you'll need to install python 3.11 and pipenv before continuing.
note that for a production deployment, you'll need to install pipenv globally as opposed to just for the current user which is recommended in pipenv docs: sudo pip install pipenv
first, install deps and create virtualenv: pipenv install
obtain the config.ini from Jason or Mason for Square, place at root of project
run server: pipenv run python runserver
run migrations: pipenv run python migrate
create migrations: pipenv run python makemigrations
run static: pipenv run python collectstatic
create superuser: pipenv run python createsuperuser
to [re-]deploy: ./deploy/
(does not include pulling from git)
viewing logs
journalctl -e -u gunicorn.service
journalctl -e -u gunicorn.socket
journalctl -e -u discord_bot.service