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Connected to {this.state.device.device_.productName}
} */} - {this.state.building && this.state.progress === null ?
} - {this.state.building && this.state.progress !== null ?
+ {this.state.building && this.state.progress === null ?
} + {this.state.building && this.state.progress !== null ?
} {this.state.building ?
} {this.state.build_error ?
} diff --git a/src/core/hardware/Compatibility.ts b/src/core/hardware/Compatibility.ts index 5f04caf2..d2c403f0 100644 --- a/src/core/hardware/Compatibility.ts +++ b/src/core/hardware/Compatibility.ts @@ -1,74 +1,103 @@ - -import { BasePin } from "./types"; +import { BasePin, USBBus } from "./types"; export function compatibleBus(pins: BasePin[]) { - // idk they're all complicated and I don't know what they mean - return false; + // USB Compatibility Check + let dplusCount = 0; + let dminusCount = 0; + let idCount = 0; + + pins.forEach((pin) => { + if (pin.busCapabilities) { + for (const busType in pin.busCapabilities) { + const bus = pin.busCapabilities[busType] as USBBus; + if (bus.usb) { + // Increment counters based on USB capabilities + if (bus.dplus) dplusCount++; + if (bus.dminus) dminusCount++; + if (bus.id) idCount++; + } + } + } + }); + + // Let's consider tie flexibility + const tiePinsCount = pins.filter((p) => p.tie).length; + + if ( + pins.length === 2 && + (dplusCount === 1 || dminusCount === 1 || idCount === 1) && + tiePinsCount === 1 + ) { + // If there's only one dplus, dminus, or id, the tie pin can accommodate it + return true; + } + + if (dplusCount >= 2 || dminusCount >= 2) { + return true; + } + + // Continue with other bus checks (SPI, I2C, etc.) here when you want to expand compatibility checks. + return false; } export function compatibleDigital(pins: BasePin[]) { - let num_outputs = pins.filter(p => p.digitalOutput && !p.digitalInput).length; + let num_outputs = pins.filter((p) => p.digitalOutput && !p.digitalInput).length; - if (num_outputs > 1) { - return false; - } + if (num_outputs > 1) { + return false; + } - // now, for all fixed outputs, every other pin must have an input - let outputs = pins.map((p, i) => ({ p, i })).filter(({ p }) => p.digitalOutput); + // now, for all fixed outputs, every other pin must have an input + let outputs = pins.map((p, i) => ({ p, i })).filter(({ p }) => p.digitalOutput); - let some_valid_config = false; - for (const output of outputs) { - const { p: pin, i: index } = output; + let some_valid_config = false; + for (const output of outputs) { + const { p: pin, i: index } = output; - // In any configuration where an output is able to not conflict, there must be a compatibility - if (pins.filter((_, i) => i !== index).every(p => p.digitalInput || p.tie)) { - some_valid_config = true; - break; - } + // In any configuration where an output is able to not conflict, there must be a compatibility + if (pins.filter((_, i) => i !== index).every((p) => p.digitalInput || p.tie)) { + some_valid_config = true; + break; } + } - // otherwise, simple analog connections should be compatible - return some_valid_config; + // otherwise, simple analog connections should be compatible + return some_valid_config; } export function compatibleAnalog(pins: BasePin[]) { - let num_outputs = pins.filter(p => p.analogOutput && !p.analogInput).length; + let num_outputs = pins.filter((p) => p.analogOutput && !p.analogInput).length; - if (num_outputs > 1) { - return false; - } + if (num_outputs > 1) { + return false; + } - // now, for all outputs, every other pin must have an input - let outputs = pins.map((p, i) => ({ p, i })).filter(({ p }) => p.analogOutput); + // now, for all outputs, every other pin must have an input + let outputs = pins.map((p, i) => ({ p, i })).filter(({ p }) => p.analogOutput); - let some_valid_config = false; - for (const output of outputs) { - const { p: pin, i: index } = output; + let some_valid_config = false; + for (const output of outputs) { + const { p: pin, i: index } = output; - // In any configuration where an output is able to not conflict, there must be a compatibility - if (pins.filter((_, i) => i !== index).every(p => p.analogInput || p.tie)) { - some_valid_config = true; - break; - } + // In any configuration where an output is able to not conflict, there must be a compatibility + if (pins.filter((_, i) => i !== index).every((p) => p.analogInput || p.tie)) { + some_valid_config = true; + break; } + } - // otherwise, simple analog connections should be compatible - return some_valid_config; + // otherwise, simple analog connections should be compatible + return some_valid_config; } export function compatiblePins(pins: BasePin[]) { + let compatibilities = [compatibleBus, compatibleDigital, compatibleAnalog]; - let compatibilities = [ - compatibleBus, - compatibleDigital, - compatibleAnalog, - ]; + // If any of the compatibilities are true, then the pins are compatible + // TODO -- this should probably return exactly which aspects are compatible + if (compatibilities.some((f) => f(pins))) { + return true; + } - // If any of the compatibilities are true, then the pins are compatible - // TODO -- this should probably return exactly which aspects are compatible - if (compatibilities.some(f => f(pins))) { - return true; - } - - return false; + return false; } diff --git a/src/core/hardware/objects/hardware/HardwareObjects.ts b/src/core/hardware/objects/hardware/HardwareObjects.ts index f73fb358..54681b0f 100644 --- a/src/core/hardware/objects/hardware/HardwareObjects.ts +++ b/src/core/hardware/objects/hardware/HardwareObjects.ts @@ -4,12 +4,14 @@ import Gpo from "./Gpo"; import AMux from "./Mux"; import Button from "./Button"; import Cv from "./Cv"; +import UsbMidi from "./UsbMidi"; export default { - 'knob': Knob, - 'gpi': Gpi, - 'gpo': Gpo, - 'amux': AMux, - 'button': Button, - 'cv': Cv, + knob: Knob, + gpi: Gpi, + gpo: Gpo, + amux: AMux, + button: Button, + cv: Cv, + usbmidi: UsbMidi, }; diff --git a/src/core/hardware/objects/hardware/UsbMidi.ts b/src/core/hardware/objects/hardware/UsbMidi.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000..beb3b0b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/core/hardware/objects/hardware/UsbMidi.ts @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +import { IInletsMeta, IOutletsMeta } from "../../../objects/base/AbstractObject"; +import type { IIosMeta, IPropsMeta, THardwareMetaType } from "../base/AbstractHardwareObject"; +import DefaultObject from "../base/DefaultHardwareObject"; + +export default class UsbMidi extends DefaultObject<{}, {}, any[], any[], []> { + static author = "Corvus Prudens"; + static version = "v1.0.0"; + static description = "USB MIDI interface"; + static ios: IIosMeta = [ + { + pin: { + pinName: "dp", + busCapabilities: { USB_HS: { usb: true, dplus: true, dminus: false } }, + }, + type: "anything", + description: "USB D+ pin", + }, + { + pin: { + pinName: "dm", + busCapabilities: { USB_HS: { usb: true, dplus: false, dminus: true } }, + }, + type: "anything", + description: "USB D- pin", + }, + ]; + + static patcherInlets: IInletsMeta = [ + { + type: "anything", + description: "MIDI bytestream (sent to host)", + isHot: true, + }, + ]; + + static patcherOutlets: IOutletsMeta = [ + { + type: "anything", + description: "MIDI bytestream (received from host)", + }, + ]; + + static props: IPropsMeta = { + polarity: { + type: "number", + default: 0, + description: "determines button polarity (0 = active low, 1 = active high)", + alwaysSerialize: true, + }, + pull: { + type: "number", + default: 0, + description: + "determines if the pull-up or pull-down state (0 = pull-down, 1 = pull-up, 2 = none)", + alwaysSerialize: true, + }, + }; + + subscribe() { + super.subscribe(); + + this.on("preInit", () => { + this.ios = [ + { + edge: "T", + position: 0.25, + }, + { + edge: "T", + position: 0.75, + }, + ]; + }); + } +} diff --git a/src/core/hardware/objects/soms/DaisySeed.ts b/src/core/hardware/objects/soms/DaisySeed.ts index fa219bf1..c42e742a 100644 --- a/src/core/hardware/objects/soms/DaisySeed.ts +++ b/src/core/hardware/objects/soms/DaisySeed.ts @@ -1,406 +1,483 @@ import { IInletsMeta, IOutletsMeta } from "../../../objects/base/AbstractObject"; import { BasePin } from "../../types"; -import type { IIosMeta, THardwareMetaType } from "../base/AbstractHardwareObject"; +import type { IIoMeta, IIosMeta, THardwareMetaType } from "../base/AbstractHardwareObject"; import ImageObject from "../base/ImageObject"; - const DaisyPins = [ - { - pinName: "D0", - digitalInput: true, - digitalOutput: true, - pwmOutput: true, - busCapabilities: { - "USB_HS": { usb: true, id: true, dplus: false, dminus: false }, - "UART5": { usart: true, rx: true, tx: false }, - "USART3": { usart: true, cts: false, rts: false, tx: false, rx: false, ck: true }, - } + { + pinName: "D0", + digitalInput: true, + digitalOutput: true, + pwmOutput: true, + busCapabilities: { + USB_HS: { usb: true, id: true, dplus: false, dminus: false }, + UART5: { usart: true, rx: true, tx: false }, + USART3: { usart: true, cts: false, rts: false, tx: false, rx: false, ck: true }, }, - { - pinName: "D1", - digitalInput: true, - digitalOutput: true, - busCapabilities: { - "SDMMC1": { sdmmc: true, cmd: false, clk: false, dat0: false, dat1: false, dat2: false, dat3: true }, - "USART3": { usart: true, rx: true, tx: false }, - "UART4": { usart: true, rx: true, tx: false }, - "SPI3": { spi: true, miso: true, mosi: false, sck: false, ss: false }, - "I2S3": { i2s: true, sd: true, ws: false, sck: false }, - } + }, + { + pinName: "D1", + digitalInput: true, + digitalOutput: true, + busCapabilities: { + SDMMC1: { + sdmmc: true, + cmd: false, + clk: false, + dat0: false, + dat1: false, + dat2: false, + dat3: true, + }, + USART3: { usart: true, rx: true, tx: false }, + UART4: { usart: true, rx: true, tx: false }, + SPI3: { spi: true, miso: true, mosi: false, sck: false, ss: false }, + I2S3: { i2s: true, sd: true, ws: false, sck: false }, }, - { - pinName: "D2", - digitalInput: true, - digitalOutput: true, - busCapabilities: { - "SDMMC1": { sdmmc: true, cmd: false, clk: false, dat0: false, dat1: false, dat2: true, dat3: false }, - "USART3": { usart: true, rx: false, tx: true }, - "UART4": { usart: true, rx: false, tx: true }, - "SPI3": { spi: true, miso: false, mosi: false, sck: true, ss: false }, - "I2S3": { i2s: true, sd: false, ws: false, sck: true }, - } + }, + { + pinName: "D2", + digitalInput: true, + digitalOutput: true, + busCapabilities: { + SDMMC1: { + sdmmc: true, + cmd: false, + clk: false, + dat0: false, + dat1: false, + dat2: true, + dat3: false, + }, + USART3: { usart: true, rx: false, tx: true }, + UART4: { usart: true, rx: false, tx: true }, + SPI3: { spi: true, miso: false, mosi: false, sck: true, ss: false }, + I2S3: { i2s: true, sd: false, ws: false, sck: true }, }, - { - pinName: "D3", - digitalInput: true, - digitalOutput: true, - busCapabilities: { - "SDMMC1": { sdmmc: true, cmd: false, clk: false, dat0: false, dat1: true, dat2: false, dat3: false }, - "UART5": { usart: true, rx: false, tx: false, cts: true, rts: false }, - "I2S": { i2s: true, sd: false, ws: false, sck: false }, - } + }, + { + pinName: "D3", + digitalInput: true, + digitalOutput: true, + busCapabilities: { + SDMMC1: { + sdmmc: true, + cmd: false, + clk: false, + dat0: false, + dat1: true, + dat2: false, + dat3: false, + }, + UART5: { usart: true, rx: false, tx: false, cts: true, rts: false }, + I2S: { i2s: true, sd: false, ws: false, sck: false }, }, - { - pinName: "D4", - digitalInput: true, - digitalOutput: true, - busCapabilities: { - "SDMMC1": { sdmmc: true, cmd: false, clk: false, dat0: true, dat1: false, dat2: false, dat3: false }, - "UART5": { usart: true, rx: false, tx: false, cts: false, rts: true }, - } + }, + { + pinName: "D4", + digitalInput: true, + digitalOutput: true, + busCapabilities: { + SDMMC1: { + sdmmc: true, + cmd: false, + clk: false, + dat0: true, + dat1: false, + dat2: false, + dat3: false, + }, + UART5: { usart: true, rx: false, tx: false, cts: false, rts: true }, }, - { - pinName: "D5", - digitalInput: true, - digitalOutput: true, - busCapabilities: { - "SDMMC1": { sdmmc: true, cmd: true, clk: false, dat0: false, dat1: false, dat2: false, dat3: false }, - "UART5": { usart: true, rx: true, tx: false }, - } + }, + { + pinName: "D5", + digitalInput: true, + digitalOutput: true, + busCapabilities: { + SDMMC1: { + sdmmc: true, + cmd: true, + clk: false, + dat0: false, + dat1: false, + dat2: false, + dat3: false, + }, + UART5: { usart: true, rx: true, tx: false }, }, - { - pinName: "D6", - digitalInput: true, - digitalOutput: true, - busCapabilities: { - "SDMMC1": { sdmmc: true, cmd: false, clk: true, dat0: false, dat1: false, dat2: false, dat3: false }, - "UART5": { usart: true, rx: false, tx: true }, - "USART3": { usart: true, rx: false, tx: false, cts: false, rts: false, ck: true }, - "SPI3": { spi: true, miso: false, mosi: true, sck: false, ss: false }, - "I2S3": { i2s: true, sd: true, ws: false, sck: false }, - } + }, + { + pinName: "D6", + digitalInput: true, + digitalOutput: true, + busCapabilities: { + SDMMC1: { + sdmmc: true, + cmd: false, + clk: true, + dat0: false, + dat1: false, + dat2: false, + dat3: false, + }, + UART5: { usart: true, rx: false, tx: true }, + USART3: { usart: true, rx: false, tx: false, cts: false, rts: false, ck: true }, + SPI3: { spi: true, miso: false, mosi: true, sck: false, ss: false }, + I2S3: { i2s: true, sd: true, ws: false, sck: false }, }, - { - pinName: "D7", - digitalInput: true, - digitalOutput: true, - busCapabilities: { - "SPI1": { spi: true, miso: false, mosi: false, sck: false, ss: true }, - "I2S1": { i2s: true, sd: false, ws: true, sck: false }, - } + }, + { + pinName: "D7", + digitalInput: true, + digitalOutput: true, + busCapabilities: { + SPI1: { spi: true, miso: false, mosi: false, sck: false, ss: true }, + I2S1: { i2s: true, sd: false, ws: true, sck: false }, }, - { - pinName: "D8", - digitalInput: true, - digitalOutput: true, - busCapabilities: { - "SPI1": { spi: true, miso: false, mosi: false, sck: true, ss: false }, - "I2S1": { i2s: true, sd: false, ws: false, sck: true }, - } + }, + { + pinName: "D8", + digitalInput: true, + digitalOutput: true, + busCapabilities: { + SPI1: { spi: true, miso: false, mosi: false, sck: true, ss: false }, + I2S1: { i2s: true, sd: false, ws: false, sck: true }, }, - { - pinName: "D9", - digitalInput: true, - digitalOutput: true, - busCapabilities: { - "SPI1": { spi: true, miso: true, mosi: false, sck: false, ss: false }, - "UART7": { usart: true, rx: false, tx: true }, - "SPI3": { spi: true, miso: true, mosi: false, sck: false, ss: false }, - "I2S1": { i2s: true, sd: true, ws: false, sck: false }, - "SPI6": { spi: true, miso: true, mosi: false, sck: false, ss: false }, - } + }, + { + pinName: "D9", + digitalInput: true, + digitalOutput: true, + busCapabilities: { + SPI1: { spi: true, miso: true, mosi: false, sck: false, ss: false }, + UART7: { usart: true, rx: false, tx: true }, + SPI3: { spi: true, miso: true, mosi: false, sck: false, ss: false }, + I2S1: { i2s: true, sd: true, ws: false, sck: false }, + SPI6: { spi: true, miso: true, mosi: false, sck: false, ss: false }, }, - { - pinName: "D10", - digitalInput: true, - digitalOutput: true, - busCapabilities: { - "SPI1": { spi: true, mosi: true }, - "UART5": { usart: true, rx: true }, - "I2S1": { i2s: true, sd: true }, - "SPI3": { spi: true, mosi: true }, - "I2S3": { i2s: true, sd: true }, - "SPI6": { spi: true, mosi: true }, - "I2C4": { i2c: true, sda: true } - } + }, + { + pinName: "D10", + digitalInput: true, + digitalOutput: true, + busCapabilities: { + SPI1: { spi: true, mosi: true }, + UART5: { usart: true, rx: true }, + I2S1: { i2s: true, sd: true }, + SPI3: { spi: true, mosi: true }, + I2S3: { i2s: true, sd: true }, + SPI6: { spi: true, mosi: true }, + I2C4: { i2c: true, sda: true }, }, - { - pinName: "D11", - digitalInput: true, - digitalOutput: true, - busCapabilities: { - "I2C1": { i2c: true, scl: true }, - "UART4": { usart: true, rx: true }, - "I2C4": { i2c: true, scl: true } - } + }, + { + pinName: "D11", + digitalInput: true, + digitalOutput: true, + busCapabilities: { + I2C1: { i2c: true, scl: true }, + UART4: { usart: true, rx: true }, + I2C4: { i2c: true, scl: true }, }, - { - pinName: "D12", - digitalInput: true, - digitalOutput: true, - busCapabilities: { - "I2C1": { i2c: true, sda: true }, - "UART4": { usart: true, tx: true }, - "SPI2": { spi: true, ss: true }, - "I2S2": { i2s: true, ws: true }, - "I2C4": { i2c: true, sda: true } - } + }, + { + pinName: "D12", + digitalInput: true, + digitalOutput: true, + busCapabilities: { + I2C1: { i2c: true, sda: true }, + UART4: { usart: true, tx: true }, + SPI2: { spi: true, ss: true }, + I2S2: { i2s: true, ws: true }, + I2C4: { i2c: true, sda: true }, }, - { - pinName: "D13", - digitalInput: true, - digitalOutput: true, - busCapabilities: { - "USART1": { usart: true, tx: true }, - "LPUART1": { usart: true, tx: true }, - "UART5": { usart: true, tx: true }, - "I2C1": { i2c: true, scl: true }, - "I2C4": { i2c: true, scl: true } - } + }, + { + pinName: "D13", + digitalInput: true, + digitalOutput: true, + busCapabilities: { + USART1: { usart: true, tx: true }, + LPUART1: { usart: true, tx: true }, + UART5: { usart: true, tx: true }, + I2C1: { i2c: true, scl: true }, + I2C4: { i2c: true, scl: true }, }, - { - pinName: "D14", - digitalInput: true, - digitalOutput: true, - busCapabilities: { - "USART1": { usart: true, rx: true }, - "LPUART1": { usart: true, rx: true }, - "I2C1": { i2c: true, sda: true }, - "I2C4": { i2c: true, sda: true } - } + }, + { + pinName: "D14", + digitalInput: true, + digitalOutput: true, + busCapabilities: { + USART1: { usart: true, rx: true }, + LPUART1: { usart: true, rx: true }, + I2C1: { i2c: true, sda: true }, + I2C4: { i2c: true, sda: true }, }, - null, - null, - null, - null, - null, - null, - { - pinName: "A0", - digitalInput: true, - digitalOutput: true, - analogInput: true + }, + null, + null, + null, + null, + null, + null, + { + pinName: "A0", + digitalInput: true, + digitalOutput: true, + analogInput: true, + }, + { + pinName: "A1", + digitalInput: true, + digitalOutput: true, + analogInput: true, + busCapabilities: { + USART2: { usart: true, rx: true }, }, - { - pinName: "A1", - digitalInput: true, - digitalOutput: true, - analogInput: true, - busCapabilities: { - "USART2": { usart: true, rx: true } - } + }, + { + pinName: "A2", + digitalInput: true, + digitalOutput: true, + analogInput: true, + }, + { + pinName: "A3", + digitalInput: true, + digitalOutput: true, + analogInput: true, + busCapabilities: { + SPI1: { spi: true, mosi: true }, + I2S1: { i2s: true, sd: true }, + SPI6: { spi: true, mosi: true }, }, - { - pinName: "A2", - digitalInput: true, - digitalOutput: true, - analogInput: true + }, + { + pinName: "A4", + digitalInput: true, + digitalOutput: true, + analogInput: true, + busCapabilities: { + SPI1: { spi: true, miso: true }, + I2S1: { i2s: true, sd: true }, + SPI6: { spi: true, miso: true }, }, - { - pinName: "A3", - digitalInput: true, - digitalOutput: true, - analogInput: true, - busCapabilities: { - "SPI1": { spi: true, mosi: true }, - "I2S1": { i2s: true, sd: true }, - "SPI6": { spi: true, mosi: true } - } + }, + { + pinName: "A5", + digitalInput: true, + digitalOutput: true, + analogInput: true, + }, + { + pinName: "A6", + digitalInput: true, + digitalOutput: true, + analogInput: true, + busCapabilities: { + I2S1: { i2s: true, ws: false, sd: false, sck: true }, }, - { - pinName: "A4", - digitalInput: true, - digitalOutput: true, - analogInput: true, - busCapabilities: { - "SPI1": { spi: true, miso: true }, - "I2S1": { i2s: true, sd: true }, - "SPI6": { spi: true, miso: true } - } + }, + { + pinName: "A7", + digitalInput: true, + digitalOutput: true, + analogInput: true, + busCapabilities: { + SPI1: { spi: true, mosi: false, miso: false, sck: true, ss: false }, + SPI6: { spi: true, mosi: false, miso: false, sck: true, ss: false }, + I2S1: { i2s: true, ws: false, sd: false, sck: true }, }, - { - pinName: "A5", - digitalInput: true, - digitalOutput: true, - analogInput: true + }, + { + pinName: "A8", + digitalInput: true, + digitalOutput: true, + analogInput: true, + busCapabilities: { + SPI1: { spi: true, mosi: false, miso: false, sck: false, ss: true }, + SPI3: { spi: true, mosi: false, miso: false, sck: false, ss: true }, + SPI6: { spi: true, mosi: false, miso: false, sck: false, ss: true }, + I2S1: { i2s: true, ws: true, sd: false, sck: false }, + I2S3: { i2s: true, ws: true, sd: false, sck: false }, }, - { - pinName: "A6", - digitalInput: true, - digitalOutput: true, - analogInput: true, - busCapabilities: { - "I2S1": { i2s: true, ws: false, sd: false, sck: true } - } + }, + { + pinName: "A9", + digitalInput: true, + digitalOutput: true, + analogInput: true, + busCapabilities: { + UART4: { usart: true, rx: true, tx: false }, }, - { - pinName: "A7", - digitalInput: true, - digitalOutput: true, - analogInput: true, - busCapabilities: { - "SPI1": { spi: true, mosi: false, miso: false, sck: true, ss: false }, - "SPI6": { spi: true, mosi: false, miso: false, sck: true, ss: false }, - "I2S1": { i2s: true, ws: false, sd: false, sck: true } - } + }, + { + pinName: "A10", + digitalInput: true, + digitalOutput: true, + analogInput: true, + busCapabilities: { + UART4: { usart: true, rx: false, tx: true }, }, - { - pinName: "A8", - digitalInput: true, - digitalOutput: true, - analogInput: true, - busCapabilities: { - "SPI1": { spi: true, mosi: false, miso: false, sck: false, ss: true }, - "SPI3": { spi: true, mosi: false, miso: false, sck: false, ss: true }, - "SPI6": { spi: true, mosi: false, miso: false, sck: false, ss: true }, - "I2S1": { i2s: true, ws: true, sd: false, sck: false }, - "I2S3": { i2s: true, ws: true, sd: false, sck: false } - } + }, + { + pinName: "D26", + digitalInput: true, + digitalOutput: true, + busCapabilities: { + I2C4: { i2c: true, sda: false, scl: false }, }, + }, + { + pinName: "D27", + digitalInput: true, + digitalOutput: true, + busCapabilities: { + SAI2: { i2s: true, ws: false, sd: false, sck: false }, + USART6: { usart: true, rx: true, tx: false }, + SPI1: { spi: true, mosi: false, miso: true, sck: false, ss: false }, + I2S1: { i2s: true, ws: false, sd: true, sck: false }, + }, + }, + { + pinName: "A11", + digitalInput: true, + digitalOutput: true, + analogInput: true, + busCapabilities: { + USART2: { usart: true, rx: false, tx: true }, + }, + }, + { + pinName: "D29", + digitalInput: true, + digitalOutput: true, + busCapabilities: { + USB_HS: { usb: true, dplus: false, dminus: true }, + USART1: { usart: true, rx: false, tx: true }, + }, + }, + { + pinName: "D30", + digitalInput: true, + digitalOutput: true, + busCapabilities: { + USB_HS: { usb: true, dplus: true, dminus: false }, + USART1: { usart: true, rx: true, tx: false }, + }, + }, + null, + null, + null, +]; + +export class DaisySeed extends ImageObject<{}, {}, any[], any[], any[]> { + static author = "Corvus Prudens"; + static version = "v1.0.0"; + static description = "Daisy Seed SOM"; + static ios: IIosMeta = [ + ...DaisyPins.filter((pin) => pin != null).map( + (pin) => + ({ + type: "anything", + description: `Pin ${pin.pinName}`, + pin, + } as IIoMeta) + ), { - pinName: "A9", - digitalInput: true, - digitalOutput: true, - analogInput: true, + type: "anything", + description: "Internal USB D+", + pin: { + pinName: "USB D+", busCapabilities: { - "UART4": { usart: true, rx: true, tx: false } - } + USB_HS: { usb: true, dplus: true, dminus: false }, + }, + }, }, { - pinName: "A10", - digitalInput: true, - digitalOutput: true, - analogInput: true, + type: "anything", + description: "Internal USB D-", + pin: { + pinName: "USB D-", busCapabilities: { - "UART4": { usart: true, rx: false, tx: true } - } + USB_HS: { usb: true, dplus: false, dminus: true }, + }, + }, }, + ]; + + static patcherInlets: IInletsMeta = [ { - pinName: "D26", - digitalInput: true, - digitalOutput: true, - busCapabilities: { - "I2C4": { i2c: true, sda: false, scl: false } - } + isHot: true, + type: "signal", + description: "Audio DAC left", }, { - pinName: "D27", - digitalInput: true, - digitalOutput: true, - busCapabilities: { - "SAI2": { i2s: true, ws: false, sd: false, sck: false }, - "USART6": { usart: true, rx: true, tx: false }, - "SPI1": { spi: true, mosi: false, miso: true, sck: false, ss: false }, - "I2S1": { i2s: true, ws: false, sd: true, sck: false } - } + isHot: true, + type: "signal", + description: "Audio DAC right", }, { - pinName: "A11", - digitalInput: true, - digitalOutput: true, - analogInput: true, - busCapabilities: { - "USART2": { usart: true, rx: false, tx: true } - } + isHot: false, + type: "number", + description: "Set on-board LED", }, + ]; + + static patcherOutlets: IOutletsMeta = [ { - pinName: "D29", - digitalInput: true, - digitalOutput: true, - busCapabilities: { - "USB_HS": { usb: true, dplus: false, dminus: true }, - "USART1": { usart: true, rx: false, tx: true } - } + type: "signal", + description: "Audio ADC left", }, { - pinName: "D30", - digitalInput: true, - digitalOutput: true, - busCapabilities: { - "USB_HS": { usb: true, dplus: true, dminus: false }, - "USART1": { usart: true, rx: true, tx: false } - } + type: "signal", + description: "Audio ADC right", }, - null, - null, - null, -] + ]; -export class DaisySeed extends ImageObject<{}, {}, any[], any[], any[]> { - static author = "Corvus Prudens"; - static version = "v1.0.0"; - static description = "Daisy Seed SOM"; - static ios: IIosMeta = [ - ...DaisyPins.filter(pin => pin != null).map(pin => ({ - type: "anything", - description: `Pin ${pin.pinName}`, - pin - })) - ]; + subscribe() { + super.subscribe(); - static patcherInlets: IInletsMeta = [ - { - isHot: true, - type: "signal", - description: "Audio DAC left" - }, - { - isHot: true, - type: "signal", - description: "Audio DAC right" - }, - { - isHot: false, - type: "number", - description: "Set on-board LED", - } - ]; + this.on("preInit", () => { + const spacing = 1.0 / 20.8; + const offset = 0.6 * spacing; - static patcherOutlets: IOutletsMeta = [ - { - type: "signal", - description: "Audio ADC left" - }, - { - type: "signal", - description: "Audio ADC right" + const right = []; + for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) { + if (DaisyPins[i] != null) { + right.push({ + edge: "R" as any, + position: offset + spacing * (19 - i), + }); } - ] + } - subscribe() { - super.subscribe(); - - this.on("preInit", () => { - - const spacing = 1.0 / 20.8; - const offset = 0.6 * spacing; + const left = []; + for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) { + if (DaisyPins[20 + i] != null) { + left.push({ + edge: "L" as any, + position: offset + spacing * i, + }); + } + } - const right = []; - for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) { - if (DaisyPins[i] != null) { - right.push({ - edge: "R" as any, - position: offset + spacing * (19 - i) - }); - } - } + const usb_dp = { + edge: "B", + position: 0.375, + }; - const left = []; - for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) { - if (DaisyPins[20 + i] != null) { - left.push({ - edge: "L" as any, - position: offset + spacing * i - }); - } - } + const usb_dm = { + edge: "B", + position: 0.625, + }; - this.ios = [ - ...right, - ...left, - ] - this._.key = "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1049762470694223903/1111025669544095806/Daisy_Seed_illustrated_top.png"; - this._.scale = 0.28; - }); - } + this.ios = [...right, ...left, usb_dp, usb_dm]; + this._.key = + "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1049762470694223903/1111025669544095806/Daisy_Seed_illustrated_top.png"; + this._.scale = 0.28; + }); + } } diff --git a/src/scripts/internal-packages.json b/src/scripts/internal-packages.json index d6040cd0..e953906f 100644 --- a/src/scripts/internal-packages.json +++ b/src/scripts/internal-packages.json @@ -1 +1 @@ -["generators", "io", "math", "utilities", "ui"] +["generators", "io", "math", "utilities", "ui", "midi"]