The name of the project is: XXX
Please answer the following questions:
- In 5 lines, what is your project about?
- Why Concordium shall support your project?
- How will your project integrate with Concordium?
- Why you/your team are interested to build and develop this project?
We work based on a "reverse-engineering" approach. We kindly ask you to:
- Define the final product, we like teams who dream a little bit here
- Describe in a reverse mode, what are the steps you aim to follow to reach your goal
- Describe the current problems/issues you are encoutering
- Define how Concordium could help you
Please submit the following (if and when relevant):
- Mockups of any UI components
- Tech specifications
- Tech stack overview
- Documentation of the core compononets, protocols, architecture etc. to be deployed
Please name the projects you are compeeting with:
- Team member 1
- Team member 2
- Team member 3
Please make sure to add any relevant web links, i.e. Linkedin or Github/Gitlab for each team member.
Please provide us with your project website
If relevant, what's the structure you're going to use in order to develop and commercialise your project? Please provide as much as possible details.
This is the most important part of the application. This section shall explain in detail, the milestones of your project. These milestones will appear in the grant agreement. Please find below a roadmap example:
- Total Estimated Duration: Duration of the whole project (i.e 12 weeks)
- Full-Time Equivalent (FTE): Average number of full-time team members working on the project throughout its duration
- Total Costs: Your needs in fiat or crypto for the whole project. Please keep in mind that it must be below $100k.
- ED: 4 weeks
- FTE: 2
- Cost: $12,000
Action | Deliverable | Specs |
0.1 | License | MIT |
0.2 | Documentation | We will propose only basic documentation that explains how a user can... |
0.3 | Testing | Core functions will... |
0.3 | Testing | Core functions will... |
As a part of the program, we kindly are asking you to produce content that explains your project. It could be videos, blog posts or press hits. This is a mandatory requirement to get a grant.
Please add here what ever makes sense for your future activities.