * @param {function} callback function to be called after fetching new values. + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function getRemoteConfigValueForKey(keyName: string, callback: (value: any) => void): string | void; + + /** + * + * Replace Remote Config key value for a specific key with new values from server. This returns a promise that can be listened to. + * + * @param {string} keyName key to fetch. + * @return {string | promise} error message or promise + */ + export function getRemoteConfigValueForKeyP(keyName: string): string | Promise; + + /** + * + * Clear all Remote Config values downloaded from the server. + * + * @return {string | promise} error message or promise + */ + export function remoteConfigClearValues(): string | Promise; + + /** + * @deprecated in 23.02.0 : use 'countlyConfig.setStarRatingDialogTexts' instead of 'setStarRatingDialogTexts'. + * + * Set's the text's for the different fields in the star rating dialog. Set value null if for some field you want to keep the old value + * + * @param {string} starRatingTextTitle - dialog's title text (Only for Android) + * @param {string} starRatingTextMessage - dialog's message text + * @param {string} starRatingTextDismiss - dialog's dismiss buttons text (Only for Android) + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function setStarRatingDialogTexts( + starRatingTextTitle: string, + starRatingTextMessage: string, + starRatingTextDismiss: string, + ): void; + + /** + * + * For getting brief feedback from your users to be displayed on the + Countly dashboard. + * + * @param {function} callback function to be called after it completes. + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function showStarRating(callback?: CountlyCallback): string | void; + + /** + * Present a Rating Popup using rating widget Id + * + * @param {string} widgetId - id of rating widget to present + * @param {string} closeButtonText - text for cancel/close button + * @param {callback listener} [ratingWidgetCallback] This parameter is optional. + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function presentRatingWidgetWithID(widgetId: string, closeButtonText: string, ratingWidgetCallback?: CountlyErrorCallback): string | void; + + /** + * Get a list of available feedback widgets as array of object to handle multiple widgets of same type. + * @deprecated in 23.8.0 : use 'Countly.feedback.getAvailableFeedbackWidgets' instead of 'getFeedbackWidgets'. + * @param {callback listener} [onFinished] - returns (retrievedWidgets, error). This parameter is optional. + * @return {string | []} error message or array of feedback widgets + */ + export function getFeedbackWidgets(onFinished?: FeedbackWidgetCallback): Promise | string; + + /** + * Present a chosen feedback widget + * + * @deprecated in 23.8.0 : use 'Countly.feedback.presentFeedbackWidget' instead of 'presentFeedbackWidgetObject'. + * @param {FeedbackWidget} feedbackWidget - feeback Widget with id, type and name + * @param {string} closeButtonText - text for cancel/close button + * @param {callback listener} [widgetShownCallback] - Callback to be executed when feedback widget is displayed. This parameter is optional. + * @param {callback listener} [widgetClosedCallback] - Callback to be executed when feedback widget is closed. This parameter is optional. + * + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function presentFeedbackWidgetObject( + feedbackWidget: FeedbackWidget, + closeButtonText: string, + widgetShownCallback: WidgetCallback, + widgetClosedCallback: WidgetCallback + ): string | void; + + /** + * + * Events get grouped together and are sent either every minute or after the unsent event count reaches a threshold. By default it is 10 + * Should be called before Countly init + * + * @param {number} size - event count + */ + export function setEventSendThreshold(size: number): void; + + /** + * + * Measure and record time taken by any operation. + * + * @param {string} traceKey name of trace + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function startTrace(traceKey: string): string | void; + + /** + * + * Cancel custom trace. + * + * @param {string} traceKey name of trace + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function cancelTrace(traceKey: string): string | void; + + /** + * + * Cancel all custom traces. + * + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function clearAllTraces(): string | void; + + /** + * + * End a custom trace. + * + * @param {string} traceKey name of trace + * @param {object} customMetric metric with key/value pair + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function endTrace(traceKey: string, customMetric?: TraceCustomMetric): string | void; + + /** + * + * Manually record a custom trace + * + * @param {string} networkTraceKey name of trace + * @param {number} responseCode HTTP status code of the received + response + * @param {number} requestPayloadSize Size of the request's + payload in bytes + * @param {number} responsePayloadSize Size + of the received response's payload in bytes + * @param {number} startTime UNIX timestamp in milliseconds for + the starting time of the request + * @param {number} endTime UNIX timestamp in milliseconds for + the ending time of the request + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function recordNetworkTrace( + networkTraceKey: string, + responseCode: number, + requestPayloadSize: number, + responsePayloadSize: number, + startTime: number, + endTime: number, + ): string | void; + + /** + * @deprecated in 23.02.0 : use 'countlyConfig.apm' interface instead of 'enableApm'. + * + * Enable APM features, which includes the recording of app start time. + * Should be called before Countly init + */ + export function enableApm(): void; + + /** + * @deprecated in 23.02.0 : use 'Countly.recordIndirectAttribution' instead of 'Countly'. + * + * Enable campaign attribution reporting to Countly. + * For iOS use "recordAttributionID" instead of "enableAttribution" + * Should be called before Countly init + * @param {string} attributionID attribution ID + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function enableAttribution(attributionID?: string): string; + + /** + * + * @deprecated in 23.02.0 : use 'Countly.recordIndirectAttribution' instead of 'recordAttributionID'. + * + * set attribution Id for campaign attribution reporting. + * Currently implemented for iOS only + * @param {string} attributionID attribution ID + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function recordAttributionID(attributionID: string): string | void; + + /** + * Replaces all requests with a different app key with the current app key. + * In request queue, if there are any request whose app key is different + * than the current app key, + * these requests' app key will be replaced with the current app key. + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function replaceAllAppKeysInQueueWithCurrentAppKey(): string | void; + + /** + * set direct attribution Id for campaign attribution reporting. + * @param {string} campaignType type + * @param {string} campaignData data + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function recordDirectAttribution(campaignType, campaignData): void; + + /** + * set indirect attribution Id for campaign attribution reporting. + * @param {string} attributionValues attribution values + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function recordIndirectAttribution(attributionValues): void; + + /** + * Removes all requests with a different app key in request queue. + * In request queue, if there are any request whose app key is different than the current app key, + * these requests will be removed from request queue. + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function removeDifferentAppKeysFromQueue(): string | void; + + /** + * Call this function when app is loaded, so that the app launch duration can be recorded. + * Should be called after init. + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function appLoadingFinished(): string | void; + + /** + * Set the metrics you want to override + * Should be called before Countly init + * @param {object} customMetric metric with key/value pair + * Supported data type for customMetric values is string + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ + export function setCustomMetrics(customMetric: CustomMetric): string | void; + ValidationFunction; + ValidationFunction; + ValidationFunction; + ValidationFunction; + (functionName: string, warning: string) => Promise; + } + + export default Countly; +} + +declare module "countly-sdk-react-native-bridge/CountlyConfig" { + /** + * + * This class holds APM specific configurations to be used with + * CountlyConfig class and serves as an interface. + * + */ + class CountlyConfigApm { + /** + * Enables the tracking of app start time. (For iOS after this call you + * will have to call [enableManualAppLoadedTrigger]) + */ + enableAppStartTimeTracking(): CountlyConfigApm; + + /** + * Enables the automatic tracking of app foreground and background + * durations. + */ + enableForegroundBackgroundTracking(): CountlyConfigApm; + + /** + * Enables the usage of manual trigger [Countly.appLoadingFinished] to + * determine app start finish time. + */ + enableManualAppLoadedTrigger(): CountlyConfigApm; + + /** + * Gives you the ability to override the app start initial timestamp. + * [timestamp] is the timestamp (in milliseconds) + */ + setAppStartTimestampOverride(timestamp: number): CountlyConfigApm; + } + + /** + * + * Config object for Countly Init + * Should be called before Countly "askForNotificationPermission" + * + */ + declare class CountlyConfig { + /** + * @param {string} serverURL server url + * @param {string} appKey application key + */ + constructor(serverURL: string, appKey: string); + + /** + * getter for CountlyConfigApm instance that is used to access CountlyConfigApm methods + */ + apm: CountlyConfigApm; + + /** + * Method to set the server url + * + * @param {string} serverURL server url + */ + setServerURL(serverURL: string): CountlyConfig; + + /** + * Method to set the app key + * + * @param {string} appKey application key + */ + setAppKey(appKey: string): CountlyConfig; + + /** + * Method to set the device id + * + * @param {string} deviceID device id + */ + setDeviceID(deviceID: string): CountlyConfig; + + /** + * Method to enable countly internal debugging logs + * + * @param {boolean} loggingEnabled enable + * if true, countly sdk would log to console. + */ + setLoggingEnabled(loggingEnabled: boolean): CountlyConfig; + + /** + * Method to enable crash reporting to report unhandled crashes to Countly + */ + enableCrashReporting(): CountlyConfig; + + /** + * Method to set if the consent feature is enabled. + * + * If set to true, no feature will work without consent being given. + * + * @param {boolean} shouldRequireConsent required. True: It is enabled. False: + * It is disabled. + */ + setRequiresConsent(shouldRequireConsent: boolean): CountlyConfig; + + /** + * Method to give consent for specific features before init + * + * @param {string[]} consents consents e.g ['location', 'sessions', + * 'attribution', 'push', 'events', 'views', 'crashes', 'users', 'push', + * 'star-rating', 'apm', 'feedback', 'remote-config'] + */ + giveConsent(consents: readonly string[]): CountlyConfig; + + /** + * Method to set the user initial location + * + * @param {string} locationCountryCode country code e.g 'TR' + * @param {string} locationCity city e.g 'Istanbul' + * @param {string} locationGpsCoordinates gps coordinates e.g '41.0082,28.9784' + * @param {string} locationIpAddress ip address e.g '' + */ + setLocation(locationCountryCode: string, locationCity: string, locationGpsCoordinates: string, locationIpAddress: string): CountlyConfig; + + /** + * Method to enable tamper protection. This sets the optional salt to be + * used for calculating the checksum of requested data which will be sent + * with each request + * + * @param {string} tamperingProtectionSalt salt + */ + enableParameterTamperingProtection(tamperingProtectionSalt: string): CountlyConfig; + + /** + * @deprecated in 24.4.0 : use 'countlyConfig.apm' interface instead of 'config.enableApm'. + * + * Method to enable application performance monitoring which includes the recording of app start time. + */ + enableApm(): CountlyConfig; + + /** + * AdditionalIntentRedirectionChecks are enabled by default. + * This method should be used to disable them. + */ + disableAdditionalIntentRedirectionChecks(): CountlyConfig; + + /** + * Method to set the push token type + * @deprecated + * Use setPushTokenType() instead to set pushToken + * Use setPushNotificationChannelInformation() instead to set channel information + * + * @param {TokenType} tokenType token type + * @param {string} channelName channel name + * @param {string} channelDescription channel description + */ + pushTokenType(tokenType: TokenType, channelName: string, channelDescription: string): CountlyConfig; + + /** + * Method to set the push token type + * NB: ONLY FOR iOS + * + * @param {Countly.messagingMode} tokenType token type + * Possible values include 'DEVELOPMENT', 'PRODUCTION', 'ADHOC'. + */ + setPushTokenType(tokenType: messagingMode): CountlyConfig; + + /** + * Method to set the push channel name and description + * NB: ONLY FOR ANDROID + * + * @param {string} name channel name + * @param {string} description channel description + */ + setPushNotificationChannelInformation(name: string, description: string): CountlyConfig; + + /** + * Method to set the push notification accent color + * NB: ONLY FOR ANDROID + * + * @param {string} accentColor notification accent color + * example '#000000' + */ + setPushNotificationAccentColor(accentColor: string): CountlyConfig; + + /** + * Method to configure intent redirection check + * + * @param {string[]} allowedIntentClassNames allowed intent class names + * @param {string[]} allowedIntentPackageNames allowed intent package name + */ + configureIntentRedirectionCheck(allowedIntentClassNames: readonly string[], allowedIntentPackageNames: readonly string[]): CountlyConfig; + + /** + * Method to set star rating dialog text + * + * @param {string} starRatingTextTitle title + * @param {string} starRatingTextMessage message + * @param {string} starRatingTextDismiss dismiss + */ + setStarRatingDialogTexts(starRatingTextTitle: string, starRatingTextMessage: string, starRatingTextDismiss: string): CountlyConfig; + + /** + * Report direct user attribution + * + * @param {string} campaignType campaign type + * @param {object} campaignData campaign data + */ + recordDirectAttribution(campaignType: string, campaignData: object): CountlyConfig; + + /** + * Report indirect user attribution + * + * @param {object} attributionValues attribution values + */ + recordIndirectAttribution(attributionValues: object): CountlyConfig; + } + + export default CountlyConfig; +} diff --git a/Countly.js b/Countly.js index e745ec13..da830e2e 100644 --- a/Countly.js +++ b/Countly.js @@ -4,26 +4,28 @@ * @Countly */ -import { Platform, NativeModules, NativeEventEmitter } from 'react-native'; +import { Platform, NativeModules, NativeEventEmitter } from "react-native"; -import CountlyConfig from './CountlyConfig.js'; -import CountlyState from './CountlyState.js'; -import Feedback from './Feedback.js'; -import * as L from './Logger.js'; -import * as Utils from './Utils.js'; +import CountlyConfig from "./CountlyConfig.js"; +import CountlyState from "./CountlyState.js"; +import Feedback from "./Feedback.js"; +import Event from "./Event.js"; +import * as L from "./Logger.js"; +import * as Utils from "./Utils.js"; +import * as Validate from "./Validators.js"; const { CountlyReactNative } = NativeModules; const eventEmitter = new NativeEventEmitter(CountlyReactNative); const Countly = {}; -Countly.serverUrl = ''; -Countly.appKey = ''; +Countly.serverUrl = ""; +Countly.appKey = ""; let _state = CountlyState; CountlyState.CountlyReactNative = CountlyReactNative; CountlyState.eventEmitter = eventEmitter; -Countly.feedback = Feedback; -Countly.feedback.state = CountlyState; +Countly.feedback = new Feedback(CountlyState); +Countly.events = new Event(CountlyState); let _isCrashReportingEnabled = false; @@ -36,14 +38,14 @@ let _isPushInitialized = false; * Listener for rating widget callback, when callback recieve we will remove the callback using listener. */ let _ratingWidgetListener; -const ratingWidgetCallbackName = 'ratingWidgetCallback'; -const pushNotificationCallbackName = 'pushNotificationCallback'; +const ratingWidgetCallbackName = "ratingWidgetCallback"; +const pushNotificationCallbackName = "pushNotificationCallback"; -Countly.messagingMode = { 'DEVELOPMENT': '1', 'PRODUCTION': '0', 'ADHOC': '2' }; +Countly.messagingMode = { DEVELOPMENT: "1", PRODUCTION: "0", ADHOC: "2" }; if (/android/.exec(Platform.OS)) { - Countly.messagingMode.DEVELOPMENT = '2'; + Countly.messagingMode.DEVELOPMENT = "2"; } -Countly.TemporaryDeviceIDString = 'TemporaryDeviceID'; +Countly.TemporaryDeviceIDString = "TemporaryDeviceID"; /** * Initialize Countly @@ -51,40 +53,40 @@ Countly.TemporaryDeviceIDString = 'TemporaryDeviceID'; * @deprecated in 23.02.0 : use 'initWithConfig' instead of 'init'. * * @function Countly.init should be used to initialize countly - * @param {String} serverURL server url - * @param {String} appKey application key - * @param {String} deviceId device ID + * @param {string} serverURL server url + * @param {string} appKey application key + * @param {string} deviceId device ID */ Countly.init = async function (serverUrl, appKey, deviceId) { - L.w('Countly.init is deprecated, use Countly.initWithConfig instead'); + L.w("Countly.init is deprecated, use Countly.initWithConfig instead"); const countlyConfig = new CountlyConfig(serverUrl, appKey).setDeviceID(deviceId); - Countly.initWithConfig(countlyConfig); + await Countly.initWithConfig(countlyConfig); }; /** * Initialize Countly * * @function Countly.initWithConfig should be used to initialize countly with config - * @param {Object} countlyConfig countly config object + * @param {CountlyConfig} countlyConfig countly config object */ Countly.initWithConfig = async function (countlyConfig) { if (_state.isInitialized) { - L.d('init, SDK is already initialized'); + L.d("init, SDK is already initialized"); return; } - if (countlyConfig.deviceID == '') { + if (countlyConfig.deviceID == "") { L.e("init, Device ID during init can't be an empty string. Value will be ignored."); countlyConfig.deviceId = null; } - if (countlyConfig.serverURL == '') { + if (countlyConfig.serverURL == "") { L.e("init, Server URL during init can't be an empty string"); return; } - if (countlyConfig.appKey == '') { + if (countlyConfig.appKey == "") { L.e("init, App Key during init can't be an empty string"); return; } - L.d('initWithConfig, Initializing Countly'); + L.d("initWithConfig, Initializing Countly"); const args = []; const argsMap = Utils.configToJson(countlyConfig); const argsString = JSON.stringify(argsMap); @@ -97,7 +99,7 @@ Countly.initWithConfig = async function (countlyConfig) { * * Checks if the sdk is initialized; * - * @return {bool} if true, countly sdk has been initialized + * @return {boolean} if true, countly sdk has been initialized */ Countly.isInitialized = async function () { _state.isInitialized = await CountlyReactNative.isInitialized(); @@ -111,7 +113,7 @@ Countly.isInitialized = async function () { * * @deprecated in 23.6.0. This will be removed. * - * @return {bool || String} bool or error message + * @return {boolean | string} boolean or error message */ Countly.hasBeenCalledOnStart = function () { if (!_state.isInitialized) { @@ -119,93 +121,60 @@ Countly.hasBeenCalledOnStart = function () { L.e(`hasBeenCalledOnStart, ${message}`); return message; } - L.w('hasBeenCalledOnStart, This call is deprecated and will be removed with no replacement.'); + L.w("hasBeenCalledOnStart, This call is deprecated and will be removed with no replacement."); return CountlyReactNative.hasBeenCalledOnStart(); }; /** - * - * Used to send various types of event; - * - * @param {Object} options event - * @return {String || void} error message or void + * Sends an event to the server + * + * @deprecated in 24.4.0 : use 'Countly.events.recordEvent' instead of this. + * + * @param {CountlyEventOptions} options event options. + * CountlyEventOptions { + * eventName: string; + * eventCount?: number; + * eventSum?: number | string; + * segments?: Segmentation; + * } + * @return {string | void} error message or void */ Countly.sendEvent = function (options) { if (!_state.isInitialized) { - const message = "'init' must be called before 'sendEvent'"; - L.e(`sendEvent, ${message}`); - return message; + const msg = "'init' must be called before 'sendEvent'"; + L.w(`sendEvent, ${msg}`); + return msg; } + L.w("sendEvent, This method is deprecated, use 'Countly.events.recordEvent' instead"); if (!options) { - const message = 'sendEvent, no event object provided'; - L.e(`sendEvent, ${message}`); + const message = "no event object provided!"; + L.w(`sendEvent, ${message}`); return message; } - if (!options.eventName) { - const message = 'sendEvent, eventName is required'; - L.e(`sendEvent, ${message}`); - return message; - } - L.d(`sendEvent, Sending event: ${JSON.stringify(options)}]`); - - const args = []; - let eventType = 'event'; // event, eventWithSum, eventWithSegment, eventWithSumSegment - let segments = {}; - - if (options.eventSum) { - eventType = 'eventWithSum'; - } - if (options.segments) { - eventType = 'eventWithSegment'; - } - if (options.segments && options.eventSum) { - eventType = 'eventWithSumSegment'; - } - - args.push(eventType); - args.push(options.eventName.toString()); - - if (options.eventCount) { - args.push(options.eventCount.toString()); - } else { - args.push('1'); - } - - if (options.eventSum) { - options.eventSum = options.eventSum.toString(); - if (options.eventSum.indexOf('.') == -1) { - options.eventSum = parseFloat(options.eventSum).toFixed(2); - args.push(options.eventSum); - } else { - args.push(options.eventSum); - } - } + // previous implementation was not clear about the data types of eventCount and eventSum + // here parse them to make sure they are in correct format for the new method + // parser will return a false value (NaN) in case of invalid data (like undefined, null, empty string, etc.) + options.eventCount = parseInt(options.eventCount, 10) || 1; + options.eventSum = parseFloat(options.eventSum) || 0; - if (options.segments) { - segments = options.segments; - } - for (const event in segments) { - args.push(event); - args.push(segments[event]); - } - CountlyReactNative.event(args); + Countly.events.recordEvent(options.eventName, options.segments, options.eventCount, options.eventSum); }; /** * Record custom view to Countly. * * @param {string} recordView - name of the view - * @param {Map} segments - allows to add optional segmentation, - * Supported data type for segments values are String, int, double and bool - * @return {String || void} error message or void + * @param {object} segments - allows to add optional segmentation, + * Supported data type for segments values are string, int, double and boolean + * @return {string | void} error message or void */ -Countly.recordView = async function (recordView, segments) { +Countly.recordView = function (recordView, segments) { if (!_state.isInitialized) { const msg = "'init' must be called before 'recordView'"; L.e(`recordView, ${msg}`); return msg; } - const message = await Countly.validateString(recordView, 'view name', 'recordView'); + const message = Validate.String(recordView, "view name", "recordView"); if (message) { return message; } @@ -228,15 +197,15 @@ Countly.recordView = async function (recordView, segments) { * Currently implemented for iOS only * Should be called before Countly init * - * @return {String || void} error message or void + * @return {string | void} error message or void */ Countly.disablePushNotifications = function () { if (!/ios/.exec(Platform.OS)) { - L.e('disablePushNotifications, ' + 'disablePushNotifications is not implemented for Android'); + L.e("disablePushNotifications, " + "disablePushNotifications is not implemented for Android"); - return 'disablePushNotifications : To be implemented'; + return "disablePushNotifications : To be implemented"; } - L.d('disablePushNotifications, Disabling push notifications'); + L.d("disablePushNotifications, Disabling push notifications"); CountlyReactNative.disablePushNotifications(); }; @@ -246,25 +215,33 @@ Countly.disablePushNotifications = function () { * Set messaging mode for push notifications * Should be called before Countly init * - * @return {String || void} error message or void + * @return {string | void} error message or void */ -Countly.pushTokenType = async function (tokenType, channelName, channelDescription) { - const message = await Countly.validateString(tokenType, 'tokenType', 'pushTokenType'); +Countly.pushTokenType = function (tokenType, channelName, channelDescription) { + const message = Validate.String(tokenType, "tokenType", "pushTokenType"); if (message) { return message; } - L.w('pushTokenType, pushTokenType is deprecated, use countlyConfig.pushTokenType instead'); + L.w("pushTokenType, pushTokenType is deprecated, use countlyConfig.pushTokenType instead"); const args = []; args.push(tokenType); - args.push(channelName || ''); - args.push(channelDescription || ''); + args.push(channelName || ""); + args.push(channelDescription || ""); CountlyReactNative.pushTokenType(args); }; +/** + * + * Send push token + * @param {object} options - object containing the push token + * {token: string} + * + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ Countly.sendPushToken = function (options) { L.d(`sendPushToken, Sending push token: [${JSON.stringify(options)}]`); const args = []; - args.push(options.token || ''); + args.push(options.token || ""); CountlyReactNative.sendPushToken(args); }; @@ -275,8 +252,9 @@ Countly.sendPushToken = function (options) { * Custom sound should be place at 'your_project_root/android/app/src/main/res/raw' * Should be called after Countly init * + * @return {string | void} error message or void */ -Countly.askForNotificationPermission = function (customSoundPath = 'null') { +Countly.askForNotificationPermission = function (customSoundPath = "null") { if (!_state.isInitialized) { const message = "'init' must be called before 'askForNotificationPermission'"; L.e(`askForNotificationPermission, ${message}`); @@ -294,7 +272,7 @@ Countly.askForNotificationPermission = function (customSoundPath = 'null') { * @return {NativeEventEmitter} event */ Countly.registerForNotification = function (theListener) { - L.d('registerForNotification, Registering for notification'); + L.d("registerForNotification, Registering for notification"); const event = eventEmitter.addListener(pushNotificationCallbackName, theListener); CountlyReactNative.registerForNotification([]); return event; @@ -306,41 +284,41 @@ Countly.registerForNotification = function (theListener) { * Configure intent redirection checks for push notification * Should be called before Countly "askForNotificationPermission" * - * @param {array of allowed class names } allowedIntentClassNames set allowed intent class names - * @param {array of allowed package names } allowedIntentPackageNames set allowed intent package names - * @param {bool to check additional intent checks} useAdditionalIntentRedirectionChecks by default its true - * @return {String || void} error message or void + * @param {string[]} allowedIntentClassNames allowed intent class names + * @param {string[]} allowedIntentPackageNames allowed intent package names + * @param {boolean} useAdditionalIntentRedirectionChecks to check additional intent checks. The default value is "true" + * @return {string | void} error message or void */ Countly.configureIntentRedirectionCheck = function (allowedIntentClassNames = [], allowedIntentPackageNames = [], useAdditionalIntentRedirectionChecks = true) { if (/ios/.exec(Platform.OS)) { - L.e('configureIntentRedirectionCheck, configureIntentRedirectionCheck is not required for iOS'); + L.e("configureIntentRedirectionCheck, configureIntentRedirectionCheck is not required for iOS"); - return 'configureIntentRedirectionCheck : not required for iOS'; + return "configureIntentRedirectionCheck : not required for iOS"; } if (_isPushInitialized) { - var message = "'configureIntentRedirectionCheck' must be called before 'askForNotificationPermission'"; + let message = "'configureIntentRedirectionCheck' must be called before 'askForNotificationPermission'"; L.e(`configureIntentRedirectionCheck, ${message}`); return message; } - L.w('configureIntentRedirectionCheck, configureIntentRedirectionCheck is deprecated, use countlyConfig.configureIntentRedirectionCheck instead'); + L.w("configureIntentRedirectionCheck, configureIntentRedirectionCheck is deprecated, use countlyConfig.configureIntentRedirectionCheck instead"); if (!Array.isArray(allowedIntentClassNames)) { - L.w('configureIntentRedirectionCheck, ' + `Ignoring, unsupported data type '${typeof allowedIntentClassNames}' 'allowedIntentClassNames' should be an array of String`); + L.w("configureIntentRedirectionCheck, " + `Ignoring, unsupported data type '${typeof allowedIntentClassNames}' 'allowedIntentClassNames' should be an array of String`); allowedIntentClassNames = []; } if (!Array.isArray(allowedIntentPackageNames)) { - L.w('configureIntentRedirectionCheck, ' + `Ignoring, unsupported data type '${typeof allowedIntentPackageNames}' 'allowedIntentPackageNames' should be an array of String`); + L.w("configureIntentRedirectionCheck, " + `Ignoring, unsupported data type '${typeof allowedIntentPackageNames}' 'allowedIntentPackageNames' should be an array of String`); allowedIntentPackageNames = []; } - if (typeof useAdditionalIntentRedirectionChecks !== 'boolean') { - L.w('configureIntentRedirectionCheck, ' + `Ignoring, unsupported data type '${typeof useAdditionalIntentRedirectionChecks}' 'useAdditionalIntentRedirectionChecks' should be a boolean`); + if (typeof useAdditionalIntentRedirectionChecks !== "boolean") { + L.w("configureIntentRedirectionCheck, " + `Ignoring, unsupported data type '${typeof useAdditionalIntentRedirectionChecks}' 'useAdditionalIntentRedirectionChecks' should be a boolean`); useAdditionalIntentRedirectionChecks = true; } const _allowedIntentClassNames = []; for (const className of allowedIntentClassNames) { - var message = Countly.validateString(className, 'class name', 'configureIntentRedirectionCheck'); + let message = Validate.String(className, "class name", "configureIntentRedirectionCheck"); if (message == null) { _allowedIntentClassNames.push(className); } @@ -348,7 +326,7 @@ Countly.configureIntentRedirectionCheck = function (allowedIntentClassNames = [] const _allowedIntentPackageNames = []; for (const packageName of allowedIntentPackageNames) { - var message = Countly.validateString(packageName, 'package name', 'configureIntentRedirectionCheck'); + let message = Validate.String(packageName, "package name", "configureIntentRedirectionCheck"); if (message == null) { _allowedIntentPackageNames.push(packageName); } @@ -362,10 +340,9 @@ Countly.configureIntentRedirectionCheck = function (allowedIntentClassNames = [] * * Countly start for android * - * @return {String || void} error message or void */ Countly.start = function () { - L.w('start, Automatic sessions are handled by underlying SDK, this function will do nothing.'); + L.w("start, Automatic sessions are handled by underlying SDK, this function will do nothing."); }; /** @@ -373,10 +350,9 @@ Countly.start = function () { * * Countly stop for android * - * @return {String || void} error message or void */ Countly.stop = function () { - L.w('stop, Automatic sessions are handled by underlying SDK, this function will do nothing.'); + L.w("stop, Automatic sessions are handled by underlying SDK, this function will do nothing."); }; /** @@ -386,10 +362,11 @@ Countly.stop = function () { * @deprecated in 20.04.6 * * @function Countly.setLoggingEnabled should be used to enable/disable countly internal debugging logs + * */ Countly.enableLogging = function () { - L.w('enableLogging, enableLogging is deprecated, use countlyConfig.enableLogging instead'); + L.w("enableLogging, enableLogging is deprecated, use countlyConfig.enableLogging instead"); CountlyReactNative.setLoggingEnabled([true]); }; @@ -399,9 +376,10 @@ Countly.enableLogging = function () { * @deprecated in 20.04.6 * * @function Countly.setLoggingEnabled should be used to enable/disable countly internal debugging logs + * */ Countly.disableLogging = function () { - L.w('disableLogging, disableLogging is deprecated, use countlyConfig.enableLogging instead'); + L.w("disableLogging, disableLogging is deprecated, use countlyConfig.enableLogging instead"); CountlyReactNative.setLoggingEnabled([false]); }; @@ -409,7 +387,7 @@ Countly.disableLogging = function () { * Set to true if you want to enable countly internal debugging logs * Should be called before Countly init * - * @param {[bool = true]} enabled server url + * @param {[boolean = true]} enabled server url */ Countly.setLoggingEnabled = function (enabled = true) { // TODO: init check @@ -422,29 +400,30 @@ Countly.setLoggingEnabled = function (enabled = true) { * * Set user initial location * Should be called before init - * @param {ISO Country code for the user's country} countryCode - * @param {Name of the user's city} city - * @param {comma separate lat and lng values. For example, "56.42345,123.45325"} location - * @param {IP address of user's} ipAddress - * */ + * @param {string | null} countryCode ISO Country code for the user's country + * @param {string | null} city Name of the user's city + * @param {string | null} location comma separate lat and lng values. For example, "56.42345,123.45325" + * @param {string | null} ipAddress IP address of user's + */ Countly.setLocationInit = function (countryCode, city, location, ipAddress) { - L.w('setLocationInit, setLocationInit is deprecated, use countlyConfig.setLocation instead'); + L.w("setLocationInit, setLocationInit is deprecated, use countlyConfig.setLocation instead"); const args = []; - args.push(countryCode || 'null'); - args.push(city || 'null'); - args.push(location || 'null'); - args.push(ipAddress || 'null'); + args.push(countryCode || "null"); + args.push(city || "null"); + args.push(location || "null"); + args.push(ipAddress || "null"); CountlyReactNative.setLocationInit(args); }; /** * * Set user location - * @param {ISO Country code for the user's country} countryCode - * @param {Name of the user's city} city - * @param {comma separate lat and lng values. For example, "56.42345,123.45325"} location - * @param {IP address of user's} ipAddress - * */ + * @param {string | null} countryCode ISO Country code for the user's country + * @param {string | null} city Name of the user's city + * @param {string | null} location comma separate lat and lng values. For example, "56.42345,123.45325" + * @param {string | null} ipAddress IP address of user's + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ Countly.setLocation = function (countryCode, city, location, ipAddress) { if (!_state.isInitialized) { const message = "'init' must be called before 'setLocation'"; @@ -453,10 +432,10 @@ Countly.setLocation = function (countryCode, city, location, ipAddress) { } L.d(`setLocation, Setting location: [${countryCode}, ${city}, ${location}, ${ipAddress}]`); const args = []; - args.push(countryCode || 'null'); - args.push(city || 'null'); - args.push(location || 'null'); - args.push(ipAddress || 'null'); + args.push(countryCode || "null"); + args.push(city || "null"); + args.push(location || "null"); + args.push(ipAddress || "null"); CountlyReactNative.setLocation(args); }; @@ -464,7 +443,7 @@ Countly.setLocation = function (countryCode, city, location, ipAddress) { * * Disable user location * - * @return {String || void} error message or void + * @return {string | void} error message or void */ Countly.disableLocation = function () { if (!_state.isInitialized) { @@ -472,7 +451,7 @@ Countly.disableLocation = function () { L.e(`disableLocation, ${message}`); return message; } - L.d('disableLocation, Disabling location'); + L.d("disableLocation, Disabling location"); CountlyReactNative.disableLocation(); }; @@ -481,7 +460,7 @@ Countly.disableLocation = function () { * Get currently used device Id. * Should be called after Countly init * - * @return {String} device id or error message + * @return {string} device id or error message */ Countly.getCurrentDeviceId = async function () { if (!_state.isInitialized) { @@ -489,7 +468,7 @@ Countly.getCurrentDeviceId = async function () { L.e(`getCurrentDeviceId, ${message}`); return message; } - L.d('getCurrentDeviceId, Getting current device id'); + L.d("getCurrentDeviceId, Getting current device id"); const result = await CountlyReactNative.getCurrentDeviceId(); return result; }; @@ -498,45 +477,41 @@ Countly.getCurrentDeviceId = async function () { * Get currently used device Id type. * Should be called after Countly init * - * @return {DeviceIdType || null} deviceIdType or null - * */ + * @return {DeviceIdType | null} deviceIdType or null + */ Countly.getDeviceIDType = async function () { if (!_state.isInitialized) { L.e("getDeviceIDType, 'init' must be called before 'getDeviceIDType'"); return null; } - L.d('getDeviceIDType, Getting device id type'); + L.d("getDeviceIDType, Getting device id type"); const result = await CountlyReactNative.getDeviceIDType(); - if (result == null || result == '') { - L.e('getDeviceIDType, unexpected null value from native side'); - return null; - } - return Utils.stringToDeviceIDType(result); + return Utils.intToDeviceIDType(result); }; /** * Change the current device id * - * @param {String} newDeviceID id new device id - * @param {Boolean} onServer merge device id - * @return {String || void} error message or void - * */ -Countly.changeDeviceId = async function (newDeviceID, onServer) { + * @param {string} newDeviceID id new device id + * @param {boolean} onServer merge device id + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ +Countly.changeDeviceId = function (newDeviceID, onServer) { if (!_state.isInitialized) { const msg = "'init' must be called before 'changeDeviceId'"; L.e(`changeDeviceId, ${msg}`); return msg; } - const message = await Countly.validateString(newDeviceID, 'newDeviceID', 'changeDeviceId'); + const message = Validate.String(newDeviceID, "newDeviceID", "changeDeviceId"); if (message) { return message; } L.d(`changeDeviceId, Changing to new device id: [${newDeviceID}], with merge: [${onServer}]`); if (!onServer) { - onServer = '0'; + onServer = "0"; } else { - onServer = '1'; + onServer = "1"; } newDeviceID = newDeviceID.toString(); CountlyReactNative.changeDeviceId([newDeviceID, onServer]); @@ -546,12 +521,12 @@ Countly.changeDeviceId = async function (newDeviceID, onServer) { * * Set to "true" if you want HTTP POST to be used for all requests * Should be called before Countly init - * @param {bool} forceHttp force http post for all requests. + * @param {boolean} forceHttp force http post for all requests. */ Countly.setHttpPostForced = function (boolean = true) { L.d(`setHttpPostForced, Setting http post forced to: [${boolean}]`); const args = []; - args.push(boolean ? '1' : '0'); + args.push(boolean ? "1" : "0"); CountlyReactNative.setHttpPostForced(args); }; @@ -562,10 +537,10 @@ Countly.setHttpPostForced = function (boolean = true) { * Should be called before Countly init */ Countly.enableCrashReporting = async function () { - L.w('enableCrashReporting, enableCrashReporting is deprecated, use countlyConfig.enableCrashReporting instead'); + L.w("enableCrashReporting, enableCrashReporting is deprecated, use countlyConfig.enableCrashReporting instead"); CountlyReactNative.enableCrashReporting(); if (ErrorUtils && !_isCrashReportingEnabled) { - L.i('enableCrashReporting, Adding Countly JS error handler.'); + L.i("enableCrashReporting, Adding Countly JS error handler."); const previousHandler = ErrorUtils.getGlobalHandler(); ErrorUtils.setGlobalHandler((error, isFatal) => { const jsStackTrace = Utils.getStackTrace(error); @@ -576,22 +551,22 @@ Countly.enableCrashReporting = async function () { stackArr = error.stack; } else { let fname = jsStackTrace[0].file; - if (fname.startsWith('http')) { - const chunks = fname.split('/'); - fname = chunks[chunks.length - 1].split('?')[0]; + if (fname.startsWith("http")) { + const chunks = fname.split("/"); + fname = chunks[chunks.length - 1].split("?")[0]; } errorTitle = `${error.name} (${jsStackTrace[0].methodName}@${fname})`; - const regExp = '(.*)(@?)http(s?).*/(.*)\\?(.*):(.*):(.*)'; - stackArr = error.stack.split('\n').map((row) => { + const regExp = "(.*)(@?)http(s?).*/(.*)\\?(.*):(.*):(.*)"; + stackArr = error.stack.split("\n").map((row) => { row = row.trim(); - if (!row.includes('http')) { + if (!row.includes("http")) { return row; } const matches = row.match(regExp); return matches && matches.length == 8 ? `${matches[1]}${matches[2]}${matches[4]}(${matches[6]}:${matches[7]})` : row; }); - stackArr = stackArr.join('\n'); + stackArr = stackArr.join("\n"); } CountlyReactNative.logJSException(errorTitle, error.message.trim(), stackArr); @@ -608,8 +583,8 @@ Countly.enableCrashReporting = async function () { * * Add crash log for Countly * - * @param {String} crashLog crash log - * @return {String || void} error message or void + * @param {string} crashLog crash log + * @return {string | void} error message or void */ Countly.addCrashLog = function (crashLog) { if (!_state.isInitialized) { @@ -625,10 +600,10 @@ Countly.addCrashLog = function (crashLog) { * * Log exception for Countly * - * @param {String} exception exception - * @param {bool} nonfatal nonfatal - * @param {Map} segments segments - * @return {String || void} error message or void + * @param {string} exception exception + * @param {boolean} nonfatal nonfatal + * @param {object} segments segments + * @return {string | void} error message or void */ Countly.logException = function (exception, nonfatal, segments) { if (!_state.isInitialized) { @@ -637,13 +612,13 @@ Countly.logException = function (exception, nonfatal, segments) { return message; } L.d(`logException, Logging exception: [${exception}], with nonfatal: [${nonfatal}], with segments: [${JSON.stringify(segments)}]`); - const exceptionArray = exception.split('\n'); - let exceptionString = ''; + const exceptionArray = exception.split("\n"); + let exceptionString = ""; for (let i = 0, il = exceptionArray.length; i < il; i++) { exceptionString += `${exceptionArray[i]}\n`; } const args = []; - args.push(exceptionString || ''); + args.push(exceptionString || ""); args.push(nonfatal || false); for (const key in segments) { args.push(key); @@ -656,7 +631,7 @@ Countly.logException = function (exception, nonfatal, segments) { * * Set custom crash segment for Countly * - * @param {Map} segments segments + * @param {object} segments segments */ Countly.setCustomCrashSegments = function (segments) { L.d(`setCustomCrashSegments, Setting custom crash segments: [${JSON.stringify(segments)}]`); @@ -672,7 +647,7 @@ Countly.setCustomCrashSegments = function (segments) { * * Start session tracking * - * @return {String || void} error message or void + * @return {string | void} error message or void */ Countly.startSession = function () { if (!_state.isInitialized) { @@ -680,7 +655,7 @@ Countly.startSession = function () { L.e(`startSession, ${message}`); return message; } - L.d('startSession, Starting session'); + L.d("startSession, Starting session"); CountlyReactNative.startSession(); }; @@ -688,7 +663,7 @@ Countly.startSession = function () { * * End session tracking * - * @return {String || void} error message or void + * @return {string | void} error message or void */ Countly.endSession = function () { if (!_state.isInitialized) { @@ -696,7 +671,7 @@ Countly.endSession = function () { L.e(`endSession, ${message}`); return message; } - L.d('endSession, Ending session'); + L.d("endSession, Ending session"); CountlyReactNative.endSession(); }; @@ -706,11 +681,11 @@ Countly.endSession = function () { * Set the optional salt to be used for calculating the checksum of requested data which will be sent with each request, using the &checksum field * Should be called before Countly init * - * @param {String} salt salt - * @return {String || void} error message or void + * @param {string} salt salt + * @return {string | void} error message or void */ -Countly.enableParameterTamperingProtection = async function (salt) { - const message = await Countly.validateString(salt, 'salt', 'enableParameterTamperingProtection'); +Countly.enableParameterTamperingProtection = function (salt) { + const message = Validate.String(salt, "salt", "enableParameterTamperingProtection"); if (message) { return message; } @@ -723,10 +698,10 @@ Countly.enableParameterTamperingProtection = async function (salt) { * It will ensure that connection is made with one of the public keys specified * Should be called before Countly init * - * @return {String || void} error message or void + * @return {string | void} error message or void */ -Countly.pinnedCertificates = async function (certificateName) { - const message = await Countly.validateString(certificateName, 'certificateName', 'pinnedCertificates'); +Countly.pinnedCertificates = function (certificateName) { + const message = Validate.String(certificateName, "certificateName", "pinnedCertificates"); if (message) { return message; } @@ -735,118 +710,81 @@ Countly.pinnedCertificates = async function (certificateName) { }; /** + * Start a Timed Event + * @deprecated in 24.4.0 : use 'Countly.events.startEvent' instead of this. * - * Start Event - * - * @param {String} eventName name of event - * @return {String || void} error message or void + * @param {string} eventName name of event + * @return {string | void} error message or void */ -Countly.startEvent = async function (eventName) { +Countly.startEvent = function (eventName) { if (!_state.isInitialized) { const msg = "'init' must be called before 'startEvent'"; - L.e(`startEvent, ${msg}`); + L.e(`startEventLegacy, ${msg}`); return msg; } - const message = await Countly.validateString(eventName, 'eventName', 'startEvent'); - if (message) { - return message; - } - L.d(`startEvent, Starting event: [${eventName}]`); - CountlyReactNative.startEvent([eventName.toString()]); + L.w("startEventLegacy, This method is deprecated, use 'Countly.events.startEvent' instead"); + Countly.events.startEvent(eventName); }; /** + * Cancel a Timed Event + * @deprecated in 24.4.0 : use 'Countly.events.cancelEvent' instead of this. * - * Cancel Event - * - * @param {String} eventName name of event - * @return {String || void} error message or void + * @param {string} eventName name of event + * @return {string | void} error message or void */ -Countly.cancelEvent = async function (eventName) { +Countly.cancelEvent = function (eventName) { if (!_state.isInitialized) { const msg = "'init' must be called before 'cancelEvent'"; - L.e(`cancelEvent, ${msg}`); + L.e(`cancelEventLegacy, ${msg}`); return msg; } - const message = await Countly.validateString(eventName, 'eventName', 'cancelEvent'); - if (message) { - return message; - } - L.d(`cancelEvent, Canceling event: [${eventName}]`); - CountlyReactNative.cancelEvent([eventName.toString()]); + L.w("cancelEventLegacy, This method is deprecated, use 'Countly.events.cancelEvent' instead"); + Countly.events.cancelEvent(eventName); }; /** - * - * End Event - * - * @param {String || Object} options event options - * @return {String || void} error message or void + * End a Timed Event + * @deprecated in 24.4.0 : use 'Countly.events.endEvent' instead of this. + * + * @param {string | CountlyEventOptions} options event options. + * CountlyEventOptions { + * eventName: string; + * eventCount?: number; + * eventSum?: number | string; + * segments?: Segmentation; + * } + * @return {string | void} error message or void */ Countly.endEvent = function (options) { if (!_state.isInitialized) { const message = "'init' must be called before 'endEvent'"; - L.e(`endEvent, ${message}`); + L.e(`endEventLegacy, ${message}`); return message; } - L.d(`endEvent, Ending event: [${JSON.stringify(options)}]`); - if (typeof options === 'string') { - options = { eventName: options }; - } - const args = []; - let eventType = 'event'; // event, eventWithSum, eventWithSegment, eventWithSumSegment - let segments = {}; - - if (options.eventSum) { - eventType = 'eventWithSum'; - } - if (options.segments) { - eventType = 'eventWithSegment'; - } - if (options.segments && options.eventSum) { - eventType = 'eventWithSumSegment'; - } - - args.push(eventType); - - if (!options.eventName) { - options.eventName = ''; - } - args.push(options.eventName.toString()); - - if (!options.eventCount) { - options.eventCount = '1'; - } - args.push(options.eventCount.toString()); - - if (options.eventSum) { - let eventSumTemp = options.eventSum.toString(); - if (eventSumTemp.indexOf('.') == -1) { - eventSumTemp = parseFloat(eventSumTemp).toFixed(2); - args.push(eventSumTemp); - } else { - args.push(eventSumTemp); - } - } else { - args.push('0.0'); - } - - if (options.segments) { - segments = options.segments; + L.w("endEventLegacy, This method is deprecated, use 'Countly.events.endEvent' instead"); + if (!options) { + const message = "no event object or event name provided!"; + L.w(`endEventLegacy, ${message}`); + return message; } - for (const event in segments) { - args.push(event); - args.push(segments[event]); + if (typeof options === "string") { + options = { eventName: options }; } - CountlyReactNative.endEvent(args); + // previous implementation was not clear about the data types of eventCount and eventSum + // here parse them to make sure they are in correct format for the new method + // parser will return a false value (NaN) in case of invalid data (like undefined, null, empty string, etc.) + options.eventCount = parseInt(options.eventCount, 10) || 1; + options.eventSum = parseFloat(options.eventSum) || 0; + Countly.events.endEvent(options.eventName, options.segments, options.eventCount, options.eventSum); }; /** * * Used to send user data * - * @param {Object} userData user data - * @return {String || void} error message or void + * @param {object} userData user data + * @return {string | void} error message or void */ Countly.setUserData = async function (userData) { if (!_state.isInitialized) { @@ -857,19 +795,19 @@ Countly.setUserData = async function (userData) { L.d(`setUserData, Setting user data: [${JSON.stringify(userData)}]`); let message = null; if (!userData) { - message = 'User profile data should not be null or undefined'; + message = "User profile data should not be null or undefined"; L.e(`setUserData, ${message}`); return message; } - if (typeof userData !== 'object') { + if (typeof userData !== "object") { message = `unsupported data type of user data '${typeof userData}'`; L.w(`setUserData, ${message}`); return message; } const args = []; for (const key in userData) { - if (typeof userData[key] !== 'string' && key.toString() != 'byear') { - L.w('setUserData, ' + `skipping value for key '${key.toString()}', due to unsupported data type '${typeof userData[key]}', its data type should be 'string'`); + if (typeof userData[key] !== "string" && key.toString() != "byear") { + L.w("setUserData, " + `skipping value for key '${key.toString()}', due to unsupported data type '${typeof userData[key]}', its data type should be 'string'`); } } @@ -879,7 +817,7 @@ Countly.setUserData = async function (userData) { } if (userData.byear) { - Countly.validateParseInt(userData.byear, 'key byear', 'setUserData'); + Validate.ParseInt(userData.byear, "key byear", "setUserData"); userData.byear = userData.byear.toString(); } args.push(userData); @@ -887,6 +825,14 @@ Countly.setUserData = async function (userData) { await CountlyReactNative.setUserData(args); }; +/** + * + * Set custom key and value pair for the current user. + * + * @param {string} keyName user property key + * @param {object} keyValue user property value + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ Countly.userData.setProperty = async function (keyName, keyValue) { if (!_state.isInitialized) { const msg = "'init' must be called before 'setProperty'"; @@ -894,21 +840,29 @@ Countly.userData.setProperty = async function (keyName, keyValue) { return msg; } L.d(`setProperty, Setting user property: [${keyName}, ${keyValue}]`); - let message = await Countly.validateString(keyName, 'key', 'setProperty'); + let message = Validate.String(keyName, "key", "setProperty"); if (message) { return message; } - message = await Countly.validateValidUserData(keyValue, 'value', 'setProperty'); + message = Validate.ValidUserData(keyValue, "value", "setProperty"); if (message) { return message; } keyName = keyName.toString(); keyValue = keyValue.toString(); - if (keyName && (keyValue || keyValue == '')) { + if (keyName && (keyValue || keyValue == "")) { await CountlyReactNative.userData_setProperty([keyName, keyValue]); } }; + +/** + * + * Increment custom user data by 1 + * + * @param {string} keyName user property key + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ Countly.userData.increment = async function (keyName) { if (!_state.isInitialized) { const msg = "'init' must be called before 'increment'"; @@ -916,7 +870,7 @@ Countly.userData.increment = async function (keyName) { return msg; } L.d(`increment, Incrementing user property: [${keyName}]`); - const message = await Countly.validateString(keyName, 'key', 'setProperty'); + const message = Validate.String(keyName, "key", "increment"); if (message) { return message; } @@ -925,6 +879,15 @@ Countly.userData.increment = async function (keyName) { await CountlyReactNative.userData_increment([keyName]); } }; + +/** + * + * Increment custom user data by a specified value + * + * @param {string} keyName user property key + * @param {string} keyValue value to increment user property by + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ Countly.userData.incrementBy = async function (keyName, keyValue) { if (!_state.isInitialized) { const msg = "'init' must be called before 'incrementBy'"; @@ -932,17 +895,26 @@ Countly.userData.incrementBy = async function (keyName, keyValue) { return msg; } L.d(`incrementBy, Incrementing user property: [${keyName}, ${keyValue}]`); - let message = await Countly.validateString(keyName, 'key', 'incrementBy'); + let message = Validate.String(keyName, "key", "incrementBy"); if (message) { return message; } - message = await Countly.validateUserDataValue(keyValue, 'value', 'incrementBy'); + message = Validate.UserDataValue(keyValue, "value", "incrementBy"); if (message) { return message; } - const intValue = parseInt(keyValue).toString(); + const intValue = parseInt(keyValue, 10).toString(); await CountlyReactNative.userData_incrementBy([keyName, intValue]); }; + +/** + * + * Multiply custom user data by a specified value + * + * @param {string} keyName user property key + * @param {string} keyValue value to multiply user property by + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ Countly.userData.multiply = async function (keyName, keyValue) { if (!_state.isInitialized) { const msg = "'init' must be called before 'multiply'"; @@ -950,17 +922,26 @@ Countly.userData.multiply = async function (keyName, keyValue) { return msg; } L.d(`multiply, Multiplying user property: [${keyName}, ${keyValue}]`); - let message = await Countly.validateString(keyName, 'key', 'multiply'); + let message = Validate.String(keyName, "key", "multiply"); if (message) { return message; } - message = await Countly.validateUserDataValue(keyValue, 'value', 'multiply'); + message = Validate.UserDataValue(keyValue, "value", "multiply"); if (message) { return message; } - const intValue = parseInt(keyValue).toString(); + const intValue = parseInt(keyValue, 10).toString(); await CountlyReactNative.userData_multiply([keyName, intValue]); }; + +/** + * + * Save the max value between current and provided value. + * + * @param {string} keyName user property key + * @param {string} keyValue user property value + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ Countly.userData.saveMax = async function (keyName, keyValue) { if (!_state.isInitialized) { const msg = "'init' must be called before 'saveMax'"; @@ -968,17 +949,26 @@ Countly.userData.saveMax = async function (keyName, keyValue) { return msg; } L.d(`saveMax, Saving max user property: [${keyName}, ${keyValue}]`); - let message = await Countly.validateString(keyName, 'key', 'saveMax'); + let message = Validate.String(keyName, "key", "saveMax"); if (message) { return message; } - message = await Countly.validateUserDataValue(keyValue, 'value', 'saveMax'); + message = Validate.UserDataValue(keyValue, "value", "saveMax"); if (message) { return message; } - const intValue = parseInt(keyValue).toString(); + const intValue = parseInt(keyValue, 10).toString(); await CountlyReactNative.userData_saveMax([keyName, intValue]); }; + +/** + * + * Save the min value between current and provided value. + * + * @param {string} keyName user property key + * @param {string} keyValue user property value + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ Countly.userData.saveMin = async function (keyName, keyValue) { if (!_state.isInitialized) { const msg = "'init' must be called before 'saveMin'"; @@ -986,17 +976,26 @@ Countly.userData.saveMin = async function (keyName, keyValue) { return msg; } L.d(`saveMin, Saving min user property: [${keyName}, ${keyValue}]`); - let message = await Countly.validateString(keyName, 'key', 'saveMin'); + let message = Validate.String(keyName, "key", "saveMin"); if (message) { return message; } - message = await Countly.validateUserDataValue(keyValue, 'value', 'saveMin'); + message = Validate.UserDataValue(keyValue, "value", "saveMin"); if (message) { return message; } - const intValue = parseInt(keyValue).toString(); + const intValue = parseInt(keyValue, 10).toString(); await CountlyReactNative.userData_saveMin([keyName, intValue]); }; + +/** + * + * Set the property value if it does not exist. + * + * @param {string} keyName user property key + * @param {string} keyValue user property value + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ Countly.userData.setOnce = async function (keyName, keyValue) { if (!_state.isInitialized) { const msg = "'init' must be called before 'setOnce'"; @@ -1004,19 +1003,28 @@ Countly.userData.setOnce = async function (keyName, keyValue) { return msg; } L.d(`setOnce, Setting once user property: [${keyName}, ${keyValue}]`); - let message = await Countly.validateString(keyName, 'key', 'setOnce'); + let message = Validate.String(keyName, "key", "setOnce"); if (message) { return message; } - message = await Countly.validateValidUserData(keyValue, 'value', 'setOnce'); + message = Validate.ValidUserData(keyValue, "value", "setOnce"); if (message) { return message; } keyValue = keyValue.toString(); - if (keyValue || keyValue == '') { + if (keyValue || keyValue == "") { await CountlyReactNative.userData_setOnce([keyName, keyValue]); } }; + +/** + * + * Add value to custom property (array) if value does not exist within. + * + * @param {string} keyName user property key + * @param {string} keyValue user property value + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ Countly.userData.pushUniqueValue = async function (keyName, keyValue) { if (!_state.isInitialized) { const msg = "'init' must be called before 'pushUniqueValue'"; @@ -1024,19 +1032,28 @@ Countly.userData.pushUniqueValue = async function (keyName, keyValue) { return msg; } L.d(`pushUniqueValue, Pushing unique value to user property: [${keyName}, ${keyValue}]`); - let message = await Countly.validateString(keyName, 'key', 'pushUniqueValue'); + let message = Validate.String(keyName, "key", "pushUniqueValue"); if (message) { return message; } - message = await Countly.validateValidUserData(keyValue, 'value', 'pushUniqueValue'); + message = Validate.ValidUserData(keyValue, "value", "pushUniqueValue"); if (message) { return message; } keyValue = keyValue.toString(); - if (keyValue || keyValue == '') { + if (keyValue || keyValue == "") { await CountlyReactNative.userData_pushUniqueValue([keyName, keyValue]); } }; + +/** + * + * Add value to custom property (array). + * + * @param {string} keyName user property key + * @param {string} keyValue user property value + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ Countly.userData.pushValue = async function (keyName, keyValue) { if (!_state.isInitialized) { const msg = "'init' must be called before 'pushValue'"; @@ -1044,19 +1061,28 @@ Countly.userData.pushValue = async function (keyName, keyValue) { return msg; } L.d(`pushValue, Pushing value to user property: [${keyName}, ${keyValue}]`); - let message = await Countly.validateString(keyName, 'key', 'pushValue'); + let message = Validate.String(keyName, "key", "pushValue"); if (message) { return message; } - message = await Countly.validateValidUserData(keyValue, 'value', 'pushValue'); + message = Validate.ValidUserData(keyValue, "value", "pushValue"); if (message) { return message; } keyValue = keyValue.toString(); - if (keyValue || keyValue == '') { + if (keyValue || keyValue == "") { await CountlyReactNative.userData_pushValue([keyName, keyValue]); } }; + +/** + * + * Remove value to custom property (array). + * + * @param {string} keyName user property key + * @param {string} keyValue user property value + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ Countly.userData.pullValue = async function (keyName, keyValue) { if (!_state.isInitialized) { const msg = "'init' must be called before 'pullValue'"; @@ -1064,21 +1090,28 @@ Countly.userData.pullValue = async function (keyName, keyValue) { return msg; } L.d(`pullValue, Pulling value from user property: [${keyName}, ${keyValue}]`); - let message = await Countly.validateString(keyName, 'key', 'pullValue'); + let message = Validate.String(keyName, "key", "pullValue"); if (message) { return message; } - message = await Countly.validateValidUserData(keyValue, 'value', 'pullValue'); + message = Validate.ValidUserData(keyValue, "value", "pullValue"); if (message) { return message; } keyValue = keyValue.toString(); - if (keyValue || keyValue == '') { + if (keyValue || keyValue == "") { await CountlyReactNative.userData_pullValue([keyName, keyValue]); } }; -// providing key/values with predefined and custom properties +/** + * + * Custom key and value pairs for the current user. + * Remember to call Countly.userDataBulk.save() after calling all userDataBulk methods to send the bulk data to server. + * + * @param {object} customAndPredefined custom key value pairs + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ Countly.userDataBulk.setUserProperties = async function (customAndPredefined) { if (!_state.isInitialized) { const msg = "'init' must be called before 'setUserProperties'"; @@ -1086,21 +1119,21 @@ Countly.userDataBulk.setUserProperties = async function (customAndPredefined) { return msg; } L.d(`setUserProperties, Setting user properties: [${JSON.stringify(customAndPredefined)}]`); - L.w('setUserProperties, Countly.userDataBulk.save() must be called after setting user properties!'); + L.w("setUserProperties, Countly.userDataBulk.save() must be called after setting user properties!"); let message = null; if (!customAndPredefined) { - message = 'User profile data should not be null or undefined'; + message = "User profile data should not be null or undefined"; L.e(`setUserProperties, ${message}`); return message; } - if (typeof customAndPredefined !== 'object') { + if (typeof customAndPredefined !== "object") { message = `unsupported data type of user data '${typeof customAndPredefined}'`; L.w(`setUserProperties, ${message}`); return message; } for (const key in customAndPredefined) { - if (typeof customAndPredefined[key] !== 'string' && key.toString() != 'byear') { - L.w('setUserProperties, ' + `skipping value for key '${key.toString()}', due to unsupported data type '${typeof customAndPredefined[key]}', its data type should be 'string'`); + if (typeof customAndPredefined[key] !== "string" && key.toString() != "byear") { + L.w("setUserProperties, " + `skipping value for key '${key.toString()}', due to unsupported data type '${typeof customAndPredefined[key]}', its data type should be 'string'`); } } @@ -1110,23 +1143,38 @@ Countly.userDataBulk.setUserProperties = async function (customAndPredefined) { } if (customAndPredefined.byear) { - Countly.validateParseInt(customAndPredefined.byear, 'key byear', 'setUserProperties'); + Validate.ParseInt(customAndPredefined.byear, "key byear", "setUserProperties"); customAndPredefined.byear = customAndPredefined.byear.toString(); } await CountlyReactNative.userDataBulk_setUserProperties(customAndPredefined); }; +/** + * + * Save user data and send to server. + * + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ Countly.userDataBulk.save = async function () { if (!_state.isInitialized) { const msg = "'init' must be called before 'save'"; L.e(`save, ${msg}`); return msg; } - L.d('save, Saving user data'); + L.d("save, Saving user data"); await CountlyReactNative.userDataBulk_save([]); }; +/** + * + * Set custom key and value pair for the current user. + * Remember to call Countly.userDataBulk.save() after calling all userDataBulk methods to send the bulk data to server. + * + * @param {string} keyName custom user data key + * @param {string} keyValue custom user data value + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ Countly.userDataBulk.setProperty = async function (keyName, keyValue) { if (!_state.isInitialized) { const msg = "'init' must be called before 'setProperty'"; @@ -1134,21 +1182,30 @@ Countly.userDataBulk.setProperty = async function (keyName, keyValue) { return msg; } L.d(`setProperty, Setting user property: [${keyName}, ${keyValue}]`); - let message = await Countly.validateString(keyName, 'key', 'setProperty'); + let message = Validate.String(keyName, "key", "setProperty"); if (message) { return message; } - message = await Countly.validateValidUserData(keyValue, 'value', 'setProperty'); + message = Validate.ValidUserData(keyValue, "value", "setProperty"); if (message) { return message; } keyName = keyName.toString(); keyValue = keyValue.toString(); - if (keyName && (keyValue || keyValue == '')) { + if (keyName && (keyValue || keyValue == "")) { await CountlyReactNative.userDataBulk_setProperty([keyName, keyValue]); } }; + +/** + * + * Increment custom user data by 1 + * Remember to call Countly.userDataBulk.save() after calling all userDataBulk methods to send the bulk data to server. + * + * @param {string} keyName user property key + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ Countly.userDataBulk.increment = async function (keyName) { if (!_state.isInitialized) { const msg = "'init' must be called before 'increment'"; @@ -1156,7 +1213,7 @@ Countly.userDataBulk.increment = async function (keyName) { return msg; } L.d(`increment, Incrementing user property: [${keyName}]`); - const message = await Countly.validateString(keyName, 'key', 'setProperty'); + const message = Validate.String(keyName, "key", "setProperty"); if (message) { return message; } @@ -1165,6 +1222,16 @@ Countly.userDataBulk.increment = async function (keyName) { await CountlyReactNative.userDataBulk_increment([keyName]); } }; + +/** + * + * Increment custom user data by a specified value + * Remember to call Countly.userDataBulk.save() after calling all userDataBulk methods to send the bulk data to server. + * + * @param {string} keyName user property key + * @param {string} keyValue value to increment user property by + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ Countly.userDataBulk.incrementBy = async function (keyName, keyValue) { if (!_state.isInitialized) { const msg = "'init' must be called before 'incrementBy'"; @@ -1172,17 +1239,27 @@ Countly.userDataBulk.incrementBy = async function (keyName, keyValue) { return msg; } L.d(`incrementBy, Incrementing user property: [${keyName}, ${keyValue}]`); - let message = await Countly.validateString(keyName, 'key', 'incrementBy'); + let message = Validate.String(keyName, "key", "incrementBy"); if (message) { return message; } - message = await Countly.validateUserDataValue(keyValue, 'value', 'incrementBy'); + message = Validate.UserDataValue(keyValue, "value", "incrementBy"); if (message) { return message; } - const intValue = parseInt(keyValue).toString(); + const intValue = parseInt(keyValue, 10).toString(); await CountlyReactNative.userDataBulk_incrementBy([keyName, intValue]); }; + +/** + * + * Multiply custom user data by a specified value + * Remember to call Countly.userDataBulk.save() after calling all userDataBulk methods to send the bulk data to server. + * + * @param {string} keyName user property key + * @param {string} keyValue value to multiply user property by + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ Countly.userDataBulk.multiply = async function (keyName, keyValue) { if (!_state.isInitialized) { const msg = "'init' must be called before 'multiply'"; @@ -1190,17 +1267,27 @@ Countly.userDataBulk.multiply = async function (keyName, keyValue) { return msg; } L.d(`multiply, Multiplying user property: [${keyName}, ${keyValue}]`); - let message = await Countly.validateString(keyName, 'key', 'multiply'); + let message = Validate.String(keyName, "key", "multiply"); if (message) { return message; } - message = await Countly.validateUserDataValue(keyValue, 'value', 'multiply'); + message = Validate.UserDataValue(keyValue, "value", "multiply"); if (message) { return message; } - const intValue = parseInt(keyValue).toString(); + const intValue = parseInt(keyValue, 10).toString(); await CountlyReactNative.userDataBulk_multiply([keyName, intValue]); }; + +/** + * + * Save the max value between current and provided value. + * Remember to call Countly.userDataBulk.save() after calling all userDataBulk methods to send the bulk data to server. + * + * @param {string} keyName user property key + * @param {string} keyValue user property value + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ Countly.userDataBulk.saveMax = async function (keyName, keyValue) { if (!_state.isInitialized) { const msg = "'init' must be called before 'saveMax'"; @@ -1208,17 +1295,27 @@ Countly.userDataBulk.saveMax = async function (keyName, keyValue) { return msg; } L.d(`saveMax, Saving max user property: [${keyName}, ${keyValue}]`); - let message = await Countly.validateString(keyName, 'key', 'saveMax'); + let message = Validate.String(keyName, "key", "saveMax"); if (message) { return message; } - message = await Countly.validateUserDataValue(keyValue, 'value', 'saveMax'); + message = Validate.UserDataValue(keyValue, "value", "saveMax"); if (message) { return message; } - const intValue = parseInt(keyValue).toString(); + const intValue = parseInt(keyValue, 10).toString(); await CountlyReactNative.userDataBulk_saveMax([keyName, intValue]); }; + +/** + * + * Save the min value between current and provided value. + * Remember to call Countly.userDataBulk.save() after calling all userDataBulk methods to send the bulk data to server. + * + * @param {string} keyName user property key + * @param {string} keyValue user property value + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ Countly.userDataBulk.saveMin = async function (keyName, keyValue) { if (!_state.isInitialized) { const msg = "'init' must be called before 'saveMin'"; @@ -1226,17 +1323,27 @@ Countly.userDataBulk.saveMin = async function (keyName, keyValue) { return msg; } L.d(`saveMin, Saving min user property: [${keyName}, ${keyValue}]`); - let message = await Countly.validateString(keyName, 'key', 'saveMin'); + let message = Validate.String(keyName, "key", "saveMin"); if (message) { return message; } - message = await Countly.validateUserDataValue(keyValue, 'value', 'saveMin'); + message = Validate.UserDataValue(keyValue, "value", "saveMin"); if (message) { return message; } - const intValue = parseInt(keyValue).toString(); + const intValue = parseInt(keyValue, 10).toString(); await CountlyReactNative.userDataBulk_saveMin([keyName, intValue]); }; + +/** + * + * Set the property value if it does not exist. + * Remember to call Countly.userDataBulk.save() after calling all userDataBulk methods to send the bulk data to server. + * + * @param {string} keyName user property key + * @param {string} keyValue user property value + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ Countly.userDataBulk.setOnce = async function (keyName, keyValue) { if (!_state.isInitialized) { const msg = "'init' must be called before 'setOnce'"; @@ -1244,19 +1351,29 @@ Countly.userDataBulk.setOnce = async function (keyName, keyValue) { return msg; } L.d(`setOnce, Setting once user property: [${keyName}, ${keyValue}]`); - let message = await Countly.validateString(keyName, 'key', 'setOnce'); + let message = Validate.String(keyName, "key", "setOnce"); if (message) { return message; } - message = await Countly.validateValidUserData(keyValue, 'value', 'setOnce'); + message = Validate.ValidUserData(keyValue, "value", "setOnce"); if (message) { return message; } keyValue = keyValue.toString(); - if (keyValue || keyValue == '') { + if (keyValue || keyValue == "") { await CountlyReactNative.userDataBulk_setOnce([keyName, keyValue]); } }; + +/** + * + * Add value to custom property (array) if value does not exist within. + * Remember to call Countly.userDataBulk.save() after calling all userDataBulk methods to send the bulk data to server. + * + * @param {string} keyName user property key + * @param {string} keyValue user property value + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ Countly.userDataBulk.pushUniqueValue = async function (keyName, keyValue) { if (!_state.isInitialized) { const msg = "'init' must be called before 'pushUniqueValue'"; @@ -1264,19 +1381,29 @@ Countly.userDataBulk.pushUniqueValue = async function (keyName, keyValue) { return msg; } L.d(`pushUniqueValue, Pushing unique value to user property: [${keyName}, ${keyValue}]`); - let message = await Countly.validateString(keyName, 'key', 'pushUniqueValue'); + let message = Validate.String(keyName, "key", "pushUniqueValue"); if (message) { return message; } - message = await Countly.validateValidUserData(keyValue, 'value', 'pushUniqueValue'); + message = Validate.ValidUserData(keyValue, "value", "pushUniqueValue"); if (message) { return message; } keyValue = keyValue.toString(); - if (keyValue || keyValue == '') { + if (keyValue || keyValue == "") { await CountlyReactNative.userDataBulk_pushUniqueValue([keyName, keyValue]); } }; + +/** + * + * Add value to custom property (array). + * Remember to call Countly.userDataBulk.save() after calling all userDataBulk methods to send the bulk data to server. + * + * @param {string} keyName user property key + * @param {string} keyValue user property value + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ Countly.userDataBulk.pushValue = async function (keyName, keyValue) { if (!_state.isInitialized) { const msg = "'init' must be called before 'pushValue'"; @@ -1284,19 +1411,29 @@ Countly.userDataBulk.pushValue = async function (keyName, keyValue) { return msg; } L.d(`pushValue, Pushing value to user property: [${keyName}, ${keyValue}]`); - let message = await Countly.validateString(keyName, 'key', 'pushValue'); + let message = Validate.String(keyName, "key", "pushValue"); if (message) { return message; } - message = await Countly.validateValidUserData(keyValue, 'value', 'pushValue'); + message = Validate.ValidUserData(keyValue, "value", "pushValue"); if (message) { return message; } keyValue = keyValue.toString(); - if (keyValue || keyValue == '') { + if (keyValue || keyValue == "") { await CountlyReactNative.userDataBulk_pushValue([keyName, keyValue]); } }; + +/** + * + * Remove value to custom property (array). + * Remember to call Countly.userDataBulk.save() after calling all userDataBulk methods to send the bulk data to server. + * + * @param {string} keyName user property key + * @param {string} keyValue user property value + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ Countly.userDataBulk.pullValue = async function (keyName, keyValue) { if (!_state.isInitialized) { const msg = "'init' must be called before 'pullValue'"; @@ -1304,16 +1441,16 @@ Countly.userDataBulk.pullValue = async function (keyName, keyValue) { return msg; } L.d(`pullValue, Pulling value from user property: [${keyName}, ${keyValue}]`); - let message = await Countly.validateString(keyName, 'key', 'pullValue'); + let message = Validate.String(keyName, "key", "pullValue"); if (message) { return message; } - message = await Countly.validateValidUserData(keyValue, 'value', 'pullValue'); + message = Validate.ValidUserData(keyValue, "value", "pullValue"); if (message) { return message; } keyValue = keyValue.toString(); - if (keyValue || keyValue == '') { + if (keyValue || keyValue == "") { await CountlyReactNative.userDataBulk_pullValue([keyName, keyValue]); } }; @@ -1324,7 +1461,7 @@ Countly.userDataBulk.pullValue = async function (keyName, keyValue) { * Set that consent should be required for features to work. * Should be called before Countly init * - * @param {bool} flag if true, consent is required for features to work. + * @param {boolean} flag if true, consent is required for features to work. */ Countly.setRequiresConsent = function (flag) { L.w(`setRequiresConsent, setRequiresConsent is deprecated, use countlyConfig.setRequiresConsent instead. Flag : [${flag}]`); @@ -1336,8 +1473,8 @@ Countly.setRequiresConsent = function (flag) { * Give consent for some features * Should be called after Countly init * - * @param {String[]} args list of consents - * @return {String || void} error message or void + * @param {string[] | string} args list of consents + * @return {string | void} error message or void */ Countly.giveConsent = function (args) { if (!_state.isInitialized) { @@ -1347,7 +1484,7 @@ Countly.giveConsent = function (args) { } L.d(`giveConsent, Giving consent for features: [${args}]`); let features = []; - if (typeof args === 'string') { + if (typeof args === "string") { features.push(args); } else { features = args; @@ -1361,17 +1498,17 @@ Countly.giveConsent = function (args) { * Give consent for specific features before init. * Should be called after Countly init * - * @param {String[]} args list of consents + * @param {string[] | string} args list of consents */ Countly.giveConsentInit = async function (args) { - L.w('giveConsentInit, giveConsentInit is deprecated, use countlyConfig.giveConsent instead.'); + L.w("giveConsentInit, giveConsentInit is deprecated, use countlyConfig.giveConsent instead."); let features = []; - if (typeof args === 'string') { + if (typeof args === "string") { features.push(args); } else if (Array.isArray(args)) { features = args; } else { - L.w('giveConsentInit ' + `unsupported data type '${typeof args}'`); + L.w("giveConsentInit " + `unsupported data type '${typeof args}'`); } await CountlyReactNative.giveConsentInit(features); }; @@ -1381,8 +1518,8 @@ Countly.giveConsentInit = async function (args) { * Remove consent for some features * Should be called after Countly init * - * @param {String[]} args list of consents - * @return {String || void} error message or void + * @param {string[] | string} args list of consents + * @return {string | void} error message or void */ Countly.removeConsent = function (args) { if (!_state.isInitialized) { @@ -1392,7 +1529,7 @@ Countly.removeConsent = function (args) { } L.d(`removeConsent, Removing consent for features: [${args}]`); let features = []; - if (typeof args === 'string') { + if (typeof args === "string") { features.push(args); } else { features = args; @@ -1405,7 +1542,7 @@ Countly.removeConsent = function (args) { * Give consent for all features * Should be called after Countly init * - * @return {String || void} error message or void + * @return {string | void} error message or void */ Countly.giveAllConsent = function () { if (!_state.isInitialized) { @@ -1413,7 +1550,7 @@ Countly.giveAllConsent = function () { L.e(`giveAllConsent, ${message}`); return message; } - L.d('giveAllConsent, Giving consent for all features'); + L.d("giveAllConsent, Giving consent for all features"); CountlyReactNative.giveAllConsent(); }; @@ -1422,7 +1559,7 @@ Countly.giveAllConsent = function () { * Remove consent for all features * Should be called after Countly init * - * @return {String || void} error message or void + * @return {string | void} error message or void */ Countly.removeAllConsent = function () { if (!_state.isInitialized) { @@ -1430,10 +1567,17 @@ Countly.removeAllConsent = function () { L.e(`removeAllConsent, ${message}`); return message; } - L.d('removeAllConsent, Removing consent for all features'); + L.d("removeAllConsent, Removing consent for all features"); CountlyReactNative.removeAllConsent(); }; +/** + * + * Replaces all stored Remote Config values with new values from server. + * + * @param {function} callback function to be called after fetching values. + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ Countly.remoteConfigUpdate = function (callback) { if (!_state.isInitialized) { const message = "'init' must be called before 'remoteConfigUpdate'"; @@ -1441,12 +1585,20 @@ Countly.remoteConfigUpdate = function (callback) { callback(message); return message; } - L.d('remoteConfigUpdate, Updating remote config'); + L.d("remoteConfigUpdate, Updating remote config"); CountlyReactNative.remoteConfigUpdate([], (stringItem) => { callback(stringItem); }); }; +/** + * + * Replace specific Remote Config key value pairs with new values from server. + * + * @param {string[]} keyNames array of keys to replace. + * @param {function} callback function to be called after fetching values. + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ Countly.updateRemoteConfigForKeysOnly = function (keyNames, callback) { if (!_state.isInitialized) { const message = "'init' must be called before 'updateRemoteConfigForKeysOnly'"; @@ -1466,6 +1618,14 @@ Countly.updateRemoteConfigForKeysOnly = function (keyNames, callback) { } }; +/** + * + * Replace all except specific Remote Config key value pairs with new values from server. + * + * @param {string[]} keyNames array of keys to skip. + * @param {function} callback function to be called after fetching values. + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ Countly.updateRemoteConfigExceptKeys = function (keyNames, callback) { if (!_state.isInitialized) { const message = "'init' must be called before 'updateRemoteConfigExceptKeys'"; @@ -1485,6 +1645,14 @@ Countly.updateRemoteConfigExceptKeys = function (keyNames, callback) { } }; +/** + * + * Replace Remote Config key value for a specific key with new values from server. + * + * @param {string} keyNames key to fetch. + * @param {function} callback function to be called after fetching new values. + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ Countly.getRemoteConfigValueForKey = function (keyName, callback) { if (!_state.isInitialized) { const message = "'init' must be called before 'getRemoteConfigValueForKey'"; @@ -1492,8 +1660,8 @@ Countly.getRemoteConfigValueForKey = function (keyName, callback) { callback(message); return message; } - CountlyReactNative.getRemoteConfigValueForKey([keyName.toString() || ''], (value) => { - if (Platform.OS == 'android') { + CountlyReactNative.getRemoteConfigValueForKey([keyName.toString() || ""], (value) => { + if (Platform.OS == "android") { try { value = JSON.parse(value); } catch (e) { @@ -1505,21 +1673,27 @@ Countly.getRemoteConfigValueForKey = function (keyName, callback) { }); }; +/** + * + * Replace Remote Config key value for a specific key with new values from server. + * + * @param {string} keyName key to fetch. + * @return {string | promise} error message or promise + */ Countly.getRemoteConfigValueForKeyP = function (keyName) { if (!_state.isInitialized) { const message = "'init' must be called before 'getRemoteConfigValueForKeyP'"; L.e(`getRemoteConfigValueForKeyP, ${message}`); - callback(message); return message; } L.d(`getRemoteConfigValueForKeyP, Getting remote config value for key: [${keyName}]`); - if (Platform.OS != 'android') { - return 'To be implemented'; + if (Platform.OS != "android") { + return "To be implemented"; } const promise = CountlyReactNative.getRemoteConfigValueForKeyP(keyName); return promise .then((value) => { - if (Platform.OS == 'android') { + if (Platform.OS == "android") { try { value = JSON.parse(value); } catch (e) { @@ -1530,30 +1704,36 @@ Countly.getRemoteConfigValueForKeyP = function (keyName) { return value; }) .catch((e) => { - L.e('getRemoteConfigValueForKeyP, Catch Error:', e); + L.e("getRemoteConfigValueForKeyP, Catch Error:", e); }); }; +/** + * + * Clear all Remote Config values downloaded from the server. + * + * @return {string | promise} error message or promise + */ Countly.remoteConfigClearValues = async function () { if (!_state.isInitialized) { const message = "'init' must be called before 'remoteConfigClearValues'"; L.e(`remoteConfigClearValues, ${message}`); - callback(message); return message; } - L.d('remoteConfigClearValues, Clearing remote config values'); + L.d("remoteConfigClearValues, Clearing remote config values"); const result = await CountlyReactNative.remoteConfigClearValues(); return result; }; + /** * @deprecated in 23.02.0 : use 'countlyConfig.setStarRatingDialogTexts' instead of 'setStarRatingDialogTexts'. * * Set's the text's for the different fields in the star rating dialog. Set value null if for some field you want to keep the old value * - * @param {String} starRatingTextTitle - dialog's title text (Only for Android) - * @param {String} starRatingTextMessage - dialog's message text - * @param {String} starRatingTextDismiss - dialog's dismiss buttons text (Only for Android) - * @return {String || void} error message or void + * @param {string} starRatingTextTitle - dialog's title text (Only for Android) + * @param {string} starRatingTextMessage - dialog's message text + * @param {string} starRatingTextDismiss - dialog's dismiss buttons text (Only for Android) + * @return {string | void} error message or void */ Countly.setStarRatingDialogTexts = function (starRatingTextTitle, starRatingTextMessage, starRatingTextDismiss) { L.w(`setStarRatingDialogTexts, setStarRatingDialogTexts is deprecated, use countlyConfig.setStarRatingDialogTexts instead. starRatingTextTitle : [${starRatingTextTitle}], starRatingTextMessage : [${starRatingTextMessage}], starRatingTextDismiss : [${starRatingTextDismiss}]`); @@ -1564,13 +1744,21 @@ Countly.setStarRatingDialogTexts = function (starRatingTextTitle, starRatingText CountlyReactNative.setStarRatingDialogTexts(args); }; +/** + * + * For getting brief feedback from your users to be displayed on the + Countly dashboard. + * + * @param {function} callback function to be called after it completes. + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ Countly.showStarRating = function (callback) { if (!_state.isInitialized) { const message = "'init' must be called before 'showStarRating'"; L.e(`showStarRating, ${message}`); return message; } - L.d('showStarRating, Showing star rating'); + L.d("showStarRating, Showing star rating"); if (!callback) { callback = function () {}; } @@ -1580,24 +1768,26 @@ Countly.showStarRating = function (callback) { /** * Present a Rating Popup using rating widget Id * - * @param {String} widgetId - id of rating widget to present - * @param {String} closeButtonText - text for cancel/close button + * @param {string} widgetId - id of rating widget to present + * @param {string} closeButtonText - text for cancel/close button * @param {callback listener} [ratingWidgetCallback] This parameter is optional. + * @return {string | void} error message or void */ Countly.presentRatingWidgetWithID = function (widgetId, closeButtonText, ratingWidgetCallback) { + var message = ""; if (!_state.isInitialized) { - var message = "'init' must be called before 'presentRatingWidgetWithID'"; + message = "'init' must be called before 'presentRatingWidgetWithID'"; L.e(`presentRatingWidgetWithID, ${message}`); return message; } if (!widgetId) { - message = 'Rating Widget id should not be null or empty'; + message = "Rating Widget id should not be null or empty"; L.e(`presentRatingWidgetWithID, ${message}`); return message; } - if (typeof closeButtonText !== 'string') { - closeButtonText = ''; - L.w('presentRatingWidgetWithID, ' + `unsupported data type of closeButtonText : '${typeof args}'`); + if (typeof closeButtonText !== "string") { + closeButtonText = ""; + L.w("presentRatingWidgetWithID, " + `unsupported data type of closeButtonText : '${typeof args}'`); } if (ratingWidgetCallback) { // eventEmitter.addListener('ratingWidgetCallback', ratingWidgetCallback); @@ -1606,14 +1796,14 @@ Countly.presentRatingWidgetWithID = function (widgetId, closeButtonText, ratingW _ratingWidgetListener.remove(); }); } - CountlyReactNative.presentRatingWidgetWithID([widgetId.toString() || '', closeButtonText.toString() || 'Done']); + CountlyReactNative.presentRatingWidgetWithID([widgetId.toString() || "", closeButtonText.toString() || "Done"]); }; /** * Get a list of available feedback widgets as array of object to handle multiple widgets of same type. * @deprecated in 23.8.0 : use 'Countly.feedback.getAvailableFeedbackWidgets' instead of 'getFeedbackWidgets'. * @param {callback listener} [onFinished] - returns (retrievedWidgets, error). This parameter is optional. - * @return {String || []} error message or [] + * @return {string | []} error message or array of feedback widgets */ Countly.getFeedbackWidgets = async function (onFinished) { if (!_state.isInitialized) { @@ -1638,12 +1828,12 @@ Countly.getFeedbackWidgets = async function (onFinished) { * Present a chosen feedback widget * * @deprecated in 23.8.0 : use 'Countly.feedback.presentFeedbackWidget' instead of 'presentFeedbackWidgetObject'. - * @param {Object} feedbackWidget - feeback Widget with id, type and name - * @param {String} closeButtonText - text for cancel/close button + * @param {object} feedbackWidget - feeback Widget with id, type and name + * @param {string} closeButtonText - text for cancel/close button * @param {callback listener} [widgetShownCallback] - Callback to be executed when feedback widget is displayed. This parameter is optional. * @param {callback listener} [widgetClosedCallback] - Callback to be executed when feedback widget is closed. This parameter is optional. * - * @return {String || void} error message or void + * @return {string | void} error message or void */ Countly.presentFeedbackWidgetObject = async function (feedbackWidget, closeButtonText, widgetShownCallback, widgetClosedCallback) { if (!_state.isInitialized) { @@ -1651,26 +1841,26 @@ Countly.presentFeedbackWidgetObject = async function (feedbackWidget, closeButto L.e(`presentFeedbackWidgetObject, ${msg}`); return msg; } - L.w('presentFeedbackWidgetObject, presentFeedbackWidgetObject is deprecated, use Countly.feedback.presentFeedbackWidget instead.'); + L.w("presentFeedbackWidgetObject, presentFeedbackWidgetObject is deprecated, use Countly.feedback.presentFeedbackWidget instead."); let message = null; if (!feedbackWidget) { - message = 'feedbackWidget should not be null or undefined'; + message = "feedbackWidget should not be null or undefined"; L.e(`presentFeedbackWidgetObject, ${message}`); return message; } if (!feedbackWidget.id) { - message = 'FeedbackWidget id should not be null or empty'; + message = "FeedbackWidget id should not be null or empty"; L.e(`presentFeedbackWidgetObject, ${message}`); return message; } if (!feedbackWidget.type) { - message = 'FeedbackWidget type should not be null or empty'; + message = "FeedbackWidget type should not be null or empty"; L.e(`presentFeedbackWidgetObject, ${message}`); return message; } - if (typeof closeButtonText !== 'string') { - closeButtonText = ''; - L.w('presentFeedbackWidgetObject, ' + `unsupported data type of closeButtonText : '${typeof args}'`); + if (typeof closeButtonText !== "string") { + closeButtonText = ""; + L.w("presentFeedbackWidgetObject, " + `unsupported data type of closeButtonText : '${typeof args}'`); } if (widgetShownCallback) { @@ -1686,8 +1876,8 @@ Countly.presentFeedbackWidgetObject = async function (feedbackWidget, closeButto }); } - feedbackWidget.name = feedbackWidget.name || ''; - closeButtonText = closeButtonText || ''; + feedbackWidget.name = feedbackWidget.name || ""; + closeButtonText = closeButtonText || ""; CountlyReactNative.presentFeedbackWidget([feedbackWidget.id, feedbackWidget.type, feedbackWidget.name, closeButtonText]); }; @@ -1695,11 +1885,19 @@ Countly.presentFeedbackWidgetObject = async function (feedbackWidget, closeButto * * Events get grouped together and are sent either every minute or after the unsent event count reaches a threshold. By default it is 10 * Should be called before Countly init + * @param {number} size - event count */ Countly.setEventSendThreshold = function (size) { - CountlyReactNative.setEventSendThreshold([size.toString() || '']); + CountlyReactNative.setEventSendThreshold([size.toString() || ""]); }; +/** + * + * Measure and record time taken by any operation. + * + * @param {string} traceKey name of trace + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ Countly.startTrace = function (traceKey) { if (!_state.isInitialized) { const message = "'init' must be called before 'startTrace'"; @@ -1712,6 +1910,13 @@ Countly.startTrace = function (traceKey) { CountlyReactNative.startTrace(args); }; +/** + * + * Cancel custom trace. + * + * @param {string} traceKey name of trace + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ Countly.cancelTrace = function (traceKey) { if (!_state.isInitialized) { const message = "'init' must be called before 'cancelTrace'"; @@ -1724,17 +1929,31 @@ Countly.cancelTrace = function (traceKey) { CountlyReactNative.cancelTrace(args); }; +/** + * + * Cancel all custom traces. + * + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ Countly.clearAllTraces = function () { if (!_state.isInitialized) { const message = "'init' must be called before 'clearAllTraces'"; L.e(`clearAllTraces, ${message}`); return message; } - L.d('clearAllTraces, Clearing all traces'); + L.d("clearAllTraces, Clearing all traces"); const args = []; CountlyReactNative.clearAllTraces(args); }; +/** + * + * End a custom trace. + * + * @param {string} traceKey name of trace + * @param {object} customMetric metric with key/value pair + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ Countly.endTrace = function (traceKey, customMetric) { if (!_state.isInitialized) { const message = "'init' must be called before 'endTrace'"; @@ -1752,6 +1971,23 @@ Countly.endTrace = function (traceKey, customMetric) { CountlyReactNative.endTrace(args); }; +/** + * + * Manually record a custom trace + * + * @param {string} networkTraceKey name of trace + * @param {number} responseCode HTTP status code of the received + response + * @param {number} requestPayloadSize Size of the request's + payload in bytes + * @param {number} responsePayloadSize Size + of the received response's payload in bytes + * @param {number} startTime UNIX timestamp in milliseconds for + the starting time of the request + * @param {number} endTime UNIX timestamp in milliseconds for + the ending time of the request + * @return {string | void} error message or void + */ Countly.recordNetworkTrace = function (networkTraceKey, responseCode, requestPayloadSize, responsePayloadSize, startTime, endTime) { if (!_state.isInitialized) { const message = "'init' must be called before 'recordNetworkTrace'"; @@ -1770,13 +2006,13 @@ Countly.recordNetworkTrace = function (networkTraceKey, responseCode, requestPay }; /** - * @deprecated in 23.02.0 : use 'countlyConfig.enableApm' instead of 'enableApm'. + * @deprecated in 23.02.0 : use 'countlyConfig.apm' interface instead of 'enableApm'. * * Enable APM features, which includes the recording of app start time. * Should be called before Countly init */ Countly.enableApm = function () { - L.w(`enableApm, enableApm is deprecated, use countlyConfig.enableApm instead.`); + L.w("enableApm, enableApm is deprecated, use countlyConfig.apm interface instead."); const args = []; CountlyReactNative.enableApm(args); }; @@ -1787,18 +2023,20 @@ Countly.enableApm = function () { * Enable campaign attribution reporting to Countly. * For iOS use "recordAttributionID" instead of "enableAttribution" * Should be called before Countly init + * @param {string} attributionID attribution ID + * @return {string | void} error message or void */ -Countly.enableAttribution = async function (attributionID = '') { - L.w(`enableAttribution, enableAttribution is deprecated, use Countly.recordIndirectAttribution instead.`); +Countly.enableAttribution = async function (attributionID = "") { + L.w("enableAttribution, enableAttribution is deprecated, use Countly.recordIndirectAttribution instead."); if (/ios/.exec(Platform.OS)) { - if (attributionID == '') { + if (attributionID == "") { const message = "attribution Id for iOS can't be empty string"; L.e(`enableAttribution ${message}`); return message; } Countly.recordAttributionID(attributionID); } else { - const message = 'This method does nothing for android'; + const message = "This method does nothing for android"; L.e(`enableAttribution, ${message}`); return message; } @@ -1810,20 +2048,24 @@ Countly.enableAttribution = async function (attributionID = '') { * * set attribution Id for campaign attribution reporting. * Currently implemented for iOS only + * @param {string} attributionID attribution ID + * @return {string | void} error message or void */ Countly.recordAttributionID = function (attributionID) { - L.w(`recordAttributionID, recordAttributionID is deprecated, use Countly.recordIndirectAttribution instead.`); + L.w("recordAttributionID, recordAttributionID is deprecated, use Countly.recordIndirectAttribution instead."); if (!/ios/.exec(Platform.OS)) { - return 'recordAttributionID : To be implemented'; + return "recordAttributionID : To be implemented"; } const args = []; args.push(attributionID); CountlyReactNative.recordAttributionID(args); }; + /** * Replaces all requests with a different app key with the current app key. * In request queue, if there are any request whose app key is different than the current app key, * these requests' app key will be replaced with the current app key. + * @return {string | void} error message or void */ Countly.replaceAllAppKeysInQueueWithCurrentAppKey = function () { if (!_state.isInitialized) { @@ -1831,11 +2073,15 @@ Countly.replaceAllAppKeysInQueueWithCurrentAppKey = function () { L.e(`replaceAllAppKeysInQueueWithCurrentAppKey, ${message}`); return message; } - L.d('replaceAllAppKeysInQueueWithCurrentAppKey, Replacing all app keys in queue with current app key'); + L.d("replaceAllAppKeysInQueueWithCurrentAppKey, Replacing all app keys in queue with current app key"); CountlyReactNative.replaceAllAppKeysInQueueWithCurrentAppKey(); }; + /** * set direct attribution Id for campaign attribution reporting. + * @param {string} campaignType type + * @param {string} campaignData data + * @return {string | void} error message or void */ Countly.recordDirectAttribution = function (campaignType, campaignData) { if (!_state.isInitialized) { @@ -1849,8 +2095,11 @@ Countly.recordDirectAttribution = function (campaignType, campaignData) { args.push(campaignData); CountlyReactNative.recordDirectAttribution(args); }; + /** * set indirect attribution Id for campaign attribution reporting. + * @param {string} attributionValues attribution values + * @return {string | void} error message or void */ Countly.recordIndirectAttribution = function (attributionValues) { if (!_state.isInitialized) { @@ -1863,10 +2112,12 @@ Countly.recordIndirectAttribution = function (attributionValues) { args.push(attributionValues); CountlyReactNative.recordIndirectAttribution(args); }; + /** * Removes all requests with a different app key in request queue. * In request queue, if there are any request whose app key is different than the current app key, * these requests will be removed from request queue. + * @return {string | void} error message or void */ Countly.removeDifferentAppKeysFromQueue = function () { if (!_state.isInitialized) { @@ -1874,13 +2125,14 @@ Countly.removeDifferentAppKeysFromQueue = function () { L.e(`removeDifferentAppKeysFromQueue, ${message}`); return message; } - L.d('removeDifferentAppKeysFromQueue, Removing all requests with a different app key in request queue'); + L.d("removeDifferentAppKeysFromQueue, Removing all requests with a different app key in request queue"); CountlyReactNative.removeDifferentAppKeysFromQueue(); }; /** * Call this function when app is loaded, so that the app launch duration can be recorded. * Should be called after init. + * @return {string | void} error message or void */ Countly.appLoadingFinished = async function () { if (!_state.isInitialized) { @@ -1888,152 +2140,42 @@ Countly.appLoadingFinished = async function () { L.e(`appLoadingFinished, ${message}`); return message; } - L.d('appLoadingFinished, App loading finished'); + L.d("appLoadingFinished, App loading finished"); CountlyReactNative.appLoadingFinished(); }; /** * Set the metrics you want to override * Should be called before Countly init - * @param {Object} customMetric - metric with key/value pair + * @param {object} customMetric metric with key/value pair * Supported data type for customMetric values is String + * @return {string | void} error message or void */ Countly.setCustomMetrics = async function (customMetric) { L.d(`setCustomMetrics, Setting custom metrics: [${JSON.stringify(customMetric)}]`); let message = null; if (!customMetric) { - message = 'customMetric should not be null or undefined'; + message = "customMetric should not be null or undefined"; L.e(`setCustomMetrics, ${message}`); return message; } - if (typeof customMetric !== 'object') { + if (typeof customMetric !== "object") { message = `unsupported data type of customMetric '${typeof customMetric}'`; L.w(`setCustomMetrics, ${message}`); return message; } const args = []; for (const key in customMetric) { - if (typeof customMetric[key] === 'string') { + if (typeof customMetric[key] === "string") { args.push(key.toString()); args.push(customMetric[key].toString()); } else { - L.w('setCustomMetrics, ' + `skipping value for key '${key.toString()}', due to unsupported data type '${typeof customMetric[key]}'`); + L.w("setCustomMetrics, " + `skipping value for key '${key.toString()}', due to unsupported data type '${typeof customMetric[key]}'`); } } if (args.length != 0) { CountlyReactNative.setCustomMetrics(args); } }; -/** - * Validate user data value, it should be 'number' or 'string' that is parseable to 'number' - * and it should not be null or undefined - * It will return message if any issue found related to data validation else return null. - * @param {String} stringValue : value of data to validate - * @param {String} stringName : name of that value string - * @param {String} functionName : name of function from where value is validating. - * @returns - */ -Countly.validateUserDataValue = async (stringValue, stringName, functionName) => { - L.d(`validateUserDataValue, Validating user data value: [${stringValue}], name: [${stringName}], function: [${functionName}]`); - // validating that value should not be null or undefined - let message = await Countly.validateValidUserData(stringValue, stringName, functionName); - if (message) { - return message; - } - - // validating that value should be 'number' or 'string' - message = await Countly.validateUserDataType(stringValue, stringName, functionName); - if (message) { - return message; - } - - // validating that value should be parceable to int. - return await Countly.validateParseInt(stringValue, stringName, functionName); -}; - -/** - * Validate user data value, it should be 'number' or 'string' that is parseable to 'number' - * It will return message if any issue found related to data validation else return null. - * @param {String} stringValue : value of data to validate - * @param {String} stringName : name of that value string - * @param {String} functionName : name of function from where value is validating. - * @returns - */ -Countly.validateUserDataType = async (stringValue, stringName, functionName) => { - L.d(`validateUserDataType, Validating user data type: [${stringValue}], name: [${stringName}], function: [${functionName}]`); - let message = null; - if (typeof stringValue === 'number') { - return null; - } - if (typeof stringValue === 'string') { - L.w(`${functionName} unsupported data type '${typeof stringValue}', its data type should be 'number'`); - return null; - } - - message = `skipping value for '${stringName.toString()}', due to unsupported data type '${typeof stringValue}', its data type should be 'number'`; - L.e(`${functionName}, ${message}`); - return message; -}; - -/** - * Validate user data value, it should not be null or undefined - * It will return message if any issue found related to data validation else return null. - * @param {String} stringValue : value of data to validate - * @param {String} stringName : name of that value string - * @param {String} functionName : name of function from where value is validating. - * @returns - */ -Countly.validateValidUserData = async (stringValue, stringName, functionName) => { - L.d(`validateValidUserData, Validating valid user data: [${stringValue}], name: [${stringName}], function: [${functionName}]`); - if (stringValue || stringValue == '') { - return null; - } - - const message = `${stringName} should not be null or undefined`; - L.e(`${functionName}, ${message}`); - return message; -}; - -/** - * Validate user data value, it should be parseable to 'number' - * It will return message if any issue found related to data validation else return null. - * @param {String} stringValue : value of data to validate - * @param {String} stringName : name of that value string - * @param {String} functionName : name of function from where value is validating. - * @returns - */ -Countly.validateParseInt = async (stringValue, stringName, functionName) => { - L.d(`validateParseInt, Validating parse int: [${stringValue}], name: [${stringName}], function: [${functionName}]`); - const intValue = parseInt(stringValue); - if (!isNaN(intValue)) { - return null; - } - - const message = `skipping value for '${stringName.toString()}', due to unsupported data type '${typeof stringValue}', its data type should be 'number' or parseable to 'integer'`; - L.e(`${functionName}, ${message}`); - return message; -}; - -/** - * Validate string, it should not be empty, null or undefined - * It will return message if any issue found related to string validation else return null. - * @param {String} stringValue : value of string to validate - * @param {String} stringName : name of that value string - * @param {String} functionName : name of function from where value is validating. - * @returns - */ -Countly.validateString = async (stringValue, stringName, functionName) => { - L.d(`validateString, Validating string: [${stringValue}], name: [${stringName}], function: [${functionName}]`); - let message = null; - if (!stringValue) { - message = `${stringName} should not be null, undefined or empty`; - } else if (typeof stringValue !== 'string') { - message = `skipping value for '${stringName.toString()}', due to unsupported data type '${typeof stringValue}', its data type should be 'string'`; - } - if (message) { - L.e(`${functionName}, ${message}`); - } - return message; -}; export default Countly; diff --git a/CountlyConfig.js b/CountlyConfig.js index a4ce2d36..1f8395d7 100644 --- a/CountlyConfig.js +++ b/CountlyConfig.js @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -import { initialize } from './Logger.js'; +import { initialize } from "./Logger.js"; +import CountlyConfigApm from "./lib/configuration_interfaces/countly_config_apm.js"; /** * Countly SDK React Native Bridge * https://github.com/Countly/countly-sdk-react-native-bridge @@ -16,6 +17,14 @@ class CountlyConfig { constructor(serverURL, appKey) { this.serverURL = serverURL; this.appKey = appKey; + this._countlyConfigApmInstance = new CountlyConfigApm(); + } + + /** + * Getter to get the APM specific configurations + */ + get apm() { + return this._countlyConfigApmInstance; } /** @@ -122,6 +131,8 @@ class CountlyConfig { } /** + * @deprecated in 24.4.0 : use 'countlyConfig.apm' interface instead of 'config.enableApm'. + * * Method to enable application performance monitoring which includes the recording of app start time. */ enableApm() { @@ -129,6 +140,15 @@ class CountlyConfig { return this; } + /** + * AdditionalIntentRedirectionChecks are enabled by default. + * This method should be used to disable them. + */ + disableAdditionalIntentRedirectionChecks() { + this.disableAdditionalIntentRedirectionChecks = true; + return this; + } + /** * Method to set the push token type * @deprecated diff --git a/CountlyReactNative.podspec b/CountlyReactNative.podspec index 732652e9..d32be47c 100644 --- a/CountlyReactNative.podspec +++ b/CountlyReactNative.podspec @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ Pod::Spec.new do |s| s.name = 'CountlyReactNative' - s.version = '23.10.0' + s.version = '24.4.0' s.license = { :type => 'COMMUNITY', :text => <<-LICENSE diff --git a/CountlyState.js b/CountlyState.js index 23bb3c80..97755c43 100644 --- a/CountlyState.js +++ b/CountlyState.js @@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ CountlyState.CountlyReactNative = null; CountlyState.eventEmitter = null; // Feedback module related variables -CountlyState.widgetShownCallbackName = 'widgetShownCallback'; -CountlyState.widgetClosedCallbackName = 'widgetClosedCallback'; +CountlyState.widgetShownCallbackName = "widgetShownCallback"; +CountlyState.widgetClosedCallbackName = "widgetClosedCallback"; /* * Callback to be executed when feedback widget is displayed */ diff --git a/Event.js b/Event.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e2d596a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/Event.js @@ -0,0 +1,127 @@ +import * as L from "./Logger.js"; +import * as Validate from "./Validators.js"; + +class Event { + #state; + + constructor(state) { + this.#state = state; + } + + /** + * Records an event. + * Event will be saved to the internal queue and will be sent to the server with the next trigger. + * + * @param {string} eventName - Name of the event (This will be displayed on the dashboard) + * @param {Segmentation} segmentation - Extra information to send with your event as key/value pairs + * @param {number} eventCount - Indicates how many times this event has happened (Default is 1) + * @param {number} eventSum - A numerical value that is attached to this event (Will be summed up on the dashboard for all events with the same name) + * @return {void} + */ + recordEvent(eventName, segmentation, eventCount, eventSum) { + if (!this.#state.isInitialized) { + L.w("recordEvent, SDK must be initialized before calling 'recordEvent'"); + return; + } + L.i(`recordEvent, called with eventName: [${eventName}], segmentation: [${JSON.stringify(segmentation)}], eventCount: [${eventCount}], eventSum: [${eventSum}]`); + const areParamsValid = Validate.areEventParametersValid("recordEvent", eventName, segmentation, eventCount, eventSum); + if (!areParamsValid) { + return; + } + + // At this point all parameters should be valid (eventName should exist but other parameters are optional) + const args = {}; + args.n = eventName; // mandatory + args.c = eventCount || 1; // default is 1 + args.s = eventSum || 0; // default is 0 + if (segmentation) { // optional + args.g = []; + for (const key in segmentation) { + args.g.push(key); + args.g.push(segmentation[key]); + } + } + this.#state.CountlyReactNative.recordEvent(args); + } + + /** + * + * Starts a Timed Event + * If 'endEvent' is not called (with the same event name) no event will be recorded. + * + * @param {string} eventName - name of the event + * @return {void} + */ + startEvent(eventName) { + if (!this.#state.isInitialized) { + L.w("startEvent, SDK must be initialized before calling 'startEvent'"); + return; + } + L.i(`startEvent, called with eventName: [${eventName}]`); + const areParamsValid = Validate.areEventParametersValid("startEvent", eventName, null, null, null); + if (!areParamsValid) { + return; + } + this.#state.CountlyReactNative.startEvent([eventName]); + } + + /** + * + * Cancels a Timed Event if it is started. + * + * @param {string} eventName - name of the event + * @return {void} + */ + cancelEvent(eventName) { + if (!this.#state.isInitialized) { + L.w("cancelEvent, SDK must be initialized before calling 'cancelEvent'"); + return; + } + L.i(`cancelEvent, called with eventName: [${eventName}]`); + const areParamsValid = Validate.areEventParametersValid("cancelEvent", eventName, null, null, null); + if (!areParamsValid) { + return; + } + this.#state.CountlyReactNative.cancelEvent([eventName]); + } + + /** + * + * Ends a Timed Event if it is started. + * Should be called after startEvent. + * This will behave like recordEvent. + * + * @param {string} eventName - Name of the event (This will be displayed on the dashboard) + * @param {Segmentation} segmentation - Extra information to send with your event as key/value pairs + * @param {number} eventCount - Indicates how many times this event has happened (Default is 1) + * @param {number} eventSum - A numerical value that is attached to this event (Will be summed up on the dashboard for all events with the same name) + * @return {void} void + */ + endEvent(eventName, segmentation, eventCount, eventSum) { + if (!this.#state.isInitialized) { + L.w("endEvent, SDK must be initialized before calling 'endEvent'"); + return; + } + L.i(`endEvent, called with eventName: [${eventName}], segmentation: [${JSON.stringify(segmentation)}], eventCount: [${eventCount}], eventSum: [${eventSum}]`); + const validParameters = Validate.areEventParametersValid("endEvent", eventName, segmentation, eventCount, eventSum); + if (!validParameters) { + return; + } + + // At this point all parameters should be valid (eventName should exist but other parameters are optional) + const args = {}; + args.n = eventName; // mandatory + args.c = eventCount || 1; // default is 1 + args.s = eventSum || 0; // default is 0 + if (segmentation) { // optional + args.g = []; + for (const key in segmentation) { + args.g.push(key); + args.g.push(segmentation[key]); + } + } + this.#state.CountlyReactNative.endEvent(args); + } +} + +export default Event; diff --git a/Feedback.js b/Feedback.js index 60c9ca3e..c2fa20ca 100644 --- a/Feedback.js +++ b/Feedback.js @@ -1,159 +1,161 @@ -import * as L from './Logger.js'; +import * as L from "./Logger.js"; -const Feedback = {}; +class Feedback { + #state; -/** - * Get a list of available feedback widgets as an array of objects. - * @param {callback} [onFinished] - returns (retrievedWidgets, error). This parameter is optional. - * @return {Object} Object {error: String or Null, data: Array or null } - */ -async function getAvailableFeedbackWidgets(onFinished) { - if (!Feedback.state.isInitialized) { - const message = "'init' must be called before 'getAvailableFeedbackWidgets'"; - L.e(`getAvailableFeedbackWidgets, ${message}`); - return { error: message, data: null }; + constructor(state) { + this.#state = state; } - L.d('getAvailableFeedbackWidgets, getAvailableFeedbackWidgets'); - let result = null; - let error = null; - try { - result = await Feedback.state.CountlyReactNative.getFeedbackWidgets(); - } catch (e) { - error = e.message; - } - if (onFinished) { - onFinished(result, error); - } - return { error: error, data: result }; -} -/** - * Present a chosen feedback widget - * - * @param {Object} feedbackWidget - feedback Widget with id, type and name - * @param {String} closeButtonText - text for cancel/close button - * @param {callback} [widgetShownCallback] - Callback to be executed when feedback widget is displayed. This parameter is optional. - * @param {callback} [widgetClosedCallback] - Callback to be executed when feedback widget is closed. This parameter is optional. - * - * @return {Object} Object {error: String or null} - */ -function presentFeedbackWidget(feedbackWidget, closeButtonText, widgetShownCallback, widgetClosedCallback) { - if (!Feedback.state.isInitialized) { - const message = "'init' must be called before 'presentFeedbackWidget'"; - L.e(`presentFeedbackWidget, ${message}`); - return { error: message }; - } - let message = null; - if (!feedbackWidget) { - message = 'feedbackWidget should not be null or undefined'; - L.e(`presentFeedbackWidget, ${message}`); - return { error: message }; - } - if (!feedbackWidget.id) { - message = 'FeedbackWidget id should not be null or empty'; - L.e(`presentFeedbackWidget, ${message}`); - return { error: message }; - } - if (!feedbackWidget.type) { - message = 'FeedbackWidget type should not be null or empty'; - L.e(`presentFeedbackWidget, ${message}`); - return { error: message }; - } - if (typeof closeButtonText !== 'string') { - closeButtonText = ''; - L.w(`presentFeedbackWidget, unsupported data type of closeButtonText : [${typeof args}]`); - } - L.d(`presentFeedbackWidget, presentFeedbackWidget with widget:[${JSON.stringify(feedbackWidget)}]`); - if (widgetShownCallback) { - Feedback.state.widgetShownCallback = Feedback.state.eventEmitter.addListener(Feedback.state.widgetShownCallbackName, () => { - widgetShownCallback(); - Feedback.state.widgetShownCallback.remove(); - }); - } - if (widgetClosedCallback) { - Feedback.state.widgetClosedCallback = Feedback.state.eventEmitter.addListener(Feedback.state.widgetClosedCallbackName, () => { - widgetClosedCallback(); - Feedback.state.widgetClosedCallback.remove(); - }); + /** + * Get a list of available feedback widgets as an array of objects. + * @param {callback} [onFinished] - returns (retrievedWidgets, error). This parameter is optional. + * @return {object} object {error: String or null, data: Array or null } + */ + async getAvailableFeedbackWidgets(onFinished) { + if (!this.#state.isInitialized) { + const message = "'init' must be called before 'getAvailableFeedbackWidgets'"; + L.e(`getAvailableFeedbackWidgets, ${message}`); + return { error: message, data: null }; + } + + L.d("getAvailableFeedbackWidgets, getAvailableFeedbackWidgets"); + let result = null; + let error = null; + try { + result = await this.#state.CountlyReactNative.getFeedbackWidgets(); + } catch (e) { + error = e.message; + } + if (onFinished) { + onFinished(result, error); + } + return { error: error, data: result }; } - feedbackWidget.name = feedbackWidget.name || ''; - closeButtonText = closeButtonText || ''; - Feedback.state.CountlyReactNative.presentFeedbackWidget([feedbackWidget.id, feedbackWidget.type, feedbackWidget.name, closeButtonText]); - return { error: null }; -} + /** + * Present a chosen feedback widget + * + * @param {object} feedbackWidget - feedback Widget with id, type and name + * @param {string} closeButtonText - text for cancel/close button + * @param {callback} [widgetShownCallback] - Callback to be executed when feedback widget is displayed. This parameter is optional. + * @param {callback} [widgetClosedCallback] - Callback to be executed when feedback widget is closed. This parameter is optional. + * + * @return {object} object {error: string or null} + */ + presentFeedbackWidget(feedbackWidget, closeButtonText, widgetShownCallback, widgetClosedCallback) { + if (!this.#state.isInitialized) { + const message = "'init' must be called before 'presentFeedbackWidget'"; + L.e(`presentFeedbackWidget, ${message}`); + return { error: message }; + } + let message = null; + if (!feedbackWidget) { + message = "feedbackWidget should not be null or undefined"; + L.e(`presentFeedbackWidget, ${message}`); + return { error: message }; + } + if (!feedbackWidget.id) { + message = "FeedbackWidget id should not be null or empty"; + L.e(`presentFeedbackWidget, ${message}`); + return { error: message }; + } + if (!feedbackWidget.type) { + message = "FeedbackWidget type should not be null or empty"; + L.e(`presentFeedbackWidget, ${message}`); + return { error: message }; + } + if (typeof closeButtonText !== "string") { + closeButtonText = ""; + L.w(`presentFeedbackWidget, unsupported data type of closeButtonText : [${typeof args}]`); + } -/** - * Get a feedback widget's data as an Object. - * @param {Object} widgetInfo - widget to get data for. You should get this from 'getAvailableFeedbackWidgets' method. - * @param {callback} [onFinished] - returns (Object retrievedWidgetData, error). This parameter is optional. - * @return {Object} Object {error: String, data: Object or null} - */ -async function getFeedbackWidgetData(widgetInfo, onFinished) { - if (!Feedback.state.isInitialized) { - const message = "'initWithConfig' must be called before 'getFeedbackWidgetData'"; - L.e(`getFeedbackWidgetData, ${message}`); - onFinished(null, message); - return { error: message, data: null }; - } - const widgetId = widgetInfo.id; - const widgetType = widgetInfo.type; - L.d(`getFeedbackWidgetData, Calling "getFeedbackWidgetData" with Type:[${widgetType}]`); - const args = []; - args.push(widgetId); - args.push(widgetType); - args.push(widgetInfo.name); - let result = null; - let error = null; - try { - result = await Feedback.state.CountlyReactNative.getFeedbackWidgetData(args); - } catch (e) { - error = e.message; - } - if (onFinished) { - onFinished(result, error); + L.d(`presentFeedbackWidget, presentFeedbackWidget with widget:[${JSON.stringify(feedbackWidget)}]`); + if (widgetShownCallback) { + this.#state.widgetShownCallback = this.#state.eventEmitter.addListener(this.#state.widgetShownCallbackName, () => { + widgetShownCallback(); + this.#state.widgetShownCallback.remove(); + }); + } + if (widgetClosedCallback) { + this.#state.widgetClosedCallback = this.#state.eventEmitter.addListener(this.#state.widgetClosedCallbackName, () => { + widgetClosedCallback(); + this.#state.widgetClosedCallback.remove(); + }); + } + + feedbackWidget.name = feedbackWidget.name || ""; + closeButtonText = closeButtonText || ""; + this.#state.CountlyReactNative.presentFeedbackWidget([feedbackWidget.id, feedbackWidget.type, feedbackWidget.name, closeButtonText]); + return { error: null }; } - return { error: error, data: result }; -} -/** - * Report manually for a feedback widget. - * @param {Object} widgetInfo - the widget you are targeting. You should get this from 'getAvailableFeedbackWidgets' method. - * @param {Object} widgetData - data of that widget. You should get this from 'getFeedbackWidgetData' method. - * @param {Object} widgetResult - Information you want to report. - * @return {Object} Object {error: String} - */ -async function reportFeedbackWidgetManually(widgetInfo, widgetData, widgetResult) { - if (!Feedback.state.isInitialized) { - const message = "'initWithConfig' must be called before 'reportFeedbackWidgetManually'"; - L.e(`reportFeedbackWidgetManually, ${message}`); - return { error: message }; + /** + * Get a feedback widget's data as an object. + * @param {object} widgetInfo - widget to get data for. You should get this from 'getAvailableFeedbackWidgets' method. + * @param {callback} [onFinished] - returns (object retrievedWidgetData, error). This parameter is optional. + * @return {object} object {error: string, data: object or null} + */ + async getFeedbackWidgetData(widgetInfo, onFinished) { + if (!this.#state.isInitialized) { + const message = "'initWithConfig' must be called before 'getFeedbackWidgetData'"; + L.e(`getFeedbackWidgetData, ${message}`); + return { error: message, data: null }; + } + const widgetId = widgetInfo.id; + const widgetType = widgetInfo.type; + L.d(`getFeedbackWidgetData, Calling "getFeedbackWidgetData" with Type:[${widgetType}]`); + const args = []; + args.push(widgetId); + args.push(widgetType); + args.push(widgetInfo.name); + let result = null; + let error = null; + try { + result = await this.#state.CountlyReactNative.getFeedbackWidgetData(args); + } catch (e) { + error = e.message; + } + if (onFinished) { + onFinished(result, error); + } + return { error: error, data: result }; } - const widgetId = widgetInfo.id; - const widgetType = widgetInfo.type; - L.d(`reportFeedbackWidgetManually, Calling "reportFeedbackWidgetManually" with Type:[${widgetType}]`); - const widgetInfoList = []; - widgetInfoList.push(widgetId); - widgetInfoList.push(widgetType); - widgetInfoList.push(widgetInfo.name); - const args = []; - args.push(widgetInfoList); - args.push(widgetData); - args.push(widgetResult); + /** + * Report manually for a feedback widget. + * @param {object} widgetInfo - the widget you are targeting. You should get this from 'getAvailableFeedbackWidgets' method. + * @param {object} widgetData - data of that widget. You should get this from 'getFeedbackWidgetData' method. + * @param {object} widgetResult - Information you want to report. + * @return {object} object {error: string} + */ + async reportFeedbackWidgetManually(widgetInfo, widgetData, widgetResult) { + if (!this.#state.isInitialized) { + const message = "'initWithConfig' must be called before 'reportFeedbackWidgetManually'"; + L.e(`reportFeedbackWidgetManually, ${message}`); + return { error: message }; + } + const widgetId = widgetInfo.id; + const widgetType = widgetInfo.type; + L.d(`reportFeedbackWidgetManually, Calling "reportFeedbackWidgetManually" with Type:[${widgetType}]`); + const widgetInfoList = []; + widgetInfoList.push(widgetId); + widgetInfoList.push(widgetType); + widgetInfoList.push(widgetInfo.name); - let error = null; - try { - await Feedback.state.CountlyReactNative.reportFeedbackWidgetManually(args); - } catch (e) { - error = e.message; + const args = []; + args.push(widgetInfoList); + args.push(widgetData); + args.push(widgetResult); + + let error = null; + try { + await this.#state.CountlyReactNative.reportFeedbackWidgetManually(args); + } catch (e) { + error = e.message; + } + return { error: error }; } - return { error: error }; } -Feedback.getAvailableFeedbackWidgets = getAvailableFeedbackWidgets; -Feedback.presentFeedbackWidget = presentFeedbackWidget; -Feedback.getFeedbackWidgetData = getFeedbackWidgetData; -Feedback.reportFeedbackWidgetManually = reportFeedbackWidgetManually; - export default Feedback; diff --git a/Logger.js b/Logger.js index 403165a2..a7184892 100644 --- a/Logger.js +++ b/Logger.js @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -const countlyNamespace = '[CountlyReactNative] '; +const countlyNamespace = "[CountlyReactNative] "; let canLog = false; /** @@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ let canLog = false; */ function initialize(debugMode) { canLog = debugMode && console !== undefined; - i('[Logger] initializing the module'); + i("[Logger] initializing the module"); } /** - * Error - this is a issues that needs attention right now. + * Error - this is for things that need immediate attention because SDK won’t work. * @param {String} message */ function e(message) { diff --git a/Utils.js b/Utils.js index 661bea7b..74f6bc86 100644 --- a/Utils.js +++ b/Utils.js @@ -1,35 +1,37 @@ -import parseErrorStackLib from '../react-native/Libraries/Core/Devtools/parseErrorStack.js'; -import * as L from './Logger.js'; +import * as L from "./Logger.js"; +import parseErrorStackLib from "react-native/Libraries/Core/Devtools/parseErrorStack.js"; const DeviceIdType = { - DEVELOPER_SUPPLIED: 'DEVELOPER_SUPPLIED', - SDK_GENERATED: 'SDK_GENERATED', - TEMPORARY_ID: 'TEMPORARY_ID', + DEVELOPER_SUPPLIED: "DEVELOPER_SUPPLIED", + SDK_GENERATED: "SDK_GENERATED", + TEMPORARY_ID: "TEMPORARY_ID", }; /** * - * internal countly function that converts String to DeviceIdType. + * internal countly function that converts int to DeviceIdType. + * @param {number} deviceIdType device id type as int * - * @return {DeviceIdType || null} deviceIdType e.g DeviceIdType.DEVELOPER_SUPPLIED, DeviceIdType.TEMPORARY_ID, DeviceIdType.SDK_GENERATED. + * @return {DeviceIdType} deviceIdType e.g DeviceIdType.DEVELOPER_SUPPLIED, DeviceIdType.TEMPORARY_ID, DeviceIdType.SDK_GENERATED. */ -function stringToDeviceIDType(deviceIdType) { +function intToDeviceIDType(deviceIdType) { let result = null; switch (deviceIdType) { - case 'DS': - result = DeviceIdType.DEVELOPER_SUPPLIED; - break; - case 'TID': - result = DeviceIdType.TEMPORARY_ID; - break; - case 'SG': - result = DeviceIdType.SDK_GENERATED; - break; - } - if (result == null) { - L.e(`_getDeviceIdType, ` + `unexpected deviceIdType [${deviceIdType}] from native side`); - return null; + case 10101: + result = DeviceIdType.SDK_GENERATED; + break; + case 20202: + result = DeviceIdType.DEVELOPER_SUPPLIED; + break; + case 30303: + result = DeviceIdType.TEMPORARY_ID; + break; + default: + L.e("_getDeviceIdType, " + `unexpected deviceIdType [${deviceIdType}] from native side`); + result = DeviceIdType.SDK_GENERATED; + break; } + L.d(`_getDeviceIdType, DeviceIDType: ${result}`); return result; } @@ -41,78 +43,96 @@ function stringToDeviceIDType(deviceIdType) { * @return {Object} json */ function configToJson(config) { - L.d('configToJson, Converting config to json'); + L.d("configToJson, Converting config to json"); const json = {}; try { - json['serverURL'] = config.serverURL; - json['appKey'] = config.appKey; - json['deviceID'] = config.deviceID; + json.serverURL = config.serverURL; + json.appKey = config.appKey; + json.deviceID = config.deviceID; if (config.loggingEnabled) { - json['loggingEnabled'] = config.loggingEnabled; + json.loggingEnabled = config.loggingEnabled; } if (config.crashReporting) { - json['crashReporting'] = config.crashReporting; + json.crashReporting = config.crashReporting; } if (config.shouldRequireConsent) { - json['shouldRequireConsent'] = config.shouldRequireConsent; + json.shouldRequireConsent = config.shouldRequireConsent; } if (config.consents) { - json['consents'] = config.consents; + json.consents = config.consents; } if (config.locationCountryCode) { - json['locationCountryCode'] = config.locationCountryCode; + json.locationCountryCode = config.locationCountryCode; } if (config.locationCity) { - json['locationCity'] = config.locationCity; + json.locationCity = config.locationCity; } if (config.locationGpsCoordinates) { - json['locationGpsCoordinates'] = config.locationGpsCoordinates; + json.locationGpsCoordinates = config.locationGpsCoordinates; } if (config.locationIpAddress) { - json['locationIpAddress'] = config.locationIpAddress; + json.locationIpAddress = config.locationIpAddress; } if (config.tamperingProtectionSalt) { - json['tamperingProtectionSalt'] = config.tamperingProtectionSalt; + json.tamperingProtectionSalt = config.tamperingProtectionSalt; + } + // APM ------------------------------------------------ + if (config.apm.enableForegroundBackground) { + json.enableForegroundBackground = config.apm.enableForegroundBackground; + } + if (config.apm.enableManualAppLoaded) { + json.enableManualAppLoaded = config.apm.enableManualAppLoaded; + } + if (config.apm.startTSOverride) { + json.startTSOverride = config.apm.startTSOverride; + } + if (config.apm.trackAppStartTime) { + json.trackAppStartTime = config.apm.trackAppStartTime; } + // Legacy APM if (config.enableApm) { - json['enableApm'] = config.enableApm; + json.enableApm = config.enableApm; + } + // APM END -------------------------------------------- + if (config.disableAdditionalIntentRedirectionChecks) { + json["disableAdditionalIntentRedirectionChecks"] = config.disableAdditionalIntentRedirectionChecks; } const pushNotification = {}; if (config.tokenType) { - pushNotification['tokenType'] = config.tokenType; + pushNotification.tokenType = config.tokenType; } if (config.channelName) { - pushNotification['channelName'] = config.channelName; + pushNotification.channelName = config.channelName; } if (config.channelDescription) { - pushNotification['channelDescription'] = config.channelDescription; + pushNotification.channelDescription = config.channelDescription; } if (config.accentColor) { - pushNotification['accentColor'] = config.accentColor; + pushNotification.accentColor = config.accentColor; } - json['pushNotification'] = pushNotification; + json.pushNotification = pushNotification; if (config.allowedIntentClassNames) { - json['allowedIntentClassNames'] = config.allowedIntentClassNames; + json.allowedIntentClassNames = config.allowedIntentClassNames; } if (config.allowedIntentClassNames) { - json['allowedIntentPackageNames'] = config.allowedIntentPackageNames; + json.allowedIntentPackageNames = config.allowedIntentPackageNames; } if (config.starRatingTextTitle) { - json['starRatingTextTitle'] = config.starRatingTextTitle; + json.starRatingTextTitle = config.starRatingTextTitle; } if (config.starRatingTextMessage) { - json['starRatingTextMessage'] = config.starRatingTextMessage; + json.starRatingTextMessage = config.starRatingTextMessage; } if (config.starRatingTextDismiss) { - json['starRatingTextDismiss'] = config.starRatingTextDismiss; + json.starRatingTextDismiss = config.starRatingTextDismiss; } if (config.campaignType) { - json['campaignType'] = config.campaignType; - json['campaignData'] = config.campaignData; + json.campaignType = config.campaignType; + json.campaignData = config.campaignData; } if (config.attributionValues) { - json['attributionValues'] = config.attributionValues; + json.attributionValues = config.attributionValues; } } catch (err) { L.e(`configToJson, Exception occured during converting config to json.${err.toString()}`); @@ -130,25 +150,23 @@ function configToJson(config) { function getStackTrace(e) { let jsStackTrace = null; try { - if (Platform.hasOwnProperty('constants')) { + if (Platform.hasOwnProperty("constants")) { // RN version >= 0.63 if (Platform.constants.reactNativeVersion.minor >= 64) { // RN version >= 0.64 jsStackTrace = parseErrorStackLib(e.stack); - } - // RN version == 0.63 - else { + } else { + // RN version == 0.63 jsStackTrace = parseErrorStackLib(e); } - } - // RN version < 0.63 - else { + } else { + // RN version < 0.63 jsStackTrace = parseErrorStackLib(e); } - } catch (e) { - // L.e('getStackTrace', e.message); + } catch (err) { + // L.e('getStackTrace', err.message); } return jsStackTrace; } -export { configToJson, stringToDeviceIDType, DeviceIdType, getStackTrace }; +export { configToJson, intToDeviceIDType, DeviceIdType, getStackTrace }; diff --git a/Validators.js b/Validators.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9f09e424 --- /dev/null +++ b/Validators.js @@ -0,0 +1,162 @@ +import * as L from "./Logger.js"; + +/** + * Validate user data value, it should be 'number' or 'string' that is parseable to 'number' + * It will return message if any issue found related to data validation else return null. + * @param {String} stringValue : value of data to validate + * @param {String} stringName : name of that value string + * @param {String} functionName : name of function from where value is validating. + * @returns + */ +function validateUserDataType(stringValue, stringName, functionName) { + L.d(`validateUserDataType, Validating user data type: [${stringValue}], name: [${stringName}], function: [${functionName}]`); + let message = null; + if (typeof stringValue === "number") { + return null; + } + if (typeof stringValue === "string") { + L.d(`${functionName} unsupported data type '${typeof stringValue}', its data type should be 'number'`); + return null; + } + + message = `skipping value for '${stringName.toString()}', due to unsupported data type '${typeof stringValue}', its data type should be 'number'`; + L.e(`${functionName}, ${message}`); + return message; +} + +/** + * Validate user data value, it should not be null or undefined + * It will return message if any issue found related to data validation else return null. + * @param {String} stringValue : value of data to validate + * @param {String} stringName : name of that value string + * @param {String} functionName : name of function from where value is validating. + * @returns + */ +function validateValidUserData(stringValue, stringName, functionName) { + L.d(`validateValidUserData, Validating valid user data: [${stringValue}], name: [${stringName}], function: [${functionName}]`); + if (stringValue || stringValue == "") { + return null; + } + + const message = `${stringName} should not be null or undefined`; + L.e(`${functionName}, ${message}`); + return message; +} + +/** + * Validate user data value, it should be parseable to 'number' + * It will return message if any issue found related to data validation else return null. + * @param {String} stringValue : value of data to validate + * @param {String} stringName : name of that value string + * @param {String} functionName : name of function from where value is validating. + * @returns + */ +function validateParseInt(stringValue, stringName, functionName) { + L.d(`validateParseInt, Validating parse int: [${stringValue}], name: [${stringName}], function: [${functionName}]`); + const intValue = parseInt(stringValue, 10); // explicitly converting to base 10, Codacy issue + if (!isNaN(intValue)) { + return null; + } + + const message = `skipping value for '${stringName.toString()}', due to unsupported data type '${typeof stringValue}', its data type should be 'number' or parseable to 'integer'`; + L.e(`${functionName}, ${message}`); + return message; +} + +/** + * Validate string, it should not be empty, null or undefined + * It will return message if any issue found related to string validation else return null. + * @param {String} stringValue : value of string to validate + * @param {String} stringName : name of that value string + * @param {String} functionName : name of function from where value is validating. + * @returns + */ +function validateString(stringValue, stringName, functionName) { + L.d(`validateString, Validating string: [${stringValue}], name: [${stringName}], function: [${functionName}]`); + let message = null; + if (!stringValue) { + message = `${stringName} should not be null, undefined or empty`; + } else if (typeof stringValue !== "string") { + message = `skipping value for '${stringName.toString()}', due to unsupported data type '${typeof stringValue}', its data type should be 'string'`; + } + if (message) { + L.d(`${functionName}, ${message}`); + } + return message; +} + +/** + * Validate user data value, it should be 'number' or 'string' that is parseable to 'number' + * and it should not be null or undefined + * It will return message if any issue found related to data validation else return null. + * @param {String} stringValue : value of data to validate + * @param {String} stringName : name of that value string + * @param {String} functionName : name of function from where value is validating. + * @returns + */ +function validateUserDataValue(stringValue, stringName, functionName) { + L.d(`validateUserDataValue, Validating user data value: [${stringValue}], name: [${stringName}], function: [${functionName}]`); + // validating that value should not be null or undefined + let message = validateValidUserData(stringValue, stringName, functionName); + if (message) { + return message; + } + + // validating that value should be 'number' or 'string' + message = validateUserDataType(stringValue, stringName, functionName); + if (message) { + return message; + } + + // validating that value should be parceable to int. + return validateParseInt(stringValue, stringName, functionName); +} + +/** + * Validates event parameters. + * It will log a message if any issue is found and return false. + * If the parameters are valid, it will return true. + * + * @param {string} functionName - name of function that called this method for logging + * @param {string} eventName - provided event name + * @param {Segmentation} segmentation - provided segmentation + * @param {number} eventCount - provided event count + * @param {number} eventSum - provided event sum + * @returns {boolean} true if parameters are valid, false otherwise + */ +function areEventParametersValid(functionName, eventName, segmentation, eventCount, eventSum) { + if (!eventName || typeof eventName !== "string" || eventName.length === 0) { + L.w(`${functionName}, provided eventName: [${eventName}]. It must be a valid string!`); + return false; + } + if (segmentation && typeof segmentation !== "object") { + L.w(`${functionName}, provided segmentation: [${segmentation}]. It must be an object!`); + return false; + } + + // validate segmentation values + if (segmentation) { + for (const key in segmentation) { + const value = segmentation[key]; + const valueType = typeof value; + if (value && valueType !== "string" && valueType !== "number" && valueType !== "boolean") { + L.w(`${functionName}, segmentation value: [${value}] for the key: [${key}] must be a number, string or boolean!`); + return false; + } + } + } + + if (eventCount && (typeof eventCount !== "number" || eventCount < 0)) { + L.w(`${functionName}, provided eventCount: [${eventCount}]. It must be a positive number!`); + return false; + } + + if (eventSum && typeof eventSum !== "number") { + L.w(`${functionName}, provided eventSum: [${eventSum}]. It must be a number!`); + return false; + } + + return true; +} + +export { validateUserDataValue as UserDataValue, validateString as String, validateParseInt as ParseInt, validateValidUserData as ValidUserData, validateUserDataType as UserDataType, areEventParametersValid }; diff --git a/__tests__/utils.test.js b/__tests__/utils.test.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..937b2ee7 --- /dev/null +++ b/__tests__/utils.test.js @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +const { intToDeviceIDType, DeviceIdType } = require("../Utils.js"); + +// 'intToDeviceIDType' +// 10101 is provided as input +// The function should return DeviceIdType.SDK_GENERATED +test("10101 maps to DeviceIdType.SDK_GENERATED", () => { + expect(intToDeviceIDType(10101)).toBe(DeviceIdType.SDK_GENERATED); +}); + +// 'intToDeviceIDType' +// 20202 is provided as input +// The function should return DeviceIdType.DEVELOPER_SUPPLIED +test("20202 maps to DeviceIdType.DEVELOPER_SUPPLIED", () => { + expect(intToDeviceIDType(20202)).toBe(DeviceIdType.DEVELOPER_SUPPLIED); +}); + +// 'intToDeviceIDType' +// 30303 is provided as input +// The function should return DeviceIdType.TEMPORARY_ID +test("30303 maps to DeviceIdType.TEMPORARY_ID", () => { + expect(intToDeviceIDType(30303)).toBe(DeviceIdType.TEMPORARY_ID); +}); + +// 'intToDeviceIDType' +// An 0 is provided as input +// The function should return DeviceIdType.SDK_GENERATED +test("0 input results in DeviceIdType.SDK_GENERATED", () => { + expect(intToDeviceIDType(0)).toBe(DeviceIdType.SDK_GENERATED); +}); + +// 'intToDeviceIDType' +// 1337 is provided as input +// The function should return DeviceIdType.SDK_GENERATED +test("1337 maps to DeviceIdType.SDK_GENERATED", () => { + expect(intToDeviceIDType(1337)).toBe(DeviceIdType.SDK_GENERATED); +}); + +// 'intToDeviceIDType' +// An -1 is provided as input +// The function should return DeviceIdType.SDK_GENERATED +test("-1 input results in DeviceIdType.SDK_GENERATED", () => { + expect(intToDeviceIDType(-1)).toBe(DeviceIdType.SDK_GENERATED); +}); + +// 'intToDeviceIDType' +// An empty string is provided as input +// The function should return DeviceIdType.SDK_GENERATED +test("Invalid input results in DeviceIdType.SDK_GENERATED", () => { + expect(intToDeviceIDType("")).toBe(DeviceIdType.SDK_GENERATED); +}); + +// 'intToDeviceIDType' +// An 'null' is provided as input +// The function should return DeviceIdType.SDK_GENERATED +test("'null' input results in DeviceIdType.SDK_GENERATED", () => { + expect(intToDeviceIDType(null)).toBe(DeviceIdType.SDK_GENERATED); +}); + +// 'intToDeviceIDType' +// An 'dsaifedos' is provided as input +// The function should return DeviceIdType.SDK_GENERATED +test("'dsaifedos' input results in DeviceIdType.SDK_GENERATED", () => { + expect(intToDeviceIDType("dsaifedos")).toBe(DeviceIdType.SDK_GENERATED); +}); + +// 'intToDeviceIDType' +// An 'undefined' is provided as input +// The function should return DeviceIdType.SDK_GENERATED +test("'undefined' input results in DeviceIdType.SDK_GENERATED", () => { + expect(intToDeviceIDType(undefined)).toBe(DeviceIdType.SDK_GENERATED); +}); diff --git a/android/build.gradle b/android/build.gradle index 35d9a836..e87cd84e 100644 --- a/android/build.gradle +++ b/android/build.gradle @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ repositories { dependencies { implementation "com.facebook.react:react-native:${safeExtGet('reactNativeVersion', '+')}" - implementation 'ly.count.android:sdk:23.8.2' + implementation 'ly.count.android:sdk:24.4.0' // Import the BoM for the Firebase platform // The BoM version of 28.4.2 is the newest release that will target firebase-messaging version 22 diff --git a/android/src/main/java/ly/count/android/sdk/react/CountlyReactNative.java b/android/src/main/java/ly/count/android/sdk/react/CountlyReactNative.java index 98c7a7bc..434e5d3e 100644 --- a/android/src/main/java/ly/count/android/sdk/react/CountlyReactNative.java +++ b/android/src/main/java/ly/count/android/sdk/react/CountlyReactNative.java @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import android.content.Context; import com.facebook.react.bridge.ReadableMapKeySetIterator; +import com.facebook.react.bridge.ReadableType; import ly.count.android.sdk.Countly; import ly.count.android.sdk.CountlyConfig; import ly.count.android.sdk.DeviceIdType; @@ -88,7 +89,7 @@ public String toString() { public class CountlyReactNative extends ReactContextBaseJavaModule implements LifecycleEventListener { public static final String TAG = "CountlyRNPlugin"; - private String COUNTLY_RN_SDK_VERSION_STRING = "23.10.0"; + private String COUNTLY_RN_SDK_VERSION_STRING = "24.4.0"; private String COUNTLY_RN_SDK_NAME = "js-rnb-android"; private static final CountlyConfig config = new CountlyConfig(); @@ -102,6 +103,7 @@ public class CountlyReactNative extends ReactContextBaseJavaModule implements Li private List allowedIntentClassNames = new ArrayList<>(); private List allowedIntentPackageNames = new ArrayList<>(); private boolean useAdditionalIntentRedirectionChecks = true; + private boolean disableAdditionalIntentRedirectionChecksConfigSet = false; private final ReactApplicationContext _reactContext; @@ -129,7 +131,6 @@ public class CountlyReactNative extends ReactContextBaseJavaModule implements Li public CountlyReactNative(ReactApplicationContext reactContext) { super(reactContext); _reactContext = reactContext; - config.enableManualAppLoadedTrigger(); reactContext.addLifecycleEventListener(this); } @@ -216,30 +217,51 @@ private void populateConfig(JSONObject _config) { if (_config.has("starRatingTextDismiss")) { config.setStarRatingTextDismiss(_config.getString("starRatingTextDismiss")); } + // APM ------------------------------------------------ + if (_config.has("enableForegroundBackground")) { + config.apm.enableForegroundBackgroundTracking(); + } + if (_config.has("enableManualAppLoaded")) { + config.apm.enableManualAppLoadedTrigger(); + } + if (_config.has("startTSOverride")) { + config.apm.setAppStartTimestampOverride(_config.getLong("startTSOverride")); + } + if (_config.has("trackAppStartTime")) { + config.apm.enableAppStartTimeTracking(); + } + // Legacy APM if (_config.has("enableApm")) { config.setRecordAppStartTime(_config.getBoolean("enableApm")); } + // APM END -------------------------------------------- if (_config.has("crashReporting")) { config.enableCrashReporting(); } if (_config.has("pushNotification")) { JSONObject pushObject = _config.getJSONObject("pushNotification"); - int messagingMode = Integer.parseInt(pushObject.getString("tokenType")); - channelName = pushObject.getString("channelName"); - channelDescription = pushObject.getString("channelDescription"); - if (pushObject.has("accentColor")) { - setHexNotificationAccentColor(pushObject.getString("accentColor")); - } - - if (messagingMode == 0) { - CountlyReactNative.messagingMode = Countly.CountlyMessagingMode.PRODUCTION; - } else { + if (!pushObject.toString().equals("{}")) { + int messagingMode = Integer.parseInt(pushObject.getString("tokenType")); + channelName = pushObject.getString("channelName"); + channelDescription = pushObject.getString("channelDescription"); + if (pushObject.has("accentColor")) { + setHexNotificationAccentColor(pushObject.getString("accentColor")); + } + + if (messagingMode == 0) { + CountlyReactNative.messagingMode = Countly.CountlyMessagingMode.PRODUCTION; + } else { CountlyReactNative.messagingMode = Countly.CountlyMessagingMode.TEST; + } } } if (_config.has("attributionID")) { log("recordAttributionID: Not implemented for Android", LogLevel.DEBUG); } + if (_config.has("disableAdditionalIntentRedirectionChecks")) { + useAdditionalIntentRedirectionChecks = false; + disableAdditionalIntentRedirectionChecksConfigSet = true; + } if (_config.has("allowedIntentClassNames")) { JSONArray intentArr = _config.getJSONArray("allowedIntentClassNames"); String[] newArray = new String[intentArr.length()]; @@ -500,20 +522,14 @@ public void getCurrentDeviceId(Promise promise) { @ReactMethod public void getDeviceIDType(Promise promise) { DeviceIdType deviceIDType = Countly.sharedInstance().deviceId().getType(); - String deviceIDTypeString = null; - switch (deviceIDType) { - case DEVELOPER_SUPPLIED: - deviceIDTypeString = "DS"; - break; - case TEMPORARY_ID: - deviceIDTypeString = "TID"; - break; - case OPEN_UDID: - default: - deviceIDTypeString = "SG"; - break; + int deviceIDTypeInt = 10101; + if (deviceIDType.equals(DeviceIdType.DEVELOPER_SUPPLIED)) { + deviceIDTypeInt = 20202; + } else if (deviceIDType.equals(DeviceIdType.TEMPORARY_ID)) { + deviceIDTypeInt = 30303; } - promise.resolve(deviceIDTypeString); + + promise.resolve(deviceIDTypeInt); } @ReactMethod @@ -685,47 +701,22 @@ public void setCustomCrashSegments(ReadableArray args) { config.setCustomCrashSegment(segments); } + // Recieves an object with the following structure: + // {string} n: event name (mandatory) + // {number} c: event count (1 or a positive number) + // {number} s: event sum (0 or a number) + // {array} g: event segmentation (optional, as an array of key-value pairs consecutively) @ReactMethod - public void event(ReadableArray args) { - String eventType = args.getString(0); - switch (eventType) { - case "event": { - String eventName = args.getString(1); - int eventCount = Integer.parseInt(args.getString(2)); - Countly.sharedInstance().events().recordEvent(eventName, eventCount); - break; - } - case "eventWithSum": { - String eventName = args.getString(1); - int eventCount = Integer.parseInt(args.getString(2)); - float eventSum = Float.parseFloat(args.getString(3)); - Countly.sharedInstance().events().recordEvent(eventName, eventCount, eventSum); - break; - } - case "eventWithSegment": { - String eventName = args.getString(1); - int eventCount = Integer.parseInt(args.getString(2)); - HashMap segmentation = new HashMap<>(); - for (int i = 3, il = args.size(); i < il; i += 2) { - segmentation.put(args.getString(i), args.getString(i + 1)); - } - Countly.sharedInstance().events().recordEvent(eventName, segmentation, eventCount); - break; - } - case "eventWithSumSegment": { - String eventName = args.getString(1); - int eventCount = Integer.parseInt(args.getString(2)); - float eventSum = Float.parseFloat(args.getString(3)); - HashMap segmentation = new HashMap<>(); - for (int i = 4, il = args.size(); i < il; i += 2) { - segmentation.put(args.getString(i), args.getString(i + 1)); - } - Countly.sharedInstance().events().recordEvent(eventName, segmentation, eventCount, eventSum); - break; - } - default: - break; - } + public void recordEvent(ReadableMap args) { + String eventName = args.getString("n"); + int eventCount = args.getInt("c"); + double eventSum = args.getDouble("s"); + Map segmentation = null; + if (args.hasKey("g")) { + segmentation = convertToEventMap(args.getArray("g")); + } + + Countly.sharedInstance().events().recordEvent(eventName, segmentation, eventCount, eventSum); } @ReactMethod @@ -741,45 +732,16 @@ public void cancelEvent(ReadableArray args) { } @ReactMethod - public void endEvent(ReadableArray args) { - String eventType = args.getString(0); - switch (eventType) { - case "event": { - String eventName = args.getString(1); - Countly.sharedInstance().events().endEvent(eventName); - break; - } - case "eventWithSum": { - String eventName = args.getString(1); - int eventCount = Integer.parseInt(args.getString(2)); - float eventSum = Float.parseFloat(args.getString(3)); - Countly.sharedInstance().events().endEvent(eventName, null, eventCount, eventSum); - break; - } - case "eventWithSegment": { - String eventName = args.getString(1); - int eventCount = Integer.parseInt(args.getString(2)); - HashMap segmentation = new HashMap<>(); - for (int i = 4, il = args.size(); i < il; i += 2) { - segmentation.put(args.getString(i), args.getString(i + 1)); - } - Countly.sharedInstance().events().endEvent(eventName, segmentation, eventCount, 0); - break; - } - case "eventWithSumSegment": { - String eventName = args.getString(1); - int eventCount = Integer.parseInt(args.getString(2)); - float eventSum = Float.parseFloat(args.getString(3)); - HashMap segmentation = new HashMap<>(); - for (int i = 4, il = args.size(); i < il; i += 2) { - segmentation.put(args.getString(i), args.getString(i + 1)); - } - Countly.sharedInstance().events().endEvent(eventName, segmentation, eventCount, eventSum); - break; - } - default: - break; - } + public void endEvent(ReadableMap args) { + String eventName = args.getString("n"); + int eventCount = args.getInt("c"); + double eventSum = args.getDouble("s"); + Map segmentation = null; + if (args.hasKey("g")) { + segmentation = convertToEventMap(args.getArray("g")); + } + + Countly.sharedInstance().events().endEvent(eventName, segmentation, eventCount, eventSum); } @ReactMethod @@ -945,7 +907,10 @@ public void onComplete(@NonNull Task task) { @ReactMethod public void configureIntentRedirectionCheck(ReadableArray intentClassNames, ReadableArray intentPackageNames, boolean useAdditionalIntentRedirectionChecks) { Countly.sharedInstance(); - this.useAdditionalIntentRedirectionChecks = useAdditionalIntentRedirectionChecks; + // if in config you disabled this option, then you can't enable it later + if (disableAdditionalIntentRedirectionChecksConfigSet == false) { + this.useAdditionalIntentRedirectionChecks = useAdditionalIntentRedirectionChecks; + } allowedIntentClassNames.clear(); allowedIntentPackageNames.clear(); @@ -1658,6 +1623,41 @@ static void log(String message, Throwable tr, LogLevel logLevel) { } } + public Map convertToEventMap(ReadableArray segments) { + Map segmentation = new HashMap<>(); + if (segments == null) { + return segmentation; + } + int len = segments.size(); + for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 2) { + String key = segments.getString(i); + if (i + 1 < len) { + ReadableType valueType = segments.getType(i + 1); + switch (valueType) { + case String: + segmentation.put(key, segments.getString(i + 1)); + break; + case Boolean: + segmentation.put(key, segments.getBoolean(i + 1)); + break; + case Number: + double doubleValue = segments.getDouble(i + 1); + int intValue = (int) doubleValue; // casting to int will remove the decimal part + if (doubleValue == intValue) { + segmentation.put(key, intValue); + } else { + segmentation.put(key, doubleValue); + } + break; + default: + // Skip other types + break; + } + } + } + return segmentation; + } + Activity getActivity() { Activity activity = getCurrentActivity(); if (activity == null && _reactContext != null) { diff --git a/babel.config.js b/babel.config.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d88277db --- /dev/null +++ b/babel.config.js @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +module.exports = { + presets: ["module:metro-react-native-babel-preset"], +}; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/example/CountlyRNExample/APM.tsx b/example/CountlyRNExample/APM.tsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..24173810 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/CountlyRNExample/APM.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +import React from "react"; +import { ScrollView } from "react-native"; +import { SafeAreaView } from "react-native-safe-area-context"; +import Countly from "countly-sdk-react-native-bridge"; +import CountlyButton from "./CountlyButton"; + +const successCodes = [100, 101, 200, 201, 202, 205, 300, 301, 303, 305]; +const failureCodes = [400, 402, 405, 408, 500, 501, 502, 505]; + +const startTrace = () => { + const traceKey = "Trace Key"; + Countly.startTrace(traceKey); +}; +const endTrace = () => { + const traceKey = "Trace Key"; + const customMetric = { + ABC: 1233, + C44C: 1337, + }; + Countly.endTrace(traceKey, customMetric); +}; +const random = (number: number) => { + return Math.floor(Math.random() * number); +}; +const recordNetworkTraceSuccess = () => { + const networkTraceKey = "api/endpoint.1"; + const responseCode = successCodes[random(successCodes.length)]; + const requestPayloadSize = random(700) + 200; + const responsePayloadSize = random(700) + 200; + const startTime = new Date().getTime(); + const endTime = startTime + 500; + Countly.recordNetworkTrace(networkTraceKey, responseCode, requestPayloadSize, responsePayloadSize, startTime, endTime); +}; +const recordNetworkTraceFailure = () => { + const networkTraceKey = "api/endpoint.1"; + const responseCode = failureCodes[random(failureCodes.length)]; + const requestPayloadSize = random(700) + 250; + const responsePayloadSize = random(700) + 250; + const startTime = new Date().getTime(); + const endTime = startTime + 500; + Countly.recordNetworkTrace(networkTraceKey, responseCode, requestPayloadSize, responsePayloadSize, startTime, endTime); +}; + +function APMScreen({ navigation }) { + return ( + + + + + + + + + ); +} + +export default APMScreen; diff --git a/example/CountlyRNExample/App.tsx b/example/CountlyRNExample/App.tsx index ada2d2f3..2b5013d2 100644 --- a/example/CountlyRNExample/App.tsx +++ b/example/CountlyRNExample/App.tsx @@ -1,998 +1,58 @@ -/** - * Sample React Native App - * https://github.com/facebook/react-native - * - * @format - */ - -import React, { Component } from 'react'; -import { Text, ScrollView, Image, View, TextInput, StyleSheet, SafeAreaView, Platform, Alert } from 'react-native'; -import CountlyButton from './CountlyButton'; -import Countly from 'countly-sdk-react-native-bridge'; -import CountlyConfig from 'countly-sdk-react-native-bridge/CountlyConfig'; - -const successCodes = [100, 101, 200, 201, 202, 205, 300, 301, 303, 305]; -const failureCodes = [400, 402, 405, 408, 500, 501, 502, 505]; -const COUNTLY_APP_KEY = 'YOUR_APP_KEY'; -const COUNTLY_SERVER_KEY = 'https://try.count.ly'; - -class AttributionKey { - static IDFA = 'idfa'; - static AdvertisingID = 'adid'; -} -const campaignData = '{"cid":"[PROVIDED_CAMPAIGN_ID]", "cuid":"[PROVIDED_CAMPAIGN_USER_ID]"}'; - -//Base Countly Interfaces -interface UserDataPredefined { - name?: string; - username?: string; - email?: string; - organization?: string; - phone?: string; - picture?: string; - picturePath?: string; - gender?: string; - byear?: number; -} - -interface Segmentation {} - -interface EventProps { - eventName: string; - segments?: Segmentation; - eventCount?: number; - eventSum?: string; -} - -//Example App custom interfaces -interface SegmentationCustom_1 extends Segmentation { - Country: string; - Age: string; -} - -interface EventPropsCustom_1 extends EventProps { - segments?: SegmentationCustom_1; -} - -interface UserDataBulkCustom_1 extends UserDataPredefined { - customeValueA?: string; - customeValueB?: string; -} - -class Example extends Component { - constructor(props) { - super(props); - this.state = { ratingId: '61eac4627b8ad224e37bb3f5' }; - this.config = {}; - - this.onInit = this.onInit.bind(this); - this.onStart = this.onStart.bind(this); - this.basicEvent = this.basicEvent.bind(this); - this.eventWithSum = this.eventWithSum.bind(this); - this.eventWithSegment = this.eventWithSegment.bind(this); - this.eventWithSumAndSegment = this.eventWithSumAndSegment.bind(this); - this.startEvent = this.startEvent.bind(this); - this.test = this.test.bind(this); - this.onSendUserData = this.onSendUserData.bind(this); - this.onSendUserDataBulk = this.onSendUserDataBulk.bind(this); - this.onSetUserProperties = this.onSetUserProperties.bind(this); - this.onUpdateUserData = this.onUpdateUserData.bind(this); - this.userData_setProperty = this.userData_setProperty.bind(this); - this.userData_increment = this.userData_increment.bind(this); - this.userData_multiply = this.userData_multiply.bind(this); - this.userData_saveMax = this.userData_saveMax.bind(this); - this.userData_saveMin = this.userData_saveMin.bind(this); - this.userData_setOnce = this.userData_setOnce.bind(this); - this.changeDeviceId = this.changeDeviceId.bind(this); - this.askForNotificationPermission = this.askForNotificationPermission.bind(this); - - this.startTrace = this.startTrace.bind(this); - this.endTrace = this.endTrace.bind(this); - this.recordNetworkTraceSuccess = this.recordNetworkTraceSuccess.bind(this); - this.recordNetworkTraceFailure = this.recordNetworkTraceFailure.bind(this); - this.random = this.random.bind(this); - this.setCustomCrashSegments = this.setCustomCrashSegments.bind(this); - this.presentRatingWidgetUsingEditBox = this.presentRatingWidgetUsingEditBox.bind(this); - } - - componentDidMount = () => { - console.log('component did mount'); - // this.onInit(); - }; - - componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) { - console.log('componentDidUpdate'); - } - - componentWillUnmount() { - console.log('componentWillUnmount'); - } - - onInit = async () => { - const attributionValues = {}; - if (/ios/.exec(Platform.OS)) { - attributionValues[AttributionKey.IDFA] = 'IDFA'; - } else { - attributionValues[AttributionKey.AdvertisingID] = 'AdvertisingID'; - } - - if (await Countly.isInitialized()) { - return; - } - const countlyConfig = new CountlyConfig(COUNTLY_SERVER_KEY, COUNTLY_APP_KEY) - // .setDeviceID(Countly.TemporaryDeviceIDString) // Enable temporary id mode - .setLoggingEnabled(true) // Enable countly internal debugging logs - .enableCrashReporting() // Enable crash reporting to report unhandled crashes to Countly - .setRequiresConsent(true) // Set that consent should be required for features to work. - .giveConsent(['location', 'sessions', 'attribution', 'push', 'events', 'views', 'crashes', 'users', 'push', 'star-rating', 'apm', 'feedback', 'remote-config']) // give consent for specific features before init. - .setLocation('TR', 'Istanbul', '41.0082,28.9784', '') // Set user initial location. - /** Optional settings for Countly initialisation */ - .enableParameterTamperingProtection('salt') // Set the optional salt to be used for calculating the checksum of requested data which will be sent with each request - // .pinnedCertificates("count.ly.cer") // It will ensure that connection is made with one of the public keys specified - // .setHttpPostForced(false) // Set to "true" if you want HTTP POST to be used for all requests - .enableApm() // Enable APM features, which includes the recording of app start time. - .pushTokenType(Countly.messagingMode.DEVELOPMENT, 'ChannelName', 'ChannelDescription') // Set messaging mode for push notifications - .configureIntentRedirectionCheck(['MainActivity'], ['com.countly.demo']) - .setStarRatingDialogTexts('Title', 'Message', 'Dismiss') - .recordDirectAttribution('countly', campaignData) - .recordIndirectAttribution(attributionValues); - - await Countly.initWithConfig(countlyConfig); // Initialize the countly SDK. - Countly.appLoadingFinished(); - /** - * Push notifications settings - * Should be call after init - */ - Countly.registerForNotification((theNotification: string) => { - const jsonString = JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(theNotification)); - console.log(`Just received this notification data: ${jsonString}`); - Alert.alert(`theNotification: ${jsonString}`); - }); // Set callback to receive push notifications - Countly.askForNotificationPermission('android.resource://com.countly.demo/raw/notif_sample'); // This method will ask for permission, enables push notification and send push token to countly server. - }; - - onStart = () => { - Countly.start(); - }; - onStop = () => { - Countly.stop(); - }; - onSendUserData = () => { - // example for setUserData - const options: UserDataPredefined = { - name: 'Name of User', - username: 'Username', - email: 'User Email', - organization: 'User Organization', - phone: 'User Contact number', - picture: 'https://count.ly/images/logos/countly-logo.png', - picturePath: '', - gender: 'Male', - byear: 1989, - }; - Countly.setUserData(options); - }; - - onSetUserProperties = () => { - // example for setUserData - // Predefined user properties - const options: UserDataBulkCustom_1 = { - name: 'Name of User', - username: 'Username', - email: 'User Email', - organization: 'User Organization', - phone: 'User Contact number', - picture: 'https://count.ly/images/logos/countly-logo.png', - picturePath: '', - gender: 'Male', - byear: 1989, - // Custom User Properties - customeValueA: 'Custom value A', - customeValueB: 'Custom value B', - }; - Countly.userDataBulk.setUserProperties(options); - Countly.userDataBulk.save(); - }; - - onSendUserDataBulk = () => { - // Promise.allSettled([Countly.userDataBulk.setProperty("key", "value"), - // Countly.userDataBulk.setProperty("increment", 5), - // Countly.userDataBulk.increment("increment"), - // Countly.userDataBulk.setProperty("incrementBy", 5), - // Countly.userDataBulk.incrementBy("incrementBy", 10), - // Countly.userDataBulk.setProperty("multiply", 5), - // Countly.userDataBulk.multiply("multiply", 20), - // Countly.userDataBulk.setProperty("saveMax", 5), - // Countly.userDataBulk.saveMax("saveMax", 100), - // Countly.userDataBulk.setProperty("saveMin", 5), - // Countly.userDataBulk.saveMin("saveMin", 50), - // Countly.userDataBulk.setOnce("setOnce", 200), - // Countly.userDataBulk.pushUniqueValue("type", "morning"), - // Countly.userDataBulk.pushValue("type", "morning"), - // Countly.userDataBulk.pullValue("type", "morning")]) - // .then(values => { - // // We need to call the "save" in then block else it will cause a race condition and "save" may call before all the user profiles calls are completed - // Countly.userDataBulk.save(); - // }) - }; - - onUpdateUserData = () => { - // example for setUserData - const options: UserDataPredefined = { - organization: 'Updated User Organization', - phone: 'Updated User Contact number', - gender: 'Female', - byear: 1995, - }; - Countly.setUserData(options); - }; - basicEvent = () => { - // example for basic event - const event = { eventName: 'Basic Event', eventCount: 1 }; - Countly.sendEvent(event); - }; - eventWithSum = () => { - // example for event with sum - const event = { eventName: 'Event With Sum', eventCount: 1, eventSum: '0.99' }; - Countly.sendEvent(event); - }; - eventWithSegment = () => { - // example for event with segment - let event: EventPropsCustom_1 = { - eventName: 'Event With Segment', - eventCount: 1, - segments: { Country: 'Turkey', Age: '28' }, - }; - event.segments = { Country: 'Turkey', Age: '28' }; - Countly.sendEvent(event); - event = { - eventName: 'Event With Segment', - eventCount: 1, - segments: { Country: 'France', Age: '38' }, - }; - Countly.sendEvent(event); - }; - eventWithSumAndSegment = () => { - // example for event with segment and sum - let event: EventPropsCustom_1 = { - eventName: 'Event With Sum And Segment', - eventCount: 1, - eventSum: '0.99', - segments: { Country: 'Turkey', Age: '28' }, - }; - Countly.sendEvent(event); - event = { - eventName: 'Event With Sum And Segment', - eventCount: 3, - eventSum: '1.99', - segments: { Country: 'France', Age: '38' }, - }; - Countly.sendEvent(event); - }; - - // TIMED EVENTS - startEvent = () => { - Countly.startEvent('timedEvent'); - setTimeout(() => { - Countly.endEvent('timedEvent'); - }, 1000); - }; - - /* - setTimeout may not work correctly if you are attached to Chrome Debugger. - for workaround see: https://github.com/facebook/react-native/issues/9436 -*/ - timedEventWithSum = () => { - // Event with sum - Countly.startEvent('timedEventWithSum'); - - const event: EventProps = { - eventName: 'timedEventWithSum', - eventSum: '0.99', - }; - - setTimeout(() => { - Countly.endEvent(event); - }, 1000); - }; - - timedEventWithSegment = () => { - // Event with segment - Countly.startEvent('timedEventWithSegment'); - - const event: EventPropsCustom_1 = { - eventName: 'timedEventWithSegment', - segments: { Country: 'Germany', Age: '32' }, - }; - setTimeout(() => { - Countly.endEvent(event); - }, 1000); - }; - - timedEventWithSumAndSegment = () => { - // Event with Segment, sum and count - Countly.startEvent('timedEventWithSumAndSegment'); - - const event: EventPropsCustom_1 = { - eventName: 'timedEventWithSumAndSegment', - eventCount: 1, - eventSum: '0.99', - segments: { Country: 'India', Age: '21' }, - }; - setTimeout(() => { - Countly.endEvent(event); - }, 1000); - }; - // TIMED EVENTS - - userData_setProperty = () => { - Countly.userData.setProperty('setProperty', 'keyValue'); - }; - - userData_increment = () => { - Countly.userData.setProperty('increment', 5); - Countly.userData.increment('increment'); - }; - - userData_incrementBy = () => { - Countly.userData.setProperty('incrementBy', 5); - Countly.userData.incrementBy('incrementBy', 10); - }; - - userData_multiply = () => { - Countly.userData.setProperty('multiply', 5); - Countly.userData.multiply('multiply', 20); - }; - - userData_saveMax = () => { - Countly.userData.setProperty('saveMax', 5); - Countly.userData.saveMax('saveMax', 100); - }; - - userData_saveMin = () => { - Countly.userData.setProperty('saveMin', 5); - Countly.userData.saveMin('saveMin', 50); - }; - - userData_setOnce = () => { - Countly.userData.setOnce('setOnce', 200); - }; - - userData_pushUniqueValue = () => { - Countly.userData.pushUniqueValue('type', 'morning'); - }; - - userData_pushValue = () => { - Countly.userData.pushValue('type', 'morning'); - }; - - userData_pullValue = () => { - Countly.userData.pullValue('type', 'morning'); - }; - - temporaryDeviceIdMode = () => { - Countly.changeDeviceId(Countly.TemporaryDeviceIDString); - }; - - changeDeviceId = () => { - Countly.changeDeviceId('02d56d66-6a39-482d-aff0-d14e4d5e5fda'); - }; - - giveConsent = (name: string) => { - Countly.giveConsent([name]); - }; - - removeConsent = (name: string) => { - Countly.removeConsent([name]); - }; - - giveMultipleConsent = () => { - Countly.giveConsent(['events', 'views', 'star-rating', 'crashes', 'invalidFeatureName']); - }; - - removeMultipleConsent = () => { - Countly.removeConsent(['events', 'views']); - }; - - giveAllConsent = () => { - Countly.giveAllConsent(); - }; - - removeAllConsent = () => { - Countly.removeAllConsent(); - }; - - remoteConfigUpdate = () => { - Countly.remoteConfigUpdate((data) => { - console.log(data); - }); - }; - - updateRemoteConfigForKeysOnly = () => { - Countly.updateRemoteConfigForKeysOnly(['test1'], (data) => { - console.log(data); - }); - }; - - updateRemoteConfigExceptKeys = () => { - Countly.updateRemoteConfigExceptKeys(['test1'], (data) => { - console.log(data); - }); - }; - - getAndPresentRating = () => { - Countly.feedback.getAvailableFeedbackWidgets((retrivedWidgets, error) => { - if (error != null) { - console.log(`reportRatingManually Error : ${error}`); - } else { - console.log(`reportRatingManually Success : ${retrivedWidgets.length}`); - const widget = retrivedWidgets.find((x) => x.type === 'rating'); - if (widget) { - this.presentWidget(widget); - } - } - }); - }; - - presentWidget = (widget) => { - Countly.feedback.presentFeedbackWidget( - widget, - 'Close', - function () { - console.log('presentWidget : ' + 'Widgetshown'); - }, - function () { - console.log('presentWidget : ' + 'Widgetclosed'); - } - ); - }; - - getRemoteConfigValueForKeyBoolean = () => { - Countly.getRemoteConfigValueForKey('booleanValue', (data) => { - console.log(data); - }); - }; - getRemoteConfigValueForKeyFloat = () => { - Countly.getRemoteConfigValueForKey('floatValue', (data) => { - console.log(data); - }); - }; - getRemoteConfigValueForKeyInteger = () => { - Countly.getRemoteConfigValueForKey('integerValue', (data) => { - console.log(data); - }); - }; - getRemoteConfigValueForKeyString = () => { - Countly.getRemoteConfigValueForKey('stringValue', (data) => { - console.log(data); - }); - }; - getRemoteConfigValueForKeyJSON = () => { - Countly.getRemoteConfigValueForKey('jsonValue', (data) => { - console.log(data); - }); - }; - - remoteConfigClearValues = () => { - Countly.remoteConfigClearValues(); - }; - - setLocation = () => { - const countryCode = 'us'; - const city = 'Houston'; - const latitude = '29.634933'; - const longitude = '-95.220255'; - const ipAddress = ''; - Countly.setLocation(countryCode, city, `${latitude},${longitude}`, ipAddress); - }; - disableLocation = () => { - Countly.disableLocation(); - }; - - askForNotificationPermission = () => { - Countly.askForNotificationPermission(); - }; - - setStarRatingDialogTexts = () => { - Countly.setStarRatingDialogTexts(); - }; - - showStarRating = () => { - Countly.showStarRating(); - }; - - showFeedbackPopup = () => { - Countly.showFeedbackPopup('5f8c837a5294f7aae370067c', 'Submit'); - }; - - presentRatingWidget = () => { - Countly.presentRatingWidgetWithID('625f9032028614795fe5a85b', 'Submit', (error) => { - if (error != null) { - console.log(error); - } - }); - }; - - presentRatingWidgetUsingEditBox = function () { - Countly.presentRatingWidgetWithID(this.state.ratingId, 'Submit', (error) => { - if (error != null) { - console.log(`presentRatingWidgetUsingEditBox : ${error}`); - } - }); - }; - - showSurvey = () => { - Countly.getFeedbackWidgets((retrivedWidgets, error) => { - if (error != null) { - console.log(`showSurvey Error : ${error}`); - } else { - console.log(`showSurvey Success : ${retrivedWidgets.length}`); - const surveyWidget = retrivedWidgets.find((x) => x.type === 'survey'); - if (surveyWidget) { - Countly.presentFeedbackWidgetObject( - surveyWidget, - 'Close', - function () { - console.log('showSurvey presentFeedbackWidgetObject : ' + 'Widgetshown'); - }, - function () { - console.log('showSurvey presentFeedbackWidgetObject : ' + 'Widgetclosed'); - } - ); - } - } - }); - }; - - showNPS = () => { - Countly.getFeedbackWidgets((retrivedWidgets, error) => { - if (error != null) { - console.log(`showNPS Error : ${error}`); - } else { - console.log(`showNPS Success : ${retrivedWidgets.length}`); - const npsWidget = retrivedWidgets.find((x) => x.type === 'nps'); - if (npsWidget) { - Countly.presentFeedbackWidgetObject( - npsWidget, - 'Close', - function () { - console.log('showNPS presentFeedbackWidgetObject : ' + 'Widgetshown'); - }, - function () { - console.log('showNPS presentFeedbackWidgetObject : ' + 'Widgetclosed'); - } - ); - } - } - }); - }; - - addCrashLog = () => { - const timestamp = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000); - Countly.addCrashLog(`My crash log in string. Time: ${timestamp.toString()}`); - }; - - recordException = () => { - Countly.addCrashLog('User Performed Step A'); - setTimeout(() => { - Countly.addCrashLog('User Performed Step B'); - }, 1000); - setTimeout(() => { - Countly.addCrashLog('User Performed Step C'); - try { - const a = {}; - const x = a.b.c; // this will create error. - } catch (error) { - const stack = error.stack.toString(); - Countly.logException(stack, true, { _library_a_version: '0.0.1' }); - } - }, 1010); - }; - - // APM Examples - startTrace = () => { - const traceKey = 'Trace Key'; - Countly.startTrace(traceKey); - }; - endTrace = () => { - const traceKey = 'Trace Key'; - const customMetric = { - ABC: 1233, - C44C: 1337, - }; - Countly.endTrace(traceKey, customMetric); - }; - random = (number: number) => { - return Math.floor(Math.random() * number); - }; - recordNetworkTraceSuccess = () => { - const networkTraceKey = 'api/endpoint.1'; - const responseCode = successCodes[this.random(successCodes.length)]; - const requestPayloadSize = this.random(700) + 200; - const responsePayloadSize = this.random(700) + 200; - Countly.recordNetworkTrace(networkTraceKey, responseCode, requestPayloadSize, responsePayloadSize); - }; - recordNetworkTraceFailure = () => { - const networkTraceKey = 'api/endpoint.1'; - const responseCode = failureCodes[this.random(failureCodes.length)]; - const requestPayloadSize = this.random(700) + 250; - const responsePayloadSize = this.random(700) + 250; - const startTime = new Date().getTime(); - const endTime = startTime + 500; - Countly.recordNetworkTrace(networkTraceKey, responseCode, requestPayloadSize, responsePayloadSize, startTime, endTime); - }; - - setCustomCrashSegments = () => { - const segment = { Key: 'Value' }; - Countly.setCustomCrashSegments(segment); - }; - - /* - testCrash = () => { - Countly.testCrash(); - } - */ - - setCustomMetrics = () => { - const customMetric = { - _carrier: 'Custom Carrier', - }; - Countly.setCustomMetrics(customMetric); - }; - - recordDirectAttribution = () => { - Countly.recordDirectAttribution('countly', campaignData); - }; - - recordIndirectAttribution = () => { - const attributionValues = {}; - if (/ios/.exec(Platform.OS)) { - attributionValues[AttributionKey.IDFA] = 'IDFA'; - } else { - attributionValues[AttributionKey.AdvertisingID] = 'AdvertisingID'; - } - - Countly.recordIndirectAttribution(attributionValues); - }; - - test = () => { - this.onInit(); - this.onStart(); - this.basicEvent(); - this.eventWithSum(); - this.eventWithSegment(); - this.eventWithSumAndSegment(); - this.startEvent(); - this.onSendUserData(); - this.onSendUserDataBulk(); - this.onSetUserProperties(); - this.onUpdateUserData(); - this.userData_setProperty(); - this.userData_increment(); - this.userData_incrementBy(); - this.userData_multiply(); - this.userData_saveMax(); - this.userData_saveMin(); - this.userData_setOnce(); - // Note: Crash test for setLocation method. - // Countly.setLocation(null, city, latitude + "," + longitude, ipAddress); - // Countly.setLocation(null, null, latitude + "," + longitude, ipAddress); - // Countly.setLocation(null, null, null, ipAddress); - // Countly.setLocation(null, null, null, null); - // Countly.setLocation(countryCode, null, null, null); - // Countly.setLocation(countryCode, city, null, null); - // Countly.setLocation(countryCode, city, latitude + "," + longitude, null); - // Countly.setLocation(countryCode, city, ",", ipAddress); - // Countly.setLocation(countryCode, city, "0,0", ipAddress); - // Countly.setLocation(countryCode, city, "a,b", ipAddress); - // Countly.setLocation(countryCode, city, "abcd", ipAddress); - }; - +import * as React from "react"; +import { NavigationContainer } from "@react-navigation/native"; +import { createNativeStackNavigator } from "@react-navigation/native-stack"; + +import { navigationName } from "./Constants"; +import HomeScreen from "./Home"; +import FeedbackScreen from "./Feedback"; +import EventScreen from "./Events"; +import UserProfilesScreen from "./UserProfiles"; +import ViewsScreen from "./Views"; +import APMScreen from "./APM"; +import DeviceIDScreen from "./DeviceID"; +import ConsentScreen from "./Consent"; +import RemoteConfigScreen from "./RemoteConfig"; +import OthersScreen from "./Others"; +import CrashesScreen from "./Crashes"; +import EventLegacyScreen from "./EventsLegacy"; +import { Image } from "react-native"; + +const Stack = createNativeStackNavigator(); +class Example extends React.Component { render() { return ( - - - - { - console.log(e.nativeEvent.error); - }} - /> - React Native Demo App - - - - - - - - . - Events Start - - - - - - - - - Events End - . - 2017 - User Methods Start - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - User Methods End - . - Other Methods Start - - - - - - - - { - this.setState({ ratingId }); - }} - onSubmitEditing={(ratingId) => { - this.setState({ ratingId }); - }} - value={this.state.ratingId} - /> - - - - - - - - Other Methods End - . - Push Notification Start - - - - Push Notification End - . - Consent Start - - - {/* Give Consent */} - { - this.giveConsent('sessions'); - }} - title="Give sessions" - color="#00b5ad" - /> - { - this.giveConsent('events'); - }} - title="Give events" - color="#00b5ad" - /> - { - this.giveConsent('views'); - }} - title="Give views" - color="#00b5ad" - /> - { - this.giveConsent('location'); - }} - title="Give location" - color="#00b5ad" - /> - { - this.giveConsent('crashes'); - }} - title="Give crashes" - color="#00b5ad" - /> - { - this.giveConsent('attribution'); - }} - title="Give attribution" - color="#00b5ad" - /> - { - this.giveConsent('users'); - }} - title="Give users" - color="#00b5ad" - /> - { - this.giveConsent('push'); - }} - title="Give push" - color="#00b5ad" - /> - { - this.giveConsent('star-rating'); - }} - title="Give star-rating" - color="#00b5ad" - /> - { - this.giveConsent('apm'); - }} - title="Give APM" - color="#00b5ad" - /> - - {/* Remove Consent */} - { - this.removeConsent('sessions'); - }} - title="Remove sessions" - color="#00b5ad" - /> - { - this.removeConsent('events'); - }} - title="Remove events" - color="#00b5ad" - /> - { - this.removeConsent('views'); - }} - title="Remove views" - color="#00b5ad" - /> - { - this.removeConsent('location'); - }} - title="Remove location" - color="#00b5ad" - /> - { - this.removeConsent('crashes'); - }} - title="Remove crashes" - color="#00b5ad" - /> - { - this.removeConsent('attribution'); - }} - title="Remove attribution" - color="#00b5ad" - /> - { - this.removeConsent('users'); - }} - title="Remove users" - color="#00b5ad" - /> - { - this.removeConsent('push'); - }} - title="Remove push" - color="#00b5ad" - /> - { - this.removeConsent('star-rating'); - }} - title="Remove star-rating" - color="#00b5ad" - /> - { - this.removeConsent('apm'); - }} - title="Remove APM" - color="#00b5ad" - /> - - - Consent End - . - Remote Config Start - - - - - - - - - - Remote Config End - . - Crash Event start - - Crash Event End - . - APM Example Start - - - - - - - APM Example Start - . - {/* - - */} - - + + + ( + { + console.log(e.nativeEvent.error); + }} + /> + ), + }} + /> + + + + + + + + + + + + + ); } } -const styles = StyleSheet.create({ - inputRoundedBorder: { - margin: 5, - backgroundColor: 'white', - borderWidth: 1, - borderRadius: 10, - borderColor: 'grey', - padding: 10, - fontSize: 20, - }, -}); - export default Example; diff --git a/example/CountlyRNExample/Configuration.tsx b/example/CountlyRNExample/Configuration.tsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b6ba1e64 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/CountlyRNExample/Configuration.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +import CountlyConfig from "countly-sdk-react-native-bridge/CountlyConfig"; + +const COUNTLY_SERVER_KEY = "https://your.server.ly"; +const COUNTLY_APP_KEY = "YOUR_APP_KEY"; + +if (COUNTLY_APP_KEY === "YOUR_APP_KEY" || COUNTLY_SERVER_KEY === "https://your.server.ly") { + console.warn("Please do not use default set of app key and server url") +} + +const countlyConfig = new CountlyConfig(COUNTLY_SERVER_KEY, COUNTLY_APP_KEY).setLoggingEnabled(true); // Enable countly internal debugging logs +// .disableAdditionalIntentRedirectionChecks() // Disable additional intent redirection checks +// .setDeviceID(Countly.TemporaryDeviceIDString) // Enable temporary id mode +// .enableCrashReporting() // Enable crash reporting to report unhandled crashes to Countly +// .setRequiresConsent(true) // Set that consent should be required for features to work. +// .giveConsent(['location', 'sessions', 'attribution', 'push', 'events', 'views', 'crashes', 'users', 'push', 'star-rating', 'apm', 'feedback', 'remote-config']) // give consent for specific features before init. +// .setLocation('TR', 'Istanbul', '41.0082,28.9784', '') // Set user initial location. +// .enableParameterTamperingProtection('salt') // Set the optional salt to be used for calculating the checksum of requested data which will be sent with each request +// .pinnedCertificates("count.ly.cer") // It will ensure that connection is made with one of the public keys specified +// .setHttpPostForced(false) // Set to "true" if you want HTTP POST to be used for all requests +// .pushTokenType(Countly.messagingMode.DEVELOPMENT, 'ChannelName', 'ChannelDescription') // Set messaging mode for push notifications +// .configureIntentRedirectionCheck(['MainActivity'], ['com.countly.demo']) +// .setStarRatingDialogTexts('Title', 'Message', 'Dismiss') +// .recordDirectAttribution('countly', campaignData) +// .recordIndirectAttribution(attributionValues) + +// APM configuration ======================================== +// countlyConfig.apm +// .enableAppStartTimeTracking() +// .enableForegroundBackgroundTracking() +// .enableManualAppLoadedTrigger() +// .setAppStartTimestampOverride(11223344); + +export default countlyConfig; diff --git a/example/CountlyRNExample/Consent.tsx b/example/CountlyRNExample/Consent.tsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9beb4c61 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/CountlyRNExample/Consent.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,185 @@ +import React from "react"; +import { ScrollView } from "react-native"; +import { SafeAreaView } from "react-native-safe-area-context"; +import Countly from "countly-sdk-react-native-bridge"; +import CountlyButton from "./CountlyButton"; + +const giveConsent = (name: string) => { + Countly.giveConsent([name]); +}; + +const removeConsent = (name: string) => { + Countly.removeConsent([name]); +}; + +const giveMultipleConsent = () => { + Countly.giveConsent(["events", "views", "star-rating", "crashes", "invalidFeatureName"]); +}; + +const removeMultipleConsent = () => { + Countly.removeConsent(["events", "views"]); +}; + +const giveAllConsent = () => { + Countly.giveAllConsent(); +}; + +const removeAllConsent = () => { + Countly.removeAllConsent(); +}; + +function ConsentScreen({ navigation }) { + return ( + + + + + { + giveConsent("sessions"); + }} + title="Give sessions" + color="#00b5ad" + /> + { + giveConsent("events"); + }} + title="Give events" + color="#00b5ad" + /> + { + giveConsent("views"); + }} + title="Give views" + color="#00b5ad" + /> + { + giveConsent("location"); + }} + title="Give location" + color="#00b5ad" + /> + { + giveConsent("crashes"); + }} + title="Give crashes" + color="#00b5ad" + /> + { + giveConsent("attribution"); + }} + title="Give attribution" + color="#00b5ad" + /> + { + giveConsent("users"); + }} + title="Give users" + color="#00b5ad" + /> + { + giveConsent("push"); + }} + title="Give push" + color="#00b5ad" + /> + { + giveConsent("star-rating"); + }} + title="Give star-rating" + color="#00b5ad" + /> + { + giveConsent("apm"); + }} + title="Give APM" + color="#00b5ad" + /> + + { + removeConsent("sessions"); + }} + title="Remove sessions" + color="#00b5ad" + /> + { + removeConsent("events"); + }} + title="Remove events" + color="#00b5ad" + /> + { + removeConsent("views"); + }} + title="Remove views" + color="#00b5ad" + /> + { + removeConsent("location"); + }} + title="Remove location" + color="#00b5ad" + /> + { + removeConsent("crashes"); + }} + title="Remove crashes" + color="#00b5ad" + /> + { + removeConsent("attribution"); + }} + title="Remove attribution" + color="#00b5ad" + /> + { + removeConsent("users"); + }} + title="Remove users" + color="#00b5ad" + /> + { + removeConsent("push"); + }} + title="Remove push" + color="#00b5ad" + /> + { + removeConsent("star-rating"); + }} + title="Remove star-rating" + color="#00b5ad" + /> + { + removeConsent("apm"); + }} + title="Remove APM" + color="#00b5ad" + /> + + + + + ); +} + +export default ConsentScreen; diff --git a/example/CountlyRNExample/Constants.js b/example/CountlyRNExample/Constants.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e2d8c3d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/CountlyRNExample/Constants.js @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +const lightOrange = "#FFA737"; +const lightGreen = "#2DA657"; // countly green + +const navigationName = { + Home: "Countly RN Example", + Feedback: "Feedback", + Events: "Events", + UserProfiles: "User Profiles", + Views: "Views", + Crashes: "Crashes", + APM: "APM", + Consent: "Consent", + Others: "Others", + DeviceID: "Device ID", + RemoteConfig: "Remote Config", + eventLegacy: "Events Legacy" +}; + +export { lightOrange, navigationName, lightGreen }; diff --git a/example/CountlyRNExample/CountlyButton.tsx b/example/CountlyRNExample/CountlyButton.tsx index a86790d0..fe7c3c37 100644 --- a/example/CountlyRNExample/CountlyButton.tsx +++ b/example/CountlyRNExample/CountlyButton.tsx @@ -1,15 +1,16 @@ -import React from 'react'; -import { Text, StyleSheet, TouchableOpacity, GestureResponderEvent } from 'react-native'; +/* eslint-disable react-native/no-inline-styles */ +import React from "react"; +import { Text, StyleSheet, TouchableOpacity, GestureResponderEvent } from "react-native"; const customStyleOverrides = StyleSheet.create({ button: { - height: 40, - borderRadius: 6, - justifyContent: 'center', - alignItems: 'center', - marginLeft: 20, - marginTop: 10, - marginRight: 20, + borderRadius: 10, + justifyContent: "center", + alignItems: "center", + marginVertical: 5, + marginHorizontal: 20, + paddingHorizontal: 10, + paddingVertical: 5, }, text: { fontSize: 14, @@ -24,10 +25,17 @@ interface CountlyButtonProps { title: string; } -const CountlyButton = (props: CountlyButtonProps) : JSX.Element => { +const CountlyButton = (props: CountlyButtonProps): JSX.Element => { return ( - + {props.title} diff --git a/example/CountlyRNExample/Crashes.tsx b/example/CountlyRNExample/Crashes.tsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..41d0b657 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/CountlyRNExample/Crashes.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +import React from "react"; +import { ScrollView } from "react-native"; +import { SafeAreaView } from "react-native-safe-area-context"; +import Countly from "countly-sdk-react-native-bridge"; +import CountlyButton from "./CountlyButton"; + +const addCrashLog = () => { + const timestamp = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000); + Countly.addCrashLog(`My crash log in string. Time: ${timestamp.toString()}`); +}; + +const recordException = () => { + Countly.addCrashLog("User Performed Step A"); + setTimeout(() => { + Countly.addCrashLog("User Performed Step B"); + }, 1000); + setTimeout(() => { + Countly.addCrashLog("User Performed Step C"); + try { + const a = {}; + const x = a.b.c; // this will create error. + } catch (error) { + const stack = error.stack.toString(); + Countly.logException(stack, true, { _library_a_version: "0.0.1" }); + } + }, 1010); +}; + +const setCustomCrashSegments = () => { + const segment = { Key: "Value" }; + Countly.setCustomCrashSegments(segment); +}; + +function CrashesScreen({ navigation }) { + return ( + + + + + + + + ); +} + +export default CrashesScreen; diff --git a/example/CountlyRNExample/DeviceID.tsx b/example/CountlyRNExample/DeviceID.tsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6cd735d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/CountlyRNExample/DeviceID.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +import React from "react"; +import { ScrollView } from "react-native"; +import { SafeAreaView } from "react-native-safe-area-context"; +import Countly from "countly-sdk-react-native-bridge"; +import CountlyButton from "./CountlyButton"; +import { lightOrange } from "./Constants"; + +const temporaryDeviceIdMode = () => { + Countly.changeDeviceId(Countly.TemporaryDeviceIDString, true); +}; + +const changeDeviceId = () => { + Countly.changeDeviceId("02d56d66-6a39-482d-aff0-d14e4d5e5fda", true); +}; + +function DeviceIDScreen({ navigation }) { + return ( + + + + + + + ); +} + +export default DeviceIDScreen; diff --git a/example/CountlyRNExample/Events.tsx b/example/CountlyRNExample/Events.tsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e6276732 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/CountlyRNExample/Events.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +import React from "react"; +import { ScrollView } from "react-native"; +import { SafeAreaView } from "react-native-safe-area-context"; +import Countly from "countly-sdk-react-native-bridge"; +import CountlyButton from "./CountlyButton"; + +const basicEvent = () => { + // example for basic event + Countly.events.recordEvent("Basic Event", undefined, 1); +}; +const eventWithSum = () => { + // example for event with sum + Countly.events.recordEvent("Event With Sum", undefined, 1, 0.99); +}; +const eventWithSegment = () => { + // example for event with segment + Countly.events.recordEvent("Event With Segment", { Country: "Paris", Age: 28 }, 1, undefined); + Countly.events.recordEvent("Event With Segment", { Country: "France", Age: 38 }, 1, undefined); +}; +const eventWithSumAndSegment = () => { + // example for event with segment and sum + Countly.events.recordEvent("Event With Sum And Segment", { Country: "Lyon", Age: 28, height: 180.21, male: true, }, 1, 0.99); + Countly.events.recordEvent("Event With Sum And Segment", { Country: "France", Age: 38, height: 150.55, male: false, }, 3, 1.99); +}; + +// TIMED EVENTS +const startEvent = () => { + Countly.events.startEvent("timedEvent"); + setTimeout(() => { + Countly.events.endEvent("timedEvent"); + }, 1000); +}; + +/* + setTimeout may not work correctly if you are attached to Chrome Debugger. + for workaround see: https://github.com/facebook/react-native/issues/9436 +*/ +const timedEventWithSum = () => { + // Event with sum + Countly.events.startEvent("timedEventWithSum"); + + setTimeout(() => { + Countly.events.endEvent("timedEventWithSum", undefined, undefined, 0.99); + }, 1000); +}; + +const timedEventWithSegment = () => { + // Event with segment + Countly.events.startEvent("timedEventWithSegment"); + + setTimeout(() => { + Countly.events.endEvent("timedEventWithSegment", { Country: "Germany", Age: 32 }, undefined, undefined); + }, 1000); +}; + +const timedEventWithSumAndSegment = () => { + // Event with Segment, sum and count + Countly.events.startEvent("timedEventWithSumAndSegment"); + + setTimeout(() => { + Countly.events.endEvent("timedEventWithSumAndSegment", { Country: "India", Age: 21 }, 1, 0.99); + }, 1000); +}; +// TIMED EVENTS + +// Test Bad Values +const testEventWithBadValues = () => { + Countly.events.recordEvent(10); + Countly.events.recordEvent("Basic Event", "11"); + Countly.events.recordEvent("Basic Event", 1, "abc"); + Countly.events.recordEvent("Event With Sum", undefined, "1", "0.99"); + Countly.events.recordEvent("Event With Segment", ["Country", "France"], "1", "0.99"); + Countly.events.recordEvent("Event With Segment", { hello: ["Country", "France"] }, "abc", "def"); + Countly.events.recordEvent("timedEventWithSumAndSegment", { Country: "India", Age: 21 }, -2, 0.99); + Countly.events.recordEvent(null, null, null, null); + Countly.events.recordEvent(0, 0, 0, 0); + Countly.events.recordEvent(" ", " ", " ", " "); + Countly.events.recordEvent("", "", "", ""); +}; +// Test Bad Values + +const eventSendThreshold = () => { + Countly.setEventSendThreshold(10); +}; + +function EventScreen({ navigation }) { + return ( + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ); +} + +export default EventScreen; diff --git a/example/CountlyRNExample/EventsLegacy.tsx b/example/CountlyRNExample/EventsLegacy.tsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0f767e6c --- /dev/null +++ b/example/CountlyRNExample/EventsLegacy.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,143 @@ +import React from "react"; +import { ScrollView } from "react-native"; +import { SafeAreaView } from "react-native-safe-area-context"; +import Countly from "countly-sdk-react-native-bridge"; +import CountlyButton from "./CountlyButton"; + +interface Segmentation {} +interface SegmentationCustom_1 extends Segmentation { + Country: string; + Age: string; +} +interface EventProps { + eventName: string; + segments?: Segmentation; + eventCount?: number; + eventSum?: string; +} +interface EventPropsCustom_1 extends EventProps { + segments?: SegmentationCustom_1; +} + +const basicEvent = () => { + // example for basic event + const event = { eventName: "Basic Event", eventCount: 1 }; + Countly.sendEvent(event); +}; +const eventWithSum = () => { + // example for event with sum + const event = { eventName: "Event With Sum", eventCount: 1, eventSum: "0.99" }; + Countly.sendEvent(event); +}; +const eventWithSegment = () => { + // example for event with segment + let event: EventPropsCustom_1 = { + eventName: "Event With Segment", + eventCount: 1, + segments: { Country: "Turkey", Age: "28" }, + }; + event.segments = { Country: "Turkey", Age: "28" }; + Countly.sendEvent(event); + event = { + eventName: "Event With Segment", + eventCount: 1, + segments: { Country: "France", Age: "38" }, + }; + Countly.sendEvent(event); +}; +const eventWithSumAndSegment = () => { + // example for event with segment and sum + let event: EventPropsCustom_1 = { + eventName: "Event With Sum And Segment", + eventCount: 1, + eventSum: "0.99", + segments: { Country: "Turkey", Age: "28" }, + }; + Countly.sendEvent(event); + event = { + eventName: "Event With Sum And Segment", + eventCount: 3, + eventSum: "1.99", + segments: { Country: "France", Age: "38" }, + }; + Countly.sendEvent(event); +}; + +// TIMED EVENTS +const startEvent = () => { + Countly.startEvent("timedEvent"); + setTimeout(() => { + Countly.endEvent("timedEvent"); + }, 1000); +}; + +/* + setTimeout may not work correctly if you are attached to Chrome Debugger. + for workaround see: https://github.com/facebook/react-native/issues/9436 +*/ +const timedEventWithSum = () => { + // Event with sum + Countly.startEvent("timedEventWithSum"); + + const event: EventProps = { + eventName: "timedEventWithSum", + eventSum: "0.99", + }; + + setTimeout(() => { + Countly.endEvent(event); + }, 1000); +}; + +const timedEventWithSegment = () => { + // Event with segment + Countly.startEvent("timedEventWithSegment"); + + const event: EventPropsCustom_1 = { + eventName: "timedEventWithSegment", + segments: { Country: "Germany", Age: "32" }, + }; + setTimeout(() => { + Countly.endEvent(event); + }, 1000); +}; + +const timedEventWithSumAndSegment = () => { + // Event with Segment, sum and count + Countly.startEvent("timedEventWithSumAndSegment"); + + const event: EventPropsCustom_1 = { + eventName: "timedEventWithSumAndSegment", + eventCount: 1, + eventSum: "0.99", + segments: { Country: "India", Age: "21" }, + }; + setTimeout(() => { + Countly.endEvent(event); + }, 1000); +}; +// TIMED EVENTS + +const eventSendThreshold = () => { + Countly.setEventSendThreshold(10); +}; + +function EventLegacyScreen({ navigation }) { + return ( + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ); +} + +export default EventLegacyScreen; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/example/CountlyRNExample/Feedback.tsx b/example/CountlyRNExample/Feedback.tsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7c91ce73 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/CountlyRNExample/Feedback.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,276 @@ +/* eslint-disable react-native/no-inline-styles */ +import React from "react"; +import { ScrollView, StyleSheet, Text, TextInput } from "react-native"; +import { SafeAreaView } from "react-native-safe-area-context"; +import Countly from "countly-sdk-react-native-bridge"; +import CountlyButton from "./CountlyButton"; +import { lightOrange } from "./Constants"; + +// This function fetches the widget list and presents the widget with the given type. (with callback) +function getAndPresentWidgetWithCallback(widgetType: string) { + Countly.feedback.getAvailableFeedbackWidgets((retrivedWidgets: any[], error: any) => { + if (error != null) { + console.error(`reportRatingManually, Error [${error}]`); + return; + } + + console.log(`reportRatingManually, result [${JSON.stringify(retrivedWidgets)}]`); + const widget = retrivedWidgets.find((x: { type: string }) => x.type === widgetType); + if (!widget) { + console.error(`reportRatingManually, widget not found [${widgetType}]`); + return; + } + + presentWidget(widget); + }); +} + +// This function fetches the widget list and presents the widget with the given type. (async) +async function getAndPresentWidgetAsync(widgetType: string) { + const resultObject = await Countly.feedback.getAvailableFeedbackWidgets(); + console.log(`reportRatingManually, result [${JSON.stringify(resultObject)}]`); + if (resultObject.error != null) { + console.error(`reportRatingManually, Error [${resultObject.error}]`); + return; + } + const widget = resultObject.data.find((x: { type: string }) => x.type === widgetType); + if (!widget) { + console.error(`reportRatingManually, widget not found [${widgetType}]`); + return; + } + + presentWidget(widget); +} + +// This function presents the given widget. +function presentWidget(widget: any) { + Countly.feedback.presentFeedbackWidget( + widget, + "Close", + function () { + console.log("presentWidget, Widgetshown"); + }, + function () { + console.log("presentWidget, Widgetclosed"); + } + ); +} + +// This function fetches the widget list then widget data and then reports the widget manually. +async function reportWidgetManually(widgetType: string) { + // Get widget list + const resultObject = await Countly.feedback.getAvailableFeedbackWidgets(); + console.log(`reportWidgetManually, retrieved widget list result [${JSON.stringify(resultObject)}]`); + if (resultObject.error != null) { + console.error(`reportWidgetManually, Error [${resultObject.error}]`); + return; + } + + // Find widget by type + const widget = resultObject.data.find((x: { type: string }) => x.type === widgetType); + if (!widget) { + console.error(`reportWidgetManually, widget not found [${widgetType}]`); + return; + } + + // Get widget data + const widgetData = await Countly.feedback.getFeedbackWidgetData(widget); + if (widgetData.error != null) { + console.error("reportWidgetManually, Error while fetching widget data"); + return; + } + + // Report widget manually. Third parameter is some random data for the sake of example. + Countly.feedback.reportFeedbackWidgetManually(widget, widgetData.data, { rating: 5, comment: "This is random" }); +} + +// ============================================================ +// Old methods from the example project +// ============================================================ +const setStarRatingDialogTexts = () => { + Countly.setStarRatingDialogTexts(); +}; + +const showStarRating = () => { + Countly.showStarRating(); +}; + +const presentRatingWidgetUsingEditBox = function () { + Countly.presentRatingWidgetWithID(state.ratingId, "Submit", (error) => { + if (error != null) { + console.log(`presentRatingWidgetUsingEditBox : ${error}`); + } + }); +}; + +const showSurvey = () => { + Countly.getFeedbackWidgets((retrivedWidgets, error) => { + if (error != null) { + console.log(`showSurvey Error : ${error}`); + } else { + console.log(`showSurvey Success : ${retrivedWidgets.length}`); + const surveyWidget = retrivedWidgets.find((x) => x.type === "survey"); + if (surveyWidget) { + Countly.presentFeedbackWidgetObject( + surveyWidget, + "Close", + function () { + console.log("showSurvey presentFeedbackWidgetObject : " + "Widgetshown"); + }, + function () { + console.log("showSurvey presentFeedbackWidgetObject : " + "Widgetclosed"); + } + ); + } + } + }); +}; + +const showNPS = () => { + Countly.getFeedbackWidgets((retrivedWidgets, error) => { + if (error != null) { + console.log(`showNPS Error : ${error}`); + } else { + console.log(`showNPS Success : ${retrivedWidgets.length}`); + const npsWidget = retrivedWidgets.find((x) => x.type === "nps"); + if (npsWidget) { + Countly.presentFeedbackWidgetObject( + npsWidget, + "Close", + function () { + console.log("showNPS presentFeedbackWidgetObject : " + "Widgetshown"); + }, + function () { + console.log("showNPS presentFeedbackWidgetObject : " + "Widgetclosed"); + } + ); + } + } + }); +}; + +const styles = StyleSheet.create({ + inputRoundedBorder: { + margin: 5, + backgroundColor: "white", + borderWidth: 1, + borderRadius: 10, + borderColor: "grey", + padding: 10, + fontSize: 20, + }, +}); + +const state = { ratingId: "61eac4627b8ad224e37bb3f5" }; + +function FeedbackScreen({ navigation }) { + return ( + + + With Callback + { + getAndPresentWidgetWithCallback("rating"); + }} + color={lightOrange} + lightText={true} + /> + { + getAndPresentWidgetWithCallback("survey"); + }} + color={lightOrange} + lightText={true} + /> + { + getAndPresentWidgetWithCallback("nps"); + }} + color={lightOrange} + lightText={true} + /> + Async Method + + getAndPresentWidgetAsync("rating").catch((e) => { + console.log(e); + }) + } + color={lightOrange} + lightText={true} + /> + + getAndPresentWidgetAsync("survey").catch((e) => { + console.log(e); + }) + } + color={lightOrange} + lightText={true} + /> + + getAndPresentWidgetAsync("nps").catch((e) => { + console.log(e); + }) + } + color={lightOrange} + lightText={true} + /> + Report Widget Manually + + reportWidgetManually("rating").catch((e) => { + console.log(e); + }) + } + color={lightOrange} + lightText={true} + /> + + reportWidgetManually("survey").catch((e) => { + console.log(e); + }) + } + color={lightOrange} + lightText={true} + /> + + reportWidgetManually("nps").catch((e) => { + console.log(e); + }) + } + color={lightOrange} + lightText={true} + /> + Legacy Methods + + { + state.ratingId = ratingId; + }} + value={state.ratingId} + /> + + + + + + + ); +} + +export default FeedbackScreen; diff --git a/example/CountlyRNExample/Home.tsx b/example/CountlyRNExample/Home.tsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ccd2273f --- /dev/null +++ b/example/CountlyRNExample/Home.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +/* eslint-disable react-native/no-inline-styles */ +import React from "react"; +import { Text, SafeAreaView, ScrollView, Alert } from "react-native"; +import CountlyButton from "./CountlyButton"; +import Countly from "countly-sdk-react-native-bridge"; +import countlyConfig from "./Configuration"; +import { lightGreen, navigationName } from "./Constants"; + +async function initialize() { + if (await Countly.isInitialized()) { + console.warn("Countly is already initialized"); + return; + } + + await Countly.initWithConfig(countlyConfig); // Initialize the countly SDK. + Countly.appLoadingFinished(); + + /** + * Push notifications settings + * Should be call after init + */ + Countly.registerForNotification((theNotification: string) => { + const jsonString = JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(theNotification)); + console.log(`Just received this notification data: ${jsonString}`); + Alert.alert(`theNotification: ${jsonString}`); + }); // Set callback to receive push notifications + Countly.askForNotificationPermission("android.resource://com.countly.demo/raw/notif_sample"); // This method will ask for permission, enables push notification and send push token to countly server. +} + +function HomeScreen({ navigation }) { + initialize(); // Initialize the countly SDK. + return ( + + + Features List + navigation.navigate(navigationName.Feedback)} color={lightGreen} lightText={true} /> + navigation.navigate(navigationName.Events)} color={lightGreen} lightText={true} /> + navigation.navigate(navigationName.UserProfiles)} color={lightGreen} lightText={true} /> + navigation.navigate(navigationName.Views)} color={lightGreen} lightText={true} /> + navigation.navigate(navigationName.APM)} color={lightGreen} lightText={true} /> + navigation.navigate(navigationName.DeviceID)} color={lightGreen} lightText={true} /> + navigation.navigate(navigationName.Consent)} color={lightGreen} lightText={true} /> + navigation.navigate(navigationName.RemoteConfig)} color={lightGreen} lightText={true} /> + navigation.navigate(navigationName.Crashes)} color={lightGreen} lightText={true} /> + navigation.navigate(navigationName.Others)} color={lightGreen} lightText={true} /> + navigation.navigate(navigationName.eventLegacy)} color={lightGreen} lightText={true} /> + + + ); +} + +export default HomeScreen; diff --git a/example/CountlyRNExample/Others.tsx b/example/CountlyRNExample/Others.tsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5c98e702 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/CountlyRNExample/Others.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +import React from "react"; +import { Platform, ScrollView } from "react-native"; +import { SafeAreaView } from "react-native-safe-area-context"; +import Countly from "countly-sdk-react-native-bridge"; +import CountlyButton from "./CountlyButton"; + +class AttributionKey { + static IDFA = "idfa"; + + static AdvertisingID = "adid"; +} + +const campaignData = "{\"cid\":\"[PROVIDED_CAMPAIGN_ID]\", \"cuid\":\"[PROVIDED_CAMPAIGN_USER_ID]\"}"; + +const setLocation = () => { + const countryCode = "us"; + const city = "Houston"; + const latitude = "29.634933"; + const longitude = "-95.220255"; + const ipAddress = ""; + Countly.setLocation(countryCode, city, `${latitude},${longitude}`, ipAddress); +}; +const disableLocation = () => { + Countly.disableLocation(); +}; + +const askForNotificationPermission = () => { + Countly.askForNotificationPermission(); +}; + +const setCustomMetrics = () => { + const customMetric = { + _carrier: "Custom Carrier", + }; + Countly.setCustomMetrics(customMetric); +}; + +const recordDirectAttribution = () => { + Countly.recordDirectAttribution("countly", campaignData); +}; + +const recordIndirectAttribution = () => { + const attributionValues = {}; + if (/ios/.exec(Platform.OS)) { + attributionValues[AttributionKey.IDFA] = "IDFA"; + } else { + attributionValues[AttributionKey.AdvertisingID] = "AdvertisingID"; + } + + Countly.recordIndirectAttribution(attributionValues); +}; + +function OthersScreen({ navigation }) { + return ( + + + + + + + + + + + ); +} + +export default OthersScreen; diff --git a/example/CountlyRNExample/RemoteConfig.tsx b/example/CountlyRNExample/RemoteConfig.tsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bf05453f --- /dev/null +++ b/example/CountlyRNExample/RemoteConfig.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +import React from "react"; +import { ScrollView } from "react-native"; +import { SafeAreaView } from "react-native-safe-area-context"; +import Countly from "countly-sdk-react-native-bridge"; +import CountlyButton from "./CountlyButton"; + +const remoteConfigUpdate = () => { + Countly.remoteConfigUpdate((data) => { + console.log(data); + }); +}; + +const updateRemoteConfigForKeysOnly = () => { + Countly.updateRemoteConfigForKeysOnly(["test1"], (data) => { + console.log(data); + }); +}; + +const updateRemoteConfigExceptKeys = () => { + Countly.updateRemoteConfigExceptKeys(["test1"], (data) => { + console.log(data); + }); +}; + +const getRemoteConfigValueForKeyBoolean = () => { + Countly.getRemoteConfigValueForKey("booleanValue", (data) => { + console.log(data); + }); +}; +const getRemoteConfigValueForKeyFloat = () => { + Countly.getRemoteConfigValueForKey("floatValue", (data) => { + console.log(data); + }); +}; +const getRemoteConfigValueForKeyInteger = () => { + Countly.getRemoteConfigValueForKey("integerValue", (data) => { + console.log(data); + }); +}; +const getRemoteConfigValueForKeyString = () => { + Countly.getRemoteConfigValueForKey("stringValue", (data) => { + console.log(data); + }); +}; +const getRemoteConfigValueForKeyJSON = () => { + Countly.getRemoteConfigValueForKey("jsonValue", (data) => { + console.log(data); + }); +}; + +const remoteConfigClearValues = () => { + Countly.remoteConfigClearValues(); +}; + +function RemoteConfigScreen({ navigation }) { + return ( + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ); +} + +export default RemoteConfigScreen; diff --git a/example/CountlyRNExample/UserProfiles.tsx b/example/CountlyRNExample/UserProfiles.tsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..55cec93e --- /dev/null +++ b/example/CountlyRNExample/UserProfiles.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +import React from "react"; +import { ScrollView } from "react-native"; +import { SafeAreaView } from "react-native-safe-area-context"; +import Countly from "countly-sdk-react-native-bridge"; +import CountlyButton from "./CountlyButton"; + +interface UserDataPredefined { + name?: string; + username?: string; + email?: string; + organization?: string; + phone?: string; + picture?: string; + picturePath?: string; + gender?: string; + byear?: number; +} + +interface UserDataBulkCustom_1 extends UserDataPredefined { + customeValueA?: string; + customeValueB?: string; +} +const onSendUserData = () => { + // example for setUserData + const options: UserDataPredefined = { + name: "Name of User", + username: "Username", + email: "User Email", + organization: "User Organization", + phone: "User Contact number", + picture: "https://count.ly/images/logos/countly-logo.png", + picturePath: "", + gender: "Male", + byear: 1989, + }; + Countly.setUserData(options); +}; + +const onSetUserProperties = () => { + // example for setUserData + // Predefined user properties + const options: UserDataBulkCustom_1 = { + name: "Name of User", + username: "Username", + email: "User Email", + organization: "User Organization", + phone: "User Contact number", + picture: "https://count.ly/images/logos/countly-logo.png", + picturePath: "", + gender: "Male", + byear: 1989, + // Custom User Properties + customeValueA: "Custom value A", + customeValueB: "Custom value B", + }; + Countly.userDataBulk.setUserProperties(options); + Countly.userDataBulk.save(); +}; + +const onSendUserDataBulk = () => { + // Promise.allSettled([Countly.userDataBulk.setProperty("key", "value"), + // Countly.userDataBulk.setProperty("increment", 5), + // Countly.userDataBulk.increment("increment"), + // Countly.userDataBulk.setProperty("incrementBy", 5), + // Countly.userDataBulk.incrementBy("incrementBy", 10), + // Countly.userDataBulk.setProperty("multiply", 5), + // Countly.userDataBulk.multiply("multiply", 20), + // Countly.userDataBulk.setProperty("saveMax", 5), + // Countly.userDataBulk.saveMax("saveMax", 100), + // Countly.userDataBulk.setProperty("saveMin", 5), + // Countly.userDataBulk.saveMin("saveMin", 50), + // Countly.userDataBulk.setOnce("setOnce", 200), + // Countly.userDataBulk.pushUniqueValue("type", "morning"), + // Countly.userDataBulk.pushValue("type", "morning"), + // Countly.userDataBulk.pullValue("type", "morning")]) + // .then(values => { + // // We need to call the "save" in then block else it will cause a race condition and "save" may call before all the user profiles calls are completed + // Countly.userDataBulk.save(); + // }) +}; + +const onUpdateUserData = () => { + // example for setUserData + const options: UserDataPredefined = { + organization: "Updated User Organization", + phone: "Updated User Contact number", + gender: "Female", + byear: 1995, + }; + Countly.setUserData(options); +}; + +const userData_setProperty = () => { + Countly.userData.setProperty("setProperty", "keyValue"); +}; + +const userData_increment = () => { + Countly.userData.setProperty("increment", 5); + Countly.userData.increment("increment"); +}; + +const userData_incrementBy = () => { + Countly.userData.setProperty("incrementBy", 5); + Countly.userData.incrementBy("incrementBy", 10); +}; + +const userData_multiply = () => { + Countly.userData.setProperty("multiply", 5); + Countly.userData.multiply("multiply", 20); +}; + +const userData_saveMax = () => { + Countly.userData.setProperty("saveMax", 5); + Countly.userData.saveMax("saveMax", 100); +}; + +const userData_saveMin = () => { + Countly.userData.setProperty("saveMin", 5); + Countly.userData.saveMin("saveMin", 50); +}; + +const userData_setOnce = () => { + Countly.userData.setOnce("setOnce", 200); +}; + +const userData_pushUniqueValue = () => { + Countly.userData.pushUniqueValue("type", "morning"); +}; + +const userData_pushValue = () => { + Countly.userData.pushValue("type", "morning"); +}; + +const userData_pullValue = () => { + Countly.userData.pullValue("type", "morning"); +}; + +function UserProfilesScreen({ navigation }) { + return ( + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ); +} + +export default UserProfilesScreen; diff --git a/example/CountlyRNExample/Views.tsx b/example/CountlyRNExample/Views.tsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2ede2f46 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/CountlyRNExample/Views.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +import React from "react"; +import { ScrollView } from "react-native"; +import { SafeAreaView } from "react-native-safe-area-context"; +import Countly from "countly-sdk-react-native-bridge"; +import CountlyButton from "./CountlyButton"; + +function ViewsScreen({ navigation }) { + return ( + + + + + + + + ); +} + +export default ViewsScreen; diff --git a/example/create_app.py b/example/create_app.py index 3aab0ad3..87bee1bb 100644 --- a/example/create_app.py +++ b/example/create_app.py @@ -2,6 +2,13 @@ import os import platform +# This script sets up a React Native app with the Countly SDK +# It is meant to be run from the example folder +# It will remove any existing AwesomeProject folder, and create a new one +# It will then copy the contents of CountlyRNExample to AwesomeProject +# It will then add countly-sdk-react-native-bridge to dependencies in package.json +# If on iOS, it will run pod install + def setup_react_native_app(): print("Removing existing AwesomeProject folder...") @@ -23,7 +30,7 @@ def setup_react_native_app(): # Add countly-sdk-react-native-bridge to dependencies in package.json os.chdir("AwesomeProject") - os.system("npm install --save countly-sdk-react-native-bridge@latest") + os.system("npm install --save countly-sdk-react-native-bridge@latest @react-navigation/native react-native-screens react-native-safe-area-context @react-navigation/native-stack") # If on iOS, run pod install if platform.system() == "Darwin": diff --git a/ios/countly-sdk-react-native-bridge.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj b/ios/countly-sdk-react-native-bridge.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj index 69535f94..0ef8cd1a 100644 --- a/ios/countly-sdk-react-native-bridge.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj +++ b/ios/countly-sdk-react-native-bridge.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj @@ -11,22 +11,32 @@ 8B0E001F225527EA00C809EF /* CoreTelephony.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8B0E001E225527EA00C809EF /* CoreTelephony.framework */; }; 8B0E0021225527F100C809EF /* OpenGLES.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8B0E0020225527F100C809EF /* OpenGLES.framework */; }; 8B23E3372255198200807805 /* CountlyReactNative.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8B23E30A2255197B00807805 /* CountlyReactNative.m */; }; - 8B7E63DC243DD1BA000BB76D /* CountlyCrashReporter.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8B7E63C3243DD1B7000BB76D /* CountlyCrashReporter.m */; }; - 8B7E63DD243DD1BA000BB76D /* CountlyDeviceInfo.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8B7E63C4243DD1B7000BB76D /* CountlyDeviceInfo.m */; }; - 8B7E63DE243DD1BA000BB76D /* CountlyCommon.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8B7E63C6243DD1B8000BB76D /* CountlyCommon.m */; }; - 8B7E63DF243DD1BA000BB76D /* CountlyUserDetails.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8B7E63C7243DD1B8000BB76D /* CountlyUserDetails.m */; }; - 8B7E63E0243DD1BA000BB76D /* CountlyPersistency.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8B7E63CC243DD1B8000BB76D /* CountlyPersistency.m */; }; - 8B7E63E1243DD1BA000BB76D /* CountlyConnectionManager.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8B7E63CD243DD1B8000BB76D /* CountlyConnectionManager.m */; }; - 8B7E63E2243DD1BA000BB76D /* CountlyEvent.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8B7E63CE243DD1B8000BB76D /* CountlyEvent.m */; }; - 8B7E63E3243DD1BA000BB76D /* CountlyStarRating.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8B7E63CF243DD1B8000BB76D /* CountlyStarRating.m */; }; - 8B7E63E4243DD1BA000BB76D /* CountlyViewTracking.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8B7E63D0243DD1B8000BB76D /* CountlyViewTracking.m */; }; - 8B7E63E5243DD1BA000BB76D /* CountlyPushNotifications.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8B7E63D1243DD1B8000BB76D /* CountlyPushNotifications.m */; }; - 8B7E63E6243DD1BA000BB76D /* CountlyConfig.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8B7E63D2243DD1B9000BB76D /* CountlyConfig.m */; }; - 8B7E63E7243DD1BA000BB76D /* Countly.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8B7E63D4243DD1B9000BB76D /* Countly.m */; }; - 8B7E63E8243DD1BA000BB76D /* CountlyLocationManager.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8B7E63D5243DD1B9000BB76D /* CountlyLocationManager.m */; }; - 8B7E63E9243DD1BA000BB76D /* CountlyConsentManager.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8B7E63D6243DD1B9000BB76D /* CountlyConsentManager.m */; }; - 8B7E63EA243DD1BA000BB76D /* CountlyRemoteConfig.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8B7E63D8243DD1B9000BB76D /* CountlyRemoteConfig.m */; }; - 8B7E63EB243DD1BA000BB76D /* CountlyNotificationService.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8B7E63DA243DD1BA000BB76D /* CountlyNotificationService.m */; }; + C0C546C32B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyConsentManager.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C0C5467F2B7E5FD100EF5418 /* CountlyConsentManager.m */; }; + C0C546C42B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyLocationManager.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C0C546812B7E5FD100EF5418 /* CountlyLocationManager.m */; }; + C0C546C52B7E5FD400EF5418 /* Countly.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C0C546822B7E5FD100EF5418 /* Countly.m */; }; + C0C546C62B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyDeviceInfo.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C0C546832B7E5FD100EF5418 /* CountlyDeviceInfo.m */; }; + C0C546C72B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyFeedbacks.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C0C546842B7E5FD100EF5418 /* CountlyFeedbacks.m */; }; + C0C546C82B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyPushNotifications.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C0C546882B7E5FD200EF5418 /* CountlyPushNotifications.m */; }; + C0C546C92B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyRemoteConfigInternal.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C0C5468D2B7E5FD200EF5418 /* CountlyRemoteConfigInternal.m */; }; + C0C546CA2B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyPersistency.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C0C5468E2B7E5FD200EF5418 /* CountlyPersistency.m */; }; + C0C546CB2B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyExperimentInformation.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C0C546902B7E5FD200EF5418 /* CountlyExperimentInformation.m */; }; + C0C546CC2B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyRemoteConfig.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C0C546912B7E5FD200EF5418 /* CountlyRemoteConfig.m */; }; + C0C546CD2B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyCrashReporter.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C0C546942B7E5FD200EF5418 /* CountlyCrashReporter.m */; }; + C0C546CE2B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyRCData.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C0C5469B2B7E5FD200EF5418 /* CountlyRCData.m */; }; + C0C546CF2B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyServerConfig.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C0C5469D2B7E5FD200EF5418 /* CountlyServerConfig.m */; }; + C0C546D02B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyUserDetails.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C0C5469E2B7E5FD200EF5418 /* CountlyUserDetails.m */; }; + C0C546D12B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyViewTrackingInternal.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C0C546A12B7E5FD300EF5418 /* CountlyViewTrackingInternal.m */; }; + C0C546D22B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyPerformanceMonitoring.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C0C546A72B7E5FD300EF5418 /* CountlyPerformanceMonitoring.m */; }; + C0C546D32B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyCommon.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C0C546A82B7E5FD300EF5418 /* CountlyCommon.m */; }; + C0C546D42B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyConnectionManager.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C0C546A92B7E5FD300EF5418 /* CountlyConnectionManager.m */; }; + C0C546D52B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyRNPushNotifications.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C0C546AB2B7E5FD300EF5418 /* CountlyRNPushNotifications.m */; }; + C0C546D62B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyViewData.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C0C546AC2B7E5FD300EF5418 /* CountlyViewData.m */; }; + C0C546D72B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyViewTracking.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C0C546AD2B7E5FD300EF5418 /* CountlyViewTracking.m */; }; + C0C546D82B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyConfig.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C0C546AE2B7E5FD300EF5418 /* CountlyConfig.m */; }; + C0C546DA2B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyNotificationService.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C0C546B52B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyNotificationService.m */; }; + C0C546DB2B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyEvent.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C0C546B92B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyEvent.m */; }; + C0C546DC2B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyFeedbackWidget.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C0C546BB2B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyFeedbackWidget.m */; }; + C0C546DD2B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyAPMConfig.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C0C546BC2B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyAPMConfig.m */; }; /* End PBXBuildFile section */ /* Begin PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase section */ @@ -49,38 +59,58 @@ 8B0E0020225527F100C809EF /* OpenGLES.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = OpenGLES.framework; path = System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGLES.framework; sourceTree = SDKROOT; }; 8B23E30A2255197B00807805 /* CountlyReactNative.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = CountlyReactNative.m; sourceTree = ""; }; 8B23E31A2255197D00807805 /* CountlyReactNative.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CountlyReactNative.h; sourceTree = ""; }; - 8B7E63BC243DD1B7000BB76D /* CountlyEvent.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = CountlyEvent.h; path = Pods/Countly/CountlyEvent.h; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; - 8B7E63BD243DD1B7000BB76D /* CountlyViewTracking.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = CountlyViewTracking.h; path = Pods/Countly/CountlyViewTracking.h; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; - 8B7E63BE243DD1B7000BB76D /* Countly.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = Countly.h; path = Pods/Countly/Countly.h; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; - 8B7E63BF243DD1B7000BB76D /* CountlyPersistency.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = CountlyPersistency.h; path = Pods/Countly/CountlyPersistency.h; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; - 8B7E63C0243DD1B7000BB76D /* CountlyStarRating.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = CountlyStarRating.h; path = Pods/Countly/CountlyStarRating.h; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; - 8B7E63C1243DD1B7000BB76D /* CountlyRemoteConfig.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = CountlyRemoteConfig.h; path = Pods/Countly/CountlyRemoteConfig.h; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; - 8B7E63C2243DD1B7000BB76D /* CountlyConfig.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = CountlyConfig.h; path = Pods/Countly/CountlyConfig.h; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; - 8B7E63C3243DD1B7000BB76D /* CountlyCrashReporter.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = CountlyCrashReporter.m; path = Pods/Countly/CountlyCrashReporter.m; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; - 8B7E63C4243DD1B7000BB76D /* CountlyDeviceInfo.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = CountlyDeviceInfo.m; path = Pods/Countly/CountlyDeviceInfo.m; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; - 8B7E63C5243DD1B7000BB76D /* CountlyLocationManager.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = CountlyLocationManager.h; path = Pods/Countly/CountlyLocationManager.h; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; - 8B7E63C6243DD1B8000BB76D /* CountlyCommon.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = CountlyCommon.m; path = Pods/Countly/CountlyCommon.m; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; - 8B7E63C7243DD1B8000BB76D /* CountlyUserDetails.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = CountlyUserDetails.m; path = Pods/Countly/CountlyUserDetails.m; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; - 8B7E63C8243DD1B8000BB76D /* CountlyCommon.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = CountlyCommon.h; path = Pods/Countly/CountlyCommon.h; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; - 8B7E63C9243DD1B8000BB76D /* CountlyConnectionManager.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = CountlyConnectionManager.h; path = Pods/Countly/CountlyConnectionManager.h; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; - 8B7E63CA243DD1B8000BB76D /* CountlyCrashReporter.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = CountlyCrashReporter.h; path = Pods/Countly/CountlyCrashReporter.h; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; - 8B7E63CB243DD1B8000BB76D /* CountlyConsentManager.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = CountlyConsentManager.h; path = Pods/Countly/CountlyConsentManager.h; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; - 8B7E63CC243DD1B8000BB76D /* CountlyPersistency.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = CountlyPersistency.m; path = Pods/Countly/CountlyPersistency.m; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; - 8B7E63CD243DD1B8000BB76D /* CountlyConnectionManager.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = CountlyConnectionManager.m; path = Pods/Countly/CountlyConnectionManager.m; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; - 8B7E63CE243DD1B8000BB76D /* CountlyEvent.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = CountlyEvent.m; path = Pods/Countly/CountlyEvent.m; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; - 8B7E63CF243DD1B8000BB76D /* CountlyStarRating.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = CountlyStarRating.m; path = Pods/Countly/CountlyStarRating.m; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; - 8B7E63D0243DD1B8000BB76D /* CountlyViewTracking.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = CountlyViewTracking.m; path = Pods/Countly/CountlyViewTracking.m; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; - 8B7E63D1243DD1B8000BB76D /* CountlyPushNotifications.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = CountlyPushNotifications.m; path = Pods/Countly/CountlyPushNotifications.m; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; - 8B7E63D2243DD1B9000BB76D /* CountlyConfig.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = CountlyConfig.m; path = Pods/Countly/CountlyConfig.m; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; - 8B7E63D3243DD1B9000BB76D /* CountlyUserDetails.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = CountlyUserDetails.h; path = Pods/Countly/CountlyUserDetails.h; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; - 8B7E63D4243DD1B9000BB76D /* Countly.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = Countly.m; path = Pods/Countly/Countly.m; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; - 8B7E63D5243DD1B9000BB76D /* CountlyLocationManager.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = CountlyLocationManager.m; path = Pods/Countly/CountlyLocationManager.m; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; - 8B7E63D6243DD1B9000BB76D /* CountlyConsentManager.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = CountlyConsentManager.m; path = Pods/Countly/CountlyConsentManager.m; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; - 8B7E63D7243DD1B9000BB76D /* CountlyPushNotifications.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = CountlyPushNotifications.h; path = Pods/Countly/CountlyPushNotifications.h; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; - 8B7E63D8243DD1B9000BB76D /* CountlyRemoteConfig.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = CountlyRemoteConfig.m; path = Pods/Countly/CountlyRemoteConfig.m; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; - 8B7E63D9243DD1BA000BB76D /* CountlyNotificationService.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = CountlyNotificationService.h; path = Pods/Countly/CountlyNotificationService.h; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; - 8B7E63DA243DD1BA000BB76D /* CountlyNotificationService.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; name = CountlyNotificationService.m; path = Pods/Countly/CountlyNotificationService.m; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; - 8B7E63DB243DD1BA000BB76D /* CountlyDeviceInfo.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = CountlyDeviceInfo.h; path = Pods/Countly/CountlyDeviceInfo.h; sourceTree = SOURCE_ROOT; }; + C0C5467F2B7E5FD100EF5418 /* CountlyConsentManager.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = CountlyConsentManager.m; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C546802B7E5FD100EF5418 /* CountlyRemoteConfigInternal.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CountlyRemoteConfigInternal.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C546812B7E5FD100EF5418 /* CountlyLocationManager.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = CountlyLocationManager.m; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C546822B7E5FD100EF5418 /* Countly.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = Countly.m; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C546832B7E5FD100EF5418 /* CountlyDeviceInfo.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = CountlyDeviceInfo.m; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C546842B7E5FD100EF5418 /* CountlyFeedbacks.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = CountlyFeedbacks.m; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C546852B7E5FD200EF5418 /* CountlyConfig.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CountlyConfig.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C546862B7E5FD200EF5418 /* CountlyViewTrackingInternal.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CountlyViewTrackingInternal.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C546872B7E5FD200EF5418 /* CountlyFeedbacks.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CountlyFeedbacks.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C546882B7E5FD200EF5418 /* CountlyPushNotifications.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = CountlyPushNotifications.m; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C5468A2B7E5FD200EF5418 /* CountlyFeedbackWidget.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CountlyFeedbackWidget.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C5468B2B7E5FD200EF5418 /* CountlyRCData.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CountlyRCData.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C5468D2B7E5FD200EF5418 /* CountlyRemoteConfigInternal.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = CountlyRemoteConfigInternal.m; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C5468E2B7E5FD200EF5418 /* CountlyPersistency.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = CountlyPersistency.m; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C546902B7E5FD200EF5418 /* CountlyExperimentInformation.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = CountlyExperimentInformation.m; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C546912B7E5FD200EF5418 /* CountlyRemoteConfig.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = CountlyRemoteConfig.m; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C546932B7E5FD200EF5418 /* CountlyServerConfig.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CountlyServerConfig.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C546942B7E5FD200EF5418 /* CountlyCrashReporter.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = CountlyCrashReporter.m; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C546962B7E5FD200EF5418 /* CountlyNotificationService.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CountlyNotificationService.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C546972B7E5FD200EF5418 /* CountlyPersistency.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CountlyPersistency.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C546992B7E5FD200EF5418 /* CountlyRemoteConfig.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CountlyRemoteConfig.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C5469A2B7E5FD200EF5418 /* CountlyCrashReporter.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CountlyCrashReporter.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C5469B2B7E5FD200EF5418 /* CountlyRCData.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = CountlyRCData.m; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C5469D2B7E5FD200EF5418 /* CountlyServerConfig.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = CountlyServerConfig.m; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C5469E2B7E5FD200EF5418 /* CountlyUserDetails.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = CountlyUserDetails.m; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C5469F2B7E5FD300EF5418 /* CountlyConsentManager.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CountlyConsentManager.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C546A02B7E5FD300EF5418 /* CountlyRNPushNotifications.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CountlyRNPushNotifications.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C546A12B7E5FD300EF5418 /* CountlyViewTrackingInternal.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = CountlyViewTrackingInternal.m; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C546A32B7E5FD300EF5418 /* CountlyAPMConfig.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CountlyAPMConfig.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C546A42B7E5FD300EF5418 /* CountlyEvent.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CountlyEvent.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C546A52B7E5FD300EF5418 /* CountlyDeviceInfo.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CountlyDeviceInfo.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C546A62B7E5FD300EF5418 /* CountlyCommon.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CountlyCommon.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C546A72B7E5FD300EF5418 /* CountlyPerformanceMonitoring.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = CountlyPerformanceMonitoring.m; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C546A82B7E5FD300EF5418 /* CountlyCommon.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = CountlyCommon.m; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C546A92B7E5FD300EF5418 /* CountlyConnectionManager.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = CountlyConnectionManager.m; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C546AA2B7E5FD300EF5418 /* Countly.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = Countly.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C546AB2B7E5FD300EF5418 /* CountlyRNPushNotifications.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = CountlyRNPushNotifications.m; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C546AC2B7E5FD300EF5418 /* CountlyViewData.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = CountlyViewData.m; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C546AD2B7E5FD300EF5418 /* CountlyViewTracking.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = CountlyViewTracking.m; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C546AE2B7E5FD300EF5418 /* CountlyConfig.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = CountlyConfig.m; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C546AF2B7E5FD300EF5418 /* CountlyPerformanceMonitoring.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CountlyPerformanceMonitoring.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C546B02B7E5FD300EF5418 /* CountlyConnectionManager.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CountlyConnectionManager.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C546B22B7E5FD300EF5418 /* CountlyViewTracking.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CountlyViewTracking.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C546B42B7E5FD300EF5418 /* CountlyViewData.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CountlyViewData.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C546B52B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyNotificationService.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = CountlyNotificationService.m; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C546B62B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyLocationManager.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CountlyLocationManager.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C546B72B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyExperimentInformation.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CountlyExperimentInformation.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C546B82B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyUserDetails.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CountlyUserDetails.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C546B92B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyEvent.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = CountlyEvent.m; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C546BA2B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyPushNotifications.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CountlyPushNotifications.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C546BB2B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyFeedbackWidget.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = CountlyFeedbackWidget.m; sourceTree = ""; }; + C0C546BC2B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyAPMConfig.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = CountlyAPMConfig.m; sourceTree = ""; }; DA5891D81BA9A9FC002B4DB2 /* libcountly-sdk-react-native-bridge.a */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = archive.ar; includeInIndex = 0; path = "libcountly-sdk-react-native-bridge.a"; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; }; /* End PBXFileReference section */ @@ -138,38 +168,58 @@ DA5891DA1BA9A9FC002B4DB2 /* src */ = { isa = PBXGroup; children = ( - 8B7E63BE243DD1B7000BB76D /* Countly.h */, - 8B7E63D4243DD1B9000BB76D /* Countly.m */, - 8B7E63C8243DD1B8000BB76D /* CountlyCommon.h */, - 8B7E63C6243DD1B8000BB76D /* CountlyCommon.m */, - 8B7E63C2243DD1B7000BB76D /* CountlyConfig.h */, - 8B7E63D2243DD1B9000BB76D /* CountlyConfig.m */, - 8B7E63C9243DD1B8000BB76D /* CountlyConnectionManager.h */, - 8B7E63CD243DD1B8000BB76D /* CountlyConnectionManager.m */, - 8B7E63CB243DD1B8000BB76D /* CountlyConsentManager.h */, - 8B7E63D6243DD1B9000BB76D /* CountlyConsentManager.m */, - 8B7E63CA243DD1B8000BB76D /* CountlyCrashReporter.h */, - 8B7E63C3243DD1B7000BB76D /* CountlyCrashReporter.m */, - 8B7E63DB243DD1BA000BB76D /* CountlyDeviceInfo.h */, - 8B7E63C4243DD1B7000BB76D /* CountlyDeviceInfo.m */, - 8B7E63BC243DD1B7000BB76D /* CountlyEvent.h */, - 8B7E63CE243DD1B8000BB76D /* CountlyEvent.m */, - 8B7E63C5243DD1B7000BB76D /* CountlyLocationManager.h */, - 8B7E63D5243DD1B9000BB76D /* CountlyLocationManager.m */, - 8B7E63D9243DD1BA000BB76D /* CountlyNotificationService.h */, - 8B7E63DA243DD1BA000BB76D /* CountlyNotificationService.m */, - 8B7E63BF243DD1B7000BB76D /* CountlyPersistency.h */, - 8B7E63CC243DD1B8000BB76D /* CountlyPersistency.m */, - 8B7E63D7243DD1B9000BB76D /* CountlyPushNotifications.h */, - 8B7E63D1243DD1B8000BB76D /* CountlyPushNotifications.m */, - 8B7E63C1243DD1B7000BB76D /* CountlyRemoteConfig.h */, - 8B7E63D8243DD1B9000BB76D /* CountlyRemoteConfig.m */, - 8B7E63C0243DD1B7000BB76D /* CountlyStarRating.h */, - 8B7E63CF243DD1B8000BB76D /* CountlyStarRating.m */, - 8B7E63D3243DD1B9000BB76D /* CountlyUserDetails.h */, - 8B7E63C7243DD1B8000BB76D /* CountlyUserDetails.m */, - 8B7E63BD243DD1B7000BB76D /* CountlyViewTracking.h */, - 8B7E63D0243DD1B8000BB76D /* CountlyViewTracking.m */, + C0C546AA2B7E5FD300EF5418 /* Countly.h */, + C0C546822B7E5FD100EF5418 /* Countly.m */, + C0C546A32B7E5FD300EF5418 /* CountlyAPMConfig.h */, + C0C546BC2B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyAPMConfig.m */, + C0C546A62B7E5FD300EF5418 /* CountlyCommon.h */, + C0C546A82B7E5FD300EF5418 /* CountlyCommon.m */, + C0C546852B7E5FD200EF5418 /* CountlyConfig.h */, + C0C546AE2B7E5FD300EF5418 /* CountlyConfig.m */, + C0C546B02B7E5FD300EF5418 /* CountlyConnectionManager.h */, + C0C546A92B7E5FD300EF5418 /* CountlyConnectionManager.m */, + C0C5469F2B7E5FD300EF5418 /* CountlyConsentManager.h */, + C0C5467F2B7E5FD100EF5418 /* CountlyConsentManager.m */, + C0C5469A2B7E5FD200EF5418 /* CountlyCrashReporter.h */, + C0C546942B7E5FD200EF5418 /* CountlyCrashReporter.m */, + C0C546A52B7E5FD300EF5418 /* CountlyDeviceInfo.h */, + C0C546832B7E5FD100EF5418 /* CountlyDeviceInfo.m */, + C0C546A42B7E5FD300EF5418 /* CountlyEvent.h */, + C0C546B92B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyEvent.m */, + C0C546B72B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyExperimentInformation.h */, + C0C546902B7E5FD200EF5418 /* CountlyExperimentInformation.m */, + C0C546872B7E5FD200EF5418 /* CountlyFeedbacks.h */, + C0C546842B7E5FD100EF5418 /* CountlyFeedbacks.m */, + C0C5468A2B7E5FD200EF5418 /* CountlyFeedbackWidget.h */, + C0C546BB2B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyFeedbackWidget.m */, + C0C546B62B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyLocationManager.h */, + C0C546812B7E5FD100EF5418 /* CountlyLocationManager.m */, + C0C546962B7E5FD200EF5418 /* CountlyNotificationService.h */, + C0C546B52B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyNotificationService.m */, + C0C546AF2B7E5FD300EF5418 /* CountlyPerformanceMonitoring.h */, + C0C546A72B7E5FD300EF5418 /* CountlyPerformanceMonitoring.m */, + C0C546972B7E5FD200EF5418 /* CountlyPersistency.h */, + C0C5468E2B7E5FD200EF5418 /* CountlyPersistency.m */, + C0C546BA2B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyPushNotifications.h */, + C0C546882B7E5FD200EF5418 /* CountlyPushNotifications.m */, + C0C5468B2B7E5FD200EF5418 /* CountlyRCData.h */, + C0C5469B2B7E5FD200EF5418 /* CountlyRCData.m */, + C0C546992B7E5FD200EF5418 /* CountlyRemoteConfig.h */, + C0C546912B7E5FD200EF5418 /* CountlyRemoteConfig.m */, + C0C546802B7E5FD100EF5418 /* CountlyRemoteConfigInternal.h */, + C0C5468D2B7E5FD200EF5418 /* CountlyRemoteConfigInternal.m */, + C0C546A02B7E5FD300EF5418 /* CountlyRNPushNotifications.h */, + C0C546AB2B7E5FD300EF5418 /* CountlyRNPushNotifications.m */, + C0C546932B7E5FD200EF5418 /* CountlyServerConfig.h */, + C0C5469D2B7E5FD200EF5418 /* CountlyServerConfig.m */, + C0C546B82B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyUserDetails.h */, + C0C5469E2B7E5FD200EF5418 /* CountlyUserDetails.m */, + C0C546B42B7E5FD300EF5418 /* CountlyViewData.h */, + C0C546AC2B7E5FD300EF5418 /* CountlyViewData.m */, + C0C546B22B7E5FD300EF5418 /* CountlyViewTracking.h */, + C0C546AD2B7E5FD300EF5418 /* CountlyViewTracking.m */, + C0C546862B7E5FD200EF5418 /* CountlyViewTrackingInternal.h */, + C0C546A12B7E5FD300EF5418 /* CountlyViewTrackingInternal.m */, 8B23E31A2255197D00807805 /* CountlyReactNative.h */, 8B23E30A2255197B00807805 /* CountlyReactNative.m */, ); @@ -208,6 +258,7 @@ TargetAttributes = { DA5891D71BA9A9FC002B4DB2 = { CreatedOnToolsVersion = 7.0; + LastSwiftMigration = 1430; }; }; }; @@ -259,23 +310,33 @@ isa = PBXSourcesBuildPhase; buildActionMask = 2147483647; files = ( - 8B7E63EA243DD1BA000BB76D /* CountlyRemoteConfig.m in Sources */, - 8B7E63E7243DD1BA000BB76D /* Countly.m in Sources */, - 8B7E63E0243DD1BA000BB76D /* CountlyPersistency.m in Sources */, - 8B7E63E3243DD1BA000BB76D /* CountlyStarRating.m in Sources */, - 8B7E63E4243DD1BA000BB76D /* CountlyViewTracking.m in Sources */, - 8B7E63E2243DD1BA000BB76D /* CountlyEvent.m in Sources */, - 8B7E63EB243DD1BA000BB76D /* CountlyNotificationService.m in Sources */, - 8B7E63E8243DD1BA000BB76D /* CountlyLocationManager.m in Sources */, - 8B7E63E5243DD1BA000BB76D /* CountlyPushNotifications.m in Sources */, - 8B7E63E1243DD1BA000BB76D /* CountlyConnectionManager.m in Sources */, - 8B7E63E6243DD1BA000BB76D /* CountlyConfig.m in Sources */, - 8B7E63DD243DD1BA000BB76D /* CountlyDeviceInfo.m in Sources */, - 8B7E63E9243DD1BA000BB76D /* CountlyConsentManager.m in Sources */, - 8B7E63DE243DD1BA000BB76D /* CountlyCommon.m in Sources */, 8B23E3372255198200807805 /* CountlyReactNative.m in Sources */, - 8B7E63DC243DD1BA000BB76D /* CountlyCrashReporter.m in Sources */, - 8B7E63DF243DD1BA000BB76D /* CountlyUserDetails.m in Sources */, + C0C546D12B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyViewTrackingInternal.m in Sources */, + C0C546CC2B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyRemoteConfig.m in Sources */, + C0C546D52B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyRNPushNotifications.m in Sources */, + C0C546D32B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyCommon.m in Sources */, + C0C546C82B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyPushNotifications.m in Sources */, + C0C546CF2B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyServerConfig.m in Sources */, + C0C546D02B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyUserDetails.m in Sources */, + C0C546CB2B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyExperimentInformation.m in Sources */, + C0C546DB2B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyEvent.m in Sources */, + C0C546D82B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyConfig.m in Sources */, + C0C546C32B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyConsentManager.m in Sources */, + C0C546D72B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyViewTracking.m in Sources */, + C0C546D62B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyViewData.m in Sources */, + C0C546C52B7E5FD400EF5418 /* Countly.m in Sources */, + C0C546C72B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyFeedbacks.m in Sources */, + C0C546D22B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyPerformanceMonitoring.m in Sources */, + C0C546CD2B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyCrashReporter.m in Sources */, + C0C546DC2B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyFeedbackWidget.m in Sources */, + C0C546CE2B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyRCData.m in Sources */, + C0C546C92B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyRemoteConfigInternal.m in Sources */, + C0C546CA2B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyPersistency.m in Sources */, + C0C546C62B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyDeviceInfo.m in Sources */, + C0C546C42B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyLocationManager.m in Sources */, + C0C546DA2B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyNotificationService.m in Sources */, + C0C546D42B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyConnectionManager.m in Sources */, + C0C546DD2B7E5FD400EF5418 /* CountlyAPMConfig.m in Sources */, ); runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; }; @@ -364,6 +425,7 @@ isa = XCBuildConfiguration; baseConfigurationReference = 3CBC73E2DAF5C8B752B35AE3 /* Pods-countly-sdk-react-native-bridge.debug.xcconfig */; buildSettings = { + CLANG_ENABLE_MODULES = YES; HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS = ( "$(inherited)", "$(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)/usr/local/include", @@ -376,6 +438,8 @@ OTHER_LDFLAGS = "-ObjC"; PRODUCT_NAME = "$(TARGET_NAME)"; SKIP_INSTALL = YES; + SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL = "-Onone"; + SWIFT_VERSION = 5.0; }; name = Debug; }; @@ -383,6 +447,7 @@ isa = XCBuildConfiguration; baseConfigurationReference = 81E9EE645A50A0CF974ED6CB /* Pods-countly-sdk-react-native-bridge.release.xcconfig */; buildSettings = { + CLANG_ENABLE_MODULES = YES; HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS = ( "$(inherited)", "$(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)/usr/local/include", @@ -395,6 +460,7 @@ OTHER_LDFLAGS = "-ObjC"; PRODUCT_NAME = "$(TARGET_NAME)"; SKIP_INSTALL = YES; + SWIFT_VERSION = 5.0; }; name = Release; }; diff --git a/ios/src/CHANGELOG.md b/ios/src/CHANGELOG.md index f59793e4..478a8faf 100644 --- a/ios/src/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/ios/src/CHANGELOG.md @@ -1,641 +1,692 @@ +## 24.4.0 +* Added `attemptToSendStoredRequests` method to combine all events in event queue into a request and attempt to process stored requests +* Added the iOS privacy manifest to the Countly SDK +* Added a separate SDK Limits Config with the following options: + * `setMaxKeyLength` + * `setMaxValueSize` + * `setMaxBreadcrumbCount` + * `setMaxSegmentationValues` + * `setMaxStackTraceLineLength` + * `setMaxStackTraceLinesPerThread` + +* Fixed session duration inconsistency by incorporating checks for whether the session has started or not. + +* Deprecated `maxKeyLength` initial config flag +* Deprecated `crashLogLimit` initial config flag +* Deprecated `maxValueLength` initial config flag +* Deprecated `maxSegmentationValues` initial config flag + +## 24.1.0 +* Added a separate APM Configs with following options: + * `enableForegroundBackgroundTracking` + * `enableAppStartTimeTracking` + * `enableManualAppLoadedTrigger` + * `setAppStartTimestampOverride:` + +* Mitigated an issue in the symbol file uploading script where some dSYM files were archived without content + +* Deprecated `enablePerformanceMonitoring` initial config flag + +## 23.12.1 +* dSYM uploading script now can upload multiple dSYM files if their location is provided +* Added support for Xcode 15 DWARF file environment variable changes while using dSYM upload script + +## 23.12.0 +* Added `disableLocation` initial config property to disable location tracking +* Added `addSegmentationToViewWithID:` in view interface for adding segmentation to an ongoing view +* Added `addSegmentationToViewWithName:` in view interface for adding segmentation to an ongoing view + +* Fixed bug with "pauseViewWithID" call where it could go into a recursive loop + +## 23.8.3 +* Added `requestDropAgeHours` initial config property to set a time limit after which the requests would be removed if not sent to the server +* Added a call to enroll users to A/B tests when getting a remote config value: 'getValueAndEnroll' +* Added a call to enroll users to A/B tests when getting all remote config values: 'getAllValuesAndEnroll' +* Added app version in all API requests. + +* Fixed sending '--' as carrier name due to platform changes from iOS version 16.4. This version and above will now not send any carrier information due to platform limitations. +* Mitigated an issue where users could not enroll to an A/B tests if enrollment request has failed + ## 23.8.2 -- Fixed rating feedback widget event key for widget closed event +* Fixed rating feedback widget event key for widget closed event +* Added `testingDownloadExperimentInformation:` in remote config interface +* Added `testingGetAllExperimentInfo:` in remote config interface ## 23.8.1 -- Expanded feedback widget functionality. Added ability to use rating widgets. -- Added functionality to access tags for feedback widgets. -- Fixed SPM public header issues of `CountlyViewTracking.h` +* Expanded feedback widget functionality. Added ability to use rating widgets. +* Added functionality to access tags for feedback widgets. +* Fixed SPM public header issues of `CountlyViewTracking.h` ## 23.8.0 -- Added `CountlyViewTracking:` interface with new view methods: - - `setGlobalViewSegmentation:` - - `updateGlobalViewSegmentation:` - - `startView:` - - `startView:segmentation` - - `startAutoStoppedView:` - - `startAutoStoppedView:segmentation` - - `stopViewWithName:` - - `stopViewWithName:segmentation` - - `stopViewWithID:` - - `stopViewWithID:segmentation` - - `pauseViewWithID:` - - `pauseViewWithID:` - - `stopAllViews:` -- Added `enableAllConsents` initial config property to give all consents at init time -- Added `giveAllConsents` method to give all consents -- Added `enableAutomaticViewTracking` config for automatic track views -- Added `automaticViewTrackingExclusionList` config for automatic view tracking exclusion list -- Added `globalViewSegmentation` config to add set global view segmentation. -- Added `enrollABOnRCDownload` config method to auto enroll users to AB tests when downloading RC values. -- Added `enableManualSessionControlHybridMode` config. With this mode 'updateSession' calls will automatically be handled by SDK for manual session handling. -- Deprecated `giveConsentForAllFeatures` method -- Deprecated `CLYAutoViewTracking` in config -- Deprecated existing view tracking methods and variables: - - `recordView:` - - `recordView:segmentation` - - `addExceptionForAutoViewTracking:` - - `removeExceptionForAutoViewTracking:` - - `isAutoViewTrackingActive` +* Added `CountlyViewTracking:` interface with new view methods: + * `setGlobalViewSegmentation:` + * `updateGlobalViewSegmentation:` + * `startView:` + * `startView:segmentation` + * `startAutoStoppedView:` + * `startAutoStoppedView:segmentation` + * `stopViewWithName:` + * `stopViewWithName:segmentation` + * `stopViewWithID:` + * `stopViewWithID:segmentation` + * `pauseViewWithID:` + * `pauseViewWithID:` + * `stopAllViews:` +* Added `enableAllConsents` initial config property to give all consents at init time +* Added `giveAllConsents` method to give all consents +* Added `enableAutomaticViewTracking` config for automatic track views +* Added `automaticViewTrackingExclusionList` config for automatic view tracking exclusion list +* Added `globalViewSegmentation` config to add set global view segmentation. +* Added `enrollABOnRCDownload` config method to auto enroll users to AB tests when downloading RC values. +* Added `enableManualSessionControlHybridMode` config. With this mode 'updateSession' calls will automatically be handled by SDK for manual session handling. +* Deprecated `giveConsentForAllFeatures` method +* Deprecated `CLYAutoViewTracking` in config +* Deprecated existing view tracking methods and variables: + * `recordView:` + * `recordView:segmentation` + * `addExceptionForAutoViewTracking:` + * `removeExceptionForAutoViewTracking:` + * `isAutoViewTrackingActive` ## 23.6.2 -- Fixed bug where init time provided global Remote config download callbacks were ignored -- Remote config values are now not erased anymore when removing remote config consent -- Added remaining request count 'rr' parameter when sending queued request. +* Fixed bug where init time provided global Remote config download callbacks were ignored +* Remote config values are now not erased anymore when removing remote config consent +* Added remaining request count 'rr' parameter when sending queued request. ## 23.6.1 -- Fixed SPM public header issues of `CountlyRCData.h` and `CountlyRemoteConfig.h` +* Fixed SPM public header issues of `CountlyRCData.h` and `CountlyRemoteConfig.h` ## 23.6.0 -- !! Major breaking change !! Automatically downloaded remote config values will no longer be automatically enrolled in their AB tests. -- Added `CountlyRemoteConfig:` interface with new remote config methods: - - `getValue:` - - `getAllValues:` - - `registerDownloadCallback:` - - `removeDownloadCallback:` - - `downloadKeys:` - - `downloadSpecificKeys:completionHandler` - - `downloadOmittingKeys:completionHandler` - - `enrollIntoABTestsForKeys:` - - `exitABTestsForKeys:` - - `testingGetAllVariants:` - - `testingGetVariantsForKey:` - - `testingDownloadVariantInformation:variantName:completionHandler` - - `testingEnrollIntoVariant:` - - `clearAll:` -- Added `enableRemoteConfigAutomaticTriggers` config for automatic remote config download -- Added `enableRemoteConfigValueCaching` config for caching of remote config -- Added `remoteConfigRegisterGlobalCallback` config to register remote config global callbacks during init. -- Added `getRemoteConfigGlobalCallbacks` config to get a list of remote config global callbacks. -- Deprecated `enableRemoteConfig` initial config flag -- Deprecated `remoteConfigCompletionHandler` in config -- Deprecated existing remote config methods: - - `remoteConfigValueForKey:` - - `updateRemoteConfigWithCompletionHandler:` - - `updateRemoteConfigOnlyForKeys:completionHandler` - - `updateRemoteConfigExceptForKeys:completionHandler` +* !! Major breaking change !! Automatically downloaded remote config values will no longer be automatically enrolled in their AB tests. +* Added `CountlyRemoteConfig:` interface with new remote config methods: + * `getValue:` + * `getAllValues:` + * `registerDownloadCallback:` + * `removeDownloadCallback:` + * `downloadKeys:` + * `downloadSpecificKeys:completionHandler` + * `downloadOmittingKeys:completionHandler` + * `enrollIntoABTestsForKeys:` + * `exitABTestsForKeys:` + * `testingGetAllVariants:` + * `testingGetVariantsForKey:` + * `testingDownloadVariantInformation:variantName:completionHandler` + * `testingEnrollIntoVariant:` + * `clearAll:` +* Added `enableRemoteConfigAutomaticTriggers` config for automatic remote config download +* Added `enableRemoteConfigValueCaching` config for caching of remote config +* Added `remoteConfigRegisterGlobalCallback` config to register remote config global callbacks during init. +* Added `getRemoteConfigGlobalCallbacks` config to get a list of remote config global callbacks. +* Deprecated `enableRemoteConfig` initial config flag +* Deprecated `remoteConfigCompletionHandler` in config +* Deprecated existing remote config methods: + * `remoteConfigValueForKey:` + * `updateRemoteConfigWithCompletionHandler:` + * `updateRemoteConfigOnlyForKeys:completionHandler` + * `updateRemoteConfigExceptForKeys:completionHandler` ## 23.02.3 -- Added back battery level reporting to crash reporting. Battery level is only reported if battery was enabled before. -- Added new methods for changing the device id: `changeDeviceIDWithMerge:`, `changeDeviceIDWithoutMerge:`. -- Fixed a bug where the app would crash if `city`, `countryCode` or `IP` in location was null. -- Deprecated existing method to change the device id: `setNewDeviceID:` -- Deprecated `attributionID` initial config flag -- Deprecated `recordAttributionID` method +* Added back battery level reporting to crash reporting. Battery level is only reported if battery was enabled before. +* Added new methods for changing the device id: `changeDeviceIDWithMerge:`, `changeDeviceIDWithoutMerge:`. +* Fixed a bug where the app would crash if `city`, `countryCode` or `IP` in location was null. +* Deprecated existing method to change the device id: `setNewDeviceID:` +* Deprecated `attributionID` initial config flag +* Deprecated `recordAttributionID` method ## 23.02.2 -- Added server configuration functionality. This is an experimental feature. -- Not reporting battery level in the crash handler to prevent hanging +* Added server configuration functionality. This is an experimental feature. +* Not reporting battery level in the crash handler to prevent hanging ## 23.02.1 -- Added previous event ID and sending it with custom events. -- Updated default `maxSegmentationValues` from 30 to 100 +* Added previous event ID and sending it with custom events. +* Updated default `maxSegmentationValues` from 30 to 100 ## 23.02.0 -- Added event IDs -- Added current and previous view IDs to events -- Added sending pending events before sending user details on `save` call. +* Added event IDs +* Added current and previous view IDs to events +* Added sending pending events before sending user details on `save` call. ## 22.09.0 -- Deleted previously deprecated `userLoggedIn:` and `userLoggedOut` methods -- Added new exception recording methods: `recordException:`, `recordException:isFatal:`, `recordException:isFatal:stackTrace:segmentation:` -- Deprecated existing exception recording methods: `recordHandledException:`, `recordHandledException:withStackTrace:`, `recordUnhandledException:withStackTrace:` -- Added `recordError:stackTrace:`, `recordError:isFatal:stackTrace:segmentation:` methods for Swift errors +* Deleted previously deprecated `userLoggedIn:` and `userLoggedOut` methods +* Added new exception recording methods: `recordException:`, `recordException:isFatal:`, `recordException:isFatal:stackTrace:segmentation:` +* Deprecated existing exception recording methods: `recordHandledException:`, `recordHandledException:withStackTrace:`, `recordUnhandledException:withStackTrace:` +* Added `recordError:stackTrace:`, `recordError:isFatal:stackTrace:segmentation:` methods for Swift errors -- Other various improvements - - Added device info to SDK initialization logs +* Other various improvements + * Added device info to SDK initialization logs ## 22.06.2 -- Added direct requests support -- Fixed missing remote config consent in consents request +* Added direct requests support +* Fixed missing remote config consent in consents request -- Other various improvements - - Updated some pragma marks +* Other various improvements + * Updated some pragma marks ## 22.06.1 -- Fixed user details consent issue on SDK start -- Updated feedback widget internal webview design and layout +* Fixed user details consent issue on SDK start +* Updated feedback widget internal webview design and layout -- Other various improvements - - Updated HeaderDocs, internal logs, inline notes and pragma marks +* Other various improvements + * Updated HeaderDocs, internal logs, inline notes and pragma marks ## 22.06.0 -- Added `CountlyAutoViewTrackingName` protocol for supporting custom view titles with AutoViewTracking -- Added `setNewURLSessionConfiguration:` method to be able change URL session configuraion on the go (thanks @angelix) -- Added ability to save user details on SDK initialization -- Added device ID type to every request being sent -- Fixed missing remote config consent -- Fixed auto view tracking for iOS 13+ PageSheet modal presentations -- Deleted previously deprecated and inoperative methods and config flags - -- Other various improvements - - Updated HeaderDocs, internal logs, inline notes and pragma marks - - Updated Countly project settings for Xcode 13.4.1 (13F100) +* Added `CountlyAutoViewTrackingName` protocol for supporting custom view titles with AutoViewTracking +* Added `setNewURLSessionConfiguration:` method to be able change URL session configuraion on the go (thanks @angelix) +* Added ability to save user details on SDK initialization +* Added device ID type to every request being sent +* Fixed missing remote config consent +* Fixed auto view tracking for iOS 13+ PageSheet modal presentations +* Deleted previously deprecated and inoperative methods and config flags + +* Other various improvements + * Updated HeaderDocs, internal logs, inline notes and pragma marks + * Updated Countly project settings for Xcode 13.4.1 (13F100) ## 21.11.2 -- Added direct and indirect attribution -- Added platform info to default segmentation of push action events -- Added `recordRatingWidgetWithID:rating:email:comment:userCanBeContacted:` method to be able to manually record rating widgets -- Added macOS version info to `Countly.xcodeproj` (thanks @ntadej) -- Updated sending consent changes to inlude all current consents state -- Excluded Countly-PL.podspec from SPM manifest (thanks @harrisg) -- Fixed possible SecTrustCopyExceptions leak -- Deprecated `presentFeedbackWidgetWithID:completionHandler:` method +* Added direct and indirect attribution +* Added platform info to default segmentation of push action events +* Added `recordRatingWidgetWithID:rating:email:comment:userCanBeContacted:` method to be able to manually record rating widgets +* Added macOS version info to `Countly.xcodeproj` (thanks @ntadej) +* Updated sending consent changes to inlude all current consents state +* Excluded Countly-PL.podspec from SPM manifest (thanks @harrisg) +* Fixed possible SecTrustCopyExceptions leak +* Deprecated `presentFeedbackWidgetWithID:completionHandler:` method ## 21.11.1 -- Fixed a crash when some default user detail properties are set to `NSNull` (thanks @lhunath) -- Updated README.md for minimum supported deployment targets +* Fixed a crash when some default user detail properties are set to `NSNull` (thanks @lhunath) +* Updated README.md for minimum supported deployment targets ## 21.11.0 -- Updated minimum supported OS versions as `iOS 10.0`, `tvOS 10.0`, `watchOS 4.0` and `macOS 10.14` -- Updated some deprecated API usage to get rid of warnings -- Added configurable internal limits `maxKeyLength`, `maxValueLength` and `maxSegmentationValues` -- Added `enableOrientationTracking` config for disabling automatic user interface orientation tracking -- Added `setNewHost:` method to be able change the host on the go -- Added `shouldIgnoreTrustCheck` config for self-signed certificates (thanks @centrinvest) -- Created additional `Countly-PL.podspec` for avoiding static framework issue on original `Countly.podspec` (thanks @multinerd) -- Implemented cancelling all consents when device ID is changed without a merge -- Implemented by-passing events consent for reserved internal events -- Discarded consent requirement for changing device ID -- Discarded auto metrics for Apple Watch -- Discarded `customHeaderFieldName` and `customHeaderFieldValue` config properties -- Discarded `setCustomHeaderFieldValue:` method -- Fixed missing nullability specifier on `CountlyCommon.h` -- Fixed missing info level logs on `CountlyFeedbackWidget` class -- Fixed missing info level logs on `CountlyUserDetails` class -- Deprecated `userLoggedIn:` and `userLoggedOut` methods -- Deprecated going back to default system device ID - -- Other various improvements - - Updated HeaderDocs, internal logs, inline notes and pragma marks - - Updated Countly project settings for Xcode 13.1 - - Deleted previously deprecated methods and properties - - Refactored `connectionType` method +* Updated minimum supported OS versions as `iOS 10.0`, `tvOS 10.0`, `watchOS 4.0` and `macOS 10.14` +* Updated some deprecated API usage to get rid of warnings +* Added configurable internal limits `maxKeyLength`, `maxValueLength` and `maxSegmentationValues` +* Added `enableOrientationTracking` config for disabling automatic user interface orientation tracking +* Added `setNewHost:` method to be able change the host on the go +* Added `shouldIgnoreTrustCheck` config for self-signed certificates (thanks @centrinvest) +* Created additional `Countly-PL.podspec` for avoiding static framework issue on original `Countly.podspec` (thanks @multinerd) +* Implemented cancelling all consents when device ID is changed without a merge +* Implemented by-passing events consent for reserved internal events +* Discarded consent requirement for changing device ID +* Discarded auto metrics for Apple Watch +* Discarded `customHeaderFieldName` and `customHeaderFieldValue` config properties +* Discarded `setCustomHeaderFieldValue:` method +* Fixed missing nullability specifier on `CountlyCommon.h` +* Fixed missing info level logs on `CountlyFeedbackWidget` class +* Fixed missing info level logs on `CountlyUserDetails` class +* Deprecated `userLoggedIn:` and `userLoggedOut` methods +* Deprecated going back to default system device ID + +* Other various improvements + * Updated HeaderDocs, internal logs, inline notes and pragma marks + * Updated Countly project settings for Xcode 13.1 + * Deleted previously deprecated methods and properties + * Refactored `connectionType` method ## 20.11.3 -- Added optional appear and dismiss callbacks for feedback widget presenting -- Added manually displayed and recorded feedback widgets support -- Fixed HTTP method check for feedback widget requests -- Implemented immediately sending of queued events when a widget event is recorded +* Added optional appear and dismiss callbacks for feedback widget presenting +* Added manually displayed and recorded feedback widgets support +* Fixed HTTP method check for feedback widget requests +* Implemented immediately sending of queued events when a widget event is recorded ## 20.11.2 -- Added configurable internal log levels -- Added internal logs for approximate received and sent data size for requests -- Added numbers and boolean value types for custom user details methods -- Added `clearCrashLogs` method for clearing custom crash logs (breadcrumbs) -- Added `navigationItem`'s title as a view title fallback for view tracking -- Added Mac Catalyst support -- Added selector precaution for `CountlyLoggerDelegate` method call -- Added precautions for nil values in custom user details methods -- Updated request successful check to consider response object -- Updated default `eventSendThreshold` as 100 -- Fixed `UIApplicationState` usage for crashes occured on non-main thread -- Fixed clearing custom crash logs -- Fixed missing frameworks for `ns` subspec in `podspec` file -- Fixed CountlyLoggerDelegate methods optionality -- Fixed view tracking exception view checking -- Fixed adding and removing view tracking exceptions on tvOS -- Fixed cast warnings for an APM method internal log - -- Other various improvements - - Updated HeaderDocs, internal logs, inline notes and pragma marks - - Updated Countly project settings for Xcode 12.4 +* Added configurable internal log levels +* Added internal logs for approximate received and sent data size for requests +* Added numbers and boolean value types for custom user details methods +* Added `clearCrashLogs` method for clearing custom crash logs (breadcrumbs) +* Added `navigationItem`'s title as a view title fallback for view tracking +* Added Mac Catalyst support +* Added selector precaution for `CountlyLoggerDelegate` method call +* Added precautions for nil values in custom user details methods +* Updated request successful check to consider response object +* Updated default `eventSendThreshold` as 100 +* Fixed `UIApplicationState` usage for crashes occured on non-main thread +* Fixed clearing custom crash logs +* Fixed missing frameworks for `ns` subspec in `podspec` file +* Fixed CountlyLoggerDelegate methods optionality +* Fixed view tracking exception view checking +* Fixed adding and removing view tracking exceptions on tvOS +* Fixed cast warnings for an APM method internal log + +* Other various improvements + * Updated HeaderDocs, internal logs, inline notes and pragma marks + * Updated Countly project settings for Xcode 12.4 ## 20.11.1 -- Added `loggerDelegate` initial config property for receiving internal logs on production builds -- Fixed manual view tracking state clean up when view tracking consent is cancelled -- Updated `CountlyFeedbackWidget.h` as public header file in Xcode project file for Carthage -- Added nullability specifiers for block parameters +* Added `loggerDelegate` initial config property for receiving internal logs on production builds +* Fixed manual view tracking state clean up when view tracking consent is cancelled +* Updated `CountlyFeedbackWidget.h` as public header file in Xcode project file for Carthage +* Added nullability specifiers for block parameters ## 20.11.0 -- Added Surveys and NPS feedback widgets -- Added Swift Package Manager support -- Added `replaceAllAppKeysInQueueWithCurrentAppKey` method to replace all app keys in queue with the current app key -- Added `removeDifferentAppKeysFromQueue` method to remove all different app keys from the queue -- Added `deviceIDType` method to be able to check device ID type -- Added precaution and warning for `nil` crash report case -- Added `consents` initial config property -- Added device type metric -- Updated dismiss button design -- Fixed web view autoresizing mask for legacy feedback widgets -- Fixed a missing `CoreLocation` framework import -- Fixed unnecessary recreation of `NSURLSession` instances -- Fixed dismiss button layout -- Changed interface orientation change event consent from `Events` to `UserDetails` -- Changed remote config consent from `Any` to `RemoteConfig` -- Marked `pushTestMode` initial config property as `_Nullable` - -- Other various improvements - - Refactored picture upload data extraction - - Suppressed an internal log for interface orientation change - - Updated some constant key declarations for common use - - Updated HeaderDocs, internal logs, inline notes and pragma marks +* Added Surveys and NPS feedback widgets +* Added Swift Package Manager support +* Added `replaceAllAppKeysInQueueWithCurrentAppKey` method to replace all app keys in queue with the current app key +* Added `removeDifferentAppKeysFromQueue` method to remove all different app keys from the queue +* Added `deviceIDType` method to be able to check device ID type +* Added precaution and warning for `nil` crash report case +* Added `consents` initial config property +* Added device type metric +* Updated dismiss button design +* Fixed web view autoresizing mask for legacy feedback widgets +* Fixed a missing `CoreLocation` framework import +* Fixed unnecessary recreation of `NSURLSession` instances +* Fixed dismiss button layout +* Changed interface orientation change event consent from `Events` to `UserDetails` +* Changed remote config consent from `Any` to `RemoteConfig` +* Marked `pushTestMode` initial config property as `_Nullable` + +* Other various improvements + * Refactored picture upload data extraction + * Suppressed an internal log for interface orientation change + * Updated some constant key declarations for common use + * Updated HeaderDocs, internal logs, inline notes and pragma marks ## 20.04.3 -- Deprecated `recordLocation:`, `recordCity:andISOCountryCode:`, `recordIP:` methods -- Added new combined `recordLocation:city:ISOCountryCode:IP:` method for recording location related info -- Deprecated `enableAttribution` initial config flag -- Added `attributionID` initial config property -- Added `recordAttributionID:` method -- Discarded IDFA usage on optional attribution feature -- Discarded `COUNTLY_EXCLUDE_IDFA` preprocessor flag -- Updated `PLCrashReporter` subspec dependency version specifier as `~> 1` - -- Other various improvements - - Updated HeaderDocs, internal logs, inline notes and pragma marks - - Updated some initial config property modifiers as `copy` - - Treated empty string `city`, `ISOCountryCode` and `IP` values as `nil` - - Added warnings for the cases where `city` and `ISOCountryCode` code are not set as a pair +* Deprecated `recordLocation:`, `recordCity:andISOCountryCode:`, `recordIP:` methods +* Added new combined `recordLocation:city:ISOCountryCode:IP:` method for recording location related info +* Deprecated `enableAttribution` initial config flag +* Added `attributionID` initial config property +* Added `recordAttributionID:` method +* Discarded IDFA usage on optional attribution feature +* Discarded `COUNTLY_EXCLUDE_IDFA` preprocessor flag +* Updated `PLCrashReporter` subspec dependency version specifier as `~> 1` + +* Other various improvements + * Updated HeaderDocs, internal logs, inline notes and pragma marks + * Updated some initial config property modifiers as `copy` + * Treated empty string `city`, `ISOCountryCode` and `IP` values as `nil` + * Added warnings for the cases where `city` and `ISOCountryCode` code are not set as a pair ## 20.04.2 -- Implemented overriding default metrics and adding custom ones -- Fixed advertising tracking enabled check +* Implemented overriding default metrics and adding custom ones +* Fixed advertising tracking enabled check -- Other various improvements - - Improved internal logs for pinned certificate check - - Refactored extra slash check using `hasSuffix:` method - - Renamed some app life cycle observing methods for clarity +* Other various improvements + * Improved internal logs for pinned certificate check + * Refactored extra slash check using `hasSuffix:` method + * Renamed some app life cycle observing methods for clarity ## 20.04.1 -- Added Application Performance Monitoring (Phase 1) - - Manual network traces - - Manual custom traces - - Semi-automatic app start time trace - - Automatic app foreground time trace - - Automatic app background time trace - - Consent handling for Application Performance Monitoring -- Added `COUNTLY_EXCLUDE_PUSHNOTIFICATIONS` flag to disable push notifications altogether in order to avoid App Store Connect warnings (thanks @grundleborg) -- Fixed an incorrect internal logging on SDK start -- Fixed location consent order to avoid some legacy Countly Server issue with location info being unavailable even after giving consent -- Improved `UIApplicationWillTerminateNotification` behaviour -- Prevented recording empty string as `city`, `ISOCountryCode` and `IP` for location info -- Applied `alwaysUsePOST` flag to feedback widget check requests -- Applied `alwaysUsePOST` flag to remote config requests - -- Other various improvements - - Deleted some unnecessary imports - - Updated HeaderDocs, internal logs, inline notes and pragma marks - - Added missing frameworks to CocoaPods podspec - - Added ability to override SDK name and version for bridge SDKs +* Added Application Performance Monitoring (Phase 1) + * Manual network traces + * Manual custom traces + * Semi-automatic app start time trace + * Automatic app foreground time trace + * Automatic app background time trace + * Consent handling for Application Performance Monitoring +* Added `COUNTLY_EXCLUDE_PUSHNOTIFICATIONS` flag to disable push notifications altogether in order to avoid App Store Connect warnings (thanks @grundleborg) +* Fixed an incorrect internal logging on SDK start +* Fixed location consent order to avoid some legacy Countly Server issue with location info being unavailable even after giving consent +* Improved `UIApplicationWillTerminateNotification` behaviour +* Prevented recording empty string as `city`, `ISOCountryCode` and `IP` for location info +* Applied `alwaysUsePOST` flag to feedback widget check requests +* Applied `alwaysUsePOST` flag to remote config requests + +* Other various improvements + * Deleted some unnecessary imports + * Updated HeaderDocs, internal logs, inline notes and pragma marks + * Added missing frameworks to CocoaPods podspec + * Added ability to override SDK name and version for bridge SDKs ## 20.04 -- Added crash reporting feature for tvOS -- Added crash reporting feature for macOS -- Added crash reporting feature for watchOS -- Added optional crash reporting dependency PLCrashReporter for iOS -- Added UI orientation tracking -- Added crash filtering with regex -- Updated dSYM uploader script for accepting custom dSYM paths -- Updated enableAppleWatch flag default value for independent watchOS apps -- Fixed push notification consent method for macOS targets -- Fixed not appearing rich push notification buttons for some cases -- Discarded OpenGL ES version info in crash reports - -- Other various improvements - - Deleted an unnecessary UIKit import - - Added precaution for possible nil lines in backtrace - - Added precaution for possible nil OS name value - - Replaced scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval call with timerWithTimeInterval (thanks @mt-rpranata) - - Updated architerture method for crash reports - - Updated CocoaPods podspec for core subspec approach - - Updated feature, consent and push test mode specifiers as NSString typedefs - - Updated HeaderDocs, internal logs, inline notes and pragma marks +* Added crash reporting feature for tvOS +* Added crash reporting feature for macOS +* Added crash reporting feature for watchOS +* Added optional crash reporting dependency PLCrashReporter for iOS +* Added UI orientation tracking +* Added crash filtering with regex +* Updated dSYM uploader script for accepting custom dSYM paths +* Updated enableAppleWatch flag default value for independent watchOS apps +* Fixed push notification consent method for macOS targets +* Fixed not appearing rich push notification buttons for some cases +* Discarded OpenGL ES version info in crash reports + +* Other various improvements + * Deleted an unnecessary UIKit import + * Added precaution for possible nil lines in backtrace + * Added precaution for possible nil OS name value + * Replaced scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval call with timerWithTimeInterval (thanks @mt-rpranata) + * Updated architerture method for crash reports + * Updated CocoaPods podspec for core subspec approach + * Updated feature, consent and push test mode specifiers as NSString typedefs + * Updated HeaderDocs, internal logs, inline notes and pragma marks ## 19.08 -- Added temporary device ID mode -- Added support for Carthage -- Added custom URL session configuration support -- Added custom segmentation support on view tracking -- Added ability to change app key on the run -- Added ability to flush queues -- Added `pushTestMode` property and discarded `isTestDevice` property -- Fixed `WCSessionDelegate` interception -- Fixed title and message check in push notification payloads -- Fixed binary image name extraction for crash reports -- Fixed missing delegate forwarding for `userNotificationCenter:openSettingsForNotification:` method -- Fixed in-app alerts on iOS10+ devices when a silent notification with alert key arrives -- Discarded device ID persistency on Keychain -- Discarded OpenUDID device ID option -- Discarded IDFA device ID option -- Discarded zero IDFA fix -- Updated default device ID on tvOS as `identifierForVendor` - -- Other various improvements - - Renamed `forceDeviceIDInitialization` flag as `resetStoredDeviceID` - - Added lightweight generics for segmentation parameters - - Added dSYM upload script to preserved paths in Podspec - - Updated dSYM upload script to support paths with spaces - - Changed request cache policy to `NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringLocalCacheData` - - Added battery level for watchOS 4.0+ - - Added JSON validity check before converting objects - - Deleted unused `kCountlyCRKeyLoadAddress` constant - - Improved internal logging in binary images processing for crash reports - - Added persistency for generated `NSUUID` - - Added precaution to prevent invalid requests from being added to queue - - Discarded null check on request queue - - Discarded all APM related files - - Added length check for view tracking view name - - Added length check for view tracking exceptions - - Updated HeaderDocs, internal logs, inline notes and pragma marks +* Added temporary device ID mode +* Added support for Carthage +* Added custom URL session configuration support +* Added custom segmentation support on view tracking +* Added ability to change app key on the run +* Added ability to flush queues +* Added `pushTestMode` property and discarded `isTestDevice` property +* Fixed `WCSessionDelegate` interception +* Fixed title and message check in push notification payloads +* Fixed binary image name extraction for crash reports +* Fixed missing delegate forwarding for `userNotificationCenter:openSettingsForNotification:` method +* Fixed in-app alerts on iOS10+ devices when a silent notification with alert key arrives +* Discarded device ID persistency on Keychain +* Discarded OpenUDID device ID option +* Discarded IDFA device ID option +* Discarded zero IDFA fix +* Updated default device ID on tvOS as `identifierForVendor` + +* Other various improvements + * Renamed `forceDeviceIDInitialization` flag as `resetStoredDeviceID` + * Added lightweight generics for segmentation parameters + * Added dSYM upload script to preserved paths in Podspec + * Updated dSYM upload script to support paths with spaces + * Changed request cache policy to `NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringLocalCacheData` + * Added battery level for watchOS 4.0+ + * Added JSON validity check before converting objects + * Deleted unused `kCountlyCRKeyLoadAddress` constant + * Improved internal logging in binary images processing for crash reports + * Added persistency for generated `NSUUID` + * Added precaution to prevent invalid requests from being added to queue + * Discarded null check on request queue + * Discarded all APM related files + * Added length check for view tracking view name + * Added length check for view tracking exceptions + * Updated HeaderDocs, internal logs, inline notes and pragma marks ## 19.02 -- Added push notification support for macOS -- Added provisional push notification permission support for iOS12 -- Added remote config feature -- Added `recordPushNotificationToken` method to be used after device ID changes -- Added `clearPushNotificationToken` method to be used after device ID changes -- Discarded `Push Open` event and replaced it with `Push Action` event -- Fixed push notification token not being sent on some iOS12 devices -- Fixed device ID change request delaying issue by discarding delay altogether -- Fixed internal view controller presenting failure when root view controller is not ready yet -- Fixed `openURL` freeze caused by iOS -- Fixed wrong `kCountlyQSKeyLocationIP` key in location info requests -- Fixed missing app key in feedback widget requests -- Fixed feedback widget dismiss button position - -- Other various improvements - - Discarded separate UIWindow usage for presenting feedback widgets - - Added checksum to feedback widget requests - - Improved internal logging for request queue +* Added push notification support for macOS +* Added provisional push notification permission support for iOS12 +* Added remote config feature +* Added `recordPushNotificationToken` method to be used after device ID changes +* Added `clearPushNotificationToken` method to be used after device ID changes +* Discarded `Push Open` event and replaced it with `Push Action` event +* Fixed push notification token not being sent on some iOS12 devices +* Fixed device ID change request delaying issue by discarding delay altogether +* Fixed internal view controller presenting failure when root view controller is not ready yet +* Fixed `openURL` freeze caused by iOS +* Fixed wrong `kCountlyQSKeyLocationIP` key in location info requests +* Fixed missing app key in feedback widget requests +* Fixed feedback widget dismiss button position + +* Other various improvements + * Discarded separate UIWindow usage for presenting feedback widgets + * Added checksum to feedback widget requests + * Improved internal logging for request queue ## 18.08 -- Added feedback widgets support -- Added limit for number of custom crash logs (100 logs) -- Added limit for each custom crash log length (1000 chars) -- Added support for cancelling timed events -- Added support for recording fatal exceptions manually -- Added `userInfo` to crash report custom property -- Added delay before sending change device ID request (server requirement) -- Renamed `isAutoViewTrackingEnabled` as `isAutoViewTrackingActive` -- Fixed Xcode warnings for `askForNotificationPermission` method -- Fixed `UIAlertController` leak in push notification manager -- Fixed `crashSegmentation` availability for manually recorded crashes -- Fixed `openURL:` call thread as main thread -- Updated minimum supported `macOS` version as `10.10` - -- Other various improvements - - Discarded separate `UIWindow` for presenting `UIAlertControllers` - - Refactored `buildUUID` and `executableName` as properties - - Refactored custom crash log array and date formatter - - Updated HeaderDocs, inline notes, pragma marks +* Added feedback widgets support +* Added limit for number of custom crash logs (100 logs) +* Added limit for each custom crash log length (1000 chars) +* Added support for cancelling timed events +* Added support for recording fatal exceptions manually +* Added `userInfo` to crash report custom property +* Added delay before sending change device ID request (server requirement) +* Renamed `isAutoViewTrackingEnabled` as `isAutoViewTrackingActive` +* Fixed Xcode warnings for `askForNotificationPermission` method +* Fixed `UIAlertController` leak in push notification manager +* Fixed `crashSegmentation` availability for manually recorded crashes +* Fixed `openURL:` call thread as main thread +* Updated minimum supported `macOS` version as `10.10` + +* Other various improvements + * Discarded separate `UIWindow` for presenting `UIAlertControllers` + * Refactored `buildUUID` and `executableName` as properties + * Refactored custom crash log array and date formatter + * Updated HeaderDocs, inline notes, pragma marks ## 18.04 -- Added consent management for GDPR compliance -- Exposed device ID to be used for data export and/or removal requests -- Added precautions for SDK start state to prevent re-starting and early method calls -- Added mutability protection for core functions, configuration properties, events and user details -- Added `COUNTLY_EXCLUDE_IDFA` pre-processor flag to exclude IDFA references -- Added API availability checks and warnings for Apple Watch and Push Notifications -- Renamed `reportView:` method as `recordView:` -- Fixed early ending of `UIBackgroundTask` -- Fixed getting file path form local storage URL (thanks @dsmo) -- Fixed not respecting `doNotShowAlertForNotifications` flag on iOS10+ devices -- Fixed not starting requests queue when `manualSessionHandling` is enabled -- Fixed `block implicitly retains self` warning in Star Rating -- Fixed local variable shadowing warnings -- Fixed Japanese language code for Star Rating dialog - -- Other various improvements - - Refactored all location info into Location Manager - - Refactored `checkForAutoAsk` in Star Rating - - Refactored event recording for consents compatibility - - Refactored Apple Watch matching - - Refactored auto view tracking - - Added top view controller finding method - - Replaced asserts with exceptions - - Deleted unneccessary method declarations in Push Notifications - - Deleted unnecessary reference for `WCSession.defaultSession.delegate` - - Deleted unnecessary `TARGET_OS_OSX` definition - - Standardized `nil` checks - - Renamed and reordered some query string constants - - Updated HeaderDocs, inline notes, pragma marks - - Performed whitespace cleaning +* Added consent management for GDPR compliance +* Exposed device ID to be used for data export and/or removal requests +* Added precautions for SDK start state to prevent re-starting and early method calls +* Added mutability protection for core functions, configuration properties, events and user details +* Added `COUNTLY_EXCLUDE_IDFA` pre-processor flag to exclude IDFA references +* Added API availability checks and warnings for Apple Watch and Push Notifications +* Renamed `reportView:` method as `recordView:` +* Fixed early ending of `UIBackgroundTask` +* Fixed getting file path form local storage URL (thanks @dsmo) +* Fixed not respecting `doNotShowAlertForNotifications` flag on iOS10+ devices +* Fixed not starting requests queue when `manualSessionHandling` is enabled +* Fixed `block implicitly retains self` warning in Star Rating +* Fixed local variable shadowing warnings +* Fixed Japanese language code for Star Rating dialog + +* Other various improvements + * Refactored all location info into Location Manager + * Refactored `checkForAutoAsk` in Star Rating + * Refactored event recording for consents compatibility + * Refactored Apple Watch matching + * Refactored auto view tracking + * Added top view controller finding method + * Replaced asserts with exceptions + * Deleted unneccessary method declarations in Push Notifications + * Deleted unnecessary reference for `WCSession.defaultSession.delegate` + * Deleted unnecessary `TARGET_OS_OSX` definition + * Standardized `nil` checks + * Renamed and reordered some query string constants + * Updated HeaderDocs, inline notes, pragma marks + * Performed whitespace cleaning ## 18.01 -- Added `attribution` config -- Added recording city and country for GeoLocation -- Added recording explicit IP address for GeoLocation -- Added disabling GeoLocation -- Updated `recordLocation` method to override inital `location` config -- Fixed reserved key for IP address query string -- Fixed a `CoreTelephony` related crash due to an iOS bug -- Replaced `NSUserDefaults` with `NSCachesDirectory` on tvOS for persistency -- Improved auto dSYM uploader script -- Improved performance on stored request limit execution - -- Other various improvements - - Fixed a placeholder type specifier for `NSNumber` - - Deleted unnecessary `CLYMessaging` definition - - Deleted unnecessary strong ownership qualifiers - - Added Hindu translation for star rating dialog - - Added change log file - - Updated user details and star rating reserved keys as constants - - Updated `OpenGLESVersion` method return type as `NSString` - - Updated time related types as `NSTimeInterval` - - Updated HeaderDocs +* Added `attribution` config +* Added recording city and country for GeoLocation +* Added recording explicit IP address for GeoLocation +* Added disabling GeoLocation +* Updated `recordLocation` method to override inital `location` config +* Fixed reserved key for IP address query string +* Fixed a `CoreTelephony` related crash due to an iOS bug +* Replaced `NSUserDefaults` with `NSCachesDirectory` on tvOS for persistency +* Improved auto dSYM uploader script +* Improved performance on stored request limit execution + +* Other various improvements + * Fixed a placeholder type specifier for `NSNumber` + * Deleted unnecessary `CLYMessaging` definition + * Deleted unnecessary strong ownership qualifiers + * Added Hindu translation for star rating dialog + * Added change log file + * Updated user details and star rating reserved keys as constants + * Updated `OpenGLESVersion` method return type as `NSString` + * Updated time related types as `NSTimeInterval` + * Updated HeaderDocs ## 17.09 -- Updated for Xcode 9 and iOS 11 -- Added symbolication support for crash reports -- Added Automatic dSYM Uploading script -- Added extension subspec for integrating Rich Push Notifications with CocoaPods -- Added nullability specifiers for better Swift compatibility -- Added 28 new system UIViewController subclass exception for Auto View Tracking -- Added convenience method for recording action event for manually handled notifications -- Added convenience method for recording handled exception with stack trace -- Added precaution for invalid event keys -- Added precaution for corrupt request strings -- Made Zero-IDFA fix optional -- Fixed a view tracking duration problem where duration being reported as timestamp -- Replaced `crashLog` method with `recordCrashLog` and added deprecated warning -- Changed dispatch queue type for opening external URLs - -- Other various improvements - - Added Bengali translation for star rating dialog - - Updated metric, event, view tracking and crash report reserved keys as constants - - Deleted unnecessary gitattributes file - - Deleted duplicate Zero-IDFA const - - Rearranged file imports - - Updated HeaderDocs - - Cleaned whitespace +* Updated for Xcode 9 and iOS 11 +* Added symbolication support for crash reports +* Added Automatic dSYM Uploading script +* Added extension subspec for integrating Rich Push Notifications with CocoaPods +* Added nullability specifiers for better Swift compatibility +* Added 28 new system UIViewController subclass exception for Auto View Tracking +* Added convenience method for recording action event for manually handled notifications +* Added convenience method for recording handled exception with stack trace +* Added precaution for invalid event keys +* Added precaution for corrupt request strings +* Made Zero-IDFA fix optional +* Fixed a view tracking duration problem where duration being reported as timestamp +* Replaced `crashLog` method with `recordCrashLog` and added deprecated warning +* Changed dispatch queue type for opening external URLs + +* Other various improvements + * Added Bengali translation for star rating dialog + * Updated metric, event, view tracking and crash report reserved keys as constants + * Deleted unnecessary gitattributes file + * Deleted duplicate Zero-IDFA const + * Rearranged file imports + * Updated HeaderDocs + * Cleaned whitespace ## 17.05 -- Added Rich Push Notifications support (attachments and custom action buttons) -- Added manual session handling -- Added URL escaping for custom device ID and other user defined properties -- Added support for accidental extra slash in host -- Added architecture, executable name and load address for crash reporting -- Added IP optional parameter -- Added SDK metadata to all request -- Switched to SHA256 for parameter tampering protection -- Discarded `recordUserDetails` method and combined it with `save` method -- Improved `AutoViewTracking` active duration calculation -- Improved Countly payload check in notification dictionary -- Fixed inner event timestamp for 32 bit devices -- Fixed token cleaning when user's permission changes -- Fixed checksum calculation for `zero-IDFA` fix case -- Fixed OS version metric for `tvOS` -- Fixed double `suspend` method call when user kills the app using App Switcher -- Fixed a compiler warning for `macOS` targets -- Fixed `AutoViewTracking` for `macOS` targets -- Fixed showing of multiple alerts in succession - -- Other various improvements - - Refactored picture upload data preparation from request string using `NSURLComponents` - - Refactored `zero-IDFA` check - - Refactored additional info to be sent with begin session request - - Refactored checksum appending - - Refactored URLSession generation - - Refactored opening external URLs on main thread - - Refactored device model identifier method - - Refactored sending crash report into connection manager - - Replaced `__OPTIMIZED__` flag with `DEBUG` flag for push notification test mode detection - - Replaced boundary method with constant string - - Replaced text based dismiss button with cross dismiss button for star-rating - - Redefined request query string keys as constants - - Redefined push notification reserved keys as constants - - Redefined GET request max length as a constant - - Redefined server input endpoint as a constant - - Redefined push notification test mode values as enum - - Standardized some integer types - - Standardized target checking preprocessor macro usage - - Deleted unnecessary `init` override in push manager - - Deleted unnecessary `updateSessionPeriod` property in connection manager - - Deleted unnecessary `starRatingDismissButtonTitle` config property - - Deleted internal crash test methods - - Added Czech and Latvian localization for star-rating dialog - - Changed example host URL for rebranding compatibility - - Updated handling of notification on `iOS9` and older - - Updated alert key handling in push notification payload - - Updated HeaderDocs - - Cleaned whitespace +* Added Rich Push Notifications support (attachments and custom action buttons) +* Added manual session handling +* Added URL escaping for custom device ID and other user defined properties +* Added support for accidental extra slash in host +* Added architecture, executable name and load address for crash reporting +* Added IP optional parameter +* Added SDK metadata to all request +* Switched to SHA256 for parameter tampering protection +* Discarded `recordUserDetails` method and combined it with `save` method +* Improved `AutoViewTracking` active duration calculation +* Improved Countly payload check in notification dictionary +* Fixed inner event timestamp for 32 bit devices +* Fixed token cleaning when user's permission changes +* Fixed checksum calculation for `zero-IDFA` fix case +* Fixed OS version metric for `tvOS` +* Fixed double `suspend` method call when user kills the app using App Switcher +* Fixed a compiler warning for `macOS` targets +* Fixed `AutoViewTracking` for `macOS` targets +* Fixed showing of multiple alerts in succession + +* Other various improvements + * Refactored picture upload data preparation from request string using `NSURLComponents` + * Refactored `zero-IDFA` check + * Refactored additional info to be sent with begin session request + * Refactored checksum appending + * Refactored URLSession generation + * Refactored opening external URLs on main thread + * Refactored device model identifier method + * Refactored sending crash report into connection manager + * Replaced `__OPTIMIZED__` flag with `DEBUG` flag for push notification test mode detection + * Replaced boundary method with constant string + * Replaced text based dismiss button with cross dismiss button for star-rating + * Redefined request query string keys as constants + * Redefined push notification reserved keys as constants + * Redefined GET request max length as a constant + * Redefined server input endpoint as a constant + * Redefined push notification test mode values as enum + * Standardized some integer types + * Standardized target checking preprocessor macro usage + * Deleted unnecessary `init` override in push manager + * Deleted unnecessary `updateSessionPeriod` property in connection manager + * Deleted unnecessary `starRatingDismissButtonTitle` config property + * Deleted internal crash test methods + * Added Czech and Latvian localization for star-rating dialog + * Changed example host URL for rebranding compatibility + * Updated handling of notification on `iOS9` and older + * Updated alert key handling in push notification payload + * Updated HeaderDocs + * Cleaned whitespace ## 16.12 -- Refactored push notifications - - Made integration more easy - - Added iOS10 push notifications handling - - Added convenience method for asking push notifications permission covers all iOS versions - - Renamed feature name from `CLYMessaging` to `CLYPushNotifications` - - Added configuration option `doNotShowAlertForNotifications` to disable push triggered alerts - - Discarded complicated `UIUserNotificationCategory` actions - - Added configuration option `sendPushTokenAlways` to record push token always (for sending silent notification to users without notification permission) - - Discarded App Store URL fetching with `NSURLConnection` -- Discarded iOS7 support and deprecated method calls -- Switched to runtime controlled internal logging instead of preprocessor flag -- Added AutoViewTracking support for tvOS -- Added view controller title and custom titleView support for AutoViewTracking -- Improved AutoViewTracking performance and Swift compatibility -- Refactored suspending for crash reporting -- Switched to async file save for suspending -- Added user login and logout convenience methods -- Added configuration option to enable Apple Watch related features -- Moved archiving of queued request into sync block to prevent a very rare occurring crash -- Refactored unsent session duration -- Added completion callback for automatically displayed star-rating dialog -- Partially fixed but temporarily disabled APM feature until server completely supports it -- Fixed too long exception name in crash reports on iOS10 -- Other various improvements - - Refactored starting method - - Switched to separate window based alert controller displaying for push notifications and star-rating dialogs - - Renamed constant kCountlyStarRatingButtonSize to prevent compile time conflicts - - Renamed server input endpoint variable for white label SDK renamer script compatibility - - Updated star-rating reserved event key - - Added internal log for successful initialization with SDK name and version - - Fixed unused `UIAlertViewAssociatedObjectKey` warning for macOS - - Removed old deviceID zero-IDFA fixer redundant request - - Added internal logging for connection type retrieval exception - - Added exception type info to crash reports - - Fixed duplicate exception adding for AutoViewTracking - - Prevented Countly internal view controllers from being tracked by AutoViewTracking - - Prefixed all category methods to prevent possible conflicts - - Changed timer's runloop mode - - Updated timestamp type specifier (thanks to @scottlaw) - - Changed SDK metadata sending to begin_session only - - Replaced empty string checks with length checks - - Cleared nullability specifiers - - Updated HeaderDocs - - Cleaned whitespace +* Refactored push notifications + * Made integration more easy + * Added iOS10 push notifications handling + * Added convenience method for asking push notifications permission covers all iOS versions + * Renamed feature name from `CLYMessaging` to `CLYPushNotifications` + * Added configuration option `doNotShowAlertForNotifications` to disable push triggered alerts + * Discarded complicated `UIUserNotificationCategory` actions + * Added configuration option `sendPushTokenAlways` to record push token always (for sending silent notification to users without notification permission) + * Discarded App Store URL fetching with `NSURLConnection` +* Discarded iOS7 support and deprecated method calls +* Switched to runtime controlled internal logging instead of preprocessor flag +* Added AutoViewTracking support for tvOS +* Added view controller title and custom titleView support for AutoViewTracking +* Improved AutoViewTracking performance and Swift compatibility +* Refactored suspending for crash reporting +* Switched to async file save for suspending +* Added user login and logout convenience methods +* Added configuration option to enable Apple Watch related features +* Moved archiving of queued request into sync block to prevent a very rare occurring crash +* Refactored unsent session duration +* Added completion callback for automatically displayed star-rating dialog +* Partially fixed but temporarily disabled APM feature until server completely supports it +* Fixed too long exception name in crash reports on iOS10 +* Other various improvements + * Refactored starting method + * Switched to separate window based alert controller displaying for push notifications and star-rating dialogs + * Renamed constant kCountlyStarRatingButtonSize to prevent compile time conflicts + * Renamed server input endpoint variable for white label SDK renamer script compatibility + * Updated star-rating reserved event key + * Added internal log for successful initialization with SDK name and version + * Fixed unused `UIAlertViewAssociatedObjectKey` warning for macOS + * Removed old deviceID zero-IDFA fixer redundant request + * Added internal logging for connection type retrieval exception + * Added exception type info to crash reports + * Fixed duplicate exception adding for AutoViewTracking + * Prevented Countly internal view controllers from being tracked by AutoViewTracking + * Prefixed all category methods to prevent possible conflicts + * Changed timer's runloop mode + * Updated timestamp type specifier (thanks to @scottlaw) + * Changed SDK metadata sending to begin_session only + * Replaced empty string checks with length checks + * Cleared nullability specifiers + * Updated HeaderDocs + * Cleaned whitespace ## 16.06.4 -- Fixed iOS10 zero-IDFA problem -- Fixed TARGET_OS_OSX warning for iOS10 SDK on Xcode 8. -- Fixed ending of background tasks. -- Added parameter tampering protection. -- Added density metric. -- Added alwaysUsePOST config property for using POST method for all requests regardless of the data size. -- Added timezone. -- Switched to millisecond timestamp. -- Disabled server response dictionary check. -- Other minor improvements like better internal logging, standardization, whitespacing, code cleaning, commenting, pragma marking and HeaderDocing +* Fixed iOS10 zero-IDFA problem +* Fixed TARGET_OS_OSX warning for iOS10 SDK on Xcode 8. +* Fixed ending of background tasks. +* Added parameter tampering protection. +* Added density metric. +* Added alwaysUsePOST config property for using POST method for all requests regardless of the data size. +* Added timezone. +* Switched to millisecond timestamp. +* Disabled server response dictionary check. +* Other minor improvements like better internal logging, standardization, whitespacing, code cleaning, commenting, pragma marking and HeaderDocing ## 16.06.3 -- Fixed a persistency related crash -- Improved thread safety of request queue and events -- Added Star-Rating, the simplest form of feedback from users, both automatically and manually. -- Improved event recording performance and safety for APM and Auto View Tracking. -- Added custom HTTP header field support for requests, both on initial configuration and later. -- Standardized internal logging grammar and formatting for easier debugging -- Improved headerdocs grammar and formatting for easier integration and usage -- Fixed some static analyzer warnings +* Fixed a persistency related crash +* Improved thread safety of request queue and events +* Added Star-Rating, the simplest form of feedback from users, both automatically and manually. +* Improved event recording performance and safety for APM and Auto View Tracking. +* Added custom HTTP header field support for requests, both on initial configuration and later. +* Standardized internal logging grammar and formatting for easier debugging +* Improved headerdocs grammar and formatting for easier integration and usage +* Fixed some static analyzer warnings ## 16.06.2 -- Added Star-Rating, the simplest form of feedback from users, both automatically and manually. -- Improved event recording performance and safety for APM and Auto View Tracking. -- Added custom HTTP header field support for requests, both on initial configuration and later. -- Standardized internal logging grammar and formatting for easier debugging -- Improved headerdocs grammar and formatting for easier integration and usage -- Fixed some static analyzer warnings +* Added Star-Rating, the simplest form of feedback from users, both automatically and manually. +* Improved event recording performance and safety for APM and Auto View Tracking. +* Added custom HTTP header field support for requests, both on initial configuration and later. +* Standardized internal logging grammar and formatting for easier debugging +* Improved headerdocs grammar and formatting for easier integration and usage +* Fixed some static analyzer warnings ## 16.06.1 -- Added support for certificate pinning. -- Added deleting of user details properties on server by setting them as NSNull. -- Implemented switching between GET and POST depending on data size on requests. -- Fixed a URL encoding issue which causes problems for Asian languages and some JSON payloads. -- Fixed custom crash log formatter. +* Added support for certificate pinning. +* Added deleting of user details properties on server by setting them as NSNull. +* Implemented switching between GET and POST depending on data size on requests. +* Fixed a URL encoding issue which causes problems for Asian languages and some JSON payloads. +* Fixed custom crash log formatter. ## 16.06 -- Fixed a problem with changing device ID (for system generated device IDs) -- Added isTestDevice flag to mark test devices for Push Notifications -- Improved Auto View Tracking by ignoring non-visible foundation UIViewController subclasses -- Implemented manually adding exception UIViewController subclasses for Auto View Tracking -- Changed default device ID type for tvOS from IDFA to NSUUID -- Added stored requests limit -- Added optional parameters ISOCountryCode, city and location for advanced segmentation -- Discarded timed events persistency -- Added buildUUID and build number to Crash Reports -- Added SDK name (language-origin-platform) to all requests -- Changed default alert title for push messages -- Other minor improvements like better internal logging, standardization, whitespacing, code cleaning, commenting, pragma marking and HeaderDocing +* Fixed a problem with changing device ID (for system generated device IDs) +* Added isTestDevice flag to mark test devices for Push Notifications +* Improved Auto View Tracking by ignoring non-visible foundation UIViewController subclasses +* Implemented manually adding exception UIViewController subclasses for Auto View Tracking +* Changed default device ID type for tvOS from IDFA to NSUUID +* Added stored requests limit +* Added optional parameters ISOCountryCode, city and location for advanced segmentation +* Discarded timed events persistency +* Added buildUUID and build number to Crash Reports +* Added SDK name (language-origin-platform) to all requests +* Changed default alert title for push messages +* Other minor improvements like better internal logging, standardization, whitespacing, code cleaning, commenting, pragma marking and HeaderDocing # 16.02.01 -- Swithed to POST method for all requests by default -- Fixed some issues with Crash Reporting persistency -- Fixed some issues with CocoaPods v1.0.0 -- Other minor fixes and improvements +* Swithed to POST method for all requests by default +* Fixed some issues with Crash Reporting persistency +* Fixed some issues with CocoaPods v1.0.0 +* Other minor fixes and improvements ## 16.02 Completely re-written iOS SDK with watchOS, tvOS & OSX support -- APM -- Manual/Auto ViewTracking -- UserDetails modifiers -- watchOS 2 support -- tvOS support -- Configurable starting -- Custom or system provided (IDFA, IDFV, OpenUDID) device ID -- Changing/merging device ID on runtime -- Persistency without CoreData -- Various performance improvements and minor bugfixes +* APM +* Manual/Auto ViewTracking +* UserDetails modifiers +* watchOS 2 support +* tvOS support +* Configurable starting +* Custom or system provided (IDFA, IDFV, OpenUDID) device ID +* Changing/merging device ID on runtime +* Persistency without CoreData +* Various performance improvements and minor bugfixes ## 15.06.01 @@ -643,8 +694,8 @@ Updated CocoaPods spec ## 15.06 -- Added WatchKit support -- Added CrashReporting support -- Fixed minor problems with Messaging -- Added manually ending sessions on background fetch -- Switched to Ubuntu version numbering +* Added WatchKit support +* Added CrashReporting support +* Fixed minor problems with Messaging +* Added manually ending sessions on background fetch +* Switched to Ubuntu version numbering diff --git a/ios/src/Countly-PL.podspec b/ios/src/Countly-PL.podspec index 847bd0ae..3f661a6a 100644 --- a/ios/src/Countly-PL.podspec +++ b/ios/src/Countly-PL.podspec @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ Pod::Spec.new do |s| s.name = 'Countly-PL' - s.version = '23.8.2' + s.version = '24.4.0' s.license = { :type => 'MIT', :file => 'LICENSE' } s.summary = 'Countly is an innovative, real-time, open source mobile analytics platform.' s.homepage = 'https://github.com/Countly/countly-sdk-ios' @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Pod::Spec.new do |s| s.subspec 'Core' do |core| core.source_files = '*.{h,m}' - core.public_header_files = 'Countly.h', 'CountlyUserDetails.h', 'CountlyConfig.h', 'CountlyFeedbackWidget.h', 'CountlyRCData.h', 'CountlyRemoteConfig.h', 'CountlyViewTracking.h' + core.public_header_files = 'Countly.h', 'CountlyUserDetails.h', 'CountlyConfig.h', 'CountlyFeedbackWidget.h', 'CountlyRCData.h', 'CountlyRemoteConfig.h', 'CountlyViewTracking.h', 'CountlyExperimentInformation.h', 'CountlyAPMConfig.h', 'CountlySDKLimitsConfig.h', 'Resettable.h' core.preserve_path = 'countly_dsym_uploader.sh' core.ios.frameworks = ['Foundation', 'UIKit', 'UserNotifications', 'CoreLocation', 'WebKit', 'CoreTelephony', 'WatchConnectivity'] end diff --git a/ios/src/Countly.h b/ios/src/Countly.h index 045da604..f5659181 100644 --- a/ios/src/Countly.h +++ b/ios/src/Countly.h @@ -12,13 +12,14 @@ #import "CountlyRemoteConfig.h" #import "CountlyFeedbackWidget.h" #import "CountlyViewTracking.h" +#import "Resettable.h" #if (TARGET_OS_IOS || TARGET_OS_OSX) #import #endif NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN -@interface Countly : NSObject +@interface Countly : NSObject #pragma mark - Core @@ -805,6 +806,18 @@ NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN */ - (void)appLoadingFinished; +/** + * Reset the state of SDK that it is not initialized. + * @discussion Reset shared instances + * @discussion Clear request queue and events queue + */ +- (void)halt; +- (void)halt:(BOOL) clearStorage; + +/* Combine all events in event queue into a request and attempt to process stored requests on demand + */ +- (void)attemptToSendStoredRequests; + NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END @end diff --git a/ios/src/Countly.m b/ios/src/Countly.m index 4467d5a3..f5f70233 100644 --- a/ios/src/Countly.m +++ b/ios/src/Countly.m @@ -28,14 +28,21 @@ + (void)load appLoadStartTime = floor(NSDate.date.timeIntervalSince1970 * 1000); } +static Countly *s_sharedCountly = nil; +static dispatch_once_t onceToken; + + (instancetype)sharedInstance { - static Countly *s_sharedCountly = nil; - static dispatch_once_t onceToken; dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{s_sharedCountly = self.new;}); return s_sharedCountly; } +- (void)resetInstance { + CLY_LOG_I(@"%s", __FUNCTION__); + onceToken = 0; + s_sharedCountly = nil; +} + - (instancetype)init { if (self = [super init]) @@ -74,10 +81,27 @@ - (void)startWithConfig:(CountlyConfig *)config CountlyCommon.sharedInstance.shouldIgnoreTrustCheck = config.shouldIgnoreTrustCheck; CountlyCommon.sharedInstance.loggerDelegate = config.loggerDelegate; CountlyCommon.sharedInstance.internalLogLevel = config.internalLogLevel; - CountlyCommon.sharedInstance.maxKeyLength = config.maxKeyLength; - CountlyCommon.sharedInstance.maxValueLength = config.maxValueLength; - CountlyCommon.sharedInstance.maxSegmentationValues = config.maxSegmentationValues; - + + config = [self checkAndFixInternalLimitsConfig:config]; + + CountlyCommon.sharedInstance.maxKeyLength = config.sdkInternalLimits.getMaxKeyLength; + CountlyCommon.sharedInstance.maxValueLength = config.sdkInternalLimits.getMaxValueSize; + CountlyCommon.sharedInstance.maxSegmentationValues = config.sdkInternalLimits.getMaxSegmentationValues; + + // For backward compatibility, deprecated values are only set incase new values are not provided using sdkInternalLimits interface + if(CountlyCommon.sharedInstance.maxKeyLength == kCountlyMaxKeyLength && config.maxKeyLength != kCountlyMaxKeyLength) { + CountlyCommon.sharedInstance.maxKeyLength = config.maxKeyLength; + CLY_LOG_I(@"%s provided 'maxKeyLength' override:[ %lu ]", __FUNCTION__, (unsigned long)config.maxKeyLength); + } + if(CountlyCommon.sharedInstance.maxValueLength == kCountlyMaxValueSize && config.maxValueLength != kCountlyMaxValueSize) { + CountlyCommon.sharedInstance.maxValueLength = config.maxValueLength; + CLY_LOG_I(@"%s provided 'maxValueLength' override:[ %lu ]", __FUNCTION__, (unsigned long)config.maxValueLength); + } + if(CountlyCommon.sharedInstance.maxSegmentationValues == kCountlyMaxSegmentationValues && config.maxSegmentationValues != kCountlyMaxSegmentationValues) { + CountlyCommon.sharedInstance.maxSegmentationValues = config.maxSegmentationValues; + CLY_LOG_I(@"%s provided 'maxSegmentationValues' override:[ %lu ]", __FUNCTION__, (unsigned long)config.maxSegmentationValues); + } + CountlyConsentManager.sharedInstance.requiresConsent = config.requiresConsent; if (!config.appKey.length || [config.appKey isEqualToString:@"YOUR_APP_KEY"]) @@ -86,7 +110,7 @@ - (void)startWithConfig:(CountlyConfig *)config if (!config.host.length || [config.host isEqualToString:@"https://YOUR_COUNTLY_SERVER"]) [NSException raise:@"CountlyHostNotSetException" format:@"host property on CountlyConfig object is not set"]; - if([CountlyCommon.sharedInstance.SDKName isEqualToString:kCountlySDKName] && [CountlyCommon.sharedInstance.SDKVersion isEqualToString:kCountlySDKVersion]) + if ([CountlyCommon.sharedInstance.SDKName isEqualToString:kCountlySDKName] && [CountlyCommon.sharedInstance.SDKVersion isEqualToString:kCountlySDKVersion]) { CLY_LOG_I(@"Initializing with %@ SDK v%@ on %@ with %@ %@", CountlyCommon.sharedInstance.SDKName, @@ -121,6 +145,7 @@ - (void)startWithConfig:(CountlyConfig *)config CountlyConnectionManager.sharedInstance.URLSessionConfiguration = config.URLSessionConfiguration; CountlyPersistency.sharedInstance.eventSendThreshold = config.eventSendThreshold; + CountlyPersistency.sharedInstance.requestDropAgeHours = config.requestDropAgeHours; CountlyPersistency.sharedInstance.storedRequestsLimit = MAX(1, config.storedRequestsLimit); CountlyCommon.sharedInstance.manualSessionHandling = config.manualSessionHandling; @@ -135,7 +160,7 @@ - (void)startWithConfig:(CountlyConfig *)config CountlyCommon.sharedInstance.enableServerConfiguration = config.enableServerConfiguration; // Fetch server configs if 'enableServerConfiguration' is true. - if(config.enableServerConfiguration) + if (config.enableServerConfiguration) { [CountlyServerConfig.sharedInstance fetchServerConfig]; } @@ -147,7 +172,14 @@ - (void)startWithConfig:(CountlyConfig *)config CountlyFeedbacks.sharedInstance.ratingCompletionForAutoAsk = config.starRatingCompletion; [CountlyFeedbacks.sharedInstance checkForStarRatingAutoAsk]; - [CountlyLocationManager.sharedInstance updateLocation:config.location city:config.city ISOCountryCode:config.ISOCountryCode IP:config.IP]; + if(config.disableLocation) + { + [CountlyLocationManager.sharedInstance disableLocation]; + } + else + { + [CountlyLocationManager.sharedInstance updateLocation:config.location city:config.city ISOCountryCode:config.ISOCountryCode IP:config.IP]; + } #endif if (!CountlyCommon.sharedInstance.manualSessionHandling) @@ -175,7 +207,12 @@ - (void)startWithConfig:(CountlyConfig *)config #endif CountlyCrashReporter.sharedInstance.crashSegmentation = [config.crashSegmentation cly_truncated:@"Crash segmentation"]; - CountlyCrashReporter.sharedInstance.crashLogLimit = MAX(1, config.crashLogLimit); + CountlyCrashReporter.sharedInstance.crashLogLimit = config.sdkInternalLimits.getMaxBreadcrumbCount; + // For backward compatibility, deprecated values are only set incase new values are not provided using sdkInternalLimits interface + if(CountlyCrashReporter.sharedInstance.crashLogLimit == kCountlyMaxBreadcrumbCount && config.crashLogLimit != kCountlyMaxBreadcrumbCount) { + CountlyCrashReporter.sharedInstance.crashLogLimit = MAX(1, config.crashLogLimit); + CLY_LOG_W(@"%s provided 'maxBreadcrumbCount' override:[ %lu ]", __FUNCTION__, (unsigned long)config.crashLogLimit); + } CountlyCrashReporter.sharedInstance.crashFilter = config.crashFilter; CountlyCrashReporter.sharedInstance.shouldUsePLCrashReporter = config.shouldUsePLCrashReporter; CountlyCrashReporter.sharedInstance.shouldUseMachSignalHandler = config.shouldUseMachSignalHandler; @@ -194,11 +231,11 @@ - (void)startWithConfig:(CountlyConfig *)config CountlyViewTrackingInternal.sharedInstance.isEnabledOnInitialConfig = YES; [CountlyViewTrackingInternal.sharedInstance startAutoViewTracking]; } - if(config.automaticViewTrackingExclusionList) { + if (config.automaticViewTrackingExclusionList) { [CountlyViewTrackingInternal.sharedInstance addAutoViewTrackingExclutionList:config.automaticViewTrackingExclusionList]; } #endif - if(config.globalViewSegmentation) { + if (config.globalViewSegmentation) { [CountlyViewTrackingInternal.sharedInstance setGlobalViewSegmentation:config.globalViewSegmentation]; } timer = [NSTimer timerWithTimeInterval:config.updateSessionPeriod target:self selector:@selector(onTimer:) userInfo:nil repeats:YES]; @@ -207,16 +244,18 @@ - (void)startWithConfig:(CountlyConfig *)config CountlyRemoteConfigInternal.sharedInstance.isRCAutomaticTriggersEnabled = config.enableRemoteConfigAutomaticTriggers || config.enableRemoteConfig; CountlyRemoteConfigInternal.sharedInstance.isRCValueCachingEnabled = config.enableRemoteConfigValueCaching; CountlyRemoteConfigInternal.sharedInstance.remoteConfigCompletionHandler = config.remoteConfigCompletionHandler; - if(config.getRemoteConfigGlobalCallbacks) { + if (config.getRemoteConfigGlobalCallbacks) { CountlyRemoteConfigInternal.sharedInstance.remoteConfigGlobalCallbacks = config.getRemoteConfigGlobalCallbacks; } - if(config.enrollABOnRCDownload) { + if (config.enrollABOnRCDownload) { CountlyRemoteConfigInternal.sharedInstance.enrollABOnRCDownload = config.enrollABOnRCDownload; } [CountlyRemoteConfigInternal.sharedInstance downloadRemoteConfigAutomatically]; + if (config.apm.getAppStartTimestampOverride) { + appLoadStartTime = config.apm.getAppStartTimestampOverride; + } - CountlyPerformanceMonitoring.sharedInstance.isEnabledOnInitialConfig = config.enablePerformanceMonitoring; - [CountlyPerformanceMonitoring.sharedInstance startPerformanceMonitoring]; + [CountlyPerformanceMonitoring.sharedInstance startWithConfig:config.apm]; CountlyCommon.sharedInstance.enableOrientationTracking = config.enableOrientationTracking; [CountlyCommon.sharedInstance observeDeviceOrientationChanges]; @@ -224,7 +263,7 @@ - (void)startWithConfig:(CountlyConfig *)config [CountlyConnectionManager.sharedInstance proceedOnQueue]; //TODO: Should move at the top after checking the the edge cases of current implementation - if(config.enableAllConsents) + if (config.enableAllConsents) [self giveAllConsents]; else if (config.consents) [self giveConsentForFeatures:config.consents]; @@ -236,6 +275,56 @@ - (void)startWithConfig:(CountlyConfig *)config [self recordIndirectAttribution:config.indirectAttribution]; } +- (CountlyConfig *) checkAndFixInternalLimitsConfig:(CountlyConfig *)config +{ + if (config.sdkInternalLimits.getMaxKeyLength == 0) { + [config.sdkInternalLimits setMaxKeyLength:kCountlyMaxKeyLength]; + CLY_LOG_W(@"%s Ignoring provided value of %lu for 'maxKeyLength' because it's less than 1", __FUNCTION__, (unsigned long)config.sdkInternalLimits.getMaxKeyLength); + } + else if(config.sdkInternalLimits.getMaxKeyLength != kCountlyMaxKeyLength) + { + CLY_LOG_I(@"%s provided 'maxKeyLength' override:[ %lu ]", __FUNCTION__, (unsigned long)config.sdkInternalLimits.getMaxKeyLength); + } + + if (config.sdkInternalLimits.getMaxValueSize == 0) { + [config.sdkInternalLimits setMaxValueSize:kCountlyMaxValueSize]; + CLY_LOG_W(@"%s Ignoring provided value of %lu for 'maxValueSize' because it's less than 1", __FUNCTION__, (unsigned long)config.sdkInternalLimits.getMaxValueSize); + } + else if(config.sdkInternalLimits.getMaxValueSize != kCountlyMaxValueSize) + { + CLY_LOG_I(@"%s provided 'maxValueSize' override:[ %lu ]", __FUNCTION__, (unsigned long)config.sdkInternalLimits.getMaxValueSize); + } + + if (config.sdkInternalLimits.getMaxSegmentationValues == 0) { + [config.sdkInternalLimits setMaxSegmentationValues:kCountlyMaxSegmentationValues]; + CLY_LOG_W(@"%s Ignoring provided value of %lu for 'maxSegmentationValues' because it's less than 1", __FUNCTION__, (unsigned long)config.sdkInternalLimits.getMaxSegmentationValues); + } + else if(config.sdkInternalLimits.getMaxSegmentationValues != kCountlyMaxSegmentationValues) + { + CLY_LOG_I(@"%s provided 'maxSegmentationValues' override:[ %lu ]", __FUNCTION__, (unsigned long)config.sdkInternalLimits.getMaxSegmentationValues); + } + + if (config.sdkInternalLimits.getMaxBreadcrumbCount == 0) { + [config.sdkInternalLimits setMaxBreadcrumbCount:kCountlyMaxBreadcrumbCount]; + CLY_LOG_W(@"%s Ignoring provided value of %lu for 'maxBreadcrumbCount' because it's less than 1", __FUNCTION__, (unsigned long)config.sdkInternalLimits.getMaxBreadcrumbCount); + } + else if(config.sdkInternalLimits.getMaxBreadcrumbCount != kCountlyMaxBreadcrumbCount) + { + CLY_LOG_I(@"%s provided 'maxBreadcrumbCount' override:[ %lu ]", __FUNCTION__, (unsigned long)config.sdkInternalLimits.getMaxBreadcrumbCount); + } + + if(config.sdkInternalLimits.getMaxStackTraceLineLength != kCountlyMaxStackTraceLinesPerThread) + { + CLY_LOG_W(@"%s 'maxStackTraceLineLength' is currently a placeholder and doesn't actively utilize the set values.", __FUNCTION__); + } + + if(config.sdkInternalLimits.getMaxStackTraceLinesPerThread != kCountlyMaxStackTraceLineLength) + { + CLY_LOG_I(@"%s 'maxStackTraceLinesPerThread' is currently a placeholder and doesn't actively utilize the set values.", __FUNCTION__); + } + return config; +} + #pragma mark - - (void)onTimer:(NSTimer *)timer @@ -248,7 +337,7 @@ - (void)onTimer:(NSTimer *)timer [CountlyConnectionManager.sharedInstance updateSession]; } // this condtion is called only when both manual session handling and hybrid mode is enabled. - else if(CountlyCommon.sharedInstance.enableManualSessionControlHybridMode) + else if (CountlyCommon.sharedInstance.enableManualSessionControlHybridMode) { [CountlyConnectionManager.sharedInstance updateSession]; } @@ -555,7 +644,7 @@ - (void)setNewDeviceID:(NSString *)deviceID onServer:(BOOL)onServer [CountlyRemoteConfigInternal.sharedInstance clearCachedRemoteConfig]; - if(![deviceID isEqualToString:CLYTemporaryDeviceID] ) + if (![deviceID isEqualToString:CLYTemporaryDeviceID] ) { [CountlyRemoteConfigInternal.sharedInstance downloadRemoteConfigAutomatically]; } @@ -738,7 +827,7 @@ - (void)recordEvent:(NSString *)key segmentation:(NSDictionary *)segmentation co BOOL isReservedEvent = [self isReservedEvent:key]; // If the event is not reserved, assign the previous event ID to the current event's PEID property, or an empty string if previousEventID is nil. Then, update previousEventID to the current event's ID. - if(!isReservedEvent) + if (!isReservedEvent) { event.PEID = previousEventID ?: @""; previousEventID = event.ID; @@ -1254,4 +1343,32 @@ - (void)appLoadingFinished [CountlyPerformanceMonitoring.sharedInstance recordAppStartDurationTraceWithStartTime:appLoadStartTime endTime:appLoadEndTime]; } +- (void)halt +{ + CLY_LOG_I(@"%s", __FUNCTION__); + [self halt:true]; +} + +- (void)halt:(BOOL) clearStorage +{ + CLY_LOG_I(@"%s %d", __FUNCTION__, clearStorage); + [CountlyPersistency.sharedInstance resetInstance:clearStorage]; + [CountlyDeviceInfo.sharedInstance resetInstance]; + [self resetInstance]; + [CountlyCommon.sharedInstance resetInstance]; + + if(clearStorage) + { + NSString *appDomain = [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundleIdentifier]; + [NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults removePersistentDomainForName:appDomain]; + [NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults synchronize]; + } +} + +- (void)attemptToSendStoredRequests +{ + CLY_LOG_I(@"%s", __FUNCTION__); + [CountlyConnectionManager.sharedInstance attemptToSendStoredRequests]; +} + @end diff --git a/ios/src/Countly.podspec b/ios/src/Countly.podspec index e08156bf..54e7f614 100644 --- a/ios/src/Countly.podspec +++ b/ios/src/Countly.podspec @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ Pod::Spec.new do |s| s.name = 'Countly' - s.version = '23.8.2' + s.version = '24.4.0' s.license = { :type => 'MIT', :file => 'LICENSE' } s.summary = 'Countly is an innovative, real-time, open source mobile analytics platform.' s.homepage = 'https://github.com/Countly/countly-sdk-ios' @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Pod::Spec.new do |s| s.subspec 'Core' do |core| core.source_files = '*.{h,m}' - core.public_header_files = 'Countly.h', 'CountlyUserDetails.h', 'CountlyConfig.h', 'CountlyFeedbackWidget.h', 'CountlyRCData.h', 'CountlyRemoteConfig.h', 'CountlyViewTracking.h' + core.public_header_files = 'Countly.h', 'CountlyUserDetails.h', 'CountlyConfig.h', 'CountlyFeedbackWidget.h', 'CountlyRCData.h', 'CountlyRemoteConfig.h', 'CountlyViewTracking.h', 'CountlyExperimentInformation.h', 'CountlyAPMConfig.h', 'CountlySDKLimitsConfig.h', 'Resettable.h' core.preserve_path = 'countly_dsym_uploader.sh' core.ios.frameworks = ['Foundation', 'UIKit', 'UserNotifications', 'CoreLocation', 'WebKit', 'CoreTelephony', 'WatchConnectivity'] end diff --git a/ios/src/Countly.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj b/ios/src/Countly.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj index e50b6f3b..a76ecdf4 100644 --- a/ios/src/Countly.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj +++ b/ios/src/Countly.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ archiveVersion = 1; classes = { }; - objectVersion = 50; + objectVersion = 55; objects = { /* Begin PBXBuildFile section */ @@ -15,8 +15,19 @@ 1A3A576529ED47BD0041B7BE /* CountlyServerConfig.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 1A3A576429ED47B50041B7BE /* CountlyServerConfig.h */; }; 1A423E9E2A271E46008C4757 /* CountlyRCData.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 1A423E9D2A271E46008C4757 /* CountlyRCData.m */; }; 1A423EA02A271FE0008C4757 /* CountlyRCData.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 1A423E9F2A271E52008C4757 /* CountlyRCData.h */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (Public, ); }; }; + 1A478D032AB314750056A5E7 /* CountlyExperimentInformation.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 1A9027FF2AB197C00044EBCF /* CountlyExperimentInformation.h */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (Public, ); }; }; + 1A50D7052B3C5AA3009C6938 /* CountlyBaseTestCase.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 1A50D7042B3C5AA3009C6938 /* CountlyBaseTestCase.swift */; }; + 1A5C4C972B35B0850032EE1F /* CountlyTests.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 1A5C4C962B35B0850032EE1F /* CountlyTests.swift */; }; + 1A5C4C982B35B0850032EE1F /* Countly.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 3B20A9822245225A00E3D7AE /* Countly.framework */; platformFilters = (ios, macos, ); }; + 1A9027FE2AB197B50044EBCF /* CountlyExperimentInformation.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 1A9027FD2AB197B50044EBCF /* CountlyExperimentInformation.m */; }; 1ACA5DC12A309E7F001F770B /* CountlyRemoteConfigInternal.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 1ACA5DBF2A309E7F001F770B /* CountlyRemoteConfigInternal.h */; }; 1ACA5DC22A309E7F001F770B /* CountlyRemoteConfigInternal.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 1ACA5DC02A309E7F001F770B /* CountlyRemoteConfigInternal.m */; }; + 1AFD79022B3EF82C00772FBD /* CountlyTests-Bridging-Header.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 1AFD79012B3EF82C00772FBD /* CountlyTests-Bridging-Header.h */; }; + 3948A8572BAC2E7D002D09AA /* CountlySDKLimitsConfig.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 3948A8552BAC2E7D002D09AA /* CountlySDKLimitsConfig.m */; }; + 3948A8582BAC2E7D002D09AA /* CountlySDKLimitsConfig.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 3948A8562BAC2E7D002D09AA /* CountlySDKLimitsConfig.h */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (Public, ); }; }; + 39527E152B5FD27400EE5D7B /* CountlyAPMConfig.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 39527E142B5FD27400EE5D7B /* CountlyAPMConfig.m */; }; + 39527E182B5FD54C00EE5D7B /* CountlyAPMConfig.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 39527E162B5FD28900EE5D7B /* CountlyAPMConfig.h */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (Public, ); }; }; + 39911B672B457DBB00AC053C /* Resettable.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 39911B662B457DB500AC053C /* Resettable.h */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (Public, ); }; }; 3B20A9872245225A00E3D7AE /* Countly.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 3B20A9852245225A00E3D7AE /* Countly.h */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (Public, ); }; }; 3B20A9B22245228700E3D7AE /* CountlyConnectionManager.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 3B20A98D2245228300E3D7AE /* CountlyConnectionManager.h */; }; 3B20A9B32245228700E3D7AE /* CountlyNotificationService.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 3B20A98E2245228300E3D7AE /* CountlyNotificationService.m */; }; @@ -55,6 +66,16 @@ D2CFEF982545FBE80026B044 /* CountlyFeedbacks.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = D2CFEF962545FBE80026B044 /* CountlyFeedbacks.m */; }; /* End PBXBuildFile section */ +/* Begin PBXContainerItemProxy section */ + 1A5C4C992B35B0850032EE1F /* PBXContainerItemProxy */ = { + isa = PBXContainerItemProxy; + containerPortal = 3B20A9792245225A00E3D7AE /* Project object */; + proxyType = 1; + remoteGlobalIDString = 3B20A9812245225A00E3D7AE; + remoteInfo = Countly; + }; +/* End PBXContainerItemProxy section */ + /* Begin PBXFileReference section */ 1A3110622A7128CD001CB507 /* CountlyViewData.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = CountlyViewData.m; sourceTree = ""; }; 1A3110642A7128DC001CB507 /* CountlyViewData.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CountlyViewData.h; sourceTree = ""; }; @@ -64,8 +85,20 @@ 1A3A576429ED47B50041B7BE /* CountlyServerConfig.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CountlyServerConfig.h; sourceTree = ""; }; 1A423E9D2A271E46008C4757 /* CountlyRCData.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = CountlyRCData.m; sourceTree = ""; }; 1A423E9F2A271E52008C4757 /* CountlyRCData.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CountlyRCData.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + 1A50D7042B3C5AA3009C6938 /* CountlyBaseTestCase.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = CountlyBaseTestCase.swift; sourceTree = ""; }; + 1A5C4C942B35B0850032EE1F /* CountlyTests.xctest */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = wrapper.cfbundle; includeInIndex = 0; path = CountlyTests.xctest; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; }; + 1A5C4C962B35B0850032EE1F /* CountlyTests.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = CountlyTests.swift; sourceTree = ""; }; + 1A9027FD2AB197B50044EBCF /* CountlyExperimentInformation.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = CountlyExperimentInformation.m; sourceTree = ""; }; + 1A9027FF2AB197C00044EBCF /* CountlyExperimentInformation.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CountlyExperimentInformation.h; sourceTree = ""; }; 1ACA5DBF2A309E7F001F770B /* CountlyRemoteConfigInternal.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CountlyRemoteConfigInternal.h; sourceTree = ""; }; 1ACA5DC02A309E7F001F770B /* CountlyRemoteConfigInternal.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = CountlyRemoteConfigInternal.m; sourceTree = ""; }; + 1AFD79012B3EF82C00772FBD /* CountlyTests-Bridging-Header.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = "CountlyTests-Bridging-Header.h"; sourceTree = ""; }; + 3948A8552BAC2E7D002D09AA /* CountlySDKLimitsConfig.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = CountlySDKLimitsConfig.m; sourceTree = ""; }; + 3948A8562BAC2E7D002D09AA /* CountlySDKLimitsConfig.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CountlySDKLimitsConfig.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + 39527E142B5FD27400EE5D7B /* CountlyAPMConfig.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = CountlyAPMConfig.m; sourceTree = ""; }; + 39527E162B5FD28900EE5D7B /* CountlyAPMConfig.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CountlyAPMConfig.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + 395683372BB2988300C7A06B /* PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.xml; path = PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy; sourceTree = ""; }; + 39911B662B457DB500AC053C /* Resettable.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = Resettable.h; sourceTree = ""; }; 3B20A9822245225A00E3D7AE /* Countly.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = wrapper.framework; includeInIndex = 0; path = Countly.framework; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; }; 3B20A9852245225A00E3D7AE /* Countly.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = Countly.h; sourceTree = ""; }; 3B20A9862245225A00E3D7AE /* Info.plist */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.xml; path = Info.plist; sourceTree = ""; }; @@ -107,6 +140,14 @@ /* End PBXFileReference section */ /* Begin PBXFrameworksBuildPhase section */ + 1A5C4C912B35B0850032EE1F /* Frameworks */ = { + isa = PBXFrameworksBuildPhase; + buildActionMask = 2147483647; + files = ( + 1A5C4C982B35B0850032EE1F /* Countly.framework in Frameworks */, + ); + runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; + }; 3B20A97F2245225A00E3D7AE /* Frameworks */ = { isa = PBXFrameworksBuildPhase; buildActionMask = 2147483647; @@ -117,9 +158,27 @@ /* End PBXFrameworksBuildPhase section */ /* Begin PBXGroup section */ + 1A5C4C952B35B0850032EE1F /* CountlyTests */ = { + isa = PBXGroup; + children = ( + 1A5C4C962B35B0850032EE1F /* CountlyTests.swift */, + 1A50D7042B3C5AA3009C6938 /* CountlyBaseTestCase.swift */, + 1AFD79012B3EF82C00772FBD /* CountlyTests-Bridging-Header.h */, + ); + path = CountlyTests; + sourceTree = ""; + }; 3B20A9782245225A00E3D7AE = { isa = PBXGroup; children = ( + 395683372BB2988300C7A06B /* PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy */, + 3948A8562BAC2E7D002D09AA /* CountlySDKLimitsConfig.h */, + 3948A8552BAC2E7D002D09AA /* CountlySDKLimitsConfig.m */, + 39911B662B457DB500AC053C /* Resettable.h */, + 39527E162B5FD28900EE5D7B /* CountlyAPMConfig.h */, + 39527E142B5FD27400EE5D7B /* CountlyAPMConfig.m */, + 1A9027FF2AB197C00044EBCF /* CountlyExperimentInformation.h */, + 1A9027FD2AB197B50044EBCF /* CountlyExperimentInformation.m */, 1A31106E2A7141AF001CB507 /* CountlyViewTracking.h */, 1A31106F2A7141AF001CB507 /* CountlyViewTracking.m */, 1A3110642A7128DC001CB507 /* CountlyViewData.h */, @@ -167,6 +226,7 @@ 3B20A9A72245228500E3D7AE /* CountlyViewTrackingInternal.h */, 3B20A9A32245228500E3D7AE /* CountlyViewTrackingInternal.m */, 3B20A9862245225A00E3D7AE /* Info.plist */, + 1A5C4C952B35B0850032EE1F /* CountlyTests */, 3B20A9832245225A00E3D7AE /* Products */, ); sourceTree = ""; @@ -175,6 +235,7 @@ isa = PBXGroup; children = ( 3B20A9822245225A00E3D7AE /* Countly.framework */, + 1A5C4C942B35B0850032EE1F /* CountlyTests.xctest */, ); name = Products; sourceTree = ""; @@ -182,10 +243,19 @@ /* End PBXGroup section */ /* Begin PBXHeadersBuildPhase section */ + 1AFD78FC2B3EF63D00772FBD /* Headers */ = { + isa = PBXHeadersBuildPhase; + buildActionMask = 2147483647; + files = ( + 1AFD79022B3EF82C00772FBD /* CountlyTests-Bridging-Header.h in Headers */, + ); + runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; + }; 3B20A97D2245225A00E3D7AE /* Headers */ = { isa = PBXHeadersBuildPhase; buildActionMask = 2147483647; files = ( + 1A478D032AB314750056A5E7 /* CountlyExperimentInformation.h in Headers */, 3B20A9D32245228700E3D7AE /* CountlyPushNotifications.h in Headers */, 3B20A9C42245228700E3D7AE /* CountlyUserDetails.h in Headers */, 3B20A9CA2245228700E3D7AE /* CountlyConfig.h in Headers */, @@ -197,9 +267,12 @@ 1A3A576529ED47BD0041B7BE /* CountlyServerConfig.h in Headers */, 1ACA5DC12A309E7F001F770B /* CountlyRemoteConfigInternal.h in Headers */, 3B20A9CC2245228700E3D7AE /* CountlyViewTrackingInternal.h in Headers */, + 3948A8582BAC2E7D002D09AA /* CountlySDKLimitsConfig.h in Headers */, 3B20A9BF2245228700E3D7AE /* CountlyLocationManager.h in Headers */, D219374B248AC71C00E5798B /* CountlyPerformanceMonitoring.h in Headers */, + 39911B672B457DBB00AC053C /* Resettable.h in Headers */, 3B20A9BC2245228700E3D7AE /* CountlyCommon.h in Headers */, + 39527E182B5FD54C00EE5D7B /* CountlyAPMConfig.h in Headers */, 3B20A9C52245228700E3D7AE /* CountlyCrashReporter.h in Headers */, 3B20A9BE2245228700E3D7AE /* CountlyDeviceInfo.h in Headers */, 3B20A9D62245228700E3D7AE /* CountlyConsentManager.h in Headers */, @@ -215,6 +288,25 @@ /* End PBXHeadersBuildPhase section */ /* Begin PBXNativeTarget section */ + 1A5C4C932B35B0850032EE1F /* CountlyTests */ = { + isa = PBXNativeTarget; + buildConfigurationList = 1A5C4C9B2B35B0850032EE1F /* Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget "CountlyTests" */; + buildPhases = ( + 1AFD78FC2B3EF63D00772FBD /* Headers */, + 1A5C4C902B35B0850032EE1F /* Sources */, + 1A5C4C912B35B0850032EE1F /* Frameworks */, + 1A5C4C922B35B0850032EE1F /* Resources */, + ); + buildRules = ( + ); + dependencies = ( + 1A5C4C9A2B35B0850032EE1F /* PBXTargetDependency */, + ); + name = CountlyTests; + productName = CountlyTests; + productReference = 1A5C4C942B35B0850032EE1F /* CountlyTests.xctest */; + productType = "com.apple.product-type.bundle.unit-test"; + }; 3B20A9812245225A00E3D7AE /* Countly */ = { isa = PBXNativeTarget; buildConfigurationList = 3B20A98A2245225A00E3D7AE /* Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget "Countly" */; @@ -239,11 +331,16 @@ 3B20A9792245225A00E3D7AE /* Project object */ = { isa = PBXProject; attributes = { + LastSwiftUpdateCheck = 1410; LastUpgradeCheck = 1410; ORGANIZATIONNAME = "Alin Radut"; TargetAttributes = { + 1A5C4C932B35B0850032EE1F = { + CreatedOnToolsVersion = 14.1; + }; 3B20A9812245225A00E3D7AE = { CreatedOnToolsVersion = 10.1; + LastSwiftMigration = 1410; }; }; }; @@ -261,11 +358,19 @@ projectRoot = ""; targets = ( 3B20A9812245225A00E3D7AE /* Countly */, + 1A5C4C932B35B0850032EE1F /* CountlyTests */, ); }; /* End PBXProject section */ /* Begin PBXResourcesBuildPhase section */ + 1A5C4C922B35B0850032EE1F /* Resources */ = { + isa = PBXResourcesBuildPhase; + buildActionMask = 2147483647; + files = ( + ); + runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; + }; 3B20A9802245225A00E3D7AE /* Resources */ = { isa = PBXResourcesBuildPhase; buildActionMask = 2147483647; @@ -276,6 +381,15 @@ /* End PBXResourcesBuildPhase section */ /* Begin PBXSourcesBuildPhase section */ + 1A5C4C902B35B0850032EE1F /* Sources */ = { + isa = PBXSourcesBuildPhase; + buildActionMask = 2147483647; + files = ( + 1A5C4C972B35B0850032EE1F /* CountlyTests.swift in Sources */, + 1A50D7052B3C5AA3009C6938 /* CountlyBaseTestCase.swift in Sources */, + ); + runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; + }; 3B20A97E2245225A00E3D7AE /* Sources */ = { isa = PBXSourcesBuildPhase; buildActionMask = 2147483647; @@ -289,18 +403,21 @@ 3B20A9CE2245228700E3D7AE /* CountlyCrashReporter.m in Sources */, 3B20A9D42245228700E3D7AE /* CountlyPersistency.m in Sources */, 3B20A9B32245228700E3D7AE /* CountlyNotificationService.m in Sources */, + 3948A8572BAC2E7D002D09AA /* CountlySDKLimitsConfig.m in Sources */, D2CFEF982545FBE80026B044 /* CountlyFeedbacks.m in Sources */, 1A3110632A7128CD001CB507 /* CountlyViewData.m in Sources */, 1A423E9E2A271E46008C4757 /* CountlyRCData.m in Sources */, 3B20A9CB2245228700E3D7AE /* CountlyRemoteConfig.m in Sources */, 3B20A9BD2245228700E3D7AE /* CountlyConnectionManager.m in Sources */, 3B20A9C02245228700E3D7AE /* CountlyConsentManager.m in Sources */, + 39527E152B5FD27400EE5D7B /* CountlyAPMConfig.m in Sources */, 1A3110712A7141AF001CB507 /* CountlyViewTracking.m in Sources */, 1A3A576329ED47A20041B7BE /* CountlyServerConfig.m in Sources */, D219374C248AC71C00E5798B /* CountlyPerformanceMonitoring.m in Sources */, 3B20A9B42245228700E3D7AE /* CountlyPushNotifications.m in Sources */, 3B20A9C92245228700E3D7AE /* CountlyUserDetails.m in Sources */, 3B20A9D12245228700E3D7AE /* CountlyConfig.m in Sources */, + 1A9027FE2AB197B50044EBCF /* CountlyExperimentInformation.m in Sources */, 3B20A9C82245228700E3D7AE /* CountlyViewTrackingInternal.m in Sources */, 3B20A9D22245228700E3D7AE /* CountlyLocationManager.m in Sources */, ); @@ -308,10 +425,71 @@ }; /* End PBXSourcesBuildPhase section */ +/* Begin PBXTargetDependency section */ + 1A5C4C9A2B35B0850032EE1F /* PBXTargetDependency */ = { + isa = PBXTargetDependency; + platformFilters = ( + ios, + macos, + ); + target = 3B20A9812245225A00E3D7AE /* Countly */; + targetProxy = 1A5C4C992B35B0850032EE1F /* PBXContainerItemProxy */; + }; +/* End PBXTargetDependency section */ + /* Begin XCBuildConfiguration section */ + 1A5C4C9C2B35B0850032EE1F /* Debug */ = { + isa = XCBuildConfiguration; + buildSettings = { + CLANG_CXX_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = "gnu++20"; + CLANG_WARN_QUOTED_INCLUDE_IN_FRAMEWORK_HEADER = YES; + CODE_SIGN_STYLE = Automatic; + CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION = 1; + GENERATE_INFOPLIST_FILE = YES; + IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 16.1; + MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 13.0; + MARKETING_VERSION = 1.0; + PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = com.countly.CountlyTests; + PRODUCT_NAME = "$(TARGET_NAME)"; + SDKROOT = auto; + SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS = "iphoneos iphonesimulator macosx"; + SWIFT_ACTIVE_COMPILATION_CONDITIONS = DEBUG; + SWIFT_EMIT_LOC_STRINGS = NO; + SWIFT_OBJC_BRIDGING_HEADER = "CountlyTests/CountlyTests-Bridging-Header.h"; + SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL = "-Onone"; + SWIFT_VERSION = 5.0; + TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY = "1,2"; + }; + name = Debug; + }; + 1A5C4C9D2B35B0850032EE1F /* Release */ = { + isa = XCBuildConfiguration; + buildSettings = { + CLANG_CXX_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = "gnu++20"; + CLANG_WARN_QUOTED_INCLUDE_IN_FRAMEWORK_HEADER = YES; + CODE_SIGN_STYLE = Automatic; + CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION = 1; + GENERATE_INFOPLIST_FILE = YES; + IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 16.1; + MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 13.0; + MARKETING_VERSION = 1.0; + PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = com.countly.CountlyTests; + PRODUCT_NAME = "$(TARGET_NAME)"; + SDKROOT = auto; + SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS = "iphoneos iphonesimulator macosx"; + SWIFT_COMPILATION_MODE = wholemodule; + SWIFT_EMIT_LOC_STRINGS = NO; + SWIFT_OBJC_BRIDGING_HEADER = "CountlyTests/CountlyTests-Bridging-Header.h"; + SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL = "-O"; + SWIFT_VERSION = 5.0; + TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY = "1,2"; + }; + name = Release; + }; 3B20A9882245225A00E3D7AE /* Debug */ = { isa = XCBuildConfiguration; buildSettings = { + ALLOW_TARGET_PLATFORM_SPECIALIZATION = YES; ALWAYS_SEARCH_USER_PATHS = NO; CLANG_ANALYZER_NONNULL = YES; CLANG_ANALYZER_NUMBER_OBJECT_CONVERSION = YES_AGGRESSIVE; @@ -367,7 +545,9 @@ MTL_ENABLE_DEBUG_INFO = INCLUDE_SOURCE; MTL_FAST_MATH = YES; ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH = YES; - SDKROOT = iphoneos; + SDKROOT = ""; + SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS = "watchsimulator watchos macosx iphonesimulator iphoneos appletvsimulator appletvos"; + SUPPORTS_MACCATALYST = YES; VERSIONING_SYSTEM = "apple-generic"; VERSION_INFO_PREFIX = ""; }; @@ -376,6 +556,7 @@ 3B20A9892245225A00E3D7AE /* Release */ = { isa = XCBuildConfiguration; buildSettings = { + ALLOW_TARGET_PLATFORM_SPECIALIZATION = YES; ALWAYS_SEARCH_USER_PATHS = NO; CLANG_ANALYZER_NONNULL = YES; CLANG_ANALYZER_NUMBER_OBJECT_CONVERSION = YES_AGGRESSIVE; @@ -424,7 +605,9 @@ MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 10.14; MTL_ENABLE_DEBUG_INFO = NO; MTL_FAST_MATH = YES; - SDKROOT = iphoneos; + SDKROOT = ""; + SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS = "watchsimulator watchos macosx iphonesimulator iphoneos appletvsimulator appletvos"; + SUPPORTS_MACCATALYST = YES; VALIDATE_PRODUCT = YES; VERSIONING_SYSTEM = "apple-generic"; VERSION_INFO_PREFIX = ""; @@ -434,6 +617,7 @@ 3B20A98B2245225A00E3D7AE /* Debug */ = { isa = XCBuildConfiguration; buildSettings = { + CLANG_ENABLE_MODULES = YES; CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = ""; CODE_SIGN_STYLE = Manual; DEFINES_MODULE = YES; @@ -450,12 +634,14 @@ "@loader_path/Frameworks", ); MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 10.14; - MARKETING_VERSION = 23.8.2; + MARKETING_VERSION = 24.4.0; PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = ly.count.CountlyiOSSDK; PRODUCT_NAME = "$(TARGET_NAME:c99extidentifier)"; PROVISIONING_PROFILE_SPECIFIER = ""; SKIP_INSTALL = YES; SUPPORTS_MACCATALYST = NO; + SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL = "-Onone"; + SWIFT_VERSION = 5.0; TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY = 1; }; name = Debug; @@ -463,6 +649,7 @@ 3B20A98C2245225A00E3D7AE /* Release */ = { isa = XCBuildConfiguration; buildSettings = { + CLANG_ENABLE_MODULES = YES; CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = ""; CODE_SIGN_STYLE = Manual; DEFINES_MODULE = YES; @@ -479,12 +666,13 @@ "@loader_path/Frameworks", ); MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 10.14; - MARKETING_VERSION = 23.8.2; + MARKETING_VERSION = 24.4.0; PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = ly.count.CountlyiOSSDK; PRODUCT_NAME = "$(TARGET_NAME:c99extidentifier)"; PROVISIONING_PROFILE_SPECIFIER = ""; SKIP_INSTALL = YES; SUPPORTS_MACCATALYST = NO; + SWIFT_VERSION = 5.0; TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY = 1; }; name = Release; @@ -492,6 +680,15 @@ /* End XCBuildConfiguration section */ /* Begin XCConfigurationList section */ + 1A5C4C9B2B35B0850032EE1F /* Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget "CountlyTests" */ = { + isa = XCConfigurationList; + buildConfigurations = ( + 1A5C4C9C2B35B0850032EE1F /* Debug */, + 1A5C4C9D2B35B0850032EE1F /* Release */, + ); + defaultConfigurationIsVisible = 0; + defaultConfigurationName = Release; + }; 3B20A97C2245225A00E3D7AE /* Build configuration list for PBXProject "Countly" */ = { isa = XCConfigurationList; buildConfigurations = ( diff --git a/ios/src/Countly.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcuserdata/muhammadjunaidakram.xcuserdatad/UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate b/ios/src/Countly.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcuserdata/muhammadjunaidakram.xcuserdatad/UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate index 40d78fb2..7038fd5e 100644 Binary files a/ios/src/Countly.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcuserdata/muhammadjunaidakram.xcuserdatad/UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate and b/ios/src/Countly.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcuserdata/muhammadjunaidakram.xcuserdatad/UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate differ diff --git a/ios/src/CountlyAPMConfig.h b/ios/src/CountlyAPMConfig.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f8f6440f --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/src/CountlyAPMConfig.h @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +// CountlyAPMConfig.h +// +// This code is provided under the MIT License. +// +// Please visit www.count.ly for more information. + + +#import + + + +@interface CountlyAPMConfig : NSObject + +/** + * For enabling automatic foreground background performance monitoring. + * @discussion If set, Foreground/Background Monitoring will be started automatically on SDK start. + */ +@property (nonatomic) BOOL enableForegroundBackgroundTracking; +@property (nonatomic) BOOL enableAppStartTimeTracking; +@property (nonatomic) BOOL enableManualAppLoadedTrigger; + +- (void)setAppStartTimestampOverride:(long long)appStartTimeTimestamp; +- (long long)getAppStartTimestampOverride; + +@end diff --git a/ios/src/CountlyAPMConfig.m b/ios/src/CountlyAPMConfig.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..05a0293b --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/src/CountlyAPMConfig.m @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +// CountlyAPMConfig.m +// +// This code is provided under the MIT License. +// +// Please visit www.count.ly for more information. + +#import "CountlyAPMConfig.h" + +@implementation CountlyAPMConfig + +long long appLoadStartTimeOverride; + +- (instancetype)init +{ + if (self = [super init]) + { + } + + return self; +} + +- (void)setAppStartTimestampOverride:(long long)appStartTimeTimestamp +{ + appLoadStartTimeOverride = appStartTimeTimestamp; +} + +- (long long)getAppStartTimestampOverride +{ + return appLoadStartTimeOverride; +} + +- (void)enableAPMInternal:(BOOL)enableAPM +{ + self.enableForegroundBackgroundTracking = enableAPM; + self.enableAppStartTimeTracking = enableAPM; + self.enableManualAppLoadedTrigger = enableAPM; +} +@end diff --git a/ios/src/CountlyCommon.h b/ios/src/CountlyCommon.h index 826aa739..36a8562b 100644 --- a/ios/src/CountlyCommon.h +++ b/ios/src/CountlyCommon.h @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ #import "CountlyViewData.h" #import "CountlyRemoteConfig.h" #import "CountlyViewTracking.h" +#import "Resettable.h" #define CLY_LOG_E(fmt, ...) CountlyInternalLog(CLYInternalLogLevelError, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define CLY_LOG_W(fmt, ...) CountlyInternalLog(CLYInternalLogLevelWarning, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) @@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ NS_ERROR_ENUM(kCountlyErrorDomain) extern NSString* const kCountlySDKVersion; extern NSString* const kCountlySDKName; -@interface CountlyCommon : NSObject +@interface CountlyCommon : NSObject @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString* SDKVersion; @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString* SDKName; diff --git a/ios/src/CountlyCommon.m b/ios/src/CountlyCommon.m index 265b3e10..75c9ddd2 100644 --- a/ios/src/CountlyCommon.m +++ b/ios/src/CountlyCommon.m @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ @interface CountlyCommon () #endif @end -NSString* const kCountlySDKVersion = @"23.8.2"; +NSString* const kCountlySDKVersion = @"24.4.0"; NSString* const kCountlySDKName = @"objc-native-ios"; NSString* const kCountlyErrorDomain = @"ly.count.ErrorDomain"; @@ -36,10 +36,10 @@ @interface CountlyCommon () @implementation CountlyCommon +static CountlyCommon *s_sharedInstance = nil; +static dispatch_once_t onceToken; + (instancetype)sharedInstance { - static CountlyCommon *s_sharedInstance = nil; - static dispatch_once_t onceToken; dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{s_sharedInstance = self.new;}); return s_sharedInstance; } @@ -58,6 +58,13 @@ - (instancetype)init return self; } +- (void)resetInstance { + CLY_LOG_I(@"%s", __FUNCTION__); + onceToken = 0; + s_sharedInstance = nil; + _hasStarted = false; +} + - (BOOL)hasStarted { @@ -353,7 +360,7 @@ - (void)touchUpInside:(id)sender + (CLYButton *)dismissAlertButton:(NSString * _Nullable)closeButtonText { - if(!closeButtonText) { + if (!closeButtonText) { closeButtonText = @"x"; } CLYButton* dismissButton = [CLYButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom]; @@ -456,7 +463,7 @@ - (void)forwardInvocation:(NSInvocation *)invocation NSData *data = [NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:object options:0 error:&error]; if (error) { - CLY_LOG_W(@"JSON can not be created: \n%@", error); + CLY_LOG_W(@"%s, JSON can not be created error:[ %@ ]", __FUNCTION__, error); } return [data cly_stringUTF8]; @@ -574,7 +581,7 @@ - (NSDictionary *)cly_limited:(NSString *)explanation NSMutableArray* excessKeys = allKeys.mutableCopy; [excessKeys removeObjectsInRange:(NSRange){0, CountlyCommon.sharedInstance.maxSegmentationValues}]; - CLY_LOG_W(@"Number of key-value pairs in %@ is more than the limit (%ld)! So, some of them will be removed:\n %@", explanation, (long)CountlyCommon.sharedInstance.maxSegmentationValues, [excessKeys description]); + CLY_LOG_W(@"%s, Number of key-value pairs in %@ is more than the limit (%ld)! So, some of them will be removed %@", __FUNCTION__, explanation, (long)CountlyCommon.sharedInstance.maxSegmentationValues, [excessKeys description]); NSMutableDictionary* limitedDict = self.mutableCopy; [limitedDict removeObjectsForKeys:excessKeys]; diff --git a/ios/src/CountlyConfig.h b/ios/src/CountlyConfig.h index 5170f403..bf4bc9bf 100644 --- a/ios/src/CountlyConfig.h +++ b/ios/src/CountlyConfig.h @@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ #import #import #import "CountlyRCData.h" +#import "CountlyAPMConfig.h" +#import "CountlySDKLimitsConfig.h" #if (TARGET_OS_IOS || TARGET_OS_TV) #import @@ -94,6 +96,8 @@ extern CLYMetricKey const CLYMetricKeyLocale; extern CLYMetricKey const CLYMetricKeyHasWatch; extern CLYMetricKey const CLYMetricKeyInstalledWatchApp; +extern NSString* const kCountlyAppVersionKey; + //NOTE: Attribution keys typedef NSString* CLYAttributionKey NS_EXTENSIBLE_STRING_ENUM; extern CLYAttributionKey const CLYAttributionKeyIDFA; @@ -312,6 +316,13 @@ typedef enum : NSUInteger */ @property (nonatomic, copy) NSString* IP; +/** + * For disabling location tracking by clearing all existing location info.. + * @discussion If set, Location tracking is disabled + * Once disabled, geo-location based push notifications can be enabled again by calling @c recordLocation: method. +*/ +@property (nonatomic) BOOL disableLocation; + #pragma mark - /** @@ -352,6 +363,12 @@ typedef enum : NSUInteger */ @property (nonatomic) NSUInteger storedRequestsLimit; +/** + * Age of a request is the difference between the current time and the creation time of the request. Requests will be removed from the queue if their age exceeds the request drop age set here. + * @discussion If not set, it will not effect the requests. + */ +@property (nonatomic) NSUInteger requestDropAgeHours; + /** * Limit for the length of all string keys. * @discussion It affects: @@ -366,7 +383,7 @@ typedef enum : NSUInteger * @discussion Keys longer than this limit will be truncated. * @discussion If not set, it will be 128 chars by default. */ -@property (nonatomic) NSUInteger maxKeyLength; +@property(nonatomic) NSUInteger maxKeyLength DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE("Use 'sdkInternalLimits' CountlySDKLimitsConfig object instead"); /** * Limit for the length of values in all key-value pairs. @@ -379,7 +396,7 @@ typedef enum : NSUInteger * @discussion Values longer than this limit will be truncated. * @discussion If not set, it will be 256 chars by default. */ -@property (nonatomic) NSUInteger maxValueLength; +@property(nonatomic) NSUInteger maxValueLength DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE("Use 'sdkInternalLimits' CountlySDKLimitsConfig object instead"); /** * Limit for the number of key-value pairs in segmentations. @@ -387,7 +404,13 @@ typedef enum : NSUInteger * @discussion As obviously there is no order among the keys of an NSDictionary, it is not defined which ones will be removed. * @discussion If not set, it will be 30 by default. */ -@property (nonatomic) NSUInteger maxSegmentationValues; +@property(nonatomic) NSUInteger maxSegmentationValues DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE("Use 'sdkInternalLimits' CountlySDKLimitsConfig object instead"); + +/** + * Variable to access sdkInternalLimits configurations. + * @discussion SDK internal limits configurations for developer to interact with SDK. + */ +- (CountlySDKLimitsConfig *)sdkInternalLimits; /** * For sending all requests using HTTP POST method. @@ -453,7 +476,7 @@ typedef enum : NSUInteger * @discussion If not set, it will be 100 by default. * @discussion If @c shouldUsePLCrashReporter flag is set on initial config, this limit will not be applied. */ -@property (nonatomic) NSUInteger crashLogLimit; +@property (nonatomic) NSUInteger crashLogLimit DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE("Use 'sdkInternalLimits' CountlySDKLimitsConfig object instead"); /** * Regular expression used for filtering crash reports and preventing them from being sent to Countly Server. @@ -596,7 +619,13 @@ typedef enum : NSUInteger * For enabling automatic performance monitoring. * @discussion If set, Performance Monitoring feature will be started automatically on SDK start. */ -@property (nonatomic) BOOL enablePerformanceMonitoring; +@property (nonatomic) BOOL enablePerformanceMonitoring DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE("Use 'apm' CountlyAPMConfig object instead"); + +/** + * Variable to access apm configurations. + * @discussion APM configurations for developer to interact with SDK. + */ +- (CountlyAPMConfig *) apm; #pragma mark - diff --git a/ios/src/CountlyConfig.m b/ios/src/CountlyConfig.m index 955b0d14..f93150e5 100644 --- a/ios/src/CountlyConfig.m +++ b/ios/src/CountlyConfig.m @@ -10,6 +10,10 @@ @interface CountlyConfig () @property (nonatomic) NSMutableArray *remoteConfigGlobalCallbacks; @end +@interface CountlyAPMConfig () +- (void)enableAPMInternal:(BOOL)enableAPM; +@end + @implementation CountlyConfig //NOTE: Countly features @@ -29,6 +33,8 @@ @implementation CountlyConfig CLYFeature const CLYCrashReporting = @"CLYCrashReporting"; #endif +CountlyAPMConfig *apmConfig = nil; +CountlySDKLimitsConfig *sdkLimitsConfig = nil; //NOTE: Device ID options NSString* const CLYDefaultDeviceID = @""; //NOTE: It will be overridden to default device ID mechanism, depending on platform. @@ -51,29 +57,30 @@ - (instancetype)init #endif self.eventSendThreshold = 100; self.storedRequestsLimit = 1000; - self.crashLogLimit = 100; - - self.maxKeyLength = 128; - self.maxValueLength = 256; - self.maxSegmentationValues = 100; - + self.crashLogLimit = kCountlyMaxBreadcrumbCount; + + self.maxKeyLength = kCountlyMaxKeyLength; + self.maxValueLength = kCountlyMaxValueSize; + self.maxSegmentationValues = kCountlyMaxSegmentationValues; + self.location = kCLLocationCoordinate2DInvalid; - + self.URLSessionConfiguration = NSURLSessionConfiguration.defaultSessionConfiguration; - + self.internalLogLevel = CLYInternalLogLevelDebug; - + self.enableOrientationTracking = YES; self.enableServerConfiguration = NO; self.remoteConfigGlobalCallbacks = NSMutableArray.new; } - + return self; } -(void)remoteConfigRegisterGlobalCallback:(RCDownloadCallback) callback { [self.remoteConfigGlobalCallbacks addObject:callback]; + } @@ -82,4 +89,27 @@ -(void)remoteConfigRegisterGlobalCallback:(RCDownloadCallback) callback return self.remoteConfigGlobalCallbacks; } +- (void)setEnablePerformanceMonitoring:(BOOL)enablePerformanceMonitoring +{ + if (apmConfig == nil) { + apmConfig = CountlyAPMConfig.new; + } + [apmConfig enableAPMInternal:enablePerformanceMonitoring]; + +} + +- (nonnull CountlyAPMConfig *)apm { + if (apmConfig == nil) { + apmConfig = CountlyAPMConfig.new; + } + return apmConfig; +} + +- (nonnull CountlySDKLimitsConfig *)sdkInternalLimits { + if (sdkLimitsConfig == nil) { + sdkLimitsConfig = CountlySDKLimitsConfig.new; + } + return sdkLimitsConfig; +} + @end diff --git a/ios/src/CountlyConnectionManager.h b/ios/src/CountlyConnectionManager.h index 981cdcba..5c7d7446 100644 --- a/ios/src/CountlyConnectionManager.h +++ b/ios/src/CountlyConnectionManager.h @@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ extern NSString* const kCountlyEndpointSDK; extern NSString* const kCountlyEndpointFeedback; extern NSString* const kCountlyEndpointWidget; extern NSString* const kCountlyEndpointSurveys; +extern NSString* const kCountlyRCKeyKeys; +extern NSString* const kCountlyQSKeyTimestamp; extern const NSInteger kCountlyGETRequestMaxLength; @@ -42,6 +44,7 @@ extern const NSInteger kCountlyGETRequestMaxLength; - (void)endSession; - (void)sendEvents; +- (void)attemptToSendStoredRequests; - (void)sendPushToken:(NSString *)token; - (void)sendLocationInfo; - (void)sendUserDetails:(NSString *)userDetails; @@ -54,6 +57,9 @@ extern const NSInteger kCountlyGETRequestMaxLength; - (void)sendConsents:(NSString *)consents; - (void)sendPerformanceMonitoringTrace:(NSString *)trace; +- (void)sendEnrollABRequestForKeys:(NSArray*)keys; +- (void)sendExitABRequestForKeys:(NSArray*)keys; + - (void)addDirectRequest:(NSDictionary *)requestParameters; - (void)proceedOnQueue; diff --git a/ios/src/CountlyConnectionManager.m b/ios/src/CountlyConnectionManager.m index b1cf38cf..e389c635 100644 --- a/ios/src/CountlyConnectionManager.m +++ b/ios/src/CountlyConnectionManager.m @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ @interface CountlyConnectionManager () NSTimeInterval unsentSessionLength; NSTimeInterval lastSessionStartTime; BOOL isCrashing; + BOOL isSessionStarted; } @property (nonatomic) NSURLSession* URLSession; @end @@ -60,6 +61,11 @@ @interface CountlyConnectionManager () NSString* const kCountlyQSKeyMethod = @"method"; +NSString* const kCountlyRCKeyABOptIn = @"ab"; +NSString* const kCountlyRCKeyABOptOut = @"ab_opt_out"; +NSString* const kCountlyEndPointOverrideTag = @"&new_end_point="; +NSString* const kCountlyNewEndPoint = @"new_end_point"; + CLYAttributionKey const CLYAttributionKeyIDFA = kCountlyQSKeyIDFA; CLYAttributionKey const CLYAttributionKeyADID = kCountlyQSKeyADID; @@ -92,6 +98,7 @@ - (instancetype)init if (self = [super init]) { unsentSessionLength = 0.0; + isSessionStarted = NO; } return self; @@ -161,6 +168,18 @@ - (void)proceedOnQueue CLY_LOG_D(@"Queue is empty. All requests are processed."); return; } + BOOL isOldRequest = [CountlyPersistency.sharedInstance isOldRequest:firstItemInQueue]; + if(isOldRequest) + { + [CountlyPersistency.sharedInstance removeFromQueue:firstItemInQueue]; + + [CountlyPersistency.sharedInstance saveToFile]; + + [self proceedOnQueue]; + + return; + } + NSString* temporaryDeviceIDQueryString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"&%@=%@", kCountlyQSKeyDeviceID, CLYTemporaryDeviceID]; if ([firstItemInQueue containsString:temporaryDeviceIDQueryString]) @@ -169,22 +188,49 @@ - (void)proceedOnQueue return; } - [CountlyCommon.sharedInstance startBackgroundTask]; - NSString* queryString = firstItemInQueue; + NSString* endPoint = kCountlyEndpointI; + + NSString* overrideEndPoint = [self extractAndRemoveOverrideEndPoint:&queryString]; + if(overrideEndPoint) { + endPoint = overrideEndPoint; + } + + [CountlyCommon.sharedInstance startBackgroundTask]; queryString = [self appendRemainingRequest:queryString]; - queryString = [self appendChecksum:queryString]; + NSMutableData* pictureUploadData = [self pictureUploadDataForQueryString:queryString]; - NSString* serverInputEndpoint = [self.host stringByAppendingString:kCountlyEndpointI]; - NSString* fullRequestURL = [serverInputEndpoint stringByAppendingFormat:@"?%@", queryString]; - NSMutableURLRequest* request = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:fullRequestURL]]; + if (!pictureUploadData) + { + queryString = [self appendChecksum:queryString]; + } - NSData* pictureUploadData = [self pictureUploadDataForQueryString:queryString]; + NSString* serverInputEndpoint = [self.host stringByAppendingString:endPoint]; + NSMutableURLRequest* request; + if (pictureUploadData) { + request = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:serverInputEndpoint]]; NSString *contentType = [@"multipart/form-data; boundary=" stringByAppendingString:kCountlyUploadBoundary]; [request addValue:contentType forHTTPHeaderField: @"Content-Type"]; + + NSArray *query = [queryString componentsSeparatedByString:@"&"]; + NSEnumerator *e = [query objectEnumerator]; + NSString* kvString; + while (kvString = [e nextObject]) { + NSArray *kv = [kvString componentsSeparatedByString:@"="]; + [self addMultipart:pictureUploadData andKey:[kv[0] stringByRemovingPercentEncoding] andValue:[kv[1] stringByRemovingPercentEncoding]]; + } + + if (self.secretSalt) + { + NSString* checksum = [[[queryString stringByRemovingPercentEncoding] stringByAppendingString:self.secretSalt] cly_SHA256]; + [self addMultipart:pictureUploadData andKey:kCountlyQSKeyChecksum256 andValue:checksum]; + } + + NSString* boundaryEnd = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"\r\n--%@--\r\n", kCountlyUploadBoundary]; + [pictureUploadData appendData:[boundaryEnd cly_dataUTF8]]; request.HTTPMethod = @"POST"; request.HTTPBody = pictureUploadData; } @@ -194,6 +240,11 @@ - (void)proceedOnQueue request.HTTPMethod = @"POST"; request.HTTPBody = [queryString cly_dataUTF8]; } + else + { + NSString* fullRequestURL = [serverInputEndpoint stringByAppendingFormat:@"?%@", queryString]; + request = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:fullRequestURL]]; + } request.cachePolicy = NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringLocalCacheData; @@ -201,7 +252,14 @@ - (void)proceedOnQueue { self.connection = nil; + CLY_LOG_V(@"Approximate received data size for request <%p> is %ld bytes.", (id)request, (long)data.length); + + if(response) { + NSInteger code = ((NSHTTPURLResponse*)response).statusCode; + CLY_LOG_V(@"%s, Response received from server with status code:[ %ld ] request:[ %@ ]", __FUNCTION__, (long)code, ((NSHTTPURLResponse*)response).URL); + } + if (!error) { @@ -217,12 +275,12 @@ - (void)proceedOnQueue } else { - CLY_LOG_D(@"Request <%p> failed!\nServer reply: %@", request, [data cly_stringUTF8]); + CLY_LOG_D(@"%s, request:[ <%p> ] failed! response:[ %@ ]", __FUNCTION__, request, [data cly_stringUTF8]); } } else { - CLY_LOG_D(@"Request <%p> failed!\nError: %@", request, error); + CLY_LOG_D(@"%s, request:[ <%p> ] failed! error:[ %@ ]", __FUNCTION__, request, error); #if (TARGET_OS_WATCH) [CountlyPersistency.sharedInstance saveToFile]; #endif @@ -234,6 +292,19 @@ - (void)proceedOnQueue [self logRequest:request]; } +- (NSString*)extractAndRemoveOverrideEndPoint:(NSString **)queryString +{ + if([*queryString containsString:kCountlyNewEndPoint]) { + NSString* overrideEndPoint = [*queryString cly_valueForQueryStringKey:kCountlyNewEndPoint]; + if(overrideEndPoint) { + NSString* stringToRemove = [kCountlyEndPointOverrideTag stringByAppendingString:overrideEndPoint]; + *queryString = [*queryString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:stringToRemove withString:@""]; + return overrideEndPoint; + } + } + return nil; +} + - (void)logRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request { NSString* bodyAsString = @""; @@ -248,7 +319,7 @@ - (void)logRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request sentSize += request.HTTPBody.length; } - CLY_LOG_D(@"Request <%p> started:\n[%@] %@ \n%@", (id)request, request.HTTPMethod, request.URL.absoluteString, bodyAsString); + CLY_LOG_D(@"%s, request:[ <%p> ] started. [%@] %@ %@", __FUNCTION__, (id)request, request.HTTPMethod, request.URL.absoluteString, bodyAsString); CLY_LOG_V(@"Approximate sent data size for request <%p> is %ld bytes.", (id)request, (long)sentSize); } @@ -258,7 +329,13 @@ - (void)beginSession { if (!CountlyConsentManager.sharedInstance.consentForSessions) return; + + if (isSessionStarted) { + CLY_LOG_W(@"%s A session is already running, this 'beginSession' will be ignored", __FUNCTION__); + return; + } + isSessionStarted = YES; lastSessionStartTime = NSDate.date.timeIntervalSince1970; unsentSessionLength = 0.0; @@ -283,6 +360,11 @@ - (void)updateSession { if (!CountlyConsentManager.sharedInstance.consentForSessions) return; + + if (!isSessionStarted) { + CLY_LOG_W(@"%s No session is running, this 'updateSession' will be ignored", __FUNCTION__); + return; + } NSString* queryString = [[self queryEssentials] stringByAppendingFormat:@"&%@=%d", kCountlyQSKeySessionDuration, (int)[self sessionLengthInSeconds]]; @@ -296,7 +378,13 @@ - (void)endSession { if (!CountlyConsentManager.sharedInstance.consentForSessions) return; + + if (!isSessionStarted) { + CLY_LOG_W(@"%s No session is running, this 'endSession' will be ignored", __FUNCTION__); + return; + } + isSessionStarted = NO; NSString* queryString = [[self queryEssentials] stringByAppendingFormat:@"&%@=%@&%@=%d", kCountlyQSKeySessionEnd, @"1", kCountlyQSKeySessionDuration, (int)[self sessionLengthInSeconds]]; @@ -312,16 +400,30 @@ - (void)endSession - (void)sendEvents { - NSString* events = [CountlyPersistency.sharedInstance serializedRecordedEvents]; + [self sendEvents:false]; +} + +- (void)attemptToSendStoredRequests +{ + [self sendEvents:true]; +} +- (void)sendEvents:(BOOL) saveToFile +{ + NSString* events = [CountlyPersistency.sharedInstance serializedRecordedEvents]; + if (!events) return; - + NSString* queryString = [[self queryEssentials] stringByAppendingFormat:@"&%@=%@", kCountlyQSKeyEvents, events]; - + [CountlyPersistency.sharedInstance addToQueue:queryString]; - + + if(saveToFile) { + [CountlyPersistency.sharedInstance saveToFileSync]; + } + [self proceedOnQueue]; } @@ -415,6 +517,9 @@ - (void)sendCrashReport:(NSString *)report immediately:(BOOL)immediately; [CountlyPersistency.sharedInstance saveToFileSync]; + queryString = [queryString stringByAppendingFormat:@"&%@=%@", + kCountlyAppVersionKey, CountlyDeviceInfo.appVersion]; + NSString* serverInputEndpoint = [self.host stringByAppendingString:kCountlyEndpointI]; NSMutableURLRequest* request = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:serverInputEndpoint]]; request.HTTPMethod = @"POST"; @@ -426,7 +531,7 @@ - (void)sendCrashReport:(NSString *)report immediately:(BOOL)immediately; { if (error || ![self isRequestSuccessful:response data:data]) { - CLY_LOG_D(@"Request <%p> failed!\n%@: %@", request, error ? @"Error" : @"Server reply", error ?: [data cly_stringUTF8]); + CLY_LOG_D(@"%s, request: [ %p ] failed! %@: %@", __FUNCTION__, request, error ? @"Error" : @"Server reply", error ?: [data cly_stringUTF8]); [CountlyPersistency.sharedInstance addToQueue:queryString]; [CountlyPersistency.sharedInstance saveToFileSync]; } @@ -524,6 +629,38 @@ - (void)sendPerformanceMonitoringTrace:(NSString *)trace #pragma mark --- +- (void)sendEnrollABRequestForKeys:(NSArray*)keys +{ + NSString* queryString = [[self queryEssentials] stringByAppendingFormat:@"&%@=%@", kCountlyQSKeyMethod, kCountlyRCKeyABOptIn]; + + if (keys) + { + queryString = [queryString stringByAppendingFormat:@"&%@=%@", kCountlyRCKeyKeys, [keys cly_JSONify]]; + } + + queryString = [queryString stringByAppendingFormat:@"%@%@%@", kCountlyEndPointOverrideTag, kCountlyEndpointO, kCountlyEndpointSDK]; + + [CountlyPersistency.sharedInstance addToQueue:queryString]; + + [self proceedOnQueue]; +} + +- (void)sendExitABRequestForKeys:(NSArray*)keys +{ + NSString* queryString = [[self queryEssentials] stringByAppendingFormat:@"&%@=%@", kCountlyQSKeyMethod, kCountlyRCKeyABOptOut]; + + if (keys) + { + queryString = [queryString stringByAppendingFormat:@"&%@=%@", kCountlyRCKeyKeys, [keys cly_JSONify]]; + } + + [CountlyPersistency.sharedInstance addToQueue:queryString]; + + [self proceedOnQueue]; +} + +#pragma mark --- + - (void)addDirectRequest:(NSDictionary *)requestParameters { if (!CountlyConsentManager.sharedInstance.hasAnyConsent) @@ -539,7 +676,8 @@ - (void)addDirectRequest:(NSDictionary *)requestParamete [mutableRequestParameters removeObjectForKey:reservedKey]; } } - + + mutableRequestParameters[@"dr"] = [NSNumber numberWithInt:1]; NSMutableString* queryString = [self queryEssentials].mutableCopy; [mutableRequestParameters enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSString * key, NSString * value, BOOL * stop) @@ -635,7 +773,7 @@ - (NSString *)attributionQueryString return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"&%@=%@", kCountlyQSKeyAttributionID, [attribution cly_JSONify]]; } -- (NSData *)pictureUploadDataForQueryString:(NSString *)queryString +- (NSMutableData *)pictureUploadDataForQueryString:(NSString *)queryString { #if (TARGET_OS_IOS) NSString* localPicturePath = nil; @@ -684,19 +822,27 @@ - (NSData *)pictureUploadDataForQueryString:(NSString *)queryString NSString* boundaryStart = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"--%@\r\n", kCountlyUploadBoundary]; NSString* contentDisposition = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"pictureFile\"; filename=\"%@\"\r\n", localPicturePath.lastPathComponent]; NSString* contentType = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Content-Type: image/%@\r\n\r\n", allowedFileTypes[fileExtIndex]]; - NSString* boundaryEnd = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"\r\n--%@--\r\n", kCountlyUploadBoundary]; NSMutableData* uploadData = NSMutableData.new; [uploadData appendData:[boundaryStart cly_dataUTF8]]; [uploadData appendData:[contentDisposition cly_dataUTF8]]; [uploadData appendData:[contentType cly_dataUTF8]]; [uploadData appendData:imageData]; - [uploadData appendData:[boundaryEnd cly_dataUTF8]]; return uploadData; #endif return nil; } +- (void)addMultipart:(NSMutableData *)uploadData andKey:(NSString *)key andValue:(NSString *)value +{ + NSString* boundaryStart = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"\r\n--%@\r\n", kCountlyUploadBoundary]; + NSString* contentDisposition = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"%@\";\r\n\r\n", key]; + + [uploadData appendData:[boundaryStart cly_dataUTF8]]; + [uploadData appendData:[contentDisposition cly_dataUTF8]]; + [uploadData appendData:[value cly_dataUTF8]]; +} + - (NSString *)appendChecksum:(NSString *)queryString { if (self.secretSalt) @@ -734,17 +880,17 @@ - (BOOL)isRequestSuccessful:(NSURLResponse *)response data:(NSData *)data return NO; } + CLY_LOG_V(@"%s, response:[ %@ ] request:[ %@ ]", __FUNCTION__, serverReply, ((NSHTTPURLResponse*)response).URL); + NSString* result = serverReply[@"result"]; - if ([result isEqualToString:@"Success"]) - { - CLY_LOG_V(@"Value for `result` key in server reply is `Success`."); - return YES; - } - else + + if(result) { - CLY_LOG_V(@"Value for `result` key in server reply is not `Success`."); - return NO; + return YES; } + + return NO; + } else { diff --git a/ios/src/CountlyCrashReporter.m b/ios/src/CountlyCrashReporter.m index 08c247fb..f3c6e30c 100644 --- a/ios/src/CountlyCrashReporter.m +++ b/ios/src/CountlyCrashReporter.m @@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ void CountlyExceptionHandler(NSException *exception, bool isFatal, bool isAutoDe crashReport[kCountlyCRKeyDiskTotal] = @(CountlyDeviceInfo.totalDisk / kCLYMebibit); NSInteger batteryLevel = CountlyDeviceInfo.batteryLevel; // We will add battery level only if there is a valid value. - if(batteryLevel >= 0) + if (batteryLevel >= 0) { crashReport[kCountlyCRKeyBattery] = @(batteryLevel); } @@ -414,11 +414,11 @@ - (NSDictionary *)binaryImagesForStackTrace:(NSArray *)stackTrace if (![binaryImagesInStack containsObject:imageName]) { - CLY_LOG_V(@"Image Name is not in the stack trace, so it will be ignored!\n%@", imageName); + CLY_LOG_V(@"%s, imageName:[%@] is not in the stack trace, so it will be ignored!", __FUNCTION__, imageName); continue; } - CLY_LOG_D(@"Image Name is in the stack trace, so it will be used!\n%@", imageName); + CLY_LOG_D(@"%s, imageName:[%@] is in the stack trace, so it will be used!", __FUNCTION__, imageName); const struct mach_header* imageHeader = _dyld_get_image_header(i); if (imageHeader == NULL) diff --git a/ios/src/CountlyDeviceInfo.h b/ios/src/CountlyDeviceInfo.h index cdaaca1f..109f5f97 100644 --- a/ios/src/CountlyDeviceInfo.h +++ b/ios/src/CountlyDeviceInfo.h @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ #import -@interface CountlyDeviceInfo : NSObject +@interface CountlyDeviceInfo : NSObject typedef enum : NSUInteger { diff --git a/ios/src/CountlyDeviceInfo.m b/ios/src/CountlyDeviceInfo.m index e8f92713..41c55321 100644 --- a/ios/src/CountlyDeviceInfo.m +++ b/ios/src/CountlyDeviceInfo.m @@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ CLYMetricKey const CLYMetricKeyHasWatch = @"_has_watch"; CLYMetricKey const CLYMetricKeyInstalledWatchApp = @"_installed_watch_app"; +NSString* const kCountlyAppVersionKey = @"av"; + @interface CountlyDeviceInfo () @property (nonatomic) BOOL isInBackground; #if (TARGET_OS_IOS) @@ -44,10 +46,10 @@ @interface CountlyDeviceInfo () @implementation CountlyDeviceInfo +static CountlyDeviceInfo *s_sharedInstance = nil; +static dispatch_once_t onceToken; + (instancetype)sharedInstance { - static CountlyDeviceInfo *s_sharedInstance = nil; - static dispatch_once_t onceToken; dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{s_sharedInstance = self.new;}); return s_sharedInstance; } @@ -240,7 +242,15 @@ + (NSString *)carrier #if (!TARGET_OS_MACCATALYST) #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" - return CountlyDeviceInfo.sharedInstance.networkInfo.subscriberCellularProvider.carrierName; + //Note: "carrierName" is deprecated and returns '--' value for apps that are built with the iOS 16.4 SDK or later. + if (@available(iOS 16.4, *)) + { + return nil; + } + else + { + return CountlyDeviceInfo.sharedInstance.networkInfo.subscriberCellularProvider.carrierName; + } #pragma GCC diagnostic pop #endif #endif @@ -362,7 +372,7 @@ + (NSUInteger)connectionType } @catch (NSException *exception) { - CLY_LOG_W(@"Connection type can not be retrieved: \n%@", exception); + CLY_LOG_W(@"%s, Connection type can not be retrieved, got exception: %@", __FUNCTION__, exception); } return connType; @@ -402,7 +412,7 @@ + (NSInteger)batteryLevel #if (TARGET_OS_IOS) // If battey state is "unknown" that means that battery monitoring is not enabled. // In that case we will not able to retrieve a battery level. - if(UIDevice.currentDevice.batteryState == UIDeviceBatteryStateUnknown) + if (UIDevice.currentDevice.batteryState == UIDeviceBatteryStateUnknown) { return -1; } @@ -454,4 +464,11 @@ + (BOOL)isInBackground return CountlyDeviceInfo.sharedInstance.isInBackground; } +- (void)resetInstance { + CLY_LOG_I(@"%s", __FUNCTION__); + self.deviceID = nil; + onceToken = 0; + s_sharedInstance = nil; +} + @end diff --git a/ios/src/CountlyExperimentInformation.h b/ios/src/CountlyExperimentInformation.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3f286f3d --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/src/CountlyExperimentInformation.h @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +// CountlyExperimentInfo.h +// +// This code is provided under the MIT License. +// +// Please visit www.count.ly for more information. + +#import + +@interface CountlyExperimentInformation : NSObject + +@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSString* experimentID; +@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSString* experimentName; +@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSString* experimentDescription; +@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSString* currentVariant; +@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSDictionary* variants; + + +- (instancetype)initWithID:(NSString*)experimentID experimentName:(NSString*)experimentName experimentDescription:(NSString*)experimentDescription currentVariant:(NSString*)currentVariant variants:(NSDictionary*)variants; + +@end + + + diff --git a/ios/src/CountlyExperimentInformation.m b/ios/src/CountlyExperimentInformation.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bbaa6c61 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/src/CountlyExperimentInformation.m @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +// CountlyExperimentInfo.m +// +// This code is provided under the MIT License. +// +// Please visit www.count.ly for more information. + +#import "CountlyExperimentInformation.h" + +@interface CountlyExperimentInformation () +@property (nonatomic) NSString* experimentID; +@property (nonatomic) NSString* experimentName; +@property (nonatomic) NSString* experimentDescription; +@property (nonatomic) NSString* currentVariant; +@property (nonatomic) NSDictionary* variants; +@end + + +@implementation CountlyExperimentInformation + +- (instancetype)init +{ + if (self = [super init]) + { + } + + return self; +} + +- (instancetype)initWithID:(NSString*)experimentID experimentName:(NSString*)experimentName experimentDescription:(NSString*)experimentDescription currentVariant:(NSString*)currentVariant variants:(NSDictionary*)variants +{ + if (self = [super init]) + { + self.experimentID = experimentID; + self.experimentName = experimentName; + self.experimentDescription = experimentDescription; + self.currentVariant = currentVariant; + self.variants = variants; + } + + return self; +} + + +@end diff --git a/ios/src/CountlyFeedbackWidget.m b/ios/src/CountlyFeedbackWidget.m index e71e1d35..bb609a22 100644 --- a/ios/src/CountlyFeedbackWidget.m +++ b/ios/src/CountlyFeedbackWidget.m @@ -150,6 +150,9 @@ - (NSURLRequest *)dataRequest kCountlyFBKeyPlatform, CountlyDeviceInfo.osName, kCountlyFBKeyShown, @"1", kCountlyFBKeyWidgetID, self.ID]; + + queryString = [queryString stringByAppendingFormat:@"&%@=%@", + kCountlyAppVersionKey, CountlyDeviceInfo.appVersion]; queryString = [CountlyConnectionManager.sharedInstance appendChecksum:queryString]; @@ -185,6 +188,9 @@ - (NSURLRequest *)displayRequest kCountlyFBKeyAppVersion, CountlyDeviceInfo.appVersion, kCountlyFBKeyPlatform, CountlyDeviceInfo.osName, kCountlyFBKeyWidgetID, self.ID]; + + queryString = [queryString stringByAppendingFormat:@"&%@=%@", + kCountlyAppVersionKey, CountlyDeviceInfo.appVersion]; queryString = [CountlyConnectionManager.sharedInstance appendChecksum:queryString]; diff --git a/ios/src/CountlyFeedbacks.m b/ios/src/CountlyFeedbacks.m index a507a72b..44fff2ba 100644 --- a/ios/src/CountlyFeedbacks.m +++ b/ios/src/CountlyFeedbacks.m @@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ - (void)showDialog:(void(^)(NSInteger rating))completion } @catch (NSException* exception) { - CLY_LOG_W(@"UIAlertController's contentViewController can not be set: \n%@", exception); + CLY_LOG_W(@"%s, UIAlertController's contentViewController can not be set, got exception %@", __FUNCTION__, exception); } [CountlyCommon.sharedInstance tryPresentingViewController:self.alertController]; @@ -331,6 +331,9 @@ - (NSURLRequest *)widgetCheckURLRequest:(NSString *)widgetID NSString* queryString = [CountlyConnectionManager.sharedInstance queryEssentials]; queryString = [queryString stringByAppendingFormat:@"&%@=%@", kCountlyFBKeyWidgetID, widgetID]; + + queryString = [queryString stringByAppendingFormat:@"&%@=%@", + kCountlyAppVersionKey, CountlyDeviceInfo.appVersion]; queryString = [CountlyConnectionManager.sharedInstance appendChecksum:queryString]; @@ -361,6 +364,9 @@ - (NSURL *)widgetDisplayURL:(NSString *)widgetID queryString = [queryString stringByAppendingFormat:@"&%@=%@&%@=%@", kCountlyFBKeyWidgetID, widgetID, kCountlyFBKeyAppVersion, CountlyDeviceInfo.appVersion]; + + queryString = [queryString stringByAppendingFormat:@"&%@=%@", + kCountlyAppVersionKey, CountlyDeviceInfo.appVersion]; queryString = [CountlyConnectionManager.sharedInstance appendChecksum:queryString]; @@ -476,6 +482,9 @@ - (NSURLRequest *)feedbacksRequest kCountlyQSKeyDeviceID, CountlyDeviceInfo.sharedInstance.deviceID.cly_URLEscaped, kCountlyQSKeySDKName, CountlyCommon.sharedInstance.SDKName, kCountlyQSKeySDKVersion, CountlyCommon.sharedInstance.SDKVersion]; + + queryString = [queryString stringByAppendingFormat:@"&%@=%@", + kCountlyAppVersionKey, CountlyDeviceInfo.appVersion]; queryString = [CountlyConnectionManager.sharedInstance appendChecksum:queryString]; diff --git a/ios/src/CountlyLocationManager.h b/ios/src/CountlyLocationManager.h index f9d450b3..ecf89078 100644 --- a/ios/src/CountlyLocationManager.h +++ b/ios/src/CountlyLocationManager.h @@ -18,5 +18,6 @@ - (void)updateLocation:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)location city:(NSString *)city ISOCountryCode:(NSString *)ISOCountryCode IP:(NSString *)IP; - (void)recordLocation:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)location city:(NSString *)city ISOCountryCode:(NSString *)ISOCountryCode IP:(NSString *)IP; - (void)disableLocationInfo; +- (void)disableLocation; @end diff --git a/ios/src/CountlyLocationManager.m b/ios/src/CountlyLocationManager.m index 7b18c976..42229464 100644 --- a/ios/src/CountlyLocationManager.m +++ b/ios/src/CountlyLocationManager.m @@ -79,14 +79,18 @@ - (void)disableLocationInfo if (!CountlyConsentManager.sharedInstance.consentForLocation) return; - self.isLocationInfoDisabled = YES; + [self disableLocation]; + + [CountlyConnectionManager.sharedInstance sendLocationInfo]; +} +- (void)disableLocation +{ + self.isLocationInfoDisabled = YES; self.location = nil; self.city = nil; self.ISOCountryCode = nil; self.IP = nil; - - [CountlyConnectionManager.sharedInstance sendLocationInfo]; } @end diff --git a/ios/src/CountlyPerformanceMonitoring.h b/ios/src/CountlyPerformanceMonitoring.h index 9c7631a2..29564350 100644 --- a/ios/src/CountlyPerformanceMonitoring.h +++ b/ios/src/CountlyPerformanceMonitoring.h @@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ #import @interface CountlyPerformanceMonitoring : NSObject -@property (nonatomic) BOOL isEnabledOnInitialConfig; + (instancetype)sharedInstance; +- (void) startWithConfig:(CountlyAPMConfig *) apmConfig; - (void)startPerformanceMonitoring; - (void)stopPerformanceMonitoring; diff --git a/ios/src/CountlyPerformanceMonitoring.m b/ios/src/CountlyPerformanceMonitoring.m index 3c6eb0f8..35fbbf26 100644 --- a/ios/src/CountlyPerformanceMonitoring.m +++ b/ios/src/CountlyPerformanceMonitoring.m @@ -32,6 +32,10 @@ @interface CountlyPerformanceMonitoring () @implementation CountlyPerformanceMonitoring +BOOL enableAppStartTimeTracking; +BOOL enableManualAppLoadedTrigger; +BOOL enableForegroundBackgroundTracking; + + (instancetype)sharedInstance { if (!CountlyCommon.sharedInstance.hasStarted) @@ -43,6 +47,18 @@ + (instancetype)sharedInstance return s_sharedInstance; } + +- (void) startWithConfig:(CountlyAPMConfig *) apmConfig +{ + enableAppStartTimeTracking = apmConfig.enableAppStartTimeTracking; + enableManualAppLoadedTrigger = apmConfig.enableManualAppLoadedTrigger; + if(enableAppStartTimeTracking && !enableManualAppLoadedTrigger) { + CLY_LOG_W(@"%s, Automatic app start tracking is currently not supported, use manual app loaded trigger for now by setting 'config.apm.enableManualAppLoadedTrigger' Then call '[Countly.sharedInstance appLoadingFinished]'", __FUNCTION__); + } + enableForegroundBackgroundTracking = apmConfig.enableForegroundBackgroundTracking; + [self startPerformanceMonitoring]; +} + - (instancetype)init { if (self = [super init]) @@ -57,13 +73,13 @@ - (instancetype)init - (void)startPerformanceMonitoring { - if (!self.isEnabledOnInitialConfig) + if (!enableForegroundBackgroundTracking) return; if (!CountlyConsentManager.sharedInstance.consentForPerformanceMonitoring) return; - CLY_LOG_D(@"Starting performance monitoring..."); + CLY_LOG_D(@"Starting performance monitoring foreground/background tracking..."); #if (TARGET_OS_OSX) [NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter addObserver:self selector:@selector(applicationDidBecomeActive:) name:NSApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification object:nil]; @@ -97,6 +113,10 @@ - (void)stopPerformanceMonitoring - (void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(NSNotification *)notification { CLY_LOG_D(@"applicationDidBecomeActive: (Performance Monitoring)"); + + if (!enableForegroundBackgroundTracking) + return; + [self startForegroundTrace]; } @@ -104,11 +124,18 @@ - (void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(NSNotification *)notification - (void)applicationWillResignActive:(NSNotification *)notification { CLY_LOG_D(@"applicationWillResignActive: (Performance Monitoring)"); + + if (!enableForegroundBackgroundTracking) + return; + [self startBackgroundTrace]; } - (void)startForegroundTrace { + if (!enableForegroundBackgroundTracking) + return; + [self endBackgroundTrace]; [self startCustomTrace:kCountlyPMKeyAppInForeground]; @@ -116,11 +143,17 @@ - (void)startForegroundTrace - (void)endForegroundTrace { + if (!enableForegroundBackgroundTracking) + return; + [self endCustomTrace:kCountlyPMKeyAppInForeground metrics:nil]; } - (void)startBackgroundTrace { + if (!enableForegroundBackgroundTracking) + return; + [self endForegroundTrace]; [self startCustomTrace:kCountlyPMKeyAppInBackground]; @@ -128,6 +161,8 @@ - (void)startBackgroundTrace - (void)endBackgroundTrace { + if (!enableForegroundBackgroundTracking) + return; [self endCustomTrace:kCountlyPMKeyAppInBackground metrics:nil]; } @@ -138,6 +173,12 @@ - (void)recordAppStartDurationTraceWithStartTime:(long long)startTime endTime:(l if (!CountlyConsentManager.sharedInstance.consentForPerformanceMonitoring) return; + if(!enableAppStartTimeTracking || !enableManualAppLoadedTrigger) + { + CLY_LOG_W(@"Set 'enableAppStartTimeTracking' and 'enableManualAppLoadedTrigger' in config to record App start duration trace!"); + return; + } + if (self.hasAlreadyRecordedAppStartDurationTrace) { CLY_LOG_W(@"App start duration trace can be recorded once per app launch. So, it will not be recorded this time!"); diff --git a/ios/src/CountlyPersistency.h b/ios/src/CountlyPersistency.h index 3bd403ef..a80b3b1f 100644 --- a/ios/src/CountlyPersistency.h +++ b/ios/src/CountlyPersistency.h @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ @class CountlyEvent; -@interface CountlyPersistency : NSObject +@interface CountlyPersistency : NSObject + (instancetype)sharedInstance; @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ - (void)replaceAllTemporaryDeviceIDsInQueueWithDeviceID:(NSString *)deviceID; - (void)replaceAllAppKeysInQueueWithCurrentAppKey; - (void)removeDifferentAppKeysFromQueue; +- (void)removeOldAgeRequestsFromQueue; - (void)recordEvent:(CountlyEvent *)event; - (NSString *)serializedRecordedEvents; @@ -60,7 +61,10 @@ - (NSDictionary *)retrieveServerConfig; - (void)storeServerConfig:(NSDictionary *)serverConfig; +-(BOOL)isOldRequest:(NSString*) queryString; + @property (nonatomic) NSUInteger eventSendThreshold; @property (nonatomic) NSUInteger storedRequestsLimit; +@property (nonatomic) NSUInteger requestDropAgeHours; @property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isQueueBeingModified; @end diff --git a/ios/src/CountlyPersistency.m b/ios/src/CountlyPersistency.m index 4cd06c8d..3f64e365 100644 --- a/ios/src/CountlyPersistency.m +++ b/ios/src/CountlyPersistency.m @@ -28,13 +28,14 @@ @implementation CountlyPersistency NSString* const kCountlyCustomCrashLogFileName = @"CountlyCustomCrash.log"; +static CountlyPersistency* s_sharedInstance = nil; +static dispatch_once_t onceToken; + + (instancetype)sharedInstance { if (!CountlyCommon.sharedInstance.hasStarted) return nil; - static CountlyPersistency* s_sharedInstance = nil; - static dispatch_once_t onceToken; dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{s_sharedInstance = self.new;}); return s_sharedInstance; } @@ -71,7 +72,7 @@ - (instancetype)init - (void)addToQueue:(NSString *)queryString { - if(!CountlyServerConfig.sharedInstance.trackingEnabled) + if (!CountlyServerConfig.sharedInstance.trackingEnabled) { CLY_LOG_D(@"'addToQueue' is aborted: SDK Tracking is disabled from server config!"); return; @@ -79,13 +80,21 @@ - (void)addToQueue:(NSString *)queryString if (!queryString.length || [queryString isEqual:NSNull.null]) return; + + queryString = [queryString stringByAppendingFormat:@"&%@=%@", + kCountlyAppVersionKey, CountlyDeviceInfo.appVersion]; @synchronized (self) { [self.queuedRequests addObject:queryString]; - if (self.queuedRequests.count > self.storedRequestsLimit && !CountlyConnectionManager.sharedInstance.connection) - [self.queuedRequests removeObjectAtIndex:0]; + { + [self removeOldAgeRequestsFromQueue]; + if (self.queuedRequests.count > self.storedRequestsLimit && !CountlyConnectionManager.sharedInstance.connection) + { + [self.queuedRequests removeObjectAtIndex:0]; + } + } } } @@ -199,6 +208,49 @@ - (void)removeDifferentAppKeysFromQueue } } +- (void)removeOldAgeRequestsFromQueue +{ + @synchronized (self) + { + if(self.requestDropAgeHours && self.requestDropAgeHours > 0) { + self.isQueueBeingModified = YES; + + NSPredicate* predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithBlock:^BOOL(NSString* queryString, NSDictionary * bindings) + { + BOOL isOldAgeRequest = [self isOldRequestInternal:queryString]; + return !isOldAgeRequest; + }]; + + [self.queuedRequests filterUsingPredicate:predicate]; + + self.isQueueBeingModified = NO; + } + } +} + +-(BOOL)isOldRequest:(NSString*) queryString +{ + if(self.requestDropAgeHours && self.requestDropAgeHours > 0) { + return [self isOldRequestInternal:queryString]; + } + return false; + +} + +-(BOOL)isOldRequestInternal:(NSString *)queryString +{ + double requestTimeStamp = [[queryString cly_valueForQueryStringKey:kCountlyQSKeyTimestamp] longLongValue]/1000.0; + double durationInSecods = NSDate.date.timeIntervalSince1970 - requestTimeStamp; + double durationInHours = (durationInSecods/3600.0); + BOOL isOldAgeRequest = durationInHours >= self.requestDropAgeHours; + if (isOldAgeRequest) + { + CLY_LOG_D(@"Detected a request with an old age (age in hours: %f) in queue and removed it.", durationInHours); + } + + return isOldAgeRequest; +} + #pragma mark --- - (void)recordEvent:(CountlyEvent *)event @@ -244,6 +296,21 @@ - (void)flushEvents } } +- (void)resetInstance:(BOOL) clearStorage +{ + CLY_LOG_I(@"%s Clear Storage: %d", __FUNCTION__, clearStorage); + [CountlyConnectionManager.sharedInstance sendEvents]; + [self flushEvents]; + [self clearAllTimedEvents]; + [self flushQueue]; + if(clearStorage) + { + [self saveToFile]; + } + onceToken = 0; + s_sharedInstance = nil; +} + #pragma mark --- - (void)recordTimedEvent:(CountlyEvent *)event @@ -307,7 +374,7 @@ - (void)writeCustomCrashLogToFile:(NSString *)log [line writeToFile:crashLogFileURL.path atomically:YES encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:&error]; if (error) { - CLY_LOG_W(@"Crash Log File can not be created: \n%@", error); + CLY_LOG_W(@"%s, Crash Log File can not be created, got error %@", __FUNCTION__, error); } } }); @@ -337,7 +404,7 @@ - (void)deleteCustomCrashLogFile [NSFileManager.defaultManager removeItemAtURL:crashLogFileURL error:&error]; if (error) { - CLY_LOG_W(@"Crash Log File can not be deleted: \n%@", error); + CLY_LOG_W(@"%s, Crash Log File can not be deleted, got error %@", __FUNCTION__, error); } } } @@ -368,7 +435,7 @@ - (NSURL *)storageDirectoryURL [NSFileManager.defaultManager createDirectoryAtURL:URL withIntermediateDirectories:YES attributes:nil error:&error]; if (error) { - CLY_LOG_W(@"Application Support directory can not be created: \n%@", error); + CLY_LOG_W(@"%s, Application Support directory can not be created, got error %@", __FUNCTION__, error); } } }); diff --git a/ios/src/CountlyRCData.m b/ios/src/CountlyRCData.m index 70a1ce4f..2ca75dcc 100644 --- a/ios/src/CountlyRCData.m +++ b/ios/src/CountlyRCData.m @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ - (void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)encoder { } - (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)decoder { - if((self = [super init])) { + if ((self = [super init])) { self.value = [decoder decodeObjectForKey:NSStringFromSelector(@selector(value))]; self.isCurrentUsersData = [decoder decodeBoolForKey:NSStringFromSelector(@selector(isCurrentUsersData))]; } diff --git a/ios/src/CountlyReactNative.m b/ios/src/CountlyReactNative.m index d60591b5..62ce9978 100644 --- a/ios/src/CountlyReactNative.m +++ b/ios/src/CountlyReactNative.m @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ @interface CountlyFeedbackWidget () + (CountlyFeedbackWidget *)createWithDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dictionary; @end -NSString *const kCountlyReactNativeSDKVersion = @"23.10.0"; +NSString *const kCountlyReactNativeSDKVersion = @"24.4.0"; NSString *const kCountlyReactNativeSDKName = @"js-rnb-ios"; CLYPushTestMode const CLYPushTestModeProduction = @"CLYPushTestModeProduction"; @@ -148,9 +148,28 @@ - (void) populateConfig:(id) json { config.starRatingMessage = json[@"starRatingTextMessage"]; } + // APM ------------------------------------------------ + NSNumber *enableForegroundBackground = json[@"enableForegroundBackground"]; + if (enableForegroundBackground) { + config.apm.enableForegroundBackgroundTracking = [enableForegroundBackground boolValue]; + } + NSNumber *enableManualAppLoaded = json[@"enableManualAppLoaded"]; + if (enableManualAppLoaded) { + config.apm.enableManualAppLoadedTrigger = [enableManualAppLoaded boolValue]; + } + NSNumber *trackAppStartTime = json[@"trackAppStartTime"]; + if (trackAppStartTime) { + config.apm.enableAppStartTimeTracking = [trackAppStartTime boolValue]; + } + NSNumber *startTSOverride = json[@"startTSOverride"]; + if (startTSOverride) { + [config.apm setAppStartTimestampOverride:[startTSOverride longLongValue]]; + } + // Legacy APM if (json[@"enableApm"]) { config.enablePerformanceMonitoring = YES; } + // APM END -------------------------------------------- if (json[@"crashReporting"]) { [self addCountlyFeature:CLYCrashReporting]; @@ -212,49 +231,28 @@ - (void) populateConfig:(id) json { } } -RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(event : (NSArray *)arguments) { - dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ - NSString *eventType = [arguments objectAtIndex:0]; - if (eventType != nil && [eventType length] > 0) { - if ([eventType isEqual:@"event"]) { - NSString *eventName = [arguments objectAtIndex:1]; - NSString *countString = [arguments objectAtIndex:2]; - int countInt = [countString intValue]; - [[Countly sharedInstance] recordEvent:eventName count:countInt]; - - } else if ([eventType isEqual:@"eventWithSum"]) { - NSString *eventName = [arguments objectAtIndex:1]; - NSString *countString = [arguments objectAtIndex:2]; - int countInt = [countString intValue]; - NSString *sumString = [arguments objectAtIndex:3]; - float sumFloat = [sumString floatValue]; - [[Countly sharedInstance] recordEvent:eventName count:countInt sum:sumFloat]; - } else if ([eventType isEqual:@"eventWithSegment"]) { - NSString *eventName = [arguments objectAtIndex:1]; - NSString *countString = [arguments objectAtIndex:2]; - int countInt = [countString intValue]; - NSMutableDictionary *dict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; - - for (int i = 3, il = (int)arguments.count; i < il; i += 2) { - dict[[arguments objectAtIndex:i]] = [arguments objectAtIndex:i + 1]; - } - [[Countly sharedInstance] recordEvent:eventName segmentation:dict count:countInt]; - } else if ([eventType isEqual:@"eventWithSumSegment"]) { - NSString *eventName = [arguments objectAtIndex:1]; - NSString *countString = [arguments objectAtIndex:2]; - int countInt = [countString intValue]; - NSString *sumString = [arguments objectAtIndex:3]; - float sumFloat = [sumString floatValue]; - NSMutableDictionary *dict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; - - for (int i = 4, il = (int)arguments.count; i < il; i += 2) { - dict[[arguments objectAtIndex:i]] = [arguments objectAtIndex:i + 1]; - } - [[Countly sharedInstance] recordEvent:eventName segmentation:dict count:countInt sum:sumFloat]; - } - } +RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(recordEvent : (NSDictionary *)arguments) { + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + NSString *eventName = [arguments objectForKey:@"n"]; + + NSNumber *countNumber = [arguments objectForKey:@"c"]; + int countInt = [countNumber intValue]; + + NSNumber *sumNumber = [arguments objectForKey:@"s"]; + float sumFloat = [sumNumber floatValue]; + + NSMutableDictionary *dict = nil; + NSArray *segments = [arguments objectForKey:@"g"]; + if (segments != nil) { + dict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; + for (int i = 0, il = (int)segments.count; i < il; i += 2) { + dict[[segments objectAtIndex:i]] = [segments objectAtIndex:i + 1]; + } + } + [[Countly sharedInstance] recordEvent:eventName segmentation:dict count:countInt sum:sumFloat]; }); } + RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(recordView : (NSArray *)arguments) { dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ NSString *recordView = [arguments objectAtIndex:0]; @@ -382,17 +380,15 @@ + (void)log:(NSString *)theMessage { RCT_REMAP_METHOD(getDeviceIDType, getDeviceIDTypeWithResolver : (RCTPromiseResolveBlock)resolve rejecter : (RCTPromiseRejectBlock)reject) { dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ CLYDeviceIDType deviceIDType = [Countly.sharedInstance deviceIDType]; - NSString *deviceIDTypeString = NULL; + NSNumber *deviceIDTypeInt = NULL; if ([deviceIDType isEqualToString:CLYDeviceIDTypeCustom]) { - deviceIDTypeString = @"DS"; - } else if ([deviceIDType isEqualToString:CLYDeviceIDTypeIDFV]) { - deviceIDTypeString = @"SG"; + deviceIDTypeInt = @20202; } else if ([deviceIDType isEqualToString:CLYDeviceIDTypeTemporary]) { - deviceIDTypeString = @"TID"; + deviceIDTypeInt = @30303; } else { - deviceIDTypeString = @""; + deviceIDTypeInt = @10101; } - resolve(deviceIDTypeString); + resolve(deviceIDTypeInt); }); } @@ -461,53 +457,25 @@ + (void)log:(NSString *)theMessage { }); } -RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(endEvent : (NSArray *)arguments) { +RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(endEvent : (NSDictionary *)arguments) { dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ - NSString *eventType = [arguments objectAtIndex:0]; - - if ([eventType isEqual:@"event"]) { - NSString *eventName = [arguments objectAtIndex:1]; - [Countly.sharedInstance endEvent:eventName]; - } else if ([eventType isEqual:@"eventWithSum"]) { - NSString *eventName = [arguments objectAtIndex:1]; + NSString *eventName = [arguments objectForKey:@"n"]; - NSString *countString = [arguments objectAtIndex:2]; - int countInt = [countString intValue]; + NSNumber *countNumber = [arguments objectForKey:@"c"]; + int countInt = [countNumber intValue]; - NSString *sumString = [arguments objectAtIndex:3]; - float sumInt = [sumString floatValue]; + NSNumber *sumNumber = [arguments objectForKey:@"s"]; + float sumFloat = [sumNumber floatValue]; - NSMutableDictionary *dict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; - [Countly.sharedInstance endEvent:eventName segmentation:dict count:countInt sum:sumInt]; - } else if ([eventType isEqual:@"eventWithSegment"]) { - NSString *eventName = [arguments objectAtIndex:1]; - - NSString *countString = [arguments objectAtIndex:2]; - int countInt = [countString intValue]; - - NSMutableDictionary *dict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; - for (int i = 4, il = (int)arguments.count; i < il; i += 2) { - dict[[arguments objectAtIndex:i]] = [arguments objectAtIndex:i + 1]; - } - - [Countly.sharedInstance endEvent:eventName segmentation:dict count:countInt sum:0]; - } else if ([eventType isEqual:@"eventWithSumSegment"]) { - NSString *eventName = [arguments objectAtIndex:1]; - - NSString *countString = [arguments objectAtIndex:2]; - int countInt = [countString intValue]; - - NSString *sumString = [arguments objectAtIndex:3]; - float sumInt = [sumString floatValue]; - - NSMutableDictionary *dict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; - for (int i = 4, il = (int)arguments.count; i < il; i += 2) { - dict[[arguments objectAtIndex:i]] = [arguments objectAtIndex:i + 1]; - } - - [Countly.sharedInstance endEvent:eventName segmentation:dict count:countInt sum:sumInt]; - } else { - } + NSMutableDictionary *dict = nil; + NSArray *segments = [arguments objectForKey:@"g"]; + if (segments != nil) { + dict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; + for (int i = 0, il = (int)segments.count; i < il; i += 2) { + dict[[segments objectAtIndex:i]] = [segments objectAtIndex:i + 1]; + } + } + [[Countly sharedInstance] endEvent:eventName segmentation:dict count:countInt sum:sumFloat]; }); } diff --git a/ios/src/CountlyRemoteConfig.h b/ios/src/CountlyRemoteConfig.h index b782913f..86bfee20 100644 --- a/ios/src/CountlyRemoteConfig.h +++ b/ios/src/CountlyRemoteConfig.h @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ #import #import "CountlyRCData.h" +#import "CountlyExperimentInformation.h" @interface CountlyRemoteConfig : NSObject @@ -16,6 +17,10 @@ - (NSDictionary *)getAllValues; +- (CountlyRCData *)getValueAndEnroll:(NSString *)key; + +- (NSDictionary *)getAllValuesAndEnroll; + -(void)registerDownloadCallback:(RCDownloadCallback) callback; -(void)removeDownloadCallback:(RCDownloadCallback) callback; @@ -38,6 +43,9 @@ - (void)testingEnrollIntoVariant:(NSString *)key variantName:(NSString *)variantName completionHandler:(RCVariantCallback)completionHandler; +- (void) testingDownloadExperimentInformation:(RCVariantCallback)completionHandler; +- (NSDictionary *) testingGetAllExperimentInfo; + - (void)clearAll; @end diff --git a/ios/src/CountlyRemoteConfig.m b/ios/src/CountlyRemoteConfig.m index c5a78eda..45e45c9b 100644 --- a/ios/src/CountlyRemoteConfig.m +++ b/ios/src/CountlyRemoteConfig.m @@ -69,6 +69,18 @@ - (CountlyRCData *)getValue:(NSString *)key return [CountlyRemoteConfigInternal.sharedInstance getAllValues]; } +- (CountlyRCData *)getValueAndEnroll:(NSString *)key +{ + CLY_LOG_I(@"%s %@", __FUNCTION__, key); + return [CountlyRemoteConfigInternal.sharedInstance getValueAndEnroll:key]; +} + +- (NSDictionary *)getAllValuesAndEnroll +{ + CLY_LOG_I(@"%s", __FUNCTION__); + return [CountlyRemoteConfigInternal.sharedInstance getAllValuesAndEnroll]; +} + - (void)enrollIntoABTestsForKeys:(NSArray *)keys { CLY_LOG_I(@"%s %@", __FUNCTION__, keys); @@ -113,6 +125,19 @@ - (void)downloadOmittingKeys:(NSArray *)omitKeys completionHandler:(RCDownloadCa [CountlyRemoteConfigInternal.sharedInstance downloadValuesForKeys:nil omitKeys:omitKeys completionHandler:completionHandler]; } +- (void) testingDownloadExperimentInformation:(RCVariantCallback)completionHandler; +{ + CLY_LOG_I(@"%s %@", __FUNCTION__, completionHandler); + + [CountlyRemoteConfigInternal.sharedInstance testingDownloadExperimentInformation:completionHandler]; +} + +- (NSDictionary *) testingGetAllExperimentInfo +{ + CLY_LOG_I(@"%s", __FUNCTION__); + return [CountlyRemoteConfigInternal.sharedInstance testingGetAllExperimentInfo]; +} + - (void)clearAll { [CountlyRemoteConfigInternal.sharedInstance clearAll]; diff --git a/ios/src/CountlyRemoteConfigInternal.h b/ios/src/CountlyRemoteConfigInternal.h index 4879761e..137f1c07 100644 --- a/ios/src/CountlyRemoteConfigInternal.h +++ b/ios/src/CountlyRemoteConfigInternal.h @@ -24,7 +24,13 @@ - (void)downloadRemoteConfigAutomatically; + - (CountlyRCData *)getValue:(NSString *)key; +- (NSDictionary *)getAllValues; + +- (CountlyRCData *)getValueAndEnroll:(NSString *)key; +- (NSDictionary *)getAllValuesAndEnroll; + - (void)downloadValuesForKeys:(NSArray *)keys omitKeys:(NSArray *)omitKeys completionHandler:(RCDownloadCallback)completionHandler; - (NSDictionary *)testingGetAllVariants; @@ -32,7 +38,9 @@ - (void)testingDownloadAllVariants:(RCVariantCallback)completionHandler; - (void)testingEnrollIntoVariant:(NSString *)key variantName:(NSString *)variantName completionHandler:(RCVariantCallback)completionHandler; -- (NSDictionary *)getAllValues; +- (void) testingDownloadExperimentInformation:(RCVariantCallback)completionHandler; +- (NSDictionary *) testingGetAllExperimentInfo; + - (void)enrollIntoABTestsForKeys:(NSArray *)keys; - (void)exitABTestsForKeys:(NSArray *)keys; diff --git a/ios/src/CountlyRemoteConfigInternal.m b/ios/src/CountlyRemoteConfigInternal.m index ec57c4cf..8f375bb7 100644 --- a/ios/src/CountlyRemoteConfigInternal.m +++ b/ios/src/CountlyRemoteConfigInternal.m @@ -9,14 +9,13 @@ NSString* const kCountlyRCKeyFetchRemoteConfig = @"fetch_remote_config"; NSString* const kCountlyRCKeyFetchVariant = @"ab_fetch_variants"; NSString* const kCountlyRCKeyEnrollVariant = @"ab_enroll_variant"; +NSString* const kCountlyRCKeyFetchExperiments = @"ab_fetch_experiments"; NSString* const kCountlyRCKeyVariant = @"variant"; NSString* const kCountlyRCKeyKey = @"key"; NSString* const kCountlyRCKeyKeys = @"keys"; NSString* const kCountlyRCKeyOmitKeys = @"omit_keys"; NSString* const kCountlyRCKeyRC = @"rc"; -NSString* const kCountlyRCKeyABOptIn = @"ab"; -NSString* const kCountlyRCKeyABOptOut = @"ab_opt_out"; NSString* const kCountlyRCKeyAutoOptIn = @"oi"; @@ -27,6 +26,7 @@ @interface CountlyRemoteConfigInternal () @property (nonatomic) NSDictionary* localCachedVariants; @property (nonatomic) NSDictionary* cachedRemoteConfig; +@property (nonatomic) NSDictionary * localCachedExperiments; @end @implementation CountlyRemoteConfigInternal @@ -46,9 +46,14 @@ - (instancetype)init { if (self = [super init]) { - self.cachedRemoteConfig = [CountlyPersistency.sharedInstance retrieveRemoteConfig] ; + self.cachedRemoteConfig = [CountlyPersistency.sharedInstance retrieveRemoteConfig]; + if(!self.cachedRemoteConfig) { + self.cachedRemoteConfig = NSMutableDictionary.new; + } self.remoteConfigGlobalCallbacks = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; + + self.localCachedExperiments = NSMutableDictionary.new; } return self; @@ -73,7 +78,7 @@ - (void)startRemoteConfig { if (!error) { - CLY_LOG_D(@"Fetching remote config on start is successful. \n%@", remoteConfig); + CLY_LOG_D(@"%s, Fetching remote config on start is successful. %@", __FUNCTION__, remoteConfig); self.cachedRemoteConfig = [self createRCMeta:remoteConfig]; [CountlyPersistency.sharedInstance storeRemoteConfig:self.cachedRemoteConfig]; @@ -123,7 +128,7 @@ - (void)updateRemoteConfigForKeys:(NSArray *)keys omitKeys:(NSArray *)omitKeys c { if (!error) { - CLY_LOG_D(@"Fetching remote config manually is successful. \n%@", remoteConfig); + CLY_LOG_D(@"%s, Fetching remote config manually is successful. %@", __FUNCTION__, remoteConfig); NSDictionary* remoteConfigMeta = [self createRCMeta:remoteConfig]; if (!keys && !omitKeys) { @@ -153,7 +158,7 @@ - (void)updateRemoteConfigForKeys:(NSArray *)keys omitKeys:(NSArray *)omitKeys c - (id)remoteConfigValueForKey:(NSString *)key { CountlyRCData* countlyRCValue = self.cachedRemoteConfig[key]; - if(countlyRCValue) { + if (countlyRCValue) { return countlyRCValue.value; } return nil; @@ -161,7 +166,7 @@ - (id)remoteConfigValueForKey:(NSString *)key - (void)clearCachedRemoteConfig { - if(!self.isRCValueCachingEnabled) + if (!self.isRCValueCachingEnabled) { [self clearAll]; } @@ -173,7 +178,7 @@ - (void)clearCachedRemoteConfig -(void)clearAll { - self.cachedRemoteConfig = nil; + self.cachedRemoteConfig = NSMutableDictionary.new; [CountlyPersistency.sharedInstance storeRemoteConfig:self.cachedRemoteConfig]; } @@ -211,7 +216,7 @@ - (void)fetchRemoteConfigForKeys:(NSArray *)keys omitKeys:(NSArray *)omitKeys i if (error) { - CLY_LOG_D(@"Remote Config Request <%p> failed!\nError: %@", request, error); + CLY_LOG_D(@"%s, Remote Config Request:[ %p ] failed! error:[ %@ ]", __FUNCTION__, request, error); dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^ { @@ -231,7 +236,7 @@ - (void)fetchRemoteConfigForKeys:(NSArray *)keys omitKeys:(NSArray *)omitKeys i [task resume]; - CLY_LOG_D(@"Remote Config Request <%p> started:\n[%@] %@", (id)request, request.HTTPMethod, request.URL.absoluteString); + CLY_LOG_D(@"%s, Remote Config Request <%p> started: [%@] %@", __FUNCTION__, (id)request, request.HTTPMethod, request.URL.absoluteString); } - (NSURLRequest *)remoteConfigRequestForKeys:(NSArray *)keys omitKeys:(NSArray *)omitKeys isLegacy:(BOOL)isLegacy @@ -250,14 +255,17 @@ - (NSURLRequest *)remoteConfigRequestForKeys:(NSArray *)keys omitKeys:(NSArray * queryString = [queryString stringByAppendingFormat:@"&%@=%@", kCountlyRCKeyOmitKeys, [omitKeys cly_JSONify]]; } + if (self.enrollABOnRCDownload) { + queryString = [queryString stringByAppendingFormat:@"&%@=%@", kCountlyRCKeyAutoOptIn, @"1"]; + } + if (CountlyConsentManager.sharedInstance.consentForSessions) { queryString = [queryString stringByAppendingFormat:@"&%@=%@", kCountlyQSKeyMetrics, [CountlyDeviceInfo metrics]]; } - if(self.enrollABOnRCDownload) { - queryString = [queryString stringByAppendingFormat:@"&%@=%@", kCountlyRCKeyAutoOptIn, @"1"]; - } + queryString = [queryString stringByAppendingFormat:@"&%@=%@", + kCountlyAppVersionKey, CountlyDeviceInfo.appVersion]; queryString = [CountlyConnectionManager.sharedInstance appendChecksum:queryString]; @@ -282,7 +290,11 @@ - (NSURLRequest *)remoteConfigRequestForKeys:(NSArray *)keys omitKeys:(NSArray * - (CountlyRCData *)getValue:(NSString *)key { - return self.cachedRemoteConfig[key]; + CountlyRCData *countlyRCData = self.cachedRemoteConfig[key]; + if (!countlyRCData) { + countlyRCData = [[CountlyRCData alloc] initWithValue:nil isCurrentUsersData:YES]; + } + return countlyRCData; } - (NSDictionary *)getAllValues @@ -290,6 +302,29 @@ - (CountlyRCData *)getValue:(NSString *)key return self.cachedRemoteConfig; } +- (CountlyRCData *)getValueAndEnroll:(NSString *)key +{ + CountlyRCData *countlyRCData = [self getValue:key]; + if (countlyRCData.value) { + [self enrollIntoABTestsForKeys:@[key]]; + } + else { + CLY_LOG_D(@"No value exists against key: %@ to enroll in AB testing", key); + } + return countlyRCData; +} + +- (NSDictionary *)getAllValuesAndEnroll +{ + if (self.cachedRemoteConfig && self.cachedRemoteConfig.count > 0) { + [self enrollIntoABTestsForKeys: self.cachedRemoteConfig.allKeys]; + } + else { + CLY_LOG_D(@"No values exists to enroll in AB testing..."); + } + return self.cachedRemoteConfig; +} + - (void)enrollIntoABTestsForKeys:(NSArray *)keys { if (!CountlyConsentManager.sharedInstance.consentForRemoteConfig) @@ -301,8 +336,7 @@ - (void)enrollIntoABTestsForKeys:(NSArray *)keys CLY_LOG_D(@"Entolling in AB Tests..."); - [self enrollExitABForKeys:keys enroll:YES]; - + [CountlyConnectionManager.sharedInstance sendEnrollABRequestForKeys:keys]; } - (void)exitABTestsForKeys:(NSArray *)keys @@ -316,7 +350,7 @@ - (void)exitABTestsForKeys:(NSArray *)keys CLY_LOG_D(@"Exiting AB Tests..."); - [self enrollExitABForKeys:keys enroll:NO]; + [CountlyConnectionManager.sharedInstance sendExitABRequestForKeys:keys]; } - (void)downloadValuesForKeys:(NSArray *)keys omitKeys:(NSArray *)omitKeys completionHandler:(RCDownloadCallback)completionHandler @@ -336,8 +370,7 @@ - (void)downloadValuesForKeys:(NSArray *)keys omitKeys:(NSArray *)omitKeys compl CLYRequestResult requestResult = CLYResponseSuccess; if (!error) { - CLY_LOG_D(@"Fetching remote config is successful. \n%@", remoteConfig); -// NSDictionary* remoteConfigMeta = [self createRCMeta:remoteConfig]; + CLY_LOG_D(@"%s, fetching remote config is successful. %@", __FUNCTION__, remoteConfig); if (!keys && !omitKeys) { fullValueUpdate = true; @@ -435,12 +468,12 @@ - (void)testingDownloadAllVariants:(RCVariantCallback)completionHandler if (!error) { self.localCachedVariants = varaints; - CLY_LOG_D(@"Fetching variants manually is successful. \n%@", varaints); + CLY_LOG_D(@"%s, Fetching variants manually is successful. %@", __FUNCTION__, varaints); } else { - CLY_LOG_W(@"Fetching variants manually failed: %@", error); + CLY_LOG_W(@"%s, Fetching variants manually failed: %@", __FUNCTION__, error); } if (completionHandler) @@ -448,6 +481,7 @@ - (void)testingDownloadAllVariants:(RCVariantCallback)completionHandler }]; } + - (void)testingDownloadAllVariantsInternal:(void (^)(CLYRequestResult response, NSDictionary* variants, NSError * error))completionHandler { if (!CountlyServerConfig.sharedInstance.networkingEnabled) @@ -473,7 +507,7 @@ - (void)testingDownloadAllVariantsInternal:(void (^)(CLYRequestResult response, { NSString *valueType = NSStringFromClass([arrayValue class]); - if([valueType isEqualToString:@"__NSDictionaryI"]) { + if ([valueType isEqualToString:@"__NSDictionaryI"]) { [valuesArray addObject:arrayValue[@"name"]]; } else { @@ -496,7 +530,7 @@ - (void)testingDownloadAllVariantsInternal:(void (^)(CLYRequestResult response, if (error) { - CLY_LOG_D(@"Fetch variants Request <%p> failed!\nError: %@", request, error); + CLY_LOG_D(@"%s, Fetch variants Request <%p> failed! Error: %@", __FUNCTION__, request, error); dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^ { @@ -516,7 +550,7 @@ - (void)testingDownloadAllVariantsInternal:(void (^)(CLYRequestResult response, [task resume]; - CLY_LOG_D(@"Fetch variants Request <%p> started:\n[%@] %@", (id)request, request.HTTPMethod, request.URL.absoluteString); + CLY_LOG_D(@"%s, Fetch variants Request <%p> started [%@] %@", __FUNCTION__, (id)request, request.HTTPMethod, request.URL.absoluteString); } - (void)testingEnrollIntoVariant:(NSString *)key variantName:(NSString *)variantName completionHandler:(RCVariantCallback)completionHandler @@ -559,12 +593,12 @@ - (void)testingEnrollIntoVariantInternal:(NSString *)key variantName:(NSString * return; } - if(!key) { + if (!key) { CLY_LOG_D(@"'enrollInRCVariant' is aborted: 'key' is not valid"); return; } - if(!variantName) { + if (!variantName) { CLY_LOG_D(@"'enrollInRCVariant' is aborted: 'variantName' is not valid"); return; } @@ -591,7 +625,7 @@ - (void)testingEnrollIntoVariantInternal:(NSString *)key variantName:(NSString * if (error) { - CLY_LOG_D(@"Enroll RC Variant Request <%p> failed!\nError: %@", request, error); + CLY_LOG_D(@"%s, Enroll RC Variant Request <%p> failed! Error: %@", __FUNCTION__, request, error); dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^ { @@ -614,7 +648,7 @@ - (void)testingEnrollIntoVariantInternal:(NSString *)key variantName:(NSString * [task resume]; - CLY_LOG_D(@"Fetch variants Request <%p> started:\n[%@] %@", (id)request, request.HTTPMethod, request.URL.absoluteString); + CLY_LOG_D(@"%s, Fetch variants Request <%p> started: [%@] %@", __FUNCTION__, (id)request, request.HTTPMethod, request.URL.absoluteString); } - (NSURLRequest *)downloadVariantsRequest @@ -623,10 +657,8 @@ - (NSURLRequest *)downloadVariantsRequest queryString = [queryString stringByAppendingFormat:@"&%@=%@", kCountlyQSKeyMethod, kCountlyRCKeyFetchVariant]; - if (CountlyConsentManager.sharedInstance.consentForSessions) - { - queryString = [queryString stringByAppendingFormat:@"&%@=%@", kCountlyQSKeyMetrics, [CountlyDeviceInfo metrics]]; - } + queryString = [queryString stringByAppendingFormat:@"&%@=%@", + kCountlyAppVersionKey, CountlyDeviceInfo.appVersion]; queryString = [CountlyConnectionManager.sharedInstance appendChecksum:queryString]; @@ -649,101 +681,155 @@ - (NSURLRequest *)downloadVariantsRequest } } -- (NSURLRequest *)enrollInVarianRequestForKey:(NSString *)key variantName:(NSString *)variantName +- (void) testingDownloadExperimentInformation:(RCVariantCallback)completionHandler { - NSString* queryString = [CountlyConnectionManager.sharedInstance queryEssentials]; - - queryString = [queryString stringByAppendingFormat:@"&%@=%@", kCountlyQSKeyMethod, kCountlyRCKeyEnrollVariant]; - queryString = [queryString stringByAppendingFormat:@"&%@=%@", kCountlyRCKeyKey, key]; - if (variantName) + if (!CountlyConsentManager.sharedInstance.consentForRemoteConfig) { - queryString = [queryString stringByAppendingFormat:@"&%@=%@", kCountlyRCKeyVariant, variantName.cly_URLEscaped]; + CLY_LOG_D(@"'testingDownloadExperimentInformation' is aborted: RemoteConfig consent requires"); + return; } - - if (CountlyConsentManager.sharedInstance.consentForSessions) + if (CountlyDeviceInfo.sharedInstance.isDeviceIDTemporary) { - queryString = [queryString stringByAppendingFormat:@"&%@=%@", kCountlyQSKeyMetrics, [CountlyDeviceInfo metrics]]; + CLY_LOG_D(@"'testingDownloadExperimentInformation' is aborted: Due to temporary device id"); + return; } - queryString = [CountlyConnectionManager.sharedInstance appendChecksum:queryString]; + CLY_LOG_D(@"Download experiments info..."); - NSString* serverOutputSDKEndpoint = [CountlyConnectionManager.sharedInstance.host stringByAppendingFormat:@"%@", - kCountlyEndpointI]; - - if (CountlyConnectionManager.sharedInstance.alwaysUsePOST) - { - NSMutableURLRequest* request = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:serverOutputSDKEndpoint]]; - request.HTTPMethod = @"POST"; - request.HTTPBody = [queryString cly_dataUTF8]; - return request.copy; - } - else - { - NSString* withQueryString = [serverOutputSDKEndpoint stringByAppendingFormat:@"?%@", queryString]; - NSURLRequest* request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:withQueryString]]; - return request; - } + [self testingDownloaExperimentInfoInternal:^(CLYRequestResult response, NSDictionary *experimentInfo,NSError *error) + { + if (!error) + { + self.localCachedExperiments = experimentInfo; + CLY_LOG_D(@"%s, Download experiments info is successful. %@", __FUNCTION__,experimentInfo); + + } + else + { + CLY_LOG_W(@"Download experiments info failed: %@", error); + } + + if (completionHandler) + completionHandler(response, error); + }]; } -- (void)enrollExitABForKeys:(NSArray *)keys enroll:(BOOL)enroll + +- (void)testingDownloaExperimentInfoInternal:(void (^)(CLYRequestResult response, NSDictionary* experimentsInfo, NSError * error))completionHandler { if (!CountlyServerConfig.sharedInstance.networkingEnabled) { - CLY_LOG_D(@"'%@' is aborted: SDK Networking is disabled from server config!", enroll ? @"enrollABTestForKeys" : @"exitABTestForKeys"); + CLY_LOG_D(@"'testingDownloaExperimentInfoInternal' is aborted: SDK Networking is disabled from server config!"); return; } + if (!completionHandler) + return; - NSURLRequest* request = enroll ? [self enrollABRequestForKeys:keys] : [self exitABRequestForKeys:keys]; + NSURLRequest* request = [self downloadExperimentInfoRequest]; NSURLSessionTask* task = [NSURLSession.sharedSession dataTaskWithRequest:request completionHandler:^(NSData* data, NSURLResponse* response, NSError* error) { - if (error) + NSMutableDictionary * experiments = NSMutableDictionary.new; + + if (!error) { - CLY_LOG_D(@"%@ Request <%p> failed!\nError: %@", enroll ? @"enrollABTestForKeys" : @"exitABTestForKeys", request, error); + + NSArray* experimentsInfo = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:data options:0 error:&error]; + [experimentsInfo enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSDictionary* value, NSUInteger idx, BOOL * stop) + { + CountlyExperimentInformation* experimentInfo = [[CountlyExperimentInformation alloc] initWithID:value[@"id"] experimentName:value[@"name"] experimentDescription:value[@"description"] currentVariant:value[@"currentVariant"] variants:value[@"variants"]]; + experiments[experimentInfo.experimentID] = experimentInfo; + + }]; } - else + + if (!error) { - CLY_LOG_D(@"%@ Request <%p> successfully completed.", enroll ? @"enrollABTestForKeys" : @"exitABTestForKeys", request); + if (((NSHTTPURLResponse*)response).statusCode != 200) + { + NSMutableDictionary* userInfo = experiments.mutableCopy; + userInfo[NSLocalizedDescriptionKey] = @"Fetch variants general API error"; + error = [NSError errorWithDomain:kCountlyErrorDomain code:CLYErrorRemoteConfigGeneralAPIError userInfo:userInfo]; + } } + if (error) + { + CLY_LOG_D(@"%s, Download experiments Request <%p> failed! Error: %@", __FUNCTION__, request, error); + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^ + { + completionHandler(CLYResponseError, nil, error); + }); + + return; + } + + CLY_LOG_D(@"Download experiments Request <%p> successfully completed.", request); + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^ + { + completionHandler(CLYResponseSuccess, experiments, nil); + }); }]; [task resume]; - CLY_LOG_D(@"%@ Request <%p> started:\n[%@] %@", enroll ? @"enrollABTestForKeys" : @"exitABTestForKeys", (id)request, request.HTTPMethod, request.URL.absoluteString); + CLY_LOG_D(@"%s, Download experiments Request <%p> started: [%@] %@", __FUNCTION__, (id)request, request.HTTPMethod, request.URL.absoluteString); } -- (NSURLRequest *)enrollABRequestForKeys:(NSArray*)keys +- (NSURLRequest *)downloadExperimentInfoRequest { - return [self aBRequestForMethod:kCountlyRCKeyABOptIn keys:keys]; + NSString* queryString = [CountlyConnectionManager.sharedInstance queryEssentials]; + + queryString = [queryString stringByAppendingFormat:@"&%@=%@", kCountlyQSKeyMethod, kCountlyRCKeyFetchExperiments]; + + queryString = [queryString stringByAppendingFormat:@"&%@=%@", + kCountlyAppVersionKey, CountlyDeviceInfo.appVersion]; + + queryString = [CountlyConnectionManager.sharedInstance appendChecksum:queryString]; + + NSString* serverOutputSDKEndpoint = [CountlyConnectionManager.sharedInstance.host stringByAppendingFormat:@"%@%@", + kCountlyEndpointO, + kCountlyEndpointSDK]; + + if (CountlyConnectionManager.sharedInstance.alwaysUsePOST) + { + NSMutableURLRequest* request = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:serverOutputSDKEndpoint]]; + request.HTTPMethod = @"POST"; + request.HTTPBody = [queryString cly_dataUTF8]; + return request.copy; + } + else + { + NSString* withQueryString = [serverOutputSDKEndpoint stringByAppendingFormat:@"?%@", queryString]; + NSURLRequest* request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:withQueryString]]; + return request; + } } - -- (NSURLRequest *)exitABRequestForKeys:(NSArray*)keys +- (NSDictionary *) testingGetAllExperimentInfo { - return [self aBRequestForMethod:kCountlyRCKeyABOptOut keys:keys]; + return self.localCachedExperiments; } -- (NSURLRequest *)aBRequestForMethod:(NSString*)method keys:(NSArray*)keys +- (NSURLRequest *)enrollInVarianRequestForKey:(NSString *)key variantName:(NSString *)variantName { NSString* queryString = [CountlyConnectionManager.sharedInstance queryEssentials]; - queryString = [queryString stringByAppendingFormat:@"&%@=%@", kCountlyQSKeyMethod, kCountlyRCKeyABOptIn]; - - if (keys) + queryString = [queryString stringByAppendingFormat:@"&%@=%@", kCountlyQSKeyMethod, kCountlyRCKeyEnrollVariant]; + queryString = [queryString stringByAppendingFormat:@"&%@=%@", kCountlyRCKeyKey, key]; + if (variantName) { - queryString = [queryString stringByAppendingFormat:@"&%@=%@", kCountlyRCKeyKeys, [keys cly_JSONify]]; + queryString = [queryString stringByAppendingFormat:@"&%@=%@", kCountlyRCKeyVariant, variantName.cly_URLEscaped]; } - if (CountlyConsentManager.sharedInstance.consentForSessions) - { - queryString = [queryString stringByAppendingFormat:@"&%@=%@", kCountlyQSKeyMetrics, [CountlyDeviceInfo metrics]]; - } + queryString = [queryString stringByAppendingFormat:@"&%@=%@", + kCountlyAppVersionKey, CountlyDeviceInfo.appVersion]; queryString = [CountlyConnectionManager.sharedInstance appendChecksum:queryString]; - NSString* serverOutputSDKEndpoint = [CountlyConnectionManager.sharedInstance.host stringByAppendingFormat:@"%@%@", - kCountlyEndpointO, - kCountlyEndpointSDK]; + NSString* serverOutputSDKEndpoint = [CountlyConnectionManager.sharedInstance.host stringByAppendingFormat:@"%@", + kCountlyEndpointI]; if (CountlyConnectionManager.sharedInstance.alwaysUsePOST) { diff --git a/ios/src/CountlySDKLimitsConfig.h b/ios/src/CountlySDKLimitsConfig.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fa3d77f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/src/CountlySDKLimitsConfig.h @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +// CountlySDKLimitsConfig.h +// +// This code is provided under the MIT License. +// +// Please visit www.count.ly for more information. + + +#import + +extern const NSUInteger kCountlyMaxKeyLength; +extern const NSUInteger kCountlyMaxValueSize; +extern const NSUInteger kCountlyMaxBreadcrumbCount; +extern const NSUInteger kCountlyMaxSegmentationValues; +extern const NSUInteger kCountlyMaxStackTraceLineLength; +extern const NSUInteger kCountlyMaxStackTraceLinesPerThread; + + +@interface CountlySDKLimitsConfig : NSObject + +- (void)setMaxKeyLength:(NSUInteger)maxKeyLength; +- (void)setMaxValueSize:(NSUInteger)maxValueSize; +- (void)setMaxBreadcrumbCount:(NSUInteger)maxBreadcrumbCount; +- (void)setMaxSegmentationValues:(NSUInteger)maxSegmentationValues; +- (void)setMaxStackTraceLineLength:(NSUInteger)maxStackTraceLineLength; +- (void)setMaxStackTraceLinesPerThread:(NSUInteger)maxStackTraceLinesPerThread; + +- (NSUInteger)getMaxKeyLength; +- (NSUInteger)getMaxValueSize; +- (NSUInteger)getMaxBreadcrumbCount; +- (NSUInteger)getMaxSegmentationValues; +- (NSUInteger)getMaxStackTraceLineLength; +- (NSUInteger)getMaxStackTraceLinesPerThread; + + +@end + diff --git a/ios/src/CountlySDKLimitsConfig.m b/ios/src/CountlySDKLimitsConfig.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2a085e5c --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/src/CountlySDKLimitsConfig.m @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +// CountlySDKLimitsConfig.m +// +// This code is provided under the MIT License. +// +// Please visit www.count.ly for more information. + +#import "CountlySDKLimitsConfig.h" +#import "CountlyCommon.h" + + +const NSUInteger kCountlyMaxKeyLength = 128; +const NSUInteger kCountlyMaxValueSize = 256; +const NSUInteger kCountlyMaxSegmentationValues = 100; +const NSUInteger kCountlyMaxBreadcrumbCount = 100; +const NSUInteger kCountlyMaxStackTraceLinesPerThread = 30; +const NSUInteger kCountlyMaxStackTraceLineLength = 200; + +@interface CountlySDKLimitsConfig () +{ + NSUInteger _maxKeyLength; + NSUInteger _maxValueSize; + NSUInteger _maxSegmentationValues; + NSUInteger _maxBreadcrumbCount; + NSUInteger _maxStackTraceLinesPerThread; + NSUInteger _maxStackTraceLineLength; +} +@end +@implementation CountlySDKLimitsConfig + +- (instancetype)init +{ + if (self = [super init]) + { + _maxKeyLength = kCountlyMaxKeyLength; + _maxValueSize = kCountlyMaxValueSize; + _maxSegmentationValues = kCountlyMaxSegmentationValues; + _maxBreadcrumbCount = kCountlyMaxBreadcrumbCount; + _maxStackTraceLinesPerThread = kCountlyMaxStackTraceLinesPerThread; + _maxStackTraceLineLength = kCountlyMaxStackTraceLineLength; + } + + return self; +} + +- (void)setMaxKeyLength:(NSUInteger)maxKeyLength +{ + _maxKeyLength = maxKeyLength; +} + +- (void)setMaxValueSize:(NSUInteger)maxValueSize +{ + _maxValueSize = maxValueSize; +} + +- (void)setMaxSegmentationValues:(NSUInteger)maxSegmentationValues +{ + _maxSegmentationValues = maxSegmentationValues; +} + +- (void)setMaxBreadcrumbCount:(NSUInteger)maxBreadcrumbCount +{ + _maxBreadcrumbCount = maxBreadcrumbCount; +} + +- (void)setMaxStackTraceLineLength:(NSUInteger)maxStackTraceLineLength +{ + _maxStackTraceLineLength = maxStackTraceLineLength; +} + +- (void)setMaxStackTraceLinesPerThread:(NSUInteger)maxStackTraceLinesPerThread +{ + _maxStackTraceLinesPerThread = maxStackTraceLinesPerThread; +} + +- (NSUInteger)getMaxKeyLength +{ + return _maxKeyLength; +} + +- (NSUInteger)getMaxValueSize +{ + return _maxValueSize; +} + +- (NSUInteger)getMaxSegmentationValues +{ + return _maxSegmentationValues; +} + +- (NSUInteger)getMaxBreadcrumbCount +{ + return _maxBreadcrumbCount; +} + +- (NSUInteger)getMaxStackTraceLineLength +{ + return _maxStackTraceLineLength; +} + +- (NSUInteger)getMaxStackTraceLinesPerThread +{ + return _maxStackTraceLinesPerThread; +} +@end diff --git a/ios/src/CountlyServerConfig.m b/ios/src/CountlyServerConfig.m index 8f1b42b3..300f14e7 100644 --- a/ios/src/CountlyServerConfig.m +++ b/ios/src/CountlyServerConfig.m @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ - (instancetype)init self.trackingEnabled = YES; self.networkingEnabled = YES; NSDictionary* serverConfigObject = [CountlyPersistency.sharedInstance retrieveServerConfig]; - if(serverConfigObject) { + if (serverConfigObject) { [self populateServerConfig:serverConfigObject]; } } @@ -59,11 +59,11 @@ - (BOOL)networkingEnabled - (void)populateServerConfig:(NSDictionary *)dictionary { - if(dictionary[@"tracking"]) + if (dictionary[@"tracking"]) { self.trackingEnabled = [dictionary[@"tracking"] boolValue]; } - if(dictionary[@"networking"]) + if (dictionary[@"networking"]) { self.networkingEnabled = [dictionary[@"networking"] boolValue]; } @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ - (void)fetchServerConfig } NSDictionary* serverConfigObject = serverConfigResponse[@"c"]; - if(serverConfigObject) { + if (serverConfigObject) { [self populateServerConfig:serverConfigObject]; [CountlyPersistency.sharedInstance storeServerConfig:serverConfigObject]; } @@ -130,6 +130,9 @@ - (NSURLRequest *)serverConfigRequest kCountlyQSKeySDKName, CountlyCommon.sharedInstance.SDKName, kCountlyQSKeySDKVersion, CountlyCommon.sharedInstance.SDKVersion]; + queryString = [queryString stringByAppendingFormat:@"&%@=%@", + kCountlyAppVersionKey, CountlyDeviceInfo.appVersion]; + queryString = [CountlyConnectionManager.sharedInstance appendChecksum:queryString]; NSMutableString* URL = CountlyConnectionManager.sharedInstance.host.mutableCopy; diff --git a/ios/src/CountlyTests/CountlyBaseTestCase.swift b/ios/src/CountlyTests/CountlyBaseTestCase.swift new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fde220b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/src/CountlyTests/CountlyBaseTestCase.swift @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +// +// CountlyBaseTestCase.swift +// CountlyTests +// +// Created by Muhammad Junaid Akram on 27/12/2023. +// Copyright © 2023 Alin Radut. All rights reserved. +// + +import XCTest +@testable import Countly + +class CountlyBaseTestCase: XCTestCase { + var countly: Countly! + var deviceID: String = "" + let appKey: String = "appkey" + var host: String = "https://test.count.ly/" + + override func setUpWithError() throws { + // Put setup code here. This method is called before the invocation of each test method in the class. + cleanupState() + } + + func createBaseConfig() -> CountlyConfig { + let config: CountlyConfig = CountlyConfig() + config.appKey = appKey + config.host = host + config.enableDebug = true + config.features = [CLYFeature.crashReporting]; + return config + } + + override func tearDownWithError() throws { + // Put teardown code here. This method is called after the invocation of each test method in the class. + } + + func cleanupState() { + Countly.sharedInstance().halt(true) + } + +} + + diff --git a/ios/src/CountlyTests/CountlyTests-Bridging-Header.h b/ios/src/CountlyTests/CountlyTests-Bridging-Header.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d744d0d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/src/CountlyTests/CountlyTests-Bridging-Header.h @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +#import "CountlyCommon.h" diff --git a/ios/src/CountlyTests/CountlyTests.swift b/ios/src/CountlyTests/CountlyTests.swift new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d1289132 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/src/CountlyTests/CountlyTests.swift @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +// +// CountlyTests.swift +// CountlyTests +// +// Created by Muhammad Junaid Akram on 22/12/2023. +// Copyright © 2023 Alin Radut. All rights reserved. +// + +import XCTest +@testable import Countly + + +class CountlyTests: CountlyBaseTestCase { + + // MARK: - Configuration Tests + + func testReInitWithDeviceId() throws { + let config = createBaseConfig() + // No Device ID provided during init + Countly.sharedInstance().start(with: config); + + let sdkGeneratedDeviceID = Countly.sharedInstance().deviceID() + XCTAssertTrue(CountlyCommon.sharedInstance().hasStarted, "Countly initialization failed.") + XCTAssertTrue(Countly.sharedInstance().deviceIDType() == CLYDeviceIDType.IDFV, "Countly deviced id type should be IDFV when no device id is provided during init.") + Countly.sharedInstance().halt(false) + XCTAssertTrue(!CountlyCommon.sharedInstance().hasStarted, "Countly halt failed.") + + let deviceID = String(Int.random(in: 0..<100)) + + let newConfig = createBaseConfig() + newConfig.deviceID = deviceID + Countly.sharedInstance().start(with: newConfig); + + XCTAssertTrue(CountlyCommon.sharedInstance().hasStarted, "Countly initialization failed.") + XCTAssertTrue(Countly.sharedInstance().deviceID() == sdkGeneratedDeviceID, "Countly device id not match with provided device id.") + XCTAssertTrue(Countly.sharedInstance().deviceIDType() == CLYDeviceIDType.IDFV, "Countly deviced id type should be custom when device id is provided during init.") + } + + func testPerformanceExample() async throws { + // This is an example of a performance test case. + measure { + // Put the code you want to measure the time of here. + } + } + + + func checkPersistentValues() { + let countlyPersistency = CountlyPersistency.sharedInstance() + if(countlyPersistency != nil) { + if let queuedRequests = CountlyPersistency.sharedInstance().value(forKey: "queuedRequests") as? NSMutableArray, + let recordedEvents = CountlyPersistency.sharedInstance().value(forKey: "recordedEvents") as? NSMutableArray, + let startedEvents = CountlyPersistency.sharedInstance().value(forKey: "startedEvents") as? NSMutableDictionary, + let isQueueBeingModified = CountlyPersistency.sharedInstance().value(forKey: "isQueueBeingModified") as? Bool { + print("Successfully access private properties.") + + + } + else { + print("Failed to access private properties.") + } + } + + } +} + + + diff --git a/ios/src/CountlyViewData.h b/ios/src/CountlyViewData.h index 774243b4..ec4fd6c3 100644 --- a/ios/src/CountlyViewData.h +++ b/ios/src/CountlyViewData.h @@ -35,6 +35,13 @@ */ @property (nonatomic) BOOL isAutoPaused; + +/** + * Segmentation for a view. + * @discussion You can set this segmentation after the view has started using the "addSegmentationToViewWithID:" or "addSegmentationToViewWithID" methods of view interface. + */ +@property (nonatomic) NSMutableDictionary* segmentation; + /** * Initialize view data * @discussion If set then this view will automatically stopped when new view is started. diff --git a/ios/src/CountlyViewTracking.h b/ios/src/CountlyViewTracking.h index 5986a1ae..ee2850fc 100644 --- a/ios/src/CountlyViewTracking.h +++ b/ios/src/CountlyViewTracking.h @@ -30,5 +30,8 @@ - (void)stopAllViews:(NSDictionary *)segmentation; +- (void)addSegmentationToViewWithID:(NSString *)viewID segmentation:(NSDictionary *)segmentation; + +- (void)addSegmentationToViewWithName:(NSString *)viewName segmentation:(NSDictionary *)segmentation; @end diff --git a/ios/src/CountlyViewTracking.m b/ios/src/CountlyViewTracking.m index a41d7b2c..397b72dc 100644 --- a/ios/src/CountlyViewTracking.m +++ b/ios/src/CountlyViewTracking.m @@ -86,4 +86,15 @@ - (void)stopAllViews:(NSDictionary *)segmentation [CountlyViewTrackingInternal.sharedInstance stopAllViews:segmentation]; } + +- (void)addSegmentationToViewWithID:(NSString *)viewID segmentation:(NSDictionary *)segmentation +{ + [CountlyViewTrackingInternal.sharedInstance addSegmentationToViewWithID:viewID segmentation:segmentation]; +} + +- (void)addSegmentationToViewWithName:(NSString *)viewName segmentation:(NSDictionary *)segmentation +{ + [CountlyViewTrackingInternal.sharedInstance addSegmentationToViewWithName:viewName segmentation:segmentation]; +} + @end diff --git a/ios/src/CountlyViewTrackingInternal.h b/ios/src/CountlyViewTrackingInternal.h index 8bc36cf9..a27e19c8 100644 --- a/ios/src/CountlyViewTrackingInternal.h +++ b/ios/src/CountlyViewTrackingInternal.h @@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ extern NSString* const kCountlyReservedEventView; - (void)applicationWillTerminate; - (void)resetFirstView; +- (void)addSegmentationToViewWithID:(NSString *)viewID segmentation:(NSDictionary *)segmentation; +- (void)addSegmentationToViewWithName:(NSString *)viewName segmentation:(NSDictionary *)segmentation; + #if (TARGET_OS_IOS || TARGET_OS_TV) - (void)addAutoViewTrackingExclutionList:(NSArray *)viewTrackingExclusionList; #endif diff --git a/ios/src/CountlyViewTrackingInternal.m b/ios/src/CountlyViewTrackingInternal.m index 91bd7601..e36ffcb1 100644 --- a/ios/src/CountlyViewTrackingInternal.m +++ b/ios/src/CountlyViewTrackingInternal.m @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ - (instancetype)init self.viewDataDictionary = NSMutableDictionary.new; self.viewSegmentation = nil; - self.isFirstView = true; + self.isFirstView = YES; } return self; @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ - (void)setGlobalViewSegmentation:(NSMutableDictionary *)segmentation - (void)updateGlobalViewSegmentation:(NSDictionary *)segmentation { CLY_LOG_I(@"%s %@", __FUNCTION__, segmentation); - if(!self.viewSegmentation) { + if (!self.viewSegmentation) { self.viewSegmentation = NSMutableDictionary.new; } @@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ - (NSString *)startView:(NSString *)viewName segmentation:(NSDictionary *)segmen { CLY_LOG_I(@"%s %@ %@", __FUNCTION__, viewName, segmentation); #if (TARGET_OS_IOS || TARGET_OS_TV) - if(self.isAutoViewTrackingActive) { + if (self.isAutoViewTrackingActive) { CLY_LOG_W(@"%s Manually start view tracking is not allowed when automatic tracking is enabled!", __FUNCTION__); return nil; } @@ -162,12 +162,12 @@ - (NSString *)startAutoStoppedView:(NSString *)viewName segmentation:(NSDictiona { CLY_LOG_I(@"%s %@ %@", __FUNCTION__, viewName, segmentation); #if (TARGET_OS_IOS || TARGET_OS_TV) - if(self.isAutoViewTrackingActive) { + if (self.isAutoViewTrackingActive) { CLY_LOG_W(@"%s Manually start view tracking is not allowed when automatic tracking is enabled!", __FUNCTION__); return nil; } #endif - NSString* viewID = [self startViewInternal:viewName customSegmentation:segmentation isAutoStoppedView:true]; + NSString* viewID = [self startViewInternal:viewName customSegmentation:segmentation isAutoStoppedView:YES]; return viewID; } @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ - (void)stopViewWithName:(NSString *)viewName segmentation:(NSDictionary *)segme { CLY_LOG_I(@"%s %@ %@", __FUNCTION__, viewName, segmentation); #if (TARGET_OS_IOS || TARGET_OS_TV) - if(self.isAutoViewTrackingActive) { + if (self.isAutoViewTrackingActive) { CLY_LOG_W(@"%s Manually stop view tracking is not allowed when automatic tracking is enabled!", __FUNCTION__); return; } @@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ - (void)stopViewWithID:(NSString *)viewID segmentation:(NSDictionary *)segmentat { CLY_LOG_I(@"%s %@ %@", __FUNCTION__, viewID, segmentation); #if (TARGET_OS_IOS || TARGET_OS_TV) - if(self.isAutoViewTrackingActive) { + if (self.isAutoViewTrackingActive) { CLY_LOG_W(@"%s Manually stop view tracking is not allowed when automatic tracking is enabled!", __FUNCTION__); return; } @@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ - (void)pauseViewWithID:(NSString *)viewID { CLY_LOG_I(@"%s %@", __FUNCTION__, viewID); #if (TARGET_OS_IOS || TARGET_OS_TV) - if(self.isAutoViewTrackingActive) { + if (self.isAutoViewTrackingActive) { CLY_LOG_W(@"%s Manually pause view tracking is not allowed when automatic tracking is enabled!", __FUNCTION__); return; } @@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ - (void)resumeViewWithID:(NSString *)viewID { CLY_LOG_I(@"%s %@", __FUNCTION__, viewID); #if (TARGET_OS_IOS || TARGET_OS_TV) - if(self.isAutoViewTrackingActive) { + if (self.isAutoViewTrackingActive) { CLY_LOG_W(@"%s Manually resume view tracking is not allowed when automatic tracking is enabled!", __FUNCTION__); return; } @@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ - (void)stopAllViews:(NSDictionary *)segmentation { CLY_LOG_I(@"%s %@", __FUNCTION__, segmentation); #if (TARGET_OS_IOS || TARGET_OS_TV) - if(self.isAutoViewTrackingActive) { + if (self.isAutoViewTrackingActive) { CLY_LOG_W(@"%s Manually stop view tracking is not allowed when automatic tracking is enabled!", __FUNCTION__); return; } @@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ - (void)setIsAutoViewTrackingActive:(BOOL)isAutoViewTrackingActive if (!CountlyConsentManager.sharedInstance.consentForViewTracking) return; - if(_isAutoViewTrackingActive != isAutoViewTrackingActive) { + if (_isAutoViewTrackingActive != isAutoViewTrackingActive) { [self stopAllViewsInternal:nil]; } @@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ - (void)stopViewWithNameInternal:(NSString *) viewName customSegmentation:(NSDic __block NSString *viewID = nil; [self.viewDataDictionary enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSString * key, CountlyViewData * viewData, BOOL * stop) { - if([viewData.viewName isEqualToString:viewName]) + if ([viewData.viewName isEqualToString:viewName]) { viewID = key; *stop = YES; @@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ - (void)stopViewWithNameInternal:(NSString *) viewName customSegmentation:(NSDic }]; - if(viewID) + if (viewID) { [self stopViewWithIDInternal:viewID customSegmentation:customSegmentation]; } @@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ - (void)stopViewWithNameInternal:(NSString *) viewName customSegmentation:(NSDic - (void)stopViewWithIDInternal:(NSString *) viewKey customSegmentation:(NSDictionary *)customSegmentation { - [self stopViewWithIDInternal:viewKey customSegmentation:customSegmentation autoPaused:false]; + [self stopViewWithIDInternal:viewKey customSegmentation:customSegmentation autoPaused:NO]; } - (void)stopViewWithIDInternal:(NSString *) viewKey customSegmentation:(NSDictionary *)customSegmentation autoPaused:(BOOL) autoPaused{ @@ -348,6 +348,11 @@ - (void)stopViewWithIDInternal:(NSString *) viewKey customSegmentation:(NSDictio segmentation[kCountlyVTKeyName] = viewData.viewName; segmentation[kCountlyVTKeySegment] = CountlyDeviceInfo.osName; + if (viewData.segmentation) + { + [segmentation addEntriesFromDictionary:viewData.segmentation]; + } + if (self.viewSegmentation) { [segmentation addEntriesFromDictionary:self.viewSegmentation]; @@ -364,7 +369,7 @@ - (void)stopViewWithIDInternal:(NSString *) viewKey customSegmentation:(NSDictio [Countly.sharedInstance recordReservedEvent:kCountlyReservedEventView segmentation:segmentation count:1 sum:0 duration:duration ID:viewData.viewID timestamp:CountlyCommon.sharedInstance.uniqueTimestamp]; CLY_LOG_D(@"%s View tracking ended: %@ duration: %.17g", __FUNCTION__, viewData.viewName, duration); - if(!autoPaused) { + if (!autoPaused) { [self.viewDataDictionary removeObjectForKey:viewKey]; } } @@ -375,7 +380,7 @@ - (void)stopViewWithIDInternal:(NSString *) viewKey customSegmentation:(NSDictio - (NSString*)startViewInternal:(NSString *)viewName customSegmentation:(NSDictionary *)customSegmentation { - return [self startViewInternal:viewName customSegmentation:customSegmentation isAutoStoppedView:false]; + return [self startViewInternal:viewName customSegmentation:customSegmentation isAutoStoppedView:NO]; } - (NSString*)startViewInternal:(NSString *)viewName customSegmentation:(NSDictionary *)customSegmentation isAutoStoppedView:(BOOL) isAutoStoppedView @@ -404,7 +409,7 @@ - (NSString*)startViewInternal:(NSString *)viewName customSegmentation:(NSDictio if (self.isFirstView) { - self.isFirstView = false; + self.isFirstView = NO; segmentation[kCountlyVTKeyStart] = @1; } @@ -478,7 +483,7 @@ - (void)resumeViewWithIDInternal:(NSString *) viewID -(CountlyViewData* ) currentView { - if(!self.currentViewID) + if (!self.currentViewID) return nil; return [self.viewDataDictionary objectForKey:self.currentViewID]; } @@ -501,46 +506,34 @@ - (void)stopCurrentView } } -- (void)pauseCurrentView -{ - if (self.currentView) - { - [self pauseViewInternal:self.currentView]; - } -} - -- (void)resumeCurrentView -{ - [self.currentView resumeView]; -} - (void)pauseAllViewsInternal { [self.viewDataDictionary enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSString * _Nonnull key, CountlyViewData * _Nonnull viewData, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) { - [self pauseViewInternal:viewData autoPaused:true]; + [self pauseViewInternal:viewData autoPaused:YES]; }]; } - (void)pauseViewInternal:(CountlyViewData*) viewData { - [self pauseViewInternal:viewData]; + [self pauseViewInternal:viewData autoPaused:NO]; } - (void)pauseViewInternal:(CountlyViewData*) viewData autoPaused:(BOOL) autoPaused { - if(autoPaused) { + if (autoPaused) { [viewData autoPauseView]; } else { [viewData pauseView]; } - [self stopViewWithIDInternal:viewData.viewID customSegmentation:nil autoPaused:true]; + [self stopViewWithIDInternal:viewData.viewID customSegmentation:nil autoPaused:YES]; } - (void)resumeAllViewsInternal { [self.viewDataDictionary enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSString * _Nonnull key, CountlyViewData * _Nonnull viewData, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) { - if(viewData.isAutoPaused) + if (viewData.isAutoPaused) { [viewData resumeView]; } @@ -556,6 +549,73 @@ - (void)stopAllViewsInternal:(NSDictionary *)segmentation }]; } +- (void)addSegmentationToViewWithNameInternal:(NSString *) viewName segmentation:(NSDictionary *)segmentation +{ + if (!viewName || !viewName.length) + { + CLY_LOG_D(@"%s View name should not be null or empty", __FUNCTION__); + return; + } + + __block NSString *viewID = nil; + [self.viewDataDictionary enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSString * key, CountlyViewData * viewData, BOOL * stop) + { + if ([viewData.viewName isEqualToString:viewName]) + { + viewID = key; + *stop = YES; + } + + }]; + + if (viewID) + { + [self addSegmentationToViewWithIDInternal:viewID segmentation:segmentation]; + } + else { + CLY_LOG_D(@"%s No View exist with name: %@", __FUNCTION__, viewName); + } +} + +- (void)addSegmentationToViewWithIDInternal:(NSString *) viewID segmentation:(NSDictionary *)segmentation{ + if (!viewID || !viewID.length) + { + CLY_LOG_D(@"%s View ID should not be null or empty", __FUNCTION__); + return; + } + + if (!CountlyConsentManager.sharedInstance.consentForViewTracking) + return; + CountlyViewData* viewData = self.viewDataDictionary[viewID]; + if (viewData) + { + NSMutableDictionary *mutableSegmentation = segmentation.mutableCopy; + [mutableSegmentation removeObjectsForKeys:self.reservedViewTrackingSegmentationKeys]; + if(mutableSegmentation) { + if(!viewData.segmentation) { + viewData.segmentation = NSMutableDictionary.new; + } + [viewData.segmentation addEntriesFromDictionary:mutableSegmentation]; + } + [self.viewDataDictionary setObject:viewData forKey:viewID]; + } + else { + CLY_LOG_D(@"%s No View exist with ID: %@", __FUNCTION__, viewID); + } +} + + +- (void)addSegmentationToViewWithID:(NSString *)viewID segmentation:(NSDictionary *)segmentation +{ + CLY_LOG_I(@"%s %@ %@", __FUNCTION__, viewID, segmentation); + [self addSegmentationToViewWithIDInternal:viewID segmentation:segmentation]; +} + +- (void)addSegmentationToViewWithName:(NSString *)viewName segmentation:(NSDictionary *)segmentation +{ + CLY_LOG_I(@"%s %@ %@", __FUNCTION__, viewName, segmentation); + [self addSegmentationToViewWithNameInternal:viewName segmentation:segmentation]; +} #pragma mark - Internal auto view tracking methods @@ -644,7 +704,7 @@ - (NSString*)titleForViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController - (void)applicationWillEnterForeground { #if (TARGET_OS_IOS || TARGET_OS_TV) - if(self.isAutoViewTrackingActive) { + if (self.isAutoViewTrackingActive) { } else { @@ -656,7 +716,7 @@ - (void)applicationWillEnterForeground { } - (void)applicationDidEnterBackground { #if (TARGET_OS_IOS || TARGET_OS_TV) - if(self.isAutoViewTrackingActive) { + if (self.isAutoViewTrackingActive) { [self stopCurrentView]; } else { @@ -674,7 +734,7 @@ - (void)applicationWillTerminate { - (void)resetFirstView { - self.isFirstView = false; + self.isFirstView = NO; } diff --git a/ios/src/Package.swift b/ios/src/Package.swift index a37185d1..70ecfc6f 100644 --- a/ios/src/Package.swift +++ b/ios/src/Package.swift @@ -33,11 +33,12 @@ let package = Package( "Info.plist", "Countly.podspec", "Countly-PL.podspec", - "LICENSE.md", + "LICENSE", "README.md", "countly_dsym_uploader.sh", "CHANGELOG.md", - "SECURITY.md" + "SECURITY.md", + "CountlyTests/" ], linkerSettings: @@ -53,5 +54,9 @@ let package = Package( .linkedFramework("WebKit", .when(platforms: [.iOS])), .linkedFramework("CoreTelephony", .when(platforms: [.iOS])), ]), + .testTarget( + name: "CountlyTests", + dependencies: ["Countly"] + ), ] ) diff --git a/ios/src/PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy b/ios/src/PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c735f528 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/src/PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ + + + + + NSPrivacyAccessedAPITypes + + + NSPrivacyAccessedAPIType + NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategoryUserDefaults + NSPrivacyAccessedAPITypeReasons + + CA92.1 + + + + NSPrivacyAccessedAPIType + NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategoryDiskSpace + NSPrivacyAccessedAPITypeReasons + + 7D9E.1 + + + + NSPrivacyCollectedDataTypes + + + NSPrivacyCollectedDataType + NSPrivacyCollectedDataTypePerformanceData + NSPrivacyCollectedDataTypeLinked + + NSPrivacyCollectedDataTypeTracking + + NSPrivacyCollectedDataTypePurposes + + NSPrivacyCollectedDataTypePurposeAnalytics + + + + NSPrivacyCollectedDataType + NSPrivacyCollectedDataTypeCrashData + NSPrivacyCollectedDataTypeLinked + + NSPrivacyCollectedDataTypeTracking + + NSPrivacyCollectedDataTypePurposes + + NSPrivacyCollectedDataTypePurposeAnalytics + + + + NSPrivacyCollectedDataType + NSPrivacyCollectedDataTypeDeviceID + NSPrivacyCollectedDataTypeLinked + + NSPrivacyCollectedDataTypeTracking + + NSPrivacyCollectedDataTypePurposes + + NSPrivacyCollectedDataTypePurposeAnalytics + + + + NSPrivacyTrackingDomains + + NSPrivacyTracking + + + diff --git a/ios/src/README.md b/ios/src/README.md index 3e11cefa..f0d6d5fb 100644 --- a/ios/src/README.md +++ b/ios/src/README.md @@ -1,26 +1,26 @@ -[![Codacy Badge](https://app.codacy.com/project/badge/Grade/68dc667ef1e6465e99fa9d4b2ee56e58)](https://www.codacy.com/gh/Countly/countly-sdk-ios/dashboard?utm_source=github.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=Countly/countly-sdk-ios&utm_campaign=Badge_Grade) +[![Codacy Badge](https://app.codacy.com/project/badge/Grade/68dc667ef1e6465e99fa9d4b2ee56e58)](https://app.codacy.com/gh/Countly/countly-sdk-ios/dashboard?utm_source=gh&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=&utm_campaign=Badge_grade) # Countly iOS SDK -This repository contains the Countly iOS SDK, which can be integrated into iOS, watchOS, tvOS & macOS applications. The Countly iOS SDK is intended to be used with [Countly Community Edition](https://github.com/Countly/countly-server) or [Countly Enterprise Edition](https://count.ly/product). +This repository contains the Countly iOS SDK, which can be integrated into iOS, watchOS, tvOS & macOS applications. The Countly iOS SDK is intended to be used with [Countly Lite](https://countly.com/lite) or [Countly Enterprise](https://count.ly/product). ## What is Countly? -[Countly](https://count.ly) is a product analytics solution and innovation enabler that helps teams track product performance and customer journey and behavior across [mobile](https://count.ly/mobile-analytics), [web](http://count.ly/web-analytics), +[Countly](https://count.ly) is a product analytics solution and innovation enabler that helps teams track product performance and customer journey and behavior across [mobile](https://count.ly/mobile-analytics), [web](https://count.ly/web-analytics), and [desktop](https://count.ly/desktop-analytics) applications. [Ensuring privacy by design](https://count.ly/privacy-by-design), Countly allows you to innovate and enhance your products to provide personalized and customized customer experiences, and meet key business and revenue goals. Track, measure, and take action - all without leaving Countly. * **Questions or feature requests?** [Join the Countly Community on Discord](https://discord.gg/countly) -* **Looking for the Countly Server?** [Countly Community Edition repository](https://github.com/Countly/countly-server) -* **Looking for other Countly SDKs?** [An overview of all Countly SDKs for mobile, web and desktop](https://support.count.ly/hc/en-us/articles/360037236571-Downloading-and-Installing-SDKs#officially-supported-sdks) +* **Looking for the Countly Server?** [Countly Lite repository](https://github.com/Countly/countly-server) +* **Looking for other Countly SDKs?** [An overview of all Countly SDKs for mobile, web and desktop](https://support.count.ly/hc/en-us/articles/360037236571-Downloading-and-Installing-SDKs#h_01H9QCP8G5Y9PZJGERZ4XWYDY9) ## Integrating Countly SDK in your projects For a detailed description on how to use this SDK [check out our documentation](https://support.count.ly/hc/en-us/articles/360037753511-iOS-watchOS-tvOS-macOS). -For information about how to add the SDK to your project, please check [this section of the documentation](https://support.count.ly/hc/en-us/articles/360037753511-iOS-watchOS-tvOS-macOS#adding-the-sdk-to-the-project). +For information about how to add the SDK to your project, please check [this section of the documentation](https://support.count.ly/hc/en-us/articles/360037753511-iOS-watchOS-tvOS-macOS#h_01HAVHW0RNNZT7742WNX46GS1R). -You can find minimal SDK integration information for your project in [this section of the documentation](https://support.count.ly/hc/en-us/articles/360037753511-iOS-watchOS-tvOS-macOS#minimal-setup). +You can find minimal SDK integration information for your project in [this section of the documentation](https://support.count.ly/hc/en-us/articles/360037753511-iOS-watchOS-tvOS-macOS#h_01HAVHW0RNVDW2E2F83R8E6PSB). For an example integration of this SDK, you can have a look [here](https://github.com/Countly/countly-sample-ios). diff --git a/ios/src/Resettable.h b/ios/src/Resettable.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d8ad7ef8 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/src/Resettable.h @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +// Resettable.h +// +// This code is provided under the MIT License. +// +// Please visit www.count.ly for more information. +#import + +@protocol Resettable + +@optional +- (void)resetInstance; +- (void)resetInstance:(BOOL) clearStorage; + +@end diff --git a/ios/src/countly_dsym_uploader.sh b/ios/src/countly_dsym_uploader.sh index bb061973..52378b34 100755 --- a/ios/src/countly_dsym_uploader.sh +++ b/ios/src/countly_dsym_uploader.sh @@ -4,10 +4,11 @@ # # This code is provided under the MIT License. # -# Please visit www.count.ly for more information. +# Please visit https://countly.com/ for more information. # For your target, go to `Build Phases` tab and choose `New Run Script Phase` after clicking plus (+) button. +# Here the first line is a find command to find and extract the path to the script. If you know the path you can skip this line. # Add these two lines: # # COUNTLY_DSYM_UPLOADER=$(find $SRCROOT -name "countly_dsym_uploader.sh" | head -n 1) @@ -20,12 +21,16 @@ # Notes: # Do not forget to replace YOUR_COUNTLY_SERVER and YOUR_APP_KEY with real values. # If your project setup and/or CI/CD flow requires a custom path for the generated dSYMs, you can specify it as third argument. +# Third argument is optional. If you do not provide it, the script will try to use Xcode Environment Variables to find the dSYM. +# If you provide it, the script will use the provided path to find the dSYM. +# The path should be absolute and point to the .dSYM file or the folder containing the .dSYM files. # Common functions countly_log () { echo "[Countly] $1"; } countly_fail () { countly_log "$1"; exit 0; } +countly_go_next_iteration () { countly_log "$1"; DSYM_FILE_NAME=$INITIAL_DSYM_FILE_NAME; DSYM_FOLDER_PATH=$INITIAL_FOLDER_PATH; continue; } countly_usage () { @@ -39,6 +44,7 @@ HOST="${1}"; APPKEY="${2}"; CUSTOM_DSYM_PATH="${3}" +countly_log "Provided server:[$HOST]\n app key:[$APPKEY]\n custom dSYM path:[$CUSTOM_DSYM_PATH]" # Pre-checks if [[ -z $HOST ]]; then @@ -58,64 +64,108 @@ if [[ -z $CUSTOM_DSYM_PATH ]]; then fi DSYM_FOLDER_PATH=${DWARF_DSYM_FOLDER_PATH} + countly_log "dSYM folder path:[$DSYM_FOLDER_PATH]" DSYM_FILE_NAME=${DWARF_DSYM_FILE_NAME} + countly_log "dSYM file name:[$DSYM_FILE_NAME]" else DSYM_FOLDER_PATH=$(dirname "${CUSTOM_DSYM_PATH}") + countly_log "dSYM folder path:[$DSYM_FOLDER_PATH]" DSYM_FILE_NAME=$(basename "${CUSTOM_DSYM_PATH}") + countly_log "dSYM file name:[$DSYM_FILE_NAME]" fi +INITIAL_DSYM_FILE_NAME=$DSYM_FILE_NAME +INITIAL_FOLDER_PATH=$DSYM_FOLDER_PATH +DSYM_PATH="${DSYM_FOLDER_PATH}/${DSYM_FILE_NAME}" + +for file in "$DSYM_PATH"/*; do +printf "======\n[Countly] Processing $file \n" +IN_DSYM=false +IN_FOLDER=false + + if [[ ! $INITIAL_DSYM_FILE_NAME == *.dSYM ]]; then + countly_log "Provided file is not a .dSYM file!" + countly_log "Given Path was a Folder. Checking the files inside the folder for .dSYM files!" + if [[ $file == *.dSYM ]]; then + IN_FOLDER=true + DSYM_FILE_NAME=$(basename "${file}") + DSYM_PATH="${CUSTOM_DSYM_PATH}/${DSYM_FILE_NAME}" + else + countly_go_next_iteration "File inside the folder is not a .dSYM file!" + fi + else + countly_log "Provided file is a dSYM file!" + IN_DSYM=true + fi -DSYM_PATH="${DSYM_FOLDER_PATH}/${DSYM_FILE_NAME}"; -if [[ ! -d $DSYM_PATH ]]; then - countly_fail "dSYM path ${DSYM_PATH} does not exist!" -fi - - -# Extracting Build UUIDs from DSYM using dwarfdump -BUILD_UUIDS=$(xcrun dwarfdump --uuid "${DSYM_PATH}" | awk '{print $2}' | xargs | sed 's/ /,/g') -if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then - countly_log "Extracted Build UUIDs: ${BUILD_UUIDS}" -else - countly_fail "Extracting Build UUIDs failed!" -fi - - -# Creating archive of DSYM folder using zip -DSYM_ZIP_PATH="/tmp/$(date +%s)_${DSYM_FILE_NAME}.zip" -pushd "${DSYM_FOLDER_PATH}" > /dev/null -zip -rq "${DSYM_ZIP_PATH}" "${DSYM_FILE_NAME}" -popd > /dev/null -if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then - countly_log "Created archive at $DSYM_ZIP_PATH" -else - countly_fail "Creating archive failed!" -fi + countly_log "Current dSYM path:[$DSYM_PATH]" + + # Extracting Build UUIDs from DSYM using dwarfdump + XCRUN_RES=$(xcrun dwarfdump --uuid "${DSYM_PATH}") + countly_log "Xcrun result:[$XCRUN_RES]" + RAW_UUID=$(echo "${XCRUN_RES}" | awk '{print $2}') + countly_log "Raw UUID:[$RAW_UUID]" + # Remove whitespace and such + BUILD_UUIDS=$(echo "${RAW_UUID}" | xargs | sed 's/ /,/g') + if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then + countly_log "Extracted Build UUIDs:[${BUILD_UUIDS}]" + if [ ! "$BUILD_UUIDS" ]; then + countly_go_next_iteration "Nothing was extracted! Check if your Xcode configuration or the provided path is correct." + fi + + else + countly_go_next_iteration "Extracting Build UUIDs failed!" + fi -# Preparing for upload -ENDPOINT="/i/crash_symbols/upload_symbol" + # Creating archive of DSYM folder using zip + countly_log "Creating archive of dSYM folder using zip" + countly_log "Current dSYM folder path:[$DSYM_FOLDER_PATH]" + countly_log "Current dSYM file name:[$DSYM_FILE_NAME]" + DSYM_ZIP_PATH="/tmp/$(date +%s)_${DSYM_FILE_NAME}.zip" + if [ $IN_FOLDER == true ]; then + countly_log "In folder. Pushd to:[$(dirname "${DSYM_PATH}")]" + pushd $(dirname "${DSYM_PATH}") > /dev/null + fi + if [ $IN_DSYM == true ]; then + countly_log "In dSYM. Pushd to:["${DSYM_FOLDER_PATH}"]" + pushd "${DSYM_FOLDER_PATH}" > /dev/null + fi + zip -r "${DSYM_ZIP_PATH}" "${DSYM_FILE_NAME}" + popd > /dev/null + if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then + countly_log "Created archive at $DSYM_ZIP_PATH" + else + countly_go_next_iteration "Creating archive failed!" + fi -PLATFORM="ios" #This value is common for all iOS/iPadOS/watchOS/tvOS/macOS + # Preparing for upload + ENDPOINT="/i/crash_symbols/upload_symbol" -EPN=${EFFECTIVE_PLATFORM_NAME:1} -if [[ -z $EPN ]]; then -EPN="macos" -fi + PLATFORM="ios" #This value is common for all iOS/iPadOS/watchOS/tvOS/macOS -QUERY="?platform=${PLATFORM}&epn=${EPN}&app_key=${APPKEY}&build=${BUILD_UUIDS}" -URL="${HOST}${ENDPOINT}${QUERY}" -countly_log "Uploading to ${URL}" + EPN=${EFFECTIVE_PLATFORM_NAME:1} + if [[ -z $EPN ]]; then + EPN="macos" + fi + QUERY="?platform=${PLATFORM}&epn=${EPN}&app_key=${APPKEY}&build=${BUILD_UUIDS}" + URL="${HOST}${ENDPOINT}${QUERY}" + countly_log "Uploading to:[${URL}]" -# Uploading to server using curl -UPLOAD_RESULT=$(curl -s -F "symbols=@${DSYM_ZIP_PATH}" "${URL}") -if [ $? -eq 0 ] && [ "${UPLOAD_RESULT}" == "{\"result\":\"Success\"}" ]; then - countly_log "dSYM upload succesfully completed." -else - countly_fail "dSYM upload failed! ${UPLOAD_RESULT}" -fi + # Uploading to server using curl + UPLOAD_RESULT=$(curl -s -F "symbols=@${DSYM_ZIP_PATH}" "${URL}") + if [ $? -eq 0 ] && [ "${UPLOAD_RESULT}" == "{\"result\":\"Success\"}" ]; then + countly_log "dSYM upload succesfully completed." + else + countly_go_next_iteration "dSYM upload failed! Response from the server:[${UPLOAD_RESULT}]" + fi -# Removing artifacts -rm "${DSYM_ZIP_PATH}" + # Removing artifacts + rm "${DSYM_ZIP_PATH}" + # return variables to default + DSYM_FILE_NAME=$INITIAL_DSYM_FILE_NAME + DSYM_FOLDER_PATH=$INITIAL_FOLDER_PATH +done exit 0 diff --git a/ios/src/include/CountlyAPMConfig.h b/ios/src/include/CountlyAPMConfig.h new file mode 120000 index 00000000..3921d1df --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/src/include/CountlyAPMConfig.h @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +../CountlyAPMConfig.h \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ios/src/include/CountlyExperimentInformation.h b/ios/src/include/CountlyExperimentInformation.h new file mode 120000 index 00000000..b5321454 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/src/include/CountlyExperimentInformation.h @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +../CountlyExperimentInformation.h \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ios/src/include/CountlySDKLimitsConfig.h b/ios/src/include/CountlySDKLimitsConfig.h new file mode 120000 index 00000000..cdcf9a9a --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/src/include/CountlySDKLimitsConfig.h @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +../CountlySDKLimitsConfig.h \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ios/src/include/Resettable.h b/ios/src/include/Resettable.h new file mode 120000 index 00000000..2fcb4360 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/src/include/Resettable.h @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +../Resettable.h \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/jest.config.js b/jest.config.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8f8cf5d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/jest.config.js @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +module.exports = { + globals: { + __DEV__: true + }, + displayName: { + name: "Countly React Native SDK Tests", + color: "blue", + }, + collectCoverage: true, + collectCoverageFrom: [ + "**/*.{js,jsx}", + "!**/node_modules/**", + "!**/vendor/**", + "!**/example/**", + ], + testPathIgnorePatterns: ["/node_modules/", "AwesomeProject"], + transformIgnorePatterns: [ + "node_modules/(?!((jest-)?react-native|@react-native(-community)?)|expo(nent)?|@expo(nent)?/.*|@expo-google-fonts/.*|react-navigation|@react-navigation/.*|@unimodules/.*|unimodules|sentry-expo|native-base|react-native-svg)" + ], + preset: "react-native", +}; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/configuration_interfaces/countly_config_apm.js b/lib/configuration_interfaces/countly_config_apm.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..25469dbc --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/configuration_interfaces/countly_config_apm.js @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +/** + * Countly SDK React Native Bridge APM Configuration + * https://github.com/Countly/countly-sdk-react-native-bridge + * @Countly + */ + +/** + * + * This class holds APM specific configurations to be used with CountlyConfig + * class and serves as an interface. + */ +class CountlyConfigApm { + constructor() { + this._enableForegroundBackground = false; + this._enableManualAppLoaded = false; + this._startTSOverride = 0; + this._trackAppStartTime = false; + } + + get enableForegroundBackground() { + return this._enableForegroundBackground; + } + + get enableManualAppLoaded() { + return this._enableManualAppLoaded; + } + + get startTSOverride() { + return this._startTSOverride; + } + + get trackAppStartTime() { + return this._trackAppStartTime; + } + + /** + * Enables the tracking of app start time. (For iOS after this call you + * will have to call [enableManualAppLoadedTrigger]) + */ + enableAppStartTimeTracking() { + this._trackAppStartTime = true; + return this; + } + + /** + * Enables the automatic tracking of app foreground and background + * durations. + */ + enableForegroundBackgroundTracking() { + this._enableForegroundBackground = true; + return this; + } + + /** + * Enables the usage of manual trigger [Countly.appLoadingFinished] to + * determine app start finish time. + */ + enableManualAppLoadedTrigger() { + this._enableManualAppLoaded = true; + return this; + } + + /** + * Gives you the ability to override the app start initial timestamp. + * [timestamp] is the timestamp (in milliseconds) + */ + setAppStartTimestampOverride(timestamp) { + if (timestamp > 0) { + this._startTSOverride = timestamp; + } + return this; + } +} + +export default CountlyConfigApm; diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json deleted file mode 100644 index a07321a8..00000000 --- a/package-lock.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28569 +0,0 @@ -{ - 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