The aim of this example is to provide an app to perform digit recognition from a drawn canvas, based on a trained model, using tensorflow
and keras
$ mse cloud deploy # in same folder as mse.toml
Your application is now ready to be used.
$ mse cloud test <APP_ID>
Using gradio, you can run locally the given gradio interface :
$ pip install gradio
$ gradio client/
And access the interface at the given local url.
Get the SSL certificate (without checking the trustworthiness of the enclave):
$ # replace $APP_DOMAIN_NAME with your own app domaine name
$ openssl s_client -showcerts -connect $APP_DOMAIN_NAME:443 </dev/null 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -outform PEM > cert.pem
You can also get the certificate and check it using:
$ mse cloud verify "$APP_DOMAIN_NAME"
then just query your trusted microservice with the given client:
$ # launch local python server
$ python client/
$ # open html page, provide the domain name of your deployed app, and draw a digit