This script outlines the analysis and code used in James et al. 2024 to analyze the effect of habitat loss on ecosystem-scale trophic function. Percent cover data (FHAP_pc.csv) from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Fisheries Habitat Assessment Program were used to generate habitat maps and combined with basal resource use from stable isotope mixing models (mm3spp.csv) from James et al. 2022 to generate E-scapes for bay anchovy, pinfish, and pink shrimp from 2007-2019. This can also be found as an R script.
Benthic habitat maps were generated based on spatial interpolation of
benthic cover data from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission Fish
Habitat Assessment Program. We used ordinary kriging with the gstat
package to create a habitat map for seagrass, algae, and total leaf area
for each basin in each year from 2007 to 2019 (with the exception of
2013 due to not having data on leaf area) at a 10 x 10 m cell size. For
each habitat map, the variogram was automatically fit with the
function in the automap
package. To create a
habitat map for mangrove, a 500 m width buffer was placed around the
mangrove islands that bordered each basin. A 10 x 10 m raster was
created for each basin, and cells were assigned as mangrove (value of 1)
if they fell within the 500 m buffer and given a value of 0 if outside
of the buffer.
# load libraries
# load shape files for each basin and make empty grid
# Rankin shape file
ran = st_read('gis/Rankin.shp') %>% st_transform(32617)
# make empty stars raster with 10 m cell size
ran_grid = st_bbox(ran) %>%
st_as_stars(dx = 10) %>%
st_set_crs(32617) %>%
# Johnson shape file
jon = st_read('gis/Johnson.shp') %>% st_transform(32617)
# make empty stars raster with 10 m cell size
jon_grid = st_bbox(jon) %>%
st_as_stars(dx = 10) %>%
st_set_crs(32617) %>%
# Whipray shape file
whp = st_read('gis/Whipray.shp') %>% st_transform(32617)
# make empty stars raster with 10 m cell size
whp_grid = st_bbox(whp) %>%
st_as_stars(dx = 10) %>%
st_set_crs(32617) %>%
# Create mangrove habitat map for each basin
man = st_read('gis/FlBayMan500mBuf.shp')
# Rankin
man_ran = man |> st_intersection(ran) |>
st_rasterize(ran_grid) %>%
mutate(Acres = if_else(Acres > 0, 1, 0))
# Johnson
man_jon = man |> st_intersection(jon) |>
st_rasterize(jon_grid) %>%
mutate(Acres = if_else(Acres > 0, 1, 0))
# Whipray
man_whp = man |> st_intersection(whp) |>
st_rasterize(whp_grid) %>%
mutate(Acres = if_else(Acres > 0, 1, 0))
# combine into tibble
df_man = tibble(BASIN = c('RAN', 'JON', 'WHP'),
man_r = c(list(man_ran), list(man_jon), list(man_whp)))
# Seagrass, algae, and total leaf area
df = st_read("FHAP_pc.csv",
st_set_crs(4326) %>% st_transform(32617) |>
group_by(BASIN, YEAR) |>
nest() |>
mutate(sg = map(data, \(data)
autofitVariogram(data$SG ~ 1, as(data, "Spatial"))),
alg = map(data, \(data)
autofitVariogram(data$ALG ~ 1, as(data, "Spatial"))),
lab = map(data, \(data)
autofitVariogram(data$LAB ~ 1, as(data, "Spatial"))),
sg_r = case_when(
BASIN == 'RAN' ~ map2(data,sg, \(data,sg)
krige(SG~1, locations = data,
newdata = ran_grid, model = sg$var_model)),
BASIN == 'JON' ~ map2(data,sg, \(data,sg)
krige(SG~1, locations = data,
newdata = jon_grid, model = sg$var_model)),
BASIN == 'WHP' ~ map2(data,sg, \(data,sg)
krige(SG~1, locations = data,
newdata = whp_grid, model = sg$var_model))),
alg_r = case_when(
BASIN == 'RAN' ~ map2(data,alg, \(data,alg)
krige(ALG~1, locations = data,
newdata = ran_grid, model = alg$var_model)),
BASIN == 'JON' ~ map2(data,alg, \(data,alg)
krige(ALG~1, locations = data,
newdata = jon_grid, model = alg$var_model)),
BASIN == 'WHP' ~ map2(data,alg, \(data,alg)
krige(ALG~1, locations = data,
newdata = whp_grid, model = alg$var_model))),
lab_r = case_when(
BASIN == 'RAN' ~ map2(data,lab, \(data,lab)
krige(LAB~1, locations = data,
newdata = ran_grid, model = lab$var_model)),
BASIN == 'JON' ~ map2(data,lab, \(data,lab)
krige(LAB~1, locations = data,
newdata = jon_grid, model = lab$var_model)),
BASIN == 'WHP' ~ map2(data,lab, \(data,lab)
krige(LAB~1, locations = data,
newdata = whp_grid, model = lab$var_model))))
# create dataset of rasters for each year
df_r = df |>
select(YEAR, BASIN, sg_r, alg_r, lab_r) |>
left_join(df_man, by = 'BASIN')
Figure S1. Example kriged habitat maps (right column) from monitoring points (left column) for a) seagrass, b) total leaf area, c) algae, and d) mangrove. Left column map for d) mangrove is the habitat map used to generate the 500 m buffer. Habitat maps shown here were generated from 2019 data.
Combining the basal resource use and habitat maps, we calculated an
index of energetic importance (IEI) for each of the four
resource/habitat type combinations for each consumer (James et
al. 2022a). Each IEI was calculated with the following formula:
Some of the kriging models led to values for habitat cover that were <
0, and if this was the case,
# load mixing model data
iso = read_csv('mm3spp.csv')
# random points within each basin
# set sample number
n = 50
# set radius length
radius = 300
# filter raster to only 2019 to use for IEI values
r19 = df_r |>
filter(YEAR == 2019)
# create buffer around random points for each basin
buf_ran = st_sample(ran, n) %>%
st_as_sf %>%
st_transform(32617)%>% # utm 17
mutate(site = row_number(),
BASIN = 'RAN')%>%
st_buffer(dist = radius)
buf_jon = st_sample(jon, n) %>%
st_as_sf %>%
st_transform(32617)%>% # utm 17
mutate(site = row_number(),
BASIN = 'JON')%>%
st_buffer( dist = radius)
buf_whp = st_sample(whp, n) %>%
st_as_sf %>%
st_transform(32617)%>% # utm 17
mutate(site = row_number(),
BASIN = 'WHP')%>%
st_buffer( dist = radius)
# calculate f_habitat for each buffer
ran_fhab = tibble(site = buf_ran$site,
BASIN = 'RAN') |>
mutate(f_sg = exact_extract(terra::rast(r19[r19$BASIN == 'RAN',]$sg_r[[1]]), buf_ran, 'mean', progress = F)[[1]],
f_man = exact_extract(terra::rast(r19[r19$BASIN == 'RAN',]$man_r[[1]]), buf_ran, 'mean', progress = F)[[1]],
f_epi = exact_extract(terra::rast(r19[r19$BASIN == 'RAN',]$lab_r[[1]]), buf_ran, 'mean', progress = F)[[1]],
f_alg = exact_extract(terra::rast(r19[r19$BASIN == 'RAN',]$alg_r[[1]]), buf_ran, 'mean', progress = F)[[1]])
jon_fhab = tibble(site = buf_jon$site,
BASIN = 'JON') |>
mutate(f_sg = exact_extract(terra::rast(r19[r19$BASIN == 'JON',]$sg_r[[1]]), buf_jon, 'mean', progress = F)[[1]],
f_man = exact_extract(terra::rast(r19[r19$BASIN == 'JON',]$man_r[[1]]), buf_jon, 'mean', progress = F)[[1]],
f_epi = exact_extract(terra::rast(r19[r19$BASIN == 'JON',]$lab_r[[1]]), buf_jon, 'mean', progress = F)[[1]],
f_alg = exact_extract(terra::rast(r19[r19$BASIN == 'JON',]$alg_r[[1]]), buf_jon, 'mean', progress = F)[[1]])
whp_fhab = tibble(site = buf_whp$site,
BASIN = 'WHP') |>
mutate(f_sg = exact_extract(terra::rast(r19[r19$BASIN == 'WHP',]$sg_r[[1]]), buf_whp, 'mean', progress = F)[[1]],
f_man = exact_extract(terra::rast(r19[r19$BASIN == 'WHP',]$man_r[[1]]), buf_whp, 'mean', progress = F)[[1]],
f_epi = exact_extract(terra::rast(r19[r19$BASIN == 'WHP',]$lab_r[[1]]), buf_whp, 'mean', progress = F)[[1]],
f_alg = exact_extract(terra::rast(r19[r19$BASIN == 'WHP',]$alg_r[[1]]), buf_whp, 'mean', progress = F)[[1]])
# join together
fhab = bind_rows(ran_fhab, jon_fhab, whp_fhab) |>
mutate(across(f_sg:f_alg, ~if_else(.x < 0, 0, .x)))
# calculate IEI for each species
IEI = fhab |>
slice(rep(1:n(), each = length(unique(iso$Species)))) |>
mutate(Species = rep(unique(iso$Species), times = nrow(fhab))) |>
left_join(iso, by = 'Species') |>
mutate(iei_sg = Seagrass/f_sg,
iei_man = Mangrove/f_man,
iei_epi = Epiphytes/f_epi,
iei_alg = Algae/f_alg,
iei_man = ifelse(iei_man == Inf, NA, iei_man)) |>
group_by(Species) |>
summarize(across(iei_sg:iei_alg, \(x) median(x, na.rm = T)))
Figure 2. Boxplot of the index of energetic (IEI) values for each resource/habitat based on the 50 random points in each basin for each species calculated using the habitat maps for 2019. The horizontal black line represents IEI value of 1. IEI values > 1 means that the consumer is using that source more than expected based on the proportion of that habitat in the total foraging area, while the opposite is true for an IEI < 1.
E-scapes were generated for each species at each basin between 2007
and 2019. IEI values were combined with habitat cover areas within a
landscape foraging unit (grid cell with an area that corresponds to the
movement range of the consumer) to calculate the habitat resource index
(HRI). HRI was calculated with the following formula:
package. Some of the kriging models led to values for
habitat cover that were < 0, and if this was the case,
# set radius length for size of landscape foraging units
radius = 300
# make a grid of landscape foraging units
ran_grd = st_make_grid(ran, cellsize = radius*2) %>%
st_sf(geometry = .) %>%
filter(lengths(st_intersects(., ran)) > 0) |>
mutate(BASIN = 'RAN')
jon_grd = st_make_grid(jon, cellsize = radius*2) %>%
st_sf(geometry = .) %>%
filter(lengths(st_intersects(., jon)) > 0) |>
mutate(BASIN = 'JON')
whp_grd = st_make_grid(whp, cellsize = radius*2) %>%
st_sf(geometry = .) %>%
filter(lengths(st_intersects(., whp)) > 0) |>
mutate(BASIN = 'WHP')
grd = bind_rows(ran_grd, jon_grd, whp_grd) |>
group_by(BASIN) |>
nest(grid = geometry)
# calculate the f_hab for each basin and year
f_hab = df_r |>
left_join(grd, by = 'BASIN') |>
mutate(f_sg = map2(sg_r, grid, \(r, grid)
exact_extract(terra::rast(r), grid, 'mean', progress = F)[[1]]),
f_epi = map2(lab_r, grid, \(r, grid)
exact_extract(terra::rast(r), grid, 'mean', progress = F)[[1]]),
f_man = map2(man_r, grid, \(r, grid)
exact_extract(terra::rast(r), grid, 'mean', progress = F)[[1]]),
f_alg = map2(alg_r, grid, \(r, grid)
exact_extract(terra::rast(r), grid, 'mean', progress = F)[[1]])) |>
dplyr::select(YEAR, BASIN, grid, f_sg:f_alg) |>
unnest(grid:f_alg) |>
mutate(across(f_sg:f_alg, ~if_else(.x < 0, 0, .x)))
# calculate HRI for all forgaing units for each species
HRI = f_hab |>
slice(rep(1:n(), each = length(unique(IEI$Species)))) |>
mutate(Species = rep(unique(IEI$Species), times = nrow(f_hab))) |>
left_join(IEI, by = 'Species') |>
mutate(HRI = f_sg*iei_sg + f_man*iei_man +
f_epi*iei_epi + f_alg*iei_alg) |>
# save output of all E-scapes
st_write(HRI, 'gis/FLBay_E-scapeAll.shp')
Figure 4 E-scapes for a) bay anchovy, b) pinfish, and c) pink shrimp before and after the 2015 seagrass die-off for Johnson, Rankin, and Whipray basins in Florida Bay. HRI values from all years before and after were averaged for each landscape foraging unit. Warm colors (reds) represent habitat resource index (HRI) values > 1 and cool colors (blues) represent HRI values < 1. HRI values > 1 indicate greater production of resources (i.e., more energetic resources) being used by the consumer, while the opposite is true for HRI values < 1.
We conducted an analysis of variance (ANOVA) to compare the differences
in HRI values across species, basin, and before and after the die-off.
We created categorical term for if the HRI value was from before or
after the seagrass die-off for the ANOVA. The years before 2015 were
assigned as pre-die-off, and the years after 2015 were designated as
post-die-off for our model. Species, basin, the categorical term for
before or after the die-off and all interactions were used as predictor
terms in the ANOVA. For significant terms in our model, pairwise
comparisons using model contrasts with a Bonferroni correction were
analyzed to test for significance among factor groups using the
df = st_read('gis/FLBay_E-scapeAll.shp') |>
drop_na(HRI) |>
mutate(do = case_when(
YEAR <= 2015 ~ 'Pre Die-off',
YEAR > 2015 ~ 'Post Die-off'),
do = factor(do, levels = c('Pre Die-off','Post Die-off'))) |>
## Reading layer `FLBay_E-scapeAll' from data source
## `C:\Users\wrjam\Dropbox\WorkDocs\R\Github\ManuscriptData\James_etal_sgE-scape_GCB\gis\FLBay_E-scapeAll.shp'
## using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
## Simple feature collection with 8892 features and 8 fields
## Geometry type: POLYGON
## Dimension: XY
## Bounding box: xmin: 504504.6 ymin: 2768518 xmax: 528093.8 ymax: 2781352
## Projected CRS: WGS 84 / UTM zone 17N
m = aov(HRI ~ do*BASIN*Species, data = df)
## Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
## do 1 262.6 262.62 2021.90 <2e-16 ***
## BASIN 2 362.5 181.24 1395.40 <2e-16 ***
## Species 2 151.3 75.65 582.47 <2e-16 ***
## do:BASIN 2 392.7 196.36 1511.76 <2e-16 ***
## do:Species 2 28.6 14.32 110.23 <2e-16 ***
## BASIN:Species 4 0.8 0.19 1.50 0.199
## do:BASIN:Species 4 43.0 10.76 82.83 <2e-16 ***
## Residuals 8838 1147.9 0.13
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
# check region comparisons
model_means = emmeans(object = m,
~ do*BASIN*Species)
# add letters to each mean
model_means_cld = cld(object = model_means,
adjust = "bonf",
Letters = letters,
sort = F,
alpha = 0.05) |>
mutate(code = str_replace_all(.group, ' ', ''))
# show output
## do BASIN Species emmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL
## 1 Pre Die-off JON Bay anchovy 1.7508912 0.01533955 8838 1.7049928 1.7967895
## 2 Post Die-off JON Bay anchovy 0.9323363 0.02169340 8838 0.8674262 0.9972464
## 3 Pre Die-off RAN Bay anchovy 1.4438843 0.01580449 8838 1.3965947 1.4911738
## 4 Post Die-off RAN Bay anchovy 0.7418408 0.02235092 8838 0.6749633 0.8087183
## 5 Pre Die-off WHP Bay anchovy 0.9356377 0.01204004 8838 0.8996120 0.9716635
## 6 Post Die-off WHP Bay anchovy 1.0469954 0.01702719 8838 0.9960474 1.0979435
## 7 Pre Die-off JON Pinfish 1.9971194 0.01533955 8838 1.9512210 2.0430177
## 8 Post Die-off JON Pinfish 1.1051307 0.02169340 8838 1.0402206 1.1700408
## 9 Pre Die-off RAN Pinfish 1.8924049 0.01580449 8838 1.8451154 1.9396944
## 10 Post Die-off RAN Pinfish 0.6825102 0.02235092 8838 0.6156327 0.7493877
## 11 Pre Die-off WHP Pinfish 1.1979540 0.01204004 8838 1.1619283 1.2339797
## 12 Post Die-off WHP Pinfish 1.3218147 0.01702719 8838 1.2708666 1.3727627
## 13 Pre Die-off JON Pink shrimp 1.6473419 0.01533955 8838 1.6014435 1.6932403
## 14 Post Die-off JON Pink shrimp 0.9657486 0.02169340 8838 0.9008385 1.0306586
## 15 Pre Die-off RAN Pink shrimp 1.2975270 0.01580449 8838 1.2502374 1.3448165
## 16 Post Die-off RAN Pink shrimp 0.9659071 0.02235092 8838 0.8990296 1.0327846
## 17 Pre Die-off WHP Pink shrimp 0.8973340 0.01204004 8838 0.8613083 0.9333598
## 18 Post Die-off WHP Pink shrimp 1.0308429 0.01702719 8838 0.9798948 1.0817909
## .group code
## 1 a a
## 2 bc bc
## 3 d d
## 4 e e
## 5 b b
## 6 fg fg
## 7 h h
## 8 f f
## 9 i i
## 10 e e
## 11 j j
## 12 k k
## 13 l l
## 14 bc g bcg
## 15 k k
## 16 bc g bcg
## 17 b b
## 18 c fg cfg
df = left_join(df, model_means_cld, by = c('Species', 'BASIN', 'do'))
Figure 4. Boxplot for HRI values for each species and basin pre and post 2015 seagrass die-off. Different letters indicate significantly different (p < 0.05) groups based on model contrast comparisons with a Bonferroni correction.
Spatiotemporal trends in trophic function for each species were
determined by averaging the HRI values of each landscape foraging unit
to generate a basin-wide mean for each basin and year. We conducted
breakpoint analysis across years on the mean trends on HRI value for
each species using the R package strucchange
. This package uses simple
linear regression to estimate data breakpoints and test for differences
in mean conditions using an intercept-only model. We assessed the
optimal number of breakpoints for each model based on the lowest
Bayesian information criterion (BIC) score.
## Loading required package: zoo
## Attaching package: 'zoo'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
## as.Date, as.Date.numeric
## Loading required package: sandwich
## Attaching package: 'strucchange'
## The following object is masked from 'package:stringr':
## boundary
df = st_read('gis/FLBay_E-scapeAll.shp') |>
as_tibble() |>
group_by(Species, BASIN, YEAR) |>
summarize(hri = mean(HRI, na.rm = T),
.groups = 'drop') |>
arrange(YEAR) |>
group_by(Species, BASIN) |>
nest() |>
mutate(bp = map(data, \(data) breakpoints(hri~1, data = data, h = 3)),
fstat = map(data, \(data) sctest(Fstats(hri~1, data = data))),
f = map_dbl(fstat, 'statistic'),
p = map_dbl(fstat, 'p.value'),
ci = map2(data, bp, \(data, bp) {
if(!$breakpoints)) {
confint(bp, data = data)[1]$confint
} else {
}})) |>
unnest_wider(ci, simplify = T, names_sep = '_') |>
mutate(change = map_dbl(data, \(data) data$YEAR[ci_1[,2]]),
lci = map_dbl(data, \(data) data$YEAR[ci_1[,1]]),
uci = map_dbl(data, \(data) data$YEAR[ci_1[,3]])) |>
dplyr::select(Species, BASIN, f, p, change, lci, uci)
## Reading layer `FLBay_E-scapeAll' from data source
## `C:\Users\wrjam\Dropbox\WorkDocs\R\Github\ManuscriptData\James_etal_sgE-scape_GCB\gis\FLBay_E-scapeAll.shp'
## using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
## Simple feature collection with 8892 features and 8 fields
## Geometry type: POLYGON
## Dimension: XY
## Bounding box: xmin: 504504.6 ymin: 2768518 xmax: 528093.8 ymax: 2781352
## Projected CRS: WGS 84 / UTM zone 17N
## Warning: There were 18 warnings in `mutate()`.
## The first warning was:
## ℹ In argument: `fstat = map(data, function(data) sctest(Fstats(hri ~ 1, data =
## data)))`.
## ℹ In group 1: `Species = "Bay anchovy"`, `BASIN = "JON"`.
## Caused by warning in `Fstats()`:
## ! 'from' changed (was too small)
## ℹ Run `dplyr::last_dplyr_warnings()` to see the 17 remaining warnings.
## # A tibble: 9 × 7
## # Groups: Species, BASIN [9]
## Species BASIN f p change lci uci
## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Bay anchovy JON 32.9 3.98e- 7 2015 2012 2016
## 2 Bay anchovy RAN 34.7 1.68e- 7 2015 2012 2016
## 3 Bay anchovy WHP 2.76 5.85e- 1 NA NA NA
## 4 Pinfish JON 21.5 1.04e- 4 2016 2014 2017
## 5 Pinfish RAN 73.6 7.40e-16 2015 2014 2016
## 6 Pinfish WHP 2.16 7.27e- 1 NA NA NA
## 7 Pink shrimp JON 26.2 1.05e- 5 2015 2012 2016
## 8 Pink shrimp RAN 7.23 8.83e- 2 2015 2007 2017
## 9 Pink shrimp WHP 4.23 3.25e- 1 NA NA NA
Figure 5. Breakpoints based on intercept model for mean habitat resource index (HRI) values for a) bay anchovy, b) pinfish, and c) pigfish for each basin. Vertical black line indicates break point and grey shade represents the 95% confidence interval. Horizontal line indicates model prediction and gray points indicate mean ± SD HRI values for basin.
We ran correlations between HRI values and
df = st_read('gis/FLBay_E-scapeAll.shp') |>
## Reading layer `FLBay_E-scapeAll' from data source
## `C:\Users\wrjam\Dropbox\WorkDocs\R\Github\ManuscriptData\James_etal_sgE-scape_GCB\gis\FLBay_E-scapeAll.shp'
## using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
## Simple feature collection with 8892 features and 8 fields
## Geometry type: POLYGON
## Dimension: XY
## Bounding box: xmin: 504504.6 ymin: 2768518 xmax: 528093.8 ymax: 2781352
## Projected CRS: WGS 84 / UTM zone 17N
# algae
cor.test(x = df$f_alg, y = df$HRI, method = 'pearson')
## Pearson's product-moment correlation
## data: df$f_alg and df$HRI
## t = -9.9351, df = 8854, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
## -0.12555444 -0.08435823
## sample estimates:
## cor
## -0.1050014
# epipyhtes
cor.test(x = df$f_epi, y = df$HRI)
## Pearson's product-moment correlation
## data: df$f_epi and df$HRI
## t = 130.11, df = 8854, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
## 0.8030317 0.8173403
## sample estimates:
## cor
## 0.8103068
cor.test(x = df$f_man, y = df$HRI)
## Pearson's product-moment correlation
## data: df$f_man and df$HRI
## t = 18.587, df = 8854, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
## 0.1736649 0.2137565
## sample estimates:
## cor
## 0.1937916
cor.test(x = df$f_sg, y = df$HRI, method = 'pearson')
## Pearson's product-moment correlation
## data: df$f_sg and df$HRI
## t = 107.72, df = 8854, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
## 0.7439860 0.7620178
## sample estimates:
## cor
## 0.7531434
Figure 6. Correlation for the proportional habitat cover and habitat resource index (HRI) values for each landscape foraging unit across all species and seasons. There was a positive correlation between seagrass (r = 0.75, t = 105.9, p value < 0.001) and leaf area (r = 0.80, t = 125.2, p value < 0.001) habitat cover with HRI values. There was a slightly positive correlation between mangrove habitat cover and HRI values (r = 0.23, t = 22.0, p value < 0.001). Algal habitat cover and HRI values had a slightly negative correlation (r = -0.10, t = -9.5, p value < 0.001).