Admin - Dashboard Functionalities:
- Add Category
- catId
- catName
- catDescription
- position
- status
- image
- Add SubCategory
- subId
- subName
- subDescriptions
- position
- status
- image
- catId
- Add Books
- Create angular project to add CURD operation on
- category
- subcategory
Removed Subcategory functionality
User roles added - Customer, Admin
- Admin
- Admin has authority to activate/deactivate customer accounts, as well as view orders placed by customers.
- Admin adds coupon codes that can be redeemed by the customers to avail discounts on products.
- Customer
- Customer can search for books by its name, author, isbn or category
- Can only see books that have their status == "show".
- Can add/remove books to/from wishlist.
- Can add/remove books to/from cart
- Can manage cart - add/remove/modify quantity and so on.
- Must be logged in to place order.
- Can add shipping/billing addresses, which can be reused later
- Able to apply discount coupons in payment page.
- Admin
Featured books section - Sponsored/advertised books are displayed
New books - displays the latest books.
- catId
- catName
- catDescription
- position
- status
- image
- createdAt
Category is to be sorted by position, and only those category that have their status == "show" are to be made visible to customers.
Acquired Book schema, Book:
- BookID
- CatID
- Title
- Year
- Price
- Description
- Position
- Status
- Image
- UserID
- Name
- Password
- Mobile
- Active
- Roles
- Cart
- Wishlist