The plugin is built using Gradle v7.0.2
Requirements: Java 11 JDK installed and set as Environment Variable.
To check that you have Java installed, run java -version:
$ java -version
java version "11.0.11"
There is no need to download any other prerequisites as the project will build itself using the Gradle Wrapper.
For linux:
For Windows:
After the project has finished downloading and setting itself up, you can start testing it.
For manual gradle installation, see the guide here
Run the gradle wrapper using this command (replace host and port):
gradlew *taskName -Dhttp.proxyHost= -Dhttp.proxyPort=3128 -Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort=3129
*taskName = runIde, others.
To run and debug the plugin:
gradlew runIde
This task will download and run Intellij IDEA 2021.1.1 IC, which will open in a new window, with the plugin loaded.
After debugging, close the window and the task will end.
Read the Deploy a Plugin section from IntelliJ SDK DevGuide.
You can also install the plugin using the Plugin installation wizard from IntelliJ. Navigate to File > Settings > Plugins > Install Plugin from disk...