Growing collection of Convex Lisp tools and libraries, currently focused on Off-Chain concerns as opposed to Smart Contracts.
- Helpers for managing clients connected to Convex peers
- Helpers for starting Convex Peers
- Running different kind of Convex networks
- Simulation scenarios for load testing against a Convex network
- Stress testing for Etch, the database for Convex data
- Simple math utilities
Find below some quick, key examples.
Especially for testing situations, it is sometimes required creating a pool of clients connected to Convex peers.
E.g. Pool of 10 clients connected to 2 peers (5 each):
{:deploy [$.client.pool (lib client pool)]}
(def client+
($.client.pool/start 10
[{:host ""}
{:host "localhost"}]))
($.client.pool/close client+)
E.g. Stress test generating at least 1 GB of 32-byte Blobs in Vectors whose encoding size is at least 100 MB:
{:deploy [$.etch.stress (lib etch stress)
$.etch.stress.gen (lib etch stress gen)]}
($.etch.stress/run $.etch.stress.gen
{:etch.size.survey 100e6
:write.size.cell 10e6 1e9
:gen (.gen.blob-32)})
An example of the output, logging the full process and displaying a write speed of 75 MB / second, is accessible at this link.
Only a handful at the moment, will grow over time.
{:deploy [$.math.stat (lib math stat)]}
($.math.stat/stddev [1 2 3 4 5]
{:type :population})
The Convex Shell provides all the fundamentals for running Convex peers and this repository provides some helpers for making that experience more accessible.
E.g. Start a Genesis Peer to bootstrap a network:
{:deploy [$.peer (lib peer)]}
(def key-pair
(def peer
($.peer/start (.kp.seed key-pair)
{:dir "/tmp/peer"
:state (.state.genesis {:peer+ [{:host "public IP of this Peer"
:key (.kp.pubkey key-pair)}
{:host "public IP of another Peer"
:key 0x001122...}]})}))
(.peer.stop (:peer peer))
($.peer/resume (.kp.seed key-pair)
{:dir "/tmp/peer"})
E.g. Start a Peer that will sync against the Genesis Peer above, using another Shell, commonly running on another machine:
{:deploy [$.peer (lib peer)]}
;; Key pair must match the public key of that Peer provided in the Genesis State above.
(def key-pair
(.kp.create 0x424242...))
(def peer
($.peer/start.sync (.kp.seed key-pair)
{ "public IP of Genesis Peer above"}))
NOTE: Convex Shell must be aliased in your system as cvx
Running test networks of N peers on a single machine for test purposes, each peer running in its own process. Built on the Peer tooling exposed in the previous example.
E.g. Network of 5 peers with default options:
{:deploy [$.net.local (lib net local)]}
(.log.level.set :info)
;; Assumes a Convex Shell can be started with `cvx`.
(def net
($.net.local/start "net"
{:dir "/tmp/dir"}))
;; Connects a REPL to the network for transacting using Account #12
($.net.local/repl.client net
;; Stop the network.
($.net.local/stop net)
;; Resumes the network.
($.net.local/resume net
{:dir "/tmp/dir"})
NOTE: Convex Shell must be aliased in your system as cvx
Also see runnable examples.
This repository provides all the necessary tooling for load testing running Networks according to predefined scenarios.
E.g. Run Automated Market Maker operations against a Local Network of 10 Peers, simulating a 1000 Users trading 5 different fungible tokens.
First, let us prepare the Genesis State needed for the simulation. It is stored in an Etch file (Convex database) so that we can reuse at will:
{:deploy [$.net.local (lib net local)
$.sim.scenario.torus (lib sim scenario torus)]}
( "/tmp/amm.etch")
(let [config ($.sim.scenario.torus/state ($.net.local/state.genesis {:n.peer 10})
{:n.token 5
:n.user 1000})]
(.db.root.write (:state config)))
In a new Shell, we can now start the Local Network as well as a load generator against it:
{:deploy [$.net.local (lib net local)
$.sim.scenario.transfer (lib sim scenario transfer)]}
(.log.level.set :info)
(def net
($.net.local/start "net"
{:dir "/tmp/localnet"
:state "/tmp/amm.etch"}))
($.net.local/load net
For running one or several load generators against a remote Network, see the
Function in '(lib sim