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User doc for Josix

This documentation will show and explains all the user functionalities of this discord bot.

The bot is made to be used cross-server but some functionalities are not made for this.

  • The askip system reunite everything together, so datas for all the servers are gathered together
  • The Monix extension is only usable in our discord server / network. You must disable it.

For the simple install + launch part, you can check the README file.

Table of contents


The owner extension purpose is to provide to the bot owner some useful commands.

These commands should not be ran by people you don't trust, so keep in mind you must modify the conditions as described in the README.

Here is a list of the commands :

  • stop_josix Stop the bot. Running this command will simply completely stop the bot and will need to restart it manually.

  • create_backup Creates a backup of the database in a backup.sql file.

    • table parameter : Specify if you want to backup a single table (without specification it runs on all the tables)
  • execute Execute a SQL query from discord. Useful if you need to perfom a simple select, update, etc... and you are too lazy to log in your database

    • query The query string that will be executed.
  • execute_backup Execute the backup file automatically (NOTE : because the backup file is just formated INSERT so it may cause conflicts)

  • display_logs / display_errors Displays the last lines of the log or error file on discord.

    • count The number of lines to display (default : 100
  • (TASK) daily_backup A task running each 24 hours that creates a backup in the daily_backup.sql file


All the following commands are made to be run by discord servers staff to handle moderation functionalities of the bot

  • clear Clears message from the channel

    • limit The limit of messages to delete must be between 1 and 50 (default 10)
  • add_couple Add a reaction-role couple to a message. When a member add/remove this reaction on the message he will be added/removed the role.

    • msg_id The ID of the message
    • emoji The emoji of the reaction (must not already used in the message and not be a custom emoji)
    • role The role to give/remove (must not already used in the message)
  • delete_couple Take the same parameter as the previous command but it deletes the given couple from the message (Reacting with the emoji will no longer give/remove the role).

  • set_news_channel Set the current channel so it will receive all the news from the bot (for now it just apply for birthdays reminder)

  • set_xp_channel Set the current channel so it will receive all the announce for xp from the bot (Mentions when you pass a level if the XP is enabled)

  • toggle_xp_system Enable or disable the XP system on this server. If the system is disabled, no one will receive any XP.

  • create_new_season Store the current season results (all scores and ranking) and switch to a new season

    • label The label for the season that will be stored
  • delete_season Delete a season from the history

    • label The label of the season that must be deleted
  • update_season Update a season's label

    • old_label The label of the targeted season
    • new_label The new label for the targeted season
  • set_custom_welcome Set up the custom welcome for the server

    • channel The channel that will display the welcome message
    • role The role to give automatically when someone enters the server
    • message The message to display when someone enters the server (there's a default message). You have 3 possible variables in the message :
      • {user} : Will be replaced by the mention of the user
      • {server} : Will be replaced by the server's name
      • {ln} : Will be replaced by a line-break
    • keep A boolean to clarify if you want to keep old values if they are not set in the command (If you don't specify a role and put keep to False, it will be deleted in the database)
  • toggle_welcome Enable or disable the welcome message for this server

  • set_logger Set-up the custom logger for this server by choosing which logs to display

    • keep A boolean so clarify if you want to keep old selected logs if they are not selected in the command
  • set_log_channel Set a channel as the logs displayer. It will display all the choosen logs in the previous command

    • channel The targeted channel
  • block_category Block (or unblock) a category to prevent people for getting xp here

    • category The category to block or unblock

XP system

The XP system is based on the MEE6 documentation

You can only earn xp each 60 seconds, meaning that after a gain you need to wait 60 seconds for your actions to pay off again.

You can earn xp by :

  • Sending a message, the xp obtained will depend of the length of the message
    • 75 if it's longer or equal to 100 characters
    • 50 if it's between 99 and 30 characters (include)
    • 25 else
  • Using a Josix's command : 25 xp (Warning : All the commands does not grant xp)
  • Adding a reaction to message : 25 xp



Commands :

  • (STAFF) give_xp Gives a specific amount of xp to a user and updates its level in comparison to the amount.

    • member The target member that will receive the xp
    • amount The amount of xp to give ( >= 1 ). If it's superior to the XP limit, the user's experience will be set to this limit.
  • (STAFF) remove_xp Same as give_xp command but removes xp to the user.

  • (STAFF) give_levels / remove_levels Gives or removes a specific amount of levels and updates the user's experience to the starting point of the leverl.

    • member The target member.
    • amount The amount of levels to give or remove ( >= 1 ).
  • leaderboard Display the server's leaderboard based on the user's amount of experience.

    • limit The limit of users to display (default 10)
  • profile Show the profile card of a user with its current level, xp and progress towards the next level

    • member The member's card to display (default the user who called the command)
  • (STAFF) block_user_xp Block (or unblock) user from earning xp in your server

    • member The member you want to block or unblock
  • show_seasons Show the seasons historical of the server

    • limit The limit of season to display (1 <= limit <= 25)
  • user_history Show the history of the user in this server for all seasons he participated

    • member Mention of the member you want to see the history (default yourself)
  • info_season See the information of a season

    • label The label of the targeted season
  • user_season_profile See your profile for a given season

    • label The label of the targeted season

Reaction role

The reaction role helps a discord server staff to automatically gives role to their users.

You can create a couple (see the Admin part) of role x emoji. Josix does not support custom emoji.

After adding this couple if the message had 0 couples before it will be automatically set as a reaction-role message. Then, if a user add a reaction he will get the corresponding role and if he removes the reaction he will loose the role.

Note : if you delete a role, all the couples associated with that role will be removed.


This extension is created for all the commands and functionalities that are useful for users. The bot will also add a Open or Close tag to forum's thread when they are opened or locked with the close command.

  • help Shows all the commands or a specific command help guide. The commands are sorted by category. In the default operation, the owner commands are not displayed if the user does not match with the check.

    • command_name The name of the command for the command help guide. By default it's set to None, if not set the command will displays all the commands.
  • links Displays a list of links (as hypertext) that can be set in the config.json file. Name of the variable -> text shown, value -> link

  • choose Choose a sentence between all the given sentences. Each different part must be separated from the others by a ; !

    • sentences The message containing all the sentences. Max length of the whole message is 512 characters
  • close Automatically close the thread if it's in a Forum Channel. Can only be done if the user is the thread author if it has the manage threads permission.

    • lock To specify if the thread should be locked or not. It's a staff only parameter
  • print_price Prints the required price of a 3D print.

    • cura_price The price given by Cura.
    • minutes_count The number of minutes needed to perform the whole print, must be rounded to the superior.
    • is_member If the user asking for the print is a member or not. Function
  • create_poll Create a custom poll on discord with a title (optional) and a text

  • add_birthday Add your birthday to the database so the bot can wish you a happy birthday !

    • day The day of your birthday (1-31)
    • month The month of your birthday (1-12)
    • user Which user's birthday it is. Can only be used by a staff member. To add your own birthday you don't need to specifiy this parameter.
  • remove_birthday Remove the birthday of given member from the bot's database

    • member The target member. You need moderate_members permissions to delete another member birthday !
  • birthdays Shows all the birthdays registered for the users in this server.

    • month Specify this parameter if you want to see the birthdays for a specific month.
  • user_birthday See the birthday of a user

    • user The user's whose you want to see the birthday
  • (TASK) checkBirthday A task that runs every 6 hours and that check if there's any birthdays to wish in every server.


This extension is made to only be used by our organization. You must disable it (follow the README).

  • check_stocks Check if we need to go shopping. If the number of stocks is lower than 50 then a warning embed is created.

    • get_stocks Specify if you want to get an output of all the stocks in a txt file. It's a staff only parameter
  • monix_leaderboard Display a leaderboard of the Top 5 and Bottom 5 users or products based on how much coins they have or the quantity of the product.

    • value_type Which value's leaderboard to display. It can be users or products.
  • products_ranking Rank all the products from the most consumed to the less consumed during the last 7 days.

  • members_ranking Rank all the users from the biggest consumer to the smallest consumer during the last 7 days.


All the commands of this extension are meant to be fun. Yeah that's basically the dump part of the bot

  • hello Kindly answers with a "Hello"

  • ping Ping the bot and gets it's latency with a cool gif.

  • say The bot repeats the given sentence and delete the call to the command

    • text The text to repeat (must be at max 512 characters long)
  • joke Sends a random joke from BlaguesAPI. Warning : The jokes are in french only and you need a token to use this command

    • joke_type The type of joke you want (if not specified the joke is completely random)
  • list_askip List all the askip categories registered by the bot

    • username If specified, the bot will instead list all the askips registered in this category.
  • askip Sends an askip (can be random or not)

    • username If specified the bot will randomly choose an askip from this user (category) only
    • askip_name If specified the bot will choose this askip (the username parameter must be set and contain this askip)
  • add_askip Add an askip to the bot. A vot will be created, if someone disagress or less than 2 members agrees (with a 3 minute voting time) the askip is not added

    • username The username (category name) of the askip (64 chars max)
    • askip_name The name of the askip (64 chars max)
    • askip_text The text of the askip (512 chars max)
  • avatar Displays the avatar of a user

    • user If specified displays the given user's avatar. Else displays the command author's avatar.


The extension that contains all the commands for games. Currently there is 4 games available. Each can be launched by a command with their name, you can't enter 2 games at the same moment.

  • quit_game Quit your current game. Useful if you are stuck in a game.


A game where you need to turn all the tiles in blue. When clicking a tile, this one and the ones direclty connected to it (excluding diagonals) are switched.

  • pattern_game Launch the game


  • connect4 Launch the game
    • opponent Your opponent in the game


  • tic_tac_toe Launch the game
    • opponent Your opponent in the game


  • othello Launch the game

    • opponent Your opponent in the game
  • othello rules Displays the rules for the game Othello