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125 lines (84 loc) · 5.71 KB

File metadata and controls

125 lines (84 loc) · 5.71 KB

How this project works


Open Source Hub is built with Remix, a server-side framework for React applications.

Directory Description
app/components React components
app/data Data files generated at build-time and not stored in source control
app/images Assets like images and icons
app/routes Files that define the routes and what they render. Learn about routing in Remix.
app/styles Auto-generated CSS files. This isn't stored in source control.
app/utils Shared utilities and helpers
docs Documentation!
public Files that will be uploaded to the root of the website
public/build Remix stores the build output here. This isn't stored in source control.
public/projects All the user-generated projects are stored here
seed Seed data for Firebase authentication and database
styles CSS files processed by PostCSS

Naming conventions:

  • *.server.ts files run server code and do not have access to the DOM.
  • Components use Pascal Case. For example: ProjectHeader.tsx
  • ~ is an alias for the app folder. For example, ~/components/Button refers to app/components/Button.tsx.


Open Source Hub is auto-deployed to Vercel when code is merged to the main branch. Build previews will be posted to pull requests in GitHub.


CSS files are in the styles folder, at the root of the app. When the development server is running, those files get processed by PostCSS and output into app/styles. This allows pages to import only the required CSS, and nothing more.

Example: styles/index.css is processed into app/styles/index.css

To import CSS into a page, use Remix's Links component:

import tailwindStyles from "~/styles/index.css";

export function links() {
  return [{ rel: "stylesheet", href: tailwindStyles }];

Data fetching

We have 3 sources of data:

  • user-generated projects
  • GitHub
  • CodeSee Maps


Projects are stored as MDX files in the public/projects directory. When we build the site, we process every project and generate a JSON file in app/data/autogenerated/projects.json. That file is not stored in source control.

To access projects in components, use the getProjects() and getProject() methods from app/projects.server.ts.

// Fetching a project by slug in a page

import { json } from "@remix-run/node";
import { useLoaderData } from "@remix-run/react";

export async function loader() {
  const project = getProject("codesee-io/opensourcehub");

  // Send the project's name to the page
  return json({ name: });

const MyComponent = () => {
  // Access the project's name
  const { name } = useLoaderData();

  return <h1>{name}</h1>;

To understand how the project data is generated, dig into app/utils/parse-projects.ts.


We fetch data from GitHub at build time and store it in a JSON file called app/data/autogenerated/github.json.

Generating this data requires an environment variable to be set (see .env.sample). If that variable is missing, we generate an empty JSON file.

To access that data, use the getGitHubData() and getGitHubDataForProject() methods from app/github.server.ts.

Check out app/utils/github-data.ts to understand how we gather this data.

How to fetch data from GitHub

You'll need to generate an token to access the GitHub API.

  1. Visit
  2. Generate a new token (it doesn't need any scopes)
  3. Add an environment variable called GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN=<your_token> to the .env file
  4. Run yarn dev again. This will iterate over all the projects and export data to app/data/autogenerated/github.json
  5. Once you've done this once, we recommend removing the variable to avoid slow start times.

CodeSee Maps

Each project can display a featured CodeSee Map using the featuredMap field in the frontmatter:

name: Open Source Hub
  description: Get a quick visual overview of the major areas of our repo!

If that field is present, the $project.tsx component fetches the map's metadata at runtime.

We've exposed a method getCodeSeeMapMetadata() to access that data in app/

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