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Follow these steps to spin up a Kubernetes Cluster in AKS with 2 nodes.
You can use Shell in Azure Portal or Azure CLI
az group create --name k8sWorkshop --location westeurope
If the response includes the following then the ResourceGroup has been created successfully
"properties": {
"provisioningState": "Succeeded"
az aks create --resource-group k8sWorkshop --name myAKSCluster --node-count 2 --enable-addons monitoring --generate-ssh-keys
Leave this running, might take a few minutes (10-15 mins) to create the cluster. When running you should see this:
- Running ..
If you are using Azure Cloud Shell, you are good to go
If you are using Azure CLI then install kubectl:
az aks install-cli
Connect to cluster using:
az aks get-credentials --resource-group k8sWorkshop --name myAKSCluster
You should get a response like this:
Merged "myAKSCluster" as current context in /home/salman/.kube/config
Run the following command to get nodes:
kubectl get nodes
You should see the nodes
aks-nodepool1-35631116-0 Ready agent 23m v1.12.7
aks-nodepool1-35631116-1 Ready agent 23m v1.12.7
We will deploy a simple voting app with the following command
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CloudNativeWales/K8s-Workshop/master/azure-vote.yaml
You should get a message that says a front end and a back end service has been created
Website is currently deploying and is not yet ready to be accessed externally yet.
Run the following command and you will see that EXTERNAL-IP is in 'pending' state
kubectl get service azure-vote-front --watch
It might take some time for the application to get externally available. Once it is, you will be able to navigate to website.
If the azure-vote-front takes more than 5 minutes to be assigned an external ip, delete the deployment and try again.
kubectl delete -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CloudNativeWales/K8s-Workshop/master/azure-vote.yaml
If you have Azure CLI installed you can access your cluster's k8s dashboard. Gives you a host of information and functionality. Run the following commands:
az aks get-credentials --resource-group k8sWorkshop --name myAKSCluster
az aks browse --resource-group k8sWorkshop --name myAKSCluster
If you are getting errors when accessing dashboard, use the following:
kubectl create clusterrolebinding kubernetes-dashboard --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:kubernetes-dashboard
Try some of the features from the dashboard. Can you scale one of your deployments?
Be careful with the dashboard though, you don't want to end up like Tesla
If you have issue regarding duplicate names that exist in aks, delete the kubeconfig and start again
rm -r ~/.kube
When done, you can delete the whole resource group by running the following command in cloud shell:
az group delete --name k8sWorkshop